So for the..sixth? time I'm going to be doing the fantasy league for the prem, but as always I'm really indecisive and I would love some input in to my team and who you think will get off to a blinder this season and who definitely wont.

My team as it stands is....

GK - Begovic...(Myhill)
DF - Lovren...Terry...Luis...(Chester)...(Wisdom)
MD - Hazard...Ramsey...Eriksen...Herrera...(Shelvey)
ST - Rooney...Jovetic...Long

The people in brackets are on the bench for the first gameweek. My worries are Long and Terry for the first team, whilst I like Long Hull are in europe and might struggle and Hull whilst good aren't scoring freely against many teams. Terry I'm not sure of because it depends how much he will play, I really wish I knew the starting line-up of Chelsea's back 4 as Azpilicueta could be pushed out and Ivanovic can play as a Center-back, all together if Varane moves in I think that might push Terry down.

Jovetic is a bit of a risk but he really looks like he might have a good season, I wanted to take Lamela for the same reason but couldn't find space. I'm reletively happy with my subs although Shelvey is questionable and whilst a brilliant Keeper Stoke might have a brilliant season.