Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

It took a moment for Sharee to get what the girl was saying. At first, she had assumed she was simply too traumatized to remember the details of her capture, but now, it seemed like it was something far more serious. Provided she was telling the truth, she could not remember anything about herself, her home, or her identity. For a moment, Sharee considered leaving her for the Breton to deal with, as she obviously had nothing of material value to offer, but it was at that point that a new thought entered her mind. If this girl truly knew nothing of her past, then it essentially made her a blank slate. As long as she did not regain them, it meant her actions and personality could be shaped by those around her, even Sharee, if she wanted to. It was a long shot, but Sharee could see the potential of having someone so...malleable in her employ.

“So you have memories of nothing, then? I can’t imagine what those slavers would had to have done in order to accomplish that. Well, if you’re going to have any chance of recovering those memories, you’ll need a place to rest and recuperate. I tell you what, you can stay with me at my room in Leyawiin, free of charge. I’ll keep you fed with a roof over your head for a few days, until we can figure out what to do with you. I doubt you’re going to get a better offer than that from pretty much anyone. Most people tend to be pretty selfish.” Sharee said, her tone perfectly hiding her true intentions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kayal had just finished healing the woman's foot when the Argonian from before approached and explained that she must have been hit by her drain stamina potion. She then offered the woman a green vial of stamina regeneration potion. Kayal remained quiet as the woman asked their identities before she took the vial and drank it. The taste seemed to have been spot on to what the Argonian warned, that much Kayal could gather. The Argonian introduced herself as Sharee-Mar then continued to ask the woman her name and how she got where she here. Kayal chose to wait until the woman had responded before answering himself, but that answer did not seem to come, the girl seemed to stumble on her words then get lost in her own thoughts as she leaned forward massaging the sides of her head. He heard a faint growl before the girl began to stare intently at the back of her hands for several moments. Kayal looked at her quizzically as she slowly lifted her head back to him and Sharee. Then the girl spoke, "I don't know." She said in a shaky voice.

Kayal raised his eye brows in surprise and leaned back still kneeling, What is it she doesn't know? She cant possibly mean she doesn't know everything can she? I know being sold into slavery was traumatizing and I cant even begin to imagine what it would have been like for her but did she really forget her own name? Or was she a slave from birth, so many questions. He thought, but he did not get a chance to ask any of his questions as the Argonian Sharee spoke up first, asking some of the questions Kayal had been curious about and explaining their location.

Then Kayal's questions were answered as she snapped "I've forgotten everything!". Kayal was caught of guard by the burst of anger and tried to give the woman more space. She quickly apologized and flinched back seeming like she expected to be punished, a act that brought a bitter taste with its sight. The girl seemed close to tears and Kayal felt a sense of both sympathy and empathy for the girl. She continued to explain exactly what she mean with a shaky voice, Kayal listened closely as she did hoping to gain a better understanding of her situation and how it was caused.

Both he and Sharee were silent for a time, Kayal looked at Sharee letting her respond seeing as the woman was speaking mostly to her. Sharee then spoke up, she seemed sympathetic and then continued to offer the woman a place to stay and offered to take care of her in an attempt to help her regain her memories. Kayal looked at the Argonian questioningly, he was surprised she would offer such a thing to the girl, moments ago she seemed more concerned with the loot then the girl plus he had heard word of Sharee and this did not fit her description in the slightest, but he was in no mood to call her out for it and risk starting anything. Instead her tried to find an explanation as to why she would go through such a change of character. She could just be toying with the girl maybe she intends to sell her back into slavery now that she doesn't have a use...maybe she has a soft spot for slaves maybe she found the gods and is trying to make amends for what she has done in her life. The last thought nearly made Kayal chuckle, the thought of someone like Sharee turning all benevolent and religious was humerus to say the least. Religion is a hell of a things. He thought to himself before he finally spoke. "That is very kind of you miss Sharee. And that couldn't be more true." Kayal said hiding his suspicion in layers of social etiquette.

That is when he caught movement at the corner of his eye, Zana stepped forward having not even made a sound as she left the trees and approached the trio. Her eyes were dead set on the fellow Bosmer, Kayal noticed the sympathy in her eyes before anything else, he knew she was likely feeling more empathy for the woman that and either Sharee or himself. She seemed to hesitate and spared a glance toward Kayal before she spoke up revealing her presence. "That is rough." Zana said at first pausing for a moment before resuming, "I can relate, I was thrown into a similar situation, you have my sympathy and my empathy. There is nothing crueler then having your life stripped away from you, being controlled by another person ordered around and made to feel less then alive." Zana said sadly. Her gaze fell to Sharee and she remained silent for a moment she seemed to be thinking about something but seemed hesitant, "I am glad to see that there are more people willing to lend aid to people that need it. Think on her offer friend" Zana said in a thankful tone switching her gaze to the fellow Bosmer at the end. Having known her as long as he had Kayal was able to pick up on the subtle distrustful tone in her voice. She seemed to be thinking the same thing he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The girl started slightly as a third voice entered the scene unexpectedly and, no longer comfortable surrounded by others with the rock cutting off escape, stood up and slipped as carefully and politely as she could manage between the others onto the open beach. Unlike the Bretonian and his companion the Bosmer girl took Sharee's words at face value. Even had she been suspicious she likely would have ignored that feeling as these people were the first and only people to have shown her kindness in her short memory and as a result she was imprinting on them in a manner similar to a hatchling duck. She had no desire to be alone again and likely would have followed them even if the offer had not been extended.

The girl turned and looked at each of the three others in turn, a final assessment before handing them her trust. She didn't take long to think about it before she replied with her tone full of absolute sincerity and gratitude.

"Thank you... Thank you all you've been so kind and you don't even know me. I'll make it up to you all I promise."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

“Well, how about we get back to town, then. We can get you cleaned up, get you some shoes. I’ll even let you borrow some of my clothes, that is if you can deal with the large hole in the back of all of them.” Sharee commented, flicking her tail to the side to call attention to it. She started walking back towards town, motioning for the girl to follow. She didn’t particularly care what the Breton or his friend did.

“Out of curiosity, what is it that you do remember? Not about your past or events or anything, just…in general. You obviously still have language, so what else to you know, that way I know what we’re dealing with here.” She asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The girl nodded agreement at the mention of going into town and cleaning up. She even giggled slightly at the mention or wearing clothes with tail-holes in them although at this point she glanced at Zana in the hope her fellow bosmer female might have some more appropriate clothes she was willing to loan. When Sharee had finished speaking the girl replied addressing all three of the others present.

"Well... It's hard to define the exact parameters of my memories but I seem to be able to put names to objects and such... I know I can fight... That came back to me just before I took the guy off the horse so I guess some memories return if they are relevant. Uhhh... Basic stuff seems to be there. I know boats float and etcetera.i'm really sorry I can't be more specific" the girl said apologetically. "Also uhhh... I'm going to need a name whilst I try to find my own. At least with a name I have something to start building an identity around."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sharee listened to the Bosmer’s explanation of her knowledge as they walked back to Leyawiin, not really paying attention to what Kayal or the other one were doing. It seemed she didn’t know much beyond basic logic, which could be good and bad. It meant she was even more…impressionable, but it also meant a lot more work on Sharee’s part. If she knew how to fight, though, she could be of some use.

“Hmm, you really don’t know much then, do you? By those tattoos on you, and the fact that you’re a Bosmer, I’m guessing you’re from Valenwood. Beyond that, though, it’s anyone’s guess. I’m also guessing you don’t know much about how to behave in an Imperial city, so you might want to follow my lead. If you see a guard, one of those armed men or women in a uniform, it’s best to keep your distance. Most of them won’t do anything to you if you don’t do anything wrong, but some of them can get pretty power-hungry and like exerting that “power” over others. You also might not want to talk too much to strangers until you learn more about what is acceptable or not. We’re in Cyrodiil, a province under the control of the Empire, and these Imperials can get offended over the strangest things. They’re very formal about how you’re supposed to do things. As far as you’re name goes, you’ll need something Bosmer-sounding. Something to help you blend in. Hmm, what’s a good one? What about…Allaina? Yeah, I think that sounds decent. Bosmer don’t have surnames, right?” Sharee said, not actually expecting an answer on her last question. They were getting close to Leyawiin, at which point Sharee intended to guide the girl straight to her room. She didn’t want anyone else distracting her until she could talk to her some more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The girl nodded repeatedly as Sharee spoke to show she had understood the information she was being given. Not knowing otherwise she accepted the information as the truth and decided to follow the suggested course of action staying close to Sharee's tail as she went. Allaina nodded and smiled as she was given her name. She said it a few times to herself to test the sound of it before turning to ponder what Sharee had said about her origins. Allaina would have to investigate the Valenwood for herself at some point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sharee and Allaina entered through the gates of Leyawiin, heading straight for the Blackwood Brew tavern. Allaina looked roughed up, and she drew the attention of a few of the patrons as they passed, but Sharee was sure to guide her past as quickly as possible. Eventually, they made it upstairs and into Sharee’s room. It wasn’t extravagant by any means, with only a large bed, and a few pieces of assorted furniture, including a table with a few chairs. Still, Sharee was not picky, and it had served her purposes just fine for the past few months.

Taking a seat at the table, Sharee grabbed a bottle of ale in her hand and turned her attention to Allaina. “Well, make yourself at home. I have clothes you can borrow, though, like I said, tail hole. They might be a bit big on you, but not by too much. There should also be some shoes in there, if you don’t fancy remaining barefoot. I have some food and drinks in that cabinet over there, which you are welcome to. I’m guessing you’re hungry, given your situation. As far as getting you cleaned up, we will need to go back outside the city for that, to the shoreline. Now, I’ll let you get yourself situated.” Sharee explained, uncorking her ale and taking a drink as she put her feet up on the table in front of her and leaned back in her chair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Elitecommander and hailfire collab:

Allaina followed as close behind Sharee as was possible without bumping and got even closer, practically attached to her, when they entered the populated city and the busy bar. The city seemed claustophobic, bright and chaotic compared to the open and empty spaces Allaina could remember and this became even more true inside. Allaina ducked her head down low, careful to avoid eye contact with any of these people. Those did come close she skittered around as hastily as possible utilising Sharee as a mobile shield as she did so. When the pair finally arrived in Sharee's room and were alone once more she let out a great breath of relief and began to look around.

As sharee had said there were clothes around and it took no time for allaina to strip down to her underwear. She was eager to be wearing something dry and warm regardless of if a tail-hole was present or not. Allaina picked out a pair of brown woollen leggings and a plain white shirt before throwing the coat she had been loaned back on. The bosmer girl hadn't even realised she had kept the coat and nor was she perturbed by the idea of keeping it. As far as she was concerned it was a very nice coat. Once dressed Allaina stood up, barely conscious of her underwear showing through the tail-hole, and began to root through the cabinet of food and drink.

Sharee watched as the girl selected a set of clothes to use, paying no mind to her state of dress as she changed, as Sharee did not share the modesty rules of the Imperials. She did notice the extent of Allaina’s tattoos, which were quite impressive. Usually, such designs would indicate that she was a part of some type of tribe or other group, though it was anyone’s guess which one. That, or she simply had exceptional artistic taste. Now that she thought about it, Sharee wouldn’t mind getting a few tattoos herself.

For once in her life, Sharee was going slow on her ale, as she wanted to be clear headed at the moment and avoid any unwanted headaches the next day. She had finally decided to go ahead with her plans, which meant she needed to recruit a crew, and Allaina seemed to be as good of a place to start as any. After all, she did say she could fight.

“Like I said feel free to take anything you like. That red wine in the bottom left of the cuboard is particularly good. When you’re ready, there’s a few things I’d like to talk to you about.” Sharee said with a smile.

Allaina smiled back at sharee, grateful for her kindness. She had already sniffed out a loaf of bread and had been braced to tear into it before the wine was recommended. Upon receiving the recommendation the girl stopped what she was doing to seek out the wine. Once she had done so she sat back on the bed and tore the cork out with her teeth before taking a swig straight from the bottle. It was nice Allaina decided, taking another swig before picking the bread up once more. Allaina made eye contact with sharee to signal she was ready for whatever the woman had to talk about. She ate the bread slowly whilst the argonian talked biting directly into the loaf to do so.

Sharee grabbed an apple from the bowl next to her on the table, then walked over bearing it and her ale and sat down next to Allaina on the bed. She maintained her smile the entire time, wanting to appear as friendly as possible, to make herself into someone Allaina would be comfortable around, someone she would trust. She took a bite of her apple, then gave the Bosmer a pat on the back.

“Well, naturally I think we should talk about you, and the prospect of your future. If you don’t remember anything, then I don’t find it likely that you even really know what you’re good at. You said you know how to fight, but is there anything else you can think of, any marketable skills you might be able to use to get a job somewhere?” She asked.

The girl continued to smile as she ate. For the first time since she had awoken in that marsh she was happy. The presence of a friend and a little food and drink had done wonders for her emotionally and, as she took a long draught of the wine, she began to feel happier still. When Sharee sat down beside Allaina and patted her on the back the girl reflexively leant in towards Sharee and shuffled in close. She snuggled up to Sharee almost as though she were a blanket and continued to tuck into her loaf of bread. She was eating it a little more slowly now as she found it was getting harder to chew the massive mouthfuls she was taking and was feeling a little more comfortable. When sharee asked about her skills Allaina stopped to think for a couple of moments. Nothing sprung to mind. She thought for a couple of moments before realising with a flash of sadness it would be unlikely anything came to mind at the moment. The sadness was quickly dismissed with another bite of bread and the girl shook her head rapidly side to side to indicate she couldn't think of any such skills.

Sharee placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring expression. “Well, luckily for you, I don’t think you’ll need any, at least not at first. You see, I’ve been thinking about it, and I have something you can do, something to support yourself. It’ll be dangerous, but it just so happens that the one skill you do have is fighting, and I’ll be right there with you to keep you safe. I don’t know if you noticed when we were outside, but there were a lot of ships at the docks here in the city. One of them is owned by a company called the East Empire Company. They’re a nasty bunch, or at least the ones in charge are. People like me, they call us thieves and criminals, but they do the exact same thing and call it “business.” They have a government mandated monopoly on trade, inflating prices to line their coinpurses, and keeping all the good people of the Empire in poverty. I am a “thief,” a thief who steals from those kaocs and sells the goods at much more reasonable prices, ones people can afford. What I want to do is get myself a crew, take that ship off their grubby hands, and sail the seas providing some “fair competition” to their monopoly. You join me on that, and I’ll make sure to take care of you.”

Allaina listened in silence as Sharee spoke not questioning what she was told. With her present level of social comprehension she would not have considered theft a problem unless, of course, it was something of hers being stolen and so she simply nodded along taking a bite of bread every now and then. When sharee had finished allaina took another sip of the wine, feeling a little woozy now, and nodded once more. "I saw the boats outside. They're big. It'd be difficult to steal one unnoticed. We'd have to be fast." She said matter of factly. She didn't even feel the need to say she was in. She felt it should be obvious as she lay against Sharee.

“Well, we’re going to have to do some fighting, as it isn’t completely unguarded, but yeah, we’ll need to be quick. I plan on hiring a crew though, and it looks like you are the first. I’m going to start searching for people tomorrow, you can tag along if you like. After that, we’ll need to figure out what kind of weapons you’re good with. I’ll acquire a few, then we can go out and practice with them. But you don’t need to worry about anything right now, I’ll handle all the planning and preparing. You just relax.” Sharee said, taking a swig of her ale. She was quite pleased that the girl was agreeing so easily; she was really as impressionable as she seemed. At this rate, Sharee would have a nice, loyal servant in no time. She was already cozying up to her like a hatchling would to its mother.

“You know, I really like those tattoos you got. Whoever applied them was an artist, and a good one. I wish you remembered how you got them, so I could get some myself.” She commented, finishing off her apple.

Allaina took a final mouthful of bread before putting the remaining half down and swigging the wine. Allaina had eaten far too fast and her stomach was feeling bloated and uncomfortable. She hiccuped as she put the bottle of wine down before considering Sharee's words. Allaina's resolve regarding the boat remained unchanged and she felt no need to enquire further about it. Allaina was willing to fight if she had to although she would prefer by far to avoid the danger. Upon the mention of Allaina's tattoo's she pulled her shirt up in order to examine them. The delicate patterns swirled across her flesh in bright contrast to her pale flesh and she decided she quite liked them. Well. They had bought her compliments so they must be good. Allaina looked up to sharee and thanked her before bringing her shirt back down.

Sharee chuckled. “Careful on the wine, someone of your size might not be able to handle much unless you’ve built up a tolerance for it. Unless you just want to celebrate, of course, then go crazy. Anyway, I’m sure those tattoos are significant somehow; it’s not everyday you find someone who can make something like that.“ Sharee observed, trying carefully to give the girl a sense of hope without actually saying anything useful enough to help find her origins.

Sharee yawned, stretching out her arms. It was decently late, and there was a lot to do the next day, so she decided it was probably time for her to go to sleep. She pulled herself away from Allaina, removed her satchel, then walked over and set it down on the table across the room. She did the same for her weapons, unbuckling the sheathes for her cutlass and daggers, followed by her crossbow and its bolts. She really needed to consider not carrying everything with her at all times, but her years as an assassin had made her unusually cautious, bordering on paranoid. Walking back over to the bed, she undid the straps on her chainmail vest and dropped it lazily on the ground, leaving her with only her leather pants as she laid down and rested her head on the pillow.

“It’s about time I go to sleep. You do whatever you like, just make sure you’re ready to get up early tomorrow. We have a long day ahead of us.” Sharee commented.

Allaina pondered the tattoo's relevance and decided to examine them in more detail when the opportunity presented itself. Meanwhile she realised she too was tired and caught sharee's yawn. She stood up feeling the cold air hit her bottom through the tailhole in her leggings as she did so. Allaina gasped and immediately covered the hole with her hands to warm herself. She was going to need some clothes of her own if she was going to go anywhere without embarrassing heself. Allaina looked around for somewhere to lie down. Her eyes flicked from sharee to the bed as she asked without words if she could sleep on the bed.

Sharee glanced over to Allaina, who was silently staring down her and the bed. She was amused by the girl’s general awkwardness. She would need to make a point to teach her how to behave around others, else she cause more trouble than necessary. “Yeah, go ahead. I can share, and I guess I don’t have anywhere else for you anyways.” Sharee chuckled quietly to herself again; this was the first time someone had been in her bed for “innocent” reasons in a very long time.

Allaina smiled and practically dived headlong into the bed snuggling into the covers. She rolled over once before pausing for a moment and rolling the other way so she would be facing sharee when she slept before rapidly falling asleep. She had been incredibly tired.

Letting out a sigh, Sharee started to regret her decision as Allaina practically jumped on her bed until she finally settled down and went to sleep. The Bosmer’s behavior was rather childish over all, and while funny, that would need to change at some point. It made sense, though, as she had no forms of social expectations in her mind; she was basically an entirely new person with some built in knowledge. With that in mind, Sharee started to take some of her behaviors in a new light. Ever since they had started back from the beach to Leyawiin, Allaina had seemed to want to be close to her constantly. Sharee had embraced it to help build trust, but it seemed like that trust had grown a bit more than she had expected. Sharee felt like anything she told the girl, she would believe, almost like the Bosmer was her own hatchling. She felt that this could potentially become very annoying in the future, but at least her influence was firmly cemented in the Bosmer’s mind. After a short while of contemplating, Sharee finally drifted off to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kayal and Zana followed a short distance behind the Argonian and Bosmer. The Bosmer had accepted Sharee's offer and Sharee had begun to lead her back to town. Sharee also gave the bosmer girl a new name, Allaina, name Kayal rather liked. He watched Sharee as she led Allaina toward the city, how she was acting toward the Bosmer was bothering him greatly and he couldn't push the feeling away no matter how much he tried. It was so out of character for what he had heard about her and what he had seen from her in some of her drunken nights in the tavern. He was in no position to call her out or question her for he did not know her personally and he was not too overly keen on getting into a fight with anyone just because he was not comfortable.

Kayal was torn from his thought when he felt a light tug on his sleeve, he turned his head to Zana just as she gestured backwards with her head trying to tell him to slow down for a moment. He did as she wanted and slowed down a little allowing the Argonian and Bosmer to go a little further a head so there would be no chance of them hearing their whispering. "What's your opinion on this Sharee?" Zana asked in a hushed whisper. "I have heard a lot about her...not much of it is very good...but this whole...scene...is nothing like what I have heard about her. For one she isn't drunk beyond reason and two she is actually going out of her way to help someone." Kayal answered in like tone. Zana did not respond for a time as she stared down Sharee before nodding her head and leaning back to Kayal to respond. "Then my suspicions may be true." Zana said before the pair returned to the normal distance behind Sharee and Allaina.

As they reached the inn Allaina seemed to get a little skittish but she seemed to counteract that by huddling closer to Sharee. Seems she has found someone to make her feel safe. he thought to himself. The Argonian did not even stop to address him or Zana instead heading straight up the stairs, Allaina following right behind her, something that annoyed Kayal more then offended. "Well there goes my coat." He said annoyed while still looking towards the stairs the pair vanished into. "Aw come now its not like its the first time you lost your coat to a woman." Zana teased as she leaned on a pole next to him. "Those times were different." He said preferring to leave it at that. "This is just..." "offensive?" Zana said, finishing his sentence. "Yeah...that just about fits." Kayal said in a bitter tone. "Come on, lets get a drink, maybe in the morning we can look to getting your coat back or getting you a new one, its not like they are far, we are in the same inn." Zana said and she stepped forward and grabbed Kayals arm pulling him to the counter. He went along with her letting her pull him to the counter.

"Two mugs of ale please." Zana said as she dropped the allotted coins onto the counter. "Maybe three." Kayal added silently Zana just chuckled in response. The two turned and leaned on the counter as they awaited their drinks. "That poor girl is going to be going about with a hole in her pants until she can find something decent." Zana chuckled. "That is going to spur some unwanted attention from some of the men in this town, she is really going to need to fix that." Kayal responded trying his best not to laugh. "I could have given her some more decent trousers to wear, but whoosh up the stairs they went not even sparring time to wave." Zana said chuckling as she gestured to the stairs. "Guess Sharee couldn't wait to get her alone." Kayal joked shaking his head. Zana looked at him seriously, "Really? She is into woman? I wouldn't have known, I thought she was all for men I mean I have seen her drunk and with enough." Zana said in disbelief. Kayal sparred a moment to laugh before responding, "Why do you expect me to know? I don't keep tabs on her sex life." Kayal responded chuckling. "I was just curious, I mean, I have met a few girls that are 'hunting in the other woods' and to be completely honest yes woman can be attractive but I just don't see how it could be as pleasurable as 'hunting in the normal woods'." Zana said entirely honest. All the while Kayal was struggling to control his laughter. As she finished the bartender returned with their drinks and the two took their mugs. "Come on, lets find a seat." Kayal said smiling as he stepped away from the bar. "Wonderful idea." Zana said as she followed after him. The pair settled into a table and resumed their conversations, completely willing to talk the night away. Their rooms had already been rented and they were set for the night, there was nothing that required their attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sharee awoke when the morning light began shining through her window, sighing in relief once she realized her head was [i]not[/] splitting open in pain from the light. For once, she had managed to hold off enough on her drink that she could actually function in the morning, a testament to her excitement for her upcoming plans. She felt like a young hatchling again, her mind racing with the possibilities of what could be. The prospect of captaining her own ship had been on her mind for years, but now she was finally actually doing something about it. Of course, there would be some difficulties. As she did not have enough coin to pay everyone, she would need to offer them a significant cut of the first score's profits to keep them on board. After that, she could start taking a larger cut for herself, but it would be a while before she could make really good profits.

Standing up out of the bed, Sharee moved the curtains on the window above the bed to the side, letting the light shine completely on Allaina. She then put a hand on her shoulder and shook her briefly. "Rise and shine, girl, we've got a lot to do today." Sharee said loudly before walking over to one of the room's cupboard and browsing through it for something quick to eat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The girl awoke with a start and looked around before letting out a sigh of relief. She was still lying in bed and hadn't been abandoned. Seeing as she had already been dressed there was little to do besides sit up, pick up the half eaten bread from yesterday and eat breakfast. The bread had gone stale overnight and dried Allaina's mouth out. Allaina took a swig of the wine to quench her thirst whilst rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tagorn spent the remainder of the night stalking the streets of Leyawiin , occasionally finding his way into a house to both feed and steal what little gold that lied inside. Once the first rays of the sun seeped into the sky the Bosmer quickly headed back the tavern that he had visited the day before. As he entered the building, most of it's occupants still inebriated from the night before, he moved his way back to the corner he clamed the night before and sat back into the shadows. Once seated he removed the hood and mask that cloaked his face the whole night. He then ran his pale hand through his crimson hair, smoothing out knots as he went. It was then the bar maiden, a Redguard woman who looked to be in her early twenties, made her way to him. "What will it be sir?" She said in a soft innocent voice. A wicked smile crept onto Tagorn's face before he spoke in a surprisingly smooth and pleasant voice. "Oh, I hate to be a bother my Riel, but I have a craving for a good jagga. Do you have any in stock?" A confused look came over the young lady's face before she spoke again. "Uh... yes we do have some in stock, but what did you call me? Tagorn chuckled some at the woman's question and leaned forward in his seat. "Riel? Well it means beauty my dear." A shy smile came to the maiden's face once she got her answer. "I-I'll go get you that drink now." With that she turned and walked off, a slight blush forming on her face. As she walked away Tagorn admired her rear with a devilish smile on his face. "It's been a few years, about time I knock the cobwebs away." He smirked to himself as he sat back in his chair, placing his feet on the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sharee ate along with Allaina, not particularly caring how the food tasted, as long as the wine was decent. She rushed herself through breakfast, wanting to get started as quickly as possible. The moment she finished the last bite, she stood up and began buckling her blades back into their proper places. “Alright Allaina, I think this’ll be a good way to get you used to being in public. Just follow me, stay close, and don’t talk to anyone unless they talk to you first. You can start doing all that later, for now you just need to pay attention, see how others act. If someone gives you trouble, just come to me, and let me handle it.” She said just as she finished strapping her daggers to her thighs. Once that was finished, she walked over to her bed, picked up her chainmail vest off of the ground, and put it on before walking over to the door and motioning for Allaina to follow.

“We’ll be going downstairs in a moment, but first, I need to make a quick stop.” Sharee explained, leading Allaina down the hall to the door closest to the stairway.

Sharee banged loudly on the door. “Kilith! Get your worthless tail out here!” She shouted, continuing to bang on the door for a few more moments before finally receiving an answer.

“Ah, quiet down. I’m comin’, I’m comin’.” A muffled voice responded from in the room. After a minute or so, the door opened, revealing a maroon-scaled Argonian male, the same one who she had been gambling with the night before. He was wearing only his underwear, though the Khajiit in his bed across the room was in even less. He crossed his arms, giving Sharee a minorly annoyed glare. “What is it this time, Sharee?”

“Business. I’m going to need your services for that…thing I mentioned last night. I’m doing it, and I need people. I need people with sailing experience, and who will work without anything up front. I will, however, be offering a very hefty slice of the first score, likely a trading ship. They’ll end up getting about double the normal cut for a job like that, so that should be enough to get some of them interested.” Sharee explained.

Kilith leaned up against the door frame and gave a smirk. “Oh, so that was what that was about. Well, you don’t have your own ship so…ah, I see. Yeah, I think I can do that. Just so happens that I’ve had my people keep their ears open recently, and they’ve been hearing a lot of whispers around town. I got a few people in mind I can contact. I should have a list for you by the end of the day, though actually, there’s a few you might be able to meet yourself. There’s a couple of mercenary types stayin’ in this inn; they’re armed, armored, and new in town, so you shouldn’t have trouble findin’ them. Just meet me back here later tonight. If I need to talk to you before then, I’ll send Ahnasha after you.”

“Hmph, I suppose that’s why I pay you.” Sharee responded, begrudgingly accepting that he was actually being helpful.

“Yeah, and speaking of pay…” He said, holding out his hand.

“Fine.” Sharee sighed, reaching into her bag and pulling out a coinpurse. “Here, take it you grubby rootworm. Go buy your girl some skooma or something.” Share quipped before walking away with Allaina.

Kilith let out a chuckle. “Yeah, and you should buy yours some pants.” He said behind them as they started down the stairs. Sharee ignored him, instead continuing on with Allaina down to the main bar. It wasn’t very crowded this early in the morning, though that made it even easier to pick out the people she needed to talk to. Just as Kilith said, there were a few fighters in the tavern, one of which he recognized as the Breton from before. She was hesitant to approach him at first, as she didn’t quite know if he was the type of mercenary that would get involved in more illicit jobs. Regardless, the fact that he had bothered to investigate yesterday showed that he was at least brave enough to charge into danger without a second thought. Sharee decided to take a chance, walking up to his table with Allaina in tow.

“Hey Breton, got a minute? There’s something I want to talk to you about.” Sharee said directly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Slowly Kayal opened his eyes taking time to let his eyes adjust to the light. He stretched his arms upward digging them under his pillow and pushing against the headboard of the bed, just as he did he noticed the figure beside him in the bed. There was Zana laying face down in the bed, still hanging on to sleep. He chuckled at the sight, she had managed to get herself sufficiently drunk the night before and he ended up taking her to his room for the night. She groaned signaling she had awoken, "Welcome to the land of the living." Kayal said as he sat up in the bed. "I feel like I am about to die." She groaned in response. "You look like you are too." He commented, before moving to the edge of the bed. "Aren't you supposed to say something like, aw no you don't you look beautiful, or at least something reassuring like that?" She groaned jokingly. "I could, I could, but you are a strong girl Zana, you deserve and can take the truth." He answered. Zana was silent for a moment before she replied, "...You're alright Kayal..." She said into her pillow.

Kayal chuckled before sitting up and getting off the bed, "Ah, why did you have to do that?" Zana said as she clutched her head. "Do what?" Kayal asked as he turned back to her. "Move the bed." Zana groaned into her pillow. "You big baby." Kayal commented before he turned away from the bed to the dresser where he had left his shirt and chain mail. Usually at night he just slept in his trousers, unless it was exceptionally cold where as then he would wear a shirt, but last night was not too bad so he went shirtless. He grabbed his white shirt from the night before and put it on but decided not to put on his chain shirt. He did not bother putting on the rest of his gear that would normally go over his chain shirt, seeing as he had no need for it at the time, instead he strapped his sword back to his hip and grabbed his other gear before he turned toward Zana. "Come down stairs when your ready and we can get you some food, it might help with your hangover." Kayal said as he moved to the door. "Mehh" Was the extent of Zana's response as he left.

Once out of the door Kayal made his way to the stairs and into the main room, it was still early and many of the bars previous inhabitants were not up and about yet save for a few. Kayal made his way over to the bar to order some food. As he arrived the bartender looked over to him as he was cleaning some mugs. "What can I get you sir?" The Imperial asked. "Some eggs, bread and some salmon please." Kayal asked leaning forward on the table. "Alright, how many eggs and how many slices of bread?" The bartender asked as he set down the mugs. "Two eggs and one slice of bread." Kayal answered. "Alright, your total is 4 septims." The man said as he wrote down the order. "Alright." Kayal said as he counted out the required gold. "Thank you, your order will be ready momentarily." He said before stepping away from the counter and into the kitchen to take the order to the chefs.

Kayal turned away from the counter and found a seat at a nearby table and settled in to wait for his food. Not long after sitting he heard a familiar voice come from behind him. He turned to see Sharee and the Bosmer girl that was rescued the night before. "Ah, hello Sharee and Allaina I believe it now is. I was hoping to run into you two again. What do you need?" He asked politely. He was unable to help but notice Allaina still wore his coat. He did not make any mention to it but just made a mental note to inquire about getting it back soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"To be blunt, I have an offer for you." Sharee said as she took a seat at his table, not particularly caring that he hadn't offered. She generally had a knack for sizing up other people, and this Breton was...a decent bet. He certainly looked to be a fighter, especially since he carried a weapon with him at all times. Inside cities at least, mercenaries and soldiers were usually the only ones who carried around their weapons at all times, and since he didn't have a uniform, she made an educated guess on which one he was. His personality was the biggest unknown at the moment, so she was taking a bit of a risk with this offer.

"You see, it's pretty easy to tell you are a fighter of some sort. You're always armed, and yesterday you and your friend charged in towards danger when you heard a strange sound in the forest. Now before I say anything else, I want to know if I'm right. Are you a mercenary, and are you for hire? Because I got something in mind that could make us all rich." Sharee asked, wanting to get straight to the point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The New Yorker
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The New Yorker Treading the Rhetorical Minefield

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

One of the issues with hand-to-hand combat, for Sarel, was it’s necessary brutishness. Sarel had learned long ago that all battle was evil and only led to sin, but he also knew that some styles were more graceful than others. The dichotomy of battle was what drew Sarel to it. The battle he had last night was of brutish quality indeed, and was most certainly evil.

Sarel could not find anything to successfully stay the attack from the Redguard warrior Owyn. Owyn had decided that taking the stairs would take too long. He readied himself, peered out of the body sized whole at the end of the corridor, and sprinted toward it. At the splintered, cracked, end, Owyn jumped onto the bough of a tall tree which sat near the back of the tavern. Sarel watched Owny slid down the hard bark with only one hand to work with. He left a small line of blood down the tree and Sarel saw something beautiful in that: a single trail of blood traced down the length of a gorgeous tree, illuminated by the brilliant moons’ light. Suddenly Sarel felt something in him click, he’d been realigned somehow, someway. He wasn’t sure what it was until he was ablaze with the aura of his ancestors. It was a nerve-racking thing to be enveloped by the ancestors after so long, and with such little warning. Owyn was not perturbed by the sight of the Dunmer on fire, he seemed to accept it. Sarel realized what had happened to him, the dispelling poison had worn off, finally. He filled his left hand with a ball of fire, charging it’s energy with the little magicka reserves he had left. Owyn was quick, he lept forward, without warning, and kicked Sarel in the chest. The Dunmer fell back and felt his breath escape him. Owyn produced a dagger with his left hand and fell downward, onto Sarel.
The dagger sunk into the Dunmer’s chest, slightly to the left of his heart, he could tell. Sarel’s fireball had missed, it collided with the branches of the tree behind the Inn and lit it ablaze. Owyn shrieked in pain as he laid atop Sarel’s enflamed body, his flesh burning to a crisp. Sarel held Owyn close to him, hoping the screams would end soon. And they did, so he tossed the crispy burned corpse to the side and sat up, his ancestors flame dispersed as he did. Sarel wasn’t sure why he was shocked when the guard came over, his sword brandished in front of him, ready to strike. Perhaps he expected the guard to have already been there, maybe to help. It doesn’t quite matter because Sarel was furious. He screamed of his innocence and the guard’s incompetence as he was hauled away to the jail.

And so, battered, bruised, and a little more than perturbed, Sarel sat in a dank dungeon cell with little more than sacks for clothing and a lit candle near his jail cell, perhaps placed there so that he may read the brief history of the empire which sat atop a small stool near his bed. There was a pale beside him for his excrement and a window, set twelve feet above the ground for his viewing pleasure. Sarel was quite sure he would kill himself before he got out of this jail cell. His blue feet splattered against the wet, rock floor as he eyed the jail cell gate. It was well made steel, reinforced. The lock was a little older, likely simple corundum. Sarel had dealt with things like this before. Beilin had once taught him a method of superheating corundum locks in order to overcome them. He waited until he was sure there were no guards near, sauntered up the gate, and placed his hand on it. He let the magicka flow through him and he tried to direct it into flame. He quickly felt his reserves being zapped, and nothing came from his hands, aside from a small, translucent thread of energy. It flowed from his hands and out of the cage and to his right. Sarel cursed and smacked the bars.

“That won’t help you” a voice said from across the way. It was young and confident, and bore the semblance of perhaps a Mer. Sarel was unsurprised to see a high-nose Breton peering from the darkness from the cell across from Sarel’s. The Breton were like that, unknowable, ambiguous. “The Collage of Whispers paid a visit to a couple of the jails in Cyrodiil recently. 'In an attempt to assist the less prosperous cities of the Imperial province with a recent influx of crime, the Emperor has sent some of the most creative minds in the College of Whispers and the Penitus Oculotus in order to reinforce the jails of these cities, and provide a safer environment for its citizens.'

“Very impressive, are you planning on reciting the Imperial oath backwards now?” Sarel was not interested in the Breton, and the last thing he needed was someone speaking to him as he tried to think of a way out of this.

“I’m just trying to help. There’s a device the College made using soul gems, it’s sucks up all magic in the area. Your trick’s no good here.”

“I don’t believe I was asking for your help”

“Well either way, you got it.”

Sarel fumed in his bed as he tried to get the Breton out of his mind. Why did he know so much about the movements of the Empire? Maybe he could be helpful. Sarl cursed himself under his breath, he tried think about what he knew about Imperial law, it might come in handy later. But, how did this Breton know the movements of the Penitus Oculotus? He might have valuable information. He could be a spy. He might also be helpful.

Sarel resented himself as he stood from his bed and walked over to the gate. He gripped the bars with his hands and allowed his dark red eyes to pierce into the darkness across. “How do you know that stuff?”

“I have a cousin in the office of commerce.” The Breton joked.

Sarel let his head bang on the bars as he immediately regreted speaking to this man again.

“I’m in the Legion, isn’t it obvious?”

Sarel silently thanked the man for his mercy, he wasn’t sure if he could take another sarcastic remark. “Probably not as obvious as you’d like.” Sarel said, taking on a more friendly tone. He sat at the edge of the cell gate, he could see the Breton perfectly from where he sat. He had tattoo’s on his crown which wound in complex fractal patterns. His nose was tiny and delicate but his eyes were passionate, yet forgiving. He’d seen battle, of that Sarel was sure, but he also bore a softer side. He seemed endlessly interested and entertained.

“I’m Serge. What’s your name?”


“Of which noble house?”

Sarel was shocked when asked that. Not many people remembered the noble houses, and almost no one asked for it by way of introduction. “My family name is Drevan, but I am Hlaalu at heart.”

“Drevan? Truly? I knew of a Baltis Drevan in High Rock, he worked ebony at the jewler in Sentinal.” Serge was out of his bed now, in a better spot to look at Sarel.

The Dunmer was dumb-founded when the Breton mentioned Baltis. The two had met briefly when Sarel was attending a youngsters party in a cave between two mountains. They became aquainted because of their shared name but made no other connection aside from that, other than they both liked drinking wine. Sarel had all but forgotten about Baltis.

“It’s incredible that you mention that, I did meet him once, no relation, though. I think. How is he?”

“Oh, quite dead. He fell into a whirlpool whilst drunk. Poor fellow.”

The two were silent for a while as a far off dripping periodically breached the silence. Then, with seemingly no reason, and yet exactly at once, the two men started laughing hysterically. The laughed until they were wracked with coughs and even until the warden came. He screamed above their laughter and banged on Sarel’s cage.

“Quiet you two, don’t make me send ye’ down the hole.” He made a sort of disgusted face then shuffled back to his desk down the torch lit corridor.

Sarel looked over to Serge who was back atop of his bed, beaten by the disruptive power of his captor. “The hole?” he asked.

“Another invention of the College.” Serge said, no longer entertained or interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

After Sharee left, Kilith walked back inside his room, counting the coins she had given him. Sharee was never a client who paid exceptionally well, but it was enough. Luckily for him, he always had his people keep an eye on the town and newcomers to it, to watch for people that could be useful or troublesome. It wouldn’t be too difficult of a job, through it would take a lot of running around. After spending a bit more “quality time” with Ahnasha, Kilith went over to his desk and started to organize his latest reports on the newcomers and mercenaries in the town. There were too many names for him to track down alone, and many probably wouldn’t be interested, but if he delegated the responsibility to others, it would be done by the end of the day.

Kilith quickly wrote up a letter explaining the nature and specifications of the job, then put it in a large envelope with most of the list of potential recruits, keeping a part for himself. He then got himself dressed in his usual dark leather clothing, which had plenty of pockets and pouches, as was common for members of the Thieves’ Guild such as himself. Kilith walked up behind Ahnasha, who was now in her normal dress eating breakfast at his table. He hugged her from behind while setting the envelope down on the table in front of her.

“Hey beautiful, I don’t suppose you’d mind giving this to Eltine at the hideout, would you? This job for Sharee is going to take a while, and I’d like to be able to be back here by tonight.” Kilith asked, looking town and smiling at her.

“But of course, Ahnasha will do so immediately.” She responded.

“Thanks.” Kilith responded, kissing the top of her head. “I’ll try to be back as soon as I can.” He said before leaving the room and heading downstairs. He took a seat in the main room of the tavern, which wasn’t too crowded this early in the morning. Just as he had guessed, however, there were already a few of the potential recruits downstairs, mostly newcomers to the city. He suspected he would be able to find most of those on his list in either the Blackwood Brew or the Five Claws Lodge, if he was lucky. After checking through the descriptions on his list, he set his eyes on someone who seemed to be a good one to start with. Recently, Leyawiin had been struck by a string of burglaries and the guards were at a loss for who committed them. The Thieves Guild, however, had a bit better of an idea on the perpetrator. The guards had to make due with their own investigations, but the guild had the eyes of every beggar in the streets, every criminal and experienced thief in the city. With their resources, they had been able to piece together a decent description of who it could be, and the man sitting in the corner fit just that. He was a pale skinned Bosmer, or maybe Dunmer; it was difficult to tell. Either way, this man seemed to be the most qualified on the list for Sharee’s job, and if he refused that, Kilith had half a mind to give him an invitation to join the Thieves Guild.

Kilith tucked away his list into a pouch, then stood up and approached the pale skinned man in the corner. He kept his movements deliberate and obvious, so as not to threaten the rather creepy individual. It was a likely unnecessary precaution, but healthy paranoia had kept Kilith alive in the past. “Hey, got a minute? I’ve got something to say that you might want to hear, something that could make you a fair bit of coin.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A devilish smile came to Tagorn's face as the barmaid made her way back to him, with his drink in hand. "Oh, thank you my little Riel. You can't imagine how thirsty I am." He said as she handed him the bottle. "Y-yeah, it was no p-problem sir. Is there anything else y-you need?" The young woman said, a slight blush on her face. The Wood elf's smile grew as the Redguard asked her question, his mind instantly going to the gutter. "Well I could use some company while I enjoy my drink." Tagorn said before he took a swig of his jagga. "I uh... er really?" Was all the barmaid's could manage, her blush growing even darker. "Of course dear. It is always nice to have a beauty like you around." At this point the maid's face was a deep crimson. Tagorn was about to continue his flirtation, but noticed an Argonian, clad in a familiar set of leather armor, making his way over to him. "Oh, sorry my dear, but a old friend just showed up." He said gesturing to the Argonian. "But we should really have a drink later. Maybe somewhere more privet." He said with a wink, causing the Redguard to both smile and blush more. "Uh... yeah of course." She said before walking away from the Bosmer, shooting a smile over her shoulder once. Tagorn smiled back at her and admired her rear end when she looked away before turning his attention to the Argonian. Tagorn wasn't too surprised that the man offered him a job, he's been approached by people with mercenary jobs before, so he listened for a while. "Hmm, I'd need more details first. Have a seat." He said as he nodded to the seat across from him. "And may I ask from whom did you get that armor from?" Tagorn asked as he tried to confirm his suspicion about the lizard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Kilith complied, taking a seat across from the Bosmer. He seemed interested in his armor, which indicated he was familiar with his organization in some respect. "Well, if you know what it means to wear this armor, then you know where I got it from. No need to be any more...specific on that in a place like this. Suffice to say that I am the head of a local organization, and one of my trusted clients has informed me that she needs good people for an upcoming job. Now, let's just say, hypothetically, that the value of what this job entails would be around the same as the contents of an entire galleon full of trade goods, and that the cut one would receive from this job would be twice the standard fare. As far as requirements, you need only be good in a fight, and comfortable with sailing. If you are interested, I can put you directly in touch with the client. If you have questions, I'll answer what I can, but the client did not share all of the details, as you can understand." Kilith explained. He did not want to get too specific in a public place, but he needed to make sure he captured the man's interest in the job.
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