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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Without warning, Sylvia burst into laughter, unable to contain her amusement. Her poor husband seemed to be so nervous, & over a small thing like her grandmother being buried at the roots of her dowry chest tree. If only he knew the tree count of the castle, or that even her wooden comb was used from the tree of the dearly departed.

"Grandmama isn't in my dowry chest, Hallaer," Sylvia assured Aranhil, leaning over to rest her cheek on his shoulder, "Elves allow themselves to return to nature from where they spawned. The trees only inherit our nutrients, not our souls. We are careful with the things made out of the wood out of respect for the deads' noble contribution. Don't your people still keep the skulls of great rulers?"

Deciding to calm herself, Sylvia closed her eyes & lightly nuzzled Aranhil's shoulder. She hoped for many days like this, where they could relax in the sun & enjoy each other's company. Every day she spent with Aranhil was relaxing, & she was certain he made sure of that. Even though he still had to deal with dignitaries & have meetings with others, he always made sure that she only focused on learning his peoples' culture without diversion. Sylvia had already read on the customs & beliefs of the Dragons before she was sent to marry Aranhil, but Elves only had so much information on their enemies. The culture of Aranhil's people was so much more rich than she originally believed; a little misogynistic with their beliefs that women should make children her first priority, yes, but every group was bound to have a flaw or two.

"Aranhil, would you allow me to help you with your work?" Sylvia asked her husband a bit hesitantly, "I know that it is considered mens' work here, but seeing as I'll probably never be able to help you in battle, I want to ease your burdens some other way."
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"We don't keep them in our bedrooms!" Aranhil protested as he looked at his wife like she was crazy. How could she even think this was anything like the other? They kept skulls out of respect, and they were kept in a special room. They didn't make things out of them, or think of every day objects as them. He shuttered a little. "You said that when they tossed the chest around, it was like they threw your grandmother around. So how am I suppose to think of it as anything but your grandmother? It's just creepy!"

Personally, Aranhil did not understand elves. Dragons were very logical, and straight forwards. Once someone was dead, they were dead. You moved on with it. Sure, secretly, they still missed the lost one. He missed his brother more than he could ever say. But that didn't mean he was going to pretend that some tree was his brother. Nor would he ever consider making something out of his little brother. It was just weird.

Desperate to move away from dead people, he was delighted when his wife changed the conversation. "No." He shook his head, smiling at his lovely dear. "Sweet, I know you do not understand our ways. But it is my job to provide for you, and to do what has been assigned to me. If I gave my tasks to you, it would be like saying I can not handle them. The last thing a man wants is to be forced to make his wife do something he has been told to. I will not insult my family name by requiring you to do my work." He ran his fingers down her cheek with a smile. "You are sweet, my love. But your job is to take care of the family. It is my job to take care of the work."

Gently, Aranhil kissed his wife. "Besides. That means I don't have to worry about mother any more." He grinned evilly. "It's now your job to keep both my mother, and my brother, in line." He laughed to himself, pleased with this. "And my little sister! You are a lady, my love. It is your job to teach her to be one, as well. I don't have to chase her down any more!" He was, clearly, thrilled with this. "She's almost of age to start sleeping with men. I would prefer if she did not."

Taking Sylvia's hand, he sighed softly. "Darling, I'm giving you a task far harder than any I have ever had. My little sister is a flirt, and a tease. She doesn't think about dangers, just about fun. She is young, but still innocent. She is wild. I need you to make sure that she does not get into a situation she can not escape from. Her virginity must be her choice. And I, as an older brother, would prefer it if she chose to keep it until she weds the man I choose."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

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Frowning a little, Sylvia felt a small twinge as Aranhil announced that he would be deciding who his sister married. While she knew Aranhil meant no harm to Cendres, he would probably do exactly that if he controlled such an important part of her life. Who knew, maybe that was why she acted to impulsively.

"Aranhil, is it imperative that you pick out your sister's spouse?" Sylvia asked carefully as she rested her cheek on his shoulder & relaxed, "Maybe she plays around so much because she doesn't feel like she has any control over her whole life. I know I felt like rebelling a little when my papa told me that I had no say-so in my marriage. I thought that maybe if I was insolent enough, you'd lose interest in me & call off the betrothal."

Laughing a little, Sylvia remembered the nights she & Emera had planned ways to embarrass Aranhil. & then there was the small phase she went through, where she played small pranks on people in the castle. Nothing harmful, but things like overflowing a bathtub & locking the room, & other things that would probably reach Aranhil's ears & make him think twice about marrying a juvenile girl.

"My papa was very smart, in the end," Sylvia mumbled, "All the times that he told you that I was ill or not available for a visit, he was keeping me from carrying out my plans to make you annoyed & leave. I didn't really understand that our betrothal was so important to our countries back them, & as it would have it, you slowly stopped coming to call on me. I'm sorry if you felt I hated you... I was just being selfish & hoping that no one would force me to marry a man I knew nothing about."

Finally realizing that she was rambling & admiring an embarrassing episode in her life, Sylvia straightened herself, trying to tame the fierce blush on her streaks. Why did she have to talk so much around her husband? It was so impulsive & ladylike.

"A-anyway, you understand what I'm saying," Sylvia mumbled softly, "Maybe you could find possible suitors instead... & let her choose from those men?"
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Aranhil sighed. He took her hands gently. "Sylvia, you never gave us a chance to know each other. I mean, I know for a fact I was not eager about this wedding, but I made an effort to try and get to know you in person before we got married." He shrugged, not sure how to make her explain. Was she still so against their own wedding? "I tried to come see you, and offered to let you over as often as I could. And yet, you were always so inconvenienced by my invitations and intentions. I gave up, because you never wanted to get to know me."

He reached out, touching her cheek gently. "The first time I ever even got to see you, it was that day you arrived on my doorstep to be wed. I was angry that you couldn't be bothered to see me until it finally fit your schedule, which meant not until our wedding day." He said softly. "I was tempted to tell you that I was sick, and not to bother."

Leaning back on his elbows, Aranhil looked up to the sky. "Thankfully, Cendres is reasonable about one thing. She likes to meet boys. She knows her duty, and she understands that it shall be my pick. When I tell her who it is she shall wed, she will accept it. Of course, she shall not be wedding to stop a bitter feud. I am actually free to choose based on who I think will be good for her. So she will feel no resentment towards her husband. She will go to him willingly, and shall bed him as they are wed. Her children will be strong, and the pairing will be beneficial. I don't see how any of that could be a problem."

(I know, bit short. Sorry. Been kicking the last of my cold lately. lol )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Frowning at her husband's stubborn attitude, Sylvia began to pout a little & crossed her arms, looking down at the ground. Did all Dragon men really feel like women had to follow their every word? & just when she thought there was nothing they could agree on. & really, it made her a little insecure that Aranhil seemed fine with his parents pairing him up with anyone at all. Didn't that mean that he probably didn't really love her as much as he thought?

"Aranhil, you can't tell me that you're not even the least bit resentful that you had no say in who you married," Sylvia huffed, trying too keep herself from becoming too bitter. It was hard though; she hadn't realized just how much Aranhil's decisions had been affected before. She'd like to hope that he trusted his parents that much, but considering how much him & his mother bickered over her making choices for him, he probably didn't want to marry her in the first place. She could only imagine how much he must have found her unattractive.

"If you had a choice, you'd probably have picked Cecilia, or Arabella," she mumbled, burying her face into her dress a little, "It's no secret that my elder sisters are much more beautiful & worldy than I am; you don't feel like you missed out? Or that one of them would have been more compatible with you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Aranhil shrugged. "I have known for a century that my wife would be my father's choice. Aranhil is the younger son, and can make his own choices. I was, of course, allowed to make suggestions. But the girls I fancied in my youth were usually unsuitable for the throne." He explained with a shrug. "Ether that or my brother was screwing them." He laughed softly, remembering that incident. "I had no idea at the time."

Grinning at Sylvia, he settled back to explain. "I was probably ninety, and River was just old enough to be legally allowed to engage with the ladies. There was this pretty young dragon who had been flirting with me for three years. Just as I finally started to notice her, she got in bed with my brother. During the day, I'd take her out, and treat her like a princess. At night, she'd crawl in bed with my little brother. And I always wondered why she was so tired in the mornings, or why she never came with me to family events."

Grinning to himself, he smiled at his little wife. "Anyway, nah. I probably wouldn't like your sisters. I don't know. I never met them. But it's not important, Sylvia. Life has given us our lots. We can only play the game, and hope to come out with a winning hand. So far, I enjoy what I have been dealt. I am happy with what I have been given. Aren't you?"

Aranhil leaned over and kissed his wife gently. "Stop fussing. You're cute when you pout, but gorgeous when you smile. I'd rather have a beautiful wife than a cutesie one." He shrugged a little as he added, "The point is, I didn't have a choice. It doesn't matter what I might have done, or what your mind is running away with. The point is, this is what I have. And I am happy with it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Quickly, Sylvia gave her husband a small smile as he kissed her & tried to assure her that she was the only one for him, a small defense mechanism she'd learned over the years. The only problem was, she didn't believe Aranhil's assurances. All this time, she'd believe that Aranhil had at least picked his bride between her & her sisters. But he hadn't even done that; their parents had orchestrated everything!

& he was going to do the same thing to Cendres. Couldn't he see how poisonous caging a young woman like his sister would only end badly? She had to make him see the light soon; from the way things were going, Cendres would be introduced to her betrothed by the end of the year. Once that was decided, there was no backing out of it; she knew that from experience.

& then, there was the matter of her & Aranhil as well. What if he regretted his father's choice later & decided that she wasn't an acceptable wife? It was a very long shot, but Aranhil could still annul their marriage if they hadn't consummated it. He could possibly marry one of her elder sisters without much quarrel from either of their kingdoms. & both of her sisters were far more competent & well-groomed than her. She wouldn't blame her husband for wanting a better match. All she could do for the moment was so Aranhil that she was willing to work hard, she supposed.

"Aranhil, Hallaer," Sylvia mumbled after a bit more thinking, "I think that I should continue my sparring lessons soon. Or rather, I insist on it. A couple weeks back, when Emera's father tried to take my life... I was useless to you, almost completely. I don't want to be such a weakness for your enemies to target; & you can't possibly hope to keep me at your side for all of time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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"You're right." Aranhil murmured, a thoughtful look passing across his face. "You really are no match for any of the dragons. Everyone here has learned to fight almost as soon as they learned to walk. You'd be squashed flat in a second." He studied her for a bit, assessing her advantages. Not very many. "I suppose your fighting style would be similar to Cendres', but that only works against a small number of enemies."

Leaning in, the young king-to-be kissed his wife. "I have decided," He informed her with a bright smile. "I shall assign you two personal guards to keep you safe at all times. in fact, I shall even write to River." He added brightly, "You see, River is a much better fighter than I, he will know better who shall best be able to protect you." He explained. He reached out to stroke her cheek gently. "You are tender, my sweet. I don't want you to be hurt. Fighting would only damage you. I would rather keep you as you are."

Reluctantly, he started to stand up. "I should return home and write to him now." He decided. "I would prefer the letter reach him quickly, so that I might be able to protect you sooner yet. Come along, my love, let's go home." He took her hand, helping her to stand up. "I, um..." A red blush slid across his cheeks. "I should probably go find your shoe first."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Despite her best intentions, Sylvia felt her frustration building up as Aranhil simply pushed her aside, demanding that she be coddled like some kind of infant. She didn't know what he intended for her, leaving her so defenseless. The next time someone cornered her, there was no way she'd luck out again. She'd really die. But not if she could help it.

Maybe a Dragon woman would just roll over & show her belly, but Sylvia would do no such thing. Women had every right to have their wishes to fulfilled as well, & it was high time Aranhil learned that she wasn't going to be a wilting maiden for the rest of her life.

Standing, Sylvia tossed her other shoe into the grass & fled to the large summer home without her husband. She wasn't at all deterred by the feel of grass under her feet, or that someone would see her ankles. Why did Dragons have to be so damned insistent on shoes? It was completely ridiculous to separate oneself from nature.

It was also ridiculous that she was still untouched, & that she wasn't able to protect herself at all, thanks to her overprotective husband's whims. She would fix these problems soon, if it were the last thing she did. Only one person was available to help her right now.

"Miss Cendres!" Sylvia called as she approached her sister-in-law's apartment rooms. She opened the main doors & went into the waiting room, looking around for the younger woman, "Miss Cendres, I don't have much time. I need you to tell me how you get men to do what you want; Aranhil is intent on turning me into a shelved doll!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Cendres giggled. She was seated on her bed, a young suitor at her neck. He'd already left a bit of a bruise on her flesh, and had seemed intent upon expanding it before they were interrupted. "Sylvia, didn't anyone tell you to knock?" She asked with a laugh. She brushed aside her current companion, settling his aggravation with a kiss. "Later. Meet me in the gardens tonight?" She asked with a smile. "Shoo, now, or my sister in law might tell on us." The young dragon left with several mumbled complaints.

Cendres gestured to the spot that her young male had previously occupied. "Have a seat, Sylvia, and tell me what's wrong? Why do you want men to do what you want?" She asked curiously. "I mean, I can understand wanting Aranhil to do something, but really, all the rest of the men too?" She shook her head, a mischievous glint in her eyes. As she continued to speak, she took a seat at her vanity. Some special foundation was already sitting out, clearly having been set there in anticipation of needing to cover certain spots. This was spread across her neck as she spoke.

"Apparently, my brother is more dense than I thought. So you'll have to be a bit more direct. Let him catch you changing. It's subtle, he won't expect you to have set anything up. Just offer for him to come in, enjoy the show, chat a little. Maybe if you're already undressed, he'll just do the rest?" She offered curiously.

Shrugging her slender shoulders, Cendres tipped her head a bit, watching herself in the mirror. She applied just a bit more of the makeup, then stood and turned to her sister in law. "Who cares about that right now? I'm hungry! Let's go eat." She suggested brightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia watched her sister-in-law with a bit of a worried expression, feeling like she was responsible for her happiness. Right now, the young woman was content with rebelling by secretly meeting with men & teasing them, but how long would that last? Surely she wouldn't continue such actions after she married. But Sylvia knew better; if Cendres wasn't taken more seriously soon, she would probably head down a very destructive path that might eventually destroy her sense of self.

Forgetting her own problem for a moment, Sylvia approached Cendres as she suggested dinner & gently took the younger woman's hands in her own. Her eyes shone with compassion as she gently squeezed down her fingers, creating somewhat of a vice grip that was uncommon for the delicate Elven woman..

"Miss Cendres, I would like to help you as well." Sylvia said softly, "Aranhil has told me that he wishes to decide your future husband. At the risk of tricking him a little, I want to ensure your happiness by giving you a bit of a choice. Is there any man in the courts that you feel you may love? Please give me a name, any name, & I will see to it that Aranhil takes him serious as a worthy candidate."
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Cendres started to laugh. "Love? Sylvia, you're too much!" she cried, her mirth bubbling over and escaping in a cascade of bubbly giggles. "Of course I don't love anyone, silly goose. You elves are so sweet and funny. You know, I heard your maid say that except in cases like yours, no one gets married without being in love first. Isn't that just outrageous? Of course I don't love anyone. When my brother tells me it is time for me to get wed, I will love my husband. Until then," The young dragon shrugged her shoulders, not seeming particularly concerned.

"You see, Sylvia, if I am unattached, I am free to do what I please with who I please. I'm still young, and unmarried. Now is my time to have fun without worrying about attachments or silly things like jealousy and affection." She tried to shake her hands free, momentarily wondering how it was that Sylvia could have such a strong grip on her fingers. "Really, Sylvia, it's not like it's a big deal or anything. It's just marriage."

Beaming to herself, the younger girl finally broke out of the elf's hold. "Seriously, I'll probably get married to someone that Aranhil needs an alliance with. Won't that be exciting? I'll get to move somewhere new, learn all sorts of things, and run his house hold. He'll likely dye in battle, too, leaving me tragically widowed with a few wonderful kids and a bunch of hot servants to take care of me. I mean, it's not like it's a bad life. All I gotta do is squirt out a few little babies, and bam! He's happy with me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia looked at her sister-in-law, unable to hide her shock & horror. Did Cendres really feel like love was a waste of time? Why, Sylvia had no idea how she could have survived joining Aranhil in marriage if they hadn't fallen in love. Sure, elves were a bit freer when it came to their emotions, but this complete lack of interest in affection... it just wasn't healthy. How did dragons cope?

But for now, there was nothing Sylvia could do, she supposed. She could wear down Cendres slowly, convince the woman to fight for her own right to marry who she wanted. It wasn't fair that River could pursue whoever he liked, but Cendres had to be herded off by the highest bidder. Dragons were supposed to be making strides towards gender equality since the treaty was enacted, & Sylvia would try her hardest to help women & their powerlessness with marriage.

Turning around, Sylvia said nothing more & headed back to her room a few halls down. She felt completely useless, unable to fight, help Cendres, or even turn Aranhil's head.What kind of wife was she? Inside the room, Sylvia frowned at the sight of the cuffs Cendres had left on the bedside table & picked them up, her face furrowing into a scowl.

"If only tying him up was all it took," she grumbled, tossing the cuffs back onto the table. She crawled onto her bed face first & laid onto it, letting out a long, drawn-out sigh. Her situation was entirely hopeless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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(I PROMISE to stop being so slow now)

Aranhil, meanwhile, sat down at his desk. He let out a soft sigh. "If only there were some way to please her." He muttered to himself. He shook his head, thinking back over the course of the day. What had he done wrong? What had made her mad?" He let another sigh escape him. Picking up his pen, he placed it to paper, and began to write. Many long minutes passed before he paused. He thought a moment, then went on.

It was a while before he was satisfied. Grasping the paper by the corner, he waved it to and from to help dry the ink. Then he rolled it up, and lit a candle. When there was wax rolling down the side, he dripped some on the edge, and pressed it with his own personal seal. His brother would know it was from him. He knew, though, that people sometimes sent letters with his seal in his name. To show his brother it truly was him, he gently scratched an X across the top of the wax. It was a code they had formed when they were young. Letters without the Xed seal were not from one another.

He found a young courier soon. "You there, boy, your attention." He supposed 'boy' was not a correct term. More of a young man. He shrugged it off. "Take this letter to my brother, Prince River. He resides with the Elves for now. You will remain by his side until he sends you with a reply. If he has no reply for me, remain with him, and help to attend to him." He grinned, "And see if you can't find yourself a way to get those elven ladies to be a bit less prudish." He shrugged. "They are a bad example on my wife."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia ended falling asleep alone in her bedroom. She thought long & hard about her & Aranhil's situation until she passed out, curled up in a tiny ball. What was she doing wrong? What about her wasn't appealing to Aranhil? It had to be something she was going, it had to be. While Aranhil wasn't as much of a playboy as River, she gathered that he did have experience, so he definitely had a type, ore at least had things that excited him.

She couldn't ask Cendres about what excited her brother, & she certainly wasn't going to ask any of his ex-lovers; least of all, Emera had no idea how to please a man, for she was just as unlearned in the bedroom as Sylvia. Her last shot was Aranhil's mother, but the woman hated her with a passion, even after the wedding. it was hard for Sylvia to even endure the woman's poisonous attitude towards her for more than a few minutes before she had to escape.


River smiled awoke in his most favorite place in the world, resting his head in Emera's lap. He stayed still for a bit longer, gazing up at the Elven woman as she stitched something together. She'd been so much more agreeable with him since they returned to her home, even allowing him to be affectionate with her. Maybe she didn't see the women here as threats, or maybe she was more comfortable in her territory; maybe it was that he almost didn't wear his armor anymore.

"Is that a gift for me, Melamin?" River asked, calling Emera by one of his many pet names for her.

[OOC: it's okay, i understand.// melamin="my love" in Elven]
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Emera blushed gently. "No, River." She answered quietly. She rarely called him by anything but his name. Though she had consented to let him woo her, she still was a little embarrassed by it. However, being home in dangerous territory, she felt safest with him by her side. "It's for Sylvia's eldest sister. She got engaged while we were away, and I wished to make her something." She explained softly. She gave River a little smile. "I will make you something after, however, if you desire."

She reached down to touch his cheek gently. It was only in their rooms that she let him rest on her in this way. If she had dared to let others see, she knew she would hear no end of it. They already suspected her because of her mother. "What would you like?" She asked, her voice gentle as always. Lately, she had not liked the way the girls had been looking at him. Word had gotten around quickly that he was a prince. Any woman would be honored to be his wife. "You know, dear heart, you've been very well behaved since we left. Should I worry as to why this is so?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"A kiss on the cheek will suffice," River replied with a smile, resting his head down in Emera's lap again, just for a few more lazy moments with her, "If you keep making me gifts, you'r going to have to make me a quilt to keep them all together, Love."

Closing his eyes, River rested in content for a bit longer before there was the quiet thumping of footsteps approached Emera's room. Rive sat up, eyeing the door a bit rigidly as a young Elven boy burst into the room, letters in hand. River let his guard down a bit, but continued to watch the child as he approached, handing one letter to River from Aranhil, & one to Emera from Sylvia. River turned over the letter to make sure the right seal with on it before grabbing the back of the boy's shirt, dragging him close.

"Learn to knock, kid," River said almost threateningly, "& you didn't see me anywhere near Miss Emera, understood?"

The boy nodded & gratefully accepted a small handful of coins before he left the room & the couple to their letters. River hoped Emera didn't mind that he'd paid off the kid, but he knew she considered her reputation was important, for whatever reason. The last thing she needed was some little snot running around & spreading rumor that she spread her legs for a foreign dragon prince.
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Emera felt her cheeks take on a very pink color. "Th-thank you, River." She knew he was trying to help her by buying the child's silence. Sometimes, the stoic prince would do something that was quite surprisingly touching. It always shocked her to see that something so tender hid under all the armor. She supposed, though, that it made sense. All across her world, this was true. Castles guarded princesses, who hid away inside. Animals guarded their stomachs, the softest part of their bodies. Armor guarded River, along with his foul disposition and scowl. But it turned out, those defenses just sheltered a tender heart.

With him seated upright, now, Emera took her turn to lean against him. She melted against his side with her head gently on his shoulder. "You are good to me, River. I appreciate it." She, teasingly, had left a kerchief on his pillow ever afternoon for him to find when he went to bed. She thought the tradition was foolish, silly, and completely and utterly romantic. It seemed almost too sweet to be a dragon's tradition. The one for tonight was safely hidden inside her skirt. She'd made a delicate border of thorns, with his initials in the corner, two swords crossed behind the letter. She thought he would enjoy it. She'd been trying to make as many masculine designs as she could.

"I wonder why your brother wrote you, River." she said softly. "It seems odd that he might send a letter at the same time as Sylvia. Do you think that they are alright?" She inquired curiously. She broke the seal to her letter gently, and carefully unfolded her paper. Bowing her head, she turned her eyes to the words. If it was something that River should not read, she was sure Sylvia would have written in elven, and she would know to turn away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lala Kitty
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Lala Kitty Lethal Cutie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"If I'm right, they're both nervous about fu- err, making love," River grumbled as he carelessly opened his own letter, "My brother is too sissy to make a move on Sylvia, & Sylvia doesn't have the guts to just push the man down & take what she wants. Does that sound about right to you, Love?"

Reaching out, River gently rubbed the palm of his hand over Emera's head as he read Aranhil's letter in more detail, confirming his suspicion. Aranhil was asking what he should do about his wife, & Sylvia was probably trying absurd Elven methods & mind games to seduce him, no doubt methods from his sister, who talked a lot about experience, really didn't have any.

"I feel like these two should be locked in a room until they finally get the deed done," Rive growled, rubbing one of his temples after putting down the letter, "I'm honestly not sure what I can tell Aranhil that I haven't already. He needs to start reproducing with Sylvia soon, or my mother will find a way to absolve the marriage & find him a Dragon bride. She wouldn't give a damn if that started a war or not."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Emera was silent a very long time. Finally, she looked up at River. "I could lie." She offered softly. Lying was not something she did easily, nor well. But for Sylvia, even she could fabricate a tale worth retelling. "I'll go to the gods." She looked up at him, fear in her eyes. "She will believe me if it comes from the gods. I will tell her they showed me a Life Split." The elves held their temple in great regard. The trip there was difficult, though not long. Before the gods you could pray, offer gifts, and sometimes, they granted you with one of their own. Elves would sometimes return, claiming to have been shown a choice. They took their sight to the one it involved, and gave their council. This choice was called a Life Split. It was at these points that their lives did split, to two separate paths. Neither choice was good, nor bad, not as they could be seen. Each held merit. It was to them to decide which was the path that was true. Each, usually, resulted in the same. The difference was how you got there.

"I will tell her that they showed me that if her stomach has swelled with child before the first snow, it shall be her children that shepard in a peace greater than the realm has known in lifetimes. If she is not with child by the time snow touches ground, it shall be your youth that bring about the peace." Emera looked up at River, insecure about her choice. "I do not hold water with the gods, but Sylvia does not know. If I tell her they mean for her to be with child, she will lay with Aranhil."

The young elf set aside her needlework. Gently, she smoothed out her skirts, and took to her feet. "I shall make plans to travel at once. It won't take me more than a day, perhaps two. But I should still inform our hosts that I mean to travel." She turned to River, her eyes tracing his face. She studied his every line and curve, every sign of smile and frown. They were so different. She was sure he'd like her plan. After all, everything she feared, he loved. She was positive he would love this idea.

"It's not truly a lie." The young elf offered nervously. "Her children will bring about peace. We....we're just helping that peace come sooner."
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