Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 4 mos ago

GM: iSuspect. Co-GM: Latino.


Bending is only a recent discovery in comparison to the time of Avatar Aang and Korra, in a world where there is no such thing as the Avatar, yet benders live everywhere. Originally, the four nations all lived on the central continent know known as the Earth Nation. The Airbenders live atop the highest mountains of the land, where they cut themselves off from the other benders. The Waterbending tribes are split into three, in the Western, Northern and Southern Bays. They take their fishing business very seriously and rely heavily on trade with the Earth Cities. The Fire tribes are spread throughout the land, however one is located to the West in a mountain range. They split off from their roots, the Sun Warriors, seeking fortune in the great continent and became a part of the culture for hundreds of years. Meanwhile the Earth Cities, not anywhere near the level we know them as today, but still hold a particular beauty of their own. Notice that I do not refer to them as a Kingdom, because then, they were just cities and held no common alliance. They were the most intermingled of the bending tribes, where all four bending elements just lived together and held no displeasure with each other. Not in quite some time.

However in the recent years, the cooperation they once had has become rare. The Earth Tribes stay inside their cities built with bending. The Fire Tribes are bandits and thieves who live along traveling routes all over the continent. Water Tribes are mostly isolated near the oceans and nearby rivers, focusing on fishing as their main trade but have begun to tap into resources that the Earth Tribes claim as their own. Lastly, the Air Tribes stick to mountains and forage the forests surrounding them. And the Earth Tribes, feeling more established and boasting the largest number of people, have turned to tyranny. Claiming that for their protection, the tribes have to pay. Including their own people. The Air Tribes have resisted this for many years as they have fewer numbers, but the best training; The Fire Tribes have the most experience through battle; The Water Tribes are illusive and extremely good at hiding, or just playing coy. Note that not everyone from each tribe is this way, many of each do not participate in the crimes of their people, but are discriminate against all the same. Like a Fire Tribe member in the city, would be shunned and labeled a thief, having never stolen anything in their life. Maybe even killed, just for being of the same lineage.



Our story starts in this time, when even the elements fought each other, before the Avatar ever showed the world what a little balance could do and when the Spirits were commonplace beings that could be found without ever trying to look. Right now, the discrimination is the worst it has ever been. A secret organization, named The White Lotus, are rebelling against the war in small strikes that the tribes are blaming on one another. We will be playing characters from each nations, who have joined The White Lotus, in secrecy and are willing to fight or die until the end of the war.




Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Latino


Member Offline since relaunch

Would it be bad manners to reserve this post for my CS and claim the Swordsman Rep as well? I'll have the CS done in a few hours and I'll post it here.

"I wander where I will, and I fight when others can not. I am.... Nanashi."
[- - -]
Jun Taira


"Mutt"- The name given to him by the leader of the fire-bending bandits that enslaved him after killing his parents, a reference to his mixed heritage. Jun despises this name and keeps it a closely guarded secret.

"Nanashi"- The name bestowed upon him from the Order of the White Lotus, meaning 'nameless' or 'anonymous' in the old tongue. It is fitting of a wandering swordsman and Jun has even been known to introduce himself as such when he wants to sound impressive.




Swordsman Representative

Primary Element:

Secondary Element:


Hair color: black
Hair length: shoulder length
Hair style: Loosely tied at the back
Eye color: Hazel
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 178lb.


His tattered robes made from hemp have lasted him several years already and he expects they will last him several more. He doesn't own any other clothes so he is always wearing these. He also keeps a sunhat made of bamboo.

Distinct Markings:
Most notably Jun has two scars on his face. The first runs down from his forehead above his right eye and continues below his eye stopping just before his jaw line. The second is just below and to the left of his left eye and runs about half way across the cheek. Other scars are scattered about his body, a testament to his life as a vagrant.

Likes & Dislikes:
+Good-Looking Women
+Good Food
+Good Drink
+Comfortable Beds
+Sunny Days
+Warm Weather
-Rude People
-Inconsiderate People
-Cold Weather

Strengths & Weakness:
+He excels in the martial arts as it is his passion and perhaps his only real talent.
+He is quite an excellent cook and can forage from the wilderness for food.
+His time living in the wilderness has made accustomed to harsh climates.
-He is simple, having lived as a vagrant most of his life.
-He is quite impulsive and reckless though often for the right reasons.
-He lacks a strategic mind and relies on his skill to win.
-He is much more concerned with the safety of others than his own.

Jun is a simple man with simple needs, as he often likes to say. Indeed his lack of sophistication is immediately apparent and most on-lookers would assume he is a wild and dangerous vagrant, although they are not far from the truth. Jun is traveled and worldly, having experienced many cultures from the posh and 'civilized' Earth Cities to the enlightened Air Nomads. Despite the later years of his childhood Jun manages to walk on with a friendly face and has committed himself to becoming the kind of person his parents would have wanted him to be.

Although Jun is a morally righteous person he can be quite simple-minded and lacks any aptitude for long term strategy. His generally easy going attitude often leads others to assume that he is either incompetent or simply a fool. Make no mistake, however, behind the vagrant's playful demeanor lies a warrior tempered by fire and steel. His experience has made him wise beyond his years but he rarely dispenses his wisdom tactfully. Often he is mistaken for being rude when he is trying to advise others.

Jun was the son of an Earth City father and Water Tribal mother. His family was generally looked down upon because of their mixed heritage and Jun was discriminated against worst of all. Despite this Jun's father always held his head high and made sure to imbue upon his son words of justice. He would say to his son, "Other people can think what they like and it won't hurt you. They only fear you because you are different but you are also unique and that gives you something no one else has." Jun would keep those words close to his heart for the rest of his life. His father, Batou, was a masterful earth-bender and his mother, Ranka, a skillful water-bender and healer, ironically Jun didn't inherit either of their gifts. That didn't stop him studying their arts however and by the time he was twelve he had a deep understanding of both earth-bending and water-bending. He adapted his knowledge to suit some one like himself who had no ability to bend and practiced every day.

When he was fifteen his life changed forever. He and his parents had decided to make the trip to visit his mother's homeland and were ambushed by bandits along the way. They were confronted by a gang of twelve who's leader referred to himself as 'Oxen-Bear' and demanded that they surrender their belongings. Batou, for fear of placing his family at risk, agreed to let them have what they want. Material things can be replaced after all. Unfortunately the bandits wanted more than just materials, they also wanted Ranka. Batou refused and a fight ensued. His father took on the entire gang while allowing his wife and son to escape. Batou despite being a master bender could not withstand the onslaught of twelve fire-benders at once and fell in the battle but not before killing nine of the bandits himself. The two remaining members of the bandit gang ran away but Oxen-Bear was not about to leave without a prize. Oxen-Bear tracked Ranka and Jun through the woods until finally catching them in a clearing. Ranka fought Oxen-Bear with every fiber of her being but even so it was not enough to kill Oxen-Bear. Jun, in his fury and distress, recklessly attacked Oxen-Bear only to be brought down in seconds.

Oxen-Bear spared his life and decided to keep him as "his little Mutt". Oxen-Bear declared that Jun belonged to him so long as both of them lived. Jun took this challenge as the sole purpose of his existence. Every day he challenged Oxen-Bear who reveled in this form of "entertainment" and gladly beat him every time. Jun took each defeat in stride and studied Oxen-Bear in every match. It took him three years to finally become skilled enough to match Oxen-Bear's level of skill and finally on his nineteenth birthday he would have one last duel. The match lasted for twenty minutes at a draw until Jun finally landed a decisive blow. With Oxen-Bear on the ground defeated Jun took hold of the man's sword and thrust it into the demon's heart.

Jun had avenged his family but there was no victory. His parents were still dead and, despite his righteous motive, all he had really accomplished was another murder. He took Oxen-Bears blade as his own, a constant reminder of his past, and wandered aimlessly across the land. He drifted from one town to the next always making just enough to afford his meals and move on. With so little to live with he enjoyed the little things, a glass of good wine, freshly cooked meat, and occasionally the comfort of a local woman (He is a man after all). In his travels he made it a point to become strong so he could protect those weaker than himself much as his parents did. He traveled all around the known world and even stayed with the Air Nomads in the north for a time. In all his travels however he never felt that he really belonged anywhere.

Oxen-Bear's Katana (shown in image)- It is a relatively simple looking blade though it is of exemplary make and is perfectly balanced. It is unknown how Oxen-Bear acquired such a remarkably fine blade although it was most likely stolen from someone of considerable wealth. Jun keeps his blade tied to his sheath most of the time and won't draw on an enemy unless it's absolutely necessary. The knot itself is tied with a ribbon inscribed with the word "peace".

My favorite moment would have to be Iroh in the forest with Zuko trying to decide if the plant would make a soothing tea or a deadly poison.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gargoyle


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reserving the fire bender if that's aright with you :P.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Latino: Consider your character reserve and yeah, that's cool that you use that as a placeholder.

@Gargoyle: No, it's not! I'm taking the fire bender. :3 Kidding, I'll reserve the spot for you. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gargoyle said
Reserving the fire bender if that's aright with you :P.

Competition, I wanted that spot lol. I'll either go ahead and write a CS for a firebender still or go with earthbender.

Edit: I'll just reserve the Earthbender if that's cool. Also why do CSs seem so much more detailed than they use to be in casual? Not that it is a problem, just something I've noticed coming from almost exclusively advanced for years it seems way more detailed than I remember.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
Avatar of iSuspect

iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Zran: Well, this is High-Casual so things get pretty descriptive. I crave detail so :/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fair enough, I was just joining a casual for some nice and quick fun, wasn't expecting such an awesome CS.

Edit: Where are we starting this at? Are we just meeting the Lotus people or already somewhat a part of it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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"Keep moving. Don't stop. Never stop."
[- - -]

Tachi Mi

Lemur - A reference to her restlessness and agility, and also a bit of a jab at how her movements mirror that of a Winged Lemur.





Primary Element:

Secondary Element:

Tachi often complains about her short height. It's one of the main characteristics of her - she's short and "twiggy" (as she likes to call it) in build, looking somewhat delicate and fragile. To counteract this innocence, her auburn eyes are usually alight with a spark of confidence and spirit that is usually found in tricksters and practical jokers. Her hair is a muddy ginger hue, often scruffy and badly cut to just above shoulder length.

To see Tachi in a dress would have the same effect as "seeing a sky bison in a tutu", and she sticks to light, versatile clothing. The red sash isn't only decorative - it has many purposes, made out of a thick and warm cloth to be used as a cloak, shawl, blanket and in some cases towel. As such, it's rather faded from lots of washes. Her clothes are very concealing, and she barely shows any skin.

Distinct Markings:
Rather notably, Tachi seems to hide her Air Nomad tattoos. They differ from the Airbending master tattoos and whilst the stripes run from the base of the spine to the forehead, from the shoulders to each hand, and around the legs and to her feet, they do not end in the arrows that Airbending masters wear. They are described as an "upside down T with a dot underneath it". These are commonplace for the early Air Nomads and run across the chi lines, which means that at times of great power being used they will glow - albeit very faintly.

Likes & Dislikes:
Likes: Movement, dancing, music, food, animals, adventuring, games, flying
Dislikes: Fighting, arguments, boredom, hard work, fear/panic, smoke
Fear: Imprisonment/capture; an inability to move freely. Loss of bending.

Strengths & Weakness:
In combat, Tachi's ultimate strength is her agility and stealth. A hider, jumper, climber and leaper by nature, Tachi plays her constant excitable energy and restless movements to her advantage, making it difficult to actually land a hit on her.

Her ultimate weakness in combat would be her...combat in general. Whilst she can use bending to stave off attackers, if she is attacked and then crippled, and can't use her bending for some reason, then her fate is most certainly at the mercy of her attackers.

Out of combat, Tachi's biggest strength is, surprisingly, her intelligence and cunning. After all, it's only befitting that someone who actively avoids conflict starts to look around in the hopes of finding a second option; furthermore, her mind constantly shifts and tumbles over a myriad of possibilities, as most people with short attention spans usually do. She isn't wise and vastly superior all of the time - in fact, it barely surfaces in her day-to-day activities, but in times of panic and disarray it's more likely she'd be able to find the solution faster than a wizened elder who has to meditate on all of the ideas.

Her biggest weakness is her attitude. She borders on the naive, irresponsible and excitable. It's easy for people to manipulate her to their own gains since she's rather gullible, too.

Constantly on the move, Tachi's personality shines through every aspect of her being - her movement, her speech patterns, her attention span - it all centres around the excitable, agile and fidgety attitude she possesses. She suffers from a short attention span and changes subjects in conversations easily, frequently becoming bored and then making it known that she is bored...basically, borderline annoying-little-child syndrome under the body of an adult.

However, there is simply no way that the Order of the White Lotus would let in a fool. Under the layers of irritation stands a woman who not only is quick-footed and restless, but also a quick mind. Her inability to focus on one object improved her observation significantly, as it's second nature for her to gaze around her surroundings for something that intrigues her. She's known to work well under pressure because it is fast-paced, and she can keep up with it easier than others. She isn't the brightest, nor the best, but she is smart and cunning.

In terms of history, Tachi's had a fairly quiet life. Born and raised in the Eastern temple, Tachi grew up mainly around women since the East and West temples are devoted to teaching female airbenders. Her father, Amrik, resides in the Northern temple and Tachi loved getting letters from him as a child. Despite their separation, Amrik and Norbu (Tachi's mother) kept a fairly strong long distance relationship. In fact, on Amrik's birthday Tachi and Norbu left to visit him, much to his delight.

Whilst they weren't writing to Tachi's father, Norbu tried her damnedest to get Tachi to sit down and listen to her teachings in the hopes she will become a quiet, refined airbender one day. What she presumed to be a childish impatience when Tachi was young actually started to persevere through her early teenage years and Norbu was worried that perhaps Tachi had something wrong with her head. Eventually, with great exasperation, she gave up on teaching her daughter.

At first, Tachi celebrated not having to sit in meditation classes or read from scrolls. But after a few weeks, the severity of the situation hit her with full force and it didn't matter how many pleads she sent her mother's way, her opinion was quite firm. She watched on in jealousy as her friends started doing complex bending and Tachi was left struggling to be self-taught, and it affected her bending skills; she was slowly left behind.

Eventually, after a year of poor training, one of the Airbending masters opened up their teachings to the younger air nomads. The Airbending master in question preferred to be known as Bison, a broad-chested woman with a strict, arrogant demeanour about her. Tachi wasted no time in joining up with her friends but regretted the decision almost instantaneously, after having to preform gruelling exercises and drills in order to 'prepare the body for the power of the wind'.

Norbu grew worried for her child and retracted her earlier statement, insisting that Tachi drop the teachings and be taught from her. But Tachi felt an immense guilt for having disappointed her mother before and she persevered, her small and fragile build becoming the punchline to many jokes thrown her way by Bison, and her 'insufficient' knowledge of bending merely aggravated the large woman.

at the age of 16, four years into her training under Bison's teachings (The Air nomads are known to have started training around the ages of 4, in which their children are persuaded to begin meditation and vague understanding of the wind) Tachi suddenly and unexpectedly flourished. Apparently it was a quiet autumn night and she was re-reading through her father's most recent letter of encouragement when a breeze picked up in the air and Tachi refers to the moment afterwards as "The part where it all made sense".

Tachi put her impatience into her fighting, into her studying, and into her thoughts. Instead of trying to restrain her curious impatience and restlessness, she released it into every aspect of her life - Bison was most pleased with her progress but still made the odd jab about how short she was. Her friends were excited to see Tachi working so well under the pressure and she soon caught up with her friends in terms of skill and, in some ways, surpassed them. As a celebration (and a mockery of their strict teacher, though Bison found it amusing too and occasionally referred to Tachi as such) her friends titled her "Lemur".

The next 5 years were a difficult period. Just as Tachi blossomed in her studies, one of her friends - Mai - weakened; both emotionally and physically. She was very ill and despite all of the medical attention she received, she wasn't getting any better. After three years of encouragement, Tachi took the reins - and vanished for a good month or so. Norbu and Amrik were outraged and those who knew her searched frantically to find her.

It was Amrik who visited her in a small hovel in the Northern Water Tribe's bay. The two of them sat down and had a long chat about what Amrik presumed was Tachi running away from the responsibilities, but turned out to be Tachi was merely trying to find the Water Tribe for assistance in healing Mai. It was also Amrik who gave Tachi his air glider and taught her how to use it, and finally it was Amrik who told the Eastern Air Nomads where Tachi was, and ordered a sky bison to bring a Water Tribe healer to Mai.

Mai soon made a recovery after that and was jealous of Tachi's new glider, as were much of her friends. It is an object which she holds in high regard - and holds all of the time, it seems. Her training was performed using the Glider as a quarterstaff, but she wasn't very good at it and never got time to improve. Instead, she preferred flying around using the Glider.

The most recent continuation of Tachi's life was a somewhat ominous letter that Norbu received from Amrik about the disturbances in the other benders, how the firebenders were frequently attacking the others, how the waterbenders are hiding, the Earth 'kingdom's tyranny...Amrik sent her wife a white lotus chip, and Tachi received a set of air nomad rosaries with the white lotus engraved onto the bag of the pendulum. At the foot of the letter, it said:

"My dearest little sprite; I know, for a fact, that you will take matters into your own hands again. We are ageing, and aren't as flighty as you are. This time I will not stop you, but I will give you these simply instructions;

~Write to us. Every night, no exceptions.
~Keep your eyes and ears open.
~Keep moving. Don't stop. Never stop."

~Tachi could have Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but it's not as severe as to hamper her intelligence. Of course, in such a setting it'd be impossible to medically confirm this fact, and it's mere speculation.
~ Tachi's main equipment is her red sash/cloak, her prayer beads (With the White Lotus engraved onto the underside of her national emblem), and her air glider.
~Stitches will only ever have one good moment in the Avatar series. It's this one here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Stitches said
Reserving water bender.

iSuspect already got it, only Air left. And done.

“Like the flower I am free, yet rooted firmly, unmoving yet ever bending”
[- - -]
Name: Pema Alseng






Primary Element:

Secondary Element:

Pema has light brown hair almost always tied in a loose ponytail. She has light brown almost golden eyes and is always wearing a cheeky smile. She stands at only 5’4” a fairly average height, and has a muscular frame from years working the land.

Loose pants and a long-sleeved shirt and a vest over the top, she rarely wears any shoes.

Distinct Markings:
She always has a few bruises and has a burn she mostly keeps covered on her chest she got from her father.

Likes & Dislikes:
Likes: Hard work, Music, Flowers, Sarcasm, Beauty, Strength

Dislikes: Fire, Laziness, Anger, Highborn people, Thieves, Unnecessary fighting

Strengths & Weakness:
Pema has the strength to stand for what she believes is right, and will not tolerate those who do not go by what is right.

Pema has a near irrational fear of fire, in all its forms, she dislikes firebenders to the point she would rather kill them than fight beside them. This comes from the fact that her father was a firebender and he used it to keep her under his thumb.

Pema is generally light hearted in life, only turning serious when there is a genuine danger nearby. She has been known to have flairs of anger when she perceives any form of injustice, outright losing her temper and using her bending to set the offender straight. At the end she is full of regret about these outbursts and swears it will never happen again, but time has proven that is not true.

She has an eye for beauty and can get quite jealous when she sees someone she considers someone more beautiful than herself, this had led to many minor fights with friends over the years. Despite her insecurities she believes in the world and that it is something worth fighting for, dying for if it comes to it.

Pema was born in one of the many small farming towns supporting the earth Cities, where she grew up with her father learning to work the land growing crops for the cityfolk. Her father always had a strong will and no qualms about using it to keep his daughter under control, she rarely got to leave the farm and the times she did she snuck out and received a beating the next day.

She never knew her mother; her father grew angry if she asked, so she soon learnt not to. The few townsfolk she spoke to knew her mother and spoke kindly of her and seemed to imply that she had run away from her husband unable to take Pema with her. As she grew older she learned of her earthbending and snuck out for lessons at night with the young townsfolk, she grew better at sneaking out using her bending to cover her tracks, often her father did not even know.

Pema grew close to one of the older boys named Tigal and they did more than train with each other, he urged her to run away with him but she always refused. The time came when Tigal decided to ask her father if he could marry Pema but her father refused saying that Pema was not meant to marry a simple village boy. The next day Tigal returned and challenged her father that was when she learnt what her father really was. He fought with sword at first but when Tigal disarmed him he turned to his bending, using fire to gain the upper hand. Tigal, surprised was burnt badly, across his face and arms. As her father went for the killing blow Pema intervened using her own bending sending the earth beneath him up forcing him high into the sky.

Pema picked up Tigal and went to flee but her father was quicker and managed to burn her across the chest, Tigal still conscious but in pain knocked her father out. Pema got them to her father’s Ostrich horse and left heading for the water tirbe and their healers.

It was a long journey and when they finally made it the water tribe took them in and saw to Pema’s burns but it was too late for Tigal, despite the healing he died and Pema swore revenge on all firebenders and people like her father.

She had a love once, but no more. She wears on her wrists a pair of bracers studded with small rocks she can use as ranged weapons, no matter where she is.

So many moments to go with but I’m going to have to say when Combustion Man was defeated in the last book. Boomerangs are awesome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zran said
iSuspect already got it, only Air left.

Grmphn...alright, I'll make an air bender. I SHALL MAKE THIS WORK. \o/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Stitches said
Grmphn...alright, I'll make an air bender. I SHALL MAKE THIS WORK. \o/

We're in the same boat. Besides Airbenders are awesome but I'm just not one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I guess, in fact, Airbending would be more suitable. I was hoping to get one of those slippery little characters that flip and jump around and hide and are a pain in the behind to actually -hit- with something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hehe yeah, that's not really my style, but it seems like Fire and Earth are the same in that respect, they don't mess around.

@ Suspect, let me know what you think about those bracers hopefully they're not too OP, rocks are about the size of a coin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Heck, if your bracers aren't allowed then MAYBE Tachi's hang-glider will suffer an accident in the near future. Anywho, I've taken an almighty stab at the CS, but I'm still working on it. I can feel in my heart that Pema will have to be Tachi's "GET YOUR SORRY BUTT DOWN HERE AND GET SERIOUS" anchor. Many grabbings of the scruff of the neck will occur. Once you manage to knock her out of the tree she's probably hiding in, that is!

But yeah, I personally don't see anything wrong with those bracers; Firebending and Airbending can be performed anywhere as it is. So I feel it equals things up rather nicely.

A question, though - how will the RP start? I presume the White Lotus folk are meeting up? I'd imagine Tachi would be fairly new to the order.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Zran said
Hehe yeah, that's not really my style, but it seems like Fire and Earth are the same in that respect, they don't mess around. @ Suspect, let me know what you think about those bracers hopefully they're not too OP, about the size of a coin.

No, I actually like the bracer idea. She is accepted, however I think you might want to make one correction. If it's a she then how is she a male? O.o Weird. :D

Stitches said
Heck, if your bracers aren't allowed then MAYBE Tachi's hang-glider will suffer an accident in the near future. Anywho, I've taken an almighty stab at the CS, but I'm still working on it. I can feel in my heart that Pema will have to be Tachi's "GET YOUR SORRY BUTT DOWN HERE AND GET SERIOUS" anchor. Many grabbings of the scruff of the neck will occur. Once you manage to knock her out of the tree she's probably hiding in, that is!But yeah, I personally don't see anything wrong with those bracers; Firebending and Airbending can be performed anywhere as it is. So I feel it equals things up rather nicely.A question, though - how will the RP start? I presume the White Lotus folk are meeting up? I'd imagine Tachi would be fairly new to the order.

I would rather not reveal how the roleplay will start. Only thing I'll say is that you are on the right track though. ;3 And try not to ask any spoiler question, please. Thanks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Duly noted. I didn't think that understanding how much backstory to put into my CS to logically bring it up to the point it starts in the RP was a spoiler. Hopefully, a setting question won't go amiss, then.

Are we looking specifically at the era of Raava, or are we assuming an AU where the spirits are less involved?
http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Era_of_Raava for reference.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

iSuspect said
No, I actually like the bracer idea. She is accepted, however I think you might want to make one correction. If it's a she then how is she a male? O.o Weird. :DI would rather not reveal how the roleplay will start. Only thing I'll say is that you are on the right track though. ;3 And try not to ask any spoiler question, please. Thanks.

Sweet, yeah must have missed it originally I was going to go with male but the character concept I had changed when I went with earthbender. Besides, what's a sheMale among friends?

I like the AU idea, if there was no Avatar we could assume Ravva won the battle and banished most of the spirits back to the spirit world. At least for another 10000 years.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Stitches said
Duly noted. I didn't think that understanding how much backstory to put into my CS to logically bring it up to the point it starts in the RP was a spoiler. Hopefully, a setting question won't go amiss, then.Are we looking specifically at the era of Raava, or are we assuming an AU where the spirits are less involved?http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Era_of_Raava for reference.

Another spoiler question. >.< It is an AU idea but I do want the Avatar involved, who will be GM controlled.

Now, stop asking questions and finish your character sheet! -Cracks whip.- ;3 :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Again, you needn't involve any of the plot. A simpler way to go about it would be to state its an AU and leave at that; but thank you anyways for answering the question. In a few hours, when I am less busy, I will finish my CS in one big go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

iSuspect said
Another spoiler question. >.< It is an AU idea but I do want the Avatar involved, who will be GM controlled.Now, stop asking questions and finish your character sheet! -Cracks whip.- ;3 :P

Uhm I have.. Where is yours?
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