Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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I totally understand, I do that too. But then I just remind myself that length won't matter as much, as long as the actual post has good details/matters of correctness and all of that! Quality over quantity :)

Just so you know, I might not be on a lot, if at all, from tomorrow until Sunday night sometime. Don't really wanna leave you hanging!

And also, The Shining! Oh my goodness I am a huge Stephen King fan XD Have you read anything of his?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayesha


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A long time ago I read "Desperation". I keep meaning on reading more of his work. I really like them. I want to read The Shining as well since I saw the movie and there is now a sequel to the book out! Any recommendations?

I tried reading "It", but got a third of the way in and was bored. (I was younger at the time)

Don't worry about being busy. I understand!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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I heard that there was a sequel to that now! I haven't read The Shining yet but I'm going to! Right now I'm reading his 'Dark Towers' series which is really good. I would also suggest Carrie and Cujo, they were really good.

"It" is a hard read, I think. I've only ever seen the movie but from that I would assume that the book would be pretty boring :p

Thanks (:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayesha


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was boring. But one day, I might give it another try. I have the Dark Tower somewhere around here, possibly Carrie and Cujo. I am a book hoarder, but then I forget to read the ones I get!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Haha, you sound like me! Everywhere you turn on my room you see another book :p Oh, and if you're going to read the Dark Tower series don't start with The Dark Tower it's the last book haha, start with The Gunslinger! I highly recommend these books, they really make you think.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayesha


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

emmyanne said
Haha, you sound like me! Everywhere you turn on my room you see another book :p Oh, and if you're going to read the Dark Tower series don't start with The Dark Tower it's the last book haha, start with The Gunslinger! I highly recommend these books, they really make you think.

Whoops. Thanks for that. That's what a library is for! I will surely find the first book there. Yes, I am just like you when it comes to books. We recently had to move (still in the process of moving) and most of the boxes are full of books.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Haha, that's true! Gotta love the library!

Boxes of books? That sounds like heaven!! What are some of your favorites?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayesha


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, Iron Fey (Though I'm way behind on the series), Divergent (Behind on the last book), cheesy tie in TV novels (haha Buffy/Angel/Charmed), The Forest of Hands and Teeth, Dead Tossed Waves, anything by Garth Nix, so many more! Horror, fantasy, dramatic, comedy, science fiction.

Man, there are so many to list really. Do you have a goodreads account? The books I've read are listed on my account. ha ha
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Oh wow! Haha, those are so many books XD I haven't read any of the ones you listed, but I have read many from Stephen King, V.C Andrews, Holly Black, Rachel Caine. My favorite series ever (other then the Dark Towers) is Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampires series. Oh, I'm also starting to read A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin again! I read the first one and a lot of the second one but then stopped for some reason...

I don't have one actually, although I've been on the site a couple of times.

Edit: I'll get a post up by tomorrow night :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayesha


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wow can't believe you haven't read some of them. You're not interested in Harry Potter?


Okie dokie!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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I love Harry Potter! I want to read the books so badly but I have some that I want to read more. I religiously watch the HP movies though... my sister and I will always have marathons and it's sooo fun! XD As for some of those other ones, I dunno I haven't heard of some and some I'm just not all that into, y'know? Not really my style.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayesha


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

They are good books. Harry Potter, I mean. I think if you read the books first and then saw the movies, you'd not think they were as awesome. The movies are good, of course, but they don't do the books justice in my opinion. The actors picked for the movies are really spot on for the most part.

I think I forgot to mention I like The Hunger Game books, too. Did you read those? The movie was okay, but did not do the book justice either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Ahh, yes... but movies never do books justice really. I don't think I have once said that a movie was better then a book. But I've seen some that come close... for me I personally thought the hunger games did a wonderful job although there was a few things I'd change if I could. The way I see it though, is that everyone has a different perspective on a book, everyone makes it their own inside their minds. So the movie version of a book is just one persons perspective and you just kind of have to be open minded about what you're seeing, even if it's super disappointing when the movie just doesn't get it right.

Well... that was kinda deep #overtired probs #yes I used a hashtag #don't judge

And this is when I go to bed, haha. I'll get a post done up tomorrow sometime! I have the next five days off (high school done right) so I'll be a bit quicker with my posts then I've been lately.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayesha


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Can't wait and I don't mind you getting deep. ;)

Also don't mind the hashtags in OOC talk. ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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#yay you're awesome XD

Anyways, since we were on the topics of movies and books and such, let's stretch this to live theatre! I just saw the most beautiful ballet last night. It was Romeo and Juliette, which is one of my all time favourite tragedies! I love Shakespeare! It was amazing, and the dancers were phenomenal <3 Have you ever been to a ballet/play/seen anything on broadway/any live theatre at all, haha.

I shall get your post up very shortly, as well. This is the next on my to do list!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayesha


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sadly no, unless you count a play my High School put on of The Phantom of the Opera, which for a High School, they did very well. This was ages ago. Beyond ages o.o

I've seen some on youtube, like Avenue Q. I'd love to see that one live. If you haven't heard of it, do a search on youtube. It has puppets in it lol

Here's one of the songs. The quality is not great because it is someone video it during one of their shows. But I find the whole show really funny.


I would love to see more shows on Broadway/live. The chance just never opens up for me. ;(
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Ooh! Phantom of the Opera? I think my school is doing that next year! I'm going to try out, but I'll probably only be in the ensemble or something 'cause I can't really sing *blushes* but I'm a dancer, so at least theres that. :p

Oh my goodness, haha! That was adorable! I've never heard of it before, but it looks so funny, I'll have to watch the entire thing some time.

Man, that really blows :( Do you not have a theatre anywhere in your area that has shows and stuff regularly?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayesha


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh yeah, I live in a huge college town, so they have shows all the time.

It's having the money for tickets that is the problem. lol

One day, one day. I might ask for tickets somewhere for my birthday next year. That sounds like a good idea!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Oh... right... haha. I'm sixteen so my parents are usually the ones who pay for my stuff (unemployed probs...) but the tickets for the ballet were actually free! My friend's dad knows some people and they gave him four tickets which was kinda awesome.

Good plan! Haha, that's what birthdays are for anyways. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ayesha


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeah, husband and I are both laid off from work, so no Broadway shows for us anytime soon.

We are sharing home with his parents, so at least we still have somewhere to live!
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