Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Anya nodded and tried to give her papa a brave smile back, but it ended up looking somewhat melancholic as she returned to guzzling her drink. When she had finished, she looked back up at her father hopefully.

"Did you find any fun places while you were out?"

Maybe if she went out and played with her papa, or got a little closer to curing the vampirism, she would feel a bit less sad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

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"Right, well then... Should inform the heroic knight and his daughter on the change of scenery." Elric stated plainly. He glanced down back at the steed. ... Right well, hopefully it'll go slow enough I won't have to worry about balance.. Elric kept a good clutch upon the box and book.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It didn't take abnormally long, but they finally did get there. Back to Elric's manor at last, and in due time, too. Lysander slowed down into a trot and halted by the man's door, where Corinne steadied the horse by his reins.
"Whoa, boy." Ben cooed as he stood to help Elric dismount. Corinne stroked the stallion's muzzle lovingly, smiling over at Elric with a smirk, "Got you here safe and sound, we did. Now...now you can go rest."
Her voice turned dark as her eyebrows knit together,
"Or you can tell us what you think is really going on...if not Baxter, then who? You must know...mustn't you? Elric?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"Well..." James considered, scratching his head.
"I found a place that wasn't very fun. I guess that narrows it down. I still haven't had the time to find anything, though." he decided to tell the truth.
"...I'll tell you what. At the very least, we'll go out stargazing tonight. Does that sound fun?" he asked, giving a nod of his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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While saddened that her papa hadn't found anywhere fun, Anya's eyes lit up at the thought of stargazing with her father. Stars were really pretty, and having her papa there with her made looking at the stars even better. The girl nodded somewhat enthusiastically.

"Yes, it sounds really fun!"

And it was one of the few fun things she could do outside now that she was a vampire, because it only happened at night. Since most children were in bed by then, and most adults were inside, it felt kind of like a special thing for just she and her papa.

Anya was about to wipe some of the excess blood off of her face with her sleeve before she remembered that that was impolite, and began looking around a bit.

"Papa? Do you have a handkerchief? I think I ate a little messy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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(Double Post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Elric's Barber/Surgery Shop

Remington, was not expecting to die, not like this. His hands were cold and clammy, and his face dripped with a cold sweat. His mouth was dripping with blood, as he made a few gasping sounds as the blood gurgled in his throat. He knew that death was assuredly awaiting him. He dug his right hand and its fingernails into the board as he struggled to pull himself forward. He, found that the strength he had quickly faded. His eyelids were drooping as his vision was finally fading to darkness. It was a miracle he made it this long...

I could have won, if it weren't for that kid, I would have been a contender. I wish I had you to blame for this Mimsy, old friend, b-but I'm alone... I... I don't want to die alone. I'm so c-cold... He thought as his lips quivered as he managed to announce in a dying gasp. "M-Mimsy... S-spea-" was able to be gurgled out before the inevitable.
Mysterious Camp in the Forest
"Twenty one!" Said a goon who laid down his cards on Jel, who was now swarming with flies. The camp leader, the mysteriously dressed Elf sighed. "Well they clearly failed. Right well, we should get out of here." He bluntly stated as he got up, before thinking. "Hold up, Rogers, you go back into town and just confirm they failed."

Rogers, a man dressed in chain-mail tunic, and had a large boil on his pig-like nose gave a nod to his colander. "Aye aye sir!"
Elric's Manor
Ah the manorhouse, a sight that Elric didn't see all too often as he usually slept in his shop. He was assisted off the steed by Benjamin, strange lad he was, Elric gave a nod, as he clutched onto the book and box. "A-ah thank you." He said as he wheezed out a nasty cough as he shot out globbels of phlegm. Elric raised his eyebrow at Corinne incredulously, "Rest? I have so mu-" Elric grimaced in agony from his condition as he coughed up another globblet of phlegm. "A-as I was saying." His tone clearly racked with pain, "I have much work to do. And I h-have some ideas but I'd like to be able to verify and confirm it." He said. After a lull, "I'll really need to send a missive to the knight..."
Interrogation Chamber of the Guards
Mimsy just recently woke up and he noticed he was in a dark room. "Boss we fina- Say what's going on here?" By the dim torch light that illuminated this rather small room, he saw the silhouette of another man, well not so much a man but a Gnome. Yes it was definitely a Gnome. He stepped forward, revealing his trimmed black hair and goatee. He had a large scar across his neck and he was dressed in a bright purple tunic and blue woolen pants with a silver trim.

"...What's going on?" The Gnome boisterously declared with an abnormally baritone voice, even compared with an adult man, "We are going to have a little chat." He said rattling a few chains, which had a large meat-hook on the end of both sides. Mimsy glanced around, noticing he was latched down to a chair. "You were brought here by some good folks, and-" Mimsy interrupted, "How did I get here?" He said with no trace of trying to be mean, but a genuine curiosity.

The Gnome was taken aback by this, "I told you already..."
He said starting to get annoyed. Oh by Pelor this is gonna be a long one...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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James checked his pouches. There was no way he was carrying a handkerchief. He considered for a moment, then snapped his fingers. He drew his dagger and cut a piece off the hem of his surcoat, and used it to wipe Anya's face clean.

"There. Better." he said, eyeing his handiwork.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Just outside the mysterious camp

Rogers did not look like he was in a hurry. If not for the longsword strapped to his back and the chain mail he was clad in, he would have looked like an ordinary traveller.
Suddenly, our ordinary traveller realized he had only mere seconds to live.
Captain Ironmaw scrutinizingly glared into the pig-nosed man’s eyes. The other ninety-odd guards followed his gaze.
“H-hello, u-um... kind sirs! I-”
The captain had no patience for thorough interrogation. With a mighty cry accompanied with a fierce flaring from his nostrils, he yelled something in Draconic. Roughly translated into common, it would have been this: “Attack!”
Not all of the Estermerean garrison knew Draconic, but they sure as hell knew what their captain meant. With a mighty cry, they trampled Rogers the Nisceni underfoot (or underhoof, for that matter) and charged into the Nisceni camp.
The captain was about to order his men to slay everyone in sight when a familiar green cloak dropped down onto his horse, in front of him. A few other of his kin did the same to Ironmaw’s lieutenants at the front of the convoy.
“Stay your hand, captain! Before killing them, I think we’d like to find out where they came from, no?”
Ironmaw was about to raise his voice in reply, but saw the sense in this and nodded. The wood elf, along with his comrades, leapt off the horses and strode towards the surrendering red-clad guards. He swiftly grabbed the collar of the mysterious elf, who was trying to escape in vain. They began to converse in Elvish.
“Ordinary travelers in the forest, eh? We’re not that stupid.”
“H-hey. P-please, let us go, or they’ll get angry-”
“Who’ll get angry?”
“WHO?!” The wood elf raised an intricate yet sharp dagger to the Nisceni elf’s throat. Meanwhile, Ironmaw gave a subtle nod of approval.
“T-the emperor!” Before the wood elf could give another brutal collar tug, the Nisceni continued “Of Nisceni!”
Under a green hood, two bright emerald eyes glittered. “That is all we need to know.”
He turned back to Ironmaw. “Chain these boys up, captain, and let’s go back to the town. I think we got a niiice long talk later with these birds.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Anya looked up at her papa after he finished cleaning her up, and gave him a small smile.

"I'm all clean now," announced Anya, "Except for all the filth. We should take a bath soon."

Anya became quiet for a second or two, thinking about various things, before continuing.

"Should we... clean up mister Elric's study before he gets home?" she asked quietly, her mind wandering once again to the dead man in the room. And also to all the things she spilled and drew on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After the Highly Heroic Battle

One of the goons glanced towards the mysterious elf. "...You cracked like a damn egg you god damn pus-". The Elf quickly barked up, "YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I HATE SCARY SITUATIONS!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"A bath would do us well. I'll see if Elric can supply anything. For now...." James rubbed the girl's head, and stepped outside.

"We should get rid of this corpse. You find a bucket of hot water, and I'll move the body." he knelt down beside it, and quickly began to rife through Remington's pockets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Looting the Body.

And so James went through a time-honored tradition of many adventurers, looting the bodies of the fallen. In Remington's pockets he found a red handkerchief, with the symbol of the Nisceni Empire, a golden spider with it's legs extended outwards ready to embrace the world in conquest. He also found a gold piece, and three silver pieces in his pockets. Alongside these he also had a small sheet of paper that was folded up rather neatly. And he found a bit of hardtack, partially chewed, looked like enough for one meal.

Of course, the dagger he used earlier was back where he held Anya hostage... for a brief moment. Unfortunately for him, it didn't work out as well as intended.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A Den - a place where a wild animal lives. The definition could not be applied more aptly than to this run-down, filthy old tavern. Everything here was covered in a thin layer of grease and slime. The locals could only be described as animals, drinking and swearing and fighting. Not that Corvus was afraid of a good fight, but quite frankly, he didn't want to degenerate himself by brawling in such an unsanitary place. He even thought he saw a couple fornicating in one of the darker ends of the pub.

Still, it was better than the streets, and there were few other places to go. The food here was filling, if not flavoursome, and the beds were clean enough. In the grand scheme of things, there could be worse places for the ex-soldier to lay his head. And anything was better that going back home, to the soldiers and the gangs. This was an escape for him and by Tyche, it was about as far removed from home as he could get.

Still, the mead wasn't worth drinking and although there were a few pretty girls, he paid little interest to such banal pursuits such as those of the flesh. Only one girl would ever captivate his heart, and she had long since left him. For Dagon's sake, even the water tasted faintly of blood and sex. What a waste of resources.

With nothing else to do, Corvus' eye slowly patrolled the room, pointing out any particular characters. Disgusting little bars like this always had more interesting stories than the high-end, refined joints. At best, in a high-end place, he'd see inherent rich-boys, honest bug famous artisans and thieves under the guises of businessmen. Here, there was a dozen stories calling out to him, each more depressing than the last. For example, what had driven that drunken vagrant at the bar to spend what little money he had on such cheap booze? Why was that young lady, barely older than 15, playing tonsil-hockey with the all-to-obviously pedophile priest, searching for his wallet whilst pretending to flirt with him? Perhaps he saddest tale of all was the one that lead the poor sod in the corner to drink himself to death, his corpse mistaken for one of several sleepers, no-one bothering to check if he was alright.

Yup, the stories of the poor where infinitely more interesting than the stories of the rich. He'd been around both long enough to know he'd rather be rich and boring than poor and interesting. Stories were nice, but you couldn't feed yourself with a story, nor could you swap it for a half loaf of bread. Money made the world go round, and though everyone here seemed to be having a good time, there was pain behind every smile, sorrow behind every punched arse and dirty joke. It would be pitiful if these men were worth the pity. But instead of dealing with their issues like adults, they escape. They run away like chickens, seeking the comforts of a cheap, watered down beer.

Now, there was a real winner. That girl with the mask, mesmerising the brawler from earlier. He followed her like a dog after a master - rather, he followed a part of her. He'd never get her fully. Corvus wondered why she was performing such suggestive, hypnotic movements for this man in particular when she knew she could have anyone in this bar on their knees - all the man, bar himself, of course, and most of the girls would give an arm and a leg to see under that leather outfit.

But... That wasn't right. Something was wrong. Corvus' ears pricked up, alert and ready. For a moment, he could have sworn he heard a glass shattering. Not a dropped glass, but one broken covertly, quietly. His eyes once again settled on the girl and her lustful victim, certain there was a story behind this too.

Oh yes there was. The girl was almost flawless in her manoeuvres, making sure few could see her true intentions, and none saw her face. But she made a mistake. She had murdered a man in Corvus' presence. Completely sober and trained in both gang warfare and military conflict, Corvus was faster, more perceptive and all round more suited to dealing with this incident than any other patron in the bar. Indeed, though a few faces looked her way as she stumbled over a barrel, few tried to stop the assassin from escaping. The man had been left to die without aid or comfort. Once again, Corvus found himself stunned by the lack of pack ethic these swine had - one of their own is butchered in front of them and they go back to their drinks as though nothing happened.

Pigs, every one of them. Cursing their pathetic, meaningless lives, Corvus followed the assassin outside. Keeping to the shadows, he stalked the stalker, noting her movements carefully, making sure he wasn't detected.


The girl clambered through an open window, presumably her room. It wasn't difficult for the ex-Khan to climb up after her, though he did take a little slower, considering he was avoiding making any noise at all. Foolish girl had forgotten to shut the window - big mistake.

Once inside, Corvus took a look around. Typical tavern room of the Den's caliber, perhaps a little tidier than the usual patron's, but still dingy and low quality.

"Tomorrow will be a new day" the soft voice could only have come from one place - the girl's bedroom. Deciding now was time for neither subtlety or diplomacy, Corvus drew his sword and kicked open the door

"Indeed." The steel blade was aimed directly at the girl on the bed "But ask yourself this, murderer - will you live to see that new day? I saw your antics downstairs, and I am unimpressed. You better explain yourself, now!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Niscenci? Hm." James pocketed the kerchief, and deposited the money with his own meager supply. He could get some extra candy for Anya, now. The dagger would be serviceable; he plucked the sheathe from Remington's belt and affixed the weapon next to his own dagger.

James almost stopped to ask whether he should respect a dead man's privacy before unfolding the paper and examining its contents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Shisa Rival Character

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Anya nodded at her father as he left, and obediently began looking around the shop for a bucket of water to heat up. She didn't want to have to go outside to fetch any, given her condition, but luckily this was a barber shop. She quickly found a bucket which may or may not have had some shavings in it, and started heating it next to the fire place. When that was done, she carried it carefully to the door of the study.

Anya really didn't want to go back in there right now, and just thinking about what had happened made her a bit queasy. She timidly knocked on the door, and called out to her papa.

"I got the hot water, papa! There's a lot of hair in here, but it's probably OK for cleaning."

She paused for a second before adding, with some hesitation, "Do you... need me to go in there and help?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dramatic Reveal of the Paper

James would have made a complete error if he in fact, respected 'basic decency' of the dead and did not loot it like a heroic hero. As he unfolded the paper, he also remembered that, guard chainmail armor could also be useful in obtaining money for candy. But ah, he did unfold the paper, which revealed there was another sheet in the paper as well. Fascinating.

The initial paper read as.
Agent 927. Ethay ieldsfay illway ebay athedbay inway oodblay, afterway
ethay operationway.
Thrak the praush U Jug banôs

The secondary paper read as.
Remember to get more hard-tack, and basic supplies.
Remember to make sure Mimsy shuts up.
Practice glaring.
Get more money.
It'll be worth it in the end.
...For myself, and possibly Mimsy, anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"You don't have to help if you don't want to." James answered, pocketing the note then clearing out a trunk.

"This is messy business, after all." he said, roughly placing the body in the container. It would do until he could figure out a proper disposal method. He was pretty sure there was a river nearby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Disposing the Body

And so James cleared out a trunk within the study, pulling out a quilt and a pillow. After placing those two items aside, he would also have pulled out a, rather mature and adult Romance Novel, which appeared rather worn from multiple uses, as compared to the other ones that were there. The cover appeared mostly intact, such as its title, The Sorcerer's Flower. The author's name was worn out. Anyway, after clearing those out it was an easy task to place Remington within the trunk, and luckily for James, it appeared that he fit in mostly well. The corpse was a tad tight fitting inside the box, but he still fit in completely, maybe it'd take a bit of force to secure it shut, but it'd definitely stay shut.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"A book?" James nabbed the novel off the ground. He was about to place it on the shelf, before curiosity got the better of him, and he flipped it open to a random page.

"And then the minotaur revealed his...." James muttered aloud, the color draining from his face. He had to destroy this book before Anya read it.
"WELL IT APPEARS THIS BOOK IS FULL OF BORING ADULT STUFF. LIKE ACCOUNTING." he said in a loud voice, shoving the novel into his pouches.
"Nothing a little girl would be interested in. Anya, don't read these." he said, dipping a rag into the steamy water, and beginning to scrub.
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