I so, soooo want to join this with my Nism character Peet... however, public computers, as we all know, suck. What with time limits, and the fact my own personal comp holds all my refs and junk. And hasn't been removed from the box since I was forced to move. So, no way to work at home and transfer back and forth with my flash drive. Not to mention my work schedule, days off being Wed./Thurs. not being conductive to "activity."

Heh... funny, but when that new Green Lantern animated series came up, I couldn't help but put Peet in a situation where he became involved. So, yes, this would be a perfect place to play out a "history" for that idea. Oh, yeah, almost forgot. To those who may remember me and my posting on the "old" Guild, Peet is Thoee and Deen's future son, raised up to his "teen" years.

Oh so tempted...