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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Please do not join if you have not been invited.

Not sure what time frame you guys want. So you gotta let me know lol

Character Sheet
Age: {Under 18, please and thank you. I’m thinking from 14-17.}
Abilities/Skills: {Things you can learn, study, practice, etc.}
Powers: {Super powers that you gain from birth, mutation, heritage, etc.}
Equipment: {Items, weapons, etc. Stuff your character carries like all the time. Don’t get lethal on my. Or at least fight in the nonlethal way.}
Personality: {At least 4-5 sentences.}
History: {At least 2 paragraphs. Come on. There has to be something.}
Appearance: {Description or image(Animated images preferred). Please add your characters height and weight. That can’t really be portrayed through an image.}
Other: {I might have missed some things}
My character is currently in the making.
Name: None as of now.
Alias: Ragnarok (it means the destruction of the gods and of all things in a final battle with the evil powers.)
Age: 17 or so. He doesn't really know his birthday, its a guestimation.
Gender: Male
Abilities/Skills: Ragnarok has extensive combat, medical, cooking and otherntasks necessary for living. Anything other than that can possibly be learned, but he doesn't have much talent in anything cool or nice like extracurricular stuff.
Powers: The extent of his abilities are unknown. However, being that he was created in it's image he should have the same powers of Doomsday. In time it may be possible for him to surpass the beast, but for now all his abilities are on a lesser scale. Some are not even proven to be held. However, he has a human form which has very little access to the powers. The human form maintains enhanced human capabilites, can withstand more punishment than other human bodies, but all other powers are essentially disabled. (Meaning he isn't like bullet proof and loses all adaptions essentially it is like superman if you take his powers away.)
Weaknesses: Being that he is made to literally adapt and overcome any possible weakness, he is essentially as invulnerable as he needs to be. However, upon creation he was given a flaw to help him be defeated and/or control him better should problems arise. This is the presence of certain words imprinted in his head. So far he has been unable to develop a resistance to them. These words may paralyze him, force him to remain in his human form, or shut him down completely. it depends on the words.

Equipment: He doesn't feel the need to carry or use weapons of any kind for the most part.
Personality: He for the most part is a simple minded person. That is because he follows orders and usually has his mind tampered with after each mission to avoid him trying to think too much about right and wrong and possibly rebel. However, with the right time to learn and adjust it is mostly likely that he'll be a loyal and goodhearted person. Sure he may have some destructive tendencies and a few issues, nut that is only natural right? He is Kryptonian. a clone made to be better than Doomsday at that.
History: For as long as he can remember the young monster known as Ragnarok as been nothing but an expendable experiment. Grown in a tube. constantly frozen and unfrozen. Forced to attack and destroy. He didn't know his purpose. He still doesn't. But he knew should he fail he would be destroyed. Replaced by another without a second thought being given. Still doing as told wasn't a problem. Especially when his creators had a few key words to put him down if necessary and he had little to no free will.
Ragnarok lives his life under the rule of his creators. Constantly being seen as an experiment. A monster. And he is isn't he? Not a real person. Just a tool. A weapon of Mass Destruction. Completely adaptable to nearly any situation. When will he be terminated? Who knows? But he won't go down so easily if he can help it.
Appearance: He's about 6'1" and weighs about 183lbs mostly muscle. When transformed he grows to about 6'9" and weighs about 290 lbs. It isn't too much bigger, nut he has not yet fully developed for the most part.

Other: {I might have missed some things}
Name: Samuel "Sam" Rayner
Alias: Green Lantern
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Abilities/Skills: Sam is skilled at playing multiple instruments, street fighting, drawing, writing, dancing, and he can sing, but he wouldn't let anyone know that really. He's just very creative.
Look there is a lot. He has pretty much everything here but to a lesser degree because he doesn't know about a bunch of stuff and is still a Rookie for the most part.
- Mental Instability Protocol: Drug use, neural interference, vertigo or other forms of mental incapacitation can render the wearer unable to use their ring, rendered useless.
- Yellow Impurity: The rings and users are generally unable to effect the color yellow as it represents fear and most are susceptible to this. However, a wearer can bypass this if they can 'accept fear', which is personified by the color yellow. Rookie Lanterns are more susceptible to fear and thus vulnerable to the color yellow.
- Recharge Protocol: The rings retain a charge until they run out of power. This variability ensures that the wearer takes great effort to keep it charged. This weakness does not apply to Ion's host.
- Vibrational Interference: If a vibration from a device is set to a certain speed, it causes the ring to function only in miniature, so that if the user wanted to make hands to grab something, the hands would be too small to grab it. A clock has been seen to do this.
- Red Power Rings: Red Power Rings can dissolve the energy from a Green Power Ring.
Equipment: Green Lantern Ring, Lantern Battery(stored in ring)
Personality: Typically, Sam is a cool headed individual with a very creative mind. For most paet though he is passionate, often finding some cause he wants to fight for and doesn't quit. He needs to be stopped if he's to let something go. Most see hos actions as rebellion or simple teen angst, but it's to make a point. To do something important.
History:Sam was had a fairly normal upbringing. His father and mother gave him a lot of love and taught him a lot. What was right, what was wrong. When to fight and when not to. His father was away on "business" a lot but that was cool. He had a pretty good life. For the most part anyway. It's wasn't until he was 12 that he found out who his dad was. That was awesome! He wanted to be just like him. Who knew the wish would come true?
When Sam received his ring there was a problem with the lanterns of Earth. He was a child. More than that he was the child of Kyle Raynor. Kyle wasn't opposed though. Sure it was dangerous. The galaxy was vast, but his child could handle it. He was always fighting for something or someone. His child had an indomitable will. Still other Earth Lanterns aside the Guardians had a huge problem. A child. Much less an EARTH child was chosen. Why? They wanted to strip him of his power, but none of the lanterns would allow it. Kyle, Hal, Guy, John, and any one else from Earth with the addition of their comrades who would always be on their side would not allow it. He was serve and he was determined to prove his worth.
Appearance: about 5'4" weighing 124

Other: {I might have missed some things}
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Ashley " Ash " Cain

Alias: Head Shot

Age: 17

Gender: Female


-Natural born Sniper

-Adept Hand to hand combatant

- Good tracker

- Basic Medical knowledge

- Great actor

Powers: None

Weaknesses: Still human can die from Human things.


-PSG-1 sniper rifle

-2 wrist mounted guns

-One 45 caliber pistol, with armor piercing rounds.

-Trenched knife

Personality: Ash is very unpredictable and unstable person, she can disguise her real personality with an extremely cheery and kind persona, that shocks most people that know her real side, her real personality is very self destructive and self loathing, she feels that her father hates her with all his heart. She doesn't know how to really trust people after a bad incident earlier in her life. At times she can be very stoic; hiding her emotions away, pushing them down till she cannot feel anything. She doesn't care about human life and is willing to take anyone's life if she feels she needs to do so, and if she is getting paid to do so.

History: When she was younger, Ashley was actually a kinder, nicer, and more heroic in a way, when she was 3 she was sent to a Catholic Girls boarding school by her father Floyd Lawton, during her stay at the school she was possibly the only person that was almost like a paragon of goodness and never thought of doing wrong deeds, and actually stopped other mischievous girls in the school, but while she was growing up, the nuns and head of the school had an investigation going on for years to find Ash's true parents.

When the police finished their investigation they linked Ash to Dead shot, they wanted to bring her in for questioning but the school talked them out of doing it. On Ash's 14th birthday, Ash had a birthday party of coarse, but before it started a small group of Nuns and the head of the school pulled her aside and told her who her real father, not being able to handle the information, Ash went full on berserk, she started going on a killing spree, she beat the head of the school to death with her bare hands. After the carnage she tried to commit suicide by shooting herself but the gun she had jammed and didn't fire. After her failed attempts she left the school wanting to look for her father, during her search she started to hone her natural born skills as a sniper.

Appearance: Ashley is a youthful and averaged height, Brazilian-American woman with fair skin, bright jade green eyes, with black straight hair with cut bangs that cover the top of her forehead, her hair is usually kept at upper back length, Slender in frame with a slim waist, flared hips, and round rear, Ashley also sports a well-toned and lightly muscular build. At the same time, she is has a curvaceous and developed figure with well-endowed breasts, on her wrist she has several scars on her wrist showing her self destructive nature.

When she is working, she wears a red zip-up jacket, with a black balaclava to cover her, on her head she had a headset with a miniature monocular connected to the headset, on her hands she would have hard knuckle gloves that helps her deal extra damage in a fist fight, she wears black baggy cargo pants with metal knee pads covering her knees, she wears a pair of lace up steel toed boots that weigh down her feet when she runs.

Off the job she usually wears a bright red turtleneck sweater that covers her arms, and her mouth at times, under her sweater she wears a small bullet proof vest, a fake pair of eyeglasses that make her look smarter that she actually is, a slightly darker than black skirt, under her skirt she has a pair of black short, covering her legs she wears black stockings, on her feet are a pair of black and white trimmed sneakers that help her run faster than she usually does.

Other: nothing at the moment.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Nice character spriggs o.o
also... whatcha think of mine so far.
adding images now, but will also add a small description to help with the general idea and stuff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

This didn't take 3000 years for you to put up... >_>

Are we starting out with them already on the team now, to speed things up faster? Like, it's their first day seeing the base or whatever? How it usually is? Like the first episode? Because we'd probably get further in the plot if it is/was/whatever you know what I mean.

Name: Willow Iris West, or Crock, though Crock under legal name.
Alias: Kid Flash/KF
Age: 14
Gender: Female


Weaknesses: Though sturdy, she can be easily hurt by things like gunshots, etc., or really any normal human means. Her metabolism is higher than normal, meaning she has to eat frequently to keep her energy up. She can also be a bit impulsive, and her insecurity often blocks her from the full extent of her powers. She acts rationally without thinking things through.
Equipment: She keeps food in her gloves, should she be away from it for too long and be low on energy.



Other: Currently lives under legal custody of her mother, though in her father's apartment, with their pet collie and her father himself, though he seems to be barely home lately, so she mostly spends her time alone with her dog running about or out doing assigned solo missions by Batman. Few other heroes, besides Wally, Artemis, Batman and his protege's, know of her existence as Flash's protege/sidekick or even as a person. She currently lives in Central city with Wally and, by Artemis' request, attends a private school there, after Dick pulled some strings.

Name: Ch'Arlon Morzz, a.k.a Charlie Morse
Alias: Martian Boy
Age: Appears about 15 or 16, though is far older in human years
Gender: Male
Abilities/Skills: Considering his mother's influence on him, he often cooks, cleans, and is willing to learn new things just to please. Cooking is one of the main things she taught him. His curiosity for Earth and other things makes him driven to gain new knowledge, which could be considered a skill. He speaks both martian and English, and can physically translate (most) languages.

Weaknesses: His inexperience could be considered a weakness. Though he has been trained by his mother, he also tends to be a little clueless, or not bold enough, because he's inexperienced with a team. Heat and large amounts of pressure (such as being underwater) are also among his weaknesses.
Equipment: His organic clothing and, of course, his mother's bioship, which he also shares somewhat of a connection with, though not on the degree she does.



Other: Has a strange love for Earth animals. Resides in Gotham with his mother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

you guys should be a team and you're first mission will be to fight me x3
Because that would be awesome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So... you're a bad guy? Or... bad turned good?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Um my char is a bad guy or bad gurl D, also should we even do school in this one ? because I could keep track of What time it is in the Rp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Avenger said
So... you're a bad guy? Or... bad turned good?

not really evil. just under the control of my creators, cadmus so ya'll can fight me. and then help me out and stuff. just to make things quick and fun lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Are we starting the RP out on the mission? :\ You won't be able to post for a while. Is he stuck, like Superboy? As a clone? In a pod?

Edit: or are you making Green Lantern or something?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I may also add green lantern. And keep doomsday more on the evil side for a while.
Yes like superboy. In a pod but he gets let out occasionally for testing and to destroy crap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ah, the best kinds of clones are the ones that destroy stuff. Then there's speedy...

Anyway, I'd probably advise making a Green Lantern or a Beetle, considering your character is easily taken back to the evil side and you'll be stuck with nothing to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So how does Ash come into this shes not a hero more Anti-hero or Villain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She might snoop into their missions and cause occasional trouble for them, they might team up with her or she might join the team over time. Maybe Bats catches her or something like "if you join the team I won't take you to jail".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Spriggs27 said
So how does Ash come into this shes not a hero more Anti-hero or Villain.

Just happen to be in the area Ragnarok is destroying and try to fight him. Then use him as your muscle as a partner until he wises up to what's good and bad? Lol
Or whatever. I want him to be a force to be reckoned with until he turns good. Then he'll be an amazing ally.

Avenger said
Ah, the best kinds of clones are the ones that destroy stuff. Then there's speedy...Anyway, I'd probably advise making a Green Lantern or a Beetle, considering your character is easily taken back to the evil side and you'll be stuck with nothing to do.

I probably will. Just gonna need to do it later lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I might as well make my hero char and play as them before I bring Ash in.

Also she wouldn't be apart of the team, I doubt that Bat man would let a girl that went on a killing spree within a Catholic school for girls be apart of the team, also she is self destructive and Self loathing, so I doubt that she would be considered to be on the team, she would be first thrown into Arkham then considered that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Spriggs27 said
I might as well make my hero char and play as them before I bring Ash in. Also she wouldn't be apart of the team, I doubt that Bat man would let a girl that went on a killing spree within a Catholic school for girls be apart of the team, also she is self destructive and Self loathing, so I doubt that she would be considered to be on the team, she would be first thrown into Arkham then considered that.

Hmmm...Seems she would be awesome for Suicide Squad... I think anyway.

Anyway. I'm home will try to have my characters finished soon. Just give me a little time to relax, eat and get my brain back up and running lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I had my guy done and then the website freaked out and i lost it. I'm going to put minimal effort in to it so we can start. And Spriggs, you could have Ash fight my Robin, almost kill him and then Bats will fly down and be like "Boom you got no chance!" Something from there, because he took in a killer like Damian so you shouldn't have a problem with you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Now that is something I could do and I'd like to do.

Ash: " Bring it on Bird Boy. "

I thought the same thing Demon, actually I was gonna have her origins be something close to Dead Shots and have her kill a family member trying to save them, but I thought that it would be too cheesy and been there and done that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Dominic Grayson

Alias: Robin

Age: 14
Gender: Male
-Expert Martial Artist
-Adept Lock Pick
-Escape Artist
-Skilled Pianist
Powers: None
Weaknesses: He's Human, so yeaahhh. Scared of being alone, because of traumatic experiences in his past
-Eskrima sticks
-Smoke pellets
-Breaching charges
- Trip wire
Personality: Another Jason Todd basically but with a few distinct changes, one, he cares heavily for teamates, but in a tough love kind of way, he's a little rash, and rushes into fights a little too fast.
History: Dominic is not blood related to Dick, nor is his name Dominic, his real name is *CLASSIFIED* and he was rescued from ajsjbwdbdasjD;JLDAJSBD
Other: {I might have missed some things}
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