Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"I can do teleporting but only if I have been to the place before. If I don't know how to get somewhere, I don't know where to go. Maybe one day I can look at a map then teleport to the location. I have dreams of being able to do so anyways. What can you do?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Mulan and Li stepped into the library. They found Orin cataloging in his front desk. Li was about to talk to him, but Mulan stepped in his place instead. She knew that Orin always had a soft spot for the girls in the school.

"Orin-San" Mulan respectfully said while bowing her head. "We're looking for more efficient ways to track down people through the usage of magic. Does your library have any books that may help us?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 16 days ago

..."Amazing...Mulan, your hair is looking particularly silky and smooth today. I suppose you're trying something new so your boyfriend over there to feast his eyes on, so I'm going to hurry up so you can lovebird's can get on out of here..." Chuckling to himself, he pushed the catalogue to the far right, "I wouldn't trust the catalogues, as I'm still making some corrections due to the reorganising we've been doing around here. Now..." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small round tin and a folded cloth. Screwing the tin lid open, he set the lid onto the table and dipped the cloth into the brownish wax like material. Making sure it was smooth, and not chunky, he began to rub circles into the surface of the wood.

*squeak squeak*

*squeak squeak*

*squeak squeak*

Polishing the surface of the desk perfectly reflective, he peered down at the surface for a few minutes, causing the two students to stare at each other in confusion. They couldn't see what he saw, but Orin would give them what they wanted. "The books on tracking/searching magic is still on the shelves labelled '500-750'. Alternatively, I could use mirror magic, if you like riddles and rhymes. Or...there's 'Sniffers'." Pausing for dramatic effect, Orin continued after a moment, "You've heard the legend of the sniffers, beings with the unique ability to track down anyone or anything, no matter how hidden with magic. Of course, back in the day, the original info on Sniffers were destroyed right before they were hunted to supposed extinction. But there is one book left, and it's this book right here...!" Reaching to a drawer and pulling it open, he pulled out a thick hardcover book with a thin layer of dust covering it...as well as a few chains.

"Now, the info I got on it through the mirror tells me that most of the content is teen romance-drama fiction guff written by the author, Tiffany Mayor. The premise is about the most boring girl, lost in life, who meets a sniffer that can find anything...and the romance follows from there. Apparently, somewhere in the one hundred and fifty-two pages of the ninety-seventh chapter, there are one or two locations mentioned." Leaning back in his chair, rubbing his chin thoughtfully with the back of one hand, and drumming the cover of the book with the other, "This book is restricted, as there are important people in this world who are hidden with magic for a reason, and this is a rare book to be handled. But, as members of the disciplinary committee, you should have already gotten the correct slips and forms filled out for you to handle this book...correct?" He stared over at them, expectantly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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"Um... Well..." Mulan stuttered, scratching her head in embarrassment.

Li let out a sigh. "After that Black Plague incident, the disciplinary committee lost most of their privileges due to 'lack of competence'." Mulan rolled her eyes on that as Li continued explaining. "Gothel says we can get them back once we've proven that we're useful to the school."

Mulan slowly walked her fingers towards the book, her eyes dilating at the sight of it. "Soooo... If you could help us get those privileges back with this..." She reached for the book.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 16 days ago

Biting his lower lip, Orin drew the book close to his chest, "Look, I don't need to use my divination skills to know that this will end badly if I just let you both waltz out of here with this book. As members of the disciplinary committee, you do know the punishments if you're caught with this. If anyone asks about the book while you're in possession of it, I am incapable of lying on your behalf. We'd all get in trouble. I can't give this to you. Maybe you can ask an easier teacher to sign a permission slip?"

Feeling rather bad about this whole situation, he avoided look over at them, and instead stared down at the thick book, "I can let you read it in a monitored study room as a reference book, so long as you don't damage a single page. Or, alternatively, I could make a photocopy of the necessary chapter...though it's going to take a hour or two to photocopy the hundred something pages, and I'm sure without the rest of the book, some of the stuff you'll read maybe without the necessary context. You're also going to have to pay twenty-five cents per page. So, what's it going to be?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Li placed his hand on Mulan's shoulder, warning her not to press too hard. Mulan sighed and stepped away from the desk. She walked out the library without saying another word. "I'm sorry about that." Li said genuinely to Orin. "Mulan blames herself for us losing our privileges, she honestly feels she could've prevented the black plague incident two weeks ago. May I read the book here? Under your supervision, I promise no harm will come to it."

To be honest, Li doubted the book could help him, but with no other leads, he felt obligated to try everything.


Mulan walked through the hallways quietly talking to herself. "Let's see. We know the student was murdered, we know it was done by a poison needle, and we know that it wasn't done by the black plague..." She rubbed her chin, wondering what the intent behind Kovu's murder was. "Who were his friends anyway?"

Mulan took out a small handbook from her back pocket. Inside, were all the listings of the students and their roommates. She wasn't supposed to have it anymore, but it's not her fault the teachers forgot the revoke it from the hall monitors. "Kovu. Kovu. Kovu." She skimmed her fingers through the pages of the book. "Says here your roommate is.... Tarzan."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 16 days ago

"I've seen you both do pretty well as committee members, and despite you losing your privelages, I know I could trust you with such a book...but...I can't trust the fates to not send a teacher your way, and not having you discovered with it in your possession." Reaching over to the polished surface of the table, yet again...he tapped the surface once-twice-thrice...and stuck his hand into the reflection's ripples, pulling out a big ring of many keys, modern and old, "Your girl is a keeper, tell her that I'm sorry about what happened." Unlocking the chains, he dropped the chains onto the unpolished part of the table and held the book over to the youth.

The hardcover book was completely black, with a black dust jacket...on the cover were two hands, with a magnifying glass being passes between them, the title "Sniffers" in a fancy white font on the top, and the author's name "Tiffany Mayor" in a scaled down version of the same font on the bottom. Stuck on the cover, partially obscuring the magnifying glass was a sticky note, 'teeny-bopper forbidden romance guff'. "Careful, I foresee a rough time reading in your future." Then, Orin gestured to one of the study rooms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Juliette was anxious to get a room so the first one that was not taken, she would take. She then turned to Tarzan and spoke

"Thank you for helping me. I'll take this room if you don't mind putting my luggage inside here. I will unpack and see if that letter was tucked inside here somewhere."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Tarzan nodded, and walked away from her room. His powers were something he didn't like talking about. After all, it was his powers that got his family killed. Tarzan walked through he hallways trying to get his mind off from things, hoping someone will find him and distract him from his own remorse.


Inside Juliette's room, a blue gas cloud took form, transforming into a miniature blue imp. It was no larger then household cat, but it stood and walked upright like a human. "Guests? I love guest!" The djinn said aloud. "I just wish I had time to clean up." The genie said smiling to the girl walking into the room.


Li opened the book began reading. It was a snore fest, it was written like someone's bad self insert of a fan fiction. Regardless, he read on. Skimming through the pages, looking for the locations that Orin had mentioned earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Oh! Excuse me but is this your room? I can move to another one if you would like. It's not like I have unpacked or anything." Juliette spoke in complete surprise since she did not happen to see anyone inside the room.
"My name is Juliette and I am new here. What is your name, pray tell?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Genie shook his head. "I'm not a student, I'm a genie." Genie dug threw his pile of clothes and took out a copper lamp. "And it looks like your my new master, congradualations!" He tossed the lamp into the girl's hands. "Hopefully you'll come up with better wishes then that Aladdin fellow." Genie latex back on the empty bed and proceeds to play Aladdin's gameboy. "Don't tell Aladdin I borrowed this from him. He'll find in his room once I'm done with it. So what are your wishes my master?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 16 days ago

A little bit bored with watching Li read through the novel, Orin went back to reorganizing catalogues. But only for a moment. Thinking of the books that needed to be reshelved, he went over to the cart and took hold of a small stack of books. Going over to the window, he stepped into the reflection, and dropped out of the reflection of one of the skylights on the far side of the room, right onto the top of the bookshelf. The wooden bookshelf creaked ever so slightly, but did not much else, for the Magic Mirror was a person quite light on his feet. Reaching down over this top shelf, he placed all the books onto the empty space of the top shelf, before finally talking a look around him. No reflection near him to hop into, he merely fast travelled/teleported to the mirror he had hung behind the front desk, and was back on track.

Going over to the cart of books again, Orin remembered that a few of the books had been unlabelled. Patting down his person, and cursing lightly under his breath, he remembered putting them (and a few stationary set items) into a box and into his quarters. Hurrying on over to the front desk, he peered down at the polished surface before reaching a hand out and casting light magic into the reflection. It flashed brightly once-twice-thrice, and a space opened up on the desk surface. However, before Orin could reach in and pull out his box, a platinum blonde poked her head out..."?!" Setting a hand on the blonde lady's head, he gently yet firmly pushed her head back down into the mirror space, "Miss Alice, your contract states a two years spent in Wonderland." Once she had given up, he removed his hand from the space and quickly cast more magic into the original reflection. Reaching a hand out hesitantly to the space opened on the desk surface, he reach his hand in...patting around...before grabbing onto and pulling out the box. The box was a little smaller than a shoebox, with red and black stripes along the cover. Pulling the lid off, the mirror smiled when he saw the labels.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Juliette was surprised when the genie spoke that he was her genie!

"A real live genie! All of my own...... How wonderful it is to have a genie like in a fairy tale. I'd like to know if you will always be my genie or do I only get a wish or two? It doesn't matter! I wish that you will always be my genie and grant me all the wishes that I want." Juliette spoke happily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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"Sorry tuts, but I can't do that. I can only give three wishes per person, and don't even think about wishing for more genies, because I'm the only one left." Genie dies in his gameboy game, again. "Also, fair warning, don't wish for anything impossible. Y'see, genies aren't as powerful as the world thinks. I can't really break the laws of the cosmos to get your wish granted, but I can use a moderate level of magic to make your wishes come true."

Genie goes into his backpack and takes out a picture of Aladdin and Jasmine hugging each other. "Take for instance this guy right here. He wished for this girl to fall in love with him. After I told him I can't manipulate people's mind, he asked me to make him a prince to woe the girl over. Since the girl was already a princess, all I had to do was trick her into dating Aladdin. Now, give or take a couple of years, Aladdin will marry someday with princess Jasmine and become the prince of a country. Y'see? I can't make wishes come true in a snap, but I can make wishes come true within the logical limits of the universe."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"So I guess to wish to be super magical is out then..... And the wishing well idea isn't worth asking for....... I'll just have to take time to make my 3 wishes. It must be exciting to be a genie and do magic. " Juliette spoke as she began to unpack her suitcases.
"I need so many things and have a bit of money,,,,,, ahha they did give me new sheets and blankets in my favorite color. Such nice fluffy pillows too. Tell me what happens after I make my 3 wishes and how long I have to make them. A guideline as to what you can do would be nice too."
Juliette was very careful not to say certain words or even think them just in case she accidentally makes a wish.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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"Good question. The answer is nothing. There's no strings attached to this wish making business. So whenever the wishes are up, I either choose to hang out with you for awhile, or take my lamp and find my next master. It depends how much I grow attach to you. But feel free to pass me along with your friends. I once had a popular kid from this school share me with all his friends back than. That was such a riot! Literally..."

Genie puts his gameboy back into Aladdin's backpack. "Honestly, I've thought about putting limitations on requests, but with over thousands of years of experience, I find limitations to be... boring. Here's the honest truth, I love granting wishes. I hope to do it forever. But, eternity gets boring after awhile. Wish for anything you want, no limitations as long as its possible. Just keep in mind that I'll probably get creative to make it happen."

Genie's small body illuminates a passive aura from his body. He looks to the door, wondering whether he should find other students to grant wishes to. This girl might not have any desires she wants fulfilled, or maybe she'll want to have time to decide on such a wish. "I'll tell you what, let me grant you a sample wish. Just don't say I wish, and ask me for a favor instead. Keep it small since its a just a favor. It won't be as impressive as an actual wish, but I want you to get an idea of what I'm capable of."


Li yawns. Not only are the characters in the book boring, but he also can't seem to find any information on sniffers. He skips to the final chapter. "And so, they lived happily ever after. The sniffer married his former target, and they had children that would pass on the genes to future generations."

Ugh. Another fairy tale ending. Li closes the book, and goes to Orin to return it. Upon reaching him, three other students approach Orin's desk as well.

"Oiy, Orin!" the girl in their group exlaimed. "this book did not teach curses like you said it would. The hell man, I thought you said this book was fricken special." The book was titled 'history and the equivalent exchange principle of ancient curses' . Li noted that the book was probably meant to teach theories on curses, but not curse spells themselves. Something that faculty would obviously forbid.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Juliet smiled with a bit is mischievousness. She sat on the bed and thought for a moment before speaking.

"Let's see now..... I would like a boyfriend but that is not something that you can you force..... Excellent grades should come from within so that is out........ Perhaps you could find some candy like an assortment of filled chocolates and covered nuts, please? That would be one favor that I would very much appreciate."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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"That's an easy one!" Genie takes a chocolate bar out of Aladdin's backpack. He uses some alchemy on it to change the flavor. "Also, I've played match maker quite a few times before. I can't control a person's emotion because it always wears off eventually. But I can hook you up with someone your interested in. There's a guy I know, his name's Hercules. Big guy, he plays on the sparring team. He might have a girlfriend but I can break them up pretty easily. Interested in him? There's also Milo, Stitch, Gustavo... Honestly, you name it. I'll even break up Aladdin if your interested in him. I can't make people fall in love, but I can *at least* arrange a date." Genie hands Juliette the chocolate bar for her to grab.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"That would be great. But I need to find my class schedule and see how much time I have left before class..... Do you happen to see them or know what classes are assigned to me? I came in so late. I just arrived this morning.... I am tempted to skip the morning classes...." Juliet paused to take the candy from Genie. She took a bite out of it and smiled.
"WOW! This is a good candy bar! Anytime you want to give me something, I'll gratefully take any amount of these candy bars!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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"That question is another favor then, not a wish. Anyways, freshmen and sophomore take 7 basic required classes and 3 optional extra classes if they choose to. Your a junior right? You look past sophmore, so I'm assuming your courses are based on your own personal choice, academic skills, personality traits, and unique powers."

Genie scans the girl a bit, "by the way, what are your powers and spell specialty? You seem a bit... Dainty. Non-combat kind of girl, like a princess."

Genie looks around the room to find Juliette's class schedule. He finds it, and hands it to her.
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