Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Edward roared as lightening came off of him, he was in a bad mood as he tore through the storm with his big powerful wings, It was his brother fault that he was in such a bad mood. He knew that he was more unstable when he was angry, unstable with his powers, it though often wore him out as well, he had created the storm, but it was harder to fly through now that he was tired.

"Dammit,!" Edward growled, he landed roughly and rolled and smacked into a tree injuring his ribs, he knew he had pushed himself to fly when he was tired.
The dragon moaned and lay there. Brilliant, he was hurt and he realized he was damn lost too. He knew his brother would now be worrying about him as well. Blood was dripping from his cheek as he had scrapped his cheek agaisnt a sharp rock. His turned human and held his ribs, there was still electricity sparking around him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

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Kyla had found herself within a thin forest after running from some street thugs, hiding behind a rock for protection for a while with her pistol drawn to make sure they weren't following her. After a long while the redhead grunted a bit and holstered her gun, getting to her feet with a tired groan.
"Man why can't they leave me alone for once" Kyla sighed as she placed a hand against her head, fingers slightly tangled in her long red hair. The young woman was about to head off until she heard a roar coming from nearby, jumping in fright and whipping herself around to the direction of the sound. Kyla had no idea that it was the roar of a dragon she had heard and against her better judgment decided to follow the sound, the woman had always been curious.

When Kyla approached the area where the roar was closest to, instead of a beast though Kyla came across some rich looking lad laying on the ground. First thing the redhead noticed was that he was hurt and most likely lost, second was that he had electricity coming from his body sparking around dangerously. Frowning Kyla approached as close as she could without being hit by the golden sparks, crouching so she could get to the boys level to speak "You aren't looking to good there mister, need help?" She asked him. Kyla's head tilted to the side a little as her green eyes stayed locked onto him as her red hair fell around her oddly beautiful face, seeing it was obvious that aside from the magic he was harmless in his current condition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Edward grumbled, his body ached and his hurt ribs were really painful. He didn't think anybody would come bother him now. He sighed and leaned up agaisnt a tree. Bloody brilliant he thought. Sometimes he wasn't sure how he got in such situations. Ohh right he was unstable with his powers and had anger issues.
Really he wasn't in the mood to deal with anybody, he had a nasty headache from when he had fell. He wasn't so happy about that as it made him really rather cranky.

Hearing a voice he span around "I'm fine," he spat, his accent was a very strong British accent. "I don't need help from common people." really he wanted walk away, he didn't seem to act like he cared about her all that much. "Keep away unless you want to get fried." he knew he was too dangerous to be close to. He waited for the electricity to fade away. When it did he returned her an emotionless look. Edward was rather strange around people sometimes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

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As soon as the boy spat his reply to her Kyla's curious frown turned into a rather cold one, standing straight and crossing her arms as she stayed put "A snobby rich brat aye? figured with those clthes" She huffed at him unimpressed.
The red head watched as the boy as he stood up and started to discharge his powers, a rather stupid thing for him to stand in his condition but she let him do so and stayed away like he told her to. It wasn't until he had finished and turned back to her did she speak again "Well come on then rich brat, lets get you home" She told him as she started to walk in some direction towards the only mansion she knew in the area, figuring that was where this kid came from.
Kyla accent was a thick Irish one when she spoke making her sound rather tough, the redhead was tough even without the accent though and would do anything to make sure that others didn't forget it.

Kyla really hated the upper class like this kid she was 'offering' to help, being born and raised on the streets with nothing to her they all seemed the same. All the rich people and even middle classed were selfish and inconsiderate to those who suffered like herself. Kyla wasn't even sure why she helped anyone she meet even a kid like this, though she did know that she hated to see someone lost and injured no matter who they were.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"I'll find my own way," Edward snarled, his dragon like temper flaring, he hoped he didn't loose control of his powers again, He was holding where his ribs were and was looking rather pale. He always was treating the lower classes horribly, he couldn't seem to help it, being born into a lot of money and living that kind of lifestyle it did tend to make people a bit snobby.
He coughed as his ribs were paining him. He knew he would need to see a doctor.

He was shaking and he knew deep down he needed help, he wasn't used to random people helping him and he didn't want it. Even if he was rich his life was far from easy, he looked at her with an emotionless look "Why are you helping me," His eyes flashes going dragon like. The young man could be rather dangerous.
He already felt horrible and wanted to lay down, he knew he was tired and in pain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla stopped in her tracks as the by reused her help yet again, yet even as he did she refused to not help him. Turning and walking back to the rich kid she placed a hand on his shoulder, ignoring the flicker of dragon eyes and the growing temper as she placed a foot behind his. In the next second she had tripped Edward up and caught him bridal style in her arms, obviously much stronger than she first appears to be. Still ignoring him for the time as she turned and started to carry the boy home, still frowning and looking unimpressed.

Not to long after Kyla then replied to the boys question, not looking down from her path as she spoke "Because I care about others, no matter who, unlike you lot who couldn't give a rats ass about who needs help or not. and because I have nothing better to do right now" she told him, voice low and dangerous showing that she wasn't happy about his attitude. "Now shut up or I will dump you right here and walk away" She warned. Kyla continued to walk through the forest and towards the mansion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Edward growled when she knocked him off his feet and picked him up. He could see she was too stuborn. He didn't think she was all that smart either. But he really didn't feel so good after being injured. He knew his brother would be worrying, if he wasn't searching he would be crying and blaming himself. Edward was in a bad mood because of him, been blamed for his younger brother's doings again, like breaking a window. He didn't know how William got away with so much.

Edward rolled his eyes "Not wise," he mumbled quietly . He was gasping with pain and crying. It really did hurt. He knew that he needed to just get home to his bed.
When she arrived at his mansion he looked at her. Though he noticed his brother come running out, "Will... ughh" he groaned "Just don't start," he was sweating.
Will walked over to Edward "Ed..., are you ok brother what happened?" he was worried. "Edward?" Edward though had passed out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh shut up Rich brat, it's either this or you make your own way back" Kyla growled as she continued to carry him out of the bush and over the meadow, trying to move him as little as possible so he wouldn't hurt more than he already was. The readhead carefully watching the boy, though she did glance up once she got closer to his home.
Kyla still wondered how people could be as horrible as this kid, oh if only he knew how she lived she reckoned his attitude would change in an instant.

Once there it didn't take long before someone came running out to great him in panic, who she presumed was his younger brother and being found right once they started to talk. Kyla however didn't want to hold this kid for much longer, giving a cold and stern gaze towards Will "Kid, can you carry him or do I need to come in and put the rich brat to bed?" She asked clearly not in the mood to be around for much longer
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Will looked startled "Hey wow... I know my brother is brat.. But doesn't mean I am, sure I have a bad temper now and then, But you don't need to be rude to me too," He looked a bit offended. He was nicer then his brother. He knows he can't carry his brother and doesn't want to hurt him, knows Edward will be furious about it later. He looked at her "I don't think I can carry him and I don;t want to hurt him more." he was looking worried. He really cared about his brother, even when he blamed Edward for not looking for their missing father. He was just upset and missed his father, he knows Edward does too.

Edward was breathing heavily and he was very pale. He looked to be badly hurt. With his father gone, Edward was meant to be head of the house, but he wouldn't unless he knew his father was dead. Though he refused to think such thoughts. Edward was looking like he had done a bit of damage to himself when he fell. Will looked at the girl "Can you help bring him inside? Id rather not hurt him.?"
The brother was looking more and more worried. He wondered if she would, if not he would have to stop the butler with what he was doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla gazed towards the younger brother for a moment before sighing, shrugging a little before speaking "Sorry, I'm use to a lot of rich kids being bratty, become a habit to just assume" She told the younger boy. He really didn't seem as bad as the older one she was carrying "I'm not as well off you see" She shrugged and moved past the boy stepping into the large mansion.

As soon as she was in Kya wished she was out, she never liked big houses like this though she didn't know why. Even with that though she still have to bring this brat to his room "Lead the way kid" She told the younger one with a softer voice than the one she used last time "Got any privet medics or something like that?" she then asked him. Normally these people had their own privet medics that they could call upon any time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Will was looking at her "I don't judge and I'm seventeen I'm not a kid," he pointed out, he walked into the house leading the way. He knew that Edward would need to rest. He showed her where Edwards room is "What ever you think of Edward... I thank you for finding him, I don't want to have him going missing like father."
He looked rather upset and looked at his brother when she placed him on the bed.

"Yeah we do, we'll call him later," Will confirmed "Best to do it when he wakes up and won't loose his temper for not getting a choice, his powers are more dangerous when hes angry and hes already been gone 3 days."
He knew Edward was tired, Edward was breathing heavily, he was looking rather pale and he has a fever. Will feels his brothers forehead, knows Edward has been pushing it too much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

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"Still a kid to me" Kyla laughed a little as she followed Will to Edwards room, placing the brat gently down onto his bed and looking to Will as the kid got upset over his own words "Hey don't worry about it, only doing what was right, even if he wouldn't do the same for me" Kyla smiled and placed a hand on Will's head, ruffling his hair up a bit. "Just make sure he doesn't do the same thing again, might not be so lucky next time" she told the kid with a laugh trying to lighten the mood.

When Will told her that they had a doctor that they could call, Kyda nodded and started to head towards the bedroom door "Well then I take my leave" She told Will as she drew her pistol from it's holster, her expression turning cold again "I need to go home now"
With that the red headed girl left the room and hurriedly made her way outside and towards the city. Knowing what was install for her once she got to the ally way that she lived in "Lets hope they have given up for the rest of the day" Kyda sighed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"Only couple years younger," Will mumbled. He wasn't mad, but was still slightly offended. He though looked at his brother and was worried about him, he looked at her as she spoke again. He just nodded a bit "Wish he didn't get so grumpy." He was really missing their father, he knew that if their father was here maybe Edward wouldn't be so angry all the time.

Edward was looking very pale when he woke up, he groaned and looked around. He realized he felt sick, and his ribs were hurting him more "Will, get a medic... please."
he was crying from pain, he hoped that he would be able to get better. He knew his injuries were too much for Will to even heal. He was looking miserable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyda when she got home of course got into a gun fight as soon as she did, sitting behind the wall of the ally way and firing out down the street where the men were "Damn they were waiting for me, should have guess" She groaned hoping that they would stop soon. It was always like this for her, those men wanted to take her ally way. She would have been happy to share but they aren't the sharing type.

It had been almost for ever before Kyda won the fight this time, getting up and walking deeper into the ally way where there was a little shelter made from anything she could find. getting onto her old mattress the redhead closed her eyes, Gun sitting by her head encase someone decided to get her while she slept.
"Damn rich people, so inconsiderate" the girl muttered tiredly under her breath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Will noticed his brother was in a lot of pain. He worried about him and tried to keep him calm. He knew that he needed to be seen to. Will was also sure that their mother would be worrying once she got home.
He went to go and call for a medic to check over Edward. "Its ok brother." he said gently. He waited with his brother till the medic came. He watched as the medic arrived and checked his brother over.

Edward was crying , he was in pain. " Ohh it hurts," he groaned as the medic felt around where his ribs were. He was finding it hard to not yell out with pain.
He was feeling miserable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Kyda slept she didn't notice the shadows of figures creeping up to her, not until it was to late and she was jerked awake by hands grabbing her our of her makeshift bed and house. Even with this though she found it easy to break from the men's grips and engage in hand to hand combat, quickly she took them out and lugged the men out onto the street" Their goes my rest for the night" The redhead groaned as she went back to her bed to grab her gun.

once she was also out on the streets Kyda decided to try and beg for some cash again, she never liked to steal and would rather leave that for a last resort. finding her usual spot the redhead sat down and lowered her head, waiting for anyone kind enough to give her something, ignoring the bleed cut she jsut realized was on her leg from the battle before hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Edward was glad when the medic had given him medicine and bandaged his ribs, He was feeling rather tired and leaned back into his pillows, he wouldn't look at Will after that, he closed his eyes and tried to relax. He was a bit miserable and he hoped that he would heal quickly. He seemed to just not be feeling up to anything. He soon falls asleep and realizes that Will has put a blanket over him as he was falling asleep. Will really cared about his brother.

"Sleep well brother." Will muttered softly. He hoped that his brother would get a good sleep. He knew that Edward was always more cranky when he was tired.
Edward slept for eight hours and awoke holding his ribs. He knew that he needed to take more medicine. Edward slowly reaches for his medicine and takes it laying down again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla had remained in her position at her begging spot, getting to her a good little sum of cash to grab a bit to eat for the night. Just as she was about to sit up the redhead heard voices, familiar enough to make her sit back down and lower her head to hide her face. That was when she heard the men as they passed by, she heard enough to know what they were planning and it wasn't good "So that is what their goal in life is" Kyla growled though didn't understand why they would go after her, she was human.

When the men were gone Kyla grabbed the money she had gotten, stuffing it into her pocket and getting to her feet. Those men were going after that rich brat, he was still to ingured and as far as she knew they wouldn't spare his younger brother "Must warn him" she panted.
It didn't take the redheaded woman to long at her sprinting pace to reach the mansion, reaching the door and pounding on it as hard as she could so the people inside could hear her "Come on open up" She urged quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Edward was laying in his bed with the covers pulled up around him. He was closing his eyes and trying to rest. He looked very pale. He hated been injured as he hated laying around.
"ugh," he groaned. He was feeling miserable.
He curled up in his blankets and coughed a bit. The lightening dragon was very weak and tired as well. He just wanted to relax though he knew he wouldn't get too long.

Will heard a knock on the door and goes and opens it "Oh hey? You here for my brother, Hes in bed, Hes not so well and is in pain." he explained. he knew that Edward needed to rest.
"Is there a problem?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh good your here" Kyla panted a little as she had run the whole way here "Yes there is a problem, I need to speak to your brother now" she said before walking pas will into the house and running to where she remembered Edwards room was. Once there she burst into the room, not caring how he was feeling as this was more important "Hey kid, I know you aren't well but I have bad news, you and your family are all in danger" She started to speak.

Kyla didn't know how much time they had before those guys from the street would come and try to take out Edward, but she hoped he would listen to her and hoped he would let her help them. She had taken a liking to his younger brother and didn't want to see him hurt, not sure about their mother but there were other innocents in this mansion as well.
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