Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

There are tales of a time when the gods were benevolent and just, when they nurtured and protected mortals in exchange for small showings of tribute and reverence. Nobody remembers those times any more. For as long as anyone can remember, the gods have plagued the world with ferocious beasts and cruel demons. The mortals fought back with their skill, their wit, and their magic, only to be crushed by these merciless forces for whom surrender was not an option.

Some fled the fighting, some were run out of their homes, some simply wandered off where the wind would take them. However, they all ended up here in Kado village, a small recluse deep in the heart of a vast forest. Nobody knew who built or founded the village, but for a time things were peaceful. The forest was bountiful with game and vegetation, and it seemed to be neglected by the wrathful gods. In time, an entire generation was raised that never saw true turmoil. However, things were about to change…
* * *

So, welcome one and all! For this RP, I want to give players lots of freedom while still keeping everybody in one place to optimize interactions. Also, as it says in the title, I am heavily inspired by anime, so expect gratuitous amounts of awesome. This will not be an adventure, per se, since it will be taking place within Kado village and it's outskirts, but there is plenty of opportunity for action, rivalries, romance, whatever. I am going to be fairly liberal in terms of playable races as well as magical powers, so long as they are kept in moderation. I also want to really flesh out this village so that while it is only one place it seems like a real community. I'll be making more details if enough people express interest, but feel free to ask any questions you have.

About Kado Village

Points of Interest


Character Skeleton

Name: Include any nicknames or aliases and who would use them.

Age: For this RP, assume that all races age as a normal human does.

Gender: If not male or female, explain how this is possible in this setting.

Race: Should be human-ish, but I'm going to be pretty liberal with this. Kado village is a place for mortals. If you're not sure if your race is mortal, ask me.

Appearance: Pic or description is fine.

Occupation: What is your character's role in Kado village? Keep in mind that guardians all have an occupation in addition to their peacekeeping duties.

Skills: What is your character particularly good at?

Powers: What magical abilities does your character possess?

Inventory: What uncommon items does your character possess?

History: How did your character, or character's ancestors, arrive in Kado village? What has your character done? What are your character's aspirations?

Accepted Characters






Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Name: Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Weredragon

Occupation: Nonna is a cook and waitress in Kado's tavern. She is also one of the Guardians.
Skills: Cooking. It is her passion. She can take the most common resources and turn them into the meal of gods. Don't let her smile and friendly behavior fool you though - she has a dark past and can be dangerous.

Powers: Nonna's power grows and falls with the phases of the moon. At New moon, she has no magical power at all. As the moon shines more and more, her power grows, until at the night of the Full moon, she turns into a dragon. Her magic is one that can manipulate the moonlight, using it to many effects. She can heal lighter wounds like torn skin quite fast, but the time it would take her to mend a broken bone makes her power impractical. Nonna can also channel her power to strike, either enchanting her sword to protect it's blade, or, at a rather high cost to her magical stamina, she can launch a blast that will blind allies and enemies alike in the area for a few seconds.

Inventory: A sword with runic carvings. IT has no special powers on it's own, but it is of great sentimental value to Nonna.

This girl had a hard childhood. Born to late wealthy parents who were unable to have another child, she was hated for not being the son they wanted. Her father treated her like dirt, and while mother always provided refuge when things got too bad, she didn't do anything to prevent them in the first place. As such the girl grown up knowing a lot of beating. One day though, something inside of her snapped and she fought back, very nearly blinding her father's left eye. She didn't wait any longer and ran from home, with nothing but the clothes on her back.

Only later she realized her folly, as it happened to be winter. She was found by an elderly man in the snow, almost dead from hypothermia. When she regained consciousness, the girl found herself in a small two room house near a burning fireplace, with a cup of hot chocolate on a table next to her. When asked for name, she made one up, not wanting to be associated with her former family. Thus the girl came to be known as Nonna.

She was growing up living with the old man she come to call grandpa. All was well for a while, but one day a meteor fell from the sky and struck their village. Everyone but Nonna died in the blast. IT turned out the rock came from the Moon, and Nonna breathed the dust raised by it's impact. She didn't know it at the time, but it changed her into the weredragon. Again having nowhere to go,s he wandered around the lands until she found her way to Kado, where she found shelter and work in the tavern.

Unfortunately, it was on the first night her powers manifested and she nearly leveled the village before the guardians drove her off and held her outside until the morning. Since then she always leaves when the full moon is nigh, trying to get control of herself in her dragon form far away form Kado to avoid causing any destruction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Marcus Jone, also known, uninspiringly, as the Huntsman.
Age: 27
Gender: Male

Race: Human? Partially at the least, though his father wasn’t exactly clear on what his mother was. Given the hereditary power he has though, Marcus is inclined to believe her something of a fae or similar.

Appearance: A rather fair-faced individual, while he was still new to the village it wasn’t uncommon for him to be mistaken for a lady when his hair was down. Coupled with his rather light voice, it was quite a shocker to those mistaken. According to his father, he had inherited the natural beauty of her race, though the features were largely from his side. Anyways, he’s a bit on the shorter side at only five and a half feet tall, but very lithe.

Attire-wise, he does on occassion wear the loose clothes of his old home’s style. Generally though, he can be found in simple linen or cotton clothing that most inhabitants of Kado wear. On outings to the forest, he generally wears much the same, but the clothing is usually reinforced with leather to be more durable and he’ll usually have a travel cloak with him.

Occupation: Unsurprisingly, a hunter along with the nuances that come with the job; tracker, survivalist, and cook.

Skills: His age makes him one of the best hunters the village has, old enough to be experienced, but not so old that age has caught up with him. Archery came to him fairly easy enough, and ever since he could draw a bowstring, he’s learned to use a bow. It’s made him a good enough archery to best the others in the village on a good day, and pose a challenge on others.

In line with that, he’s a proficient tracker and knows the woods around the village fairly well. Between the various animals that inhabit it, he’s knowledgeable on the signs of their passing, where to find them, and how to shadow prey without revealing his presence.

And for the times he ventures out further than the village’s immediate surroundings, he knows how to keep himself alive. Setting up camp, foraging, the dangers that lurk in the seemingly calm forest, and navigating the sea of trees are all part of his range of skills.

He also knows how to take care of himself when in the village. The tasks of a household fall upon him given he lives alone, so that means he’s a decent enough housekeeper.

Powers: His powers are hereditary, at least according to his father. It’s a particularly odd ability that doesn’t always work, but its versatility is unparalleled, at least in the forests. Through song or music, he can coax aspects of nature into doing what he wants, speaking to it in a sense. Things such as growing arrows from a tree (just long pointy sticks really), or making the wind guide his shots true (because pointed sticks don’t tend to fly very well), small ‘tricks’ like that consist of his abilities for the most part. His power is a small one, meant to be used in tandem with other skills instead of simply being powerful on its own right. Some of his most powerful demonstrations would be convincing a tree to extend its roots upwards to ensnare a creature, and even that was quite taxing.

Inventory: He’s actually privileged enough to own a number of bows; three in total. One is a simple training bow that has a fairly low poundage; he practiced with it when he was younger just to learn archery. The second is the bow that sees the most use, a recurve bow of moderate size and draw strength. The last bow is a longbow that Marcus can only assume is to be used for war. It’s nearly as tall as he is, but would have been his father’s height and the poundage is several times that of his hunting bow. He nevertheless still practices with the longbow when he has the opportunity to. Though he can care for and maintain the three bows, any idea on how the bows are actually made is beyond him.

There is also a quiver of 50 or so steel-tipped arrows which further led Marcus to believe the pair, quiver and longbow, weren’t meant for simply hunting. The arrows are substantially heavier, with a much thicker shaft and longer fletching. There are also three distinct types of arrowheads, for which Marcus can only assume are meant to deal with different types of enemies.

He has a small band that he would wear, were it large enough to fit any of his fingers. Sadly, it seems made for someone far smaller than him, but as a gift from his ‘mother’ he keeps it with him on a necklace at all times. It appears to be made of gold and has a very small gem set into it.

History: Kado is a relatively obscure inhabitant, and one of the most recent. His family, though it was really only him and his father, arrived at the village just over twenty years ago. His father spoke little about themselves despite the villagers’ wishes to know where they had come from. He made it quite clear that they could accept another hunter to bring in more meat, or he and his son would move on elsewhere. Where to, nobody asked. It was an odd enough sight at first, when the pair wandered in with the child carrying far more than the father, but the child seemed content enough if the curious shine in his eyes was any indication, so nobody bothered to raise a fuss.

While he went to school with the other children of Kado village growing up, he spent just as much if not more at home. Where the others played around with one another, he spent the hours practicing with his training bow. His father left the village often and spent days in the forest as a minimum, so even if he wished to spend all his time with others his age it simply wasn’t possible. There was work to be done for the house and school, practice to go through, and skills to develop. Really, Marcus had always wanted to be a hunter like his father, nothing else even occurred to him.

And become a hunter he did after he finally finished the school system Kado had in place. With that responsibility done, he was free to accompany his father into the forest, even without his knowledge. That’s what Marcus thought at the least, but he was still a complete novice at that time. When his father did want him along, he took breaks to hunt along his path to let his son keep up. When he didn’t? Well he made for his destination without pause, leaving his son in the dust. Marcus might have been a bit spirited in his aspiration to follow his father’s footsteps, but the young boy wasn’t stupid. He knew his limits and where he could tread safely in the forest, where his father went at times were not.

It was about at this time that he discovered his powers and began experimenting with them. While initially he could rarely get it to work and the results were subpar, it was also a simpler ability. He merely had to speak his desired effect and sometimes it would happen. Something like, “To the left a bit,” would be whispered in hope and sometimes the wind would nudge the shot in his favor. He didn’t really understand it until he told his father and got an explanation, of sorts.

It was about shortyl after this time that Marcus’ father’s health began to deteriorate rapidly. Within weeks he was unfit to hold a bow, and a few months afterwards he moved like a man double his age. Yet despite it all he was at peace with himself and told Marcus to not worry, even if he explained nothing. It was impossible for him to simply sit at home and watch his father waste away slowly, the hero of his childhood reduced to such a state, so he turned elsewhere. For a time, the village was less of a home and more of just a rest spot. He spent most of his time in the forests, honing his skills when it was pointless to hunt or bringing down some game so he could barter for supplies. And when his father finally passed, leaving him with but a message, the opposite was true. People rarely saw him the week afterwards, but left him alone to his grief.

It’s been a few years since his father’s passing now. More or less getting over it, Marcus is now reputable as someone who can bring in almost anything from the surrounding forests. If it can be brought down with arrows, he’s probably capable of doing it. Reputation aside, there’s also a few strange rumors about the man. Some are about his appearance in general, others are about how he can vanish for weeks on end in the forest. He is clearly searching for something, but what is right up in the air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Kawaru Arle
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human (werewolf)


Occupation: Engineer/Carpenter

Skills:Kawaru is skilled at drawing blueprints for buildings and various other large structures around town, and is a skilled woodworker. He is very skilled in hand to hand combat, especially when he is in one of his wolf forms. Kawaru has a very keen sense of smell, and hearing

Powers: Kawaru practices a form of magic that has been passed from generation to generation of his people. This "Shifting Magic" allows him to take the form of a large wolf, or a nine foot tall bipedal wolfman. In a pinch he can shift individual part of his body (like just claws or ears to help improve his combat skills and senses respectively).

Inventory: A large war hammer that belonged to his grandfather. He grew up hearing stories of how it use to fall multiple enemies with one swing, but now its main use is driving beams into buildings.

History: The Arle clan originated in an area far to the north of Kado Village, a land of high mountains and snow. To combat the cold they made an ancient pact with the spirits of wolves, to give their people the ability to shift into various wolf based forms. Originally this was just used to survive the incredibly cold winters, but eventually they learned that their forms were quite formidable in battle. They were spared from the wrath of the gods for many years, perhaps they were too far north to catch their notice, but like all good things this soon came to an end.
For years the clan waged war against the corrupt forces of the gods, but the gods' forces were endless. Eventually the Arle clan was force to flee south from their homeland. Eventually they found their way to the Kado Village. The clan's number has been declining in recent years, with only a few families remaining (including Kawaru's). Adjusting to life within the village came easy to some. It was very easy for them to find jobs doing heavy lifting around town, when in wolfman they could lift multiple beams for ease. Kawaru's father was one such person. He was a skilled builder, and was pivotal in repairing some of the decrepit buildings around town. The town liked him well enough, and soon he was drawing plans and schematics for new buildings around town, people were coming in constantly so inevitably more housing was needed. Kawaru's father worked day and night drawing these blueprints, and Kawaru learned by watching him. However all of this work took a toll on his father, and he grew more and more tired. One day while at a job site a crane carrying tools and lumber broke and came crashing down on his father. Usually this would have been no problem, but he was so tired. He was killed instantly. The next morning the remaining people of the village gathered together and performed a sacred ritual. Back in the homeland they would turn their dead into snow, that way (the story goes) they dead would never be truly gone. The ritual was performed without flaw, but in the temperate climate of Kado Village the flakes melting quickly into the wind (symbolism :D). Kawaru moved in with his grandmother, a small elderly lady who lived in the middle of the village. His grandfather had passed away a little over a year ago, he just couldn't adjust to the warmer climate, his grandmother would say. Kawaru's grandmother told him all about the old ways, and soon he was just as skilled as any other champion of the mountain. He took up his father's mantle, and has been using new and old skills to improve his father's work. Kawaru knows he is the last of a slowly dying breed, and desperately wants to take the mountains of his homeland back. So his people can grow and prosper, and honor his family's name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gokiburi7


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Awesome bios thus far - I'll get to work on mine now...

Okay, here's mine;

Name: Haze Amber

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: A small, scruffy boy distinguished only by an orange scarf. He wears a worn jacket and slightly torn trousers - an indication that he takes little pride in his appearance. He small, even for his age, carrying a jittery posture and a near undying grin of enthusiasm. Haze has muddied-blue eyes and a shock of untamed brown, curly hair.

Occupation: Errand boy, messenger, scout.

Skills: Haze is agile and nimble - capable of quickly moving from place to place when performing tasks. He is also good at memorising details and at dodging attacks - though his close-combat skills are nonexistent.

Powers: Haze uses the 'Gecko' technique to stick to surfaces, allowing him to walk on walls and climb structures with ease. He uses this ability to take shortcuts across the village rooftops when running errands, and to escape danger by fleeing to un-reachable ground.

Inventory: Possesses a large steel boomerang that acts as his primary weapon. It has no additional abilities, though its exact origin is unknown.

History: Haze stems from an undistinguished bloodline of labourers, his ancestors having been little more than tools in the hands of the great clans. One such ancestor made it to Kado village amidst the general flurry of survivors, and found themselves in a relative paradise. They were granted equality with the other civilians, with the binding concept of class divide fading to a pained memory; thus they decided to raise a family. One hundred years later, Haze was born.

Strictly speaking, there was nothing to distinguish Haze from his peers - he was no exceptional warrior, nor was he highly skilled in any single avenue; instead he considered himself a jack-of-all-trades. That is to say that he possessed many skills, but that he was talented in none of them.

Many would have simply cast Haze aside as an insignificance amidst the busy life of the village, if not for his sudden rising fame as a reputable errand-boy.

In short, Haze sought distinction the only way he could manage - by attempting to perform tasks for as many people as he could, until a reputation began to develop.

In order to better himself at this self-inflicted aim, Haze spent his spare time searching for magic skills that could benefit his career. He eventually settled on learning the 'Gecko' technique - a relatively modern and underrated ability that had escaped the notice of his peers. He perfected the technique at fifteen, then spent the next year putting it to good use across the village - even attracting the attention of the guardians, who noted his potential as a swift messenger.

In short, Haze's dream is simply to stand out, to gain recognition for something vast - even if that entails starting at the bottom and clawing his way up, through hour after hour of odd-jobs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Forsythe: It looks good. I just want you to be a bit more specific about what moon powers she has. I don't want the moon to become a deus ex machina that can get her out of literally any situation. To what extent does her healing magic work? Exactly what offensive abilities does she have? What defensive abilities does she have?

@Zombehs: Looks good, and nice back story. Accepted.

@BuriedComic7: I like the clan's history, but perhaps you could write a bit about Kawaru as well. What was it like growing up in a dying clan? What kind of reputation has he built in the village?

@Gokiburi7: I like the character. Just give me a bit more description in the appearance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Garoth Brightwing

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Human


Occupation: Guardian and Craftsman. He’s the man people turn to for all those little items that they need made (or fixed).

Skills: Garoth has a fine eye for detail, which is why he excels at smaller projects. Fixing a wobbly chair, smoothing out splintering wood, or just making a fashionable engraving on a perfectly functional item. It is this meticulous nature, though, that often causes him to fall behind on larger projects. He is also able to work repairs on metal items, but has neither the skills nor resources to build them from scratch.

Powers: The Brightwing family has inherited the ability to transform into a griffin. Every Brightwing has this ability, but few have mastered it to the degree that Garoth has. In a matter of seconds, he can transform into the mythical beast at will. This process is relatively painless for Garoth and he can maintain the form indefinitely, but if he is severely injured he will revert back to a human. In addition, he can harness some of the creature’s power while in human form. With concentration, he can acquire eagle-like vision, a vice-like grip, or inhuman swiftness for brief moments.

Inventory: A silver locket with the Brightwing family crest engraved in it – an elegant wing.

History: In the past, the Brightwing family had been at the forefront of the fights against the malevolent gods. Whenever a clan or village wanted to stand up against oppression, the Brightwings were there. And it cost them dearly. Generations of hopeless battles brought the once prolific family to the brink of extinction. Garoth’s grandparents became the last living members of the clan, and rather than throwing their bloodline away in one last battle, they decided to retreat.

The Brightwings’ arrival at Kado village was a mixed bag of emotions. On the one hand, the village would be graced with the citizenship of a strong and renowned bloodline; they were sure to contribute their fair share to the community. On the other hand, was the outside world such a lost cause that these once brave warriors were now ready to quit? Even so, the Brightwings were welcomed into the village and earned a good reputation among the citizens.

Garoth grew up on stories of the glory of his ancestors, but like everyone else of his generation, he had never seen a real battle. The Brightwing family is on a comeback, and Garoth has many cousins, but none have come close to his level of control over their griffin abilities. Garoth wears his family name with pride, was an overachiever in school, and still continues to work hard on even the most menial tasks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Updated Kawaru's story! I hope you like it c:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Looks good Buried!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Why thank you :D Super excited for the IC to start
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sharnid


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Name: Sharnid Agdal

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Sharnid is a muscular and rather tall man, standing at 6'2" and weighing around 235lbs. His body is tanned and riddled with age beyond his years, but his emerald green eyes accompanied with his ever present smirk shows the younger more playful side of him. Usually riddled with dirt and sweat during the day because of his job as a builder. The job he has also requires him to wear old and torn clothes so he wont ruin his new ones, but occasionally will dress nicely on days off. Most just tend to describe him as a "gentle giant".

Occupation: A builder. He builds things. Mainly just a manual labor worker because he has little to no desire to learn how to design any of the things he builds. He just does what he is told.

Skills: Although not an intellectual giant outwardly, Sharnid is a rather skilled musician, he can play almost anything you put in his hands, although not being able to read music set him back a ways, teaching himself by ear wasn't very hard. I don't know whether to consider this a skill but he can lift two times his weight above his head, which is quite impressive for an average human. Either way it definitely showcases his immense strength. Also to be considered to be quite the ladies man.

Powers: Influence people through sound. From charming women with his lyre, to intimidating enemies with his thunderous roar.

Inventory: Just various instruments. (Drums, flutes, a lyre)

History: Sharnid's father, Lanel, was a skilled diplomat and was rumored to have been able to influence even the most stubborn of lords with only empty promises and whispers in his ear. He mainly resided with an older lord by the name of Jarek Broadmane. After two or three years residing in Lord Broadmanes keep the lords vassals noticed how the king was acting rather distant, even dreamy, ever since the new adviser had arrived. They grew angrier and more upset over time as the lord seemed to grow more corrupt and unwilling to take action and aid his servants. Unwilling to believe that this was their Lords doing they launched an investigation against Sharnid's father. This "influence" that Lanel had gained with the lord was found to be magic. With this knowledge the vassals had brought together enough gold to hire a group of assassins to kill the adviser. Knowing his death was imminent, Lanel sent a young Sharnid away with a servant he had persuaded to take his son to a safe, faraway place. The drop off point for Sharnid ended up being the village of Kato where he was raised from then on.

Besides his rather exciting and eventful younger years nothing has happened in Sharnid's life to be eventful. He passes the time with his job, playing his instruments, playing competitive sports, and the occasional dance or festival. He holds no grudges against Lord Broadmane for he knew his father was wrong in using magic for his personal gain, although there was a love for his father, he knew what the servants had done was right. The only thing that he truly loves to do is to make music. Quitting his job as a laborer and to start being a musician would be the day, but in a society like Kado village, there is no hope for that, or at least he sees none.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Edited the powers section :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Looks good Sharnid. Just keep in mind that you won't necessarily be able to influence other people's characters or any important NPCs that may pop up with your music ability. You can suggest things that a character might feel, but the end result is up to the players.

Edit: And Forsythe, looks good. I'm just going to nitpick and say change "blinded for a few minutes" to "several seconds." Even 10 seconds is a long time to be blinded. If you don't believe me, hit a punching bag for ten seconds and imagine how much damage that would do lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sharnid


Member Offline since relaunch

Sounds good, if the situation ever arises I'm sure we can PM and work something out. Although I don't plan on using it like an OP mind control type thing. Off subject but when we gonna get this show rolling, I'm excited!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Eh, good point. By everyone, i meant that it doesn't differentiate between allies and enemies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

We can probably expect the IC to be up tomorrow night. I still want to create the points of interest for the village, and I'm waiting for one more person to submit their CS. If you guys are bored, though, you could always create some points of interest of your own. Pretty much anything goes as long as it doesn't break the game somehow or contradict with the lore I posted. Feel free to make the village your own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

I'll likely see to making a CS shortly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ruronihs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So, I just posted a few points of interest. That should be a decent start. I may add more as we go along, but still feel free to submit your location ideas to me. I'm also thinking of adding a rumors section. This would be the news that's floating around the village that we can assume your characters would have heard. It might be a good way to reveal potential plot points while still keeping the sandbox feel to the RP. What do you guys think?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gokiburi7


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I like the idea of a rumours section.. I'll read up on the points of interest now!

- Oh, and I added a little more detail to the appearance. I'm awful at describing people though...
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