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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

107 years old

Viloftiras was born in the city in the north as the son of a nobleman who hated him because his mother was a poor woman who had used a love potion to seduce him into marrying her. Viloftiras’ mother was very ill while pregnant with him and she died moments after he was born, just barely long enough to name him. Since his mother was no longer around to dose his father with the potion, the effects wore off a month later. His father was furious when he realized what happened and Viloftiras was a reminder of his mistake, but he did not have the resolve to abandon him. His father treated him almost like a servant, but Viloftiras never complained, because if he finished his chores quickly and efficiently his father would teach him spells. Through these lessons, Viloftiras became rather skilled in magic even though he never got to attend formal school in his youth. He moved to the capital of Wiz and eventually became a Protector.

After years of working as a protector, Viloftiras felt unsatisfied about the path he was taking in life and quit. Viloftiras returned to his hometown and started an orphanage using the funds he earned as a protector, because he realized that if his father was not around he would have had to grow up in the streets. And to Viloftiras’ surprise his father, who had apparently become kinder while he was away in the main city, volunteered to help. They ran the orphanage together for a few years, but it quickly filled up because so many children were left on the streets. Some children with parents were simply abandoned due to poverty and given to the orphanage because they had become too much of a burden on the family. It broke his heart, but he had to turn away some children after awhile. Because of this, a wizard whose child was turned away by Viloftiras got angry and set fire to the orphanage one night when Viloftiras was out of town. The wizard was untrained, but surprisingly powerful, and used magic to trap all of the orphans and Viloftiras' father inside. Every inhabitant perished when Viloftiras returned, he was distraught when he figured out what happened. However, he knew the Wizard Council would not respond to the deaths of a few peasant orphans, but by reporting the death of a noble by a powerful and dangerous wizard, he was able to get the council to respond. The wizard was executed for being responsible for murdering a noble and destroying the property of Viloftiras. Since he no longer had the orphanage to run, and did not want to think of rebuilding one anymore, he decided to become a member of the Wizard Council to try to pass some laws that would help the poor.

To his relief, Viloftiras managed to join, but unknown to him the loyalty potion caused him to forgot his initial intentions of passing laws to help the poor children. Instead, he became more concerned with passing laws that would end up helping the rich, though he still focused on helping children since he has a soft spot for them. His new mentality has him focused on making sure children of the rich are protected, since they are obviously more important than poor children.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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06/03/967 - 29/12/1085
died at 118 | would be 178 in present day

Valdmar is from a small nomadic village in the East and ended up being the grandfather to the Prince and Princesses of WIz. Born Shakkir Xuen, he left his small village to travel to the Main City to look for a job. His own father was a sheep herder and Shakkir did not want to follow that line of work. However, he was not rich enough to afford a boat ticket to get to the Main City, so he decided to travel on foot. It took a little over 2 months, and by the time he reached the city gates, he was half dead. Halfway through his journey, he was mugged by bandits and they took all his supplies, forcing him to fend for himself the rest of the way. Shakkir survived on different wild berries and whatever fresh water he could find. He was underweight and very malnourished by the time he passed out infront of the gates and only managed to live with the help of Valkyrie Mancini.

Her father accidentally ran over him with his cart as they were returning from their vacation home in the South and Valkyrie insisted that they bring the unconscious Shakkir back to their home where he could receive treatment. Her father was reluctant to bring the strange man into their home, but Valkyrie reminded him that he was the one who ran over him in the first place, so he agreed and packed Shakkir into the back of the cart and took him home.

When he woke up a few hours later, he was greeted with the face of an angel and he fell instantly in love with Valkyrie, who personally tended to his wounds. Surprised to find that she was the descendant of the legendary Valhalla Mancini, Shakkir tried to leave prematurely, thinking that he wasn't worthy of being in her presence, and attempted to escape through the window. Sadly the healing room was located on the fourth floor of their mansion and Shakkir broke his arm and leg in the fall, causing him to stay at their home for longer. Valkyrie found him incredibly endearing and began to court him, giving him expensive treasures and jewels in attempt to whoo him. But due to the different customs in the East, Shakkir had no clue about Valkyrie's intentions and remained oblivious. Eventually his arm and leg healed and he was getting ready to leave the Mancini manor when Valkyrie was attacked by some rouge wizards. Shakkir made to save her, but somehow ended up getting hurt by the wizards. Seeing Shakkir hurt enraged Valkyrie and she unleashed all the magic she had been holding back and defeated the wizards. Completely captured by Valkyrie's beauty and power, Shakkir hesitatingly asked her out, to which she replied 'about time!'

The two got married after 2 years of courting and Shakkir found a stable job in the city as a construction worker. Shakkir changed his name to Valdmar Mancini because of Valkyrie's noble lineage and they started their new lives together. They had 2 children together, Valentia and Valiant and were a very happy family. Shakkir looked intimidating with his height and all the arm muscle he gained from building houses but was actually a giant pushover, while it was his wife who wore the pants in the family. She was humble and raised Valentia and Valiant like normal children, unlike the other noble families. They were expected to treat those less fortunate then them with respect and not to look down on them, but help them. When Bellarose took over, Valkyrie convinced Shakkir to move their family out of the City and the family relocated to the East temporarily, moving in with Shakkir's elderly father Shabant.

They moved back to the City after Bellarose's fall and Valiant joined the newly created Wizard Council and became Belzeneff's Protector. After Valentia moved out, Valkyrie and Shakkir moved to the South, to the Mancini vacation home and lived a quiet, peaceful life together. They would regularly visit their children to check up on them, especially after Valiant's loss of his eye and Valentia's engagement to the Prince. Valkyrie was uneasy about the sleazy Prince Belzeneff, but Shakkir was just glad that there was someone who made his little girl happy. They attended the wedding and watched their daughter become Queen with pride. Years later they attended Valiant's wedding to Dionysus and greeted her into the family with open arms.

Years later, after the birth of Valiant's third child Valtreks, Shakkir died suddenly from a heart disease at the age of 118. It was so suddenly that he had only shown symptoms of being sick that morning, and by the next day, he was dead. Valkyrie was so shocked by his passing that she became a recluse and shut herself away in their home, not even opening the door for her own children. She too died a few years later from the same disease, that seemed to only effect people in the South. Their home was destroyed after Valentia and Valiant refused to sell it and the plot is reserved by the Mancini name. Shakkir and Valkyrie are buried in the family plot in the Main City, along with their grandson Valor.

29/05/962 - 14/08/1089
died at 127 | would be 183 in present day
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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59 years old

Evanrosa is a member of the wizard council, but also acts as a reluctant spy for the rebels.

Evanrosa was under the effects of the loyalty potion until one fateful day when he encountered a mysterious man on the street who seemed eager to speak with him. The man spoke of good things about the royal family and wizard council and presented Evanrosa with a gift: a peculiar looking necklace. Due to his own arrogance and greed, he accepted it and thanked the man before they parted. Evanrosa performed a spell to analyze if there were any magical properties on the necklace and he discovered that it was actually a protective amulet. The amulet would negate any type of potion or poison he ingested. Evanrosa was surprised it was a form of protection and decided to keep it, but when he put it on for the first time he felt a sharp pain in his mind before passing out. When he woke up he could not figure out what happened and his healer did not find anything wrong with him, except that the necklace would not come off of him no matter what they tried.

It took a few months, but eventually Evanrosa put together the clues and realized that the wizard council was being drugged with loyalty potions and he was now free from the influence due to the amulet. He was shocked but did not dare mention it to anybody, fearful that he would be silenced for knowing the truth. The day after he figured out about the loyalty potions, Evanrosa received a letter from who he would eventually figure out is the rebel leader, Seraphion. They met in person and Seraphion explained all about his cause. Evanrosa did not particularly want to overthrow the royal family and participate in a revolution and he feared what the king would do to him if he was caught knowing about the potion, but he did not want to have his mind messed with either. He also feared Seraphion, who stated that Evanrosa was a despicable person he could have gotten rid of already, and it was only because of his mercy that Evanrosa was given a chance to prove that he was not like the other corrupted wizards on the council.

Seraphion had taunted him with threats like "I know all about you and every dirty little secret that you have tried to keep hidden. You thought you covered your tracks well? You did, but eventually I find out everything that has been hidden. But most importantly, you wouldn't want anybody to know about the secrets you have uncovered? It would be so easy to destroy your life. Just a mere slip of the tongue to the right people. Unless you want me to watch your execution...You will do as I say." and blackmailed Evanrosa to become a spy. He dislikes Seraphion and calls him a bitter old man behind his back, but Evanrosa eventually started to see how bad off the poor live and feels guilty for being partly responsible.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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47 years old

He grew up with a wealthy family, but they were not the richest or most influential, which is why it came to a surprise to Louelle's family when he was attacked one day. He was a young child playing in the gardens when a wizard wandered into the premises and tried to kidnap him. Louelle's family did not have as much protection as the richer families and the wizard was untrained with his magic, so he needed an easy target from a family with money but not strength. Louelle was that target, but he did not go willingly and fought back fiercely. Since he was young, his fear caused his magic to react in order to protect him and Louelle unconsciously cast a fire spell at the wizard. He could not control the flames and his body was badly burnt in the process. The fire alerted his parents and they swiftly dealt with the intruder and rushed him to the healers. Louelle was able to have most of his burns healed and some faded away within weeks, while other burns are still scarred on his body .Half of his face was damaged by the fire, so he wears a mask to cover his scarred face.

The attack motivated him to become a protector in order to protect other wizards from danger. One day, he managed to catch a serial killer and arrest him. Prince Belial heard of his accomplishment and demanded that Louelle become his Protector, even though he has not been a protector for long. The young prince did not say anything else, but he heard from some gossiping wizard that Belial's best friend had been killed a few years ago by the wizard he arrested and probably felt grateful towards him. He gladly accepted the promotion and Louelle became Belial's protector.

The young prince had already gotten his reputation for his insanity, crazed ramblings, and random outings to the poorer parts of the city by the time Louelle was asked to be his protector so at first he had a hard time communicating with him but eventually he was able to somewhat understand him. It also drives Louelle crazy when the prince wanders off at random times and he has to search for him, but he eventually learned most of Belial's favorite spots. Many of Belial's protectors were unable to deal with the prince and usually quit after a few months, almost as bad as Princes Bellarino and Belvedere's quitting rate, but Louelle has been his protector for a few years now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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100 years old

Blanchenfleur is a member of the rebellion who resides in The Under. He is a regular fighter in The Under's grandest attraction: The Colosseum. He met Seraphion through colosseum battles and is one of his rivals that he has faced against in the past. He dislikes Seraphion and Tiaro for their victories against him in the colosseum, but he can speak civilly with them. He even helps Seraphion with the rebellion and mostly handles recruiting from the colosseum since Seraphion rarely fights there any longer. Like many residents of The Under, he is difficult to get along with, and would rather be alone.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

130 years old

Ervin is a servant for the royal family and has worked in the castle for the past 115 years, since King Belantino's reign. He acts like a proper butler, but in actuality Ervin thrives on chaos. He won't purposely cause trouble, but he'll gladly observe any trouble he finds. He feels happy when he gets to clean up blood and he is usually charged with cleaning up execution sites, mostly because his co-workers can get squeamish around corpses and blood. To him, the more blood the better. He also likes to visit graveyards in his free time and watch random people's funerals or coming up with theories on how a wizard died. Besides his love for gruesome things, Ervin loves when things go to hell so he absolutely approves of the way King Belzeneff he rules his kingdom. Ervin also has a soft spot for the younger pair of twins because of their mischievous behavior, and he feels overwhelming joy when he hears about one of their pranks on the council or when he gets the fortune of cleaning up their messes.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

52 years old

Born in the west, Miranda lived in an isolated farm that grew crops and raised livestock. Her family was at most middle class due to high taxes and the fact that they were required to send a percentage of their products to the wizard council and royal family. But because of the various mountains and dangers of living in the west, her family was one of the few sources of food in the west that did not involve hunting and gathering food from the mountains. People did business with her family all of the time, allowing her to live comfortably. But Miranda always enjoyed taking care of the animals more than the plants or sales, so when a wild injured pegasus wandered into the fields one day, her parents put her in charge of nursing it back to health. After reporting the pegasus to the wizard council, it turned out to be a missing pegasus that was thought to be lost during a battle. The pegasus knight who retrieved the pegasus thanked Miranda for nursing it back to health and praised her ability to take care of them. The knight was impressed and told Miranda she had potential to become a pegasus knight, and recommended she attend the academy to try it out. Miranda was young and had no clue how to fight with a sword, but she loved working with the pegasus, so with her parents permission she returned to the main city with the knight and applied to the academy.

It took Miranda fifteen years of studying at the academy, but she was finally able to graduate as a knight. However, she took an additional two years to learn how to work alongside a pegasus before she was finally promoted to the pegasus knight division. She has currently been a pegasus knight for three years and Miranda is quite satisfied with her career, mostly because she is attached to all of the pegasus she gets to work with.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

SATANNI ARENETTA NEKROMANCI Satanni would be 121 years old in present day 19/07/1024 - 06/06/1099 Born as Arenetta Kaitou, Satanni was raised in the North with her mother and two older siblings. It was a poor household, since her father died and her mother was left to pay the taxes by herself, but they somehow made it work. Despite that, Arenetta had dreams of moving to the Main City and breathing in the city air. But she had no way to get there, or to support herself if she ever managed to get there, so it was a pointless dream. In addition, her older sister Arealla was much brighter and smarter than her, and got to attend the Academy in the Main City, so all of the left over family funds went to her. Arenetta was left to take care of the house chores while her mother and brother went out and worked. In her spare time she took up the hobby of dressmaking, pulling together the extra scrapes around the house to make clothes for her and her family. It wasn't until she was older that she decided to make this a profession and began an apprenticeship with the village seamstress. Eventually her dressmaking talent got so good that she began to run her own shop and became the village's head seamstress. In time she met Satanist Nekromacni and fell instantly in love with him. In a few short months they were married and she became Satanni Nekromanci. She even began pregnant and had a baby boy named Satanic. She had to take time off making dresses to take care of their son
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

17 years old

Angelica is the daughter of Evelina Cherubia and Angiel Apollos. Her grandfather is the rebel leader Seraphion and her uncle is the national popstar Angelic. She was raised by both her parents when she was younger, but once her father became a Knight, she remained mostly with her mother and her family. Now that she's old enough to take care of herself, her mother accepted to be a spy for the rebellion and infiltrate the Royal castle and is hardly ever around. She sometimes stays with her father whenever he has time off, but for the most part she's independent and can function by herself.

Both of her parents are spies for the rebellion, and her grandfather is the leader, but Angelica has no interest in it herself. She doesn't even know about half the things her family does and remains blissfully ignorant. For now she's a normal teenage girl who's only focus is school and romance. She recieves a lot of attention from guys in her grade level because of her pretty looks, and she uses that to her advantage to get them to buy things for her.

During school and with her friends she uses her mother's family name as Evelynn, to avoid questions about her true name Angelica.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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55 years old

Growing up in the untamed wilderness of the West, Gino hails from a village hidden in the uncharted mountains. The hidden village is a large community of wizards ruled by terrorists who oppose the rule of the royal family. Many of the wizards practice dark magic, including Gino, and it is normal for them to kidnap and sacrifice foolish wizards who think it would be fun to take a trip to the dangerous mountains. Gino is the current leader of the hidden village, and by extension, leader of the terrorist group named FREE. The previous leader passed away of old age and Gino was chosen as their successor for his strength. FREE is one of the few things Gino cares about and he takes great pride in his role.

Gino despises King Belzeneff and rejects the Black family ruling Wiz. He barely tolerates the wizard council, mostly because wizards have to be magically powerful or intelligent to join, but he hates abiding by their laws. He believes nobles are mostly worthless wizards who hide behind empty titles. Those who should be in control of Wiz are those who prove their strength, not those who inherit titles from their ancestors. The classism of Wiz is something he detests and Gino would gladly see the nobility destroyed. To him, strength (whether it comes in the form of intelligence, magic power, physical prowess, etc.) is the most important thing about a wizard. Without strength a wizard is a worthless waste of space and lives only to serve the stronger, more deserving wizards.

Gino has no interest in things he views as weak, only respecting those with strength. He feels children should be trained to live up to their fullest potential and if a wizard does not prove their worth to the village by the time they are an adult then Gino has them assigned to become servants until they show they are not worthless. He hates laziness and will punish those who do not contribute anything useful. He is very involved with his terrorist cell and the workings of the village, personally keeping track of everything and everybody.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

50 years old

Valhallen is one of Valyn and Valiant's sons, but has found himself aligned on the side of Seraphion's rebellion. Seven years ago, while visiting the Main City for his older brother's wedding, he met his soon to be sister-in-law and they struck up a strange sort of friendship. After the wedding, the two kept in touch and he would find himself confiding in her things that he would never dare tell anyone else, and vise versa. Eventually, after a year of keeping in touch with each other, Valancy felt like he had the potential to be a member of Seraphion's rebellion. She told Seraphion such and he sent someone out to try to persuade him. Whatever they said must have had some effect, because at the next meeting, Valhallen was there and ready to join. He had always felt that he was destined for something greater than his lowly day job, and he felt like following Seraphion would show him the way. He became even more involved in the rebellion when he found out that Valancy was a member and was determined to impress her. A short while after he entered a physical relationship with her and has been ever since. He didn't care if he was sneaking around his brother's back because he figured that they never had a real relationship anyway.

Before joining the rebellion, he was a Pegasus Knight. Valiant encouraged him to join the division after he graduated the Academy because he felt like Valhallen would cause nothing but trouble if he had no guidance. When he was a child, he was spoilt and rotten to the core. He had an unbelievably short fuse and would cause a fit if things didn't go his way. His behavior only worsened as he got older and he would purposely hurt his younger siblings for no reason at all other than his own entertainment. His parents tried to seek help for him, to get his behavior in check, but it never worked. The Academy however, seemed to have a positive effect on him and instead of hurting others, Valhallen became more interested in his studies. He would spend hours and hours studying and he received the best grades in his class, but he never had any goals to work towards or any plans about his future. When his graduation came close, Valiant was worried that he would revert back to his old ways and suggested to him to join the Pegasus Knights. Valhallen had never shown any cruelty towards animals, so his father hoped that bringing a companion in his life would keep him in line. He graduated and joined the Pegasus Knights as planned and was stationed to the East for some time. He very rarely came back to the Main City or to visit his parents as he had no desire to do so.

Valhallen has close to no emotional attachments to his family, which makes it so easy for him to work with the rebellion. His only goal is to help Seraphion take down his disgusting Uncle and will do anything necessary. He still works as a Pegasus Knight as a spy of some sorts, and to keep up appearances with his family.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

22 years old

The nephew of the restaurant DirkJake's owner, Isaiah desires to follow in his family's footsteps and become a great chef. Unfortunately, Isaiah is absolutely hopeless at cooking anything besides soup and dishes using cheese. Somehow, his food either burns or tastes terrible despite him following exact directions. Even if by some miracle the food tastes alright, before it can be served, something ALWAYS happens that will ruin the food before it can be eaten. Isaiah personally thinks he is somehow cursed, but that does not him from being optimistic and trying his best to improve. At the request of his family the top chef of his uncle's restaurant, Valdeimos Mancini, was asked to teach Isaiah how to cook properly. Isaiah became the apprentice of Valdeimos and began living with him, and while he has improved drastically on his soup and cheese meals, for some reason Isaiah still can barely handle other food.

When Valrose Mancini appeared and began living with them, Isaiah was tasked with keeping her company because Valdeimos had little interest in being a father. Isaiah ended up becoming close to her and after a few months, he started dating Valrose.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

24 years old

Belmarie is Belzeneff and Bellona's 8th child out of their ten children together, making her the second princess of Wiz. Unlike her siblings, she is VERY outgoing and absolutely loves to party. Dancing and socializing with others is her favorite thing to do; she dislikes silence and loves talking to everybody she meets, and she remembers every face and name she speaks to. Belmarie is like her father in the sense that she hates it when attention is not on her and she is a narcissist that will somehow twist any negative comment about her into something positive. She is incredibly spoiled and Belmarie excessively spends her allowance money on anything she desires, and she desires EVERYTHING and doesn't think twice about buying an item at first sight. She hordes everything she buys and has collection of random items from simple bottle caps to priceless jewelry.

Although Belmarie is a spoiled princess who loves partying and shopping, her hobby is swordfighting and her dream is to become the strongest knight in Wiz. She grew up admiring Pemendree the Assassin and Angelveion the Knight, and all her life she has been protected by strong warriors, so she aspires to become strong just like them someday. She doesn't really spend much time with her siblings because they do not have many shared interests, but her best friend is her cousin Valhero through their mutual love of swordsmanship.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 2 mos ago

famously known as

Born as Faize Ceres, he often went by the nickname Fai. Fai was an orphan who grew up in poverty and originally only practiced his magic in order to finish his chores faster. He wanted so much more than his life of poverty was giving him. He was an innocent child who grew up with the church, and although he did not have any siblings or parents, Fai had many friends. He enjoyed taking initiative and discovering new uses for his magic, developing a clever mind with a thirst for knowledge and adventure. He loved the church, and the wizards who raised him instilled values of "those with power should help those without power" and that "it is the job of a leader to be a symbol of justice who would give the hopeless hope". As a result, Fai aspired into becoming a powerful wizard who would be able to give his people a life worth living.

-Age 20-
Fai began to have dreams of a beautiful cathedral where a hooded figure wearing a white cloak would always be present. He could never make sense of the dreams so he got the idea of casting a spell before he went to sleep that would let him control his actions. The spell worked after a few failed tries and finally Fai was able to enter the lucid dream. The first successful attempt, he called out to the figure and asked for a name. To his surprise, the figure responded "Oz" but to Fai's annoyance the dream ended immediately. A few nights later, he managed to enter his dream again but Oz was not present and instead he found himself walking through a magnificent city. Each night for almost a month, Fai would return to the city in his dreams and explore every part of it. The phantom people in his dreams never noticed him and he felt a sense of joy watching wizards able to enjoy a grandiose lifestyle.

The dreams soon turned into nightmares.

One night, Fai witnessed the city he had come to love being attacked by what the wizards were screaming as "demons" and saw death and destruction. Terrified, he wanted to wake up, but could not leave the dream and was forced to watch the chaos. He watched as the city fell into the ocean and wizards scattered around. Most were kidnapped by the demons, while less than a hundred fled to safety. He saw the fate of the survivors and was surprised to see that they settled in the same area as his village. Then the nightmare changed scenes, and he saw the fate of the captured wizards. Fai felt horrified at the sight of watching the wizards become enslaved to the demons and the treatment they received at their hands.

He observed the cruelty of the demons for what seemed like ages to him, but he could not wake up. It was not until the scenery abruptly changed back to the cathedral did Fai get a reprieve of the darkness. He saw Oz again and the hooded man simply asked, "Will you save them?" before everything faded into white and Fai finally awoke. Creeped out by the dreamed and wondering why it happened, he barely realized he was in the healer's room. Apparently, he had been asleep for a week. Fai did not know what to think about his situation and attempted to stay awake for three days before finally passing out. He returned to the cathedral and, relieved that he did not have to witness the nightmare again, finally got the opportunity to ask Oz if he knew what happened.

"You are my Prophet."he explained, and that was all Fai needed to hear in order to understand what had happened. Growing up in the church, he learned that Prophets were rare and one had not appeared for a long time. Prophets had many abilities, but their main one was that they could communicate with Oz and receive visions or prophecies. Oz explained to that he showed the history of wizards and that while he grew up with the survivors, many are at the mercy of demons and it was up to Fai to become a leader who would save them from the demons. He informed his village of Oz' words and steadily increased his magic power through training.

-Age 31 to 33-
With Oz' guidance, almost eleven years passed. Fai spent the years training himself and others, as well as looking for a way to travel to the rogue demon's planet and gathering allies to help. They finally managed to create a spell strong enough to transport them to the planet. A small group led by Fai journeyed first to do reconnaissance. Unfortunately, they landed right in the middle of the demon's city, and had to fight their way out. Amazingly, nobody died, but one of Fai's friends had been captured. When they attempted to rescue him the next day by infiltrating the building he was taken to, he was already sold as a slave to a demon and they could not find him. They continued with their plans, figuring that by saving the city they would eventually find him. Fai created a secret base in a forest and two weeks later, the other wizards arrived. They all had their part. Some wizards scouted for information on demons, some gathered supplies, some searched the cities for potential wizard allies, some guarded the base, and some trained for future battles. Fai oversaw mostly the training and would create battle plans, usually with Demostenes. They staged many attacks, most successful since they had an element of surprise, and managed to free wizards. They had the option to be sent home to Fai's hometown and take shelter there, but many usually stayed to join Fai's army. However, the amount of demons and enslaved wizards seemed endless. For every 100 wizards he managed to rescue, it was like Fai would find out there were 200 more in the next city. Many battles were fought and both wizards and demons lost their lives. Waging a rebellion against an entire planet was tough, but with Oz' guidance and the support and strength of his friends, Fai was determined to rescue his people.

To Fai's joy, his wizard friend who had been captured returned a few months after he was captured. He was rescued by a wizard named Angelveion. She explained that she barely had escaped her master and was found by slaves who took her to their "kind" master. The demon had actually let her recover from her injuries and made no attempt to harm her, but she still left in the middle of the night. On her way out she met Fai's friend, and after he explained that they were intending on saving them from the demons, Angelveion decided she wanted to help. They left the main city and after weeks of travelling they managed to find Fai's group, who welcomed them with open arms. With her addition, Fai acknowledged her skills and named her one of his generals alongside Valhalla, Pemendree, and Demostenes. They continued fighting demons and rescuing wizards, successfully causing distress among the demon clan. The demon leader did not understand why the attacks were happening and initially blamed the attacks on a demon named Azazel. Angelveion informed him that Azazel was the demon who helped her and that he had a reputation of fighting other demons to the death. A few weeks later, Angelveion claimed she found Azazel injured after an assassination attempt and brought the demon to him, and Fai managed to convince him to join the wizard's side. With Azazel's addition to the ranks, despite his heritage, he eventually became the sixth and final general.

-Age 48-
Fifteen years passed of the six of them fighting together and the six of them became good friends, comrades in arms united under a cause. When the final battle arrived, Fai's magic had grown tremendously, and was finally able to defeat the leader of the rogue demons. After finishing off stray demons still loyal to the leader, Fai had Azazel round up the remaining demons as prisoners. They cast a spell that let them contact Hell and negotiated with the King in order to deal with the rogue demons and now vacant planet. The king gave the rogue planet to Fai for the wizards to live in exchange for returning the rogue demons to him, although Azazel was given a pardon from punishment for his part in the war. He and his generals were regarded as heroes on the newly renamed planet Wiz.

They became famous, given the titles:
Fai the Conqueror
Valhalla the Protector
Pemendree the Assassin
Demostenes the Peacekeeper
Angelveion the Knight
Azazel the Executioner

-Age 50-
After the war, he retained his status as a leader and helped rebuild the wizard society by creating homes for wizards, which evolved into villages and cities. The wizards staying in his hometown transported to Wiz and every wizard needed new homes. Many of the former soldiers took charge in maintaining peace and helping the Heroes. During this reconstruction period, Fai met a woman named Beliarosa Black and married her, changing his name to Belizano Black although many people still called him Fai. Eventually the wizards realized a need for a form of government and Azazel, who liked to visit Wiz, took the opportunity to convince everyone to name Fai their king.

-Age 50 to death-
Fai accepted the title of King, hoping to be a leader who could help the people just like he dreamed all those years ago as a child. Fai always shared Prophecies of Oz and spread messages of justice and kindness. He had his friends, especially Angelveion, to keep him grounded and not let power get to his head. She promised to stop him or any future king and queen who stopped caring for the people and Fai felt secure that he would not be capable of hurting anyone. After all, he was used to being a leader of war, and not peace.

Fai strived to make his people happy and ruled as a benevolent king, still valuing the morals he learned from Oz' teachings. Wizards slowly advanced their society back to what it was on Atlantis. More and more wizards were able to learn control of their magic, especially the former slaves who never got the chance to properly learn. When he passed away of old age at 186, his legacy passed down to his only son and child Belarmino, who continued his father's peaceful methods of ruling Wiz.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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Angelveion was born on the rogue planet as a slave, separated from her mother at birth and given to a caretaker. She was raised alongside other wizard children, learning how to clean and work for their future masters. The children were taught songs and fairytales of their old way of life in Atlantis and many slaves, when they grew older, recited them to each other for entertainment when they were allowed breaks. At five, she was bought by a demon with a reputation for being cruel and abusive towards his wizards. She hated him but did not have the ability to escape; no wizard ever did. Each wizard slave wore a collar that suppressed their magic, so without access to her power, she reluctantly endured her role as a slave. Angelveion did not feel it was right to be oppressed and did not accept this way off life. She used cunning to obtain knowledge, such as secretly teaching herself to read by looking through documents or books she was ordered to organize when her master was not around. When she got the opportunity to run errands in town, she would pretend to not know where a location was, and find someone to read the name of signs to her in order to figure out pronunciations and new vocabulary.

However, as she got older, Angelveion noticed that she would slowly have access to her magic for limited times. Excited, she tested the limits of her power, attempting to find out how long she could cast a spell before the suppressor reacted. Eventually, Angelveion's magic grew enough to overpower the suppressor and soon it's power was nullified, leaving her free to train her spells. She knew from the stories and songs she learned as a child that wizards had different ways to use magic, such as a wand. Angelveion tried to use a stick at first, since she did not know what a wand was made of, but then one day saw her majesty practicing with his sword and was inspired. He was a swordsman who had taken on an apprentice, so she sometimes got to observe their lessons while she cleaned the room in the background. Angelveion committed what she saw and heard to memory and reenacted the movements she saw in her spare time using the sticks she found. She also managed to figure out how to create a sword by watching her master teach his apprentice how to craft them. She practiced in secret, since she had no formal education available, developed her own style of magic casting using a sword she created on her own. She trained herself with magic efficiently enough to figure out how to cast a spell to duplicate herself. She had the duplicate finish her work for her while she wandered into the forest to train and fight against savage beasts. Angelveion thought about escaping but she could not keep the duplicate out forever, and thought she would have nowhere to run to, while at least with her master she could continue to secretly use her magic.

This continued for years until her master had finally figured out that Angelveion was able to use magic and somehow learned how to use a sword properly. He attempted to kill her, since she was too strong, but Angelveion managed to kill him first. She and his other slaves fled, but she separated herself from them because she was badly injured and would only slow them down. She hid in the town, hoping to try and rest in an alley, but to her luck a group of wizards had found her. They brought her to their apparently "kind" master and was allowed to recover her injuries. She was told his name was Azazel, but he did not care about her and did not interact with her, but he had left a good impression on Angelveion. She had never encountered a demon who treated wizards with any amount of decency. She left in the middle of the night, wishing she could personally thank him, but she was also taking one of his slaves with her and did not want to risk him noticing.

She escaped with the wizard, who had revealed that he and a group of wizards arrived on the planet to save them from the demons. He could not return earlier because of the collar but since Angelveion could overpower hers, she was able to lead them to the rebel base. She thought this was a divine act of justice, for it was a miracle that the wizard had not been killed on sight and had been able to meet with her to bring her to the rebel wizards. They traveled for weeks together until they finally found the base. Angelveion met Fai, who was grateful to her for rescuing his friend, and was given the option to be sent to his hometown or to join his army. She eagerly joined the army, for it was the right thing to do to free her people. Finally, she had the opportunity to do what she had been wanting to do since she was a child.

Angelveion was a fierce warrior, killing demons in the name of justice using her sword. She was grateful to Fai and, in his honor, slayed a monstrous demon and presented Fai a sword that she crafted from it's bones. Fai knew how to wield a sword because he learned through visions of demons, but he was not as skilled as Angelveion. Still, he graciously accepted the weapon, and Angelveion began to teach him and other wizards her invented style of using magic with a sword when she was not in battle.

On a mission in town, she was looking for any useful information when she encountered an unconscious demon. She recognized him as Azazel and brought him to recover in her personal room in the base, using a magic barrier to make sure he could not escape and figure out their location. She nursed him back to health and tried to convince him to join the cause, since she believed a demon's power and knowledge would be a powerful ally, but Azazel refused. She then found out about his home and told him the news that it was destroyed and his slaves were killed. He was furious and agreed to meet Fai to join them but Angelveion felt sympathy for him. She stuck close by him to comfort him and throughout the war they became best friends.

She fought fiercely in the war, becoming famous for her sword and her beliefs in justice. She constantly preached ideas of morality and justice and believed in protecting the innocent. Angelveion even went so far as to save innocent demon children who were at the mercy of vengeful wizards, for after meeting Azazel she began to believe that demons were capable of kindness and that not every demon should be killed. But her focus was on rescuing the slaves. Angelveion would fight her way into house and free the wizards while the other soldiers fought the demons and lead them to safety. She protected people in battle just like Valhalla, but tended to stay fiercly by Fai's side when Valhalla was busy protecting others. Her devotion to Fai and speeches of justice and talent with the sword eventually resulted in her being called a knight.

The war ended after many tiring years and she became known as one of the six heroes, Angelveion the Knight. She helped Fai rebuild Wiz and continued her role as a protector of the people and freedom. When Fai eventually became king she promised to stop him if he ever turned corrupt, but thankfully never had to fulfill that promise. She had become close to her comrades during the war but she was closest to Azazel. They were best friends and even after he moved to Hell Azazel visited often. He gave her his full name, not even something he did for Fai, so that she could summon him if she ever needed immediate help. They also made the promise to protect each other's descendants, so they did a blood pact where any descendant of hers would always seem to know the names of Azazel's descendants. This was before he was married and Azazel had no idea that he would essentially give Angelveion's descendants the power to summon the future rulers of hell.

Angelveion ended up marrying a wizard named Alciel who happened to be the wizard she met all those years ago when she was first taken to Azazel's home, the wizard slave she ran away with that night who took her to meet Fai. However, because her whole life had been devoted to JUSTICE, she married him when she was 102 years old after deciding that she finally wanted to settle down. She had been like an aunt to the then 12 year old Belarmino and decided she wanted a child too. She ended up having a daughter when she was 105, but only lived to see her for 15 years before Angelveion passed away in her sleep at 120. Fai, who was only 95 years old at the time, told Azazel of her death. The demon was devastated but promised to watch over Angelveion's remaining family.

Angelveion's descandants were watched over by him for the next one hundred years until he passed away of old age at 256. Azazel's son also promised to protect them but was often busy with ruling hell, so the families began to grow distant. Eventually, Angelveion's great-great-great-great-great grandchild was the last remaining descandant but mysteriously disappeared, which made Azazel's grandchild feel slightly guilty for not being able to keep his grandfather's promise, but by then he hardly knew them and got over it quickly. Angelveion's family was thought to be lost forever because he was never found and presumed dead. Just as mysteriously, Angelveion's legendary sword also disappeared with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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He only went by the name Azazel. Azazel was born on the rogue planet and he knew no other way of life and assumed they were the only demons and that wizards had always been their slaves. Azazel was a ruthless demon who had a seemingly uncontrollable temper. He loved battle and chaos, always starting fights with other demons to test his strength. The current leader of his demon clan, Behemoth Gage, took note of Azazel's power and began to fear Azazel would one day challenge him to a battle to overthrow him. The leader was chosen not by blood, but by power, and whoever killed the leader in a formal duel to the death got to be in charge of the clan. Azazel did not like to obey anyone and never attempted to hide his dislike for Gage.

Azazel had a fearsome reputation and was cruel to his fellow demons, always trying to fight and kill them and constantly complaining how they were such losers, since he saw them just as tools to increase his strength. However, he was surprisingly civil towards wizards. He treated his slaves well compared to the rest of the rogue demons. Azazel always ensured they ate proper meals, slept in a bed, allowed them rest when they fell ill, rarely punished them for mistakes, and protected them from other demons. He did not see them as people though, only treating them well because he felt that an unhappy servant would not hesitate to betray their master. He secured their loyalty with decent treatment and also made sure to allow his slaves to go on 'vacation' where they were allowed to visit the city and even gave them spending money to buy whatever they want. His slaves would realize how much better Azazel treated them after being exposed to the outside world, seeing other demons abusing their slaves.

When one of his slaves returned from their vacation, they brought home an injured wizard and begged Azazel to help her. He allowed her to recover in his home but told his slaves to make sure she left as soon as she was better, not wanting another slave since he had just recently bought a new one nor wanting to bother with reporting a potential runaway. She left in the middle of the night and, to Azazel's annoyance, his newest slave had left with her. He was angry for the next few days and took it out on other demons through fighting. He quickly got over it, however, since he remembered that the slave never did anything anyways and that it was probably better he left. He had heard of wizards beginning to attack demons and Azazel had a feeling that the wizard would have gladly killed him, no matter how benevolent Azazel was towards his wizards.

Gage, paranoid that Azazel would execute him in his sleep, blamed the wizard attacks on him. He reasoned that Azazel liked wizards, proof lying in the way he treated wizards amiably, and that he was the only possible demon who would have a motive for trying to free the slaves. Plus, Azazel hated Gage, and would love to cause chaos in the clan to spite him. Azazel's dislike for Gage developed when he was a child. Azazel's parents were hardly around, but a wizard slave raised him in their place. He grew to love the man like a father, and although he never spoke his affection out loud, Azazel would treat him noticeably better than his family's other slaves. They formed a strange but strong bond, so when his real father decided to sell Azazel's personal slave due to "him becoming soft" , he was furious. The wizard was bought by Gage and Azazel never saw him again. He had been killed for disobedience and Azazel only found out through a letter from his former father figure. The wizard explained that he was only loyal to Azazel, that he genuinely loved him like a son and Azazel was the only one to treat him like a person, and would rather die than live enslaved to another demon. Azazel became afraid of growing close to another slave and losing them again, so he never viewed them as people, but decided that it would not hurt him if he treated them reasonably to secure loyalty. After all, Gage had wronged him by killing the only being he ever somewhat loved, and now Azazel wanted him dead so it only made sense to Azazel that a wizard would think the same.

Azazel visited a city quite a long way from the main city where he lived in order to purchase some exclusive items only found in that city. However, he was ambushed by assassins and even he could not fight by himself against so many demons. He fled, bleeding heavily from his injuries, and lost consciousness. When he awoke, he was surprised to find himself in a bed and not dead on the street. He felt confused about being rescued until he noticed who his rescuer was: the wizard he let take shelter in his house a few months ago. The woman introduced her self as Angelveion and explained to him that she was only repaying her debt because it was the honorable thing to do. She then informed him that there was a bounty on his head because he was being blamed for the one behind the attacks, which greatly annoyed Azazel since Gage's reasoning actually sounded exactly like something Azazel would do, and then Angelveion offered him a place in the wizard rebellion. Azazel refused at first but she returned the next day with news that Azazel's home had been burned down and that all of his slaves were killed.

The demon was furious and decided to take his revenge on Gage. He did not care for "saving the wizards" as much as he did "killing the one who destroyed what was his" but their mutual goal convinced Azazel to join. Angelveion took him to Fai after he was recovered and Azazel actually like the wizard leader because he could sense how strong he was and that he would get shit done. Fai also told him about the existance of Hell, which fascinated Azazel, and he wanted to go to his ancestor's true home. Azazel agreed to fight alongside the wizards and he provided information on how to kill a demon efficiently and look for their weaknesses. He often worked alongside the wizard's best assassin on duo missions. The assassin would target the leader while he would slaughter the underlings to his heart's content. It was not hard for him to work with the wizards because for his whole life he had treated them better than his own kind anyways. However, he always seemed to lose his temper around Valhalla Mancini and exchanged banter, with usually Fai having to stop their arguments. He also thought Demostenes was a brilliant advisor, so even though he rarely fought, Azazel recognized that his strength was his mind and respected him. Angelveion always lectured him about why it was important to protect innocent people and gave Azazel sermons on doing the right thing. Despite his annoyance at her constant nagging and preaching about the justice nonsense, became his closest friend and always made sure to keep him out of trouble. Azazel respected Fai for his strength and leadership, and easily found himself obeying him without question despite hating the thought of taking orders from anybody.

The war lasted for years, and over time, Azazel began to genuinely care about the wizards and fought less for revenge and more for their future. He formed genuine friendships for the first time since his childhood with Faize Ceres, Angelveion Apollos, Pemendree Abernathy, Demostenes Lutece, and even Valhalla Mancini. The wizards had become comrades he would be willing to sacrifice his life for in order to protect them, something he never thought a demon like him would be capable of. The last battle of the war against Gage was brutal and consisted of mostly of Fai fighting him but they emerged victorious. He, Fai, and the other four generals made a pact with the King of Hell, which gave the wizards the rogue demon's planet as a reward. To his amusement, he was regarded as one of the Six Heroes by the wizards. His gruesome slaughtering of demons earned him the title "Azazel the Executioner" among the wizards.

Because of his role in helping Fai subdue the rogue demons, while the wizards received a home planet, the demon king allowed Azazel to live in Hell without punishment. He met the demon princess and eventually married her, not caring how angry the king got at him for that, taking on the name Thanatos Azazel Hyperion and becoming a prince. His status as prince allowed him to meet with Fai frequently and he helped with the rebuilding of the wizard's society. Azazel was also the first one who made not so subtle attempts to create Fai, who was now renamed Belizano, into the king of wizards. He maintained his friendship with his friends, especially Angelveion, by using the same spell they had created to initially contact Hell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

famously known as

Valhalla was one of the six great generals during the war between the wizards and the rouge demons. He was most known for his valor in the battlefield and his devotion for his friends, valiantly putting their lives in front if his own. This eventually earned him the title as Valhalla the Protector, for if it wasn't for him and his noble sacrifices, many wizards would be dead.

As a child, he grew up in the slums along with Fai and Pemendree, though he wasn't as poor as everyone else on the account that his mother made clothes and sold them at the market for cheap. It wasn't much but it helped them get by in times of hardship. Not many wizards remembered how to make clothes with magic, so Valhalla's mother made them by hand. She eventually showed him how to make clothes, which he later put to good use during his time as Fai's general, making the clothes for the entire army. He grew up with his mother and great-grandfather, his own father and grandfather having been killed by a band of desperate wizards. They were caught and killed shortly after committing the crime, but the wound was still fresh in Valhalla's heart growing up.

When his mother was away making clothes, often from morning to night, Valhalla's great-grandfather would take care of him and told him stories about the forgotten city Atlantis. His great-grandfather claimed that his own grandfather lived in this mystical city and was captured by the demons during their attack. This inspired Valhalla's curiosity about Atlantis which would help him in later battles. He couldn't believe that a city so grand was able to exist since the only thing he knew was poverty, but it gave him hope in times of trouble that there was a possibility of greater things.

He met Fai when his great-grandfather took him to church one day. Valhalla was a naturally quiet child, timid and just alittle cowardly, but he instantly gravitated towards Fai's strong personality and admired him. They quickly became friends and Fai helped him emerge from his closed shell, bringing out the bright personality that he had kept locked within him. His mother and great-grandfather even noticed his change in personality and praised him. He would even visit the church on his own sometimes, just to hang out with Fai or to listen to the sermons, where he learned about the same values that Fai had grown up with.

Initially, when he got old enough, he was supposed pick up the tricks of the trade from his mother and help her make clothes so that they would gain a steady income. But when Fai began having his dreams and told the village about what had happened in the past, he abandoned those plans and began training with the other able bodies. He thought back to his great-grandfather's stories about the beautiful city and his family being captured and knew that he had to do something to help. His mother wasn't pleased when he told her and demanded that he help her with work, but his great-grandfather was supportive and pushed him become a hero. He lived long enough to see Valhalla grow, both physically and magically, and when he passed, he was very proud of his great-grandson and thanked him for trying to make a difference.

When the years passed and their strength grew, they were ready to begin their attack on the rouge planet. The relationship between him and his mother had become strained because of their different views, but when it came time for them to leave, she came running to see him off, telling him how proud she was and to stay safe. Valhalla left with tears in his eyes but a new determination in his heart.

The battles on the rouge planet were tough and tiring and often times he wanted to regress into the little boy he had once been and run back to his mother. But when he got like that, he remembered the words of his family and friends and gained the courage he needed to carry on. His magic wasn't the most powerful and he had trouble controlling it if he became too stressed, but the one thing he did specialize in were protection spells. He would be the one to create barriers and protective charms during battles, protecting his friends from enemy attacks and curses. There were a number of times when he personally sacrificed himself, sometimes a stab in the arm or a punch in the gut, but he made it his life's mission to protect his friends, because if he couldn't save the captive wizards, then his friends certainly could.

When they weren't in battle, Valhalla enjoyed the company of his brothers (and sisters!) in arms and spent a lot of his time making friends in the camp. He would go out of his way to talk to every single solider, even if he annoyed them sometimes, but after a childhood of having little to no friends, he was just glad to talk to people. He would release some of his stress by picking on Azazel during his downtime. It wasn't anything extreme, just small little pranks like hiding his shoes right before he went out or switching uniforms or something trivial like that. It didn't seem like it, but deep down, he really did respect him as a person and a warrior and he remembered their bantering fondly, even after the war was over. He also admired Angelveion greatly, because they both had the same ideals of justice and protecting others who couldn't do it themselves.

Towards the final battles and the demons became desperate, one attacked Fai with a fire spell and Valhalla blocked it, loosing his left eye in the process. He was healed enough to where bloodloss wasn't a problem, but he could no longer be in the frontlines, due to his lack of depth perception and blind spot. But this wasn't to say that he gave up right then and there. He still went into battle and offered his protection to his friends, creating barriers from the background and helping Demostenes with his plans.

After the final battle and the establishment of Wiz, Valhalla retired from battle and became a tailor. His mother had passed away during those fifteen years from an illness and he felt guilty for leaving her alone. He was glad that they parted on good terms though and buried her next to the graves of the rest of his family, returning to Wiz shortly after. He kept in touch with his friends after the war and sent them beautiful clothes as gifts. He created Fai's royal clothes and made them elegant and extravagant, making up for all the times he saw his closest friend dirtied with the blood of his soldiers.

As a child, he dreamt about marrying Pemendree because like Fai, he admired her fiery attitude. But as he grew older and they fought on the same battlefield together, he saw her more as a friend than a romantic interest. After the war he briefly thought about proposing to her, simply because he wasn't interested in anyone else, but she got married before he had the chance. Which was a good thing because he later met his future wife, Serena, who had been a captive to a demon and was saved by them. They had a lavish wedding and all his friends were there to congratulate him and for once, Valhalla felt like all of his dreams had come true. He lived a good life with a good family and good friends. He had the chance to watch Fai rebuild the world and give everyone the freedom they deserved, dying twenty years before his friend at the age of 163. He was proceeded by his son, Vallad, who continued to look over the Black family and protect them. It wasn't until the union of Belzeneff and Valentia did their families merge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

famously known as

Demostenes was raised by a group of scholars. When Atlantis fell, all of it's history, literature, art, and culture went with it. But in the legends, it was said that a giant owl named Demostenes, who had the ability to communicate telepathically, guarded the libraries of Atlantis. When the demons attacked and everyone was fleeing or being captured, the scholars packed up a few select scrolls and tables on Demostenes' back and he successfully took them to safety. A handful of scholars were able to leave with Demostenes while the other perished or were captured. It was these scholars that guarded the scrolls, the only thing they had left of Atlantis, and took them to the mountains where they would be safe. They separated themselves from the rest of society, only coming down from the mountains into the city to preach about the wonders of Atlantis every five years, so that the wizards would not forget their lost city. However, over time, these began to dwindle, going from ten years, to twenty, to no one ever seeing from them again. The survivors eventually forgot about Atlantis, along with the scholars of the mountains, until they became nothing but a legend.

As it turns out, the scholars repopulated...and repopulated...and repopulated, until they eventually became a small following. They resembled a cult, believing themselves to be the 'true race of Wizards'and ultimately superior to everyone else, since only they knew about the truth of Atlantis. They had stopped their visits to the slums, in fear that they would somehow become more intelligent than them and try to take their beloved scrolls, something they saw as a religious symbol. The scholars were not dangerous though and made no move to attack anyone; the only thirst they had was for knowledge. Their children were brought up with the same values and were taught to worship the scrolls daily. But still, they were poisonous to be around and had been driven insane in their isolation.

Demostenes had stuck around at first, living out his oath to protect the scrolls of Atlantis, but the insanity of the scholars eventually got to him and he left, flying off into the sky, never to be seen again. The first person who entered Demostenes' cavern after his disappearance found a crying baby boy in there, laying in the bed of parchments, and immediately took him to the Elder scholar. The baby was named after the owl, who he was believed to be personified from, and was also believed to be the spirit of Atlantis itself. The Elder raised Demostenes, teaching him the old way of life and gave him an education worthy of a king. The rest of the mountain tribe treated him like Jesus, saying at a simple touch from him would cure any disease and fix any problem. This of course was the insanity talking and Demostenes possessed no such power. While it is still a mystery as to how he appeared in that cavern, the only outstanding thing about him was his intellect.

But much like the one he was named after, Demostenes got fed up with the mountain tribe. Their insanity and crazy rituals were just too much for him and he longed to leave to explore the outside world. All his life he had been lectured about the undesirables that resided at the bottom of the mountains, but that only fueled his curiosity even more, until he got into a fight with the Elder. In an act of desperation, Demostenes threatened to burn every single scroll they had, and since he was the only one who remembered them word for word, he would be the only one to remember Atlantis. This was a fate worse than death to the scholars and they let him leave, putting up no resistance as he left. With nothing but the clothes on his back, Demostenes ventured down the mountain in search of new life.

Coincidentally, it was during this time that Fai was preparing the other wizards for an attack on the demons. At first he had stayed in the background, observing how the wizards lived and interacted with each other. After all, he was raised by crazed scholars who believed he was an incarnation of an owl and the last thing he wanted to do was make everyone think he was crazy too. It took months of waiting and watching and learning, but right before Fai was ready to depart to the rouge world, Demostenes finally spoke up and offered to go with them. He claimed that he was from a town close by and had heard about their journey to the demon world and wanted to come. Whether they believed him or not, they agreed and he accompanied them to the rouge world. Unfortunately, he he didn't think that they would be attacked straight away and if it wasn't for Valhalla Mancini, he would have died five minutes in. When they managed to escape the city that they had landed in, he admitted that he didn't know how to fight and that his magical strength was close to non-existent, but for whatever he lacked in strength, he made up with his mind. Straight off the bat he showed Fai a blueprint and a plan to rescue his kidnapped friend, only having ran past the building they kept him in as they were leaving. Though the plan was not successful, since he had already been sold off, this seemed to regain trust within the group and from there on, Demostenes made up the plans of attack.

Throughout the fifteen years, he rarely saw the battlefield, preferring to stay behind in the camps and oversee the battle from a distance. But the very few times his presence was necessary on the filed, he stayed close to either Valhalla or Angelveion for protection. He grew quite fond of his teammates and developed good relationships with each one of them. They were the key pieces to his plans and without them, none of his strategies would work. His strongest relationship was with Fai of course, their leader, and in the few years that they had fought and planned together, they had become the best of friends. He even admitted to Fai, and then later to everyone else, about his true origins and was surprised when they didn't get mad at him for deceiving them during their first meeting.

After the war, Demostenes continued working closely with Fai and helped him create Wiz, along with the other generals. He was given the name Demostenes the PeaceKeeper because of his ability to sooth any solider who got frustrated and restless in the camps with just his words. He also managed to end most of Valhallas and Azazel's conflicts with a few choice words or a simple glare. When Wiz was fully established and the memories of war had settled, Demostenes returned to the mountains of his birth to bring back the scholars to the new world...only to find it empty. The caverns were bare and the scrolls were gone, along with Atlantis' history. The years of war had washed away any knowledge of Atlantis from his mind and he could hardly remember anything that was written on them. But he was faithful in Wiz and in Fai and that whatever Wiz would become in the future would be a thousand times better than whatever Atlantis used to be. Still, he left a note, just incase anyone came back, telling about his journey to the rouge world and their victory over the demons and his new location on Wiz. No one ever showed up from the old world and the scholar's fates were left unknown.

As Fai, now Belizano, ruled as King, Demostenes became his advisor and guided him throughout the years. He remained by the King's side during the years that followed and was one of his most trusted associates. Outliving Angelveion, Valhalla and Pemendree, Demostenes also outlived his king and was at his bedside when he passed. It occurred to him during these years, that maybe the scholars hadn't been as crazy as they seemed since he hadn't aged like his friends. While he watched Pemendree's fiery red hair turn grey and Valhalla's bones crack, he remained just as he had during the war. It had gotten to the point where he would have to use his magic to change his appearance to that of an older man. After the King's passing, Demostenes left the castle and the Main City. Before he left, he told Azazel, his only living friend, that he was going on a 'journey of self exploration' and that he would return soon, but that would be the last that anyone would see of him.

Fifty years later, a mysterious figure turned up at the castle's gates and proclaimed to be Demostenes' son. This man was named Demarcus and took over his father's previous role as advisor. This Demarcus is the same that will become Belantino's advisor, making him much older than originally thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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famously known as
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

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A full blooded demon, Satan was a demon who mercilessly punished misbehaved and untamed wizard slaves. He had abnormally strong physical strength and had terrifying demonic magic that earned him a reputation for being one of the most terrifying and fearsome demons to come across. He was born and grew up as a rogue demon, so he knew nothing of Hell until after Fai conquered his people.

Satan fathered a child during the war with one of his wizard slaves and he had no interest in acting like a parent to a half breed who should not exist, but because the child’s demon blood was stronger than the wizard blood Satan had no choice but to look after it. He could not hide the child’s existence because they had horns like a demon, but Satan was able to claim that his child was full demon and it was given the name Sato Neckromanci. But when Satan willingly left to Hell after the defeat of the demons against Fai, he abandoned his child on Wiz. It was then Sato learned of their half-breed status and, bearing a grudge against their demon father, decided to live on as a wizard and cut off their own horns in order to blend in better on Wiz. Sato lived a short life but not before leaving behind a child with their lover, and over the years the Sat-Nekromanci line survived, but every member of the family has always lived a tragic life, as if they are all cursed to suffer.

As for Satan, he went to Hell and pledged his life to serve the demon king. His terrible power and respect towards the royal family caught the personal attention of the king, so he was given a special assignment. Satan was given the task to watch over humans on earth and attempt to seduce them into sin, so that there would be a measurement that would aid in judging the deceased human soul. Satan did his job too well and gained an infamous reputation among the humans, especially in some of their religions, while he gained the respect of demons in hell for his talent and power. He was given many names throughout history, including Lucifer. Even after his death Satan was feared by humans and admired by demons, so much so that the current demon king, Lucifer, is named after him.

Satan left behind no demon heirs, meaning his only descendants lived on through his wizard hybrid child. Mephia Zevi was the first descendant born with Satan’s super strength, due to a mutation in his genes when he was born that made the diluted demon blood stronger. Mephia’s grandson, currently going by Rodrigo Armando, also inherited super strength because of his human blood diluting his wizard genes combined with inheriting Mephia’s strong demon blood. The low amount of wizard blood also caused Rodrigo to inherit the ability to see spirits of the dead; another ability he inherited from his demon ancestor.

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