Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'll be posting my sheet shortly!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Can't wait to see it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ok, I finished my first CS:

Custom Supernatural
Name: Edward Grove
Age: (What you look like and what you are.) Around 700-800, Looks like he is in his twenties.
Gender: Male
Species: (No angels.) Warlock
Worker/Guest: Worker

Appearance: His looks are nothing special. He has short white hair, and crystal blue eyes. He has a tall, slender frame. His skin is rather quite pale since he doesn't get a lot sun, and he normally wears either black or purple robes over normal everyday clothes, albeit fancier clothes than what most people would wear.

Weapons: N/A
Powers: He is able to cast and use magic, this can in many forms a few of which are conjuration, alteration, divination, enchanting, alchemy etc.
Weaknesses: (No holy/blessed items.) His magic is some what sentient and as such, will force the following rules on all forms of his magic.

1. There must be some respect for the four elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. Namely, she can't immediately encase someone in matter or turn the floor in air and have them fall to their deaths. He can do those things, but it takes time. If he is just making like a pen, it is immediate, but if she makes a block of stone it needs to take time or a giant pit it will take some time. Also, in order to create solids, it must touch a solid (And can't be on a person due to a later rule) and in order to create a gas/vacuum space it must touch gas/vacuum space. Also, this also means he can't just set water on fire, but that is kind of obvious.

2. Magic can not directly effect an unwilling sentient being with notable intelligence. This consent can be implied, or previously stated and he can even make contracts but this is just to stop her from just polymorphing everyone and being completely busted. How this consent is obtained is not relevant, and can be got through threats, blackmail, lying etc. This rule also does not apply to offense spells and healing spells, for what I hope is obvious reasons. - As an addition to this rule, any contract made with another magic users must also be obeyed, though the rules can be bended, and a contract can break the first rule nor any limitation of magic.

3. Magic can not be lethal (Unless absolutely necessary to save the caster's life or limb) and is almost always not as bodily damaging as its non-magical counterparts. So if you set someone on fire with a magical fire, it is going to hurt and maybe give them some burns, but it going to cover their body in three-degree burns, and if she makes a magical sword and slices some down there waist line, it is not going to hurt and probably leave a mark or two, but it going to chop them in half. This applies to conjured weapons.

And as a note, though these aren't really rules, his teleports either take a few moments of concreted effort towards it and can't be down while she is being attacked, though he can still blink, but blink is pretty much a few feet in a particularly direction. And her levitation is basically limited to anything a human can pick up in two hands with all their strength though she can do it effortlessly despite its weight, so she can pick up a chest, a pen, but can't just pick up a boulder and throw it at someone.

Relationships: He has a wife and children, that left him after he went crazy.

Personality: TBH since I am lazy.

Bio: Edward was a wizard in his youth, and even then, he had to lay low however not quite as much as the camera-filled world of the present. He had a wife and children, and he practiced his art in relative peace. However, that peace was short lived when the black death sweep through his home country of England and one his children was effected. He was able to stabilize, but never cure his child. After awhile, it became an obsession and dwindled away at his mind. It got to the point where he would use other people as his guinea pigs, and while the plague was eventually what did them in, he sure did not make their lives easier during that time.

Across his studies, he discovered a semi-sentient magic with promise to be strong enough to cure even the black death itself. His weakened mind was willing to accept this magic as his own, and eventually he took a trip to eventually find this magic, though that is a story for another time, however that is not what caused him to completely snap, the magic he found was neutral in nature and did further bring him into the darkness, if anything it helped anchored him, however it was not strong enough to save his psyche when he returned home to find his son had already died. At that point, his weakened mind twisted and distorted and someone he found the Manager and eventually became one of his workers.

Other: Well Crap, you would think after 5-7 RPs with you, that I could stop doing this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Can't wait for this to start, but I was wondering. Seeing that Sai'tioula is a host to a elemental, can I have it where she gets confused for a regular human when she first arrives or something?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Totally interested :D

Deciding between a vampire or a fershee (male banshee)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Wel you can make custom supernaturals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThornyRose
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*This is my first rp :c Please be kind, and guide me along the way :D

Name: Dr. Thorne Rauss

Age: 21

Gender: Female


Past hunter?: "Hunter? I've only read a few notions about them." (In other words, nope)

Relationships: Had a boyfriend named Chriss. Chriss used her money to get other girls, and when Thorne found out, she gave him the boot.

Personality: Thorne is quite cheerful, happy-go-lucky, and open-minded despite the problems she had faced. She has developed a 'forget and forgive' mentality, and is quite quick to forgive people. Her trust is another story, and in other words, she finds it hard to trust others because of what Chriss had done to her. This means that Thorne might be easy to get along with, but gaining her trust is considered harder than a dissertation. Due to her intelligence, Thorne is quite sharp and knowledgeable in some aspects although physical labor is a no-go with her. She has a fascination towards the paranormal which shouldn't be surprising considering her PhD is in Metaphysics, specializing in Paranormal Science. When introducing herself, Thorne would often address herself as a 'Dr.', not because she's snotty or prideful, but because achieving her doctorate was the only memory she had that kept her heart from breaking into a thousand pieces when Chriss left her.

Thorne was a child-prodigy who was born to a marginalized family. Being the middle child out of thirteen siblings gave her no purpose, nothing to fight for. She was quite dull, not because she was an idiot, but because nothing was challenging her. She breezed through any test that elementary, middle school, and highschool gave her. However, her parents didn't give much encouragement nor affirmations for her. Although she was seen as a strong person, she secretly yearned for praise and acknowledgement, and these depravities caused her downfall in the form of Chriss, the most popular guy in her batch.

They first met during a field trip where Thorne was so fascinated by the campfire horror story that she blurted out her own findings when it comes to the supernatural. Before that, why supernatural? It was the only thing that challenged Thorne's logic and intellect; the paranormal was something she couldn't easily comprehend, and as such, she took a liking to it. Going back to Thorne's story, many sneered at her opinions which made her lose a lot of confidence, and that was when Chriss came into her life by appreciating her knowledge. No diploma, no perfect exam, no cookie, and no parental word matched to how Chriss acknowledged and praised Thorne to pursue her interest. Her mind was filled with nothing but Chriss, Chriss, Chriss, and breathing (maybe eating as well). These thoughts were increased when Chriss asked her out, and she gave her sweetest 'Yes'.

She was so encouraged by Chriss that she immediately finished her Masters in Metaphysics, and immediately went for a PhD in the same field of knowledge. She worked as a paranormal researcher at an institute. There, Chriss began to ask money from her. However, her naive mind thought nothing of this, and quickly gave whatever Chriss wanted; after all, he was the one who gave her a purpose in living. It was on Christmas that Thorne decided to visit Chriss at his house, although, she received a text from Chriss to not go to his house because he would be busy with thesis. Thorne thought that the best way to boost a morale when it comes to thesis was through a surprise from a girlfriend. She went to Chriss' house unannounced, and when she opened the door (it was unlocked) she saw a sight that shattered whatever dissertation she was working on back then.

Many might already guess what it was, but long story short, Thorne left the house with a smile on her face, and a dent on her cardiovascular system. She arrived at her house, sunken and sullen. However, she was only a few months before graduating, and as such, she used her raging emotions to write her dissertation, this time, on how the paranormal creature, a succubus, could affect how men would perceive love. In the end, she received her PhD with flying colors. However, she was face with a daunting question: 'Now what?'

Thorne decided to work again for the same research institution, and she stayed there for a few months... That was until, she was abducted by god knows who. These following experiences will give Thorne a glimpse of the fact that her research didn't just live on paper, but rather, upon the very earth that she walked upon.

Other: "Well crap." Dr. Thorne's reaction upon seeing Chriss with another woman on top of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 15 days ago

Leotamer- Accepted, but you did accidentally not switch it back to a male inclination on your power description. Not a big issue but just wanted to let you know.

ThornyRose- The only thing I think could be wrong in your bio is where everyone knows about the supernatural, where in this RP they don't. I'm not sure if you intended it like that so I just want to make sure. Other than that, accepted!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Luca
Age: Appears 15, is much older then this.
Gender: Female
Species: Lycan
Worker/Guest: Guest



Weapons: Claws and Teeth work well enough for her.
Power: Along with improved senses, speed and sternght that comes with being a Lycan, she also prides herself in having regeneration. However this skill is very untrained and rarely works well. Paper cuts? No problem.
Relationships: None, however she had unending trust for the staff and extreme hatred for humans.
Personality: Impulsive, Energetic, Fun Loving, Loyal, Obedient, Boyish, Violent, sometimes Rebellious.
Bio: Luca has been Lycan as long as she can remember. Her memory is incredibly hazy, as she spent a lot of her time as a wolf. She can recall a time where she was once human, but it unable to remember details. Luca was part of a large a powerful pack, one in which she was thankful for their protection and direction over her well being. Being so young, Luca couldn't help but get into mischief. She pack, being a danger to humans, was easily targeted by hunters. Most of them were killed, the rest scattering to keep themselves safe. She lived as a hermit in the woods for awhile, only wearing blood stained rags, until she heard from a passing spirit about the Hotel. After living there as a guest for awhile, she refers to them as a new pack. One who provides delicious food and blood for her.
Other: Well Crap
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 15 days ago

Accepted Dragonbud!

I'll be updating the first post and making a character thread when I get on my computer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FlatlandGirl


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

TheDoctor said
I'm going to assume you're fairly new here. This place is designated to the actual story portion, therefore called the IC (In character). The OOC (out of character) is where you post everything else, including this question.And to answer your question yes and please go to the OOC part of this thread if you have more questions.

So sorry, I didn't realize there were two different sections!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 15 days ago

FlatlandGirl said
So sorry, I didn't realize there were two different sections!

You're OK, we all make mistakes. Are you still interested in the RP?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FlatlandGirl


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

TheDoctor said
You're OK, we all make mistakes. Are you still interested in the RP?

I think so, I'm just trying to remember how to do character info and such . And I'm still trying to get a grasp of what the other's are doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Doc can ask the mods if they can clear out the IC, its no biggy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch


Name: Pandora Sky

Age: In Human Form, She Looks 21 (Real Age 2100)

Gender: Female A Duh!

Worker/Guest: Guest (But she does sing and dance, for the creatures, in the hotel parlor, occasionally, not to in slave them, her powers do not work on supernaturals...Yet).

Appearance To Fool Humans

True Appearance

Relationships: Only her slaves, that treat her, like their Queen, which they should. If they betray her, she will bring them to her, undersea castle, and do ungodly things to them.

Personality: Fun, Free Spirited, Bitchy At Times, Flirty, Cunning, Smart, A Leader, Charming, Seductive. Pandora likes to have things her way. It's her way, or she'll throw you off the highway.

Bio: Pandora, doesn't remember anything. She doesn't know how she was born, or made, or hatched even. She only knows, that she's alive to seduce men, make them her slaves, or kill them, and become Queen of all mortals, and soon all Supernaturals.

Other: Well Crap, what else do you wanna know her blood type? You sick vampires.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 15 days ago

Pandora is accepted!

FlatlandGirl said
I think so, I'm just trying to remember how to do character info and such . And I'm still trying to get a grasp of what the other's are doing.

It's all good, just ask if you need help!

I'll be doing a count tomorrow to see what we need. If it turns out we're good to go I'll start it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 15 days ago

Right so new count has been added to the first post. According to it the ratio between supernaturals and humans is 2:1 (I created a new human). I'm not sure if I should start with this imbalance since there's only four humans but if everyone wants I still can, or we wait for a few more humans.

To temporarily help with the imbalance I'm also letting any supernatural start with the woken up humans to disguise themselves as one in the beginning. I know Kiwani wanted to do this with Sai'tioula so I'm allowing any others to do it too, you just need to tell me you are.

Also I made the character thread. Everyone who was accepted post your characters here: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60754/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1874045
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FlatlandGirl


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Paige Tucker
Age: 21
Gender: female
Appearance: 5'6", lean, muscular build. Cute young woman with blond hair and green eyes. Has four parallel scars angled across her ribs on her left side that looks like claw marks.

Pass hunter?: Yes?
Relationships: None
Personality: Paige is a little standoffish but she is really fun loving and easy going once she gets to know someone. She has a love for rock 'n roll and drawing.
Bio: Paige remembers a time when she was little when she was told of fairy tales and the monster's within them. When she was little she didn' believe them, she had a Marine Corp dad, so she always felt safe. He taught her how to protect herself with various wepons, and taught her how to fight with hand to hand combat. Paige grew up, went to art school and was attacked one night on her way back to her apartment by a creature from nightmares. When she told her dad he told her the truth about the world, and she dropped out of school to join him in his fight. However, she doesn't have a clue how she got here...
Other:Well crap..... I don't know what else to put on here. Hopefully it's good enough!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 15 days ago

Accepted FlatlandGirl!
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