Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Wildstone Pack growled at Akira, as the crowded watched with great anticipation, especially now that Akira was given an actual weapon. If Akira looked closely at the Pack, he would notice that they had collars engraved with the names of each member. The names read as "Booger, Virus, and Tony." Tony, in the center of the pack began growling at Akira, "Grrrr...!", while Virus began heading towards Akira's left, and Booger was heading towards Akira's right. They were not yet in range, but they were slowing approaching within range. "How will this battle go down? Can Akira face the Wildstone Pack on his own!?" the announcer declared, as the crowd focused on the festivities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Senator Vicaver watched down below as he sat cross-legged. He leaned forward, as his lips curled in a devilish smile. He placed chin on his right hand as he kept on smiling. "I will break you slave. All slaves eventually break, and realize the magnificent life I give them." He moved his head back as he clasped his hands together, "How long will it take until you break slave?"
Tony was the first to make the move, as he lunged straight to Akira. "AUWWOOOO!" he howled out as he lunged upwards, attempting to claw his torso. Booger growled as he lunged down attempting to strike Akira's legs. Virus dashed away as he kept his eyes on Akira, as he began running around in a circle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A group of shady characters were lounging around in Lucky Shots. The tall one was a Gorgix, with dark grey skin. He stood at 6'7" and was wearing a large black trench-coat which draped to the bottom of the floor. The Gorgix had a massive series of blasters attached to him, so much that it looked like he shouldn't even be able to move. He rubbed his temple as he glanced at the rest of the group, before tapping on his pink mohawk.

"-So Johnson wants us to go to this "Tokugawa Incorporated" Supply Factory and recover some secr-" The smaller reptilian like creature, dressed in a series of elaborate robes waved his claw. "Ripper! Are we really just saying this out loud in a really crowded planet?"

Ripper, the Gorgix glanced at the Reptilian alien, "Our ship needs the repairs and we still need to discuss the game plan."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"We've arrived at Lucky Strikes." A soft chime played with the message from an AI. The lights in the room rose slowly, colored a soft, gentle blue. Holographic fish could be seen swimming through the air, a small school of them circling above the captain of the ship. The woman was curled up in the center of a large, round bed, in a sandwich of silk.

"Mnnn... don't wanna..." The captain rolled over and buried her face in one of many pillows. Her AI began to play music, and Serenity's white fox ears perked in response. She groaned and forced herself to sit up, running a hand through her long, white hair. With a soft yawn, she pulled herself upright and the sheets fell away from a body befitting a demi-goddess. She stretched, and several floating drones entered the room to prepare her for the day ahead. Clothe her and feed her and brush her tail, etc.


Serenity left her room, dressed up and ready to hit the town. She wore a silk dress that came in three pieces. The top front piece covered her chest and collarbones, but left her neck and shoulders bare. Her stomach was bare, and then the front bottom piece covered her from the waist down, except her sides. The rear piece dipped just under her waist in the middle, and fell to cover her legs. There was a gap between the front and back pieces on both left and right sides. The ensemble was held together by small, shaped kinetic barriers, powered by a high-density battery she wore on her right hip. Normal people would be faced with a strict time limit with this dress, but not her.

She disembarks from her luxury research vessel and steps aboard the orbital elevator platform, finding her way down to the planet below. She was a little eager to play in a casino. She was taking some much deserved time off after working for so long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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With a roar, Akira brought the trident up, and tossed it like a javelin towards Booger.
"I don't really see the POINT in sending animals after me, but maybe you do!" he shouted.

"Fortunately, I can be pretty HANDY in a battle!" he said, bringing his metal arm back up in a backhand aimed towards Tony.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Booger was struck with the trident, as it delved deep into his torso, as blood began pouring out from it. The crowd was cheering wildly, while Booger was running back from Akira. The prods on his back glowed as there was a loud zapping noise. Booger howled out in a wild fury, as he growled at Akira, and ran back up for another charge at his torso. Tony was struck back with a loud TWHAP, as he fell down onto the arena floor with a thud. Tony shook himself, as he growled at Akira and lunged to strike at Akira's legs, while Booger tried his attack, all the while dripping blood onto the dirt, with the trident still in his chest.
Lucky Shots was sprawling with all sorts of creatures, going through the hallways arriving to various destinations. As Serenity entered the surface of the planet she would notice all sorts of scents, it appeared that she was dropped off at a Food District. There were various shacks assembled, with many creatures offering their own delicacies. The Hallways had some security droids, trudging through the area making sure everything was secure. There were several Info-Terminals available, revealing many large maps leading to various sectors of Lucky Shots, such as the various Gambling Areas, Performance Districts, Hotel Spots, the Black Market District, the Regular Market District.

A stocky looking creature roughly about five feet tall, who appeared to be made of blue crystals, who was wearing a plain black suit approached Serenity. The Gemite, at least that was one of the many common names they were called approached her. The creature nodded at her, "Welcome to Lucky Shots. I'm Xor, of the White Nova Syndicate. What brings you here to Lucky Shots today Miss?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Oooh, it's lucky I ate before I came down, or this'd be a really good trap." She giggled softly to herself before turning to disembark. Serenity didn't get very far, before a Gemite stopped her. Seemed like he was on security detail for new guests...? Perhaps she was picked out because she looked wealthy and would need extra potection. "I'm here on vacation, Xor. At the moment, I'd be interested in gambling. Aah... looks like that would be that way, yes?" She started to walk past the Gemite (there would be plenty of time to get her to stop and wait for whatever reason), low-heeled shoes clacking against the ground. High heels are dumb, especially stiletto heels. The base is too narrow, which creates instability above.

That's just how an engineer's head works.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Xor simply hummed, "Yes, you are heading in the proper direction to one of the many gambling floors. Enjoy the games of chance." As Serenity passed onwards, to one of the many casino floors, she passed various stalls that were selling all sorts of strange things. Some of the stands were covered with a variety of machine parts, others were selling cards and assorted games, many were trinket stands.
"Hey miss don't forget to buy a Lucky Shot's post card!"
"... You there, you look like you'd be interested in buying in collectibles! Come, yes, come take a look!"
"Gather round, gather round to the greatest scent seller this sector has ever seen!"
There was all sorts of chatter from the various merchants, trying to draw in clientele.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Thank you, Xor." She smiles as she passes the crystaline man. She always thought they were interesting creatures...

She casts her attention about, as so many people vie for it. Souvenir shops? Hardly. Her ear twitched as she heard the scent seller's pitch, but she disregarded it. She had more than enough incense on her ship. Now, what she /would/ look for is space weed. Not illegal... not out /here/, anyway. The Teladi must have had trade in that here. No way they couldn't, there was too much profit to be had. Her eyes glow softly as she uses her power to send a wireless message back to her ship, and the AI therein. Lumina would find it, maybe even have it delivered to her.

She stopped by a thrift store, to see if she could find any really old things, and afterward, to the casino! Roulette's a fun one. So is blackjack...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As soon as Serenity entered the less than spacious thrift shop, she would be barraged by heavy scents of incense, which were coming from the large rack of candles near some sort of altar that was constructed near the front. The crimson altar had a terminal for transaction purposes, below the the top of it there was a dim red glow. The altar itself appeared to be constructed out of all sorts of used and scrapped mechanical parts. Behind the altar there was a vast collection of assorted scrolls, parchments, and a variety of maps all written in various alien languages. She would also notice the various products available, there was a Groddic Wishing Paw, dangling as part of a cheap necklace, alongside other assorted body parts, some that were embalmed and others that were not. Near the opening door there were a vast selection of post-cards. Just to the side of that, there was a large collection of canned goods from Nostrop Oil, to various spices, and many, many nameless containers. Further down there was a large drum that was reconverted into storage for something, from the drum emerged a faint clicking as a large black tentacle rose from the oil drum. A figure took a large metal rod as he smacked the tentacle with it, as it returned from whence it came.

The figure wore a dark red cloak that was covered in glowing runes. He was also wearing a light grey body suit. He peered at Serenity with his dark green cybernetic implanted eyes. His skin was a light amber, and had a large tendril going from the back of his head. He manuevered the tendril and waved it at Serenity. He opened his mouth, as it went fully agape, splitting apart the lower jaw bones, and making it extend all the way out as his flesh warped to become much more tighter around his face. He hissed out, "Welcome to my humble shop. May I interest you in some products?" He quickly returned his jaw back into position, as he moved his tendril and kept it hanging down, moving it from the left and right to a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lindow Amamiya

Lindow Amamiya

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Mika Tokugawa was walking through Lucky Shots, considering what the next step in her plans would be. She'd need some heavier gear. A pistol and a knife wasn't going to cut it for taking on a slaving operation of this level. There were other things she was going to need to consider, too... After tonight's match, that is. She'd even been getting used to the whole fighting thing. Losing did hurt, but... With all the crap that had happened lately, having a place where she could cut loose and blow off some steam was a good thing. Part of her was even looking forward to it... And another part of her was more than a little bit alarmed at the first part.

But, all internal conflicts aside, she'd just heard something rather unpleasant. A corporate raid on their holdings? Yeah, no. That wasn't going to happen. And right now, she didn't exactly feel scared of some criminals. If she couldn't handle small fry like this, her chances of getting Akira back were... No, better not think about that. Forcing herself to focus, she slips her phone out and snaps pictures of the two. She taps on it for a few seconds before slipping it back into her pocket. And then she walks straight up towards them - though not too close.

"What you need to do is change your game plan. I've alerted Tokugawa Industries that someone's planning a corporate raid on them, and I've got both of your pictures. With that in mind, your ship shouldn't be very hard to find, and from what you just said it isn't going anywhere fast. Go tell this 'Johnson' that you're not taking the job. I'd probably look into a new line of work if I was you, too." This would be more intimidating if it wasn't coming from a high school girl... But, still. She did (hopefully) have them in a bind, since she'd caught them openly plotting about a corporate raid. With any luck, they'd just give up and she wouldn't have to worry about it further.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As soon as Mika made her announcement Ripper took out two incredibly large laser pistols as he aimed that Mika, "Time to kill chummer!" The Reptilian partner held his right claw up, as the robe sleeve fell down revealing his black scales. "See Ripper, this is why we do not talk out loud. Probably a Corporate Agent if they sent the news that fast." He lowered his hand as he sniffed the area around him. "Whether or not our primary mission must be aborted. Though onl-" There was a faint beep.
The Reptilian retracted his right hand deeper into his robe as it looked like he was doing something, as the cloth around him was moving. Ripper kept the two rifles focused on Mika. "Corporate Agent or bystander lets kill it!" Ripper scowled at Mika, "Lets just kill the brat."

The Reptilian creature extended his right arm back out as he glanced at Ripper. "Now what money would that get us? Pointless bloodshed, I have something far more important, due to your failure. If you wish to deal with it, I will not stop you, however if you are a professional you know what to do." The Reptilian simply focused his eyes on Mika, "... Do not think that this will be forgotten." And with that the Reptilian tried to flee.

Ripper paused for a moment before glaring at Mika, "I always enjoyed the more action part of the assignments. So I'm just going to kill you here brat!" And with that Ripper fired two quick shots with his laser pistols at Mika.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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The smell was pretty strong in here, too. Probably to beat down the scent of a bunch of weird stuff, but it was still an overpower array of scents. This is one of the shadier thrift stores I've ever been in, certainly... She clearly underestimated how sketchy this place could get, her eyes glancing around the store. She might have been better served by scoping out a pawn shop, but she could go to a place like that later. She gave a little jump as the thrift shop owner swat the drum full of... something... with a metal rod. "Oh, my..." She frowns softly, approaching the counter at the front and facing the owner.

Quite the creature. A split jaw, and a prehensile head tendril. Not exactly a pleasant appearance, but he fit in well enough with the shop. What drew her attention was the cloak. Glowing runes? Runes, now... really. "Might you interest me? Well, I suppose there are a couple things that have caught my eye... that necklace there. Your cloak is certainly an interesting garment, though I would understand if you don't want to part with it. I still want to know about it, though. And... er... might I ask what's in the drum...?" She had the feeling that it was something... of ill repute.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The shop-keeper raised his left arm, as he began tapping his chin with his hook like claws. "Ahh... yesss..." He walked up towards the Groddic Wishing Paw, as he manuevered his tendril as it wrapped around the necklace. He moved it up in front of Serenity. The Groddic paw was rather large, with a thick layer of grey skin on the palm. The paw was covered in amber fur, and it had dark yellow nails on each of it's seven fingers. "The Groddic Wishing Paw, yes it is a fine device. Legends say that if you rub the paw thrice, you may make a wish and it will come true, and the fingers will curl down after making the wish. Some say it is due to the magical energies held within the paw, others say it is merely the work of cybernetics activated that was placed there by someone who assembled the paw." He grinned as he kept the Groddic Wishing Paw in place. "Now then you were interested in my cloak, and the contents of the drum... Yes, hmm. I will get to that, but first, what other items may you be interested in buying? I will discuss those items soon enough yes."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

So he knew what it was. She was hoping she'd be able to luck out, and he'd just sell it to her as a necklace. Well, no matter. She'd have to analyze the paw later, but for now... the shopkeep was speaking to her. "Something else I would be interested in buying? Hmm..." She considers the question, glancing briefly around the shop at the various goods. Ah... "You carry Nostrop Oil, and the smell of incense is rather intense, isn't it? I wonder... you wouldn't happen to have any trade with the Teladi, would you? There's a particular product they're known for that I'd be interested in. You wouldn't happen to have trade in that, would you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Shopkeeper simply nodded his head slowly, "Yes, I engage in trade with the Teladi. And I know the product of which you speak yesss... Though you are not one I would expect..." He gestured with his left hand moving his fingers up and down while pointing at Serenity. "to be interested in. Yes, yes, I have the product." The Shopkeeper lowered the Groddic wishing paw, as he walked towards back of the shopping. He paused at the drum for a bit, as he stared at it. He used his tendril to wave towards Serenity, "Yes, come, come... I shall supply you with the contents you seek." He stopped at a bookshelf, which contained a wide selection of tomes. The Shopkeeper hummed a bit, "Yes, yes..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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Wildmax had been watching the reptilian and the gorgix for a while, glass of refreshing oil in hand, waiting to make his move. He recognized their faces from the bounty board and was certain that they were up to something. As much as he liked to walk up to wanted people and kneecap them, that approach could prove dangerous in a place like Lucky Seven, full as it was of other trigger happy people ready to shoot eachother at the drop of a hat, so to speak. He was thinking about how to best go about this when the two were approached by some human girl, after which the lizard tried to flee while the gorgix drew a pair of oversized blaster pistols and opened fire. Well, that settled that.

Spilling his glass in the reptilian's path, hoping to make him slip and fall with the resulting oil slick, Wildmax drew his own pistols. They were slugthrowers rather than laser weapons and much, much more stylish in make. Still aiming one at the lizard while waiting to see whether his gamble with the oil paid off or not, he fired a single shot from the other one at the gorgix, aiming for his leg in order to make him buckle and hopefully stop him from killing the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Reptilian kept running away from the scene, not noticing the oil slick tried maintaining balance, "Woah! Waaa!" and with that he fell straight on his ass as he noticed a gun aimed at him, and one towards Ripper. He "GgG... DON'T SHOOT! DO-" He turned his head towards Ripper, "What gear are you wearing!?"

Ripper responded with a simple "Hu-" before he was shot in the knee. Well, it would have been his knee, if it wasn't due to the fact he was covered in blasters, and, that metal slug landed deep one of the several blasters that was on Ripper. Ripper looked down at his knee in horror as the blaster's chamber began crackling with energy as the impact of the slug caused it to violently release. The crackle of energy quickly spread, as Ripper was consumed in a burning ball of energy, as the energy destroyed gun, after gun, after gun. He fell down flat on his stomach as he began screaming out, "WAAAAAAAaaa..." as force of the explosive release of energy continued and Ripper... Well, what was left of him was scorched flesh on bone, and an assortment of most destroyed gun-parts. The majority of it was released as shrapnel in all directions, one of which hit a random passerby in the skull who was partaking in eating a sandwich. Needless to say, that sandwich remained unfinished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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"Yes, well, I'm sure all sorts of people like to partake. Even the straight-laced." Serenity smiles softly and touches the fingers of her right hand around her right collar bone. "Even someone like me." She remains where she was for a moment, watching the shopkeeper stride away. Her feet move to follow but stop suddenly, her attention turning to a source beyond the shop. Something had released a large amount of energy nearby... She relays another message back to her ship, bidding her A.I. to investigate, then proceeds to follow the shop keep to the back. As she passes the drum, she eyes it cautiously. Whatever was within could have been dangerous, she should be careful.

"Oooh, don't tell me there's a..." secret compartment behind the bookshelf. She giggles softly to herself, shaking her head. "That's quite cliche, if so. Tastefully so."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Shopkeeper picked up a seemingly random book with his head tendril. He flicked open the pages with his right hand, as he began tapping his claws on it. "No, no I don't have enough space to afford the secret compartment. I wanted to, but... Aha. The Teladi grown Space Weed. That is where I had it." He returned the book back onto the shelf as he went left of the bookshelf, as he went to a table of various stuffed toys. He picked up a rather large pink bunny, "And no, I don't store it inside the bunny." He placed it down to the side, as he reached over the toy display as he picked up a small dingy box, "Well, I have more Space Weed, other than the one in this." He moved his tendril, holding the box in-front of his face, as he opened up the box, "Yes, try a sample, confirm it is to your liking. Only a small sample, just to make sure you are satisfied with this type of Space Weed, yes."
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