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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ellesian sank down into the rose scented water of the large free-standing marble claw foot tub that had been placed with care near her private balcony, which itself was veiled in vines and heavy curtains to keep out the eyes of anyone who may look up. She needn't terribly worry about such a thing really, as her balcony sat highest in the castle, but Ephraim and Alatus - especially Alatus - complained and nagged far too much for civilized men, fretting over this and that more than old ninnies tending their charges. They had this monstrosity set up so that Ellesian could bathe and watch over her favorite place: the gardens.

"I am a grown lady and the Queen, you think they'd listen JUST once when I say it'll be alright." She didn't realize she had been speaking out loud until the voice of one of her maids came from the other side of the three paneled screen that curtained her bath-tub from the rest of her washing chambers. "S-s-sorry, y-your Majesty, if I have done an-anything to of-f-f-offend." The maid stuttered over her own words nervously, causing Ellesian to give a slight roll of her eyes. All of her maids behaved as if Ellesian were going to scream "Off with her head!" if they even so much as took a breath near her. She was pleased with herself at times, for appearing so intimidating, but it did get a trifle old if it didn't do anything productive other than to make the servantry around her tremble and sputter.

Ellesian was about to send the maid away to avoid the annoyance when she heard the familiar voice of Alatus swooping in. "Oh dear me, you pretty little tizzy, why don't you go shake and bake while I attend to the Queen? We fear that you may be ruffling her feathers just a smidge. Call it a feeling from above, love!" The perky angel's words were accentuated by a light thwap and then the maid giggling and leaving the room. Knowing Alatus, it more than likely gave her a pat somewhere inappropriate. Again. Was this how an angel was supposed to behave? She wasn't sure, but she was sure that she had gotten used to it. Hopefully the maid would take it as flattery and not stir the other maids to gang up on Alatus for it's incorrigible ways.

"You know, Alatus, it's my wash chamber, my maid... would you stop saving them? They need to grow a backbone, or at the very least stop their stuttering." Ellesian's sardonic tone let Alatus know that it's Queen was not amused. She gripped the sides of the tub and raised herself out of the water, her relaxation entirely a moot point with Alatus here. She shrugged into a fluffy robe left hanging on the three-paneled screen and went to join Alatus on the other side.

The rainbow-haired angel had it's four wings wrapped around the front of it, obscuring something it was holding. A sly grin spread across it's face to accompany the oddness. It was Alatus after all, but Ellesian couldn't stop herself from asking, "What in the blazes is that you're hiding?"

In response, Alatus flared it's wings out, revealing a bouquet of flowers. "Tada, chickpea! Absolutely delectable, sent from his Majesty, King Ephraim...able. Okay, don't look at we like that honey, you couldn't do it so well either with the words we had chosen." The angel snapped it's fingers in front of it in a Z-formation and then placed that hand on it's hip. With the other hand, Alatus held out the flowers with a slightly cocked eyebrow, as if daring Ellesian to refuse them. Ellesian took the flowers and brought them to her face to hide an amused smile.

Ellesian found a vase to put the flowers in and set it on a nearby table, careful not to knock her royal scepter, Eirenarch, off. She swiped the scepter before looking back over her shoulder at the angel. "Gather the men needed for the Round Table, Alatus. First would be Valentine Reginer, I hear he has a silver tongue, which will valuable in that den of liars and backstabbers. Next would be Cain Argus, assuming Ephraim isn't already with the knight. You know what? I'll check on that situation, I don't know how Ephraim will handle that. I'm going to have some of these whimpering maids dress me, if they can manage to stop shaking in their slippers and tie a corset properly." She gave an eye-roll and shrug of her shoulders before she walked out of the washing chambers to find the aforementioned maids, leaving Alatus to it's own devices.
Alatus skipped down the arched corridors of the castle, it's white robes billowing in the breeze of the morning. "Just another day in the castle-life, just we and our Queen, and the demands she brings~" The angel said in sing-song voice timed with every skip as it looked for the knight, Valentine. It's search was not long, for it caught the shimmer of violet hair on a balcony it was approaching, and it knew it had found it's prey. In mid-skip it flapped it's four wings to catch air and land lightly on the balcony railing next to a set of doves. "Ahoy and avast, mon chéri, we bring word from the Queen, her Highness Ellesian." Alatus sat on it's haunches so it could run a finger gently down the back of one of the nearest doves. The angel cooed softly at the doves, forgetting purple-haired knight and the message it brought as it became suddenly interested in the gentle birds perching on the railing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dracogenius
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Dracogenius Legendary Creature / Dragon Wizard

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Absorbed in his world of love doves and reminisces, the ring of a familiar voice stunned the knight upon the balcony. He had turned with delicate grace, and hearing that the angel called for him, causing him to light up to see their array of colors scatter into the sunlight. It was the majesty's most trustworthy... servant, for they were much like a servant, but they were far from scrubbing floors and cooking food. They were special to the queen, a fact that Valentine knew from the start, and their four wings were... gentle, beautiful... a tingeing taste of jealous sparked upon his heart. Yet, they had spoke of a message from the queen, and he was ever more attentive towards the angel. They gathered towards him, or much rather the doves, but he shared his company with them as he looked upon the angel.

"A message from Queen Ellesian?" Valentine's voice seemed touched with joy, but the motive was obscured towards it. Maybe he had a sense of happiness to think that he was to be requested by the lady's side at the Round Table or that someone actually wanted to speak with him... He chuckled a little with eyes cast aside, upon the doves who fluttered in joy by the angel's presence. "Please, do tell me, what this message might be. Would it be about the Round Table meeting... ? I'm sure it is happening today..." He had paused when one of the doves perched upon his shoulder, showing an expression of excitement, or irritation, by constantly chirping upon his shoulder. He jolted up, looked over, and had taken the dove into his right hand, mumbling, "Rest Eve..." Before setting the dove upon the balcony side. However, once afterwards, he kept his attention back to the angel. It would be rude for a knight to abandon his social teachings, and such reputation was not to be put on him or any knight in Raphael's kingdom. They were better than that, the knights, or at least Valentine saw himself to be. With a partial lean against the balcony's edge, he looked towards the angel with an anticipated hope that he was being brought to the meeting... After all, from the maid rumors he heard, it was going to take more than one person to calm Queen Ellesian down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Truthfully, though he tried hard not to let it show, Ephraim had almost turned to look around the room at the sound of the title. Being referred to by that should have been normal for him by now, but it still felt like a name for someone else at times. It sounded so formal, like it was meant for a much more formidable person. He could present himself well enough, but it was hard for him to really feel like he was that person.
Now, now, what am I thinking? It's not very becoming, acting like this all of a sudden. I am the king, and this is my duty.

Maintaining a strong posture in front of his audience, the king attempted to shake off his frivolous thoughts. The knight in front of him surely had other important things to attend to, and wouldn't have time or patience for his internal struggles. He nodded in response to the greeting, giving a calm look along with his command. "Please rise, Sir Cain, and give your report."
Chiaro couldn't help but think about his brother. How was he now? What was he doing? As one of the knights in Gabriel, would he be one of those requested to accompany that kingdom's rulers to the Round Table Treaty? He couldn't say. He couldn't even say if he would be there, not having heard word from her majesty that he would. Honestly, he knew that there were probably knights that would be more easily chosen for the job than him. He was strong, he had even managed to become pretty well respected amongst those in Lucifer, but he didn't think for a second that he would be among the first picked. Not when he knew what the others were capable of. He had not yet the privilege to see the full strength of some of the most terrifying men employed under her majesty, Queen Furnia, but he had heard the rumors, and he had met them. He was pretty sure that he knew full well what they were capable of.

His own abilities were nothing to brush off, but he truly felt as if he walked among monsters here.

The demon continued his musings as he quickly walked through the halls of the castle. It had already been a busy morning, and he still had plenty to attend to before he would be able to relax. It seemed like things had only gotten more difficult of late, though he really hadn't expected any different; after a king dies, trouble is bound to follow. It was the job of those left in the wake of such an event to deal with the results. All he wanted to know was whether they would be ready for whatever happened today.
Or rather, I suppose we will have to be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OoTrillionoO
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OoTrillionoO A Sarcastic Man

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dominick lay on one of the arches extending off of the edge of one of Lucifer’s castles. He flipped through his notebook, eyes dashing across the pages, viewing the faces of the deceased. It made him feel remorseful, but it somehow grounded him, made him feel humane. He pulled his eyes away from his book of memories, and stared into the sky, letting out a sigh. He pondered over the things he’d heard from the other men of the army, A round table treaty, I wonder what the higher-ups are thinking… Do they think it time that Lucifer should return to its former glory?

Dominick had been raised in Lucifer, and his father had passed down stories from generations long past, tales of power, and wealth, where the might of Lucifer was truly undeniable, where Lucifer had stood at the top of the world. Whether what he had been told were tales of fiction or history he didn't care, he chose to believe them anyways.

He looked down at his book, seeing his sister’s face dissipate, and reform into his father’s face. At that point he shut his book, and stood. He looked over the edge, then to a window a few feet away, debating on which route down he should take. Strut through the castle like a king, or scale my way down? There was no competition. Just by a lowly warrior such as himself being up here was overstepping his boundaries, walking through the halls would grant him the same fate as the previous king; a good dethroning. He began to descend the side of the castle wall, hoping that nobody would spot him. “I knew coming up here was a stupid idea,” he muttered under his breath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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"Yes, your majesty." Cain said as he rose from the ground and tucked his arms behind his back. "The combat capability of your army continues to improve at a rapid pace, though I regret to inform you that their abilities to battle on horseback is a tad bit lacking. Still, with enough of my guidance, I believe that they will learn it in good time. As for the borders of your kingdom, everything remains clear, and i've yet to find any signs of possible invasion from any of our neighboring kingdoms. On an unrelated note, the recent weather and the growth of the fields show promise of a bountiful harvest before the winter comes. Should this conflict indeed turn into a war, the nonperishable food that we have stockpiled coupled with the excess food being grown means that, at least in theory, the citizens will not have to go hungry for many months." Cain said with a small tinge of pride and happiness.

Though the knight would never admit it, he was hoping that Ephraim would entertain the thought of telling the public of the news that had been brought. With the idea of war hanging over everyone's head like swirling black clouds the citizens of Raphael needed to believe that they would be safe so as to avoid turmoil inside the walls, and in Cain's own experience, nothing got a commoner's mind away from the thought of war like the promise of plenty of work that would allow them to bring in money and put food on the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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"Is that so? I am glad to hear it." Ephraim gave a slight smile at the good news, though he couldn't ignore the underlying situation also present in those words. Should this conflict turn into a war... It seemed like that would either escalate soon or forever be a looming problem at this rate. The relationships between the kingdoms had been tense for some time, even more so lately. Especially since... He hated to think about it.

Still, even if there was that, at least they might have something good to tell the citizens of Raphael. A good harvest was always something to be happy about, even in dark times. Perhaps especially in dark times, when good news was more difficult to pick out amongst all the bad. With food came hope, and the people probably really needed that. "Thank you, Sir Cain. As always, your services are most appreciated. If there is no more to report, then you may go."

Perhaps there is hope, though... This Treaty... Perhaps we can finally do something about the looming threat after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Princess Oleandra hand finished tending to the garden and had gone inside to request something to eat. On her way to the kitchens she saw Chiaro walking down the hall, looking lost in thought. She gave him a kind and formal nod. "Good day." Said the princess with a smile. "And how are you this lovely day?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Stopping as a voice suddenly broke the knight from his thoughts, Chiaro looked to see the princess speaking to him. "Good day, your highness. I am well today, thank you." He smiled as he gave a slight bow, not wishing to appear disrespectful. From his understanding, the princess seemed to be a very kind sort, which he respected greatly in itself. It certainly made a nice change from the other rumors he often heard, at least. "I hope you are as well, My Lady?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Yes, your majesty, thank you for seeing me." Cain said before bowing and turning on his heel to leave the King to his thoughts. As soon as he slipped out of Ephraim's sight, Cain's shouldered slumped, and the knight let loose a small yawn, "Thank the heavens. Perhaps now I can sleep for a bit before it is time to train the men once more. I only pray that they'll still be able to lift their swords and shields after yesterday's session." he muttered to himself as he began the trek through the massive castle towards the exit. Perhaps if he was lucky, Cain would have just enough time to water the small herb garden that he kept in his spare time before succumbing to the delicious darkness that tugged at his mind, dancing so tantalizingly close, yet at the same time, so excruciatingly far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

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Furnia smirked. "Now, Celeste. You must dress properly if you are to be my messenger. Come come." Furnia stood to her feet and grabbed Celeste's small wrist. Furnia dragged her maid to the closet and threw the doors open. "You will look so beautiful." She smiled at the young girl. Celeste smiled sheepishly. She couldn't refuse her Majesty; especially with what she's gone through. Celeste would just have to grit and bare it. Furnia finally pulled out a white, velvet dress. It was the most beautiful dress Celeste had seen. Furnia smiled somberly at the dress. It was one that her husband bought her. She turned and handed Celeste the dress. "Go get changed. The meeting is in about thirty minutes so you have an hour." Furnia smiled and Celeste nodded, walking behind the changing wall in Furnia's room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

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(Oh crap! This already started?)

A winged figgure roamed around the Kingdom of Gabriel in almost a carefree way. This figgure was Sariel, the prince of the kingdom, and he was just going on his normal rounds about his kingdom. The light shined apon his golden crown as he slowly flapped his huge wings as he walked across the ground in his angelic sandals. Once he got bored fo roaming the kingdom again he would fly to the local forest and relax there for a bit, which he would normaly do when something was going wrong. He just hoped nothing bad would happen, even though the smile on his face said he was quite happy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Casper gave a soft, breathy laugh and placed a hand gently upon Adeline's shoulder. "It is not a burden, Lady Adel, I assure you. A knight of your talents..." He took a moment to run a hand over his bangs as he looked up at the array of color spraying across the room from the stained glass sun-roof. "I need you to do something very important for me on this trip. But I would prefer not to discuss it here," He said, gesturing subtly to the milling knights and servants, "The walls have ears, they say. Walk with me, Lady Adel?" Through the crowd he spotted his wife, Solandria, walking in the direction of her chambers. He wished that he could have more time to speak to his warrior Queen, however Casper knew that Solandria was busy with her own duties that claimed all of her attention and devotion.

He hoped very much that he could manage to pin down his dear sister, Lia, before they left for the Round Table. It was pertinent in his mind that she meet Adeline. Casper spotted a servant, a rather frail looking boy with brown hair, shambling past them who seemed lost in his own world. Though he hated requesting anything of the servants and definitely preferred the maids, he called out to the boy. Unfortunately for the boy, it was Jeffery Woods who gained the attention of King Casper. "You, servant boy. Fetch the Princess." His voice was no longer soft but brusque, and took on a zero-tolerance cadence. Casper's visible eye seemed to flare as he looked at Jeffery. "Now."


A dove lit upon Alatus' finger, and the angel placed a gentle kiss upon the snowy-feathered avian's head as it whispered sweet nothings to the bird. It seemed to be completely absorbed in the birds and the flowers springing up in the few flower boxes placed around the balcony. The angel's attention was only brought to Valentine when the knight set the dove he held back down on the balcony. "Yes, yes, patience poppy. What have we without feeling the air in our hair? Take a breath, breathe in the aroma of the hydrangeas, stretch your wings," Alatus opened it's wings wide, a smirk playing on it's face as if it knew exactly how much of a pain it was being, "Oops, you don't have 'em!" It's laugh rang out like chiming bells, and the dove on it's finger flew to the other side of Valentine in it's surprise at the sudden noise from Alatus. "Though we do see your patience declining, so we will spare you with all our rhyming. You have been summoned to the Round Table with our Queen, she believes you to be good with your words, though perhaps not as good as we, we see - or rather, heard!" It hopped gingerly down from the balcony, now having thoroughly lost interest with attending the doves. "Now she wishes we, meaning we and you, to gather in her audience chamber before we head into that pit of pettiness." Alatus smiled brightly at Valentine, looping it's arm around his and snuggling in close to the knight. "Shall we, poppy?"


Ellesian could feel the shaking fingers of the maid who was now tying the last few laces of her corset, and she had to take a small breath to calm herself. Every single one of them was incompetent and unable to keep their cool, and she had better things to be doing than to wait for the unprofessionalism of twaddling pansies. Ellesian heard the maid whisper an oath underneath her breath as one of the corset laces came undone. "Really? Really!? We're down to the last few, so steady your hands woman! I must go meet my husband before the Round Table address, I have no time to waste here." She said through clenched teeth, trying to bite down most of her impatience with this maid. From behind her, she heard the maid stutter another apology. 'If I had a doubloon for every one of those I heard.' Ellesian thought sardonically, rolling her eyes.

With a final tug on the strings, the maid finally finished five minutes later. The other maids swept her up into her outer attire, layers of silk and velvet sprawling to the ground. Her feathered cape was placed over her shoulders, the collar flaring out to impressive lengths and framing her head entirely. She bent to pick Eirenarch up off of a nearby table; nobody was allowed to handle her scepter except herself, Ephraim and Alatus. The penalty for doing so was death, and she had dealt that card to a number of servantry who dared to try to steal away the precious thing. They had figured out it's secret and coveted it for their own. They should not have. Now they could never. She smiled as she brought the rod close to her bosom.

A maid with slightly less shaky hands finished her attire by placing an impressive platinum crown upon her head, detailed with birds of prey descending upon a snake made of emeralds. Each of the twelve tips of the crown spiraled upwards and was adorned with a precious gem at the top. She had ordered the thing crafted when she ascended the throne, casting aside the old crown. The old one was too meek, too humble, to impose the Kingdom of Raphael's majesty in her foes. "Leave me, I can reach Ephraim on my own. Oh, but you," She singled out the maid who was in charge of her corset, "I hope that peeling potatoes for the next month will steady your hands." The maid in question looked flabbergasted, but Ellesian turned away from the woman dismissively and began to walk headlong for the exit. The two maids nearest to the double doors rushed over to open them for their Queen to stride through, lest they be included in the other maid's punishment - or worse.

Ellesian's march through the halls nearly caused panic within the servantry and knights who had the misfortune of standing in her path. Her stride was imposing and she made no move to slow down or stop for anything, or anyone, in her way; she was a force to be reckoned with. Her march ended when she arrived just outside the throne room where her husband, King Ephraim, was supposed to have been last she heard from the maids. Her eyes flicked to the nearby wall, which had a gouge cut into it the size of a grapefruit. Her brows furrowed. The smallest thing could cause an upheaval within Ellesian, and this managed to piss her off.

She swayed to the nearest servant whose back was currently turned towards her, and brought the bottom of Eirenarch down onto the ground with a resounding CRACK! causing the servant to jump nearly out of his skin in surprise. "You know, I don't roll out of bed thinking to myself, "Yeah, I'm going to tell every last person in the Kingdom how to do their job today" but here I am. See that?" She swung Eirenarch around to indicate the gouge taken out of the wall. "Fix it for the love of Raphael, my god man, take some initiative." Ellesian left the dumbfounded servant and came to the doors, which the guards stationed there had already opened to allow her entry.

The throne room was gorgeous, but it was nothing in comparison to the angel who sat upon his throne atop the dais on the far side. He was the one person alive in this world who could make her feel like herself... She swallowed down a surge of emotion and hardened herself once again. There was no time, no time for anything except her revenge. Not even time for the sweet boy, now a man, who she had grown with. "Ephraim," She called out across the throne room to address her husband. "Have you met with Cain Argus yet?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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"Hello to you, too, Ellie." Ephraim smiled just a bit cheekily as he rose to greet his wife. He could see that she wasn't in the mood for dealing with banter, but he couldn't help acting just a bit playful around her in an attempt to lighten the mood. Besides, he was actually quite happy to see her, despite her less enthusiastic seeming manner. She was just focused, that was all. "Yes, I have met with him already. He reported that the army's training is going well and that the borders remain clear. We are currently free of any invasions from neighboring kingdoms. He also brought news of a good potential harvest season, so there should be plenty of food available in the coming weeks." He smiled a bit more softly as he spoke of this, approaching the powerful woman across the room.

Even now, Ephraim thought she looked truly beautiful, though he still wished that he could see her looking a bit happier. She was always so serious now, it worried him often that she might burn out. As he walked closer, he could already feel that something was off. "You seem very tense. Are you alright?" Though he stated it as an observation, the interpretation was partly a guess, really, as she had seemed very tense to him quite often from the day she was crowned queen. He really couldn't blame her, but he hoped that perhaps he could help somehow if this was the case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Cain exited the palace and looked out into the courtyard, he couldn't help but shield his eyes with a hiss of pain an displeasure as the sunlight beamed down upon him a bit brighter than he would have liked "Just a bit further and I can rest". The knight had no idea how many times he had repeated that statement, only that at this point it began to border on becoming a mantra for him. His leather clothing and pieces of armor only tired him even quicker once subjected to the sun's golden rays, though their weight wasn't of very much concern, rather, Cain was more worried about his thick gloves, bits of which he could feel decaying and falling from his hands as he grew more exhausted, "Not going to make it at this rate. Damn this curse, and damn to hell and back my grandfather for bringing this blight upon me!" he muttered. As Cain passed by the stables which housed the palace horses, the sight of the water trough that the horses drank from brought about an epiphany in the knight. Cain looked around to ensure that no one would see what he was going to do next before breaking into a full on sprint towards the trough and dunking his head in. The water was brisk, likely just pulled from a well, and it did its job wonderfully. Cain pulled his head back and gasped now wide awake for the time being, he wiped free from his eyes the hair that clung wetly to his face whilst muttering a silent thanks to whomever brought the water from the well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ellesian's lips managed to quirk themselves into a smirk at the cheeky tone of Ephraim's voice. 'Always the optimist.' And she was fond of that part of him, though she couldn't allow herself the same joviality. Her lips pressed back into their usual slight frown as she thought about the report of the knight, Cain Argus. Something too good to be true was always something to look more closely into, and her mind reeled with the possibilities of invasion from the neighboring Kingdoms, and not to mention the rumors of the Kingdom of Lucifer coming back from the grave. Those monsters dwelling there had extremely potent reasons to attack all of the sovereigns, the foremost being when the ancestors of the Three Kingdoms cast them down into the abyss.

"The drive for vengeance is the most powerful panacea." She hadn't realized she said it out loud until she looked up to find Ephraim next to her, a concerned look painted across his delicate features. For a brief moment she struggled to recall what he had said to her, normally she didn't give herself the leeway to be caught up in her own thoughts to such a degree. "I'm just anticipating the Round Table, Ephraim. This is pivotal event in my reign as Queen, and I have to take every eventuality into account. You let the knight, Argus, know that he was coming with us? I need his battle prowess in my attendance."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dracogenius
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Dracogenius Legendary Creature / Dragon Wizard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The knight's eyes glared around the room, yet her ear remained open to the king's word. If anything though, she had only listened to him under the circumstance of his title. There was no other reason to why she would concentrate on singling out one voice upon a mumbling million, and if he was not king then she would be wasting her time. Her duty had kept her away from making acquaintances and eliminated herself from becoming close to anyone. Not a single friend, and she had to be content with that. Was she truly? No, not at all, but it was for the better, and for as long as she constantly rehearsed that honest choir in head then she had no other reason as to change it. Her eyes skimmed the room, but once he spoke of importance, she had turned her eyes towards him.

"Yes my lord," Adeline responded, nodding her head with eyes set on him. She was about to speak quietly to him about preference and location, for surely it had to be a place that had or would not create commotion. However, she was paused as the had redirected his attention to a servant. A simple servant boy, but she studied his figure and took a bit of pity upon him when was called on. The king's bias bled through well... his voice stronger than usual, which had put her off-guard and yet wished he used it more. The gentle appearance was kind and welcoming, especially for the people of the kingdom, but she was a subject and pawn. While avoiding brute-force was preferred for the sake of reputation, it was still important to not allow this treatment get out of hand. Especially if so, a spy was among the maids... Oh, and how she would be treated innocently. Perhaps such was nonexistent though, but it was important to keep balance above all else.

However, who was the knight to say? She had set her eyes back upon Casper, only to inquire. "Gardens have no walls, and even so, the ivy deafens them well," Adeline spoke in tune to the king's dialogue. He was rather fun to speak with and there was no doubt about it. All her reading as a child would seem to pay off the best in a moment's time like this. It furthermore made her smile upon the fact that this was what she did best, and that was to incorporate a little literature into her daily like, though much of that were of fairy-tales... And yet she had to avoid doing so for, again, her duty. What a nuisance, suffocating her desire for a free life, but she was bound to it. It was as simple as life bound to death, and perhaps that was the most simple of examples she could think and repeat. "However, do choose a place best fit to speak in. I will follow you, your Majesty." She didn't end with a smile, but rather, had a sense of attentiveness to the point of stiffness. If she was to be pushed, there was a sense that she was sure not to feel such. Complimented by the dancing lights within the room, Adeline appeared statuesque, her cobalt cape relaxed upon her shoulders and swayed by those who passed by.

He had settled within his thoughts, accompanied by a stillness and lack of interest, an appearance best described as daze by some. There was a sense in him that he wanted to escape the moment, but there was an understanding that he was to be following the angel before him... But that sort of joy, a song that ringed in mockery. He looked upon the doves nearby... Well, maybe he by technicality had something to consider as for wings... However, as if he was to claim those as his own, he didn't have the heart to do. Casting his eyes aside at the childish chuckle, Valentine couldn't bear saying a word to it. It was if he was ashamed of being merely human, and perhaps he should be in a world touched by angels and demons. How he yearned to be an angel... and yet to be blessed, though tempting it was to be a demon, or cursed at best. Fate insisted otherwise; there was a feeling that he was to remain pure from either forms. Though perhaps then he is like an angel, untouched by holy or tainted aura... There was no one to believe that though. Angels were purity, and humans were beloved creations or filth consuming the surface...

His daytime was not to be wasted on nightly thoughts. As a sun is bright about the day, he too had to seek the benefits of being human, though it only comes down to being different, untouched, and by considering that he's pure human, talented. He was not born with a tongue blessed by an angel or a tempting charisma, seductive like a demon's. However, he was taught, and he took pride in such, though perhaps he had a voice that seemed to be blessed while his abilities to tempt may vary. A small smirk appeared at the thought of it. It was humorous to think of, but he'd like to think that above all and none of the less he held all capabilities to charm a lady of the means. Looking upon the dove near his side, the dove perched his shoulder as he laughed lightly, as if he was amused in his own thoughts. In his own thoughts, yes, but far from amused.

"We... we..." He mumbled this to himself for the two reasons: what "we" was the angel speaking, though this came back to in a moment's time later thanks to memorized rumors, and to sound like he was about to speak. It was nice to turn a head or two at the start of a word as opposed to catching an audience's attention half-way through a speech. As he spoke, he allowed the angel to wrap around him, fancying his pride with a prismatic beauty by side. Lady or gentleman, neither matter when it came to beauty, especially to an angel's with such a song-filled voice and colorful aura... He enjoyed their aura, even if they rubbed his wound with their previous comment. Surely, it was out of innocence, but even if not, he would rather keep his interior battles within his walls.

"Yes, we shall, for it is my honor to be called for this duty." Valentine wasn't too surprised about it, but he was joyous, and a delicate smile could only seal so much joy in recognition. He was partially used to be called in to speak or another or to fix the mistakes of a speaker, but to be called in by the queen and join the path of making history... It was truly a dream. Partially pressuring though, considering where the Kingdom of Raphael stood in the eyes of the other kingdoms and how one mistake will turn the tables around. Realizing this had caused him to breath in steadily while yet shaken by the thought. Everything was going to remain stable, safe, and sound. The meeting will go smoothly. The meeting will go according to a peaceful plan... Or so he hoped for. He looked upon the angel with a smile, and keeping them near, he gently spoke.

"Guide me with your grace, lively..." Valentine paused with an empty breath. "Oh, if I am able to know, please, tell me your name as you walk with me?" His shoulders rolled into being relaxed, posture straight as his sword remained sheathed by his right side. In that moment, there was a sense that he had returned to his charming self, with a sense of elegance and composed with a structure fit for a gentleman. Truly, this was him, suffocating the rest of his flaws under his skin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

His body and mind rejuvenated by the brisk water, Cain slipped out of the palace courtyard, issuing a curt farewell to the guards standing at the front gate, and ignoring the strange looks that they gave him because of his wet hair and face. The knight began his trek back through the town to reach his home. Every now and then, Cain would stop to answer questions, reassure worried townsfolk, and entertain the children that stopped to gawk at him and his armor. As with every trek from the castle to his home, regardless of the fact that he was still tired, Cain stopped at a small bakery and purchased three sweet rolls and a large loaf of bread to bring to one of his neighbors and her children, a habit that he'd developed not long after the woman had become a widow.

"We're going to have a good harvest this year Olaf. While on patrol I found that the wheat had already grown higher than my waist. Between that and the pumpkin and spice patches, business once your wife starts making those pumpkin pies of hers. Speaking of Sheryl, how is she? I trust that she's gotten over that illness of hers?" Cain inquired as he watched an older and grizzled man packaging his order, "Aye, she has. Those herbs of yours did wonders for her, thanks. Between you an' me though, she couldn't get better a moment sooner, running this place alone almost makes me wish that I hadn't retired from my duties as a soldier!" Olaf said before patting his slightly bulging belly, "Then again, they may not take me back on account of this gut, my knee, an' my age. Heh heh heh.", "You never know old man, between you and me, we could use a few more seasoned fighters. After all, I turned out alright with your teaching. This new lot though, they can barely use their war lances on horse back without toppling over. Maybe I should take a page from your book and force then to ride logs down the river while trying to strike targets" Cain shot back jokingly. The men shared a short laugh at the idea before Cain bid farewell to his mentor turned bread baker and continued on his way home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jeffery was lost in his own little world as he walked down the hallways. Suddenly something jolted him awake. He glared at the person who startled him as he clenched his face, a fire starting to form but still hidden. He was very angry until he saw it was king Casper he was facing. His anger quickly turned into shock, and that shock quickly turned into an emotionless look as he bowed, "apologies milord, I didn't realize it was you. I will begin looking for the princess immediately." He began walking down the hallway until he realized he had forgotten one little fact, he had no idea where to find the princess. He turned back and bowed again, "forgive me again, milord, but where might she be?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 5 days ago

(Sorry. Double Post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Lia had walked outside and towards the gates leading to the small village shortly outside the castle. "I demand you let me out." Lia said crossing her arms and looking at the guards by the gate. "Sorry your highness but the king specifically ordered us to not let you out of the gates." One guard said. Lia crossed her arms and continued arguing but the outcome was the same, they wouldn't budge. She had a trick up her sleeves though. Wings sprouted from her back and she flew up and over the gates. Her wings retracting back into her body. She then smirked triumphantly and skipped to the village. She just walked through the village kindly greeting people even if some cowered away.
One of the guards at the gate ran inside and straight to the king. He bowed as he spoke, "Your majesty, the princess flew over the gate..." he paused and sighed, "Again." he finished not daring to look up at the king just yet.
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