Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
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Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lilith watched out of the corner of her eye as the man picked out clothes, a silent string of insults flowing through her mind. He was smug, arrogant, scheming, two-faced, audacious, indirect, stubborn, nonchalant- the list seemed to have no end. She did not move from her indignant pose even as he set the clothes down beside her, trying her best not to say what was on her mind. She huffed at his command to not steal anything and waited to hear the door close before moving.

The first thing she did was kick off her heels, letting her feet stretch a bit before standing and changing into the warm, dry clothes. She folded her dress and undergarments, setting them on top of the towel and then scanning the room quickly. I’m not someone you can just boss around, you arrogant little prick. Her thoughts dripped with venom and she slinked over to the kitchen. Opening a random drawer, she found an assortment of utensils. She grabbed the wine opener and hid it under the couch cushion. It was incredibly childish, but she smiled imagining his face when he realized she had indeed taken something from his home. It might be days or months, perhaps longer if he believed he misplaced it, but eventually it would click. It was that much more amusing to know she would likely be on the other side of the planet by the time he figured it out.

With the point of her index finger pushed against her bottom lip, the fox looked around for other things to mess with. Her eyes glittered with the promise of mischief as they scanned the sparse decorations in the place. Not seeing anything fun, she turned back to the kitchen. She found the forks and put every one of them in a different place about the kitchen. One in the oven, one in the kettle, one in a pot, the list went on. Figuring she had wasted enough time, she finally walked over to the bathroom. She was smiling now, her mood dramatically improved thanks to her playing.

She walked silently so the fox spirit was confident he didn't know she was on the other side of the door. Using her weak telekinetic abilities she made sure the door was unlocked. Hoping to catch him off guard, and maybe doing something embarrassing, Lilith swung the door open wide. So there she stood in the doorway, Aleks’ black and gray clothing fitting her surprisingly well given their similar heights. Her curves were obviously not as well accentuated as they had been in her dress, but her figure was still distinctly slender and feminine despite the loose-fitting fabric.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostBrotherGrimm
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LostBrotherGrimm Jerry Smith IRL

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She sure is taking her time… Aleks thought as he replied to a few e-mails via his cell phone. They mostly regarded small problems that he was able to settle with a single e-mail. But it was better not putting business off for later time. If she is indeed the killer, I could make her a powerful ally. A tool to destroy the whole organization – bit by bit… Shortly after he finished sending the last e-mail, the door opened – interrupting him in his thoughts.

“It looks good on you,” he spoke as he made eye-contact with her, putting his cell phone in the pocket of his pants. “Comfortable enough?” He asked as he brushed past her, walking back into the living room, sitting down on the couch opposite of the sofa. “What’s with the smile?” he asked as the sudden feeling of dread hit him.

What did she do? Something was not right, but he was not able to tell what. He shuddered at the thought of her doing something stupid like hiding some of his stuff around the apartment. She couldn’t possibly be that childish – or could she? He laughed the thought away as he waited for her to come. It was like she wanted to pay him back for teasing her before, probably why she barged into the bathroom without calling – like she wanted to catch him doing something embarrassing.

He smirked as he looked at her. Women love games… but I love games too,

“Now that you’re dry – would you care to tell me why you took the hearts of those two men you killed?” finally he brought the fact that he suspected her to be the murderer out in the open. His smirk faded as he continued looking at her, analyzing her face. “If you have a fetish for hearts… I think I can help you, but you’ll need to be honest with me. Who are you? And why hearts?”

This time he gave out a sign that he actually did not know who or what she was, which was the truth, but it was also a carefully planned trap – he wanted to get her to think he may know, thus asking her such a question to see whether she’d be honest with him or not. Aleks licked his lips as he waited for the response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
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Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The edges of Lilith’s mouth twitched, the smile threatening to fall. How disappointing. He wasn't even startled. This stupid human is absolutely no fun at all. She spun in her heel to follow him, her smile officially a frown as she processed what he said to her, “What? I get a compliment in these and not my dress? You must be awfully full of yourself…” The fox stopped suddenly, “Is that why it didn't work?” Is he attracted to other men? That certainly would explain a lot… Her face showed she was deep in thought and obviously having some sort of epiphany. Lilith’s eyebrows were raised a bit and she was looking off into the distance, only to be pulled back to this moment by his next comment. Suddenly, the smile returned as the fox spirit sat down across from Aleks and she shrugged, “I’m just in a better mood when it’s not cold and wet.”

Aleks took her reply as the perfect way to segue into the real reason she was there. She was surprised he was suddenly being so straightforward, but she didn't allow the emotion to show on her face for fear of it bringing back his usual roundabout demeanor. Instead she leaned back and smiled wider, “I've taken plenty more hearts than two, Mr. Titov, and I assumed you would have figured out more than that by now. But I suppose since you've posed the question, if you don’t mind,” Slowly, the fox ears Aleks had seen previously reemerged, but so did nine, snow white tails, “It gets exhausting having to hide those for so long.” She stretched casually, her arms above her head as she arched her back as far as she could. She didn't watch his reaction, mostly because she assumed there wouldn't be one, knowing this man. The fox spirit wasn't in the mood to be disappointed by this man yet again.

Lilith’s tails curled around to her left side and she ran her hand through the soft fur, only now remembering that she had been out in the rain in her fox form. The fur was still a bit damp, but she could dry it with fox fire as soon as she had some time to herself. Right now, it was time for business.

“I need the hearts so that won’t be a problem anymore.” She was telling the handsome young man the truth, but she was being so vague, she wondered if he would settle for such an answer. For the first time since transforming, she looked him in the eye and waited for a sign to show how he was reacting. People don’t often have nonhuman serial killers wearing their clothes and sitting on their sofas, but Aleksei was also not your typical human.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostBrotherGrimm
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LostBrotherGrimm Jerry Smith IRL

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The little detail almost brought a smile on his face - and he had to fight the urge to laugh it off. So bluntly assuming he played for the other team - well, it wouldn't be a first time someone assumed that. But no matter how much he fought to suppress any emotion from his face, seeing her sport nine tails widened his eyes in shock. Whether she saw it or not didn't matter, trying to act like it didn't phase him wouldn't do much good. He was genuinely surprised and his emotions didn't stop at mere surprise.

She was looking straight at him now, waiting to see his reaction. And he was shaking. More precisely, his hands were shaking, only slightly, but they were. She wasn't just a serial killer. She was something quite else and even if he did notice her ears before, they were easily faked. Those nine tails... not so much.

What was that emotion he felt? Disregarding her gaze for a moment, he took in her new features. "You are absolutely wonderful," he let out quietly. It wasn't fear, it wasn't doubt - it was pure excitement. Adrenaline made his heart skip a beat. His behaviour was far from him losing his calm, far from it. He was even more determined to have her on his side now.

"Let me get this straight - you are some sort a half fox, half human... being," he opted for a more polite version of the word "creature", although that described her pretty good as well. "And you need hearts, because they'd make you a complete human - somehow? That's all I have on you." He shrugged, but his heart wanted to yell out - what do you take me for? An idiot?

Luckily for him, his mind was much more dependable. "And how would you make those hearts turn you into a human? More importantly, have many more do you need - having said yourself that you took a lot of them already."

If he played his cards correctly, he could use her help in taking out the whole organisation. And she would get her hearts. He still didn't completely believe her appearance. There were more than few hallucinogenic drugs around - she could be just playing him in order to establish her dominance. He would have to take her words with a certain amount of caution, not wanting to get himself in a trap.

"I could help you. But," he finally looked directly at her, his body calm once again, "what would I get from helping you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
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Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Golden eyes flicked down to notice the man’s hands were trembling slightly and although Lilith did not acknowledge it, his compliment did not fall on deaf ears. That’s right, be in awe of me. It’s about time something got to you. You’re finally starting to get it, the fact that you might just be in over your head. Her smile grew, Lilith no longer afraid to show her fangs.

“There is nothing human about me, dear, but if it comforts you to believe I’m more than just an animal, you may continue to think of me as such.” Crossing her legs and inspecting her nails, the fox intentionally made herself look as nonchalant as possible before continuing, “As for the hearts, I eat them, naturally. What else would you expect an animal to do with them?” There could be no mistaking the bitterness in Lilith’s tone every time she said the word ‘animal.’ She had no problem admitting what she was, but she did resent the demeaning connotation the word held for humans. They thought they were so high and mighty but it had not always been that way. Humans used to have respect for the powers an animal could hold. The fox spirit’s heart longed for the admiration and fear her very existence used to elicit. She craved a world where she could be known for what she is and respected for it. Her ego demanded the world come to worship her. She was the most powerful creature alive and the world would soon learn that, but first she needed a human form so that she could properly set the stage. After that, it was just a matter of time…

Looking up at Aleks through her dark lashes, Lilith finished answering his questions, “I need one thousand human hearts in order to become a human. I've eaten 297 so far.” She paused yet again, letting the number sink in. Aleks was steadily regaining his composure, but she expected this to catch him off guard. There was no way the young man was expecting a number that high even if he had suspected her to have more than 2 victims.

“As for your end of the deal, I can give you almost anything your heart desires. Wealth, power, intelligence, a long, healthy life… All you need to do is swear on your soul that you will help me get the hearts I need and your wish is my command.” She knew it sounded a bit too good to be true, but she wasn't lying. As long as he held up his end of the deal, a contract with the fox spirit could be very profitable. It seemed a curious trait for such a mischievous animal, but kitsune were true to their word. They kept their promises and were usually reliable in paying back a debt if you were lucky enough to find a fox indebted to you. It was only when humans grew too proud or failed to deliver on their promise that making a deal with a fox proved disastrous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostBrotherGrimm
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LostBrotherGrimm Jerry Smith IRL

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He wondered what she thought about him now that she noticed him shake. Of course she noticed him shake, he was completely positive about that. Look at her, going on the verbal offensive, she might hide her emotions, but she cannot hide her ego… if his mind had a face, it would be grinning right now. Every single being in this world, be it a human or a creature or an animal, had that little thing called ego. And no matter how good the person was at hiding their inner thoughts, ego was always the thing that burst out in the open. He knew well it was the case with him as well. But admitting that was a huge step towards noticing it in other people’s behavior.

“It is quite charming that you don’t consider yourself human, but you wish to become one.” He looked to the side, out of the window and into the darkness. He listened to her explanation and although he knew a normal person would not take kindly to the sight of someone eating another person’s heart – Lilith may not believe it, but he had seen worse. Gore didn’t faze him anymore. The number, however, did take him off-guard, but not in a bad way. Of course, he couldn’t have known she already… devoured that many hearts, but the more problematic thing was that she had 703 to go. Aleks didn’t need to emphasize that, she knew that fact better than him.

But the rest of her speech was what made him stand up and shake his head. „No, thank you,” he turned to face the window, „I don’t need wealth, power, intelligence... and I most certainly don’t need a long, healthy life.” Aleks spoke calmly, putting his hand on the cold glass that was the only thing that separated him from the darkness outside. „I wish for only one thing,”

„At the end of the day, we are partners – equals. Your wish is not my command and my wish is not your command.”

He made eye contact with her again; answers to her needed heart count hiding behind his cold, blue eyes. She should know by now that he isn’t a person that will commit himself to slavery to anyone. Well, that was ironic, considering he was a slave to money. But his plan involved a lot of burnt money – and freedom. He wasn’t to give that dream away by making another slave deal.

„You are moving quite slow towards that goal - I can help speeding that up. But, that is my only wish… and my final offer. Take it or leave it.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
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Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lilith rolled her eyes as the man gently teased her once more, “Tch, I don’t want to be a human.” The thought was grotesque to the proud fox spirit. Being human offers certain benefits. I realize that now but that doesn't mean… to actually want to be… that’s disgusting. She shook her head free of the thoughts as Aleks made his way to the window, her focus now entirely on him. What was it that a man like him wanted?

Of all the ideas she had in her head about what this man might want from her, them being partners was not one of them. She was relieved he was looking away so he couldn't see the shock on her face as he said that. Lilith had enough time to regain her composure before he turned back to look at her, but just barely. Why was he so set on this? What could he possibly gain from helping her?

Her jaw was tight and her eyes narrow as they looked at each other. Should she accept, she would be heavily in his debt. Whether he liked it or not, she would repay that debt but the fox never thought someone would be so opposed to receiving her help. Suddenly it seemed to click. The people he worked for. Aleks had mentioned something about Lilith being forced to take his place had she killed him. The kumiho had merely brushed it off as a threat, but there was a deeper meaning. Someone had held that position before Aleksei, she was certain. Lilith doubted this young man had murdered said person to get into his current predicament, but she suddenly felt very certain he was not employed to the mafia by choice. He wanted people dead, but his hands were tied. He was, in fact, asking her for help. Her expression immediately softened and in one fluid motion, Lilith was on her feet in front of Aleks. Their bodies were close and Lilith’s golden eyes were intense with emotion, though what emotion she was feeling was anyone’s guess. Her heart pounded in her chest, it had been over a century since she had agreed to a contract with anyone.

“I accept.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostBrotherGrimm
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LostBrotherGrimm Jerry Smith IRL

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Seeing her stand in front of him with such a determined look on her face made him feel like he made the right choice. War was a game of patience after all, and he was patient for long enough.

As he looked at her, he replayed the whole scene in his head one more time. He was certain that this entire foreplay went just as it was supposed to, no major mishaps and no major mistakes. But the real game was just about to start. Aleks found himself in front of hell gates, but they weren’t tempting him in – he was already inside and they were his way out. And he was about to force them open.

She was his way out – and the realization brought a wicked smile on his face as her words echoed in his mind.

Have you ever had a partner before, fox? I wonder… He thought about it as he calmly put his hand out, expecting her to shake it. “Then we have a deal, my dear partner.” He already had some plans on his mind and not for a single moment did he think he was going to end up in the world of trouble. Of course he didn’t – he lived in such a world for almost his entire life. There was nothing to doubt or fear. Not even Lilith could guess what kind of a person he really was – in the end, the most dangerous person is the one that had nothing to lose.

“703 hearts to go?” he winked, “We will make history, Lilith.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
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Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lilith glanced at the extended hand and smiled whimsically. Humans have such bizarre rituals. She grabbed his hand gently, her slender fingers curling around his. Her grip tightened when he tried to shake their hands and shook her head gently, “It’s not official yet, Aleks.” She realized she had called him by a nickname and pondered the fact for a moment. She wasn't one to give someone a nickname given her opinion on names in general, and it seemed odd to her that things would be different now. There truly was something odd about this man but now wasn't the time to try to figure it out.

“I need you to swear on your soul that you accept the terms of this contract. I know it’s a little old fashioned, but I have to know you’re serious about this.” Her face looked almost apologetic that she was being so particular, but the emotion was insincere. This was business for both of them so the fox wanted insurance for if, or more likely when, Aleks tried to screw her over. Although she did not like it, Lilith was beginning to respect the young man’s intellect and charisma so she knew she had to plan every move carefully. No doubt he was doing the same.

703 hearts left… why did he have to remind me? In truth, Lilith wasn't doing too badly considering she had only begun eating hearts a few years ago, but her pace was slower than she would have liked. It was mostly because she was careless in her work. The fox spirit didn't try to cover her tracks or even hide the bodies. Often times she stayed in an area until people started recognizing her as the last person to see a man alive. Once people started asking for her, it was time to leave. It was time consuming and risky to relocate so frequently, but for whatever reason the kumiho never bothered to do things more efficiently. In contrast to such unpleasant thoughts, the idea of making history was a very appealing. It would be nice to be remembered for once. Lilith had accomplished many noteworthy tasks in her life, but they all went unnoticed by the majority because necessity dictated that she keep a low profile. She made enemies wherever she went and if people began to know whom and what she was, they could easily hunt her down and kill her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostBrotherGrimm
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LostBrotherGrimm Jerry Smith IRL

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

His mind returned to the time when he was still being educated in high school. His foster father made sure he went to a good school, not to embarrassing the family name. And the “high school student” mask proved to be quite helpful – letting him deal with Nikolai’s dealing without having to worry about being in the center of attention. But only back then did people call him “Aleks”, those few that considered him their friend. It always took him by surprise back then, how naive people really were. Whenever he did something for his own needs – somebody would think he went out of his way just to help them. But there was a person…

Aleks snapped back to reality. Friends were just tools to be used for easier survival. And he had to remember that the woman in front of him was nothing but a tool herself. “If that is all that takes,” after all, he was intelligent enough to get rid of her should things get too complicated, “I swear on my soul that I accept all terms of this contract. I swear on my very soul.” He put his hand over his heart, like his heart was his soul or something. Honestly, he didn’t believe in souls, but what else was there to do but indulge this woman’s wish in order to strike this deal.

He will dig a little deeper into her past endeavors as soon as he gets the chance. After all, he needed to know more about her existence. Why was she moving from town to town? It was a detail that he needed to know. If she was afraid of getting caught or even worse… killed. Then at least he could be sure that she could be killed. After all, not being familiar with her… kind, he didn’t know whether she was able to die. Maybe she merely had a longer life-span than other animals or maybe she was immune to damage. Or maybe neither one of those assumption was correct. There were still far too many unknowns for his liking. He would learn more and act accordingly.

“Is there anything else I need to know, or do, for this deal to go through or are you satisfied now?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
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Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The corners of Lilith’s mouth turned up as Aleks agreed to the contract. She had no idea how he planned on delivering 703 hearts but now she was sure to receive something from him, whether he liked it or not. She shook his hand once and then covered her mouth to yawn. The act made her eyes water, which she quickly attempted to blink away as she spoke, “No, there’s nothing else. Unless perhaps you’d like to tell me where I’ll be sleeping?”

Her tails swayed slowly as she waited, a sign that the fox was both pleased and calm. Normally Lilith was furious when things did not go her way and this night had certainly not gone as planned, but how could she be displeased with this turn of events? Aleks may have been irksome, but that was because he was cunning enough to keep up with Lilith and her games. The fox spirit could not believe her good fortune that someone like him would enter an agreement with her. It was especially nice because he wasn't asking much of her. Lilith would have to kill over 700 more people with or without Aleks’ help; he was just making things easier. Who could say no to that? Now all she needed to do was get a good night’s sleep and wait to see if Aleks could follow through.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostBrotherGrimm
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LostBrotherGrimm Jerry Smith IRL

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“My bedroom is up the stairs, I could show you the way, but I think you’ll manage yourself – it’s yours for the night.” He gave her another one of his cold glares as he brushed passed her, glancing at her tails. “And if you wish to eat something – now is your chance.” Aleks sat down on the couch, taking the towel and her clothes and putting them on the table in front of him. This was going to be a long night and he knew that well. He didn’t register whatever Lilith was doing or saying. If she wouldn’t attack him before, there was even less chance now. She wanted to get something from their deal - after all, she would prosper whether he failed to deliver or not. Meaning she wanted him to stay alive, at least for now.

He closed his eyes as he listened to the soft tapping of the rain on the window. A long night indeed. The world around him gradually faded away to nothing more than a few swirls and unknown patterns, the only remnants of the day behind him.


The rain subsided, but the wind kicked in – making these late night hours far more unpleasant than before. Aleks stood on the balcony, overseeing the city lights that were basking in their glory – all for him to enjoy. Two in the morning – not the ideal time for making out-of-the-blue calls, but the circumstances were asking for it.

He held his phone close to his ear, patiently inhaling the brisk air, as the artificial sound hypnotized him. The muffled voice on the other end of the line brought him back to reality. “Yes?” It was barely audible, a clear sign that he had woken the man up from his peaceful slumber. “Volgin… It’s me, Aleks.” A yawn made its way to his ears even before he managed to finish his short sentence. “Aleks? Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?” The man still sounded like he was half-dreaming. But his tone quickly changed, accompanied by a shuffling of what were probably sheets. “Is everything alright?” The man seemed genuinely worried about him.

Volgin was a good man, if that meant anything in this materialistic world. He met him shortly after starting to actively work for his foster father. Should Aleks be just a little bit ordinary, he could even call Volgin his friend. But right now, he was the man that could help him.

“I’m sorry for waking you up, but it is an emergency. I need a favor…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
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Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aleks sent the fox one last glare, which she fervently returned. Lilith had intended to thank him for his hospitality, but his little quip about a late night snack quickly changed her mind. Instead, the gold-eyed woman turned and went up the stairs without so much a glance in Aleks’ direction.

Not surprisingly, the second floor was just as sleek and modern as the first floor. Normally so much white would bother Lilith’s eyes, but the dark of night made everything a cool gray. What did still bother the kumiho, however, was the lack of things to mess with. With a disappointed sigh, she climbed into bed and immediately regretted it. She should have known better. The dark maroon sheets were practically saturated with Aleks’ scent, the smell causing her body to tense. There was no way the fox spirit was going to get any sleep like this. With a whiny groan, Lilith climbed back out of bed and looked around the near empty room. There wasn't even a chair for her to sleep in. Why is it that even when he isn't trying, that damn man has managed to make every aspect of my life more difficult since the very moment we met?

Defeated, Lilith went to the far corner of the room and shifted back into her fox form. She curled up into a ball and was relieved to find the scent became less overbearing with her tails hiding her face. As she lay there waiting for sleep to take her, the kumiho contemplated briefly what the following morning was going to be like. She considered leaving to avoid having to deal with it, but the sound of rain reminded her why she was there in the first place. Nuzzling further into her tails, the fox finally settled into a light slumber.


Black ears twitched at the sound of footsteps, immediately pulling Lilith from her sleep. She lifted her head and looked at the door, waiting to see if it would open. It didn't, the footsteps continuing to go upwards instead. Still tired, the fox spirit laid her head down and attempted to go back to sleep.

Avoiding curiosity is no fox’s strong point, so after a couple minutes, Lilith found herself halfway up the stairs. She wasn't sure when she had decided she was going to snoop on Aleks but there was no way she was going to turn around now. She paused momentarily at a door that seemed to lead outside, and turned her head to make sure he wasn't still in the house somewhere. Reassured by the silence, she looked at the door knob and watched as the door cracked open for her. Poking just her head out, Lilith wanted to be sure Aleks didn't know she was there.

The young man was near the edge of the rooftop deck, looking out to the city. The rain had been replaced by wind, which the kumiho was grateful for. Wind made it harder for Aleks to hear the door open and close. He was on the phone and yet again, Lilith had missed the beginning of the conversation. Disappointed, she listened for a bit and tried to figure out what the call was about. When it sounded as if things were wrapping up, Lilith quickly closed the door and trotted back down the stairs. Once in the bedroom, she curled up in her corner and contemplated what she had just heard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostBrotherGrimm
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LostBrotherGrimm Jerry Smith IRL

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It was early in the morning, somewhere around eight. "Eight hours and six minutes, to be precise." Aleks muttered to himself as he checked the screen of his phone. It was a bright morning, sun shedding its rays on the busy streets. They were already bustling with activity - people rushing to get to their work stations on time in fear of getting fired should they be even a second late. After all, they were all replaceable; every single one of them. They all worked such unsatisfying jobs, without a possibility of reaching a higher plane in the future. For most people, that was a reasonable price to pay for food, safety and an illusion of a happy life.

Unfortunately for them, that illusion would shatter just moments before they die and they’d be left alone in a room, with death hovering above them, knowing that they lived their life… for nothing.

Aleks woke up an hour ago; he had a lot of work to do for the day to come. He just got off the phone with Nikolai. His foster father was satisfied with the amount of work Aleks managed to conclude in such a short time. Still, there were a few of unfinished deals that lingered in the air and Nikolai wanted to be sure Aleks had a tight grip on them. Of course, he had enough time yesterday to deal with them, as they weren’t even that complicated, but there was a reason he left them unfinished.

It would all come into play later today. He was eager to get this show on the road, even the heavens knew how long he had waited for this moment to come, but… it didn’t seem his guest was awake yet. Or maybe she was, but tried to be as quiet as possible. He knew there was a possibility that she was listening on him while he was on the phone, careful that he wasn’t plotting against her. He’d tell her not to worry about it, but it was better for both of them if she was on edge.

He was sitting on the couch, a cup of coffee resting on the table in front of him, half empty. Next to it were some papers, an endless sea of transactions written on them. He took a long sip as his eyes fell on the cup on the other end of the table. Why did I even bother making it for her? Just wasting coffee for nothing, he didn’t even know if foxes like her drink coffee. Maybe he’d be better off if he just left her a glass of water. What else do foxes drink anyways? Why did he care?

He shrugged the thought away as he used the reflection of his phone’s display to fix his hair. A dark blue vest was distinguishing itself from the darkness of his shirt. He looked well and rested, although he was able to see the tiredness behind his eyes.

It was something that no one else ever noticed, how tired he actually was. Tired of being a slave to money; tired of this life. He wanted to force a smile on his face, but surprisingly, it came naturally – it was almost time. It was almost his time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
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Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lilith woke slowly, her eyes refusing to stay open for more than a few moments. She lay like that, drifting in and out of consciousness before suddenly remembering where she was. She didn’t hear any sounds coming from the rest of the apartment and wondered if Aleks was awake. Deciding it was time to go investigate, she stood up and stretched deeply before taking on the appearance of a woman once more. She didn't bother to hide her tail or her ears, unconcerned with Aleks seeing her for what she was. After running her fingers through her hair to make sure it was perfect, she headed downstairs.

Upon entering the living room, the fox spirit found Aleks very much awake. She frowned as he sat there fully dressed and seemingly bored. He was smiling, but Lilith knew better than to take it as anything more than a mask. Still, she nodded in his direction and smiled back, “Good morning, Aleks. Is this for me?” She gestured to the second coffee cup before sitting down in front of it. The fox spirit hardly gave Aleks enough time to confirm the coffee was for her before she began drinking it. Lilith was not a fan of coffee, particularly the way caffeine affected her, but she was thirsty and didn't want to be rude. Well, actually, maybe she did.

“This is a little cold. Do you think I could have some milk instead?” She set the cup down and looked up at him through her dark lashes, a faint smile still on her lips, “I’m also a bit hungry.” She left the comment intentionally vague. If he offered her food, she would gladly eat it. If Aleks assumed the fox was talking business, she was alright with her stomach being empty a bit longer. Lilith was curious to see how serious the handsome young man was about their arrangement. Would he be starting immediately, or was he going to take things slower than he had implied? Aleks was certainly a driven man and the kumiho had high hopes for what he could accomplish, but for now she was still observing and letting him call most of the shots.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostBrotherGrimm
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LostBrotherGrimm Jerry Smith IRL

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Do you think I could have some milk instead?” her words echoed in his head. I shouldn't have even tried. Now this coffee will go to waste. A waste of resources. His mind was frowning, but his face tried to keep a calm expression - his left eye twitching only two times before calming down. Even if he was a professional negotiator, mornings were still not his cup of tea. He disliked them - they made him feel more vulnerable than ever. He almost got up as he repeated her words in his head, trying his best not to take the cup and drink it himself. "Fine, you can have some milk. And some food," he said, deciding against serving her himself, "but serve yourself." His words ended sounding a bit stingier than they were supposed to, but it was not like she was trying to be the most polite guest anyways.

"You'll need energy for today. Eat something and get ready for the task at hand." He was rearing to go, but not without going in detail about what needs to be done. And while he'd explain it to her, she might as well grab something to eat. "I'll brief you in on our course of action as you eat. But try not to eat too much, otherwise you'll need to pay me back." He beamed her a sweet smile, although something menacing was beneath it. He was really going to make her pay him back if she spent too much money on his account. "Are you content with eating five hearts today?"

"That is... only if you'll be able to follow my plan."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
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Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Uh oh… Looks like I might have struck a nerve. Lilith rose quickly and faced the kitchen in an attempt to hide her grin. I knew something would have to get to you. As the hungry fox made her way to find some food, she remembered the forks she had hidden and wondered if Aleks had found them while making coffee. She intentionally opened some of the wrong cabinets while looking for a glass so that he wouldn't be suspicious of how well she knew the layout. Plus, it gave her a chance to see if the forks were still where she had placed them. So far, so good.

After pouring a glass of milk, Lilith began looking for some food to go with it. Aleks talked while she poked around, sounding rather impatient and surprisingly stingy. Pay you back? As if I’m not doing you enough of a favor already… The woman opened up the fridge once more as she replied, “Yeah, yeah, I’m good to go. I just need to put my clothes back on. Ooh, bacon.” Lilith knew it was not a cheap meat, but she grabbed the package anyway and made her way back to the couch with it and her glass of milk.

“Are you content with eating five hearts today?” Lilith almost dropped her food at the comment, unable to hide the brief look of shock on her face. Shaking her head gently, she went back to looking coy and sat down with a smile. “Well someone sure is eager to impress. Five is more than enough. So what do you have planned?” She began eating the fatty slab of meat raw, which she doubted would get a reaction from the man. Bacon was often served uncooked in Russia. What she did think would get a reaction however, was the fact that she was eating it uncut with her bare hands. If that didn't suggest she planned on eating all of it, she didn't know what would.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostBrotherGrimm
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LostBrotherGrimm Jerry Smith IRL

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

You don't mean to tell me she will eat all of it?! Stop her. His heart was infuriated, but he managed to keep a straight face. Barely. If it wasn't for her expression that intrigued him, he would maybe even say something. It was better this way, he shouldn't show it was getting to him. Ignoring the fact that she was eating with her bare hands, he focused on explaining their goal today.

"I got a call from an acquaintance of mine - few weeks ago,," he began, crossing his legs, "that the infamous Tambov faction was making some radical progress into our... market." Aleks thought against mentioning what their market was all about. Drugs, weapons. Black market at its finest. Things that Lilith shouldn't be interested in. "Back then, we swiftly dealt with the problem. But the faction is still eager to get back into the big game." He stopped there, switching his crossed legs. The thing was - the man he had an appointment with yesterday was actually on good terms with the Tambov. And by taking out a few of their grunts out of the picture, tension between him and Nikolai would grow immensely.

Aleks knew that the only way to destroy his foster father was to slowly break his company down. And by adding an element of tension in the picture, he would give Lilith more free space to eliminate his targets, without putting the spotlight on himself. It was a flawless idea - in theory. He hoped Lilith could deliver, as there were still a lot of unknowns about her. "I anonymously contacted Tambov and set up a meeting with a few of their soldiers. I, of course, won't be meeting them... but you will." He pointed at the briefcase.

"That's your ticket. What's inside shouldn't bother you, just put on an act of a clueless courier, that just happens to be a beatiful woman, and get them when they least expect it." Aleks emphasized the compliment as he got up and approached the briefcase. It was a plain black briefcase, available for purchase almost everywhere. It was cheap as well, which meant that anyone was able to afford it. He took it in his left hand and brought it back to the table. "And after you're done," he spoke up again, making sure to emphasize the importance of his words, "make sure you leave the briefcase on the scene."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oasis
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Oasis Daydreamer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lilith took another large, fatty bite as she listened to Aleks’ plan. She managed to avoid getting anything on her face but her method was still shockingly barbaric. The young businessman would learn in time that the woman’s actions were often in sharp contrast to her appearance. She may be able to play the part, but her animalistic tendencies always showed through somehow. The fox spirit hardly seemed to be paying attention to what Aleks was saying, the bacon clearly more engaging. Lilith paused, however, when he mentioned that she would be going in alone.

“So let me get this straight: I’m supposed to get five, presumably well-trained men alone and kill each of them by myself before anyone notices?” She paused, but not long enough for Aleks to respond, “I can do it… but I can’t promise how clean it’ll be. Do you have any qualms about collateral damage? An unexpected witness, for example.” She took another bite as she thought, savoring the creamy texture of the fat before swallowing.

“Another thing, where am I meeting them? I’d like an idea of what I’ll be working with.” The kumiho could tell there was a lot of information Aleks was withholding, but it didn't bother her. The details weren't important as long as they both got what they wanted in the end. Ideally, the meeting place would be an abandoned warehouse or somewhere equally isolated. Lilith’s work was rarely quiet and with so many targets, there were guaranteed to be shouts on top of the screams. If they met at a bar as Aleks had with his client last night, the fox wasn't quite so sure how she was going to pull this off. Not that she was about to admit that to the man in front of her, of course. Looking deep into his eyes, Lilith smiled and took another bite.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostBrotherGrimm
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LostBrotherGrimm Jerry Smith IRL

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Watching her eat made him hungry - unfortunately, there were still some obvious things that made him a human. Things he could not escape. He would have to remember to eat something later - even better if he does, it will make his role in this little job even more convincing. He kindly smiled as his mind allowed her to eat without complaining any further. Asking questions about the task at hand made Aleks smile - she might be extraordinary, but she was not all-knowing. That obvious fact made him feel comfortable.

She mentioned collateral damage, which meant that her little job would attract attention. He knew that might be the case and secretly hope it would. "As I mentioned earlier, they are soldiers - mere thugs. You can count on two of them being bodyguards, which may indeed prove troublesome, but the other three shouldn't be a problem." Of course, when he contacted Tambov, no one told him how many people would show up. There was a good possibility that more than five people would be at the meeting spot - which is why he told them to meet at a hotel away from their neighborhood, or any other isolated place for that matter. He was certain that there wouldn't be more than five people there - even one more would bring more attention to them that they would want. Of course, that did not mean someone could not observe from outside.

Should that happen, Lilith would have more problems on her hands than she was supposed to, but that was necessary risk. However, the five men on the inside - he already knew what roles those men would have. Precious powder in the briefcase made sure of that. Two bodyguards, one negotiator and two testers. It was a standard procedure - after all, someone did have to check the effect of the holy terror. That said, those two junkies would prove not to be a problem to someone like Lilith. Even the negotiator would prove an easy target - best case scenario, she would be able to seduce him. But the bodyguards... they were sure to fight back. Members that were given the role of bodyguards were mostly underground fighters - tough, but stupid. They were sure to raise their voices when they find out what's happening. Meaning... someone would probably overhear it and call the police.

And if everything went according to his plan - Lilith would be nowhere near the hotel when the police arrive at the scene, only thing remaining a briefcase full of powder and dead gang members. If that does not raise tensions between factions, Aleks did not know what would.

"And in case of someone interfering and seeing your face - kill them. Otherwise, leave them be. As long as they are not able to recognize you on the street, they should be left alone," Aleks finally answered, "and as for the place, it is at a hotel - Rossiya, room 506. The hotel is situated between Kirovskiy and Frunzenskiy regions, a fairly neutral ground for the boys of Tambov, so you should be more at ease there than anywhere else. The meeting will be during daylight, at 4 PM. Considering that, you can almost certainly count on police, so try not to stay there too long after taking care of our friends. Luckily for you, I made sure that the closest police station is far enough so you will have enough time to disappear."

He seemed content with his explanation, but then remembered one crucial detail, "Almost forgot to ask you - do you have a cell phone? If you do not, buy a dispensable one before going to the meeting. I will give you my number, so you can text me when you're in the clear. But do not call me - just send a text. Understood?" He said everything he had to, but still had a feeling he ordered her a bit too much for her liking, and was prepared to hear her growl at him. That brought a smile on his face, but although he would love to tick her off, it would not be good for morale.

"And... be careful, alright?"
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