Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Unknown - Hank's Group Home

Two sudden shadows appeared running through the night infested streets. The beings wore all black to camouflage even better from anyone and everyone in the area. But they weren't walkers, they were definitely human - revealed by their quick movements and hand-signal communication. The two 'figures' as we will call them, rushed behind some nearby bushes, staring at the house that was just inherited by Hank's group. The figures begun to spoke, but their words unknown by any. From inside the sleeping quiet house, one could not hear anything but silence. Floyd was on night duty, but not even his keen eyes could see in this eternal darkness.

The figures - crouched and alarm - took a quick sprint towards the group's vehicles, hiding behind them from the window's of the home. Floyd sat there beside the kitchen, peaking through one of the home's windows which was covered by a long drape. The red-neck could see nothing but black, black and possibly.........more black. But honestly, from where he lay, he could see the vehicles clearly, but nothing farther than that. It was a very dark night, no stars, and the moon seemed to be absent their area - which was strange.

Anyhow, these figures didn't show up to make friends, instead to cause mayhem. One of them suddenly pulled out a sharp pocket knife, quickly getting it ready to do something. All of a sudden, you see him start digging into the SUV's front tire, scratching at it, then stabbing straight into it. It created an opening, but if taking out would cause a hissing noise. Therefore, the figure left it there, and took out yet another knife from his other pocket. He remained hidden and did the same thing to the back wheel, slowly letting the air own and causing it to flatten. The second figure also followed the same actions and attacked the pick-up truck, same maneuver, same effect. Once they finished, they waved to each other and headed off just the way they came from, but didn't realize to crouch on their way out. At that point, Floyd saw something, but couldn't make out what it was. He took the rifle next to him and peaked out the window with caution, trying to see what was out there, but couldn't.

All he really saw was something move, but couldn't even tell if it was a walker. If it had been it was gone, but something wasn't right. The flash or whatever it was moved far too quick. Maybe an animal or bird of some kind. Despite his wonder, he wasn't about to head out in the middle of the night to check alone without letting anyone know. Instead, he went upstairs to where Imogen had fallen asleep and stood in the door frame to the room. "Hey!" he whispered silently, not trying to wake anyone up but her. Once he got her attention, he made sure he could come in, not trying to make her uncomfortable. "Sumthin's out there. Ima go check, so keep an eye out" he told her, then starting back towards the stairs. Everyone else was asleep. Imogen was going to be the next one to be on lookout anyway, so he woke her up instead of DeSean or Hank.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shannon - Finding a Vehicle - Alex/Rob

Everyone was exhausted. Whether it was Enrique's fault or not, the scout vehicle Lucas spoke of hadn't been where he thought it would be, so the group was forced to trek to the city on foot. There was a time when the group had been forced to rest, Danny grumbling about wasting time all the while. Shannon sat around a fire with the others, her arms wrapped around her legs. She didn't really know anyone here-- only Rob, James, and Danny were familiar to her. She didn't feel comfortable at all, not after swearing off large groups only a few weeks ago. She knew it was necessary for Emma's sake, but--

She looked around at the others around the fire. She thought they looked like a rather ragtag group of people. A kid, an old man, a deaf guy. And Rob... was Rob. It almost felt unreal, like she was dreaming or a part of some book. Here she was, trying to stay awake, while others looked for a vehicle to take them to a girl's rescue. Shannon didn't know how she managed to get herself into these situations.

"When will they be back?" James asked, pulling Shannon away from her thoughts. She looked down at him as he laid on his stomach, staring at the fire.

"Not too long now," she responded. She doubted they'd be gone much longer. Danny would want to search well into the morning, but the scouts accompanying him would probably keep him in check. The two scouts who hadn't joined Danny in his current search were Chris and Alex. She stared at them across the fire, still sore about their involvement in Haywood's attack. She was going have to get over it eventually-- for Danny's sake, at least-- but it was still tough to think about. It was Daniel's death she couldn't get past. If it wasn't for that...

Shannon sighed and laid down on her back, so that she could look up at the night sky. She found herself appreciating the stars-- they were so bright these days. Perhaps one of the few good things about all of this. She was still no expert on constellations, so she tried... to identify... what she could...

She fell fast asleep.


"Shannon, come on."


She opened her eyes to find Danny and James staring down at her. Above them was the sky, still dim from the early morning. She couldn't have slept for more than a few hours or so.

"We found a vehicle," Danny said, offering a hand to help her up. She took it gratefully, groaning at the pain in her back for sleeping on the ground. She looked around to find the others around the vehicle-- A pickup truck. Even with the second-row seating, most of them would have to travel in the truck's bed. Shannon didn't care, as long as they didn't have to continue walking.

Cody offered to do the driving, and the group eventually agreed that Shannon, James, Elliot, and Finch would sit up front. Shannon wanted to show everyone she didn't have to be comfortable, but James insisted that she stayed with her. After Lucas gave Cody instruction on where to head, they started on their way. Still technically outside the city, the road they'd be taking for the next hour would be rough. Shannon settled in for a bumpy ride.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

**Abram - The House ** The man gazed out the window with a cautious eye, his hands steady on his legs. It was late and all the girls were asleep, so he was left to keep watch until 3:00am, when he would wake Sam for her turn to keep watch. Turisa and Jess had taken the two upstairs bedrooms, Jess being barely able to contain her excitement for the nursery. Leah and Samantha had taken to sleeping on the living room couches. Abram spent most of the night in the house's kitchen disassembling his rifle and giving it an extensive cleaning, keeping his pistol handy in case the need arose for him to use it. Before reassembling the weapon, the man stripped his jacket and heavy under armour shirt. He caught a glimpse of himself of the reflection of the window. He was taken aback to look at himself. He'd been loosing weight; but that was because they'd been at a shortage of food. What was worse; his muscles were slowly deteriorating. His chiseled physique of 2 months ago had been drastically affected by the change in lifestyle. He'd gone from eating well every day in his small, New Orleans apartment, watching over the undead below him. Since he and Jess had left Haywood, he hadn't gotten the change to shave but once, so his beard now appeared unkempt - As it was. The soldier sat down in at the kitchen table, his hand absently sliding to a Velcro pocket on his military jacket. He drew 4 chains of dog-tags, examining them nostalgically. Each of them held the name of a fallen member of his squad. Kurt, Mason, Davis, and Annie. The only set of tags he lacked were Daniel Crowe's... He was't petty enough to take them, rather he gave them to Emma. It was a sobering fact - he was the only member of his team that still lived. For five straight years they'd been deployed many times, and they always joked about how they could die at any moment... Abram just never thought that he'd be the last one to survive. They had all thought it would be Daniel... he was the biggest, the strongest, the smartest... It only proved that - regardless if you were 6'5 and 220, a bullet could stop anyone... Abram had learned another thing: only cowards shot an unarmed man... But thats how all but one member of his team had gone. Kurt, Mason, and Davis had all taken a pistol round to the back almost 2 months after their discharge at the beginning of the outbreak. They knew that Daniel had connections and weaponry in New Orleans, so they'd headed to meet him. The boys had been jumped late one night by a group of local bandits. Abram and Annie had been off to search for a car, and were almost ten miles away when the attack happened. They'd been "lucky" enough to live past the night, though they'd returned to their temporary camp to find their three closest friends had been turned into walkers. Even too this day, Abram could see the look on Annie's face. She was young, almost 28, they often teased her by calling her the "baby" of the squad. Annie had always been so strong, so stolid. Nothing shook her, even staring death in the face she could look and spit. The look on her face when she saw her comrades as walkers was the quintessence of pure horror. It had happened quickly - Abram fired three shots, his eyes stinging with anger. Three precise shots had always haunted Abram. His boys had been permanently put to sleep by friendly fire. Annie collapsed and broke down. They'd left that morning, and Annie had still carried a face of horror. "Be Strong, Annie." He'd told her a thousand times. It didn't matter. She was completely in shock. She and Davis were in a strong relationship, one that Abram had come close to ordering be ended because it was unprofessional and didn't look good for the higher-ups. Once they'd been discharged, the two didn't mind Abram's disapproval (It quickly faded). Kurt and Mason were like her older brothers. The young woman died a few weeks later from a walker bite. Abram couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger, so Annie took the gun and did it herself. Abram recalled that awful day in Haywood. O'Riley had pulled the trigger on Daniel because Abram, again, had been too weak. Instead, he'd taken his anger and found that pathetic excuse of a man that the people of Outpost called "Hex". The man had turned into a walker already and was walking towards him as he approached the building outside of haywood. With a long-bladed machete, Abram had destroyed the walker, continuing to berate him with blows from the axe blade even after he was permanently dead, ending up splintering the handle. He missed his squad... At times, Abram had joked by calling the whole squad his kids. Daniel had insisted that he change his codename to "Poppa Bear". It was when Abram felt a tear drip from his cheek to his hand that he was pulled back to the presence. He blinked them away and wiped his hand off. After he went back to patiently keeping watch, his alarm beeped quietly, signaling 3:00am. He stood and left the kitchen, quietly going over to the couch and shaking Samantha gently. "Samantha." When she was awake, he removed his watch. "It's your turn to take watch, kid." He handed her the watch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

**Alex Clark - The chase** He had resisted against complaining all day long since he knew that the others were tired aswell, but his three-day activity streak was not turning into his best idea yet. He had been on the edge of sleep for a few hours now, and the moment they paused he fell into a deep sleep. He slept untill the morning came when he was woken up by the sound of a cranky old car, startling him out of his best sleep in years. Cursing softly he got up and inspected the thing as Danny woke up the others to get them inside. A vehicle with gas. Not too shabby, Alex thought as he got inside the back end. He didn't feel the need to put himself in a tiny cramped and probably smelly place. So long the ride wouldn't be too bump he could even catch up some more lost sleep in there. As he closed his eyes and felt the cold metal floor being rammed in his face, he knew that sleeping would not be an option.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

**Emma – The Bed & Breakfast** When it was late, Emma found herself contemplating a way of escape. The situation, as she began to conclude, was next to hopeless. One of Enrique’s men was stationed in the front parking lot of the hotel, constantly keeping watch. Trey had been stationed outside her door, but she didn’t know if he would trade out with someone during the night. Precariously, she crept to the door and looked through the peephole, but she couldn’t see Trey outside. She silently lowered herself to he floor, and stuck her ear to the door. She mentally cursed as she her a light breathing; Trey was asleep, but he was sitting against the door. There was no way she could open the door without waking him up. Abandoning the task, she sighed. The girl unzipped her coat and let it fall to the floor. Beside the desk was a tall mirror, and Emma sauntered to it. She examined her thin face, an ever-so-thin layer of dirt. It had been almost 2 weeks since she’d had the chance to even remotely wash up. She pulled off her black, long-sleeved shirt, discarding it to the bed. She proceeded to remove her over shirt, exposing her lower torso. It was cold but, even in her undergarment; it didn’t bother her very much. She’d always been rather resistant of the cold. She laughed silently and whispered to herself. “The cold never bothered me anyway…” She turned her hip so to look at her back. Her smooth skin was halted by a scar, the affect of a bullet wound, just left of the small of her back. She carried another scar, on her right arm; one she’d attained by poorly jumping a fence, receiving a 4-inch gash on her forearm. She hated how scars brought back memories. She looked on the thin ridge on his arm and remembered her encounter with Alec Wyrde. It surprised her that she remembered his name; their encounter had barely lasted 2 hours. She remembered that day when Tyler’s men had kidnapped her and the woman by the train tracks- what had her name been? She searched her mind rapidly. Lori – no… Leah- no, no, no… Lynn. She placed the name in her mind, relieved that she hadn’t been unable to remember it – It would have plagued her all night. The memory of Lynn sparked thoughts of Jess in her mind: Jess and her adorable baby boy, Benjamin. She had initially felt jealous of the girl – She got to experience such a happy event, but Emma had just watched her brother die. She found herself hard pressed to get Jess and Abram off her mind… he’d told her that the two of them planned to leave and look for their friend Floyd… she wondered if they ever ended up leaving… She glanced over to the door, Trey’s face popping into her head. What had he been through? Why did he always look so conflicted? What had any of those men been through to develop such a sadistic attitude – Especially Enrique and Burkley? Enrique… heavens… She’d never met someone who’d scared her like that since she was in the catacombs with Brad. She’d not been afraid of Tyler – he was just a desperate father trying to provide for his daughter. Even Hex had frightened her – but in a way that wasn’t normal. She’d feared him, but she also despised every cell of him for what he’d done to her. In the morning, Trey found himself rather refreshed, despite his uncomfortable resting position. As to not disturb the girl he stood and peeked through the whole, to see that she was still asleep on the bed. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, stretching the muscles in his back. The girl confused him. He expected someone her size to be frightened of everything. Trey was twice her size, but she stared him in the eye with an irritating defiance. He shook his head and dismissed the thought. Just then, Enrique appeared around the corner. “Enrique!” He turned to the man as he attained his attention. “What are we supposed to do with her? We can’t just keep her locked forevermore; it’s useless. What do we do – kill her, let her go?” *** **Andrew and Zoe – The Road – Scouts/Danny/Shannon/Alex/Etc. ** “Yoga pants…” Zoe said with a laugh. The girl glanced at her young husband through her peripherals, seeing him flash a smile with his perfectly straightened teeth. He was only twenty-one, but his trimmed beard gave him a mature appearance. Zoe’s face was opposite, looking about seventeen instead of twenty years old. “Yeah… I miss your yoga pants too…” He muttered, sputtering a laugh. She joined him and shook her head incredulous. “Don’t be creepy!” She laughed again, gazing back out the passenger window. “Hmm… I miss my phone…” “Me too- my drake collection is forever lost now…” She said with a bit of disdain in her voice. She propped her head of black hair on her palm. “I’ve never understood your obsession with that dude…” Andrew observed. “He sounds like a girl… And he sounds like he’s high, 24/7…” “Well, Baby, that’s because you’re white.” She raised an eyebrow, giggling lightly. “Have to have my healthy dose of sexy voice now and then” She opened the glove compartment and produced the small collection of CD’s, flipping through them. Andrew reached out and snatched one of them. “Mom’s Celine Dion CD!” “Oh God.” He laughed as he slid the CD into the slot. He skipped to a soft song with heavy falsetto. “[It's a cover song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1m5h7d_bcA), it’s great – The original is in Italian, but the cover is English.” He looked over at her and smiled at her obvious irritation. Only to add to her misery, he began singing along. “A world where pain and hunger will be mended!” “No, Andy, please no…” She groaned, but cracking a tiny grin and rolling her eyes. She laughed and thanked the heavens that he wasn’t too awful a singer. As the song picked up, Andrew raised his voice as well. She leaned her head back and gave him an exaggerated groan. “And we’ll remember that we are AAAALLLL God’s children, reaching out to touch him!” “Enough of that.” She announced, and clicked the power button on the radio. “If we’re all God’s children, you’re the ‘wanna be famous’ brother…” “And you’re the wanna be funny sister. That was the lamest burn ever! E-V-A-R! Ever!” Zoe’s grin slowly faded as her eyes spotted something down the road. “Andy, slow down, up ahead!” She pointed past the window-shield. “It’s a truck!” “I see, it, hold on.” He said, staring intently towards the vehicle. “Do you think they need help?” He saw that a group of people was cramming into the back of a pickup. “I’m gonna pull over, it looks fine, but stay in the car until I tell you come out.” He began to slow down, opening the console between the seats and produced a small, black handgun. He pulled to the opposite side of the road, maybe about 30 yards away, as a young guy, maybe a year or two younger than Andrew, looked back at them. He carefully got out of the SUV and was alarmed to see that the young man produce a very intimidating rifle. Andrew jumped from behind the car, blocking a possible shot at Zoe. “Wait! Wait! I’m a friendly!” He yelled. “Wait…” His breathed heavily and his heart pounded at the fear of possible death. He quickly glanced back at Zoe, silently conveying for her to duck down. Andrew returned his attention to the strangers, slowly lowering his pistol to the ground and holding his hands in surrender. “Please, don’t shoot! It’s just me and my wife!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

**Samantha - The House** After settling in and going through most of the belongings inside of the house, Samantha had made her way over to the couch and dusted it off before laying down on it and using her jacket as a pillow. She thanked god for having her stayed at such a small size because now, she could lay down on some couch and have enough room to move around. It was strange how during these days, she had found herself thanking her so called god for little and random things such as finding cans of food, or finding a blanket in an old forgotten apartment. Thinking about this, Samantha slowly drifted into unconsciousness. It was still quite early, with the sun still setting, but since she had volunteered to take a watch she had decided to hit the hay earlier than the others. That and she hadn't slept since the thugs had taken her and her sister. Although she had fallen asleep early and fairly easily, Samantha didn't have a good nights sleep. Images of her sister kept popping up in her dreams, along with blood and the groans of the biters. Unfortunately, Sam had had to make some tough calls while having her own group by the university. Those tough calls followed her in her dreams every night. The sound of their guns going off and the sight of people getting shot or being left out with the biters haunting her every time she went to sleep. The others tried to comfort her by telling her that it was necessary. That if they didn't do it, they'd all be dead. Her dreams went on until she felt something touch her. Sam had never been a deep sleeper. As she began to shake softly, she reached up and grabbed Abram's arm with both of her hands. Even though he was a much bigger man than her, Sam would have done all she could have to get away. Fortunately she remembered where she was and with who she was, and with an apologetic smile, she let go of him and stood up muttering about how she wasn't a kid. With a yawn, Samantha stretched and pulled her hair up in a ponytail. She grabbed her jacket and made her way over to the kitchen where there was a bit more light from the moon. "You've been busy" she muttered as she saw the table with his stuff on it. She lazily walked over to the counter where she had originally left her pistol and jumped up, sitting next to it. From here, she'd be able to get a good look out of the window without being seen. "Go to sleep. I'll be waking you up when the sun rises so we can make a supply run." The young woman rubber her eyes and blinked a few times to fully wake up. She wouldn't really wake him up too early. She'd let him get the same hours of sleep she got. He'd need his energy if he planned on keeping up with her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

**Floyd - The Hunter, The Hunted** The house's door creaked slightly as Floyd opened it. He looked back at the sleeping bodies who remained silent and unmoved. Closing it had the same effect, a short and sharp rasp coming from the hinges. Floyd made sure the door was closed sturdy then pulled his knife out, the tip pointing downward towards the ground. The sky seemed clear of clouds, but the large moon refrained from disappearing yet. It provided Floyd with a guiding light, illuminating the path before him. Floyd turned towards the vehicles, noticing the tires completely flat. He grunted at the sight, but now had to figure out in which direction the culprits went. He turned towards the street, not noticing anything suspicious or off the rail. He moved to the opposite sidewalk, looking at the grass for a possible trail. He crouched down and searched through the area. His eyes caught a glimpse of flat grass in the shape of a footstep. It was obvious they had gone somewhat in the direction the footsteps went. Floyd started to follow them and as he crossed the other street, he could still see the trail. Then they disappeared when he got to another house's driveway. His eyes widened a little trying to remember if there had been a car there when the group first arrived, and now that he thought of it, he believed there was. There was definitely a car there, meaning that whoever had done this had been keeping an eye on them since their arrival. But the track hadn't vanished completely as burned tire marks tainted the streets. They went north, meaning towards the center of the little town, possibly before they hit central or whatever was up there. Floyd was also certain that whoever had done this didn't want company around their place. And now it was obvious they were closing into wherever it was they stayed. This was going to get messy for sure because they had to continue north, but without vehicles and with future battle, luck didn't seem to be on their side. This was just the beginning, a message.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

**Abram - The House - Samantha** Abram chuckled when Samantha announced her dislike of him calling her kid. "You're all a bunch of kids to me..." He smiled lightly. He nodded as she spoke of a supply run the next morning. She was right, but they also needed to scout out the area. "Sure thing. See you in the morning." --- When the morning came, Abram woke with a weary eye. He glanced up from the recliner chair that he'd used as his bed. He saw that Leah was up from the couch, and sat in the kitchen across the table from Sam. He stood from the chair and stretched his muscle, then walked into the kitchen. He had reassembled his rifle before he went to sleep, and it now rested against the wall. He picked it up and set it back down in the kitchen, sitting in the third chair at the table. "Morning, ladies." He said, receiving an innocent grin from Leah. "Sleep well?" He asked. "Yes, sir." She responded with her usually polite tone. "Sam, I think we should get going pretty soon. Turisa's got a map in her car." He said. "I was thinking we could try going back an exit or two on the interstate - see what we can find."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

**Samantha - The House - Abram** Sam had been taken by surprise when Leah came into the kitchen to sit down. She had been so lost in thought that she didn't hear the girl. The night had been eerily quite and Sam was wondering why. No where she had ever been to had been this quite. Where were the biters? She dismissed the thought by telling herself it was because they were probably closer to the downtown area. Soon, Abram had walked in and greeted the two already in the kitchen and Sam smiled as she looked up. "Morning. Hope you got in some good sleep." She listened to Abram speak as she fiddled with a lengthy blade she had found in one of the drawers while she looked for food. "Okay. I found some canned food and sat it over there," she motioned towards the sink before continuing, "I say we leave Turissa here. It would make me feel better knowing someone with a little more training would be watching over the girls." She turned to Leah and shot her an apologetic smile, "No offense, Leah." Samantha stood up and stretched, turning towards the window to look outside. "Eat a little something before we leave. I'm going upstairs to ask Turissa if I can borrow her keys." She smiled at the two before making her way out of the kitchen and through the living room. It was weird being back in a normal house with people she technically didn't really know, but she had to trust. _'Maybe if Scarlett were here, it wouldn't be so alien.'_ After nearly taking the stairs two at a time, Sam knocked lightly and peeked into every room upstairs until finding Turissa. "Good morning." She didn't know if she was waking the police officer up or not so she lingered at the door as she waited for a reply. "I just needed to borrow your keys. Abram and I are going to scout out the area and on a supply run if possible." She didn't know how Turissa would take that she wasn't going to be going as well. Did she want to go? It was her truck after all. "I hope you don't mind. We won't be too long."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

**Alex Clark - The Road** Putting the only rifle they posessed down again as the other man put away his pistol and he could confirm that there wasn't anyone else in the vehicle of the man except from the woman who just got out aswell. He was a bit unsure what to do in this situation, and the others had only noticed the other car a tad later as him. Stepping forwards with the rifle still in his hands, he approached the other man to check if he still had any weapons on him. **"Why'd you stop here? Can you tell me who Enrique is?"** He demanded, still suspicious about their intentions. It was always possible that they were spies involved with him, but they probably were just simply people passing by. He felt sorry about treating them so roughly, but he'd learned that it was an essential to survive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

**Andrew and Zoe - The Road - Scouts/Alex/Danny/Shannon** Andrew was relieved when the young man lowered his rifle. When Andrew looked closer he saw that the guy actually looked a little bit older than him. He looked confident, but another man, one who held himself with authority came around to the young man's side. As Zoe stepped out of the car, there was nothing he could do to stop her. "Stay behind me, baby." He whispered. **"Why'd stop here? Can you tell me who Enrique is?"** At this Andrew's brow furrowed. "We stopped because we thought you people might need help- or a ride or something- I don't know. We were just trying to be helpful." He pleaded. "No, I'm sorry, but I have never met someone named 'Enrique'..." He lowered his hands slightly. Much to Andrew's alarm, Zoe stepped out and spoke, "If you're looking for that person, maybe we can help you. We grew up in the Baton Rogue and New Orleans area: we know it well."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 12 days ago

**Aaliyah and Imogen. - Hank's Group Home.** Although it was next morning and Aaliyah was sound asleep, The previous day she found out a lot more than she bargained for with Heather, now that she understood what was going on it probably strengthened her resolve to be their for her friend even more than ever. She had it stuck in her mind with what Heather thought and expected of Aaliyah in her strong belief that the others are disgusted with her and talking behind her back on the subject, Aaliyah would never pretend to know how her friend felt but heavily reassured her that she was not disgusted at all and in fact stated that she will never abandon or leave her closest friend she has since the outbreak and be there in any way possible for a shoulder to cry on or some one to talk to about anything. Aaliyah also stated to Heather on the way back in after locking up for the night that other people in the group do care and are not disgusted but to consider they might be afraid or unsure how to approach her without pushing Heather away or upset her more while dealing with the horrific event. Time had passed and it was now the early hours of the morning, Everyone was asleep or resting as best as they could. Floyd of course took the first watch, having an extra body and and pair of eyes to do such a thing put less strain and stress on the others that also did this night time job of looking out for the group in shifts. It was soon to be the time for Imogen to take her shift and relieve Floyd of lookout so he could get some shut eye himself. She was awoken early by Floyd calling to her in a whisper to which she stirred and eventually woke up, She had no issue with him coming into the room after all she found a lot of respect for the guy ever since his first appearance where she was rather cold towards him protecting her family, Something has was now apart of but it was what he said that got her concerned as thus quietly sorted herself out, grabbing her gear and thus following him down the stairs towards the front door. **"I got your back"** She whispered. Of course the door creaked slightly when Floyd opened it and Imogen followed him outside before he closed it which caused a similar creak but fortunately did not disturb the others from their sleep. Imogen followed a few more steps behind Floyd has he brought out his knife as she then stopped so she did not go to far from the front door, her crossbow was loaded but lowered for the moment while she looked around the area but mostly watching Floyd back, if something did happen she could aim and shot in a moments notice. She watched him carefully as he went down to their vehicles, it seemed to be a clear night sky in the early morning hours but it was still crisp air as Imogen could see her own breath every time she breathed out, She observed as he took a moment to look at their vehicles before going across the street on the opposite side walk making it harder to see him and before long he was of as if following a trail and immediately Imogen wanted to follow to have his back but just couldn't abandon the house and so remained on watch as he disappeared from view as he crossed the other street. She soon growed worried as he was gone from sight for a little while and thus checked to make sure nothing was amiss around the front of the house as the woman walked down to the side walk looking down the street trying to make out where he was, she ended up looking both ways just to be on the careful side, Imogen then stepped into the road to have still trying to see if there was any sign of him, did he go into another driveway or house? did he get jumped?.. She noticed the flat tires and immediately she was on edge. Some one else was here **"Floyd, Where the hell are you?"** She whispered. **Turisa. - The House.** Turisa took one of the rooms upstairs, she needed some time to clear her mind and get some alone time while going over yesterdays events, she was not sure about this group but they seemed to be a genuine bunch of individuals and there were plenty of times they could of got rid of her and took her truck and what little supplies she had remaining but didn't and it was one of the deciding factors for her not driving of when they found this house which in all honesty was a god send considering it had supplies and plenty of room for them and anything they could salvage or scavenge from the supply runs. It took a while for Turisa to get comfortable and get to sleep herself going over fears and worries which of course the following morning eased up a bit when she awoke to the sound of a light knock followed by a female voice. she took a moment to wake before sitting up and giving a little stretch, The officer had prior to going to bed took her police jacket and shirt that was placed at the bottom of the bed while the utility belt with her police standard issue gear was hanging on the bed post next to her, Turisa was still decent though as she whore a white tank top which revealed part of her dragon tattoo and her police uniform trousers. Her hair was slightly messy but that was to be expected and was something she good sort out in a moment as she swung her feet round to the side of the bed to look at the person standing at the doorway to her room, Clearing her throat Turisa replied. **"Morning"** She motioned for Samantha she thought she believed her name was. **"Makes sense to go on a run, So I guess you want to use my truck while I keep an eye on the others here while you are away?"** She responded allowing the woman to speak back while she thought about it for a moment, that thing was her home, it kept her safe and on the move and got her out of some right shit-storms. She sighed under her breath slightly after the woman's response and could see that it would make sense to stay but rather wanted to go herself, She got up and walked to her belt and unclipping her keys and looking at them, she wasn't sure but had to trust before looking over at same and reaching her hand out to give them to Samantha. **"Just make sure you bring it back in one piece and don't touch anything you shouldn't."** She paused remember and thinking back to her own baby she lost she had her pictures with her bar one that she left on the speed dial dash of her with her baby child looking so happy. **"Oh I almost forgot, while you are out there can you see if you can get some fuel? She only has a quarter of a tank left."** she half heartedly smiled. **"I'll be down in a minute."**
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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**Samantha - Baton Rouge - Abram** After Samantha woke Turisa up, she gave the young woman a bit of space so that she could fix herself after she had gotten out of bed. She smiled apologetically and turned to face towards one of the few windows the room had and began to walk over as she listened to Turisa. "Yeah, pretty much. We'd feel better if you'd stay with the girls. If you came along with us, they'd be alone and just the thought of that makes me sick to my stomach." Once Samantha heard the jingle of the keys, she turned around and smiled at Turisa, making her way over to her. "Thank you so much. This means a lot to me." She made no promises to bring the truck back. From her previous experiences with not only the biters, but thugs that roamed the highways, there was no guarantee that they would even make it back alive. Either way, Sam was beyond grateful, feeling the slightest bit of hope once more and momentarily forgetting about her troubles. Without thinking, she gave the police officer a brief hug before muttering the words 'thanks' and 'sorry' and running off out of the room and downstairs to fetch Abram. "Let's go. Jess and the baby still seem to be asleep, so Turisa will fill her in when she wakes up." Butterflies flew around in Sam's stomach as she thought about leaving the safety of the house. _'Back to the old routine'_ she thought as she grabbed her beretta and the blade she had been fiddling with while everyone was asleep. She stood at the door patiently while Abram gathered his things, watching him carefully. She would have to learn how to handle guns better and by the looks of it, Abram more than enough. Once they were ready, Sam was the first one out the door. She had already made sure that there were no biters in sight in the backyard, so she carefully crept around the side of the house with the blade at hand. Nothing. It was still eerie how seemingly calm it was around the area. "Honestly, I feel like one of these days something is going to pop out of no where." Samantha sheathed her blade and began walking towards the truck, unlocking it with the small control that was attached to the key chain and tossed the keys to Abram. "Oh and, Turisa said if we could fill her up. We'll be needing more gas if we want to make a quick escape in case things get bad." With that being said, Sam climbed up into the passengers seat and sat her weapon down before looking for the map. In her time living in Louisiana, she had never really been outside of the University campus. Hopefully the map would be a better guide than she was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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**Tyler - Baton Rouge Streets - Scarlett** Leaning around the corner, Tyler put his hand out to stop the rest of the group. Gripping the rifle in his hands, he eyed a pair of walkers hanging around the middle of the street. "Best to avoid them," he said, turning to Scarlett. He placed a hand on her shoulder, directing her back toward the way they came, Tina and Jace following suit. They were following Tyler's orders for now, but he knew they still didn't want him or Scarlett to be here. "It's just an exchange of supplies we have going on with another group," Tina had explained after Tyler had demanded to know what she had been up to. She and the others had seemed to assume Tyler's group wouldn't have asked. He'd watched her talk with Adam privately, before moving to take some supplies out of the storage. She'd said that she and Jace were going to do an errand, trying to leave before anyone asked any questions. Of course, Tyler _did_ ask, and soon insisted that he and Scarlett join them. A short argument had followed, but a reminder of Jacob's departure kept Tina from pushing it further. Now, they were trekking through Baton Rouge to meet this mysterious other group. Tyler had tried to get a look at what Tina had in her bags, but the girl was successfully keeping a tight leash on them. "Okay, here we go," Jace said. "Cross two blocks, and we'll be at the meeting point." Upon saying this, he and Tina pushed on ahead, practically daring to leave Tyler and Scarlett behind. Tyler kept up anyway, but lingered slightly to speak with her in a low voice. "I like Tina," he said. "But I don't like this. Aside from Adam, this is the first bullshit we've received from these guys." --- **Jon - Baton Rouge Streets - Matt** Jackson continued to laugh his ass off randomly, prompting Jon to roll his eyes. Again. He didn't mind hanging out with the new guy, Matt, but the so-called 'Jackal' was still a complete pain in the butt to be around. Jon was pretty sure Tremblay was punishing him for losing that guy the other day. It was largely known amongst the group that Jackson was a pretty big joke. Jon could do without him, and yet the others insisted he be kept around-- "Hey!" said 'The Jackal', grabbing Matt's shoulder. "We're almost there." _Yes_, Jon said, mentally. He moved to park the truck so they could walk the rest of the way to the meeting point. Tremblay had Matt come along for this deal so that he could start proving himself, which was fine by Jon. He liked when they got new people, considering how often they tended to turn people away. "It'll be simple enough," Jon explained, getting out of the vehicle. "Just check through what they've brought and make sure it's what Tremblay asked for. Then we hand over the supplies. Got it, Matt?" --- ** Danny - The Road - Alex/Rob/Zoe/Andrew** They'd stopped only momentarily, but it seemed long enough for a couple of strangers to come upon them. Everyone was too busy piling in to notice them at first-- That is, except for Alex, who proceeded to question the pair. Danny got out of the truck and followed after him, hoping they didn't start a fight. Just a man and his wife, so the stranger said, but Danny couldn't trust anyone's word-- not after Thomas, anyway. Shannon and the scouts piled out of the truck so they could at least stand on alert in case this went south. Danny didn't bother to wave them off. "So, you know the Metairie area as well, I assume?" Danny eyed the pair as he considered what they said-- Baton Rouge. Taking highway ten, you'd hit the city eventually. Truthfully, Danny didn't think Enrique would have gone that far, but if you wanted to simply head North... A moment of silence passed before Danny continued with, "Look, we're not here to fuckin' threaten you. I don't think you're here for that either, not with a group of armed men sitting in the truck bed. We're just looking for a man who kidnapped a friend of ours."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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**Scarlett - Baton Rouge Streets- Tyler** Scarlett had thought that after the supply run they had, and the horrid abduction of Katie, everyone would have decided to take a day off and just relax in the small building. Of course nothing had gone as Scarlett wanted ever since the day of her own abduction and today seemed to confirm it. The small group either ran or jogged through the streets of Baton Rouge, on their way to exchange supplies. Scarlett didn't believe it. She had agreed to go with Tyler, promising Katie that she'd bring him back to her safely. That was the main reason that she didn't simply go up to the two biters up ahead and slice their heads off with her blade. She listened to Tyler and kept close as they walked away. It relieved Scarlett to hear that Tyler didn't trust what was going on either. She nodded to him as soon as he spoke, whispering quietly back to him that she hardly trusted anyone in the group. She'd have to discuss this with him at a later time. There was something off about the group but Scarlett couldn't exactly put a finger on it. Once Tina and Jace went on, she only dared to speak in a voice slightly louder than a whisper, "We'll talk once we get back. Something isn't right but I don't know exactly what. Just be careful around them, okay?" Scarlett looked at Tyler as they walked, frowning slightly as she tried not to think of the negative. "Come on. We'll lose them." With that, she picked up her pace and unsheathed her machete pro. It always made her feel safer with it at the ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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**Tyler - Fitness Center - Scarlett** Before he'd left them, Jacob had warned Tyler to be careful around Tina and the others. Tyler had hardly needed to be told, but hearing Scarlett echo Jacob's previous statement reminded him that he was far from in this alone. He had more than just Katie to worry about now, and no matter how nice Tina and Jace seemed, they appeared to be holding something back. Tyler knew it well, being guilty of the same crime himself. "Try not to let them do all the talking," he said, before joining Scarlett in catching up to the other two. They were moving fast, heading into a park. Tyler looked around to catch a name, but the signs in the area had all been scratched out at one point. What appeared to be a baseball diamond and a running track sat in the distance, but it was a large yellow building that Jace was heading for. A large window in the side of the building showed a swimming pool, and once Tyler saw the exercise equipment inside the building, he knew this had once been a fitness center of some sort. Tina moved forward, resting her arms on the receptionist desk. "They're not here yet," she said to Jace. He only shrugged in response and moved to lean against the wall. "Are they usually late?" Tyler asked. He found himself staring through one of the windows into the pool area, trying to recall the last time he took a swim. "... No," Jace admitted. The man grunted, looking down at the ground. "But sit tight, they should be here soon enough."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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**Scarlett - Fitness Center - Tyler** _"Try not to let them do all the talking."_ Scarlett nearly cringed at the thought. What was she supposed to say? Who was she going to be dealing with? She didn't even know what Tina had in her bag. Although a million thoughts and questions ran through her mind, Scarlett kept a straight face and she kept quiet. It wasn't long before they arrived at the building she assumed was the meeting spot and hesitantly walked in after Tyler. "They're not here yet?" The young woman nearly jumped at the sound of her own voice, not expecting to say the question out loud, nor sound so stupid since the fact had just been stated. She didn't like the feeling of not knowing. It was quite ironic since that was pretty much how their lives were now. Not knowing what was going to happen each day. Scarlett sighed and began pacing around the room, spinning the blade in her hand without thinking much of it as she glanced from person to person then around the room. "Is this how you keep the one group, that one guy had mentioned, at bay?" Scarlett might have been horrible with names but she didn't forget that the drugged man that had once pointed a gun at her had mentioned that there was a much larger group that ran these streets. Larger and more violent. She had been trying to put two and two together as they had made their way to the meeting point and it wasn't until she looked closely at Tina and Jace that it dawned on her. What if they sold them out? "Do you know how many of them will be coming here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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**Enrique-The Bed and Breakfast** Enrique had a rough time sleeping, he kept seeing Amanda in his dreams. He didnt let it show but he really was loosing it over her death. He had a plan for the day, he found cans and bottles around the house and walked outside. He set the cans far off on a stump outside the B&B. The bottles were set up at a further distance with a bit of dirty water in them. He entered the house and saw his pack waking up. He went up the stairs and made his way to the girl's room. He rounded the corner and saw Trey standing there. He walked towards the door and Trey moved aside. He looked at Trey when he spoke and smirked a bit. "We train her up, the girl is gonna be one of us." Enrique said grabbing the handle and pushing the door open. His large frame filled the doorway and he made sure he spotted the girl immediately so she could make no secret attack. He pulled _La Pistola_ from his waist line and tossed it to the girl. "You're coming with me," He said stepping outside the room and waiting with his arms crossed. He walked down the stairs and outside and waited leaning against the doorway.
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