Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reika nodded at his direction, letting go before taking a seat across from him. In theory, she really didn’t need to eat or pertain to any sort of substance, as Spirits were from a different biology than that of humans. Probably. As a Spirit herself, Reika knew as little about her own existence as the humans. That was the whole reasoning of this trip though. To gain greater knowledge about herself.

"While we're here we can get some tea or coffee and maybe even a snack. Err... Lunch."

“Yes, that would make sense. Apologies Suichi for ignoring your question earlier. Please do not think of it as intentionally, as Reika does not want to come across as being…rude. However, I have reasonings to ignore that question.”

"Good job Suichiro. You can order whatever you'd like, its my treat. You too Reika."

Reaper looked up to see a girl she could only assume to be the Commander walk up to them, insisting they order whatever they liked.

“And that is the reason why,” she finished to Suichi. “…I will also have whatever you are having Suichi,” she said, not caring what she ate right now.

"Okay then. Reika, you asked Suichiro to speak with me. So, feel free to ask whatever it is on your mind."

A pause. Reika leaned forward.

“Allow me then to answer Suichi’s question with one of my own. He asked me why I need to judge people. I answer that with my own inquiring Commander. Why do you disapprove of killing your own kind?”

Back at AST headquarters, Kenji listened to a much different Commander.

"Right now, I've noticed <Aether> has made Kyoko's movements somewhat lighter and faster, which could be something very useful, but I've yet to see if it also affects the physical impacts or how its territory operates. So, I wouldn't mind using it, but I won’t be giving it to all of the agents and only to those who come into the action last, to ensure they can finish things up swiftly without any trouble. If the territory proves to be more efficient than the usual one, I will put it on those who go in second, to try and surprise any spirits with agents that are suddenly a lot tougher to deal with. And of course, I would call the first agents to retreat in such a case.”

“Ah, very fitting of a strategist,” Kenji praised. “Of course, I assure you that the Ragnorak models come with certain…upgrades to their predecessors. At least in terms of weaponry. Right now, Kyoko should be activating one of the laser grid blades. We’ve made it specifically for cutting through a Spirit’s Astral Dress.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Suichi shook his head quickly and waved his hands in a defensive way when Reika finally responded to his question. He really didn't like asking the question in the first place. "N-no don't apologize! I should be the one apologizing, that was a rude question to ask. Sorry."

Just then the Commander showed up and told him to get whatever he wanted as a treat. He couldn't believe it. The strict Commander Kasumi was rewarding him? He hadn't done anything to warrant a reward. He couldn't imagine her in a charitable mood at all. "O-OK." He felt uncertain as he looked over the menu. He felt a bit out of place for some reason. This conversation that was about to happen was supposed to be between Reika and the Commander. Would it be alright for him to be there listening in? Then again, he couldn't just leave. He had to help Reika after all, and the Commander telling him to order whatever he wanted basically was an order to stay.

The waitress came around and he ended up ordering two coffees and two omelettes. Fairly standard and bland, but Suichi couldn't think of anything else at the moment.

Suichi felt fortunate that the waitress left just before Reika asked her question to the Commander, because it sent chills up his spine the way she asked. The waitress returned shortly after with the cups of coffee. "Will that be all?"

Suichi smiled kindly at her. "I think that will be all for now, thanks." He turned his attention to the conversation that would be had right before him.
Kyoko pushed forward, now that she definitely knew she had the advantage she couldn't waste time with this fight. She had noticed a new feature that the <Aether> came equipped with: Lazer Grid Blades. This must be something different than her No Pain. She activated it and a lazer claw activated on her right hand. The lazer was a bit different than a simple claw though as the blades formed into a crosshatch pattern and wavered slightly almost as if it were a hacksaw blade.

She smiled. "Oh this is cool." With that she struck forth aiming to pierce Chou's Territory. She held back just enough to prevent herself from harming her comrade just in case, but even then she was unsure how much she needed to hold back therefor she also ended up aiming for Chou's CR-Unit's arm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Upon seeing Kyoko activate a new feature in the new <Aether>, Chou instantly brought her defensive territory up, wanting to try and be as careful as possible, while still holding her Murakumo steady. Seeing her opponent charge right at her, Chou intended to use the defensive territory to block the new weapon and then attempt to push her sword against Kyoko's neck and end the spar.

But as Kyoko's new Laser Grid Blades came in contact with her defensive territory, the territory broke. The new weapon, whatever it named, was very strong and intended to be used against something stronger than a defensive territory. Chou barely had time to think before moving slightly to the right, and a scratch was created on her arm from the Laser Grid Blades she just barely dodged. She then moved her Murakumo quickly, intending to try and put it behind Kyoko's head to force her to surrender.
The Commander smiled upon hearing Reika's question "That is a very good question, Reika. Why do I disapprove killing my own people? Theres a very simple answer for that, really." She said before leaning slightly forward "I've had an older brother several years ago. He was going to be a scientist, and he was killed by his best friend. Why? Because his best friend thought he was going to stop hanging out with him. Then his best friend was caught, and is now serving time in the prison. I believe we dont need to kill, as thats never the only answer. And among the many answers there are to humanity, its not the best or the worst." She said before looking at Suichiro.

"Deaths can mean that someone wont get to meet others, such as their children, or their true love." Kasumi said before turning to look back at Reika "And at the same time, death means that people who have done wrong get away with it the easiest way there is. They dont serve time, which lets them think mainly on what they'd done. Some people even torture others and leave them alive, as they are very much aware that killing them would be letting the others an easy way out."

Moving her sight to the waitress which arrived a moment later with Suichiro and Reika's coffee cups, Kasumi went ahead and asked for a cup of tea, before turning her attention back to the two sitting in front of her "Reika, or Reaper, remember this. What you've been giving people all this time is not judgement, but the opposite. You've given them the easy, simple way out." She said before sighing "But I guess that answers your question. That is my belief, and its the reason I disapprove of killing. Now that I have answered your question, will you be willing to answer Suichiro's question? If not, I wont bother you anymore, but I only think it is fair." Kasumi said and looked at her with a serious look.
"Cutting through a Spirit's Astral dress? I'll believe that when I see it." The AST commander said as she kept watching the screen that showed Chou and Kyoko, waiting to see what will happen next in silence now. She was impressed by the new weapon's capabilities, but she wanted to see if <Aether> will truly stand out before beginning to relay on it more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reika listened to the commander’s words intently, watching her with unblinking red eyes. So that was her justification? Death was an easy way out? And by killing people, she was denying them true judgment? Taking her fork, she poked at her omelet slowly in confusion. She just didn’t understand…

“Now that I have answered your question, will you be willing to answer Suichiro's question? If not, I won’t bother you anymore, but I only think it is fair."

Reaper narrowed her eyes and met the commander’s stare evenly. It was a clear indicator to remind this girl, this human girl, just what she was to the world. It was best not to test her patience, especially to someone who still did not understand.

“As I’ve said before, Reika judges to end suffering,” she said, answering Suichi’s question. “And yet you say killing denies people of proper retribution? So what must Reika do then? Are you suggesting I torture and maim in comparison to simply ending a life?”

The Spirit was only becoming more agitated and she had to suppress the urge to summon her Angel right here and now.

“If what you say is true…then the existence known as Reika…as Reaper…I have to draw out the method of death? To give humans proper guidance? But why? All humans die. Killing them is only speeding up the process! What difference does it make if someone dies today as opposed to tomorrow or the next day? Nothing! There is no difference! I see no difference!”

By now, several people in the diner were turning to see the pale girl’s outburst. This would be the first time Reaper had displayed any sort of aggressive behavior on an emotional level. With a Spirit of that killing potential finally losing her patience…who knew what would happen next.

Back at the AST headquarters, Kenji watched the fight drag out with waning interest. He made his increasing boredom evident even more so by yawning and checking the time on his watch. When Chou seemingly received a wound from Kyoko’s Laser Grid Blades, the dark dressed man had to grin.

“Come on, just finish it already,” he encouraged. “Please, somebody just die! Or at the very least, get injured so we can prove the <Aether> is up to date.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Suichi felt like he heard something he wasn't supposed to when Kasumi responded to Reika's question. This had been the first he heard about her brother. He didn't even know that she had one. He nervously sipped out of his coffee hoping to fade into the background or something. The omelette arrived and he decided to dig in. "Itadakimasu." He noticed that Reika didn't seem sure what to do with it and showed her by slicing into the meal with his fork and putting a bite into his mouth. Whisker batted at the fork, but Suichi was so focused on Reika and Kasumi that he hardly payed any attention to the fat cat.

Suichi started as Reika showed the second time she had ever shown emotion. First he had seen her confusion from the other day, and now this frustration. Whisker swished her tail back and forth anticipating action. He listened to Reika's words with a worried expression. He wanted dearly to help her understand, but he had no idea how difficult it would be. He remembered how terrifying her Angel was and his heartbeat accelerated. He became more and more aware of the public setting they were in. He took notice of how she hadn't really listened to Kasumi's answer. He felt like he was sinking... sinking.... then came that calm. Before he knew it his fear had transformed into his pushed-into-a-corner state. Maybe some day he could figure out how to control it.

He made his expression neutral and looked right at Reika's eyes. He had to think of something quick, something to help her understand. Realization glistened in his eyes as he quickly figured it out. "Reika, you kill to end suffering, but what if that creates more suffering? Even the worst person on earth has a family and that chance of someone suffering if they departed this world before their right time. Their friends suffer." He remembered how Father looked when he asked about Mother which brought a tear to his eye. "Reika it's true that humans all die. However, you couldn't be more wrong about ending suffering by killing people. The difference between a death due to old age and a death due to killing someone is the old person got to live a whole life and can rest in peace in the hearts of their loved ones. Killing someone stops all the good that they could have done in the future and makes a hole in the lives of their loved ones that can never be replaced." He basically said the same thing that Kasumi said, maybe this wasn't enough. Maybe this wasn't the right way to go about it. He had to think of something. The right words were out there. The right actions.

He hated how morbid she was. He wanted to change that. He wanted her to be able to live her fullest as a good person and not a killing machine. "How they died makes all the difference. Life is precious, that is why it matters, and that is why we would rather not die." Suddenly another idea popped into his head and he physically turned to face Reika. "I am more than willing to show you the beauty of life over the dreariness of death." He was beginning to calm down a bit at he had been speaking, so he blushed a bit as he spoke that last cheesy line. He still was amazed at the things he could do and say while in his heightened state.

He couldn't let himself give into embarrassment now. He extended to her his hand. "Stay with me. I'll show you how to live. Take a break from death." He smiled at her as brightly as possible. He wanted to show this monotone Spirit a more colorful path. He didn't want to quit. Reika's display of frustration only made him want to help her more. He wanted to make things clear.
Kyoko was amazed by how easy it was to break through Chou's territory. It was like hitting a window with a hammer. She noticed that she had actually hit Chou and hesitated. Just a scratch fortunately. Her opponent quickly moved in an attempt to get superior positioning. Even with <Aether>'s superior speed and power, that hesitation had been enough for Chou to get behind Kyoko and bring up her Murakumo. Kyoko grinned. She knew she had lost. That hesitation had cost her the fight, but she felt glad that Chou wasn't seriously injured. She turned off her weapons. "Good fight. Smart moves, this is your win." She looked over her shoulder at Chou with that grin still on her face. "Even if it's a scratch you should get that checked."

She imagined Kenji would be livid over her surrender, but her comrades were more important to her than that man. She felt that she had a good enough feel for <Aether> that it should definitely be brought into service anyways.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Watching the way Reika reacted, Kasumi remained calm and started preparing an answer for any possible case, while she heard through her earpiece how the staff were notifying her and Suichiro on how Reika's stats are becoming worse as the spirit spoke up, showing clear frustration. Before the commander could ever speak a single word, Suichiro spoke up.

Kasumi closed her eyes and was seemingly enjoying listening to the way he spoke to Reika, as if he just met a lost girl and wants to be the person who will be her guide for life. Which was kind of the situation here. After he finished speaking, she opened her eyes again and looked at Reika "There is a reason I asked Suichiro to approach you yesterday, and to escort you today. He is, without a doubt, the best person I could choose to show you what you should do."

"It is true that everyone dies, but as Suichiro here said, killing them prematurely can only cause more grief and misfortune. I won't speak another word of this, but I ask of you, try spending a couple of days with him. See what its like to be on the human side. It can serve as a new way of seeing things. If after these two days you decide that it is pointless, then no one will try and stop you from leaving the human routine. But that wont mean we wont stop trying to protect others." Kasumi spoke in a calm manner while recieving her cup of tea. After sipping a bit from it, she looked at Suichiro "Do you remember the apartment building that was being constructed across the park? Take our visitor there. You have something you can show her there." Kasumi told him, using a slightly different tone that clearly stated 'And thats an order'.
Upon hearing Kyoko surrender, Chou deactivated her own weapons and looked at the scratch "The last thing I'd want is to have it be infected. That way I wouldn't be able to help you guys protect everyone from the spirits." She said with a smile before turning to look at Kyoko "<Aether> is really useful with your way of fighting. If you had tried striking my body, I would probably be on the ground right now." She said, hoping it sounded like a compliment while heading back inside.

Barely a moment after entering, a medic came to check her scratch and then started to drag Chou to the infirmary so he she could properly take care of the scratch "Let me know what else happens in the meeting with mister 'superior'!" She called out to Kyoko. She was hoping to see Kenji's face be disappointed or something like that.
"Thats my girls for you! Even if they become injure, they wont give up until they have pushed the enemy to a corner from which there is no escape!" The AST commander smiled upon seeing Kyoko give the win to Chou. She was also glad that only one of her operatives ended up injured and that it was nothing more than a scratch. Once Kyoko was back in the room, the commander approached her and gave her a nod "Sometimes its best to retreat if you see you cannot act without you or your fellow agents being harmed. You did the right move Kyoko, well done." She said and then patted the girl's shoulder a bit before turning to look at Kenji, waiting to see what he had to say on how the match ended.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reika looked down at her still dormant breakfast plate, considering Suichi’s little speech. Typical of a human. Even so, the logic made in his arguments were slowly beginning to make sense, if only bit by bit. And yet, there was still something that continued to elude the Spirit. Something that made her question everything about her existence, about humans…and about Sora.


"I am more than willing to show you the beauty of life over the dreariness of death. Stay with me. I'll show you how to live. Take a break from death.”

Staring the human down, Reaper finally relented and took his hand in her own. She could not deny herself the warm feeling that spread across her body from his contact, though her opposing cold demeanor did nothing to reveal her inner emotion. However, she was willing to let this boy, this human boy lead her on into new purpose.

But still…

"It is true that everyone dies, but as Suichiro here said, killing them prematurely can only cause more grief and misfortune. I won't speak another word of this, but I ask of you, try spending a couple of days with him. See what its like to be on the human side. It can serve as a new way of seeing things. If after these two days you decide that it is pointless, then no one will try and stop you from leaving the human routine. But that wont mean we wont stop trying to protect others.”

“…if Reika can say something,” the Spirit said before Suichi could take her away. “I…still do not comprehend these ideals of yours. You say that ending a life prematurely will cause more suffering to those connected to them? Then why not just murder them all? Surely the world would be without suffering when there’s no one to feel it.”

Reaper’s calm words suddenly brought a new sense of dread to the room. Things were spiraling out of control again, and it seemed both the commander and Suichi had planted another growing philosophy in the supposed Angel of Death.

“Commander?” she began softly. “If Suichi cannot convince me in the span of one day, I will continue to kill as I see fit. But this time, I will kill everyone. You, Suichi…everyone. I must purge you all of your sins and end your suffering on a massive scale.”

The pale girl smiled, though it seemed out of place from this context. She even bowed to the commander in acceptance.

“Thank you commander. Truly. Because of you, I now know what I must do. To save you all…I must slaughter each and every human that breathes.”

She turned, looking up at Suichi.

“Your time limit to convince Reaper begins…now.”

Back at the AST Headquarters, the sparring match finally came to a close. Both Chou and Kyoko addressed each other with kind regards, all in the name of good sportsmanship. But if either of them were expecting to see Kenji’s appearance ruffled by the surrender…they would be sadly mistaken.

No, instead the dark dressed man had a knowing smile plastered onto his face. He even clapped a little to show his appreciation at the spectacle.

“Nice, nice. I guess <Aether>’s not too bad, eh commander?”

Walking up to Chou, he tipped his fedora to her before patting her on the shoulder as well. However, his touch seemed to be alien and just a little bit…frigid.

“Good job Chou! Excellent work! You’re not too bad of a pilot yourself. Yeah…I’ll be sure to be a special request in for you. The next project for the Ragnorak Series will be made in your honor.”

Kenji bowed.

“Consider it a gift for impressing DEM.”

The man gave one last bow to the commander before walking off, hands in his pockets. The group of men who had followed him in now surrounded him as he departed, some of the girls even watching him leave.

“Oh? And tell Kyoko she did good too! Hell, she can keep the thing! My treat!”

With a final wave, the man was gone, taking his leave for good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Suichi felt like there was hope when Reika accepted his hand. Which made him feel better than he did before. Unfortunately, the death talk did not stop and it seemed like she got the wrong idea from their explanation. This left him feeling still a bit worried, but that spark of hope still kept bright. A whole day. A lot could be accomplished in a day. Even though the world depended on it. He felt pretty sure his heart would give out right then and there. The survival of humanity was on his shoulders. That was quite a burden. He was very certain that she had the power to do what she said, and he couldn't count on any greater power to stop her if she did commit to such a dark act.

What could he do to show her why she shouldn't kill everyone on the planet? Their attempt to explain to her verbally failed due to her flawed logic. He doubted it would be easy to change that. He tightened his grip on her hand to hold onto it more firmly. He didn't want to lose this chance. Even with her focus on judgement, suffering, and death, Suichi couldn't help but think that maybe Reika was lonely. She didn't seem to understand the concept of friends when they first met. Perhaps the reason she killed people was because she herself was suffering and maybe she didn't understand it.

He looked at Kasumi and nodded. He remembered the building, but what was it that he could show her there? He had done work in the park with Father decorating it with flowers in decorative arrangements. He then stood up and bowed to Kasumi. "Thank you, Commander Kasumi. I'll be going now." Was it those six months of work on those flowers that Kasumi wanted him to show Reika? He couldn't think of anything else. Something told him he might be wrong though.

Suichi then noticed that Reika hadn't eaten her omelette or touched her coffee. He then looked at her with a worried expression. "Are you sure you don't want to try that? It is very good. The omelette was well made." He stated it in a way that he hoped projected that it was worth trying. He sat back down. "I can wait." He didn't want to rush Reika, nor did he want to push her. "You might not like the taste of the coffee, but the caffeine helps give you energy." He hoped the taste of human-made food would be a good first step towards her change of heart.
Kyoko kept on grinning as Chou responded. "Yeah this thing's really cool. I hope I get to keep it."

She went to her side of the arena to get out of <Aether> and get changed back into her uniform. She then hustled back to where her commander had been watching from and received her praise. "Well, naturally! The real enemy is the Spirits."

She felt a bit surprised as Kenji spoke without any sign of frustration or anger. He must have some disappointment somewhere deep down she felt. He definitely had good control over his emotions that much was obvious. She felt a bit nervous when he patted on Chou's shoulder, but the feeling passed.

“Oh? And tell Kyoko she did good too! Hell, she can keep the thing! My treat!”

This was the icing on the cake. Even though he spoke as if she wasn't there, she couldn't help but do a small dance at this news. "Awesome! I can't wait to see how well it'll do against a Spirit."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kasumi did not respond to what Reika said, nor did she seem to react to Suichiro's reply afterwards. She merely drank her tea and upon finishing it, stood up and marked to the waiter to bring the check "I hope you understand that I cannot remain here any longer, Reika. I still have a crew to manage and things to take care of, so this is where I will departing from you two. I will ask the waiter to give you a couple more moments here so you could finish up, and then spend the day together. If you happen to have any questions, you can tell them to Suichiro and he will relay my answers to you. Good day." She said before going to the waiter who was forced to stop mid way. She quickly paid him and whispered something to him before leaving.

After a bit longer, Kasumi had vanished into an alley and if anyone tried to look for her, she would be gone out of sight. She had went and sat down in her chain on board the Franixus, and kept a close eye on the monitors showing Reika and Suichiro's status. She knew that if he needed, then he knows they are there for him, but she hoped he could show Reaper the most important lesson of all.

That being with someone is better than being alone.
Chou was slightly surprised at Kenji's statement. The next one in the series will be made in her honor? That was quite the honor. And Kyoko got to keep the one she tested, which was a very generous gift. Before she could try saying anything, Kenji left and vanished from their sight. Unsure of what to do now, she turned to look at the AST commander, who kept looking at the door from which Kenji left.

"Alright girls, you are all dismissed for the day. Be sure to keep regular training schedules and the next group meeting will be in four days. You can go." She said in her usual tone before walking out of the room as well, leaving all of the girls there. Slowly girls begun to walk out, but a few went and surrounded Kyoko and Chou. Most merely looked at the two with admiration, but one, who appeared to be focusing more on Kyoko, approached the two a bit closer.

"I just have to ask, Kyoko, how did it feel to use the new CR-Unit? It must've been such an honor to be chosen to test it out."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hearing the commander’s response to her, Reika nodded once. She knew the human girl understood the words behind her threat and that she would not hesitate in carrying it out. It was good to see that some humans weren’t as clueless as the boys from the festival a day before. _"Are you sure you don't want to try that? It is very good. The omelette was well made. I can wait."_ “Huh?” Reika asked softly, turning to look up at Suichi with wide eyes. _"You might not like the taste of the coffee, but the caffeine helps give you energy."_ Blinking, Reika looked back down at her untouched and now cold food. As a Spirit, she was about to point out that she had no need for human supplement…but all thoughts of that were soon dashed with the rumbling of her stomach. “…very well then.” With a tiny nod, Reika sat back down, grabbed her fork, and gently began to poke and prod at the omelet. Testing its texture to the metal, Reika picked apart a small piece and chewed thoughtfully. Working at the library didn’t really pay much, and so she was well accustomed to the taste of pre-made microwave ramen. To have something fresh for once, albeit cold was….refreshing. Reaching out towards the coffee, Reika sipped a little as well before looking at Suichi. She did not smile, but her red eyes portrayed an emotion that was not dormant there before. “Can you make it sweeter? The coffee….” Somewhere, not too far away from the AST headquarters actually, a certain fedora-sporting man stood before a massive screen in a darkened room. Even now his smile did not hesitate or falter; honestly, it was all just too damn amusing for him to frown. **“Did our benefactors enjoy their new gift?”** The voice was heavy and powerful, echoing around the room despite the fact that Kenji was alone. Even so, one could not deny the hint of feminine droll displayed in the omnipresent voice. “Why yes Kami-sama. They did! I take it you’re pleased by my actions?” A pause. **“Yes, more than you can imagine Kenji. Let’s wait a little longer and see how they use their new toy. Now then; it’s time to come home.” ** “Of course,” Kenji said with a bow, smirking as a pillar of light began to engulf him, transporting him away into the unknown.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Suichi smiled as Reika tried out the food. He wished she had tried it before it had cooled down, but from what he could tell she enjoyed it. He felt somewhat relaxed in spite of the dire situation he knew he was in. Maybe, just maybe, he was still under the effects of his pushed-in-a-corner mode which was often heralded by a sudden calm. She then asked if there was a way to make the coffee sweeter and he nodded. He picked up the dish on the center of the table with the sugar packets in it and pulled it toward her. "There's two different kinds of sweetener: sugar which is considered natural and Splenda which is a man-made sweetener. It's probably a good idea to pick one over the other since they don't really mix well together." He then grabbed the dish with the cream packets and pulled it until it was next to the other dish. "In those packets is cream, which doesn't make it sweeter, but it does cut down the bitterness. I don't know how much sweetness you like, but too much sugar might make it taste worse than it is without sugar." Since she didn't know much about human things he wanted to make sure that she understood what he was explaining. At the same time he didn't want to treat her like a child, so he simply explained things as if he were a friend explaining something that the other friend didn't know about. He still worried a bit that he might have missed explaining something, so he watched carefully ready to explain if anything came up. He then recalled exactly what the building Kasumi had suggested he go to; it was a shelter for the homeless. He could maybe show her how to end suffering via compassion. He felt very hopeful that he could convince her. "When we're done here, we're going to stop at my father's shop to get some flowers before we go to where Kasumi suggested. I want to show you a way to help end suffering without death." That's right, all he had to do was show her other options. Better options. They were going to distribute flowers to brighten the day of the homeless people that lived there. ------------------------ Kyoko chatted positively with the girls that now surrounded both Chou and herself. Then came the big question: _"I just have to ask, Kyoko, how did it feel to use the new CR-Unit? It must've been such an honor to be chosen to test it out."_ This put a huge smile on Kyoko's face if there wasn't one there before. She grabbed the girl's hands excitedly. "It was so smooth and cool and fun and wow I enjoyed it a lot! I'm so happy I got to keep it! I can't wait to use it against a Spirit! We'll definitely win with <Aether>. I hope everyone gets equipped with one soon." This was her chance. Her chance to protect the people she swore to. To save lives. She wanted to stop the Spirits just as much as everyone here. Most of them had lost just as much as she did because of them. She didn't care about their true intentions even if they meant no harm they had caused the deaths of many especially before the Spacequake alarms were put into place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chou smiled and nodded to what Kyoko said "I hope everyone will get a CR-Unit like that. It was definetly a challenge to face it. I'm sure the spirits won't see it coming." She said and then gave a smile to everyone around her "Well, I think that we should probably head out now. Seeing the commander didn't give us all training afterwards, it would be best if we didn't give her a reason to suddenly give us training." She added, and a few other girls nodded their heads in agreement before beginning to walk away. "I'll see you later Kyoko." Chou said before beginning to walk away as well, knowing that Kyoko needed to go in an opposite direction of where Chou lived at. She walked in an easy going pace, feeling somewhat happy with the fact she had managed to prove her skill to everyone today, but not need to risk the life of anyone doing so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nodding to Suichi’s words, Reika grabbed a handful of the Splenda variety, ripped each of their tops off individually, and then proceeded to pour the mountain of sugar in her cup. It…was probably enough to give a regular human diabetes, or at least something akin to it. Mixing it in with her fork, she took a sip of the spiked coffee and immediately frowned. “It’s still bitter,” she observed. _"When we're done here, we're going to stop at my father's shop to get some flowers before we go to where Kasumi suggested. I want to show you a way to help end suffering without death."_ “…impossible,” she said with another bite of the omelet in her mouth. Chewing thoughtfully, she swallowed before saying, “As I said before, death is only natural to you humans. Therefore, it makes more sense for humanity to rejoice in their inevitable end and celebrate in their demise. In which, Reika is glad to prove leisure into the afterlife.” A few more bites and sips later, and the Spirit was finished with her meal. Stepping out of the booth, she stood by Suichi’s side and automatically leeched herself onto his arm. “But if you insist on trying to convince Reaper, then very well, I won’t stop you. Lead on then.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Suichi chuckled as Reika mentioned the coffee was still bitter. "Yeah, it's really hard to completely get rid of the bitterness without putting too much additives in. That's why I prefer my coffee black, erm, without anything in it. I rather enjoy the bitterness though as it helps make me more alert." He decided not to comment on the amazing amount of sugar she put in it as that was her decision. As she stated it was impossible that there was no way suffering could be eliminated without death he simply nodded. Not because he agreed with her, but because he already understood her point and wasn't going to state the same thing twice. He had no interest in repeating himself, and he understood that she wasn't stupid just naive. Then a sudden realization dawned within him, what if she didn't really understand what suffering was? He smiled lightly as Reika attached herself to him again by grabbing his arm. "I was wondering. What is your understanding of suffering? What does it mean to you?" If he knew what it meant to her then he had a baseline to work with and then he could definitely make some progress. He asked this as he walked with her towards his father's shop. ---------------------------------------------------- Kyoko waved as everyone left and then as Chou started leaving she hugged her. "Good work today." As she let go she smiled. "See you." With that she waved lightly and headed for her apartment to take a nice nap and watch some TV before going to bed. She had college in the morning and then after that club activities. She wondered exactly what that announcement at her university had been earlier. Perhaps someone could fill her in tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I was wondering. What is your understanding of suffering? What does it mean to you?" “What is…suffering?” Reika gave him a blank look-well, more so than usual-upon hearing his question. Admittedly, she had a very broad, general idea of what the word meant and how it pertained to humans specifically. She could remember Sora, and how much pain he was plagued by pain in the short time she had known. That had been physical pain, and throughout her time living on Earth she had seen that same feeling reflected through so many other outlets. “Suffering…is everything,” she finally concluded, squeezing Suichi’s hand tighter. “Reika admits that she doesn’t completely understand it, but I know that it is a universal concept that all living creatures may feel. Human suffer through living; they must continue to persevere in light of nature and other forces which could exterminate them entirely. In order to survive…humans must suffer.” She looked up at Suichi with an unreadable expression. “That is why Reaper exists. Reaper takes away the pain of living through death, where all things may sleep in peace. That is my role as a Spirit.” While Suichi was no doubt experiencing the tensest date in history, something else was occurring very near his location. Within Raizen High School, classes continued without cause or worry. Well, at least to the humans that is. Unbeknowest to them, a signal was being transmitted, calling out within the building walls. It wasn’t random, meaning it could not be traced by Ratatoskr; no, whoever was calling out knew what they were doing and so specified on a specific target. The call was only heard by Yoshikuni. “Geez, will you hurry up and find me already…~”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Suichi finally felt he was beginning to understand Reika. Even though he didn't have the same views, he could actually imagine some people call living suffering. She had simply decided to do something about it for everyone by believing that such views applied to everyone. Now the problem was figuring out a way to change that way of thinking. He looked up towards the sky as they walked toward his father's flower shop. "So... you believe that I'm suffering right now?" He turned his gaze back to her. "I imagine some people might agree with you." He had imagined Father suffering after his mother's death. "I'd say there's just as much comfort and happiness as their is suffering. I can't say how other people feel because I can't feel their feelings, but if I'm suffering I think I'm experiencing more comfort and happiness than suffering." Suichi felt that it was better to accept the fact that she believed everyone as suffering as to not reject her feelings about the matter. She definitely believed in her thoughts about the matter with all of her heart. He tightened his one grip on her hand and smiled. "I think you're a good person for wanting to help others. I just believe killing people ends their chances to overcome their own suffering in their own way. I think it's wrong to make a decision for someone else when they have a right to make their own choices." They were now on his street and he could see the sign for his father's flower shop. A flower stand stood next to the door with various assorted flowers. These were assorted by Suichi's father. The work Suichi did was mostly in the garden itself, but he did do a lot of the work within the shop. A customer left the building with a blue and yellow bouquet and a bright smile on his face. Before they got close to the shop, Suichi looked at Reika again with a slightly pleading expression. "I ask you please don't talk about death or suffering while we're here. This is a place of happy feelings and both of those topics are quite the opposite of happy." Whisker let out a single loud yowl in agreement. Suichi was quite impressed by the cat actually as she had been quiet the entire trip home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yoshikuni sat in the classroom, writing down the things she thought were more important and just letting the time pass on by. She wondered if she should've stayed in her astral dress a bit longer and then let the school explode. That would've made things easier for the students, but then its more than likely the AST would've attacked her. Letting out a small yawn, she leaned a bit backwards in her chair before her eyes slightly opened up as she heard a voice. "Geez, will you hurry up and find me already...~" She looked around a bit, trying to figure out if someone was messing with her, but all the other students were either passing notes between each other, or they were merely copying what the teacher told them to. Yoshikuni then raised her hand "I'm sorry sensei, but I don't feel very good. Can I go to the bathroom?" She asked in a polited manner. The sensei allowed her to go, and Yoshikuni got up and left the classroom quickly. She knew very well that it wasn't her imagination messing around with her, as she wasn't one who imagined things. If anything, she was the one who caused people to think they imagined something horrible happening to them, or at least, thats how some of the people who she attacked reacted. Yoshikuni waited outside of the classroom for a few minutes before the bell rang. She then quickly went back inside, grabbed her backpack, and left, managing to hide herself from her teacher among the other students who were leaving the classroom. After making a light jog to the gate, she looked around a bit. No sign of Suichi. Wondering what happened to him she begun making her way in a much more casual manner to the bakery she worked at. She had no intention of letting weird voices distract her from the fact she still needed to hide who she really was.
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