Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dessie777


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Destiny looked up at the sky alarmed at the steadily decreasing daylight. She had to find somewhere to stay quickly before the infected filled the streets. Slowly she stood up and stumbled down the street leaning against buildings to keep from falling over. Her breathing had begun to subside but she still took shallows breaths. Eying a pet store that seemed boarded up well enough for one night she crossed the street quickly. Using her pack she hit the thick glass. A soft thud echoed down the street and she flinched looking around her.

After a moment of silence she slammed the pack into the glasses harder than the first time shattering it. Quickly she slipped her Alice inside which made a soft thunk on the hard floor. Silently she followed it through the broken glass and wooden boards. A jagged piece of glass caught her as she slipped through leaving a gash several inches long up her right arm. "Ow..Son of a b--" Gabbing her pack she slung it over her good arm and used that hand to clamp down on the cut. She'd have to fix it up quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Harlan peaked out from behind the store counter noticing that whateve had made the notice had left rather quicky. Maybe that meant it was a survivor them? He had never seen an infected move fast unless it was chasing something. He marked it down as something to look into later after he dealt with his food situation. The corner store had been practically empty thanks to the looting and scaviging bu t luckily for him there was still something of use to him. He picked up can that was some kind of soup. He didn't care what flavor it was as long as it kept him from dying of starvation it was good enough for him. He ducked back behind the counter check if there was anymore food but instead found a smal revolver. The revolver was probably what the owner used to scare off any would-be robbers or something, but it was definitely loaded. There was no more ammo in sight but it'd make a decent backup weapon if he ever got into a bad spot.

Now that the corner store was done with, he could check out the noise from earlier. If it was another survivor maybe he'd be able to trade them for some food? Not like he had much to offer if they did though. He ran down the street keeping his eyes out for the source of the ealier noise. He was about to give up when a soft thud caught his attention. Well it was all or nothing now, he prayed he wasn't about I walk into some lone infected's lair. He moved down the block to the source of the noise, a boarded up pet store, while he wasn't proud to admit it, it made him hungry. The first thing he saw was a busted window with blood coating the edges, already setting off a red flag in his head telling him to run back to his rooftop. That was before he saw the girl inside holding down on a bleeding wound. He made his way inside carefully past the glass and boards. Carefully he walked over to her holding his gun with the barrel facing the ceiling as not to giver her the wrong idea. "Miss, are you alright?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valkyr
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Valkyr Pacific Standard Time

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"Forget it," Aaron grumbled. Not exactly the reaction he expected. "Thanks," He said again as Delilah pulled out the stuff for him to sleep on. He walked over to it and rested the can of macaroni next to it. He turned his thoughts back to Delilah and wondered about her. Maybe something happened to her parents? Or maybe she was simply older than he thought she was. It didn't matter, he somewhat confirmed she was living alone here.

"Are you hungry?" Delilah asked as she began filling a pot with water. "Yeah," He admitted. He was surprised, and maybe a little bothered, that food didn't seem to be much of a problem for her. Perhaps she was one of the lucky ones who managed to raid the stores before they were emptied.

"Did you hear something?" Aaron suddenly asked. He paused, listening. It sounded like a window breaking, but the infected shouldn't have come out yet. He quietly walked over to the door and opened it slightly. Unfortunately, he couldn't see anything from this angle. He'd have to come to the front of the pet store.
"Do you have a weapon? Anything at all?" He asked Delilah quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dessie777


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Once inside she inspected her arm with a careful eye. It was deep but a rather clean cut so it could be stitched, if she was a doctor. Letting an exhausted sigh slip from her lips she placed her hand over the gash again holding down as hard as she could. A male voice behind her startled her out of her daze.

Destiny jumped and whirled around on her heels with a squeal. She tried to raise the knife in her right hand but pain quickly discouraged the thought. Stepping back as the stranger stepped forward she ran smack-dab into a wall. All she could keep her eyes on was the gun. She'd never used one but she'd seen them blow the infected to bits. "Who..." Shaking still from her Asthma and the pain in her arm she knew fighting the man was useless. "Are you..?" She asked barely above a whisper. Swallowing hard she glanced around for a way out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosemoss


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Delilah's ears strained as Aaron brought her attention to the noise down stairs. Her heart stopped for a moment and she froze before he spoke again. "Do you have a weapon? Anything at all?" Delilah nodded slightly and slipped into one of the rooms. She looked under the bed and pulled out her dad's old shot gun and offered it to Aaron before she slipped into the last room.

She came returned with a blue cross bow and a quiver strapped to her back. "Most of my supplies are downstairs." She mumbled as her mind raced to the supply room in the basement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valkyr
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Valkyr Pacific Standard Time

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aaron accepted the shotgun and examined it while Delilah escaped into one of the rooms again. He wasn't very good with guns, but he had a vague idea. It took him a moment to confirm it was loaded and waited for Delilah. She returned with an odd crossbow. He didn't question it and quietly pushed open the door.

"Most of my supplies are downstairs," He heard her mumble. He didn't reply and slowly and quietly made his way down the ladder. Once at the bottom of the ladder, he made his way to the corner of the building and glanced around. He spotted the broken window. He cast another glance at the sky. It was really starting to get dark. He mustered up his strength and stepped in front of the broken window, shotgun raised and pointed into the opening. He noticed the blood covering the edges of the glass. He managed to spot the two people in the shop. He noticed one of them had a gun. He angled the shotgun towards him since the girl seemed defenseless.

"Hey, drop the gun!" Aaron yelled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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"Shit..." Harlan swore before dropping his gun and holding up his hands. Things didn't look good for him, here he was holding a gun and standing over a bleeding girl who was clearly afraid of him. "I swear this isn't what it looks like. I just walked in here and found her like this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosemoss


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Delilah cautiously followed Aaron down the wooden stair case. Her heart was thumping wildly against her cheats as she inches closer to where the noise emanated from. Her crossbow was hanging loosely at her side. It was mainly for show and even though she knew how to fire it , Delilah never had to aim it at a living thing before. Not even the infected.

"Hey, drop the gun!" She heard her guest demand. She instantly froze in her tracks. If he was talking to someone, then that meant someone actually broke into her home. Her knees began to shake as she forced herself to take the last few steps to the basement. She glanced around the room before setting her eyes on the bleeding girl.

"Hey," Delilah called out in a gentle voice."are you ok?" She asked the clearly scared girl. Delilah wanted to run over to her and bandage the girls wound, but her feet didn't move. Her eyes shifted to the guy who had been holding the gun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dessie777


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She stared up at the man with the gun still unsure if he meant her harm or not. A sound behind him alarmed Destiny to the new arrival moments before the voice called out. "Hey, Drop the gun" With another squeak Destiny watched the first man drop his gun, now she had a bigger gun to worry about. "Please..Don't shoot.." She whispered too quietly to be heard. The small girl that appeared in the room alarmed Destiny even more.

Destiny realized the number of humans in the room had grown uncomfortably high. Eying the man with the gun, the girl, and the available exits she decided to try and get out of the situation. Turning on her heels she darted for another window. Not watching her feet she slipped and fell landing in front of the first man she had encountered. "Sh-!" Pushing herself up onto her knees she looked down the barrel of the shutgun with a gulp.

"I think we may have a misunderstanding."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by User
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"like hell you will" he lined up his pistole sights and fired, the shot went wide and pinged off the metal vent. he jumped up and started climbing into the small vent
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Maria laughed, still thinking it was all in her head. "Oh, Rabbit! You'll never catch me!" She wiggled through the vents with ease, taunting the doctor as if it was a game. She raspberries at the doctor, giggling uncontrollably with her new 'friend'. She eventually got bored, sighing as she made her way out of the vents.
"That silly old Rabbit! I wonder were his ears ran off too?" She turned, killing a few infected before running through the rest. She ran to the pet shop nearby, singing 'Ring Around The Roses'. She knocked on the blocked door, playing pretend. "Knock Knock, Mr Jones, are you home? My grandmother heard you were sick, so we brought you some cookies..." She holds up a decapitated head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jeffery was running through the night with his knife in his hand. While most people would call this suicide, he called it an ordinary night. Jeffery no longer cared about anything anymore, not since the infection hit. He was often mistaken as insane when in reality it was just boredom mixed with his sick sense of humor. While running he stopped when he saw a pet store with a person knocking on the door, he decided to ignore her and focus on the noises he could hear on the inside of the shop. He tried to sneak around the back after seeing the front door blocked but nearly fell backwards when the dogs started barking at him. "Now how do I get around you guys?" He asked himself while staying a safe distance from canines barking at him.
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"dumb kid" he fired off more rounds into the vents. to no avail. he dropped down after a while and walked to the lookout postition and set up his rifle. a few minutes later and he saw her running up to a store. he lined up the sights and prepared to pull the trigger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valkyr
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Valkyr Pacific Standard Time

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Aaron took a step back in surprise. He quickly moved the shotgun out of the girl's face, but kept it ready. He stared at her, confused. Was this really a misunderstanding, or did she just not want anyone to get hurt? He glanced at the darkening sky outside. It was starting to get too dark; the infected could come out at any moment now. They had to get this over with quickly. Aaron sighed and lowered the shotgun.

"It's getting too dark. Let's go inside and talk about this," Aaron said. He walked across the room and picked up the gun the man had dropped. "Don't think I trust you yet," Aaron quietly grumbled. He turned to Delilah, "Do you think you can handle the girl's wounds?"
He froze when he heard knocking. He put the man's gun into his back pocket and raised the shotgun. He stepped back outside through the window and yelled out in surprise, nearly firing the shotgun. He aimed the shotgun directly into this new girl's head, trying to ignore the decapitated head. And then the dogs started barking. He almost felt like screaming in rage. How many more were there going to be?!
It seemed that these insane survivors were much more dangerous than the infected themselves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Harlan stared down the man with the shotgun. He had a lot of guns pointed at him throughout his life, so it wasn't a new experience for him. This man just seemed to be wanting to push his buttons though. He heard a bunch of sounds coming from the entrance and the man went to deal with it. He played with the idea of grabbing the revolver he had hidden while his back was turned but decided against it, he didn't want to kill anyone if he didn't have to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Maria looked up at the man with the shotgun, her eyes showed that there was something... off... about her. She started up as if she was looking through him. "Mr. Jones?!" Maria cried out, lifting the head up to show that it was rotting long before she touched it, nearly a skull. "You want some cookies?" She continued to knock, drawing out a few infected. She turned around, naming her targets before whacking their heads off. "Hello Angel! Nice day today, eh Tommy?" She hit with all her strength, a few nails stuck deep into 'Tommy's head. Maria tried pulling it out, as another undead walked toward her, reaching out it's arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by User
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"stupid kid" BANG! the head of one infected exploded, the another again and again. till CLICK. CLICK CLICK. he was out of rounds he reached over to find no extra mags. he lined his pistole up and prepared to shoot
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jeffery saw that some infected had been drawn out and he went into a rage, "STAY AWAY!" He yelled as he started charging at an infected. He stabbed one in the face with his knife before slicing its head off. He saw another one coming for him and he pulled out his pistol with his left hand and shot the infected, making its head explode. When he saw no more infected he turned back into his usual sarcastic self. "Whatever," he said as he walked back towards the pet store.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosemoss


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Delilah started to walk over to the injured girl when the knocking started. Then the dogs began to back again and she froze. She let one guy into her home and all hell broke loose. She heard the stranger shouting and tapping. They are going to draw out the infected she thought to herself. Before she could say anything she heard the moans of the infected and the shots going off. She bit her bottom lip and looked at the two new people in her home. She turned to the new guy. "We need to fix the winow you guys broke before they get in." She mumbled.

Her mind flashed to the people outside the petstore, she wasn't sure how many were out there or what their intentions were, but she did know they would die if they stayed out there all night. She set her eyes on Aaron. For some reason she trusted this guy more than any of the others here. "Should we let the other people in?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Harlan grumbled. He didn't even break in the window, though he doubted he helped it any. He was really starting to wish he stayed up on his rooftop and starved but why the hell? He'd play the hand he was dealt. It's not long he wanted to be torn apart by infected. He turned to girl who asked him to fix the window. "Point me in the direction of your tools."
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