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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marren pulled the wide collar of his 'borrowed' soldiers coat tighter to his face. Even dressed as he was in a dead Kantillian soldier's garb he did not feel an ounce bit secure. This was the heart of enemy territory and death walked down the very streets, quite literally. Kantillian soldiers were everywhere in the city, their marching beat a constant presence, a reminder of the danger he was in.

To say that he was scared was an understatement. He was terrified. He could barley stop his hands form shaking inside his coat pockets. He attributed it to the shitty weather, the rain that poured since his remarkable arrival in the hell city. It took weeks of flying through the wild lands of No Man's Land, camping rough under rocks, trees and whatever cover they could get ahold of as well as avoiding Kantilian patrols. Thankfully it seemed that their riders were mostly committed to the front and the only human threats were small outposts manned by those that could be expended. Such as the young scout that used to wear Marren's coat. The expedition team had thankfully managed to infiltrate the city outskirts and had established a headquarters of sorts in an abandoned shack. Now, they were surveying the land.

He passed by a street sign. Red Crown road. From the map he saw it meant that he was in one of the numerous slums. However, despite having a rudimentary knowledge of the lay of the land, he was still lost. He simply did not know where Kantle held their Iron Chariots, the reason for this stupid and dangerous expedition. He needed to get into the city proper, into their military installations; though speaking about Kantle the whole place was a military installation.

He followed the rather quiet road mostly because there didnt seem to be so many soldiers out and about, wether due to the rain or the area he didnt know but he was thankful. His disguise only worked if he didnt have to speak. He didnt know Kantilian.

He came to a stop. Ahead of him, standing in the middle of the road with the rain pouring over her was a lone, rather lanky looking woman garbed in ragged looking clothing. She looked like an inhabitant of the place, certainly looked poor enough, though he did notice the shimmer of jewellery that adorned various parts of her body. He paused for a moment, then audibly cleared his throat and tried to look as much as an annoyed Kantilian soldier as he could with the intent of getting her to move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zoran-Thiea guess she must be looking quite pitiful standing in the street like that, but then again, among Kantle's usual civilians she probably fit right in. Just as she began to ponder her own state of being, she heard a man clearing his throat and she turned in time to see the perturbed expression of a solider looking her way. Damn... Her mind raced. Had someone noticed her arrival on the island? She had been sure to sneak in quietly...but considering even the residents of Kantle were forbidden to come and go from the island—by penalty of death—it was a fear worth considering. Just as she opened her mouth and began to grasp at some response, she felt a weight shove against her shoulder and her eyes were suddenly fixed upon the muddy ground which was fast approaching. "Sh-it" she gasped as the man who had bumped into her, quickly saved her from a muddy end.

The woman looked up a bit wide eyed, as he apologized. She was still a bit shaken up from everything before, but she quickly did her best to shake it off now. "No worries, hon." She nodded to his apology and began to fish around in the mud, in search of the money he had dropped in an attempt to catch her. She frowned. "I'm afraid it's lost..." She looked up at the miserable looking man. "I don't have much, but let me buy you a drink at least, as thanks." Hardly did she realize, that he had been hastily making his way to drown his sorrows...so a drink was probably the best thing she could offer.

Suddenly, Zoran-Thiea remembered the solider and a bit of her concern returned. Had he still not spoken up? She quickly looked over and began again at fumbling a response. "I apologize...sir..." Perhaps that was too formal? "Is there something..?" She raised her brows. "Or would you perhaps intend on joining us for a drink..? Of course then I'd have to ask you to buy." She tried to laugh it off, but inside she was ready to crawl in a hole. She had forgotten how intimidatingly overwhelmed with people the city of Kantle was. She had forgotten what it was like being around so many people. I miss my dogs... She thought, as she awaited responses from the two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


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'Fuck' was Marrens first thought when the woman, now joined by an armless man, didnt move out of his way. He had hoped the intimidating sight of a soldier was enough but it didnt seem so. The woman spoke, helping the man up and then gestured to Marren and saying something in Kantillian. He struggled to understand the words. The languages of the Islands bore some relation to each other but that was of minimal help. She was gesturing somewhere, he followed her finger to a two story building. It had a sign hanging from an extended pole, an image of an gauntleted hand holding a frothing mug.

Marren wasnt too sure what it was, nor what she meant by pointing at it. Still he had to avoid looking suspicious so he grunted a reply and cocked his head towards it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Negativeapex
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Okita's low spirits plummeted as his money disappeared into the mud, brown water pooling to make finding anything in it impossible. With the woman's offer to buy him a drink, he quickly seized on the opportunity. Looking straight into her eyes he uttered "Deal" and began trudging toward the nearest tavern. For some reason she was also talking to a soldier who was stupidly staring in their direction. He stopped long enough to put in his words, "If your coming 'Private', your buying drinks too." Ignoring any response he drudged toward the tavern again, grunting to the woman to follow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


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As the hobo-ish man jumped at her offer and immediately began to make way towards the nearest pub, and the solider offered a grunt and a nod, Zoran-Thiea couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the two. She certainly had a way of finding the strange ones.

"Well, come on then, he's gonna be done with the first round by the time we get there if we don't catch up..." She called to the solider as she began to follow after the other man. They were all a wet sopping mess trudging through the black Kantle mud. She felt a bit odd inviting the solider along; though she was used to making aquantence with strangers easily—usually people looking to purchase any of the natural "medicines" she sold tried to get on her good side. But still, she knew better than to trust the man. Life had taught her am important lesson. KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE...AND YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER.

She wouldn't quite consider herself an enemy of the kingdom, but she definitely wasn't a friend. She would consider damning this entire island kingdom if it wasn't already worse than any hell which she could dream up. Ah well, she looked up at the dim lights of the pub and the dry warmth which it vaguely emitted and thought, maybe it wasn't quite so bad.

Or maybe Hell was just Home to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Negativeapex
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Okita was walking immediately to the counter as they entered the cavern. "Give me three of your cheapest Sake bottles." He waited as the tavern maid went to get the drink, and the woman caught up to him at the counter. The maid returned a few moments later, grabbing a bottle it disappeared quickly, with half of the next following. The woman he bumped into went to reach for the untouched bottle but Okita simply grabbed it with the other bottle already in hand. "Three more bottles. She's paying." He motioned with his head toward the woman that he had ran into, then moved to a booth, motioning also for her to follow.

He had just finished the second bottle and picked up the third when the maid came over and set three more bottles of Sake on the table. "Talk or just drink?" he asked his acquaintance sitting across from him, either way he would continue drinking, and he started on the third bottle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As she stepped into the Tavern, Zoran-Thiea spotted the man whom she'd offered a drink, already standing at the counter finishing off a bottle. By the time she stood beside him he was half way through the second and picked up the third even as she reached toward it. With a curious huff she accompanied him to a booth, where shortly after they sat, the busty little barmaid brought over three more bottles.

"Talk or just drink?" The man asked, between gulps of the sake; alternating between two bottles for no great reason, other than to claim them both. If it weren't for the fact that he would be carrying a great buzz quite soon, she would have guessed from his hurried behavior that he must be in a rush to be somewhere. But in reality, she figured it must have been quite the opposite.

"I can't think of much to talk about..." She watched him drink. "...other than things you'd probably rather forget." Curiosity found her very much wondering what sort of sorrows could lend a man to drink in that way. Even the pitiful scum who usually lay in the muddy streets didn't seem so desperate to be drunk. "Do you care to share what I can call you..?" She asked the drunk.

She noticed the solider had just stepped in through the door, looking around a bit puzzled. Zoran-Thiea waved him over and then looked back at the other man still drinking. She still wasn't quite sure how she planned to pay for this little outing. "Go grab us another round, perhaps you and I might get some." She said to the solider, gesturing over to the bar. The man had done nothing but nod and grunt and that too sparked her curiosity. She glanced back to the drunkard.

"I think he may be mute..." She mused, about the wordless solider. Nevertheless, he returned with a couple of drinks and placed them on the table. She still wasn't quite sure if he planned to stay or go. "Thanks." She nodded to the solider. "Do you speak..?" She asked. Perhaps that was a bit to bold to ask a stranger. "I thought you may be mute..." She rambled on, not quite sure what else to say. So instead she picked up the drink he had brought and took the largest gulp she could, and then looked between the two. "Cheers?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Negativeapex
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"I can't think of much to talk about..." She said as she watched him drink. "...other than things you'd probably rather forget." The comment made Okita pause, his expression hardened and he gave the woman a dark glare in return for her comment. He quickly finished his third bottle and grabbed the fourth one. "Do you care to share what I can call you..?" she asked him in mid gulp. Whoever the woman was he disliked her drinking etiquette, he waited for a moment and then answered her. "Okita".
The 'solider' had stepped inside at that point, looking awkward silhouetted in the door way. Okita let out a sigh as the man approached and looked around the room as he and the woman 'talked'. There was a large fire in one corner warming the occupants inside the tavern and warding away the effects of the chill and rain outside. Although the tavern was not packed, there still was quite a few people who resided around the many tables and booths. The soldier had apparently left and was now returning with more drinks. "Cheers?" The woman said as she grabbed a drink and raised the glass a bit. Okita simply grumbled and took a even bigger swig of his Sake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Was Marrens first thought as he entered the establishment. It was quite full with a throng of people milling about in a semi crowded place, the servers having to squeeze past patrons carrying trays of drink an food.

'A tavern. I think'. He wasn't too impressed with what he saw, far different from the high class establishments he was accustomed to back home. Though, this might just be a Kantilian thing.

As he looked around he realized it seemed his presence was noticed by some, who gave varied responses. Hardly any of them looked welcoming. There was even a group of soldiers in one corner, sporting the same uniform and bearing arms. They looked at him with curiosity. He didnt meet their gaze, instead turning to the counter where the wild woman was pointing at. He looked between her and the bar a few times, trying to hide his confusion but as always he grunted and nodded, walking over to buy a drink.

At the bar, accounting for the fact that he had no idea what he was doing, he simply pointed to a few good looking bottles and, at the irritated look of the bartender, fished some coins out of his pocket, going back to the table with drinks in hand.

He didnt pay attention to the fact that those coins were Rosilian.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The tension in the air of the table was easy to feel. The mood shift of the man called Okita was noticeable to say the least. Zoran-Thiea realized she was speaking out of turn, and had obviously offended the man. Now she wasn't quite sure how to best remedy the situation. Her toast fell unheeded. "Well shit." She took another large gulp and began to scratch at her wrist anxiously. She hardly noticed the sound of her rings tapping together and her bracelets jingling as she did—she usually didn't even notice the nervous tic as she was doing it. "I've got a whole lotta memories coming back lately..." She looked over at Okita and sighed. "I owe a wicked man his damnation." She realized that must not have made much sense. But standing out in the rain earlier she had realized what she must do. And sitting here now, she knew she would need help to do it. "I have something for you that will work much better than getting drunk...and for you, I can get it much cheaper."

She glanced over at the solider. He was as quiet as ever, but for some reason she wasn't feeling as threatened by him as before. There was a certain... innocence ...about him. She was not accustomed to sensing such vibes from any Kanatalian. Perhaps he could be of use to her as well. After all, there were many soldiers serving the kingdom only for the monetary benefits, without much loyalty to the crown. She wasn't sure what it was that made the man seem different. "I shouldn't talk of these things here." She stood, though she wasn't sure why. It seemed like she should go. She glanced back at the table as the barmaid walked over, "I'll, eh, settle our tab then." Zoran-Thiea turned and placed a hand on the small of the barmaid's back to pull her away. "Listen luv, we've got a bit more of a tab that I have money, but I do have something you might like..."

Zoran-Thiea returned with two more bottles of sake in hand and placed them on the table. She looked between the two with her hands on her hips. How the hell was she supposed to convince these two to go on some wild goose chase with her..?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

'Now, how in the world am I going to find information in this place?'

While the other members of this expedition were doubtlessly getting something done Marren had inadvertently found himself nursing a drink in a tavern with a mopy looking man and a woman who looked and smelled like someone who belonged in the wilds, or the back alleys of this slum as it were. Giving another look around he doubted any of the patrons here would be of any help either, maybe aside from the soldiers, soldiers that he saw were coming towards him.

Their posture was not threatening or menacing, it seemed they were simply curious. The one in the lead, he assumed a captain of some sort though he wasn't certain, spoke up whilst holding up one of Marren's coins.

Hey, you been on the front lately?

Marren stared uncomprehending, thoughts going through his mind on how he could get out of this. On instinct his hand slowly found it's way to the hilt of his sword, the action partially hidden beneath his coat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Negativeapex
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Okita simply listened and continued to drink as the woman babbled on. He nodded every now and then, and it seemed to satisfy the woman that he was listening, but unknown to her he was simply trying to keep himself from passing out. At some point she left and came back with two more bottles of Sake, at that Okita smiled and eyed one greedily.
Just before he was about to reach for one, four soldiers walked over to the table, one holding up a coin looking at there strange mute friend asking, "Hey, you been on the front lately?"

Straining his eyes to make out the coin, Okita saw it was a coin from rose. Struggling to stand, and making somewhat of a fool of himself in doing so, Okita finally managed to stand up, bumping into hit mute friend and knocking his hand away from the sword under his coat. "Whaat yu got der?" Okita asked the soldier. "Ooo thats a rose coin!" Okita proclaimed, now laughing hysterically at some implied joke. "Weeell you must be a ol Roseian!" Okita stated, and then began to laugh again slapping the back of his mute friend far to hard. Looking back he pointed his finger at the lead soldiers chest pocking it lightly. "Do u even know I am is SERGEANT?! I am Caption... Capton Okita. I lost my arm in service to the king!" He said proudly, now seemingly trying to poke at the soldier with his missing left arm. "Now may get drunk with my friend in peace?!" Okita looked at them expectantly, partially stumbling.

The soldiers looked to one another, feeling very awkward to have this drunken man, claiming to be a captain and poking at them with his missing arm. The youngest soldier in the back cleared his throat and whispered to Sergeant, "Sir, I know him. He was supposed to become a Knight to the King before he was wounded." Hearing this the Sergeant stiffened a bit, and nodded to Okita. "Have a good drink Sir." He then left with his men, exiting the tavern.

Okita laughed as the men walked away and slumped into the booth. Grabbing one of the new drinks he looked to his mute friend. "Stupid mute Rosilian" he said before passing out and spilling his sake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After the whole little incident had unfolded, Zoran-Thiea found herself staring over at the sake the man called Okita had passed out and spilled. She looked over at their mute companion. "Well, that's a waste." She mumbled. "So that's what it was..." She looked at the mute more curiously now. If he really was from Rose, that would explain the non-threatening vibes she was getting. "You haven't understood a single thing, have you?" Zoran-Thiea sighed.

She pointed at the passed out drunk and did her best to make sure the 'mute' Rosilian—dressed as a Kantilian solider—got the point. "Pick him up, and come on..." She sighed, unsure how make him understand. Carefully Zoran-Thiea placed a hand on his shoulder and raised her brows. "I know someone who can help you."

Leading them along just down the street a ways, they arrived at a door, and after a deep breath, Zoran-Thiea knocked. A moment later a woman, around her same age appeared. She looked surprised, to say the least. Her hair was a pale blonde, and her skin pale too, but everything else about her seemed dark. Her eyes and lips were painted black, and she dressed all in back, looking as though she were in mourning. But this was how she always looked. There were tattoos upon the backs of her hands, and her figure was thin—she looked as though she never slept—though somehow she carried herself in a very elegant way. "Well you're the last person I had expected to see on my step." The woman nodded her head at the man in soldiers garb and the passed out man. "Who are they? I don't have room for your trouble." Zoran-Thiea huffed and chuckled a bit.

"You always were too good for me, Lindria." She replied, "May we come in? I need some of your linguistic skills." The other woman arched an eyebrow curiously and sarcasticly, as her black lips curled into a pleased grin.

After inviting the trio inside, the woman Lindria made a place for the drunk on a daybed in the living area, and stepped aside to talk quietly with Zoran-Thiea awhile. When they returned, Lindria turned to the 'solider' and with quite a serious tone she asked him, in flawless Rosilian tongue: "You are from Rose..?" Her eyes were wide with wonder as she awaited his response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marren was dumbfounded. He simply could not comprehend what had happened in the past 10 minutes. A disaster had been averted and now he inadvertently found himself speaking with someone who knew his language. The game was up. Yet, he wasnt surrounded by Kantilian soldiers eager for his head. Or being dragged to prison.

"You are from Rose..?" The haggard looking widow asked.

Marren took an embarrassingly long moment to reply, his thought trying to correct themselves. He nodded once, eyes scanning the room and it's occupants, assessing them truly for the first time, especially the wild woman. Why were they not turning him in?

"I have coin for your silence" his eyes went back to the widow, hand hanging near his hilt 'or steel'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The blonde woman nodded and threw a glance over her shoulder towards Zoran-Thiea. She continued speaking to the man in Rosilian: "Don't worry, she's paying for that...But she does want something from you in return. She's more interested in favors than coin." The woman paused, careful not to give the man too much information for free. "But we can talk about that after you tell us a bit more about yourself." Zoran-Thiea called something from across the room. The woman translator paused for a moment. "She wants me to ask where you need to be. She says that she will help you get there."

Zoran-Thiea stood in the corner, watching the man's reactions carefully. Her hand rested against her chin and her index finger tapped her lips as she seemed to be thinking it all through. If she could convince him to assist her in traveling to the more dangerous depths of No Man's Land, she could begin her search. It would hopefully be worth whatever trouble she might have to go through helping him. And if he is not willing...perhaps I will have to betray him to the kingdom She sighed at the thought, but knew it may be necessary. She had learned long ago not to put much faith in people.

"What do you say?" Zoran-Thiea called across the room, ignoring the language barrier. She raised a brow and awaited his response. Lindria looked between them, and then stared at the man curiously as well. She didn't bother to translate the question, she felt she had already said enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marren narrowed his eyes, glancing between the widow and the wild woman. The drunk was forgotten, laying somewhere in the house. He was suspicious of them obviously but this widow was the link between him and to communicating with this mysterious wild woman. It was her that Marren was most suspicious about, She had a motive for not turning him in and held the success of this operation in her hands, though she didnt know it.

“To the center of the city” Was his reply, eyeing the wild woman. It was probably the best chance of spotting where there iron chariots were being constructed.

“What does she want?” he asked the widow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

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