Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@Tyki@thewizardguy@kishin asura

Logar bursts from his bindings on him, his panic giving him a boost of strength, just enough to bust either the bindings the chair, or both. He looks at Asura, and then Mia.
"...Asura...Mia, how did you both end up here? This is all so strange.....Gra!" Logar starts, holding the sides of his head. "Asura, please, keep your wavelength in check...lest one of us panic, and....do something regrettable...." Logar begins, sounding almost in pain, before though hands covering his face, he looks at Mia.
"...Mia......Oh how I've worried. How went things on the other side? I take it not well, if even you had to fled to this strange new place..." Logar says, his heavy breathing slowing, as though she, out of all the people there, made him calm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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As Mia begins her sentence, Drac's eyes dart over to her, a fury in his stare. As Cosmos goes to say something, Drac cuts him off, for but a moment.
"I'm sure Matt here can tell you just how bad an idea it is to openly threaten my family...so, please, think carefully before you finish your sentence Mia." Drac says, not overly happy with what little she said. The anger in Drac's face would remind Matt of when he kidnapped Eruka, and informed Drac on the subject. The same twitch of the right eye, the same contraction of muscles to make that frown, one showing more anger and bitterness than sadness. Cosmos would just see Drac get seeming angry with Mia, possibly dampening chances of a smooth deal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago


As the payloads were being launched, several defense turrets shot them from the skies, leading to them either landing to the ground without exploding, or going off in orbit, letting fallout sprinkle down on them with little effect. In fact, several clones inject themselves with odd vials and seem to ignore radiation for the time. With the sheer number of troops swarming to them, but their lack of armor, leads to the clones using shock weapons. Non-lethal, constantly firing, and able to arch from troop to troop, this allows the clones to hold their ground. Delta opens up a com chat with the nearest sergal ship, opening with these lines.
"Hey, mind coming to a party? Your wasp buddies are already here, and we're runnin out of chips and ammo." Delta says, from her wrist device, as she'd be out fighting. Her vector arrows would tear into their numbers, and her blade bust their armor, and their bodies, with little difficulty. Using vector pads, she'd remain mobile, dodging around shots taken at her, or using them to throw those firing at her around.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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her comms are just sort of left in the dial tone while the wasps manage to slog over to the fortifications slowly, some getting a lucky shot or two on her, killing her men when they can reach them to engage in melee combat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

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Asura nods as he seems to retract his madness wavelength "well. This day has been eventful." He says
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Mia raises an eyebrow at Logar, as he spoke to her. Another might have assumed the Clone Emperor was mad, but Mia could tell that Logar's sanity remained. She went through the possibilities in her head, going from doppelgangers to alternate realities. The most obvious solution seemed to be to stab Logar and move on, but in this particular situation she doubted this would work. However, she had neither the patience nor the interest to play games right now. "I will deal with your issues later. Sit back down, I'm busy with something right now." When the time came, she'd figure out how to extrapolate the truth from this obviously confused figure.

"Furthermore, I believe monetary payment would be meaningless. Our money has no value to you, and yours has none to us. Instead, I would propose payment in the form of technology. I can offer you access to the capability to generate Artificial Souls, as well as their use in Soular Manipulation. Whilst your people has begun to edge onto these technologies, on this field my father is unequalled." Mia had once more turned her attention to Mute, ignoring Kishin altogether. "The figure in question is a robotic being known as 5. I believe it originates from the White Hole phenomenon. 5 is capable of immense destruction through use of Soular Manipulation, Darkside Force, minor psychic capabilities, and heightened physical abilities. It's combat strength is to be estimated to be around one and a half times your own not inconsiderable strength."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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"artificial soul construction will not sit well with some of our allies, but the soular manipulation interests me. i'll have to contact Halis to find out what we can spare in exchange for the technology you offer, though, assuming this 'five' is as strong as you suggest and is entirely robotic then why not just use a deep-strike emp?" mute replies evenly, messing around with a holo-graphic protrusion from her bracelet, widening the screen for ease of use before adding with an even tone "for what you offer we can spare one frigate and it's crew, but i doubt that will be satisfactory. If you wish for more then you will have to offer more"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Mithias took in the scene of the post-war iceworld with the red-haired woman standing alone. He had no idea who she was or why she seemed to be the only one that survived the fighting. It was definitely suck to be alone on a planet forever, but as far as pain, as Alucard put it, Mithias was curious. What could he possibly do that would make this field of death worse? Mithias walked a little distance behind Alucard and glanced at the woman. "You might want to get the hell out of here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Three deliberate knocks sounded on the front of the Babylon. Eclispe tried to peer inside one of the windows. "Hello? Matt? I'm still out here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Mia cocks an eyebrow, smiling slightly. "Oh my. In that case, allow me to rephrase my offer. There is a group of five people with the power to annihilate your empire, including your leader. Each individual member could defeat a High General in single combat, and if they work together and combine their abilities even your Queen will be killed. Their agenda would require them to destroy the entirety of Sergal civilization, killing every Sergal in existence." Mia pauses for a moment, allowing Mute to know she was entirely serious. "One of their members is currently heading towards your borders, where he will undoubtedly destroy any forces that are stationed there. My calculations show that the skirmish will culminate in the annihilation of your main battle fleet, followed by the individual assassinations of each of your High Generals."

"As someone with experience dealing with this foe, and a mutually shared interest in it's defeat, I am offering the assistance of both me and my father. We are aware of this particular member's capabilities, and may be able to neutralize his main methods of attack, allowing your empire to defeat him. We will do this at no further charge to your empire." Mia smiles, as she turns around and begins walking away. "Of course, that's the best I can offer you. If it's not enough, then I will proceed negotiations with the various other powers. Whether it's you or another that assists us is irrelevant to us, but might be vitally important to you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Mia simply chuckled as Drac made his speech. "Why aren't you defensive. Don't worry, they'll all die in time." She then proceeds to step through the portal, disappearing. She is soon followed by Cosmos, who has no further comment to add.

"Hello Eclipse. Yes, I realize you're there. I'm currently attempting to negotiate a matter of potentially multiversal importance, if my old friend here is to be believed. Last time I checked, patience was a virtue." Matt sighed, as he stared at the coordinates displayed in large blue letters, hovering in front of Babylon's sensors. "Drac. If there is a situation I should be aware of, give me the details. Depending on your answer, I will respond to this deal."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Delta notes their advance, and growls. "Retreat to the manned guns, I'll keep them back!" She orders, and several men do rush back, but a good twenty men stay behind.
"I told yo-"
"You'll get killed if you maintain this location alone. You may court martial us later, for now, we hold this line." The seargent says, as he and his men ready their rifles, and their machetes, and they try to hold the line. The twenty men slowly fall, except for one, who having a nasty slash into his right arm, retreats, off into the far right. A near by jungle, making pursuit difficult...
Delta, with now the twenty men squad dead, or retreating, stands alone...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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"i suppose an agreement could be reached with halis if you were to talk to her, but she's off world... give me a minute" mute replies evenly before typing away at her wrist-monitor-thing and then adding "ah, it appears that the prices have changed. in exchange for the technology and assistance you'll get a little over one hundred ships and their crew. one of which is currenlty stationed in orbit. you'll want this so that they can let you on" as she tosses mia a bracelet similar to her own, it appearing simple in design with a small crystal on the underside that acted as a mix of a power button and holo-display focus.


The men are absolutely shredded once the wasps reach them for melee combat, the retreating member being followed by a good twenty of the invading forces, them seeming to be appropriated to a jungle environment while delta and the fortifications behind her continue to be advanced upon, the horde seeming nearly without end, giving the clones monitoring the entire situtaion a good sense of the word 'Karma' due to similar tactics to their own being applied successfully against them
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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The woman begins to speak, before Alucard holds up one hand. A bolt of lightning arcs through the air, the instant heating of air and the explosive discharge as the air rapidly expanded. And yet, mere inches in front of the woman, the lightning seemed to split, breaking into a hundred tiny pieces, which froze in the air shortly before shattering. When the light show receded, Bob was revealed, a single gloved hand extended to deflect the attack.

"What? Who are you? Who are YOU? And you!" The girl was pointing at each of the assembled beings in turn, as if accusing them of something. She was quite clearly confused about the situation. Of course, she soon seemed to shut up, before dropping to the floor, knocked out.

Bob glared down at Alucard, his eyes glowing fiery red. A great cloak extended behind him, filled with stolen souls. The air churned with screams, and Bob's cane blazed like a sword forged from the most brilliant sunlight, tempered by an edge as black as night. It was a sight both beautiful and hideous, the enraged Bob. It felt like the very air was about to burst, and the earth hummed. "I don't know who you are, or how you found my daughter. But I'll make sure you die slowly."\

Alucard simply moves forward, even as the Jigen Tou forms around his right arm. Flames cover his left arm, a wave of pulsating plasma forming into spikes. Great wings spread from his back, formed from frozen oxygen, placed in absolute zero. Waves of heat and cold would have instantly killed any biological life for miles, but Bob seemed to be redirecting it, shielding his daughter. Alucard was going all out, and Mithias was beginning to realize what he had meant.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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@Tyki"Glad to hear me. Meat me at *** *** *** ****** **." She lists a number of dimensional coordinates, expecting Mute to memorize them as she walks away. She had no intention of joining the Sergal on the ship - she would undoubtedly have fallen to the temptation and sliced one to pieces. Killing was apparently bad for diplomacy. However, she would meet up with the Sergal ships at the rendezvous point, at which point they would hunt down 5. However, there was one more stop to make beforehand. The brute force had been gathered, and Stein and Mia would be able to deflect 5's Soular attacks, but in order to completely decimate their enemy, they needed another.

Stepping through a portal, Mia emerged on the Sith homeworld, entering their capital city. It was easy for her to sense the soul that rested here, the last remaining Sith Lord. This might be a slightly trickier piece of negotiating, the Sith weren't known for being friendly and she wasn't sure if she could secure their Lord's help. However, if she could find someone to counteract 5's Dark Side powers, their victory would be completely assured.

If at all possible, leave nothing to chance. With this thought in mind, Mia entered the Sith palace, the guards who might try to stop her smashed aside by Vector Plates.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Even as Delta faced off against hordes of wasp-like aliens, a large crack in reality went unnoticed. This was one of the holes the Old Clone Empire had emerged from, and had remained on this planet even after all this time. However, at this particular moment, a figure moved through this large white orb, emerging into this reality from another place, another time. A series of explosions followed, as the wasp-like beings suddenly found themselves being attacked by a secondary foe, a couple of missiles seeming to rain down on them from the sky. Delta could not see this stranger for the hordes that seperated them, but she could see the destruction he wrought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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Delta sees the opening, and she signals a charge, as manned lasers cannons open fire, paralyzing a massive amount of wasp men, and many more men pour from the tunnel, opening fire as they begin to push the wasp men back, the clones now armed with energy blades, hacking apart Wasps, along with blasting them with electric blasts. Quickly, this surge, along with the explosions lead to the wasps getting pushed back to the ramparts.

Deep in the jungle, the singluar clone barges into a small stone structure, and soon, lets out a scream worthy of a horror movie victim, as his upper half is launched from the building, torn in half, blood everywhere, as a monster steps out of the building. Sniffing the air, Honey looks around, before seeing the twenty or so wasp men, and leaping into the air, ignoring bullet and blade, as she grabs one of them, and with a flick of her hands, tears him into many small bits. Most horrifying is in her hands, a small orb of light remains, which she quickly swallows whole. She continues her chase of the other twenty wasps, leaping though the trees, using her claws to turn on a dime by sticking them into a tree, letting her maintain a wicked pace.

No guard steps to stop her, as quickly Raiden appears from a near by door, his mask barely holding the bright red glow that seems to be about ready to burst forth.
"What does the daughter of Stein want?" Raiden asks, a lightsaber in hand, his voice full of rage not his own. Guards fill the room, but don't draw their weapons, but simply stand back, watching. To Mia, the sith lord is followed by another spirit, a soul filled with darkness, not degraded from it, but a part of it..or, it's a part of her.
"....I take it you can see me." Minx says, her dark from sitting on the shoulder of Raiden.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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the wasps pull back into what few transports they can manage to pilot, returning to the carrier ships in orbit and maintaining the orbit, keeping the bombards up passively, more ships arriving but none of the clone structures actually being damaged due to their defences though the planet does suffer from all the radiation
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@kishin asura
Off somewhere, someplace, Camilla is at, a large red dot appears on her forehead.
"Got you now..." Kerrigan says, as she chambers in a round, intending to place the shot right in her skull. She'd failed to kill the under dog, but she has no plans of making the same mistake twice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

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"Huh?" Camilla says before looking in a nearby reflective surface. Immediately, she knew what to do.

And so she started running around in circles
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