Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Two patrol cars have been dispatched to an apartment building where there was allegedly an attempted shooting.

Additionally, a single officer has been dispatched to investigate trespassers at a construction site.


It is high noon, the day is getting to be a bit hot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yeah...get out before I force you out."

Devon crossed his lean arms across his chest, mentally cursing the Starbucks uniform for making him seem less intimidating. He wasn't even that intimidating in the first place, regardless, but it was the sort of muffling black aura that surrounded his exotic form. Standing at approximately 6 feet, with a muscular, yet lean build, long, feathery black hair, and crimson eyes...well, not a lot of people opted to mess with him whenever he was feeling any sort of annoyance.

The tall biker guy, complete with the stereotypical bald head and brown beard, merely gave the shorter male a glare. They both stood right in front of Starbuck's cashier counter, with Devon casually leaning against the table, and Biker Guy cracking his brawny muscles intimidatingly. A waitress sat on the floor, hot coffee spilled on her lap, and tears beginning to fill her eyes, but she quickly scrambled up and hid beside two middle-aged men once Devon gave her a 'DF are you doing' face. It was obvious to see that the Biker Guy shoved her down for some reason.

"Or what? You're going to spill coffee in my eyes?" The Biker sneered, walking forward and getting into Devon's face, the smell of booze and coffee on his breath. Devon never realized why people drunk alcohol - or why they stuff their face into your face during the fight. He quickly glanced around. Only a few people were in the Starbucks, watching the event from the safety of their comfortable booths. Screw it.

He shoved the man away, pushing off of the counter and raising a hand into the air.

"You have Three Seconds. Three."

"Yeah right, I'm about to beat your a-"



"One." Before the Biker could even say a word, Devon had crossed the small amount of distance that separated the two, his form seemingly a darkened blur. His pale fist buried itself deep into the burly's man ribcage with an obvious *CRACK*, most-likely completely crushing the bones. As the man began falling limp over his arm, Devon pushed his body off and released a swift, yet powerful snap kick towards his unconscious face, turning the bones there into mush, and sending him flying right out of the doors of the café.

"Anyone want a refill?" Devon asked, turning towards the shocked, and wincing, onlookers. No one said a word, and the boy shrugged, sliding over the counter and settling, once more, into his tall chair behind the register. Just another annoying day...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jerry didn't know were he was except it was comfortable, like his dumpster. The dumpster was a found place for Jerry, he had found it at a junk yard fairly new with only a couple rust holes and the such. Afterwards he took it to the shanty town were the homeless stay and has slowly been filling it with blankets, pillows, and drawings. All in all, it was a nice place. However this wasn't the dumpster.

Jerry could tell because it didn't smell like dumpster, not that it smelled bad but it smelled like Jerry. This place smelled like flowers, sweat, and musk. As Jerry cracked his eyes open he noticed that the lights were dim and that someone was in the bathroom next to him. Trying to get up, Jerry accomplished nothing but rolling on his back. Thinking to himself, Jerry thought "Damn, I gotta stay away from guns." with a grimace from his ankle. From the feel and look of it, when he got tackled he must have sprained his ankle. It was at this time that the person in the bathroom chose to make themselves known and lo and behold it was Kate.

With Kate here then that must mean he was in the brothel, wonderful. Its not that he hated the brothel or the people in it, it was just that the idea of sex made Jerry uncomfortable. With a weak smirk Jerry said "Hi Kathrine, its nice to see you. Say, you didn't happen to see what happened over there did you?" trying to sound amusing. But Kate wouldn't have any of it. With a worry born anger, Kate nearly yelled "Damnit Jer! I told you that super hero bullshit is going to get you killed!" as she walked up to him and looked at his ankle. Jerry would have been amused at her worry if she wasn't wearing anything but a towel, so he just sat there covering his eyes while a his face became beet red.

While still covering his eyes, Jerry said "What was I supposed to do Kate? That man would have died if I didn't do anything!" His argument was a little hallow and he knew that, it was becoming harder and harder to hide what he was. Today was a perfect example. With a sad sigh, Jerry turned to Kate, looked her in the eyes, and asked "Did I hurt anybody?" His voice and eyes becoming sad and reddened. At this Kate softened, It wasn't worth lying to him. With a large sigh Kate prepared herself and said "Yeah Jer, when I got there there was a cop....He was in bad shape. If he wasn't dead than he sure would be so I dragged you back here."

When Jerry heard her, his heart broke and he started to cry. Kate just held him and let him work it out of his system, as he came down from the breakdown, Kate planted a kiss on his forehead and told him that he needed stick to hiding for a bit and that she was going to ask Miss. Rivers if he could stay here. As she left all Jerry could do was wrap himself in a ball and fall asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


Member Offline since relaunch

Constantine picked out his phone, Oh.. how convenient..
"Well I guess we will pat ways for now, have fun making up a lovely story Joseph" he smiled..
and suddenly disappeared from the bridge, he had hidden himself.. the cops would be here soon enough.. why they always brang the same people.. when Ce came down here..
This time they wouldn't find him, because he discovered his talent..
"Hmm..." Ce thought and waited for the Cops to arrive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
Avatar of Sylverblu

Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Two police cars pulled up to the brothel, unknowing of what was inside. After a quick look at the initial scene, they knocked on the bullet-ridden door of the brothel, asking if anyone was inside.

An officer arrived at the Construction site, lazily peering about for the trespassers. "Hello? He called out, and was greeted by Joseph.


As an officer approached him, Joseph quickly drew his wallet and flashed the badge, dismissing the officer under the guise of being on an investigation. He then turned to where Constantine was, saying, "So yeah, I'm still part of the police force. Got out of being an officer though, now I'm a detective and investigator. So, it would seem that you, uh," Joseph paused for a moment, "defy gravity. Have fun with that. I have nothing else really to say." He then looked up, seeing that Constantine was gone, shrugged and went back home, removing the note from his door and lying back on his bed, invisibly tending to his wounds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


Member Offline since relaunch


He didn't want to be seen at a Construction sight, with Cops around.. he might be the Cities richest Mystery Man, but he does do shady work, he still goes around snooping in others files.. He did even take money for it, he was that rich, he just went around showing how easy it was to get into peoples systems, unless they had his system installed, It was hilarious.. even himself couldn't access his own system on somone else's property..

If one person knew who he was, than others would too.. he didn't need people murdering him for his money and a way to access his systems.Constantine eventually wandered through the site and then through a couple of streets, he decided to go visit SYC Tower, everyone at the tower believes Constantine to be the Son of the CEO.. SYC Security Systems... huh.. how did he come up with something like that.. Constantine was no doubtfully going to be hunted, he thought making it easier on himself was to by himself a nicer place to live.. Constantine put that on his checklist of things to do.. than his phone rang, it had a no voice changer so he had to act like he was a son... a smart son.

"Hello, Constantine Areth here, Son of the CEO of SYC Security Systems, how may I help you?" He said... Apparently he was being called in to check up on the system, he usually goes in instead of his supposed "Father" so it wouldn't be a biggy..He decided to take a CAB there instead of walking, he was a bit too tired for that.. He sighed and walked out the door.. grabbing a CAB to the Police Station.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noyuri


Member Seen 6 days ago

Taya sat in front of the mirror, applying make up on the scratches on her face. She had been far enough from the scene to avoid getting too hurt, but some debris had hit her and left a few marks. She used this time to think about what had happened today. The man had powers, that was for sure. But whether he would use them for good or for bad... She would have left him on the street if it hadn't been for Kate. Why that girl had showed up, she had no idea. Perhaps she had been looking for her and followed the trail as well. It didn't really matter, she realized as she leaned forward and turned her face to inspect the scratch. It was nearly invisible now, she decided with a content smile. Standing up she got ready to visit their new guest, and ask Kate how she knew the guy, but she was only halfway the room when the doorbell rang.

Police... Her girls didn't ring, neither did the clients. The only ones who would ring the door at a time like this were police officers. She breathed out slowly, preparing herself for the confrontation. When she opened the door she smiled seductively at the officers, only to act surprised to find out it was them.
"What can I- Oh my, police officers!" She purred at them, playing the role of 'just a prostitute' as well as she could.
"Are you on duty?"

The officers didn't seem amused with this accusation, although at least one of them had visited outside of office hours before. Blonde and petite, right? She wanted to ask him, just to mess with him, but decided against it seeing she was currently harboring what might just be a criminal.
The tallest of the cops leaned forwards, showing her his badge. "No madam, we are here on official business. Is there anyone inside?"

Taya couldn't help but laugh at the question. "Well, I would say about 18 girls and 9 men? I doubt they'd appreciate it if you barge in on their activities... But please, either come on in to the office or leave, you are scaring away our new friends." She leaned forward, showing some more cleavage as she played with the short man's hair. "Who or what are you looking for anyways?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jerry had said this before and he was about to say it again, this was bad. Like always the sudden release of pent up energy had given him jelly bones and he was now incapable of moving much of anything down below. How long he would stay this way was unknown, the last time it happened he was out for about fifteen minutes. But those were punches and these were bullets, much more dangerous and a lot more force. He could be stuck here for hours in this den of carnality.

While he struggled to move his toes, his arms and upper torso were fine. Silver lining. With Kate gone and him functionally paralyzed Jerry had little else to do but sit tight. Looking at the ceiling Jerry tried to filter out the groans and thumps that seemed to come from all sides, but it was a losing battle. He was about to explode with embarrassment when he heard a doorbell ring. Normally it wouldn't bother him but the words that fallowed it ran cold in his veins, "What can I- Oh my, police officers!".

With the cops at the door Jerry panicked, "They must have came for me!" he thought. Looking around, Jerry hurriedly tried to find a place to hide. The only place that he could feasibly hide in would be the closet but it looked far to small for Jerry. Plus his jelly legs wouldn't get him very far and the closet looked a little cramped, chock full of questionable objects. It looked like this was it for Jerry before he looked up and found his saving grace. Hurriedly Jerry pulled off the clothes from his torso, unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, and finally placed one hand into the handcuffs that adorned the bed stands. With a little struggle he got his other hand locked as well, while burning with embarrassment this would work...maybe. With little other to do besides pray, Jerry started thinking of an excuse if the cops did show up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
Avatar of Sylverblu

Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


An officer pulls up by a Starbucks before walking in and asking staff about an apparent brawl. Eventually he is directed to one of the clerks before asking, "So, what exactly happened here today?"

The officers outside of the brothel peeked in through the door for a moment, announcing that they would be back later to conduct an official investigation. The other officers outside have set up police tape and a detour around the street. All of the officers eventually leave.

Approximately half an hour later, four patrol cars and a black sedan pull up outside. Men in suits step out of the sedan casually and begin to examine the scene. Officers stand around the scene redirecting cars and pedestrians, occasionally talking to the men in suits. A bit later a man on a bike shows up, talks to the men in suits and looks at the scene for a bit before approaching the brothel's door.


It is beginning to darken. Clouds are forming in the sky.


Roughly jolted by a ringtone all too familiar, Joseph sat for a few seconds before reaching for his phone.


"So, you said you got mugged? That's why you couldn't come in for the Hibbs' investigation?"

"Yes? Why?"

"There was a shooting earlier. Security footage shows that you were there. Anything to say?"

"I'll be down as soon as possible."

"Good answer."

There was a crackling sound as Joseph's boss hung up. Briefly flexing his body and stretching his back, Joseph stood up with slight difficulty. Realizing his stupidity, he headed to his bathroom and bandaged his body before putting his suit and coat back on. Biking down to the shooting scene there was only one thought in his mind. I'm a grown man... Why the hell don't I have a car? I have a license, it's just... He continued to think on the matter as he approached the toppled car. Pulling up, he parked his bicycle on the sidewalk before approaching an investigator. After giving them some information and hearing a lot of what he already knew, he decided to enter the bordello, hoping for some sort of helpful information. Knocking on the door, the first thing that he said to the answerer was, "Joseph Marquis, police investigator, I have a few questions. First off, you do know that prostitution is illegal, right? Second, I'm obligated to ask all of you for information about the shooting though something tells me that you will all be horribly useless. Third, and most importantly," he said, looking at the bare spot on the floor in front of him, "where the hell is my briefcase?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noyuri


Member Seen 6 days ago

Ireane closed the door and leaned against it, its rough wood probably leaving its traces on the delicate fabric of her dress. Police always unnerved her, everything from the color of their suits to their stiff demeanor seemed wrong, unnatural... Yes of course she knew prostitution was illegal. The police had known of their brothel for years now, even before she had taken over the business. While they had used it in threats every now and then, so far the police didnt seem to have felt like breaking her home up. She wasn't sure why. Maybe they were still honouring the deal the previous mistress had had with them, information about the right people, traded for the police looking away when she did something illegal... Maybe the few cops that visited here, and the officers that sometimes would get visited by her best girls, maybe they were steering away attention. It could just be that the police knew they had bigger fish to fry, that the girls working here would not get it any better if this brothel was to be closed... Well that probably wouldn't be it. The police wouldn't place the quality of life over their beloved laws.

She stood up straight again, hurrying to the room they had left the bum. The police were gone for now, but there was no way she could let the man run out of the front door... She couldn't let this place get closed. Whatevre the reason was for police to ignore them so far, it was a fragile situation, and simply pissing off the wrong officer would destroy it all. She knew she could live without this place, she was a skilled thief with many talents gained from running a business. And of course her top girls, the one who excelled in arts or math, who knew what to talk about and could entertain people without taking off any clothes, yes they could find another job too. They stayed here because they loved this place, because they knew they were good at what they did. The ones she was worried about though, were the ones who lived at the bottom of the foodchain. They had been forced into this life either by poverty or pimps, and now they didnt know how to get out, they had no skills that would get them anywhere. Even if they escaped a prison sentence, they'd most definitely just end up with some prostitution cartel, this time one where their lifes meant nothing.

Yes, the man had to leave... But not now, not while the police was still around. That meant she'd have to hide him. She opened the door to the room where she had left him, and looked a bit surprised at the sight of the man strapped to the bed. Good thinking girls, she thought, as she made her way to the bed. If the police had forced themselves inside this would have been the best cover they could have. Well apart from her talent... She leaned in to release the man from his handcuffs. "The police will be back later. We'll have to hide you somewhere, and this is not going to cut it I'm afraid..." She looked at him for a while, studying his filthy hair and the dirty clothes on the ground. "So far I can say you need food and a shower... Don't run away or steal anything, or I will call the men in blue myself"
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