Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by natsumehack


Banned Offline since relaunch

Jorick said
Sure.Disliking the aforementioned arrogance and butthurt + disliking your views and behaviors on the forum but especially in Off-Topic (and Spam-based serious topics) threads + disliking your rather juvenile dragon shtick + multiple encounters with you in which one or more of the previous items made me want to smash my head into a wall rather than continue interacting with you = personal level distaste.Don't take it as a compliment, because you're second on the list for people I'd remove if able. Drakel is the only person who takes a spot above you. Fuck, I knew there would be repercussions for showing even the slimmest of positivity toward Nat.

I shall name our pony baby Natrick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jorick said
Sure.Disliking the aforementioned arrogance and butthurt + disliking your views and behaviors on the forum but especially in Off-Topic (and Spam-based serious topics) threads + disliking your rather juvenile dragon shtick + multiple encounters with you in which one or more of the previous items made me want to smash my head into a wall rather than continue interacting with you = personal level distaste.


So none o this is shit I can fix and it's all because you make yourself hate me due to differences in beliefs. The Dragon thing I don't understand, why do you hate Dragons or me liking them? It's not like I make 1000 threads about them, I just like them and put it in my sig. How an I arrogant to you? (I know I am but still it seems like there's more to this) Also what beliefs do you hate that I have? specifically in Off topic? O_o

In any case, okay. I somewhat knew that but thought you grew out of that hate towards me. W/e... Just want you to know that you're actually cool in my book. In all honesty I have nothing negative to say to you at this moment. Nor anything I'd care to say against you or hurt you or anything...

Just... Why?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by natsumehack


Banned Offline since relaunch

Drakel said
Okay. So none o this is shit I can fix and it's all because you make yourself hate me due to differences in beliefs. The Dragon thing I don't understand, why do you hate Dragons or me liking them? It's not like I make 1000 threads about them, I just like them and put it in my sig. How an I arrogant to you? (I know I am but still it seems like there's more to this) Also what beliefs do you hate that I have? specifically in Off topic? O_oIn any case, okay. I somewhat knew that but thought you grew out of that hate towards me. W/e... Just want you to know that you're actually cool in my book. In all honesty I have nothing negative to say to you at this moment. Nor anything I'd care to say against you or hurt you or anything... Just... Why?

Clearly if you liked ponies, and not dragons, he like you more.

Jorick is well know for loving ponies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
Avatar of Jorick

Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Drakel said

So none o this is shit I can fix and it's all because you make yourself hate me due to differences in beliefs. The Dragon thing I don't understand, why do you hate Dragons or me liking them? It's not like I make 1000 threads about them, I just like them and put it in my sig. How an I arrogant to you? (I know I am but still it seems like there's more to this) Also what beliefs do you hate that I have? specifically in Off topic? O_o

In any case, okay. I somewhat knew that but thought you grew out of that hate towards me. W/e... Just want you to know that you're actually cool in my book. In all honesty I have nothing negative to say to you at this moment. Nor anything I'd care to say against you or hurt you or anything...

Just... Why?

Hate is a strong word. As I see it, hate requires an active antagonism for someone. I just passively do not like you, so I wouldn't call it hate. Anyway, yeah, none of it can be fixed unless one of us turns into a different person. Some people just don't mesh, and this is one of those cases, or at least it is from my end.

I have no problem with dragons, I just don't care for people who are so obsessed with something that they theme their entire persona after that thing. It needn't be an actual entity or piece of fiction that they're obsessed with. For example, TP for a long time on old Guild was obsessed with drinking and self-deprecation, most things he posted were about one of the two, and it was irritating to the point that I didn't want to interact with him unless it was to mock his nonsense. You've just gone on and on with the dragon crap to the point that now it simply irritates me, so when I glanced over and saw your old Guild name thing I felt like including it in the equation. It's a much smaller factor than the other three things I listed.

For a two-in-one combo example of your arrogance and annoying behavior in Off-Topic, there's this post. I'd search for examples of old threads in which you did similar, with specific incidences where we had opposing views on various things, but alas, that's all gone and we don't have a search feature on new Guild yet. I recall butting heads with you in both religion threads (if I recall correctly you're pretty strongly religious, and I of course am not at all) and political threads (couldn't for the life of me say what topics exactly, but I've mentally categorized you as a firm conservative for some array of reasons now lost in the ether, so if I'm wrong there then that's a fuck up on my part), and then there were the things like when you posted an interest check thread in Spam and I called shenanigans on it or when you blindly defended... whoever the fuck was the current buttmonkey of Spam, probably mtntopview or darthwarman if I'm remembering the right timeframe, without having any idea why people disliked him.

I "grew out of" bothering to express my distaste, not into some state where I suddenly stopped disliking you. It became obvious after a little while that there was nothing of value to be gained from continuing to do so, so I did the mature thing and simply stopped interacting with you. Speaking of which, I think I'll be going back to that now. I shouldn't have even bothered responding to your initial request for clarification in this thread, but oh well, shit happens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jorick said
Hate is a strong word. As I see it, hate requires an active antagonism for someone. I just passively do not like you, so I wouldn't call it hate. Anyway, yeah, none of it can be fixed unless one of us turns into a different person. Some people just don't mesh, and this is one of those cases, or at least it is from my end.I have no problem with dragons, I just don't care for people who are so obsessed with something that they theme their entire persona after that thing. It needn't be an actual entity or piece of fiction that they're obsessed with. For example, TP for a long time on old Guild was obsessed with drinking and self-deprecation, most things he posted were about one of the two, and it was irritating to the point that I didn't want to interact with him unless it was to mock his nonsense. You've just gone on and on with the dragon crap to the point that now it simply irritates me, so when I glanced over and saw your old Guild name thing I felt like including it in the equation. It's a much smaller factor than the other three things I listed.For a two-in-one combo example of your arrogance and annoying behavior in Off-Topic, there's . I'd search for examples of old threads in which you did similar, with specific incidences where we had opposing views on various things, but alas, that's all gone and we don't have a search feature on new Guild yet. I recall butting heads with you in both religion threads (if I recall correctly you're pretty strongly religious, and I of course am not at all) and political threads (couldn't for the life of me say what topics exactly, but I've mentally categorized you as a firm conservative for some array of reasons now lost in the ether, so if I'm wrong there then that's a fuck up on my part), and then there were the things like when you posted an interest check thread in Spam and I called shenanigans on it or when you blindly defended... whoever the fuck was the current buttmonkey of Spam, probably mtntopview or darthwarman if I'm remembering the right timeframe, without having any idea why people disliked him.I "grew out of" bothering to express my distaste, not into some state where I suddenly stopped disliking you. It became obvious after a little while that there was nothing of value to be gained from continuing to do so, so I did the mature thing and simply stopped interacting with you. Speaking of which, I think I'll be going back to that now. I shouldn't have even bothered responding to your initial request for clarification in this thread, but oh well, shit happens.

Okay thanks for your responses... Is it my turn yet?

Good. Cause clearly you do not know me at all and basing EVERYTHING off of only the smallest shit that happened 4 years ago... once or twice a year maybe?

First off, I don't like to argue, which is ironic since I'm also not a nice person even when I try to be nice. Discussion threads like that make me feel awkward, that added with you and a lot of others also make me feel like not only would I just be attacked for an opinion or belief but also that even if I tried do discuss my beliefs I'd have no voice and be deemed as invalid or that such. There is a reason why I don't join ANY political or religious thread and when I do I give out as little as possible. You just only notice the ones I do post in, even if they are almost a year or more apart. It's also why I refuse to join WOTM. Even if I think I have a good story to give.

Second, I like Dragons, Yes, I like to RP with Dragons, Yes. I studded about Dragon Mytho and even some sciences to make them plausible, yes, I have a set about Dragons and only Dragons, Yes. But saying my entire persona and such is only based off of dragons is beyond wrong.I don't mention Dragons in most threads and when I do it's either in games with me saying "Ey, I'd like a Dragon or to be a Dracomancer or some shit like that" or me just giving off something small that'll eventually disappear into the abyss. In all honesty the later only happens like once every six months or in every while. Fact it most of this "Drakel is a dragon" shit is mostly a joke that you've never seen to comprehend. All that persona BS was jokes created by other spammers about me in the past that stuck. Didn't you see Foxes's thread about Dragons fucking cars and my response being "Oh god guys... Foxes found my porn" ?? Most of the time I'm just going with the flow of things and not being obnoxious about shit.

Third: Glad you brought up Mtn... I KNEW why everyone, including myself disliked him at that time. I'll admit I was even one of the people who attacked him and disliked him so I'm not innocent. I'm equally as guilty as you. The reason I decided to defend him that specific time was because you, and a lot of others were all attacking him or the /wrong/ reasons like fucking morons. He was annoying and very randumb but you decided to attack him for a completely DIFFERENT reason in a place where it shouldn't have taken place. That thread he was actually trying to contribute but because of all his actions everywhere else, just the sight of him there brought everyone into a major aggression towards him. It wan't even because of what he said or did or how he acted, it was just you fucks PMSing for no reason at all and I'm sure that if the mods read all that they would've agreed that me purposely doing that and turning it into a "hate Drakel" thread was a fucking BRILLIANT idea on my part... even i it meant I was hated for a good year or two. If your reasoning for attacking him was better, I would've happily joined in... but the reasons you attacked him was wrong Jorick. If it happened in another thread where he was being dandumb, I would have JOYOUSLY joined in... but it didn't and the thread you attacked him in wasn't the place to do such Jorick... Because of that I'm proud that I actually came down and fought you and everyone else on that and in all honesty, I'd fucking do it 1000 time more when given the chance.

Fourth: Why do I attack who I deem as idiots but than encourage Raidine? Same reason you do. I don't like certain people, and I like certain people. I saw potential in Raidine and while she was also doing some random things it was actually quite fun and in all honesty it seemed like she was trying to contribute in comparison to some of the other morons who only come in and post memes and don't even try to contribute. THAT'S the difference. I thought she was cool... And i thought the other's weren't... Just like you.

Finally: I never completely dislike(d), you I just only dislike(d) the actions you decide to take. Unlike you, I don't think what you write on the forums and shit is you 100% of the time... I don't even compare your actions to your personality. Because in all honesty Jorick THAT would be very fucking ignorant.

Notice that I defended myself Jorick, but not once I attacked you. I just thought I should point that out since it's clear you believe otherwise.

Next time you come to judge others because of their personality, how about you actually get to know them and their personalty first before attacking.


BTW: I'm not angry or anything... I just wanna make sure that your reasons for actually disliking me were valid ones. and in my opinion, they are not other than that mtn experience. So, Thought I should clarify some things. Whether you know it or not... you don't actually know me at all and thus, there is room for change of heart Jorick. So... Talking to you isn't actually a completely hopeless cause. I'm sure you'll be able to tolerate me more as an acquaintance that you could have some conversations with more than an enemy that you'd never want to see.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yeah, so, the thing you're missing is that those examples where just that: examples. They weren't the totality of it by any means. You asked why, I gave explanations and examples where possible. It's not just those specific things that make me want to slam my face against a wall rather than chat with you, it's a huge portion of the things you post in general. If those things were isolated incidents of desire to smash my own face amongst a bunch of otherwise fine things, it wouldn't even be an issue. For example, Turtlicious at times makes me have similar feelings of annoyance, but since they're little bits and pieces in the dude who I generally get along with it's all good and we're friends. That's simply not the case with you, and no amount of awkward optimism on your part is going to change that.

Oh, actions all of the sudden aren't related to personality? Pfft. Actions are an expression of someone's personality. Y'know how they say actions speak louder than words? That's because if someone says "I'm a nice person" but then they punt a kitten across a room, the conclusion is that they're a dickwad because their action gave proof of the reality of their personality. Actions are absolutely tied to personality. Online actions aren't so solid as proof, but they're a pretty good indication. If you think I'm a cunt because of how I behave on the forum, I'm probably a cunt. It really is that simple.

In summary,

And now I shall be done with this nonsense and follow through on my previous commitment to avoid further interaction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Awson
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Awson Waiting & Waiting

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

But what if he says something that needs correctin'?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ishtar


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Awson said
But what if he says something that correctin'?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jorick said
Yeah, so, the thing you're missing is that those examples where just that: examples. They weren't the totality of it by any means. You asked why, I gave explanations and examples where possible. It's not just those specific things that make me want to slam my face against a wall rather than chat with you, it's a huge portion of the things you post in general. If those things were isolated incidents of desire to smash my own face amongst a bunch of otherwise fine things, it wouldn't even be an issue. For example, Turtlicious at times makes me have similar feelings of annoyance, but since they're little bits and pieces in the dude who I generally get along with it's all good and we're friends. That's simply not the case with you, and no amount of awkward optimism on your part is going to change that.Oh, actions all of the sudden aren't related to personality? Pfft. Actions are an expression of someone's personality. Y'know how they say actions speak louder than words? That's because if someone says "I'm a nice person" but then they punt a kitten across a room, the conclusion is that they're a dickwad because their action gave proof of the reality of their personality. Actions are absolutely tied to personality. Online actions aren't so solid as proof, but they're a pretty good indication. If you think I'm a cunt because of how I behave on the forum, I'm probably a cunt. It really is that simple.In summary,And now I shall be done with this nonsense and follow through on my previous commitment to avoid further interaction.

Cute image...


You just said actions are bigger than words yet the only actions I ever take are usually me joking around or playing shit safe. Rarely do I do most of the examples you just gave. So maybe some other examples would've actually been more helpful to this but since all you decided to give were the things I rarely do... I can say you're not basing shit off of my actions overall, just one or two a year.

You're also putting words in my mouth. I never said actions don't speak, but I am saying that you're basing everything off of one or two actions that are rarely done.


-argument invalid meme... EW... it was fucking terrible. -
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Awson
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Awson Waiting & Waiting

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I don't know if Drakel is capable of producing the amount of irony required to post an image like that and not look like a complete nob.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Awson said
I don't know if Drakel is capable of producing the amount of irony required to post an image like that and not look like a complete nob.

Yeah... Just looking at it makes me regret the image but the point I was making still stands...

He doesn't like me... for nothing. which is okay but if you're going to judge people on a personal level at least get to know them first. :/

EDit: Scratch that... that was a terrible pick for a 15 sec search. :/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mbl


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This thread really reminds me of OT. They've rubbed off on you, Jorick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Awson
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Awson Waiting & Waiting

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

mbl said
They've rubbed off on you, Jorick.

People say that all the time and I just barely realized how hilarious it is.

edit: probably because I'm tired
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mbl


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Awson said
People say that all the time and I just barely realized how hilarious it is.edit: probably because I'm tired

I think you just have a thing for cum jokes tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Awson
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Awson Waiting & Waiting

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Drakel, buddy. Leave the edit button alone. Please.

mbl said
I think you just have a thing for cum jokes tonight.

[insert cum-pun here]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Awson said
Drakel, buddy. Leave the edit button alone. Please.

Yeah.... I had a joke, edited it out, then I had a lol cause mbl's joke was funny but decided it best not to laugh... :/

I also love to rape the edit button at nights... I dun know why...


[insert laughing image/response here]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Awson said
But what if he says something that correctin'?

You seem to underestimate my self-restraint. I see dumb shit all the time that I choose not to bother with.

mbl said
This thread really reminds me of OT. They've rubbed off on you, Jorick.

Have you ever actually perused the OT? There's far less personal attack shit than people like to say (just as old Guild Spam had a rep for being violently xenophobic even after that stopped being the case), though that could be because some of the more vitriolic people from old Guild OT aren't around anymore. It's mostly rational discussions about whatever topic is at hand nowadays.

It's not OT rubbing off on me, it's just me rubbing myself and enjoying it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by natsumehack


Banned Offline since relaunch

mbl said
This thread really reminds me of OT. They've rubbed off on you, Jorick.

Our little jorick has grown up, into a thing worst then death.

Might need to get bea to take him out behind the shed, and end his suffering.
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