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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kuro never listened to his request. Instead, he stared at Aoba in confusion. It was expected from the demon, but he didn't expect his head to be lifted by gentle hands. It made him tense, his wings pulling close to him to show it. He didn't want to show and give a clear view of his sadness, but he didn't want to pull away from Kuro either. When fingers trailed down his cheeks Aoba shut his eyes, and waited to be let go. When Kuro finally did, Aoba looked down at the fresh wounds. It made him clutch the end of his robe tightly as he continued his examining. He had seen where the scars came from, and new where each was placed. There was no need to examine him. It was a horrible sight to see and he didn't want to remember the torture.

When Kuro spoke Aoba couldn't help but tear up once more. Quickly, he wiped his eyes before he the tears start to flow, or before the guards notice and think Kuro did something wrong. "I need you to...turn for me..." Aoba managed to say. He wanted to focus on the job. Although, the images were probably going to startle him for awhile. It made him shudder a little and he only turned his head when Kuro continued to talk about it more, gently moving his hand in the process. Since Kuro wouldn't move, Aoba went about healing his arm as much as he could. He held his wrist to keep it steady as he started healing. The wound was deep, but being so meticulous Aoba made sure it would at least closed. Clearing the scars would have to come later, too much blood had left Kuro.

The treatment was almost like the first day again. Aoba was quiet, carefully treating all his wounds before getting to the ones on his back, mainly because Kuro wouldn't turn. This time though, he didn't care about getting dirtied, so his clothes had blood stains and he had some of Kuro's blood on his hands. He knew he would regret it when he was done, but the kid didn't think about it at the time.

The guards had been curious and a little on edge when Kuro had his hands on Aoba's face. They knew Aoba wouldn't last a day if that demon was at his prime. But seeing how calm both were, the two turned around, once again not entertained by the demon. And it was the night shift, so all the guards really wanted to do was get some sleep. And they'd do just that when Aoba left.

This time most of the injuries were on Kuro's back, so once he was done, he decided to clean up the blood spilled everywhere. There was no point of leaving Kuro in such a filthy place. Quietly, the little angel finally looked him the eyes, remembering all that animosity he showed towards the other angels. He tensed a little, but held his ground and waited for Kuro to move in to his stomach, giving help where it was needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kuro lets out a sigh at the young angel's attempt at staying strong. He has to admire the strength it takes for such a loving little thing to not break completely after seeing what he had seen. 'I bet there's a little part of him inside that is now a crushed little pile of dust, never to be recovered' His eyes linger on the young male as he begins working over his arm instead of insisting he turn around again. 'He is. . . . so interesting. Still intent on healing me, even if he knows more bad things are going to happen to me, and more often now, because of it' He hums a little, watching Aoba work through half closed eyes. With each drop of blood falling on to that pure white outfit, with every red patch now staining his once pristine garb, Kuro's eyes grow more intense.

'It's almost like he's washing himself in my blood. But rather than a show of victory like a demon, it's like an act of contrition. His attempt to show how sorry he is for what his fellows did to me. . .However that is far to convenient a thought for me. He is simply in shock' Kuro is a master of gearing everything down into what is the most probable meaning, only deviating when it comes to the the probability being anything that would mean someone actually cares about him and his welfare. In his mind, the boy is only upset because it was angels that hurt him. Under any other circumstance the young one would have fled in fear, not feeling the slightest bit of pity for the foul beast from hell. 'I can tell he is earnest in wanting to help me, but it can only be because he doesn't want his fellows making something suffer. He doesn't really care for me'

This thought doesn't bother Kuro, in fact it helps his cause seeing as such mixed emotions are easy to manipulate into what he needs. True, Kuro himself is fond of the angel, but that is an entirely different story. Once again Aoba starts cleaning the ground of the pools of blood. 'So fastidious despite your own appearance. He never ceases to be adorable' His gaze soften, a light sigh leaving his lips as he relaxes against the wall to watch. The light feeling inside rises again and as the little mouse looks to him the warmth shines from behind his gaze. He stares down into those beautiful eyes for several seconds before realizing what he's waiting for and with a light laugh he rolls carefully on to his stomach.

As soon as he begins working Kuro groans and rests his forehead on the ground, his arms stretched out over his head for a few seconds. Then with a huff he puts his arms under his head. He turns his face away from Aoba, murmuring words he never thought he'd ever say. “Don't think too harshly of them Little Mouse. They are just doing as they are bidden, as you all must do. From what I've learned the structure up here is pretty strict, and without it you guys'd be at a total loss.” He's silent for only a few breaths, his mind shifting slightly over to a question. “Are you afraid of me now Little Mouse? I can understand if you are, but I am no different now than the demon I was when last you saw me. I still use human souls to supply my energy, like angels do but a little different, and my greatest passion in life is still the written word. I kill when I have to, and I enjoy chocolate like bliss itself. Just because I show a different face to you Little Mouse, does not mean that it's false. Neither face is false, you just always bring out the kindness in me. . .” Knowing that if he keeps going he going to make himself ill, Kuro falls silent in his treatment, waiting for some kind of response, if the angels even still wants to talk to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

When Kuro laid down with a light laugh, Aoba looked down curiously but stayed silent. He started to work, but paused to give him one of the cleaner towels to put his head on. It was the one he was going to use to shut on, but it was a tad to late for that. "Here you go." Aoba scooted the towel closer to Kuro before confining to tend to his wounds. The little angel want experienced enough to heal the wounds fully. But he managed to stop the bleeding and close some of them. It took a lot of energy to do, so occasionally he'd find himself pausing and having to regain his energy.

“Don't think too harshly of them Little Mouse. They are just doing as they are bidden, as you all must do. From what I've learned the structure up here is pretty strict, and without it you guys'd be at a total loss.”

There was a hint of confusion in his voice as he spoke up. It was still soft as if he really didn't want to speak, but he did so anyway. "Even I know that's peculiar for a demon to say." He wanted to say something else, but ended uo biting his lip, unsure how. To his fortune, Kuro asked him a question, although it made him turn his head guiltily. He felt even more so that way as Kuro explained himself. The way he out it made him sound so. . . Innocent wasn't the right weird. . . Pure wasn't it either. Maybe it was the sincerity. Kuro sounded so sincere when he spoke about it.

The little angel thought hard how to answer his question, given the explanation he received. The fear head softened and ebbed away by then. "I.. a little actually... I never saw you so angry before." He paused and looked back to see that the guards were practically dozing off as it was. "You don't seem like- like the malicious monsters that I've been told about. And you're... Nice. Minus the few growls and the rude remarks, but I always assume it was the pain from... well your sessions."

Because he was already talking, the question that danced on his tongue was finally said. "How do you... How do you manage it- those beatings. I mean-" Aoba had trouble trying to ask how he managed to stay so brave and so tough through the sessions. But by his mumbling and stumbling over words, Aoba sighed and just assumed not being himself would be enough to do just that. Giving up on that question, all the while now patching him up, he decided to ask. "Why are you so nice to me?"

Aoba was still just an angel. He did nothing besides tend to him and go about his business. There was no reason that he would, or should have been so kind. To to it off, Kuro was still a demon- that hadn't changed one bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Settling his face on the towel to watch the little angel he lowers his eyelids a bit when he notices that Aoba keeps having to that energy breaks. 'He's really working hard, using it up like that. Well, at least there's an endless supply around here' He lets out a sigh and a soft chuckle, “Yeah, it really is, isn't it? But, that's what you do to me Little Mouse. . .” he murmurs softly, a light smile on his lips. He closes his eyes briefly when Aoba admits to feeling a bit afraid of Kuro. 'Yeah, I am a bit of a monster when I'm ticked. And nothing pisses me off more than idiots who can't learn their lessons and take their frustrations out on me' His eyes open back up and he blinks slowly. “My snapping at you is because of the pain love. . .” His voice trails off as Aoba tries to ask hims something about the actual torture sessions.

However, unable to put the question into words properly the angel just moves right along to another question. Kuro chews on his lip a bit, a touch of hope finding it's way in with the oh so innocent question. With a smooth natural grace he smiles sincerely up at his medic. “I'm nice to you because you are nice to me. Even if you're only doing this under orders for your own reasons, you are gentle and kind, and there really is no reason for me to be otherwise.” He looks sadly at the wall, turning his gaze away from Aoba. “Even if you wouldn't do anything for me you weren't ordered to, the kindness is still there, and I cherish it. I'm not going to get lot of it here in what is left of my soon to be fatally shortened life, so I see no reason in driving you and your gentle hands away from me. . .”

Keeping his eyes forward he continues, this time seeking to answer the boy's half formed question. “I think what you were trying to ask before was how I get through my sessions without sowing any reaction tot he pain. It's not easy, but it is simple.” He lowers his voice, just in case the now snoozing angels guards are faking. “I simply remove that part of myself that reacts to pain. That angel, the blond? He's not use to his victims not reacting, so he just goes on not understanding that I am never going to give in because pain is not something that can force me to talk.” He at last turns his gaze once more on to the young medic. “However you have mastered the skill of getting me to talk. So how about it, want to know what my people are planning?” His eyes are clear, his smile only slightly devious, but his gaze remains clear of all but a soft layer of curiosity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I don't know what you're talking about. All I do is come in here and fix you up as best as I can." He shrugged and continued healing and patching him up. He gave a small nod when he clarified that he meant no harm. Seeing Kuro smile, Aoba gave his own genuine smile. Those red eyes weren't as scary as they were before. Kuro was his normal self, with the pet names and all. For some reason, he didn't seem to mind it all that much. Normally, he was called by his name. It was that, or kid, but he didn't care for that nickname as much. It made him feel like he was useless when the angels called him 'kid'. He was silent for the most part, not sure what to say about him being nice. Though after a moment he did figure something to say: "I'm nice to everyone. But if I didn't know you, I'd probably still heal you. It's what I do. It's the only thing I'm good at really. Well, unless you try to kill me or something then I couldn't help... but I don't fair in fights well so.."

He blinked when he realized he was rambling. "Sorry." He focused more on Seishu and then his eyes widened in shock. "S-shortened? What do you mean? They're going to kill you?" Aoba got a little hysterical for a moment but immediately silenced when he heard the guards shift and groan. His cheeks puffed as he frowned, wanting to know more about the previous situation. Kuro though, doesn't think the comment was all that important, making it easy to just slip through it. Aoba seemed to ignore everything up until the last question.

“However you have mastered the skill of getting me to talk. So how about it, want to know what my people are planning?”

Aoba gave such honest innocence, it would have probably made Green sick. "What would that information do for me? I mean, you could tell me if you'd like to, but I'd much help you get your strength back...Especially if they're trying to kill you." Aoba wasn't quite thinking before he spoke, so his mouth went on. "Even I believe that striking someone while they're injured, or when their back is turned is dishonorable- and I don't fight. It's not very nice, but then again fighting isn't either." Once again he realized he had been rambling on and quieted down.

It appeared Kuro had gotten Aoba to talk a lot more just as Aoba apparently did for Kuro. But that was more because he didn't have many angels to talk to that he found interesting. The ones that were stuck in heaven with him weren't interested in the demons or the earthly realm. But the angels that got to explore the realms and creatures often never wanted to share their experiences. Aoba doesn't believe it was possible to be the "odd one out", but apparently, it was. "Um, you can talk about whatever, I don't mind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

'You would, would you? Heal a demon even if not under orders? I believe you little mouse, you have no reason to lie, but you do realize what you are saying. Your kind is the life long enemy of mine. Saying you would heal me even without orders is tantamount to saying you would commit treason' He chuckles lightly. 'What could that information do for you? Well, if there was actually any chance that they would believe you, then you'd get out of this depressing job rather quickly. They'd schedule my execution the very next day. However from what I've seen, no one would believe him, especially since no one seems to take him seriously on any other matter'

As the boy begins to ramble on, Kuro just listens happily, letting the righteous anger wash over him like a small wood fire. Being a demon he could quite literally hop in a volcano and swim around like the lave is just thick water. Fire and heat represents home to him, so the burn of his impotent anger is a very happy feeling. When he at last falls silent Kuro chuckles happily at him, letting the sound putter off into a sad sigh. “It's sweet that you say you would heal me even without orders, but I doubt your fellows would let you In fact, I would be careful about saying stuff like that around them. They may take it the wrong way. They may think you're a demon sympathizer and bring your faith into question. Right now at least they think you're just trying to prove yourself, seeing all your eagerness because of that goal. If they begin to think any different, I shudder to think what would happen to my poor Little Mouse. . . .”

His voice trails off, letting the words linger for a bit before gazing up at the boy with a fond look in his eyes, abiet a sad one. “As to them trying to kill me Little Mouse. . . .No, they are not trying to kill me. If they were, I'd be dead already. They want me alive for now, and as soon as they no longer want that, they are indeed going to kill me. They could not risk sending me back to earth, unsure of what all I've learned here and what tidbits I could feed the other demons to help them kill your kind. That and releasing me back down there is like giving me permission to kill more humans.” He looks softly to his hands. “Though I have never killed more than I needed to, being a demon I can't help what I am or what I need, and all I've seen is a hall, a cell, and a small room. . .No Little Mouse, I will not survive this place no matter how badly you want me to live.” He gives Aoba one more soft smile. “Not all angels are a noble as you love. . . .They have no problem taking a life they do not see worthy of going on. . . . .”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He realized what he had said and bit his lip. If the guards, or the other angels heard they'd probably throw him in prison as well. Or worse. He had heard stories of angels being stripped of their powers and being banished frm the heavens. He knew about it, but of course he never witnessed such a thing. The accidental remark made his wings ruffle a little. This was probably the reason he didn't ramble on to the others. His views were a little skeptical for the others. He knew he wouldn't be punished like Kuro, but tye thought of it made him shudder.

There was no relief when Aoba learned they wouldn't try to kill him. Either way, Kuro being locked away from the world and being beaten everyday would probably kill him eventually. It was a sad thought,  though all deaths were saddening to him. He couldn't help his sympathetic nature. But even as he sympathized, and even as he tried his best to heal Kuro, he knew there was nothing he could do about the situation. Aoba could barely deal with his own problems, let alone someone else's- which happened to be a lot worse.

Aoba nearly jumped out of his skin when the male guard's gruff voice spoke out. He had almost forgotten they were still in there.  "Are you done in there?" The mumbling was disturbing his sleep. "I wouldn't mind getting sleep you know..." He didn't sound angry, just tired.

Aoba turned around completely, with his wings facing Kuro. He didn't notice his wings were so close to him.  "Oh, um, sorry. I'm almost done." Aoba had actually finished his work, but he was too busy listening to Kuro to tell him. But since he remembered, he decided to give one final run through of the injuries. Since he was already on his back, Aoba checked is wounds over and made sure the bandages were secure before gently grabbing the arm that was stabbed. "Did I miss anywhere? Is it any better?"

The little angel questioned as he began to back his things. "Do you want to keep the towel? It doesn't look too comfy down here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With a roll of his eyes Kuro can't help murmuring, “Ah, yes, this is the perfect time for sleep. When you're on duty. Morons.” Despite his harsh words he keeps his tone light as to not frighten Aoba. In hell, if a guard dared to slack off in their duties the way his night guards do, they would not be given a second chance to do so. His head perks up however with those fluffy soft feathers swing so close to his body. His hand darts out quickly to brush over them gently before the angel has a chance to turn around. He hums lightly, enjoying the feeling beneath his fingers. Then with a sigh he pulls them back just before Aoba turns back around.

He watches silently, a fond gleam in his eyes as the little angel looks him over one last time before grabbing his arm to ask if it feels any better. Truthfully it still aches almost as if it's wide open, the lack of his own energy to help heal the wounds and the constant pounding of heaven's energy making the lack of bleeding a minute comfort. However he smiles gratefully and replies, “It feels fine Little Mouse.” Murmuring softly he slowly pushes himself up so he's once more seated with his back to the wall. His eyes follow every movement as the boy packs his things, his kind look never changing despite the new cogs beginning to turn in his devious mind.

Shaking his head lightly he holds out the lightly soiled fabric to the medic. “Nah, the cool stone feels good on my skin.” he murmurs, and as Aoba reaches over to take the towel he moves in close to the young one. The guards aren't paying any real attention at the moment, the male having stood to hold the door as he waits is looking off down the hall in a yawn, and the female is already out cold. Once again he place his hand on the back of Aoba's head but this time his kiss flutters across the angel's cheek. “Good job, Little Mouse. . .” He sits back carefully, a faint sigh coming from his lips as he watches the medi angel leave with a smile. 'Such a cute little thing. . . .' He settles in, the slamming door making his ears ache, but after a little while the twin snoring of the guards allows him to relax.


'Oh, ow, you guys really need to be more careful with me. If I can't walk out of here this evening, your superior is going to be pissed!' His mouth too sore from repeated bites right at the very end of the session, Kuro keeps his ranting to himself as once more Green and Red proceed to throw him hard into his cell, twisting his ankle in the process as it hooks on to one of the bars on his way by. 'Oh great, and it's my shackle ankle too. I hope Little Mouse gets here before it swells too much. . .' As soon as the guards are back outside his cell Kuro spits a mouthful of blood on to the floor and shifts away from it best he can while face down on the hard surface.

'Wow, he really upped the ante today. Not only did I get a mess of lashes to every inch of the back of my body, limbs included, but he saw fit to rip off a few slabs of skin for good measure. I wonder how that's treatable. . .I know human do grafting. . .' He's read hundreds of medical books in his time. 'But there isn't anything to graft it with here. In hell we just bath in the cepsus pools to regrow skin and flesh. . .' His tongue sticks out at the memory of how those pools smell. Finding it a waste of time to try and figure out just what his treatment is going to be, Kuro decides to rest a bit before his little medic arrives.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He had felt a light brush through his wings, but made no nitice of it. He just assumed his wings were fairly close.
Even though Kuro said he felt better, Aoba wasn't so sure about the injuries. They were pretty bad, and his experience wasn't as great as the other medics. This sort of thing, even the ones without healing powers would probably be able to manage the job easily. His cheeks puffed a little in doubt, but he merely sighed and took Kuro's word for it. He gently took the towel and nodded. "Whatever helps." Noticing the stain of blood on his hands made him look at his clothes. He looked a bit startled by the mess, as if he didn't know it wad there. "I'm filthy..." He gave a soft sigh, before looking up when Kuro lifts and holds his head. Aoba remembered the feeling from before, and braced for the kiss on his head.

But, instead, it was placed lower on his cheek. Unexpected, but still grateful, Aoba couldn't hide the light blush as he smiled. "Thank you." He appreciated the attention and the gratitude he recieved from Kuro. It felt nice to know that someone thought his efforts were worth something. And with that, he stood and gave a small wave. "Alright Kuro. I will you see after your session. Just as usual." The little angel hurried out and went to clean off tremendously. His clean little glow was dimmed by the blood and dirt he was in while helping Seishu.


The night was a hassle for the small angel. He tossed and turned, occasional visions of Kuro's beatings flashing as he tried to sleep. More than once did he wake up in fear, only to sigh and lay right back down. He managed to get some sleep, albeit a little bit, but it was enough to keep him going for the day. At least he hoped. Grabbing his things as his time to treat Kuro came, this time Fenrir actually walked up to him. His arms were crossed as he looked down at the kid. "I've been told that your little treatments won't be enough to heal him today. You know how to heal when they are missing skin right?"

The thought of it made Aoba flinch. 'Poor Kuro. He must be in a lot of pain. I have to hurry! "Um. That requires. . ." He went through his medical knowledge as he thought of the answer. "Burning and then wrapping up the injury...right?" Fenrir nodded and Aoba gave a mental sigh. And just like that, Fenrir turned to walk away. "W-Wait! That'll hurt him!" The suspicious look he was given made Aoba grow cold. It took everything he had not to cower in fear. "What- What I mean is... If he's in p-pain. . . He could hurt m-me."

"... I guess you're right. Get the sedatives so he can stay under control." Once again, he started to leave. Over his shoulder, he called out. "Be careful kid. You don't have to risk your life you know."

But with his new supplies, Aoba hurried off to help Kuro. He had to hurry before Kuro bled too much. It didn't take him long to make it to the prison, following the path to Kuro's cell. Red and Green were there to meet him, and he had almost forgotten how much those two scared him. "Right on time." Green said mockingly, still leaning on the wall. Red only nodded and opened the cell door. The little angel had to refrain from running to Kuro when he saw him on the ground. That, and he had prepared this time, holding a heavy basin of water, so he couldn't run.

Getting closer, he sighed when he noticed the gentle rise and fall. "Don't scare me like that." Aoba whispered, letting his wings droop some as he placed the basin down. He had borrowed a slightly larger kit in order to hold all his things in. "I was told it was worse this time. . . And they were right." He frowned a little, looking at his back. There were a few places that were worse than open wounds. And they were on his arms and legs as well. "I'm going to clean all this blood off you first alright?"

Despite his questioning, he didn't wait for his answer. Immediately he pulled the wet towel from the water and gently began to clean him off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The light pat pat of angel feet is enough to wake the demon prince from his slumber. He doesn't move however, moving not really being worth it right now. 'He sounds a little off today. Is that water I hear? Maybe he brought the basin again. That would explain why he sounds heavier. I would hate to think he gained that much weight over night' Kuro imagines the angel binge eating ice cream like a depressed human and smiles at the image of Aoba covered in six different flavors of the sticky stuff. 'Ah, that would be so funny, and the he'd have to bathe. . .' His thoughts stop there as the door to his cell slides open and the small feet make their way into the room.

He lets the boy start cleaning before turning his head so he can speak. His voice is raw, the blood from his mouth injuries sitting thickly against his vocal cords. “I'm sorry I sacred you Little Mouse. Just thought I'd get a little sleep before you showed up. I want to look my best after all.” Unable to really move all that much his face is pressed against hard floor as he talks. Blood continues to flow from his mouth, the wounds inside still bleeding. “Yeah, and sorry about that mess back there. Apparently that blond guy doesn't like his face to be likened to a baboon's ass. Heh, even though it was kinda close to it, all red and puffy after I told him suck it. . .Don't bother trying to figure out what it means though, it's a human insult. Surprised it worked actually. . .”

He lets out a long exhale at the feeling of Aoba washing the blood away, working over each wound methodically. “One of these days I'm going to run out of comebacks and it's going to get really boring to torture me. I wonder what they'll try after the third session without so much as a word from me. . . .Man he's gonna be pissed. . .” Kuro tries to keep his voice as light as possible under the circumstances, but he still has to pause once in a while when the pain becomes too much or Aoba strikes a particularly sensitive spot. He manages to brush over the spot where his wings are concealed and the feeling that rushes through his system allows him to relax, the pain lessening. “You do what you have to Little Mouse. Don't mind me. . . .”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aoba paused in his work when Kuro spoke. He could almost feel the pain as the other spoke. "That's no good..." He mumbled more to himself as he worked on cleaning him off. "You shouldn't talk if you can't. Don't hurt yourself more. I'll get to those injuries once I'm done cleaning." To get him as well as possible, Aoba was a little more meticulous today than he was before. "You should just stay quiet then. You're making these sessions worse. And I really, really hope they can't get any worse than this..." His voice held worry and concern, but it was low so the guards couldn't hear.

Aoba focused, going silent for awhile as he moved from Kuro's arms to his back all the way to his legs. He didn't respond to much of anything he said minus a few nods and hums of acknowledgment. Gently, he cleaned up the blood around his mouth and gave him a towel to get comfortable on. "Alright Kuro. Time for the actual healing." He scooted and gently held Kuro's face in his hands. With a soft breath, his hands glowed dimly and he healed the wounds in his mouth. "There. That should help. And now you can talk." Aoba gave a smile and playfully and gently patted his cheek before going to heal both his arms, and then his legs.

The process was slower this time as well. But Aoba didn't mind. It meant he could spend more time with Kuro. "I've gotten better with these." He managed to heal the wounds a lot faster than before. Something occured to him as he worked on the wounds that were able to close on his back. "You can't have another session, you'll die! You've lost way too much blood!" His voice rose involuntarily, making the guards turn quickly.

"Oi! Is there a problem in there!?" Green hit the cell bars, scaring Aoba. The little angel jumped and looked back at the guards.

"Sorry. It's- It's fine." Aoba looked away quickly and flinched gently when Green grumbled in annoyance. He sighed and then rummaged through his kit. "So, I managed get to sedatives to numb the pain." The angel looked fairly happy to tell him such a thing, before he had to tell him the next part. "Unfortunately, my next task requires burning... I'm not skilled enough to heal these. Sorry." His voice softened and he looked down at the needle in his hands. He really wanted to help, but he lacked the experience and he could only do so much for him.

"But don't worry, I'll do the best I can." His optimism countered the small doubt and he held Kuro's arm. "I'm sure you can handle a small poke right?" He hesitates at first but carefully injects him with the sedatives, then waits for a response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

'Oh, sweet little angel child, this is nothing compared to the torture chambers of hell. . . .It could be a lot worse, if this guy knew what he was doing, I don't think even The Almighty will let his wrath go so far as to actually corrupt one of his angels so he can torture properly. . . .' He keeps this thought to himself as he watches the angel work carefully, his eyes half lidded and his gaze, gentle. When handed his towel Kuro lifts his head best he can, giving the boy better access to his cheeks. 'Like I'm a little puppy who just took his medicine without whining. . . .' Kuro doesn't really mind but his gives a playful little snap in response none the less, the smile on his lips showing his gratitude.

Kuro raises an eyebrow at the comment about not being able to do another session. 'You have fun telling them that Little Mouse. I'm sure they'll heed your advice. After all, you are my doctor' Playing to odds in his head while Green snaps at Aoba, making Kuro growl lightly deep inside where only the little angel could possibly hear it, the demon prince comes to the conclusion that he may actually be able to get through to them about canceling his next session. 'They may even let the Little Mouse back later for a second healing so I'll be fit tomorrow. That would be nice. . .' He keeps his hopes to himself for now however, simply focusing on Aoba as he once more addresses the demon.

“A sedative huh? Well, they’ll help a bit I'm sure. At least it will keep me from moving too much. Way to go on acquiring some new tools Little Mouse.” He really is happy for the sedative, but he's still determined to tell the kid about how to ease the pain the old fashioned way at the end of the session. His head falls to the towel when his arm gets shifted for the shot, chuckling lightly as Aoba's comment but other than that he stays silent for a short time. Once the numbness begins spreading, pulling a faint him from his throat, Kuro looks back to the young angel and smile. “Don't worry Little Mouse. You haven't let me down yet, so I trust you. You best will be more than enough, a way more than I could hope for.” That being said, he relaxes his face back on to the towel and waits for the treatment to begin.

When the new pain finally hits Kuro doesn't respond other than the occasional twitch. His respect for the angel's efforts keeps him from wandering off to his happy place, the place where pain does not affect him. He wants to stay here with the little one. With a long exhale, ending in a slight his he murmur, “So, what do you want to learn about today love? Since, if you're right about not being able to have another session today I'll only get to see you this once, feel free to ask me anything. I'll do my best to answer fully.” He manages s mile over his shoulder before going back to staring at the wall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Aoba had missed many of Kuro's small smiles and gestures. Though when Kuro snapped at him, he playfully poked his nose before continuing on. When Seishu congratulated him, Aoba looked a little guilty. "I kind of. . . I kind of had to say that you would have attacked me if I didn't, um, numb the pain." He poked his fingers together gently after putting the needle up. "It wasn't exactly a lie, but- but I trust you. And I didn't think- or at least I don't think you would attack me. So. . . It wasn't exactly a lie." He knew Kuro didn't much mind a few little minor 'sins', but telling himself such a thing made him feel as though it wasn't all that bad.

Aoba begins the burning treatment, occasionally glancing over as Kuro would twitch. This was his first time ever doing this, and he didn't want to- well there was a lot of things he didn't want to do- that mainly being, killing Kuro. "This is really bad..." He mumbled in the midst of his work. It made him a little uneasy and nervous, but when Kuro spoke he relaxed a little. There was a sad look in his eye at the knowledge that Kuro might not have made it after his next session but he quickly shook the thought away. He had to focus. The better he healed Kuro, the more likely he would survive. "Um. . ." Aoba thought what he wanted to ask. "Do demons have different forms? I've seen. . . Things like monsters and the likes. At first I thought it was to just scare the younger angels so they wouldn't think about ever going near you guys but," He paused in the burning, mainly to wrinkle his nose at the smell of burning flesh. Gently, he tugged Kuro's hair and shrugged. "You don't look very scary. Well, besides when your angry. But the guards over there look kind of scary when they're angry too."

In the middle of his work, the fatigue began to settle as well. Not getting much sleep did start to back fire, especially now with him using so much energy to heal Kuro. Aoba turned his head, covering a small yawn, before he once again started to try and fix him. "This smells pretty bad..." He mumbled to Kuro, moving to the last wound. The process lasted longer than his usual ones, so the guards, or at least Green decided to watch skeptically. Red occasionally glanced inwards to check them out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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“When in pain a being will do just about anything to make the pain stop. Or so they say. You were not lying Little Mouse. But you are right, I would not hurt you no matter the pain.” Kuro licks at his freshly healed cheeks and smiles. 'Nice to not have that taste in my mouth for a time' “Different form huh? Well, I do change a little in battle, not that I battle all that often. It was a requirement of my father's. But no, it's not really a different form.” He thinks about it for a second, smiling as the angel tugs on his hair. 'Gog, it's like I'm a pet dragon that he's proud to have tamed' He huffs. “I think for the most part those things you're thinking of are the Twisted and the Condemned.”

Knowing that's not going to be enough of an explanation he turns to face the boy again. “The Condemned are obviously the souls of humans that were sent to hell and not dragged their by one of my kind. They take on the form that most suits what they really are, and yeah, that can look really nasty. The worst thing I have ever seen was one of those. I still get sick thinking about it. . .” He shudders lightly recalling the foul thing but after a few seconds goes on. “As for the Twisted, those are demons under punishment by my father. He uses his power to twist the demons into a horrible figure, and then they have to stay like that for an amount of time. He never tells them how long that will be, cruel bastard, but if they survive long enough they will always be returned to their true forms.”

His nose twitches. Having been away from the smell of it in hell so long Kuro can not help but agree with Aoba about the smell. The yawn however was more interesting to him. 'Let's see . . .' “What's wrong Little Mouse? Your lover keep you awake last night? I'm envious, scoring a cutey like you.” Kuro is not being entirely untruthful. If the little angel really does have a lover Kuro can't help but be a little jealous that he or she gets to see the more sexy side of his medi angel. However the question itself is more to get information on Aoba's living situation so he keeps his smile lighthearted. He can feel the gaze from the guards and he prays that they will let him at least find out this much before rushing the little angel out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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"How... creepy." It was the only thing he could think to say to his new found information. "So, demons aren't scary monsters. Well, when docile." Because his attention was on his work, he was more so mumbling the first thing he thought as he worked. It was almost like an automatic response to the situation. And of course, to show that he was still paying much attention to his patient, Aoba's cheeks brightened.

"W-What? Lover? No, no. Of course not. I don't have a lover." And then his cheeks darkened more. "Envious? C-Cutey?" Now he was just parroting off things Kuro said in astonishment. 'Those drugs must really work. . . There was no way Kuro could be serious about it. He was probably just toying with him or something playful.  "No, no. I just didn't get a lot of sleep is all." His voice got softer. Aoba didn't want to mention his tossing and turning, due to the scary flashbacks that came with it. "Don't worry. I'm fine."

Green eyed the two as they spoke. He couldn't hear all of what they were saying, but the things he did hear made him narrow his eyes. "I don't like this. He's practically manipulating that soft kid." He noticed the sudden blushing in the angel and the tease in his eyes. "They've gotten way too comfortable around each other." Green glared at the demon before looking at Red.

"That kid is terrified of you. What makes you think he isn't afraid of the demon?"

"They're smiling at each other. They talk. It's too comfortable. That demon is pushing him." Green hit the bars in warning when Aoba leaned over to get Kuro to sit up for the bandages. Once again, Aoba jumped like a frightened kitten. "Hurry up. You're taking too long in there. Enough talking and finish." Red merely sighed, and leaned against the wall.

"U-Um, so do you think you can hold o-out a little more?" Aoba stumbled over, still a little startled by Green's actions. That angel was really mean. Before the angel bandaged him, he checked over all the places he tried healing, even trying to heal them once more. But his fatigue overpowered his want to help, and his healing energy went down. Even so, he still tried again until he couldn't do much of anything else. That's when he resorted to bandaging him up.

"Alright Kuro. I'm done for the day... Please don't do anything stupid in your session okay?" He packed his things up, feeling rather exhausted now. As if on routine, he waited for Kuro's normal thanks. But before he could move, Aoba gave a rather serious look. "Maybe you shouldn't get so close... the guards are watching you know..." He glanced back to see that being confirmed,  and turned to scoop up the dirty towels and toss them into the basin to make it seem as though he was still cleaning up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

'One guess what kept you up then' Kuro thinks victoriously. Content that he's getting to the kid Kuro settles in more comfortably.


With a sigh Fenrir throws down his quill and covers his eyes with the back of his wrist. He'd just finished looking over the report of all the things young what's-his-face has been using up on each visit, the list getting longer and longer with each trip and the overworked angel doesn't know what to do. 'He shouldn't need more each time, unless his guards really are laying into him and messing up the little brat's work. That is beyond foolishness, but I don't know the guards all that well. They should know that attacking him in between sessions is just numbing him to the pain, and wasting out resources!' Sitting back up strait Fenrir decides to assess the situation himself. Grabbing his own kit, kept in a nice leather messenger bag behind his desk, he swings it over his shoulder and heads down to the prison.


A low growl erupts from his lips once more as Aoba helps him sit up and the guard frightens the poor thing. 'I swear, he doesn't stop that, I'ma bite him next time he's close enough' He keeps the growl quiet, his eyes looking sympathetic towards Aoba as he continues working. “Don't mind him Little Mouse, I guessing he didn't get enough sleep last night either.” He leaves off what he thinks the angel was doing instead of sleeping as to not scare Aoba. He sits still for the bandaging and smiles as the little one seems to sit ready for his post treatment prize. A smirk finds it's way to his lips as he sees the guards climb to their feet and approach the door. “Little Mouse, no power in Heaven nor Hell would ever make me so ungrateful as to not give you as much as I can in thanks for such a service.” Before the guards can respond Kuro leans in and places a peck on the tip of Aoba's nose. Even as they rush in he whispers, “Good job, Little Mouse.”

An instant later Green throws Aoba out of the way, not even bothering to throw him out of the cell. Red moves in on him as Green slams Kuro down hard on his back, splitting the wounds open once more. However before anything else can happen a voice cracks out from the cell doorway like thunder. “What in the hell do you think you're doing!” At the word usage Kuro manages to tilt his head up, the air knocked thoroughly out of his lungs when he was slammed to the ground, and give the angel in the doorway a half-assed smile.

The guard on top of him is ready to snap back but Red speaks up first. “Fenrir sir, this demon has been getting closer and closer to the little guy, and he's even kissed him!”

“That's right!” Green adds with a growl. “This filth has been corrupting him. Playing all nice and sweet so he can get what he wants ou-” The green headed male is cut off by an actual peal of thunder from the angel at the gate this time.

“I don't give a damn if the demon was having his way with Aoba on the spot, you will not lay a hand on one of my staff like that ever again. It is not your job to teach this beast his place, and tearing down all of Aoba's hard work because of a little devious affection is unacceptable!” As he talks to two guard retreat to the back wall, Fenrir seeming to grow larger and darker as he rages on. “You two are taken off this assignment and are to report to me tomorrow for your punishment for your cations here today.” They both swallow hard an nod.

Stepping into the cell Kuro lets out a small almost sarcastic “Ow.” as Fenrir all but kicks him onto his side so he can see the demon's back. He eyes the now ruined bandages and huffs.

“A waste of resources. . .” He murmurs. His eyes then snap over to Aoba. “Fix him up. And from now on if any guard is giving you trouble or making your job harder, I'm giving you authority to send them away. They will stay in ear shot, but it should be good enough to let you work more efficiently.” He glares down at the demon. 'If he really is kissing Aoba, there's no way he'd hurt the kid. Demons are notorious for their attachments to things, and he won't harm Aoba as long as he's useful' Looking back to Aoba he adds. “I want you back here this evening too, these wounds will need more treatment. I'll talk to the overseers about canceling the afternoon session. He's obviously lost too much blood. Before the next healing I suggest you spend some time recovering yourself, you look pale.”

With that he turns and walks out of the cell, motioning for the guards to get lost. They do silently, Red glaring at his partner, even though they both are guilty. Fenrir's eyes turn back to the cell, deciding to watch the next part to see if he judged the situation correctly. Kuro on the other hand rolls back on to his back so he can look over at Aoba. “Are you okay Little Mouse. That green haired dick threw you pretty hard. . .”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Aoba couldn't help smile as he kissed his nose. It was so nice of him to care that much to have to thank him as he did. Though, his bout of happiness was quickly tossed aside, just as he was forcefully thrown on the ground. No, not even out the cell, but to the ground. The little angel gasped softly, not expecting the wind to be knocked out of him. For a moment, he laid there wondering what he did to deserve all of this. It wasn't fair. Not at all... It dawned on him that Kuro was being attacked and he scrambled up to see. "St-!" The sudden yell made him pause. The familiar voice was a lot more aggressive than he remembered. Aoba glanced back, seeing Fenrir in the cell door way. Next thing he knew, the guards and Fenrir were at it. Aoba crawled off to the side to get away from being in the middle of the argument. A silent sigh escapes his lips as the two guards are dismissed from their jobs. It was a small happiness that welled uo, despite his fatigue. The guard walked out and the doctor came in, only to kick Kuro on his side and make Aoba flinch, biting his tongue.

When attention was turned to him, Aoba snapped up and nodded quickly. 'He's giving me authority. But it's not like I can just command guards to just leave... He decided to just accept the new gift and move over to Kuro's side once more. He glanced back at the guards walking away and Fenrir watching, but turned to Kuro. Somehow, his voice was a lot more soothing than any of the angels around lately. Aoba rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, ruffling his hair. "Oh, I'm fine. Just dirtied up my wings is all. It wasn't expected." There was no need to worry about him. If anything, Kuro should have been more focused on surviving. With a sigh, he began to undo the bandages to look at his back. The mere thought of having to try and heal them up again was exhausting. It made him sigh, and made his wings droop a little more. "Back to square one." He said before leaning over to try and heal easiest things first.

But no matter how hard he tried, Aoba was at his limit. His healing magic did nothing more than give a soft warming touch to soothe the pain. With a defeated sigh, the angel gave a sad look. He pulled the burning materials out, staring at his wounds before noticing the charred edges of his work before. This made him stop and shake his head. "This will never work..." Without a second thought,  Aoba turned to face Fenrir, with wings to Kuro once more.

"I'm sorry... But Fenrir he can't have another session. He's been beaten way too badly to survive any more of them. And not to mention the guards' and their work of making sure he stayed injured." Aoba hesitated as he continued. "Re-burning his wounds closed won't work. The edges are still charred from the previous injuries. And I can't heal him with my own magic anymore. I've come to my limit. There's only so much I can do." Aoba mumbled another apology before looking away from the still rather furious angel.

Fenrir watched the softness of their interaction before they began. It was a rather sickening thought, but Aoba wasn't being hurt so it appeared that he was right. He leaned against the cell bar to watch Aoba work. The demon still seemed rather calm, even talking to Aoba. It was clear to him that he had some sort of fondness of Aoba. It was rather disgusting. And from his work, Aoba suddenly began to bawl out why the demon didn't need another session. Anger almost boiled over once more as Aoba protected the demon, but he then calmly sighed seeing the sincerity of his act.

Without a word, Fenrir stepped forward with his own kit and shooed Aoba to the side. "Go rest up. I'll take it from here. " But even ad he said that, Aoba where Kuro could see him, though a little out of arm reach. He was now more curious to see how Fenrir worked, and he didn't feel like carrying the heavy basin at the moment. Seeing that he didn't comply,  Fenrir only focused on his work. "Don't try anything demon. I'm not here for your amusement." And with that, he began to work on healing Kuro's wounds. He was less gentle than Aoba that's for sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Kuro raises an eyebrow. “Glad you're okay. Good thing too or I would have given them a piece of my mind!” His tone is obviously playful, but the undertone of true malice is unmistakable. He smirks as Aoba tries to get to work. “Ah, square one, we meet again. . .” He can feel his consciousness not entirely in his control, the blood loss really getting to him, but when the little angel turns to address his superior Kuro's able to pull himself fully awake. Looking at Aoba carefully he can only agree that the young angel is on no shape to do any healing. 'He had to work his little wings off earlier just to get done what he did. Doing ti again really is too much for him now'

When Fenrir states his intentions, ordering Aoba out, Kuro raises an eyebrow. 'Ah hell no' is all he can think before the larger angel kneels beside him. He is almost ready to protest out loud too but when he notices that the little mouse does not leave he settle down. “Yesir. I'll be off in my happy place now. . .” he mutters just before Fenrir gets working. His eyes go dead as he settles with his head on his hands, his face turned towards Aoba. He shows absolutely no reaction to the pain, his mind otherwise occupied and unable to receive the pain signals from his back.

Fenrir laces his magic through the wounds, pulling together the ones he can roughly while the gaping strips of meat where the flesh has been torn away begin to ooze a bit from the rough treatment. However rather than pouring out of his body Fenrir forces it back in firmly and looks to see what effect it's having on the demon. He pauses for a second, taking in the dead stare an for an instant wonders if he's dead. It takes only a small flick of energy to check to see if Kuro is still alive and with that he goes back to work. 'I wonder what he's doing, and if he can do it at will. If so, there is no way those guys are ever going to get information out of him. Pain, it looks like he can shut it off. This should be excruciating, but he hasn't even flinched once' His gaze shifts over to Aoba. 'I wonder if this is what he does around the kid. . . No, the guards say that they talk and interact. He must let himself feel the pain when Aoba heals him'

Finishing up with the gashes he moves on tot he missing bits. Pulling out long strips of a skin like material he places them over the exposed muscle, using his magic to conform them to the right shape and to adhere them to the charred skin along the edges. An advanced technique, Fenrir being one of the only ones who can use it properly, the flesh material settles on perfectly, keeping the wound sealed. Pulling Kuro into a sitting position with no difficulty, the demon very much like a poseable doll at the moment, he finishes by wrapping him in fresh bandages. As an extra precaution. All of the open wounds are sealed, but they need to be kept clean. While he works he glances over at Aoba. “He doesn't do this when you heal him.” It is not a question, but a statement. He goes immediately on. “While I can not approve of you having any kind of relationship with this beast, your bedside manner must be amazing for him to put up with the pain just to talk to you.” His gaze becomes sharp. “So, what do you and this filth talk about?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Aoba's focus went from Fenrir's quick and expert work, to Kuro's blank and lifeless expression. He tilted his head a little and fared to lean closer to make sure he was alive. The doctor didn't seem to mind much considering he too wondered the same thing. The little angel was about to reach out and gently touch his arm, but Fenrir noticed too quickly that he was okay. The angel sighed and once again focused on the doctor.

He watched in awe as he treated Kuro. Only once or twice did he ever get to watch the experts do their job, so he relished the opportunity, taking in as much as he could. Once again, his gaze goes back to Kuro. He wonders if he's okay, not daring to speak to him. Who knew what Fenrir would have done. His wings still drooped, but he had recovered enough energy to at least grab his belongings and walk out.

Aoba immediately shakes his head when the other comments about Kuro. "He's... more lively I guess." 'Relationship? What is he talking about!? Aoba refrains from becoming frantic and blushing, not wanting to be too suspicious as it was. He had already been told in about the gentle kisses. "We talk to pass the time." He thought over his conversations, trying to think of a conversation that would backfire. "Oh, like he taught me about something called the Twisted and Condemned. Those are the monsters, not regular demons. Most of the stuff he talks about isn't very important to me. But he seems to like it, and I don't mind the conversation either. Those guards were harsh." He refrained from telling him about the wing secret, dodging another lie. The secret wasn't useful to him considering he wouldn't have the need to hurt a demon's wings. But, it wouldn't be been an important breakthrough for the others. 'Oh my goodness, I'm being bad...

But that's not what Fenrir thought. He assumed Aoba meant what he said and 'importance for him' only meant he was generalizing all angels. The angel was known for his innocence and purity, so he didn't think to assume something of the sort. He wasn't too fond of him being taught things by a demon. It was going to taint him if he wasn't careful.  "Aoba," He finally started, watching the usual nervousness in the kid. "I'm not going to tell you to stop treating him, considering you're the only one willing to treat him. But your relationship with him needs to cease. It's not healthy for an angel." He stood after he collected his things, waiting for Aoba. The angel was still staring at the lifeless demon in curiosity, until he heard the other clear his throat.

"Oh, um, sorry. Okay." He had once again reached out to poke at Kuro, but Fenrir interrupted him. So he grabbed the basin while Fenrir grabbed his kit. He followed the doctor out quietly, glancing back at Kuro once more before leaving. 'What an odd little trick.' The doctor locked the cell door behind him and the two walked out the prison.

"A-About the sessions..." Aoba started quietly.

"There is no guarentee to them stopping that demon's sessions. But you have brought up a valid argument, so I can only be fair and bring it up to them. Now as I said before, go get some rest. You need it." If the angels wanted to keep the filth alive then they would listen, but if they didn't there was nothing he could- not like he truly cared either way. He just wanted the thing gotten rid of.

Aoba only nodded and headed off to empty the bin and do as he was told regarding getting some rest. The poor angel was exhausted and he needed ask his energy to go to see Kuro later on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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“This isn't some poor little angel or puppy you know. Going easy on it and making it comfortable is not our goal. Have you forgotten their last attack?” Fenrir's does nor draw back from the overseer despite her words. The two of them had served together during the last great clash, but while she stayed in the battle regimen, Fenrir had tired of that and settled to his position at watching over the deployment office. Even back in the battle squads he'd been more of a healer than a fighter, but he could still hold his own against the best in the troop.

Rolling his eyes at her he huffs. “No Ma'am, I have not forgotten, which is why we need this beast alive. One more session today is more than likely to finish him off. How often are we going to have the opportunity to interrogate a son of Little Horn himself?” A few council members chuckle at the old nickname for Satan. The overseer becomes thoughtful at his words so he continues. “The only one willing to treat him is a beginner, and I do not think even if we sent a better medic that they would do any better, they are all to afraid of him. I used gumon flesh on him,” a few angels murmurs at this in disbelief, “however I'm sure that even that will not be enough. He will bleed to death if he's torn up again today, and it would be a waste of resources.” A few angels roll their eyes at this phrase, knowing Fenrir's little obsession with efficiency.

The female angel raises an eyebrow. “This was also your argument for taking my soldiers off his guard duty and replacing them with peace keepers.”

Fenrir nods. “The soldier were not only counter productive, but abusive to their own kind. I saw this myself.”

“But did you not also say they claimed the demon was getting intimate with this medi angel?” She inquires.

Fenrir shows no outward signs but inside he mentally bites his lip. 'I did not actually see any acts of intimacy other than soft words, but the ex-guards claim he kissed Aoba. As jumpy as that kid is, I don't really believe that, but I can believe that he pretended to. For all I know the demon is trying to get himself killed so the interrogations stop' Taking a breath h replies, “I have no proof of this and by his won words Aoba has made no such claim to confirm it. I do know that the demon's legendary possessiveness is in fine form and as long as the boy keeps doing his job, the demon will remain docile for him. I saw nothing more than the demon's nature in play as a preservation of his own life, and I believe what my eyes tell me.”

The council looks to one another, discussing the case quietly. Fenrir knows things are not exactly in his favor, but he keeps his head held high and his stance firm as he looks up at the whispering council members behind their tall platform. After several minutes of whispering the overseer waves a hand for quiet and turns to address Fenrir directly. “I grant you leave to have you medic assess the demon's readiness for each session. However if he looks to be abusing this out of favor for the beast we will rescind this order and go back to two sessions a day, no matter the damage, and he will be replaced by you. Understand?” Fenrir tenses at the last part, but nods in assent.

'I gave him to order to break it off and unless he's too far gone already the boy will do as bidden' Fenrir bows slightly as he is dismissed from the council chambers. Back in his own office he writes down the conditions laid out by the council and calls in a messenger to deliever it to Aoba before getting back to work, not sparing it another thought.


Kuro waits quietly until the angels leave, not wanting the older male to see any more of his interactions with Aoba. 'He's definitely suspicious, and from what I gathered from when I was off in my happy place, he's almost ready to pull the Little Mouse from my case. That just won't do!' Once he's truly alone, with his new healing in place, he manages to crawl his way over to a wall and sit up. Not wanting to mess with whatever the guy did to his back he sits with his arm against the wall, his back facing the door. He can hear others coming so as quickly as possible he pulls the feather from his loincloth. A quick glance at it tells him all he needs to know, and just before they arrive he slips it back in where it goes unseen.

The new guards don't even bother looking into his cell after an initial check so Kuro is left to his own devices as he waits. The quiet allows him to think to himself, his wicked thoughts running a mile a minute. 'He's regaining energy, which is good. I hated to see him so drained. He'd be useless if he used it all up' an evil grin crosses his lips. 'but ah what a lovely shade it is now. There was only a touch of it, no one else would notice but a demon, and then only one of my level and above' He chuckles aloud, but still the guards do not bother with him. 'His purity, it's fading. . .' Most battle angels, ones who have a lot of contact with demons, have to go through purification rituals if they want to maintain the highest form of purity, but most don't and the demon's know it. Aoba however was as pure as the day he was born not three days ago, but Kuro can see it. That little fading, and he knows he's got his foot in the door. 'I may yet survive this' He sighs to himself, settling in against the wall to rest and wait for his dear Little Mouse's return.
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