I would like to extend my commiserations to the noble and mighty Ottoman Caliphate on the passing of one of the greatest men in recent Islamic history. He served his nation with loyalty and passion, he helped it along the path of progress and advancement - a path all Muslims must always seek and remain on - and most importantly, he led this noble Caliphate in a war to defend justice and Islam everywhere. Despite allies as fiendish as their enemies, there is no doubt that, with the blessing and pleasure of the one true God behind them, the Caliphate emerged victorious, and mightier than they have been in a long time. It is truly a sign of God's pleasure with them, and we must seek to emulate their reforms and advancements that we may also garner the pleasure of God, whose fury upon our nation has been clear for many decades.

May the noble Grand Vizier Mehmed Fuad Pasha be granted the highest and most estimable of gardens in paradise, and may he be granted the greatest pleasure and privilege of witnessing the face of God on the day where there is no light but His.

We congratulate Grand Vizier Ahmed Şefik Midhat Pasha and hope that he will prove to be just as great a reformer and treader on the path of progress and advancement as was his predecessor. We congratulate him on his impeccable conduct as Minister of War during the victorious jihad waged against the great oppressors of Muslims, and we look forward to cementing a great bond with the greatest and most noble of the Islamic nations of the world, that we may emulate their successes and gain the pleasure of God with us as have they.

By the Grace and Will of the Most High, Naser al-Din Shah Qajar, His Imperial Majesty, Emperor of Iran, King of Kings, First Among Warriors, Light of the Aryans, Great Khan, Companion of the Qur’an, Pillar of the World