Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The shopping center, a place of hundreds of yards of supplies, both useless and useful but this also meant it was the first place to get raided during the start of all this, which meant plenty of people turning right in the center of a bunch of people. Alice was taking a very risky move coming here for supplies, but oddly enough a arcade did not supply anything of real value other than snacks... Though they were rather important too.

Slowly she made her way around, going from counter to counter in kitchen wares until finally she came across a rack of knives and the like. There were a few missing but at least there was a cleaver for her to take and defend herself with. "What a bother, this is what we get for eating takeout all the time." Her family was never big on the whole cooking thing, even if they did have a kichen and knives none of them was suitable for this. Thankfully her parents were off visited her grandfather in England. With cleaver in hand she turned around to head back to see what else she could find, only to see a zombie staring her right in her face. She was so stunned with fear she could not even scream, and yet despite her being right there it looked back for a moment as gunshots sound off from outside.. Giving the girl enough time to cut into its neck and take it down to the ground. She had to wonder where that came from though, more so the fact it was a gun. Moving up to the second floor railing of the shopping center she overlooked the area below, trying to pick out anyone that may have been living, and more so if they looked friendly or not..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hiro cleans up

Hiro heard Nakamura as he apologized to her for his comment but she didn't answer because she was deep in reverie.
Her fertile imagination was now dwelling on the positive and negative outcomes of those things important in her life. Were her grandparents alive, were her parents alive, was Kume Isle over run by the dead and how many of those around her now would die before the week was out?

"What a freaking mess" she said aloud to no one in particular as the bus stopped at the shopping center.
Anyone could see that as source points went this was very nearly a trap because it lay at the termination of a dead end street and it had obviously been raided before they arrived.
Hiro having no friends on the bus decided to go solo even if in the present situation it was a fool's gambit.
She leapt off the bus and headed towards a nearby women's clothing store which she'd stopped by once while window shopping. She didn't know the store's layout well but she didn't actually care because she needed to be shed of these foul smelling clothes.
She pushed the door and it opened without effort. She then paused just inside the door and looked around to see if she saw any of Them then called out three times "HELLO!"
Receiving no answer to her call nor any response of shuffling feet she gave the store a moderate safety rating. Turning she spun the door's deadbolt closed securing it against casual entrance.

Wasting no time Hiro headed toward the racks of practical clothing and pulled down one of the metal rack spilling clothes all over the floor as she jerked free the heavy 5 foot long metal clothes rod. It was a bit heavy but had good reach and stood less of a chance of shattering when she broke the skulls of the horrors and that made her feel better.
After securing a better weapon she began her raid of the clothing racks.
She grabbed 3 pair of jeans, then 5 T-shirts one size too small, 3 khaki blouses and a handful of assorted panties from a bin that said they were her size..
Her next target was easy to find as she entered the customer's restroom and chucked the contents of her arms on a chair and began to strip off all of her offensive clothing till she stood nude in the middle of the floor except for her school shoes and her new bo staff.
She looked under the simple sink and smiled then stepped back and swung her staff twice shattering the porcelain almost completely away from the wall an leaving the taps dangling by their copper pipes.
Grabbing the broom which had been considerately left hanging on the wall near the door she swept all the jagged shards against a wall then turned on the taps happy to see they still worked.
Using the hand soap dispenser and one of the T-shirts Hiro began a quick bath washing the blood and stink from her body and hair.
She tried not to be disgusted as she watched the gore of the day swirl down the floor drain as she lathered her hair with the cherry scented hand soap.
Hiro had no idea of what had caused her world to be turned upside down but she was determined to survive. Her grandparents and parents fates did trouble her but at this moment in time such outside concerns beyond her control could only serve to lessen her chances of ever seeing them again if they were still alive.
Calming herself she finished rinsing her hair then stood leaning over and squeezing out all the water she could from her long tresses as she strained to listen
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Jesus finally." Itoe stood up and watched as others began running out of the bus and start doing their own looting. Hiro appeared to run through the clothing department of the store getting clothes that suited her needs, so Itoe decided to grab a few things as well. Most of the clothes were practically gone, since most of the shoppers here had the same idea, but the girl managed to find a few jackets that would probably help with the wintertime if they survived that long. She grabbed at least three and put on one herself to make it easier to carry.

Food. A quick thought flashed through Itoe's mind as she began jogging throughout the shopping center. There was bound to be at least a small portion of the store that carried isles of food. Thankfully, she finally found one after looking at the signs on the ceiling. Grocery shelves were overturned and there was food scattered about, probably due to frantic shoppers who were trying to stock up and survive. Itoe scooped up a few cans that appeared unopened and tucked them inside the pockets of the jackets that she carried.

She turned her head and spotted a small candy store, odd. Itoe opened the door to the store without and effort and the first sight she saw was rather horrid; a boy looting the corpse of someone who appeared to be recently dead. "Jesus Christ." She felt as though she had come in at a bad time, maybe she should just slowly back out?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hiro seeks Necessities

Drying off quickly with one of the t-shirts Hiro then begins to dress in her new clean clothing. Her damp skin causes it the under ware an t-shirt to cling to her as if she'd been coated lightly in glue but she knows that will quickly end once she's dry.
She doesn't worry over the other things she'd grabbed as she unlocks the door and checks outside to see none of the deadheads are waiting to rip her apart.
All clear she gathers up her goods in her off arm and heads back out.. She looks around herself as she moves through the store an spots a rack with exercise clothes but it is the mannequin she's drawn to. It's dressed out like a woman headed to the gym and over her shoulder is a stylish large gym bag.
It takes her only a few moments to pull the bag free and stuff it with her finds. She then grabs six spandex sports bras her size from behind the dummy before heading back to the panty section and grabbing several assorted packs from the rack along with three dozen socks from nearby.
The bag half full Hiro heads out of the store her next stop shoes. She knows from stories told to her by her grandfather that in a disaster good dry shoes are often better than a car because a man can traverse terrain no car can even hope to but he must protect his feet.
The shoe store is one of those that sales mostly cheap shoes and it's dead head clerks are a brief pain but she dispatches them with ease using her chrome plated Bo
Picking shoes is a slower process than clothes because she has to try them on but she dose so with haste choosing Hiking boots and two pair of light but comfortable canvass deck shoes.
Just as she's about to leave she spots the store's first aid kit open and on the counter. She sweeps the usable contents into her bag then heads out seeking high ground from which to survey the area around her.
She climbs the stairs to the second floor of the cramped strip mall and has to giggle as she notices almost immediately that there is a small pharmacy up here.
It's window has been smashed open obviously by looters seeking the hard drugs behind the counter. Also inside she finds two shambling former members of the human race which she sends to hell with two quick swings of her staff.
Unlike the former World's end maddness sales freaks Hiro doesn't go for the behind the counter stuff because she has no idea what most of it's for.
Hiro instead stocks up on bandages, tape, gauze antiseptic pads and feminine napkins and tampons which she shoves into a garbage bag, she knows the guys would laugh at her last thought but she doesn't care.
She then checks to see that none of the shuffling crowd are near and take two rolls of athletic tape and wraps the grip of her chrome Bo Staff so as to provide her a less slick surface to work with.
That chosen chore finished she heads back to the bus to store her swag
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 22 min ago

Angelo went over to the guy the person mentioned adding he needed medical attention as Angelo went on doing s medical examination checking for any serious bleeding. It seemed he had deep cuts but no major arteries were hit as Angelo went on with cleaning the wounds first making sure to keep the man from jumping our moving from the pain of the rubbing alcohol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sinopa, deciding, that Angelo had full control of the situation, got off the buss. The looked at a map of the shopping center and found a pharmacy. She went inside and looked around. Sinopa grabbed some medicine that was not in the nurses office.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jake wasn't planning on goig into the mall... He was to scared to even move... As he looked at each person, he just sighs... Most of them were leaving the bus, and everyone was running towards the mall to grab anything usefull to them...
But Jake stayed in the bus, he didn't wanted to encounter any zombie, and he even hated being with others... He still hated it... He rather was alone, all by himself, with his books! Books were everything he needed... Not friends... Just books... They never would hate Jake... They never would betray Jake... They would never hurt Jake...
As Jake looked around, he noticed he was almost alone... Almost everyone entered the mall and he.. He was with just two others in the bus...
Jake moved his leggs towards his body as he glanced out of the window, what would happen now? Would they leave him? And let him just die? Or would they come back? And would they then start searching for a place to stay?
Again Jake sighs as he glanced trough the window... Almost all alone with just his thoughts... All alone... As always... Jake didn't needed them... Jake didn't needed anyone... He would just be a burden to them...
But... Itoe was kind to him... She enjoyed his food... She even sat next to him...
As Jake thought about this... Something snapped in his head... He had to grow stronger! Gain courage! And... And... And protect those who are like that! Protect those who... Who care about him... Protect those... Protect... PROTECT THEM!!
Jake stood up, as he glanced around, there has to be a weapon some where wich he could use! As he glanced around, he smiled, his mind is the best weapon against them!
Jake jumped out of the bus as he started to run towards the mall, he had to find some items before going back into the bus, he needed to find weapons! Food! New clothes even! For these old raggs would only be a burden to himself!
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