Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the human breaks with a 'sore back' the demon allow him to move, slipping from his seat at the window and heading for the door. It would undoubtedly be quicker if he had found it for him but this was something his master seemed to desire to do himself, like most other things actually. "I shall take my leave then if i am of no further use tonight." Illinedi taking the bed warmer from between the sheets and emptying it into the fire place before leaving it in the near by stand. The room was ready and the little lord would soon be ready for sleep, there was little use more the Demon could see for his continued presence and he had two brothers to keep quiet and somewhat scared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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“Ow! What?” Rubbing his head Amano looks back into the room, shoving the box that attacked him aside to watches as Illiendi prepares to leave. 'What did he? Oh, right. . .I guess we've done enough if he's ready to go. . .' A gnawing feeling starts up in the pit of his stomach as he thinks on the following morning with more and more trepidation, however he looks to his demon with all the confidence he cam muster and smiles. “I'm sure you have things to do, and with you there with me tomorrow, I am sure you can help me with anything I forget.” He gestures to the desk. “I will study it all once I find what I am looking for, then it is off to bed.” His smile warms a bit. “Thank you Illiendi.”

With that he turns back to his task of finding that scabbard he knows he has. . . Somewhere. 'I could have sworn I put it on the top shelf, but it wasn't there. I do not think my brothers have been in here to mess with my stuff. Maybe it fell when I' He yelps as yet again something smashes into his head, however this time it is followed by a cry of victory. The source of the now growing lump on his head just so happens to be the box he was looking for. “Perfect! I hope the fall did not damage it. . .” Settling back on his rump he lays the box across his knees and flips the latches open. Popping the lid up he smiles with a soft sigh.

There, laying on purple velvet, is the unmarred scabbard, presented to him with honors. 'First thing I earned on my own. . .' The cool blue surface is inlayed with silver leaf and vine patterns, the usual brown leather harness straps stained black by a professional tanner. His fingers run across the smooth cold surface of the metal around the top, sliding across the shoulder strap and down to the fine silver buckles that hold it all in place. “Just like the ones used by professionals. . .” He smiles fondly at the memory before closing the lid. Spotting the other box he was looking for he snatches it up and brings both over to the desk. Settling them down he checks the room quickly to make sure Illiendi is gone before slipping out of his robe and scooping up his notes.

Shivering, he stacks the papers quickly to make them easier to carry before shuffling swiftly over to his bed. Sliding between the warm sheets the silken fibers feel so welcoming on his nude form. He takes a moment, setting the papers down, then in a mad dash runs to retrieve the lantern, settling it on his bedside table before diving once more between the sheets much like a playful child. Rolling and curling he manages to get comfortable with his head and arms above the covers, his body propped up on a few pillows so he can read over his notes. It does not take long for the comfortable sheets and warmth to make his eyelids droop, however he manages to read through all the notes before reaching over and snuffing out the light.

'Tomorrow, I will face my father, not as his son, but as a man with a plan, and the will to see it done. Even if I am not that man yet, with Illiendi's help, I pray I will at least be able to show him what I long to be' The fire grows dim, hiding more and more of the room from his barely opened eyes, until at last all things fade, and Amano becomes dead to the world. A demon walks his halls, and Amano could not feels safer if the lord himself laid a hand upon him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The demon stalked the halls like a silent vigil, where angels feared to tread, the land of demons, this demon, did not. With all asleep by the witching hour the shadows played like excitable, although distorted children, dancing around his feet and skipping between the candles that still sputtered at his mere presence. A near silent whisper filled the halls with erratic unspeakable words until all came to a sickening stop as the door to the manor creaked open and one silhouette poured from the moonlit street into the hall. The shadows hid the demons grin, as sharp as a cat whose cornered his mouse and with a quiet step he slid through the halls to meet the first of his victims that night, one had to understand that Amano was not to be harmed in anyway, by any means necessary.

It was Tawney, the one who liked to fight and didn't keep eyeing him up like a choice cut of meat. Clearly drunk he staggered on in and as Illiendi offered to take his coat the brother began in with his jibes. "You a puff 'eh, only way my shit head brother got you is if he promised to pay you right? Right." Illiendi could smell sex and alcohol on him, smoke too, it really wouldn't be hard to do anything, even standing still he swayed dangerously as if about to fall and his eyes blood shot and weary. "Not at all, he legitimately purchased my title and I assure you the only thing he pays me for is -"
"Sex! Ahaha, what he going to need a servant for eh? He's no one special in this family, he's mothers little pet but he isn't going to need servants where he's going to end up. Tel you what...tell you what..." Tawney made a grab for Illiendi, grabbing the jet black locks and pulling Illiendi close, it was clear the drink had lowered his inhibiations. "You come work for me. I'm the one who'll get to take over with my dad and I liked the look of that posh food of yours. If you're real good maybe I'll bend you over and fuck ya as a reward." Tawney's free hand went to try and grab Illeindi's groin then but the drunk man was ill prepared.

With a twist of his upper body he'd turned and locked the arm belonging to the hand in his hair, Tawney had had to let go but in the same instance Illiendi had grabbed the hand going for his genitals and twisted it up and around Tawneys back. There was a subtle thump as Tawney's chest hit the wall and a sharp sound of a knife imbedding into the wall a mere inch from his face, it's shiny surface reflecting his suddenly pale complexion in the still steel. Illinedi's voice was not more than a whisper and even the shadows seemed to draw closer to listen, the heat of his breath almost crackled a warning to accompany his words. "I will warn you this only once Young Master. I can not be bought by someone like you and if I ever see or hear of you laying a hand on my master again I will not be as lenient as I will be tonight." He tweaked Tawneys arm to the point just before it might dislocate and break, incredibly painful but with a handkerchief over the mans mouth his muffled yell was silenced. "Where I'm from we're trained not just to serve but to protect our masters and even if I do say so myself." His teeth and lips right by Tawney's ear. "We're really very good at it." A subtle acrid scent filled the air and Illiendi grinned, releasing the now piss soaked drunkard to run up to his room with a sweet smile and a "Good night Master Tawney."

It was only another few hours before a less drunk Burtis came stumbling home and Illiendi greeted him at the door, taking his coat and hat and hanging them up. "Master Burtis how good to see you this evening, would you like a glass of wa-"
"Oh it's you, the pretty boy servant." What was it with these brothers interrupting him half way through a sentence? "Hey listen, you know that the little runt isn't getting anything right? He's not getting a penny. You're going to go to waste serving him, he's a nobody. You're far too pretty to be a nobody's pet. You need to be shown off, I mean your skills will be seen by no one. So tell you what, I'm feeling super generous. How much did he pay for you and I'll buy you off of him. Alright?" Illiendi turned to Burtis and smiled, offering him a hand to which the young lord took and allowed himself to be directed to the dining room. Not a word spoke and the demon could tell the intoxicated youth was already getting aroused from the closeness to the demon. When he returned from the kitchen Burtis had already taken off his indoor jacket and loosened his shirt, seeing Illiendi he waved him over.
"You, come undo my shirt for me. My thumbs aren't working."
"Master Burtis that isn't appropriate is it?"
"Oh nonsense, you're here to serve all of us right? So serve me."
"O-okay." Illiendi moved over and unbuttoned the mans shirt, as he leaned closer to undo the last few Burtis pressed a kiss to his neck and ran his hand up and over Illiendi's thigh. "You know, you're really sexy. I've fucked all the women staff working for my parents but only one of the men isn't an old fart. Now there's you."
"I didn't think staff could faunicate with-"
"I'll fuck whoever I want to fuck and right now, I think I want to fuck you."
"I'm afraid that is out of the question sir I am forbidden.-" Burtis grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in close, this had been far easier than Illiendi had hoped, Burtis grabbed Illiendi's groin through his trousers and clumsily began to caress there while forcing his tongue into Illiendi's mouth, Illinedi put up a brief struggle but made it appear that Burtis was much stronger than he. When Burtis was done groping Illiendi he grabbed the demon's hand and forced it down against his own trousers where his half erect cock still resided.

No doubt Master Burtis was used to getting his own way but as his grip relaxed Illiendi pulled his head away and wiped his lips on the back of his hand, "You taste like cheap women and cheap alcohol." He uttered coldly, pulling himself from Burtis' grip. "I am sorry but you are not my type Master Burtis. I only like women. If you think to take this out on your brother I warn you I will let the entire village know, not that you tried to bed me...but that you failed. Goodnight Master Burtis, drink your water up."

With that Illiendi left the stunned man in his chair and slunk to his own bed chambers where he wiled away the hours until morning on silent projects. When the birds chirped their first song he emerged into Amano's room with a breakfast platter in hand, eggs Benedict on lightly toasted wholemeal bread, chives decorated the top while in a bowl a selection of exotic sweet smelling fruits had been cubed and arranged in a cascade of colors from white to bright red. A cup of tea and saucer upon the tray he carried as well as several fresh made biscuits. These were placed on a side table as he moved to open the curtains and pour in the light of day before stirring his master, he hated mornings, after the comfort of the dark the sun always seemed so mocking in the morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Amano has a restful night of sleep, his dreams light and easy with only a few faint flickers to the horrors inflicted upon him not two days prior. He wakes with a yawn, his eyes quickly skating around the room, and with a grin he realizes he was right. 'I managed to wake before he came to roust me, even as tired as I was last night. I knew the early morning training schedule would come in hand later in life. I am glad I kept it!' Chuckling lightly he springs from his bed, fully awake in his giddiness. He knows this little idea of his will most likely not impress Illiendi, however the childish side of him wishes to try it none the less. More for his amusement than any other reason.

Shivering slightly in the cool morning air he stalks quickly about his room, dabbing on some light pleasant cologne as all nobles are expected to use these days, and quickly makes his way over to where Illiendi had left that outfit he'd picked out the night before. The faint light growing behind his thick plush curtains urges him to hurry, but despite his haste he makes sure to put on each piece with care and precision. 'I wonder what he will be thinking. Knowing him, he will not really comment on it from a personal point of view, however despite his lack of true expression of 'himself', I am sure he has his own opinions on things that he simply does not feel the need to share' He chuckles lightly wandering over to his wardrobe.

Opening it he looks at himself the best he can in the near darkness before doing his hair up in the custom ponytail his father always urges him to wear with his length of hair after brushing it. However as he turns to close the door, the hair ribbon feeling hay hanging from his head due to his not being use to wearing it, he pauses. Turning back to the mirror the faint light silhouettes his frame and for a long moment he stares at his reflection with furrowed brows. Reaching up he slowly slides the ribbon off, shaking his head so that his hair falls into it's customary position framing his face. Tucking most of the hair behind his ears he leaves his bangs as they are to either side of his face before granting himself a soft smile.

“I am going to be my own man, not the man my father wishes me to be.” He nods at his reflection before once more running the brush through his hair to straiten it out, tucking it back into place as he closes the thick wooden door. Still smiling he takes his shoes and moves them around to the side of the bed he normally climbs out on and carefully pulls back the covers. Giggling at his silly idea Amano chides himself fr still being such a child before carefully climbing into bed and covering himself up to his neck. Laying on his back he makes sure not to lay so his clothing will wrinkle and his hair knot. He breaths slowly, drawing himself back into his sleeping rhythm before his eyes slowly close, giving the illusion that he is still asleep.

'Not that he will be fooled. He is a demon after all. For all I know, he was aware the moment I opened my eyes this morning. . .But just perhaps, I may be doing something unexpected. Even if this not be the case and he knows of my every movement, I will at least have amused myself this, the first real morning of my new life' It is not long after he is finally settled that the click of his door opening forces him to suppress a grin. He keeps his breathing under control despite his wish to breath deeply the scent of his morning meal. 'Oh, this smells as delicious as dinner. I must remember to keep up my daily workout routine least I get fat off all this divine food he seems intent on feeding me' The soft sound of something being set down followed by the sound of footsteps heading for his window make the young man brace himself.

The first morning rays are always the most beautiful, but the most annoying at the same time. 'They are beautiful, however why do servants insist on them flashing to life all at once like this?' He suppresses a groan as the sudden light makes him closed his eyes a little harder but as soon as he's sure he can tolerate it he opens them slowly. He looks over to Illiendi, still standing by the window but now turned to face him. He smiles with a gleam of mischief in his eyes. “Good morning Illiendi. I pray you night went well?” Carefully he sits up, still making sure not to upset his outfit, and rolls the covers down to his lap. Lacing his fingers together he stretches them above his head before bringing them down to res on the covers crossing his legs and smiling once more at the demon. The papers from the night before are strewn across his blankets, tossed a bit as he rolled in his sleep. “What is that delectable smell?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As he turns from the window to view his master he is greeted with the sight of a fully clothed individual hiding under the bed sheets as a child might one would say, with the look on the young lords face he was clearly expecting some kind of reaction. Sadly he was right to assume that the butler didn't so much as bat a lid to the revelation of a fully clothed Master, it was highly inappropriate, ludicrously childish and a little disappointing Illiendi was a demon, he'd served kings and this was the lowliest son of a middle class family of merchants at best. He could hardly expect Amano to act according to the rules and etiquette of the men and woman a hundred years prior.

No mind was paid to the man therefore and Illiendi approached the bed only to start gathering the papers, "It is your breakfast. Eggs Benedict eggs on lightly toasted wholemeal bread, diced mango, papaya, pineapple, melon, passionfruit and starfruit in a lightly sweetened lemon and lime dressing. Lady Grey tea, no milk one sugar to start the day and three hand made finger biscuits." With the papers gathered he rearranged them to the right order and neatened them up, placing them back on the desk. "I trust you slept well Master? Is there anything else you will be requiring of me this morning or can I be excused to finish the breakfasts?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Amano does not show the slightest sign of disappointment when he gets no reaction from the demon, instead smiling a little wider and scooting carefully over so he can grab his breakfast tray. Moving over to his desk he sets it down next to the newly organized papers, the sight of which make his stomach turn. He feels the gnawing doubt once more coming at him in waves and a part of him laments that Illiendi refused to play along with his little trickery. 'He could of at least looked disappointed, then at least I could have had some other thing to worry about. It would have split my worry. Now all I can do is think about trying to deal with father. . .' He lets out a long sigh, biting his lip as his hand comes up to caress his brand.

'I can do this, I will do this, and I must get that through my head and get my thoughts together before I face him, or else this whole plan is going to have a very messed up beginning!' His fingers slide over the mark, taking strength once more in the knowledge that Illiendi will be with him, he will have back-up, and with a final calming breath he looks to the demon with a smile. “I shall eat and look over the notes once more, then I will be down. Thank you Illiendi.” With a light nod he dismisses the demon and takes a seat at his desk. He is careful not to get any of his breakfast on the papers, reading and eating at the same time with surprising ease. It does not take him long to finish with both, and not knowing what else to do with it, Amano scoops up his plate and begins heading down to the dinning hall.

As he passes the hallway leading to where his eldest brother and his wife stay he comes to a stop, spotting his sister-in-law peeking around the corner, her gaze locked on the door to the dining hall. The woman is slight, and beautiful, barely into her child baring years. A fine catch by any measure. However Amano knows she is not the type his brother likes all that much, having married her at their father's insistence rather than out of any personal want for the young woman. 'Poor Liddia. . .Curzon does not deserve such a nice girl. . .' Thought hey have spoken little, Amano recalls knowing her in his younger days, having defended her from various mischief makers and pickpockets around town, as he would do often for many of the girls and boys in town, and when they did speak she always spoke to him kindly.

Eventually she feels his eyes on her and she snaps around to look at him. He smiles at her warmly and she smiles shyly back. He is about to ask what she's up to when he figure it out on his own. He cringes at the loud bellowing laughter coming from the dinning hall and watches with a faint sadness as Liddia retreats down the hall back to her and Curzon's bedchambers. He lets out a long sigh as another bellowing laugh comes from the far side of the main hall. 'Looks like father made a good deal or some such. He is never this happy unless this be the case. Well, that serves me just fine. With him in such a good mood, it should make him easier to deal with' With renewed energy he makes his way over to the door leading to his destination.

Just as he reaches it a servant comes running up from behind. Without a word he hands off the tray, not wanting his father to see him carrying it around like a servant himself, and opens the door politely for the servant to enter first. The youth gives a slight bow and Amano recognizes him as the newest kitchen staff, training in to help out when their oldest cook gets fired in a few months. While Amano feels for the old man, and he himself would never fire someone for getting too old, the young noble will not miss this bits of eggshell in the omelets that send his father into a rage when he crunches into one. The old man has trouble with his hands from a life of labor and the little white flecks evade his notice far too often. With a calming breath Amano walks in and closes the door quietly behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi had busied himself in the kitchen, seemingly the old cook napping at his post so the demon took charge of breakfast that morning, it was a fresh enough day but not so cold someone would want hot food for breakfast. All the same something sweet and light would be perfect and so he settled on french toast with diced red fruits and a drizzle of honey, tea and juice for those who desired such. With the eggs beaten and the milk and dash of cream added he allowed a cinnamon stick to infuse in the batter while he set about laying out the table, a clean table cloth, polished silver and shined glasses were laid out for each of the family members in the household. As Illiendi recalled their was Chesia, the Lord, the two young brothers, Amano- who had already eaten-, his eldest brother and he vaguely recalled something about a wife. Each place was set with a well folded swan napkin as had been done so the night before and as he exited the room he heard the Lord of the manor enter, laughing about something or other.

The demon then set to work in the kitchen, removing the cinnamon stick and adding a sprinkling of sugar, he warmed three large teapots full of water and left tea leaves to infuse within cotton sachets inside. Heating a skillet he dipped the bread into the mixture, coating it evenly both sides before lightly frying it until the egg was cooked through but the bread still soft. Setting six plates about the work table he constructed stacks of the French toast three high for the men, two high for the women, the toast was then cut, decorated with the red fruits; strawberries, red currants, raspberries and logan berries, and dusted with the icing sugar. Each plate was then arranged on a tray, five on one tray and two on the other, leaving room for the jug of juice; fresh squeezed apple and mint, and the teapots. Carefully lifting the trays he balanced them upon his fingers, white towel over one arm and made his way steadily to the dining hall.

Once there he gave a polite half bow to the Lord, never spilling a drop of tea or disturbing the food before approaching the table and laying out -for all those present- the breakfast. "Today's breakfasts consists of French toast, topped with red summer berries and a delicate dusting of icing sugar. The second course today will be apple and pork stuffed sausages with poached eggs, black pudding and delicately butter fried mushrooms. We have a choice of freshly squeezed apple and mint, refreshing and revitalizing drink or Ceylon tea." Each place receiving a breakfast, the tea pots placed in the centre of the table with the jug of juice, the Lord received a full bow now, "A pleasure to make your acquiescence my Lord, I am your sons man servant, I look forward to working in your household. If you will forgive me, I will fetch the milk and honey for the teas." Giving Chesia, Tawney and Burtis a half bow as he passed them but sparing them no other look on his way back to the kitchen. He made a promise to Amano not to upset the mother or drag her name through the dirt and he planned to keep it.

Once back in the kitchen he placed two dozen sausages onto a tray and slid it into the fire while heating a pan of water, another pan with butter was stuck further out of the oven so the butter melted but didn't evaporate, into this he roughly cut mushrooms and threw them in. A fresh tray was found and seven cups and seven polished teaspoons were added, the tea services sugar bowl was half filled with honey while the milk jug was filled just shy of the top. It was then the chef stirred and grumbled something but Illiendi ignored it, leaving the younger replacement to deal with the chef while he carried out the rest of the tea service, in the dining room each place received a saucer, cup and spoon and with the tray trapped beneath an arm he saw to fixing tea for those who were seated at the table. The lord was laughing again but a good servant didn't react and Illiendi was no exception.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lord Kenneth Hughes, master of the manor, and one of the richest merchants in town, is in a very good mood. His loud booming voice almost echoes in the large room as he regales his wife and younger sons about the deal struck just the night before with a spice dealer who has fond a cheaper way of shipping his goods. His sons half listen, knowing that such thing are important, that and their father would box their ears if they ignored them entirely, however they both saw Illiendi enter the kitchen, and they both together wonder quietly what the new servant has planned. They both also seem a little humbled this morning, last night's events fresh in their minds. However Kenneth notices nothing, far too pleased with himself, and his wife shows more than enough admiration for his feat, fawning over him like he was talking about having just slayed a dragon.

The events of the night prior are still fresh in her head as well, but it is not until Illiendi appears with the first part of their morning meal. She, like a proper lady, completely ignores him for the most part, only shifting to sit up a little straighter as the food is placed before her, giving it a quick sniff before returning her attention to her husband. Tawney stills as the new servant comes close, however Burtis shoots him a rather withering look which goes unnoticed by the demon, or so he assumes. He wonder idly where Raoul is, glancing at the seat at their father's left hand. Normally he would be here right along with the man, however the boys both assume he has something better to do. They had even joked quietly before that he 'had a wife to take care of' earlier, but all whispering stops as Illiendi approaches.

The master only pauses for a moment to listen to the man, wondering why he felt the need to interrupt his in the first place, however at his last announcement about being “his son's” manservant he is thoroughly distracted enough to actually give the man a proper look. His merchant eyes light up at his exotic look, his refined manner, and now that he thinks about it, obvious skills at cooking. Kenneth can not deny his love for food, his wide, solid frame set with a decent amount of fat without appearing truly disgusting, and as he gives the food a closer inspection while the man walks off, he finds himself pleased. “Finally! A servant that knows how to treat the meals in this place.” His loud laugh is accompanied by his wife's titter, his sons joining in with nervous laughter that ends quickly. As their father's eyes turn on to them, obviously about to ask which one of them hired him, they both shake their heads in unison.

As he gives them a curious look Burtis speaks up. “Neither of us father. We did not order him, Amano did. Says he ordered him from overseas. Marth I think he said.” As he speaks Illiendi reenters and the father this time watches him closely. At the mention of Marth though his eyes go once more to his sons. Tawney nods in agreement. They both know that Amano did indeed say he was from Marth, however Burtis hates acting as if he ever listens to the runt.

The robust man goes back to watching Illiendi then with a hearty laugh he sounds the table with hand, shaking his head. “What a boy, doing such a thing behind my back. Head in the clouds that one, but occasionally he gets things right! Marth! That's incredible! I hear they have very good servants there. Well trained, loyal. What a catch!” He turns to address the demon disguised as a servant. “So, tell me, what is that little slip of a son of mine up to?” Illiendi is spared having to answer as just at that moment Amano walks in and the lord attention immediately slides from the demon, to his son. “Amano! Over here boy. Come, tell me what all this is about you sneaky devil!”

Amano resists laughing outright at the irony of his father's last statement, settling on a half smile. He walks up to the table, the demon holding his chair for him beside his mother, and takes a seat. Catching Illiendi's arm gently on his way back to the kitchen he motions the man down close. “A lime wedge for my tea please, and my sister-in-law will not be joining us for breakfast.” As soon as he is done speaking with his new manservant the youth turns his attention on to his father, giving him an appraising look. Amano's posture is perfect, just the way Illiendi taught him, and with a warm smile to his mother he at last addressed his father.

“Father, I know your distaste for speaking on business at the table, however would request a moment of your time after the meal to discuss matters of great importance.” Despite his perfect execution his older brothers roll their eyes at their little brother 'trying to sound official and proper' however their father's gaze goes from being merely curious to truly interested so they remain silent. Kenneth gives his son a hard appraising look before nodding and turning his attention on to his meal. The youngest son resists the urge to let out a long sigh, having jumped the first hurdle with no trouble, however he knows better, instead giving his mother another smile.

She gives him a supportive smile back, and Amano wonders offhandedly if she really is supporting him in this, or if she is just being 'a good mother'. 'Only time will tell I suppose. I really hope this all turns out well. . .' Sensing some of his old doubt creeping in, tempting him to hide his face as he usually does, he reaches up to touch his brand for strength, pretending to check his pocket for a handkerchief. No one pays any mind to the touch and Amano feels himself relax. 'All is well thus far. All can go well, if I just let it. . .'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi, while keeping the composure befitting his new station, was pleasantly surprised at how well he was received by the Lord, while he had said nothing of it obviously there was a possibility of rejection. The man though was no fool at least, to send away such a 'good' servant would have been folly but prideful men often did not think in terms of service but in terms of their ego. This was good, it meant the old man was capable of rational thought and would not simply dismiss the youngest out of hand, the concern in the boys eyes was evident and while his expression didn't' change he relished the uncomfortable air the two were emitting. It didn't surprise him that Chesia was too busy fawning over her husband to pay him much mind and it indeed made things easier, a clumsy wife was more likely to reveal an affair than the man involved.

It seemed the Lord was so pleased with the servant he began to gush compliments, about the food, naturally but Illiendi played the part of modesty and humility. "My Lord honours me with his praise, as a servant to the noble Lord Hughes this is the least I can do." He offered that odd smile of his, charming and disarming, accompanied with another little bow. When questioned what Amano had planned the butler glanced to the door way and there walked in his little Lord. The father's next words also amused the demon, though no word was spoken of it and the flicker of amusement in his eyes was too quick to catch. Aiding the young man in sitting he listened quietly to his next orders and gave a soft nod of understanding, "Would you care for me to take her a plate to her room?" With the answer he gave another nod, straightened and disappeared back into the kitchen to get Amano's lime.

The cook was awake now, grumbling about Illiendi while the other tried to pacify him. Both fell silent in the demon's presence and the demon gave a smile before fetching a fruit and cutting it carefully into slice and wedges, removing the pips.
"You! You took my job! I' was supposed to do breakfast!" The cook half bellowed half growled. The demon didn't turn around, instead he arranged the lime neatly on the plate. "Serving your fancy food to them! Your an upstart you are an upstart!" With plate decorated with lime and a lemon for good measure, the pith of the left overs curled and used as extra decoration. "Don't ignore me!" Illiendi lifted the plate and finally faced the cook. "Calm yourself, if I have done anything it is save your job for another day. Keeping Lord Hughes waiting until you woke up...how do you think that would go down?"

While the cook opened and closed his mouth like a fish trying for air the demon left and returned to the table side, placing the small plate of fruit slices close to his master, "Your Lime, I took it upon myself to add a few extra pieces should my Lords and Ladies care for the same." Checking should any of the family require their tea topped up and doing so with that odd, graceful finesse he returned to the side of his Master, had he been ordered to take the girl in the room a plate he would excuse himself with a bow and set to his task of arranging one in the kitchen. If not he stood with straight back, level shoulders and nose parallel to the ground, his hands behind his back awaiting hisn ext order.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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“Yes, that would be nice. Do not linger though, if you would.” Amano is unsure how long breakfast will take, his father quite enjoying the meal so it may be shorter than most. 'It should not take too long for him to bring her food, and she may do well having someone like him around for a few moments. He seems to inspire people, and that smile could melt butter when he lays it on the way he seems to with the others' While Amano does not enjoy false smiles, he knows others do not really care if a look be false, caring only how it makes them feel, and Liddia is one of them. He listens silently as his father once more launches into the story about his deal, paying attention the way he always had learning quickly that it was the best way to avoid getting smacked. Even if his father never had faith in him to become anything great, he still did not tolerate his children ignoring him.

As Illiendi drifts back out the young man smiles at the approving gleam in his father's eyes, only a faint unease tinting his pride as he fears his father may and try to buy the demon away from him. 'I know very well that he is bound to me, however I can not tell my father that, nor can I see him not at least putting up the offer to Illiendi himself. Well, he is very good at being polite, he should not have any trouble turning father down without jeopardizing our little venture' He smiles, a murmured, “Thank you Illiendi.” before he practically floats around the table topping off drinks before vanishing once more into the kitchen. About the time the demon slips past to bring Liddia her plate Kenneth finishes with his story and asks Amano what he thinks. Not wanting to sound a fool he thinks over the story carefully before answering.

'For the most part I believe he was simply insanely lucky with that person just happening to stop by, and even if he had arranged that, the fact that it had worked was less of a skilled tongue and more of a honeyed ear from the man who came before. However, I can not very well say that and expect father to stay in such a good mood, so. . .' “Well, lady luck smiles on us all with your good fortune, and I feel you may very well have her favor to aid your already skillful execution of such exchanges.” The buttering up is just enough to keep the lord's pride intact and he laughs heartily, shaking the table with the timber of it. Amano smiles back, squeezing the lime into his tea before taking a sip.

His mother reaches over and squeezes his arm before telling her husband how much she agrees with Amano's assessment then in a slightly worried tone she asks, “And where is Raoul, where is my eldest? Did he not come home with you?”

Amano looks up as his father shakes his head. “No, no, I had him running to check on something with another trader in the market before heading home. I heard some rumors I wanted checked. Don't worry love, he'll be back soon enough. I told him not to miss breakfast.” Amano looks back to his drink, the dark liquid swirling in his cup as he thinks of just what rumors his father may be interested in. . .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

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With a bow he left on his masters errand, fresh tray and a breakfast made up, a softer bowl added with strawberries, raspberries and gooseberries lightly dusted in icing sugar and drizzled with a little honey. Then with tea on the tray he made his way down the corridors to her room, a light rap on the door was enough to have the soft sound of gentle feet padding towards the door. It creaked but a slight open and the small timid woman within glanced at Illiendi with wide eyes and quickly shut the door before he had a chance to speak a word to her. It was unfortunate but he was prepared, there were a few people, so timid and afraid that deep down they had some vague notion of Illiendi's true nature, while never to say the word 'demon' there was something that made them more nervous around demons. Of course, there were ways around it, beauty made people uncomfortable as well as demonic energy. With a second gentle rap on the door he called through with that soft, honey like tone, "Young mistress, please open up, I have bought you a light breakfast."
"P-please, I am not hungry."
"Young Master Amano sent me, it is not good for your body if you do not eat."

There was a long quiet pause from behind the door but then, ever so slowly the door crept open again, the girl behind it blushed from ears to chest and cast her eyes down away from the demons fiery gaze. "B-bring it in then please." The demon bowed but waited for the woman to hesitantly open the door to her room, when he had enough room to enter without brushing against her he slipped easily into the room and listened to the door push halfway shut, leaning on the latch rather than fully closed. A safety measure he guessed, rather smart for a woman in his opinion. He took the meal to the table and gently placed it out upon the surface, announcing the dishes as until he came to the napkin. It had not been folded as others had but he turned to face her and with dexterous hands he folded it rather effortlessly into a butterfly and placed it beside her plate before walking to behind her chair which he pulled out for her. She looked at him dubiously a moment then made her way over to it as a rabbit might approach a snake, her eyes wide and her steps measured less he make some foul move on her.

He didn't of course and slipped the chair in as she took her seat at it. Once seated she picked up the butterfly napkin and smiled faintly, "You're rather talented." she meekly uttered, "Do you like it Young Miss? I'm afraid this one we have to unfold, less your beautiful dress become stained." He gently took it from her fingers, flicked it open and laid it into her lap, "However, if it would please you I can make you one to keep, they always turn out better in paper and card." The frightened dove seemed to contemplate this a moment then smiled faintly and nodded, "Then...if it is no trouble, I think I'd like that." Through all this she didn't look at him, only her food which she had yet to start.
"Do you wish me to leave mistress?"
"Yes...I mean no...I mean...." The girl seemed rather confused between her honesty and her propriety as a lady, when she chanced a glance at the male there was a soft disarming smile that set her partially at ease.
"Do I frighten you?"
"A...a little."
"I don't know...you just look so...exotic."
"That is because I am, I'm from Marth."
"I've heard of the land but..."
"It is not somewhere for such a gentle butterfly, though it has it's beauty, it's appeal."
"Is it, dangerous?"
"No more so than any other country. Though the ways there are vastly different. Would you like me to leave mistress?"
"N-no...I don't think so..."
"Then how about this." The demon slipped away from her side and carefully lowered himself to his knees, leaning back so his rump touched his heels putting him a head shorter than the smaller woman. She looked at him in flabberghasted disbelief but he only offered a faint casual smile and kept his eyes away from her face. "Does this help?"
She remained silent a moment then tiny little fingers found their way against his hair. "It's as soft as cat's fur." She commented idly, before realising herself and pulling her hand away. "I-I'm sorry."
"Not at all my mistress. If you desire to you may do as you wish as long as it makes you feel comfortable." The girl looked both embarassed and confused, so Illiendi slowly rose and lightly brushed a lock of hair from her face and behind her ear. "My master wished me not to delay. Ring the service bell when you are finished with your meal and I will come and clean it away for you, you can also ask of me any light house keeping you'd like."
"Oh! I... I see. Thank you Mister?"
"Oh, it's Illiendi, just Illiendi."
She faintly, nervously smiled at him as he bowed to her and in turn he offered that warm, charming smile before leaving the room to return to his duties.

Returning quickly to his masters side as the young master began his lip service to his father he kept a remarkably straight face, busying only to tidy away the empty plates and cutlery and take them to the kitchen, carefully arranging the plates on a fresh tray and making a fresh pot of tea he returned to the dining hall. Once again each person- starting with the lord and working his way through the 'rank' in the household, he served them with aplomb, not a single spill or piece out of place despite the nature of this 'main' breakfast. Once again he poured tea to the liking of those at the table before returning to Illiendi's side and falling silent to listen once again, Raoul, the eldest brother, husband to his timid little dove, currently out on business but as far as Illiendi was aware the most liked of the three brothers and thus the least likely to stand in their way in one form or another.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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A small smile settles on Amano's face as Illiendi sweeps in and begins doing his job, and doing it with flare. Just the right amount without being flashy or drawing too much attention to what he is doing. Just enough to earn another approving glance from his father and make Amano feel proud. However, beneath the pride, the youth can feel an unease. The same unease that has been eating at him from the night prior, now sweeping back in to try and set him on edge. However he holds his own, listening as once more his father speaks, this time about the rumors. At this, a new worry sets up, thought it does not reflect on his face. 'Father is speaking of the things Illiendi. . .That I had Illiendi do last night. . .' He swallows softly, taking a quick drink of his tea as him mother gasps, looks of varying degrees of horror on his face and a faint turn away from her husband as such talk seems to make her upset.

However her attention is caught a moment later, as is the attention of the rest in the room, but the door opening and the final member of the direct family walking in. Raoul is a fine example of the best between both mother and father, his tall frame properly proportioned to give him a strong look without appearing bulky, his mothers fine features tempered into something far more manly while still appearing graceful. His sharp eyes pick out the sight of Illiendi immediately and his eyes stay on him for several seconds as he approaches the table before sliding over to his mother who had practically jumped up to greet him. He allows her her few moments of holding him tight, kissing his cheek, and carrying on much as if he were one for a year, before he helps her back to her seat politely and walks swiftly around his father to take up his own seat.

Raoul, while seemingly the most mild mannered and reasonable out of the three older siblings, has a way about him at times that leaves no doubt that he is the most dangerous of the three. Amano recalls that back when he was seven, how the eldest brother had held a blade to his throat and promised that if he ever tried to take a place at the top rung of their little fight for their father's position. 'He would not hesitate to take my life, had I not officially denounced my right to try for the title they so long for' He muses softly, trowing the tall male a warm smile. After agreeing never to try and take his place, Raoul had become the closest thing to kind as any of the brothers had managed to achieve, only teasing him in fun, and with a much less chance of leaving him maimed as the several time Burtis and Tawney had lead him into various perilous situations as a child.

'All things considered, Raoul may very likely take this all one of two ways. If it comes to the worst, he may see this as a challenge, though even if it was I would not have to worry about repercussions until I get back, or he may very well see this as the last confirmation that I have officially given in to never inheriting from father. For the prior, I have Illiendi to defend me, at least until he has what he needs from me and leaves, and for the latter, his support would be most welcome. I can even see him helping to talk father into blessing my journey. Perhaps even openly, garnering me more faith by the locals' Raoul returns his smile, that soft gleam in his eyes shifting into a calculating expression followed by a look of inquiry as his gaze travels from Illiendi then back to his youngest brother.

Before Amano can answer the look however Kenneth's booming voice once more fills the room. “Do you see that there Raoul? That is our dear little Amano's newest acquisition! A fine servant indeed, his cooking fare finer than we are use to around here.” He chuckles softly, taking another bite.

Amano takes the opportunity to cut in, with all the politeness he can, and finish introducing the demon. “This is Illiendi, a professional manservant from Marth. I purchased him myself, and he will be helping me with a venture you may have an interest in brother.” Though he has tree brothers, Raoul is the only one, in Amano's eyes, that has earned the title, and the only one he addresses thus.

Lady Chesia titters softly, looking to Amano with a lighthearted disapproving look. “Indeed, he has us all intrigued with this mysterious plan, however he won't tell us until discussing it with you father.”

Amano smiles softly at her. 'It is like being in a house made of naught but gossip mongers. Any bit of information I have given them, they feel free, no, feel compelled, to share' Raoul, who's gaze had traveled over each of them as they spoke, once more falls on to his little brother and with one last smile lets Amano know that he has nothing to fear from Raoul at the moment and lets out a contented sigh, using his teacup to cover it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

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As the eldest brother finally entered the demon was quick to notice the change in atmosphere, this one was dangerous, this ones mere aura commanded respect. It was almost a shame it had not been he who had summoned Paimon from the infernal abyss. He certainly radiated the aura and presence of a true Lord and for the first time since being bound to Amano he was impressed. Though to impress him meant little, it meant should Amano desire it Raoul would be a delicious snack, a unique flavour, something to savour as it digested and nothing more. Of course Illiendi’s countenance did not change, nor his actions become less fluid or graceful.

When the Lord spewed forth his endless flattery Illiendi bowed, “My most noble and gracious Lord, you do me such an honour with your praise, I aim only to please.” As Amano introduces Raoul to him the demon offers another half bow, “My pleasure Master Raoul. I shall fix you a place immediately.” With that the demon swept out, leaving Amano to his family as he arranged a plate for the eldest son, fetched a fresh china cup and with both arranged beautifully upon a tray set back to the hall to serve the newest addition to the table.

It would have been child’s play to kill them all right now, gathered in one place ever so conveniently. Amano however still harboured his emotional commitment to these people and the boy did so honour his humanity, wasn’t that why Illiendi had chosen him though? Anyone could take someone like Raoul and mould him into a King but to take a mouse and turn it into a Lion, to watch how far a man was willing to fall for his goals and dreams, it bought a whole new flavour to a dish. Taking his place at his masters side he waited once again, soon things would start moving, soon they’d leave this confined corner for the world, soon Amano would begin his descent, it was delicious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Raoul's eyes follow the movements of the new servant, giving him a nod in response to the bow, before looking at the rest at the table. As Illiendi sweeps out of the room the eldest notices the two middle siblings almost visibly relaxing, and inside he makes note on the odd reaction and decides to investigate. However when his eyes land once more on his youngest sibling he once more smiles, the obvious delight and vaguely more commanding presence of the little squirt comforting in a way. 'It is strange, little Amano going and doing something like this. I long ago concluded that he was likely to end up a simple man, with little to his name, and perhaps even content with that. However this. . .This man. . .I see him bringing about a change in my dear little brother. He seems a little taller when this, Illiendi, is present' As if on cue the demon walks gracefully back in the room, serving the eldest with all he finesse and style he had been showing all morning with the rest of the family.

On the other side of the table said little brother smiles warmly as his new manservant comes back in, his mother mimicking the smile a bit as he serves Raoul with such skill. 'You know, even if all of this ends horribly as it began, I think seeing them all like this is by far worth it all' He chuckles on the inside. For a moment he almost forgets the Illiendi is a demon, and in all likelihood drag his soul to hell when this is all over, to suffer and eternity in agony. Almost.

“So dear, what were you out doing so busily in the morning? What are these rumors your father spoke of?” His mother's voice cuts through Amano's thoughts and a sudden drop in his stomach threatens to show on his face.

He takes a measured sip of his tea before looking to his brother curiously. 'I am willing to bet they have a lot to do with what Illiendi did. . .I can see a few of father's business partners being the type to do what was done to me. . .Well, what they tried to do'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

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The demon remained silent at his wards side, he had no instructions to act and so he didn't, while Raoul spoke Illinedi kept a look of silent submission, hinting at nothing emotionally and it was an accurate reflection of the within. Illiendi hardly cared about what he'd done to the humans, it was a task no more complicated than breathing was for people, unlike some of his kin he had not relished it, he had not looked back on it with glee. Nor did he feel guilt or disapproval for what he had done, there was nothing at all too feel, humans felt similar when they crushed ants under boot. Raoul went on to confirm some of the less bloody rumours, the loss of money or family but he, for his mothers sake left out a good many of the details, glancing only over the deceased's names before moving on to the more bizarre but less violent like the Lady's face but again not delving into details.

There was more he'd say 'later' when alone with the Lord but Illiendi was already clearing away the empty dishes, stacking them with easy proficiency, topping up the tea's to the companies liking and then disappearing with the dirtied plates into the kitchen after offering a 'soft sweet' to the gathering, the sweet in mind was a foreign dish called mocchi, a sweet bean paste wrapped in a soft shell and flavoured to the cooks desire, it was considered hard to make due to the heat one had to work with the sugar dough at . Illiendi had offered a choice of plum or apricot flavours, waited for people's requests and was back in the kitchen, plates in the sink and mocchi being worked on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Amano does his best to look shocked and appalled at the things that his elder brother is talking about, as if he is hearing it all for the first time, and since no flicker of suspicion crosses the faces of him family, he's sure he pulled it off fairly well. While he feels no real shame in what he asked Illiendi to do, his disgust in genuine and as he finishes off his tea, it is no hard task to look a little ill. 'Hearing this once again, from lips of one not the cause of it, the feeling is a little different. I ordered this, I was the force behind the demon who implemented my desire to see them suffer. I wonder. . .' Knowing he won't see anything he can not help but glance back at Illiendi, his gaze falling upon that normal impassive and professional profile at his side. 'I wonder if he enjoyed his task. . .Legends always spoke of demons as delighting the the suffering of humans. . .So it only goes to follow that he enjoyed the task. . .' Unsure of what to think of the sudden revelation Amano looks back to the table, giving his mother a sympathetic look as she holds her napkin over he mouth.

As the demon clears the dishes, Amano giving him a nod as to wanting more tea, the youngest looks up to his father and begins gauging his mood all over again. He had been right, a few of the people were ones who he'd had dealings with, and the news had changed him from ecstatic to more than a little distracted. 'This could work in my favor. If he has the prospect of needing to get some major rebuilding done, making new connection, having one less son around the house to worry about, and the chance of said son bringing the house some glory somewhere out of the way may sound all the more appealing' He thanks Illiendi for the tea, and requests plum, in his mind doing a slow count down. His father will definitely wish to stick around for his apricot treat, however his father's patience is not legendary. Far from it in fact. 'I pray this sweet does not take too long, least he fall into a foul mood. .. '
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

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It took Illendi a matter of minutes to finish the puddings, one the sugar dough was hot enough it simply needed folding and a quick blast of heat. Each plate was presented with his usual flair, a delicate dusting of icing sugar atop the small semi-translucent balls that dotted the plate, like wise a small amount of chopped raspberries accompanied and took the drabness from the white hue of the dessert. One more silver tray was loaded with bowls and once again he swept into the room like a welcome gust of wind, depositing with great grace, starting from the lord, eldest brother, mother and working his way down the family line until he met with Amano again- placed the soft light treats before each awaiting guest, finally taking his place at Amano's side once all was said and done. The Lord's mood had indeed shifted and while he had been taught many things by humans who had 'owned' him in the past, how to make another happy was not a necessary skill for his job usually. He hoped the pudding would do such and saw to it that he topped up drinks once again, knowing the man's love of alcohol he contemplated offering him a glass before deciding to wait and see how the pudding was received. It was light as he had said but had an unusual texture due to the sugar dough that some found slightly off putting, though when done right it was not unlike a less sweet marshmallow. The inside was soft, sticky and once burst seemed to melt the rest of the ball like a soft melting chocolate. The natural sweetness of the fruit giving it a soft but not over powering flavour which, in Illiendi's opinion, was perfect for a morning treat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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The conversation while the demon is gone is kept quiet and inconsequential, most at the table doing much as Amano and wondering if Illiendi will return before the lord of the manor began questioning all his praise from before. The youngest drinks slowly, going over and over in his head how he should begin his talk with his father. He knows that perhaps he is not ready to speak with him as he did with his mother, that false bravado and commanding tone not enough to impress the older male. 'However if I approach it too much as his son, he will most definitely be very condescending and try to put his own agenda on all this. I do not want to have to put up with all his planning and his pomp, but if I do not at least give in a little bit he will deny me out right. While I can deal with that. . .I. . .' His eyes come up as Illiendi once more enters the room.

He manages a smile at the demon's promptness, whispering a thanks as he is served, last. 'In all places but under my father's roof, I suppose he would serve me first. I am the master here, and yet. . .' He knows the knots and butterflies in his mid section are not helpful, however as he calms them, looking to his father praising the treat and asking where it hailed from, the young man lets the world around him fade. His focus goes to the inside and the voice of his fencing instructor comes to him. Nothing specific, just the sharp tone, the warm hum of it reminding him of his need to stay on track. While professional fencing is mostly harmless, the actual skill of sword play requires focus. Without it, without keeping you mind to the task of staying alive, the chances of death rises higher and higher with each passing moment, and it only takes an instant to have your head separated from you body.

His eyes open slowly and he reaches for his own treat carefully. He eats it slow, savoring it, smiling as his mother looks to him with a giggle at the powder now dotting his chin. 'It does not matter if I fail here, or what he will think of me for doing so. All that matters is he is here to help, no matter my failures, and we have a plan. And I. . . Have a goal' He finishes his treat quickly but delicately, giving Illiendi a smile and nod of approval. His father still has a bit on his plate so with a polite nod he addresses the larger man. “If it would please you father, I will await you in your study. Please, enjoy the rest of your meal.” His mother watches him with a light smile as Kenneth laughs lightly, waving him off. Turning Amano meets his manservant's eyes and with a hand he gestures that Illiendi should stay and finish breakfast. Whispering softly as he passes the taller male he says, “Father will likely try to buy you when you accompany him to the study, unless he wishes to wait and ask you in front of me. I would rather give you the opportunity to turn him down alone.”

With that said Amano makes his way out into the hall, letting out a long sigh as he does so. The front hall is empty and after a moment the young man regains his bearings. 'If I can go to his study, get seated, have some time to calm down, things will go much better for me' That in mind he pushes off the doors he'd been leaning on and makes his way to his father's study. On the second floor of the building, above the sun room at the front of the house opposite the dining room and kitchen, his father's study is far bigger than is necessary for such a man. He may be the biggest trader in town, but the fact remains he is a simple trader with good connections. The servants have already drawn the curtains, the large glass doors leading out on to the balcony open and the musty air already becoming fresher.

Crossing the room he stands in one of the doorways for a long moment, taking in the cool misty air. The sun rises on the other side of the house, the side his room and the kitchen are on, so the street beyond the balcony is still in shadows, dull and gray. The mist lingers in the streets, loath to retreat before the sun's warming rays. The cool water droplets feel good on his skin and after only a short time, he is as calm as he is going to get. Turning back to the room Amano makes his way over to one of the chairs before his father's desk. When seated the great window doors are at his father's back, and as such Kenneth often times schedules important meetings then he can take advantage of the light coming through them. A little earlier in the afternoon to blind, and a little later to dazzle. Deciding on a seat just off to the left, which will force his father to turn his head slightly to look at his son, Amano takes a seat, and begins waiting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He almost felt the humans sigh in relief as he appeared and deposited the sweet and topped up those who wished another drink, the relief on the Lord's face was rather obvious and he assumed that the tension was no doubt down to his potential foul mood. When asked questions the servant gave a polite, gentle smile and a half bow, "It is a dish from the lands close to my home, Nippon, it is a sweet usually made for days such as these to help clean the palette and leave fresh breath and sweet taste to linger in the mouth. I am glad it pleases you my Lord, I confess that it is usually preferred by those of a more refined and sophisticated palette such as yours." Perhaps the lip service would aid in lifting the man's spirits some but it was delivered with all the sincerity that he delivered the rest with and that same pleasant smile.

As Amano saw fit to excuse himself and order him to remain with the breakfast things the demon in butler's clothing gave a gracious bow, "Of course My Young master." To keep Kenneth sweeter and less defensive he added the 'young' so that Amano could not be seen as a threat to his dominance in the house hold. With the boy gone he returned to his duties of serving the rest of the house and as one by one they finished and departed he pulled out their chairs and dusted them with a clean white handkerchief to remove any remaining crumb or hair that might have fallen before wishing them a pleasant day. With his trusty tray he loaded dirty plats, cutlery, cups and other crockery with the expert skill he'd shown through the rest of the meal, politely excused himself to the kitchen and deposited the filthy items into the sink where a pot scrubber was already setting to work cleaning the mess. Illiendi pat the young man on the shoulder and offered a thankful smile before returning to the dining hall, there was much to do and so little time to do it in. He had to speak again with the timid Dove married to the eldest brother, ensure the silence of the younger too and keep Kenneth both in a pleasant mood and ready to hear out Amano when they both were ascending the stairs.

With only the Lord left at the table the butler took up the position just behind and to the left of him as a good butler ought to and waited until even Kenneth was stuffed, praising the food again and once more marveling at the exotic twist to the dishes. There was though a lot less laughter than before the reports were given, "If it would please you My Lord, as your son desires your personal audience it may be a matter that could take some time, I can make tea and biscuits or bring you a fine whiskey if you prefer?" Kenneth was dubious a minute then nodded lightly, "Bring both, heaven knows my youngest isn't much of a drinker." Illiendi offered a smile and a deep flourishing bow. "Then I ask your forgiveness and will meet you upon the ascent my gracious Lord." Clearing the last of Kenneth's crockery he aided the man to his feet and gently brushed down any crumbs from him, Kenneth looked confused and ready to complain but took this as simply another sign of a good, well trained manservant and nodded gruffly.

With the man cleaned up and crockery on the tray he slipped into the kitchen and dropped off the rest of the dirty crockery to the pot washer, he had enough time to decide on a course of action but all were too likely to cause a breach and he halted his plans and set instead to heating a teapot and polishing two clean cups and saucers and the matching silverware. He likewise polished up a crystal glass and poured a third bottle of whiskey into it's matching decanter. With ice added to the glass for the whiskey and light golden sugar added to the sugar bowl the demon swept out and was in time to hold a door open for the mousy dove to run back inside her room, she paid him a gentle, shy smile and he paid her a kindly one in return. Then up the stairs he swept following not far behind Kenneth, it certainly stopped the man asking any awkward questions until at the study.

By the time they reached the door Illiendi effortlessly balanced the tray and pulled the door open for the Lord, bowing at the waist carefully, "Aster you My Lord." And once Kenneth was inside Illiendi followed him in, allowing the door to close behind him gently and finding an adequate table where he started to set out the beverages for what may end up becoming a rather long conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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To say that he was not rocked a bit by the use of the term 'Young Master' by Illiendi, especially after his thoughts before on the matter, would be a lie. For a time, it almost slipped his mind, more important things to be considered. However, as he sits along in his father's oversized study, the youth begins seriously doubting himself. 'Illiendi is mine, is he not? And even he, who has sworn himself to me. . .Even he sees me only as a “Young Master”. . . .I bet he would find my elder brother's more to his liking, especially Raoul. He really is a masterful type' His eyes fall, his head hanging low as more and more doubt wells up inside him. He can not even find it inside himself to become upset, or even begin contemplating correcting his manservant.

'He is a demon, who serves who he likes, however I am feeling more and more that I just happened to be the only one close enough that he found palatable. The best in a barrel of rotten apples' He sighs softly, accepting the truth of it without letting him consider other options. As the least of his brothers, in his father eye and those of the men and woman of note around town, it has simply become the easiest way to think for the young man. His spine curls and his face falls into his hands as the ache brought forth by such thoughts begins to burn deep in the put of his stomach. He stays like this for some time, only shifting when he hears the sound of footsteps in the hallway. 'At the least I can do as he has taught me. At the least I can avoid dishonoring his teachings'

Sitting up in the right position, lifting his head until it is properly leveled, Amano steels himself for the encounter. As the door opens he stands respectfully, looking to the door as his father enters, followed by the center of the young man's thoughts, other than himself of course. Kenneth nods at the boy, taking his seat behind the desk with a huff, giving Amano another nod to indicate he should sit. Doing as he is bidden Amano holds himself up proper, looking far more confident and regal than he feels. As soon as his father has his drink Amano begins speaking as respectfully as possible while still adding his own personal edge to his words.

“As I said before father, I have a matter of importance with which I would like to speak to you upon. It concerns my future, and my ability to honor my family with my deeds.” Kenneth sets his glass down after a long sip, motioning for Illiendi to top it off. When his old man looks back to him, Amano takes it as his cue to continue. “For over a year now, I have been planning to take to lands outside our own, crossing the sea to places unknown to find something new, of worth, and return with it here. In essence, to create a new trade market for goods unknown to this land.”

Kenneth's eyes widen at this. Of all things he expected to hear from his son, this was not even in consideration. “Have you now?” Amano nods. “And I have not heard of it?”

Knowing his father's connection Amano quickly recollects what was discussed the night prior, the notes floating before his eyes. None of them really help, however he puts together a plausible explanation, to the best of his abilities. “I wished to prove that I can do such things on my own, and as I have planned it, all things to be done are falling into place. From your own teachings I have leaned how to control the flow of information, knowing how you pride yourself in being able to do so, I could not resist using what I have learned from you Father.”

The flattery seems to do the trick and with a loud booming laugh Kenneth pounds the table and offers his youngest an almost genuine smile. “You have done very well indeed. Glad I could pound something useful into that stubborn skull of yours. I thought you would be watching the clouds forever.” He looks to Illiendi, still chortling. “Here I was, trying to find a life for him, and there he goes, making one fore himself. I am not sure whether to weep for the ladies, or congratulate them on avoiding the burden that is my youngest.”

Use to his father's backhanded way of dealing, not only with him, but with most of his less prestigious business partners, he declines commenting on his father's attempt at humor and instead addresses it's subject. He looks down a little bashfully, knowing his words to be not true, and the falsety of it adding to the act. “I had thought to find me a lady before I took my leave of this place father, however as I have failed, and I should be leaving soon, I will write to the prospects you have selected for me and inform them myself of my current circumstance.” He looks to his father with a wry smile. “Who knows, perhaps one or more will enjoy the idea of having me when I return with the riches and prestige I endeavor to gain.”

The lord of the house chuckles, downing his glass and taping for another. Meanwhile Amano sips quietly at his own drink, thanking Illiendi quietly for it. “Yes, women are a bit foolish like that. Your mother seems to like nothing better than to hear of my conquests each time I come home to her, not that I mind that!” His youngest knows different, but holds his tongue. “I suppose in all your slinking about, you know which of the eligible in this wretched place I have scraped out for you, eh?”

Amano nods, his brother Raoul having informed him some time ago. “Lady Secilia, Lady Ganett, Lady Aubrin, and Lady Voltair. I will write to them, and the one woman I have myself seen the fond eye of, before leaving port.”

Kenneth looks equal parts skeptical and impressed with the addition of another woman to the list, however he lets it slide as he moves in to more important matters. “You do that, and I wish you best of luck. Now, on to the matter of funds. How come you by the means for such an endeavor? I can not see your hide fetching that much on a street corner, and it is not as if your little sketches have any worth other than the paper they are drawn on.”

Amano has to seriously bite back his temper at this point. He does not mind being thought of as one to sell his body, the ridiculousness of it enough to let it slide right out of consideration or a response, however the line about his art work rubs a nerve already raw by his own critical analysis of it. 'I know they are not fantastic works of art, but they are the one thing on this earth that are all my own. Your money may have purchased the paper and pencil, but the combination of the two are all my own you fat lump of tar. They are worth more to me than this flimsy bond between us you call blood ties, and if I could, I would replace you with them any day' His anger passes quickly, not a shadow of it touching his features. So use to repressing himself the task of hiding his anger is as simple as breathing.

“No father, neither my body nor my art have brought me the wealth necessary for this foray into a foreign land. Instead, I have been careful in my uses of the money you afford me, in your gracious way, and through the careful bargaining and wise expenditure I have already my crew, captain, ship, and Illiendi here.” Kenneth glances at Illiendi then looks back to Amano with a critical eye. It is clear the man seeks more explanation. Amano can feel his resolve wavering and reaches for his brand. As Illiendi warned him he makes it look as if he simply needed to wipe his lips, taking out his handkerchief that is settles in the pocket over the mark. As always, the light brush of his fingers over the mark calm his nerves and as he returns the cloth to it's place he continues speaking.

“The crew I have had for a while now, my seeking for a captain however took some doing. Most of my time was spent simply finding the right ship, with a captain that would not take me for a ride as far as the costs go, or insist on hauling me around like ballast.” Kenneth smirks at this, a touch of mirth mixed with pride gleaming in his eyes. “I turned down The Dancing Lady, and The Spritely Marlin for these reasons, however with a good word from a contact I managed to find Captain Jusler, and his ship, The Angry Lad.” He can see his father's eyes go blank for a moment, trying to place the names. They first two come easily to him, the ships having been used often enough in trades by his suppliers, however the one his son has decided upon draws only a blank to his mind. To the master merchant however, this is just another point for his son and as his focus comes back he gives Amano another nod, his smile shifting from dismissive, to shrewd.

Waving a hand at Illiendi he asks, “And what of this here? Your little touch of comfort for the long voyage?” His father often jokes about Amano having a taste for men, however it isn't until this moment that such a comment has any real affect on him.

Amano knows that Illiendi is a demon, and more than likely willing to lay with anyone as long as it is to reach his end, however he is unsure if the demon will be insulted by the implication. 'Who am I know know the customs of the beings of hell? Thus far all I know is that he is here to serve me, in his own words, to use as I please, however that say nothing to his interactions with those other than myself' Keeping strict control of his breathing he smiles softly and shakes his head. “No father. You are a great man, with many connection, and many who are capable of aiding you in things that you have slightly less aptitude for, however I can only afford one.”

He gestures towards Illiendi. “I could have afforded many lesser servants, but as you have often said, quality over quantity. Illiendi here may have cost my all funds I laid aside for human aid on my journey other than the captain and crew, however I feel he will be worth it. I ordered the best, and the best if what they sent me. You yourself know well of the worth of those trained on Marth, and as you have said many times today, he seems to exceed our own servants in this household.” When at last Amano falls silent Kenneth looks to Illiendi, an expression of deep contemplation on his face. It is clear he will have some questions for Illiendi himself.
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