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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

- Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Ozymandias"

America has long since collapsed, as has the rest of the world. The ancient super power has been quartered: with pestilence goes the growth, with conquest the spoils, with war the glory, and with death the life. Kings, cults, and tribes wriggle in the flyblown corpse. The carrion crows seek to pick clean the meat and leave the bones of the past behind them.

However, the Fates will not leave the past so easily buried. Where men see kings and paupers, pastors and killers, the Fates see colonists. Those that the Fates have blessed will inherit the land of the past and build the nation of the future. Be wary, pilgrim; while the Fates bestow the boat, the wind and the sea are beyond their weave. It will be up to you to make it across the Atlantic.

Player Acceptance Process and Policy

The player acceptance process is fairly simple:
--Do the required reading. There's some important stuff to be read in the Fate and Skill sections, and it's best for you to read about all of the different nations and cultures that are currently known. This will give you perspective on the events taking place in post apocalyptic America.
--Shoot me a PM with a writing sample, a filled out character sheet (probably the easiest and my preferred method), or anything else that makes me want you in the RP. You could choose to not do any of that and just send the PM, but those who already have my trust are more likely to get in than those that do not.
--Receive your Fate. If you sent me a CS as part of your initial PM and your Fate works perfectly fine with it, then you can just post that. Otherwise, you may have to rework your character so that your Fate blends well with them. Try not to make your Fate obvious, but details as to how your specific Fate works will be explained in PM.
--Receive feedback/be accepted. I can be picky sometimes, so I may want some things to be changed, but I likely won't have to weed any of you out (that's what step one is for). Sit tight; at this point, the RP will begin shortly. The first IC post will be up, and depending on your Fate, some of you may have Fate specific content already in. Once again, do not open spoilers with other characters' names on them. The point of this game is for you to /not/ know what's going on with others.

Character Policy

--The golden rule here is, "better to apologize than ask for permission." Do whatever you want. I'll make the tweaks that I want. The CS that you will be posting in this thread will not be weeded out (unless it's really dumb); that's what the application process is for. If you're stepping on something, I'll let you know.
--Nationalities and Naming Conventions: Your character may hail from wherever you want them to as long as it's mentioned in the OP. You may end up with a different starting position; you may even request one if you don't feel your character has any place at the wedding. That means the private stuff starts earlier, and that's where things are more fun. I'll give you something to do.

As for names, anything traditionally American will do for anywhere in the RP besides the Gauls. If you're wealthy and from New York, you can go Roman (none of the actual Roman naming conventions please, such as the praenomen). Wealthy Memphites sometimes take Egyptian style names, though that isn't necessarily true. The Land of a Thousand Kings varies, whatever will do; same applies for the Free Lands. Those of the Westernelles take very strange sounding names; the more creative and unorthodox the better.
-- Skills: Pick whatever you like as a skill, though your character's Skill section does not have to encompass everything that they are capable of doing. If your character is exceptionally charismatic or seductive, describe them so in Personality, History, or Misc. Once again, it's not a DnD campaign; I'm not going to make you guys roll a d20 to cook and burn the house down if you roll a one. It's a very loose system. In the end, the Fates will decide the fate of your character.
--Appearance: Pictures or description is fine. I like description, personally, but no anime. Anime will be rejected super hard.
--Don't be afraid; use your imagination when talking about where your character comes from. If they're from the Free Lands, make some place up. Again, I'll let you know if you step on anything. If they're from nobility or even royalty, I may allow it.
--Posting Policy: Post when you can; I'll let you know through PM when it's been a little too long. Also, don't feel obligated to write enormous posts. Sometimes, that's simply not necessary, especially in conversation. When I write conversations, one character may ask your character a question with a brief answer; you don't need to stuff your post full of garbage if the setting is established and you're in the middle of conversation.
--Do not put your Fate in your Character Sheet. I will be incensed if you do so.

Players: 7/7
--Eli Wayne - Jorick
--Pykes - Blitzkrieg
--Alejandra Vanderbuilt - AeronFarron
--Morgan Warner - Sukisho
--Deitrich Bern - Herzi
--Remix - Holmi
--Augustus Wolff - Doivid

CS is up along with everything else. I'll start trimming down the OP and making it make more sense soon enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Name: Eli Wayne
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Nationality/Homeland: Land of a Thousand Kings, Kingdom of Wayne.
Appearance/Equipment: Eli stands taller than most men and has a heavy muscular build. He has medium-length hair that most call blonde, but it is dark enough to be mistaken for brown. His eyes are blue and he has a beard and mustache (same color as his hair) that he keeps neat and trimmed when possible. Eli has a faint scar running diagonally across his forehead above his right eye and a couple more hidden by his facial hair.

Eli's fighting equipment consists of a longsword with a slightly chipped blade and a leather-wrapped handle, a knife that is about half as long as his forearm, a wooden buckler with metal bands running across the face, a set of heavy woolen padding, a chain mail hauberk, chain mail leggings, a steel breastplate, a steel great helm with a chain mail drape to protect the neck, and plate gauntlets and bracers. It's all plain and serviceable, no ornamentation or enamel to color the metal.

Eli also carries a variety of travel essentials: a few sets of clothing, a thick cloak, a bedroll, various foodstuffs, a couple water skins, a set of flint and steel, a fishing hook and some string, rope for setting snares, a roll of cloth to use for bandages, a basic sewing kit with a bone needle and rough thread to maintain his clothing, and a sturdy pack to carry it all in.

Skills: Sword and Shield Fighting* - Eli has trained with a sword and shield since he was a young boy, and he has learned to use them very well.

Heavily Armored Combat - After many years training and fighting wearing a heavy suit of armor, Eli is more mobile and has more stamina than most who don such armor, and he is capable of actually putting it on or taking it off himself without much trouble.

Blacksmithing - About a decade of informally acting as a blacksmith's part-time apprentice, plus some time spent working a forge later in life, tends to lead to some skill at the task.

Diplomacy - One born into nobility is usually taught how to speak to others of all standing. The addition of some basic mercantile acumen and some life experience makes for a passable diplomat, when the need arises.

Horse Riding - Though most nobles of the Land of a Thousand Kings learn to ride from a young age, Eli grew up without such training and only learned the basics later in life.

Wilderness Survival - After many years spent traveling hither and thither and meeting with others who do the same, it's hard not to pick up some tricks for finding or catching food and knowing how to make it from one place to another relatively unharmed.

Navigation - Travelers may find guidance from nature itself in the position of landmarks or the stars, or directions by word of mouth or the rare map, and enough exposure to these things mixed with trial and error leads to a decent skill at figuring out which way you're actually supposed to be going to get where you want.

Cooking - Given enough nights spent in the woods with no civilization in sight, learning how to prepare and cook various wildlife is inevitable.

Tending Wounds - It doesn't take much skill to wrap a bandage around a bleeding wound, but few think to carry such supplies and fewer still know they should cleanse it with water or how to seal it with flame or heated metal to ward off corruption; Eli learned these things the hard way.

Sewing - Clothes do not maintain themselves, as any traveler well knows, and the wisest of them learn the rudiments of sewing and mend holes and tears themselves.

Swimming - Many fear water that is too deep to wade through, and with good reason, but Eli has learned how to at least keep his head above the water and move in roughly the direction he wants to go via coordinated flailing.

Personality: Eli is a reserved man who rebuffs most people with a wall of polite courtesy that holds little warmth. Those who have gotten past that wall or have observed him peeking out of his shell see a nice enough fellow who is introverted and struggles with pervasive sadness; a learned man once described it as melancholy, and that is how Eli himself thinks of it. He does not dislike socializing and being around people, he just has a hard to time opening up to them and letting them see past the pleasant veneer. Eli is well aware of the root cause of his own sad thoughtfulness, and he sees his natural distant attitude as a defense against painful questions, although he was always an introverted person so this explanation is more of an excuse than anything else.

History: I went a little bit overboard with this, so I'll shove it in a hider to save some space.

Miscellaneous: The Kingdom of Wayne was built up from the ruins of Fort Wayne, Indiana. The people who settled there thought the ones who came before had used the place as a true fort, thus the name, so when they became independent and established their own aristocracy they restyled the city into the Kingdom of Wayne. The royal family took the surname Wayne after the city, but after many generations the truth has been obfuscated and locals believe that they are descendents of those who built the grand structures long ago. It is a fairly standard feudal arrangement otherwise, with an aristocratic class ruling above the commoners with very little in between.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I am definitely interested in this RP as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BattleShovel
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Commencing Operation Sit Tight And Wait For Awesome-Sounding RP To Be Fleshed out......NOW.

In case I was being too subtle, Count me in as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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VoiD Perpetually mediocre

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Count me in too!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Interest. Post about interest. Etc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card


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Thank you to all of you who have expressed interest and have sent me PMs already.

However, I'm not going to take PMs until I have the character acceptance process and policy fleshed out in the OP. I'm not an advocate of first-come-first-served, especially since there may be a limited number of people that will actually get to participate in the RP. As time goes on, I may let others in, but that's a bridge we'll cross when we get there.

If you see at the bottom of the OP, there's a "0/7" next to Players. I intended for there to only be a maximum of seven players in this RP. I have seven people who have expressed interest to me in some form or another since I put up this thread (which was at two in the morning my time), not counting the people I know who have been begging me to get this up.

tl;dr Sit tight, we'll be boarding shortly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Darog the Badger God Kawaii on the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Super interested bro!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card


Member Offline since relaunch

CS and character acceptance process is up. Have at it.

EDIT: I also forgot the Magisters the first time. They're important.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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VoiD Perpetually mediocre

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Great, I'll start on a CS and PM you when it's finished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card


Member Offline since relaunch

Extending max player count to nine.

I think we'll need it, though nine is a bit much.

EDIT: Subject to change, by the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I've sent my character
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card


Member Offline since relaunch

A ton of you guys are breezing through the process, so whenever you guys get to making a CS, just drop it here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mine as well?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card


Member Offline since relaunch

Yes, if you could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Alejandra Vanderbuilt
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Nationality/Homeland: Alejandra, or Aleh as she's is often called, hails from the city state that was once known as Columbus in The Land of a Thousand Kings. She thrives in nearly any type of weather, long used to the snow storms of winter, thunderstorms and windstorms of spring, and the scorching, stifling heat of summer. She is the daughter of the noble family and heir apparent to her City State, but she doesn't let that stop her from running the day to day operations of the family stables. A Vanderbuilt horse is rumored to be the finest steed in all of the lands: powerfully built to brave the harshest winters, floods and battle, swift enough to to be quick footed for most couriers, and mild mannered to even allow a mother and her child to ride comfortably. With enough grazing fields and a river source half a day's ride away, the Vanderbuilt house has established a long line of quality horses and horsemen. The family crest consists of a white sword and a golden lance crossed with one white horse head and one golden horse head facing away from each other on either side of the weapons. One a flag, the crest is shown on a navy blue background.

Appearance/Equipment: Alejandra is a fairly tall young woman with golden tanned skin and faintly rounded, almond-shaped, stormy gray-blue eyes. Her nose is slight and rests about an inch and a half above slightly darker, cupid's bow shaped lips. With smaller ears that are faintly pointed and a rather strong jaw and pointed chin, she gives off an aura of knowledge and authority.

A slimmed neck gives way to prominent collarbones and built shoulders along with toned and defined arms, thin wrists and proportionately larger palms and longer fingers. Her left arm bears a series of snugly bound colored clothes, which signify that she has received her brand (a series of markings on her skin) but has yet to decide to find a mate. Her chest is moderately sized for her age, which only seem deceptively larger due to her perfect posture and elongated, muscled torso. Her waist is thinner while hips flare out to shapely, muscled thighs and calves. She has a flatter foot than most would think, giving her feet a slight "snowshoe" appearance.

Raven colored hair is tightly wound in a pony tail that reaches the middle of her back. In accordance to the customs of her land, her hair is interwoven with bright red, turquoise blue, pale purple, and golden beads and threads to signify herself as a warrior maiden, a horseman, a Vanderbuilt, and the owner of a successful stable respectively.

For everyday clothes, Alejandra normally wears a shirt that consists of linen and leather padding on the shoulders and upper arm. Her pants are typically made with canvas, but again sport leather protection on the knees. Her boots are made of a canvas material lined with leather on the shins and bottom of the feet. A utility sword, a gift from a blacksmith in another city state as repayment for a horse, is always at her side.

In battle, Alejandra dresses in the traditional manner of her land. Bright red paint is smeared around her eyes as well as across her face from left to right diagonally. Red dipped white eagle feathers with black markings decorate her hair along with braids woven with metal beads circle above her ears. Her torso is protected by a plate of leather, fitted with metal along the front, arms, and back of the hands. The gives her mobility while offering more protection than just leather. However, the metal can be discarded, along with one layer of leather should it become a damaging hindrance. Her legs are protected with the finest, hardiest leather with a pant mail of mail beneath it. This is the heaviest piece of equipment, but offers the best protection against sword slashes while on horseback. Her feet are plated in the front and back. For weapons, a heavier sword with a protective hilt is strapped securely to her horse, whom is also armored in a mix of leather and mail, while she carries a wicked looking weapon. Known as a lance, but really a halberd, this weapon was made specifically for Alejandra to use as an all around weapon. The balance of the weapon is maintain with a lighter counter weight on the base of the weapon, which makes it heavier, but easier to swing while maintaining a good stop time. The axe head is incredibly sharp with a slightly serrated edge towards the tip, and sports a piecing head/hook combination counter to it. The reason it is called a "lance" is do to the removable blade at the weapon's tip, which she uses as a spearing weapon while on horseback. Once the fasteners to the blade are loosened and the blade removed, a smaller blade can be used for parrying and stabbing on foot.

For ceremonial dress, Alejandra wears a multi-hued blue silk wrap with golden threads, leather strapped leg sandals and lets her hair cascade down her shoulders. Beads and threads still decorate her hair, and her face is painted lightly to highlight her eyes and lips. A ceremonial halberd, colored blue and black is decorated with a navy ribbon around the shaft closest to the axe head is fastened to her back via a leather belt. This one is much lighter than her battle version, and is not meant to be used for fighting.

Common: Cooking, Writing, Reading, Foraging, Basic Math, Running, Hand-to-Hand Combat.
Uncommon: Horse Riding*, Armed Combat Speaking, Animal Taming.

Personality: Alejandra is a proud woman that cares deeply for her people. The flip side of that though, is that she protects what she deems hers with an unsurpassed fierceness that has earned her the nickname of "The Vengeful Horseman" amongst her city state and in the Land of a Thousand Kings. She shows the same love for her herd of horses and is not afraid to fight for their safety. While she is personable and rather friendly to people who and friendly to her, she does not believe in "turning the other cheek" when she's been wronged.

History: Alejandra was born into wealth and royalty in the Spring. She grew up learning reading, writing, and basic arithmetic before she was finally able to go into the horse business. At the same time, she began combat training. In her 13th year, a war broke out between Columbus and another City State. The girl participated in the war and was blooded when she killed a young man a little older than herself. After the battle, both sides celebrated the blooding of the young ones left alive with a communal feast and bonfire. She was then sent with the enemy as a rite of passage to show that even though they were enemies, the Land of a Thousand Kings were still a family that looked out for each other. While in the more barbaric city state, she picked found that she had a natural affinity for the halberd over the sword. Upon completion of her training, she was given a custom made halberd then was sent home. Along the way, she gave her horse to a traveling blacksmith whom's horse was injured. In exchange, she was given the injured horse (at her insistence) as well as a crafted sword in gratitude.

She returned to her home in the summer of her 16th year, the war was over and her home was still standing. She greeted the new warriors that were heading back to their own city state. She clasped forearms in respect to their leader and then lead the horse into the stables to care for. She met with her parents again, and a feast was held in honor of the warrior maiden whom had returned home.

From there, the girl helped the mare to the road to recovers and bred her with her father's strongest stallion. The result was a strong, healthy stallion whom then became her mount. Over the next few years, they both participated in another three wars as well as running the stables. The stallion, named Wildstorm, is a black Vanderbuilt mixed with a Thompson, a built horse that was bred as a workhorse.

After her 21st birthday, she was named heir apparent until she found a mate and married them. She is attending the wedding as the representative for her city state with a gift of the finest Vanderbuilt horse that was bred and trained for the king, and a gift of the traditional garb for a married woman, handmade for the new queen.

Columbus is a rather welcoming city state that allows same-gender matings and has volunteers on hand to give the couple children
Due to Alejandra being heir, if she chooses a same mate, she and her mate will choose amongst any of the males in the city state to father a child with her or mate. The male will then gain status within the community as the child's nanny while the non-childbearing mate becomes the child's father.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Elendra


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright, edited my sheet into the post I reserved for that purpose.

It might read a bit wonky because I wrote most of it while very tired, but I'll fix that up if necessary after sleep. I could also blame the obnoxious length of my character's history on sleep deprived writing, but that would not strictly speaking be true.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cpt Toellner
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card


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Blitz, could you change his age from sixteen to eighteen or nineteen, and alter his history accordingly? Aeron's is fine, I've seen it already, but I just saw this that I'd like changed; change the history on yours about being sent back with the enemy and the Land of a Thousand Kings being a family. I'd like that bit removed.

EDIT: Yours is fine, Jorick.
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