Jinx was crouched low, her palms resting on the top of the column, her body hidden beneath a dark shadow. Her voice was almost insulting as she viewed the metal man,"Are you currently aware that this new erected guild member is an enemy of the Legion and the law. Phantom was expertly chosen to carry out this mission, and it is under my direct orders to eliminate my target."

She clicked her black painted fingers nails on the stone as she spoke evenly,"This is none of Oculus' concern. I have broken no laws. No fully accepted member of Phantom has entered your domain. NOW, I have a job to do, and an impatient boss who wants this completed by morning. If you want to take me down Jin, you better prepare yourself because not many have seen my form and then lived to see dawn the next day.

She was already making plans. Raw magic began to flow through her veins as she figured this might turn ugly. She didn't want to fight Jin. In fact she wasn't even a hundred percent sure she could conjure up enough anger to fight him. Even though she was fully acting she was getting quite pissed off with this mission. Reading the captains file, she figured he would most assuredly come out and meet his fate nobly. She knew the taunting and the invitation would both incite anger and a need to fulfill a certain bravado and pride most captains would most assuredly try to emulate. Lysander was different though. Wow a humbled captain. Just her luck. Looking at Jin, she knew he incited loyalty to. Just fucking brilliant.

God fucking damn it.