Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

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Indy heard a voice call out. It was a female voice, and sounded young. He peeked out from behind the desk to see Jackie creeping around the office. "What are you doing here?" he questioned as he stood up from his hiding place.


The dirt road from Sleepy Hollow to Marshall College was black as the night. Only a glimpse of moonlight broke through the canopy of leaves from the surrounding Forrest. A headless rider and his ghostly white horse traveled swiftly. The white steed's hooves kicked up dirt and fallen leaves as it galloped towards their destination. It's eyes were glowing an unnatural red. It's rider clad in the old British uniform was the headless horseman, the mysterious murderer, a phantom in the night.

At the same hour, Reverend Alfred Knapp was locking the doors of St. Martin's Church. He was in a hurry. He knew what was happening around campus and had to stop them. Running to the graveyard with a shovel in hand, Reverend Knapp heard the eerie neighing of horse nearby and stopped in his tracks. Frantically the Reverend looked around the church's old graveyard to identify the source. Again the spooky sound of the ghoulish horse echoed through the night, but this time accompanied by the familiar hoof-trod of a galloping steed. Reverend Knapp panicked and ran for the exit of the graveyard... that's when he saw him.

The headless horseman blocked the exit. Dismounting the ghost horse, the man drew his ax and approached his target. Reverend Knapp stood his ground and furiously looked death in the face and growled with a righteous anger, challenging his opponent. The Reverend began to chant in a foreign language using witchcraft. HE raised his arms to summon the chain off a fence post as if he were charming a serpent, using the enchanted chain as weapon he sent it soaring at the horseman as his enemy raised his ax. The chain wrapped around the man's ax-wielding arm, momentarily halting the attack. Using no time to spare, Reverend Knapp cast a spell on another chain, sending it to wrap around the horseman's legs.

This seemed to have no effect on the Reverend's adversary, for with his free arm he took the ax and swung at the chain that wrapped his legs then with a twirl of the weapon at the chain that bound his arm. Instantaneously the metal chains broke as the ax cut through them without resistance. Reverend Knapp shouted with and sent the rest of the chain at his enemy's waist, but the headless ax-wielder twirled his weapon around his body releasing the chain-hold and marched toward it's prey. Flipping the ax with it's left hand the horseman cornered the old priest into the church wall.

"I'll never tell you where it is!" Reverend Knapp spat in defiance, but the horseman pressed forward until he stood facing the elderly man.

"I'm prepared to die..." Knapp confessed.

The horseman swung his ax with a two-handed grip, its axe-blade searing with heat of a furnace, removing the Reverend's head with a squishing thump; and then walked away to his horse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie jumped in fear, gripping her book even tighter to her chest as she started at her professor. "I could ask you the same thing, professor jones." She said, her hands shaking as she gripped the bible tightly. "I want to find out who murdered my professor...my mentor. It's my job to find out who killed him." She whispered softly. She was holding the bible very close to her chest, she wouldn't let him see or touch it. "I have to....someone killed him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I'm trying to figure out the same thing," he said removing the custodial cap he wore as cover. Indy pointed to the files over in Corbin's desk," I'm just trying to find out a clue in all this. I don't think Professor Corbin was murdered out of hate... I think they were after something. Something, he knew about, or had hidden around here..." Jones shuffled through Dr. Corbin's office rummaging over anything that looked to be of importance. Why would anyone want to kill an archaeology professor, anyways? There was something more than meets the eye about Corbin. Maybe he was involved with some bad people? No, Marcus spoke very highly of Corbin. He thought about all the possibilities. It frustrated him since he had so many unanswered questions as to what was going on around here, but he was determined to discover the truth. Then he remembered a conversation from earlier. Jackie was reading an old book she said her mentor had left behind, and here she was in Corbin's office. That's who her mentor was... Indy looked over at Jackie with a feeling that the book was a clue to all this mystery.

"Jackie, that book Doctor Corbin gave you... where is it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie stepped back, clutching her jacket/the bible. "Y-you can't have it. N-no. He left it to me so I could protect it." Her body was shivering in fear as she gripped the bible to her chest. "You aren't...you can't touch it!" She whimpered softly, hugging her book close to her. "I don't want you to take it. I'm trying to protect it. Find out why he left it to me and why someone would want to kill him. Kill a good man who did nothing w-wrong!" She was stuttering a little bit as her body was terribly shaking. "You can't have it. You can't take it I won't let you." She looked down at her jacket. "I'm supposed to protect it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Shh!" he said quietly. "I'm not going to take it from you," Indy raised his arms in an innocent gesture. "But you need to be quiet or someone will find us in here." He looked out the window of the office door to make sure no one was patrolling the hall, then glanced at Jackie who was still freaking out. If she doesn't stay cool, she'll get me in trouble. "Just stay calm, and relax... worrying about things isn't going to help you. Think about why Corbin left you that book. He trusted you, maybe he left you a clue to what was happening to him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie removed the book from her strong grip and put it out in front of him, murmuring down. "I've been reading every little thing in this bible and I can't come to any sort of conclusions. It's like....maybe I'm wrong...looking in the wrong places or something, but I can't find what he wanted to leave for me. I just I don't understand."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Indy picked up the old Bible and inspected it. It was extremely old and worn, its pages showed user wear over time. This book has been read through many times, and has seen better days. He opened up the front of the old Bible and read an old signature. "By God.." He gasped. His face lit up with excitement as he realized the significance of the artifact he was holding. "This is no ordinary Bible. This is George Washington's Bible!" He pointed at Washington's signature, then noticed the marker placement. "It has a passage marked in the Book of Revelations..." He opened the holy book to the passage that was marked.

“And there before me stood a white horse, and it’s rider held a bow. And his name was Death. And then a voice like thunder said, ‘Come and see!’”

Indiana Jones has done much of his research with ancient texts to include and extensive knowledge of the Old and New Testaments of the Jewish-Christian scriptures. "This tells of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie looked at him. She could feel her hands slightly shaking. "So what you're saying is that something....something normal didn't kill him. I know that. His head was cut clean off and the spatter suggests it wasn't done with a sword and there were no bullet wounds. Not a single one so what killed him?" She asked, rubbing her face slightly, nervously as her hands were still shaking quite terribly. "What could have killed him." She whispered. "Four horsemen." She murmured softly. "It was marked...he makes the page for a reason. He's trying to lead us to what killed him. To who and that's who. Possibly." She rubbed her face. "I'm not letting you take it either. No one expects a student to have it as they would expect you more than I." She said, sitting down as she was thinking. "We need to go to the church... The priest always knows something."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marshall College campus security and officers of the Westchester County Police Department had already arrived at the church before Dr. Jones and Jackie. There seemed to be another murder scene on campus. Captain Irving was speaking with another officer. "I want a twenty foot perimeter and a full sweep of the campus. Who the hell would decapitate a reverend? This is supposed to be a nice, quiet campus. You got rosebushes on every damn sidewalk."

"The wound is cauterized again. Same M.O. as Dr. Corbin," said a Lieutenant.

Indy grabbed Jackie's arm and whispered into her ear, "I think its a good idea if we leave." He had a bad feeling about this place, like he was being watched not by someone but something.

"Dr. Jones, what the hell are you doing out here this late?" said Indy's boss Professor Black as he slowly approached the two from behind. He leaned against his cane and glared with a wrinkled face first at Jackie then at Indy.

"Sir, we only heard all the activity going on here and went to see what was going on."

"The police have everything under control, now you leave this scene to the professionals or you are suspended until further notice. End of discussion." Dr. Black said harshly as he walked away towards Captain Irving.

"Yes sir." Indy replied bitterly under his breath.

"You have any ideas where we can look for clues without running into trouble?" he asked quietly looking at Jackie.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie looked at the church and Dr. Black and she sighed. No chance of looking around there. "His home. He only went to the church and his home and maybe the library every now and then." She whispered softly as she stepped back.

She felt like they were going to cover this up. "They're going to cover this up Indy." She murmured, stepping back as she started down the path. "They always do this....no one is on Dr. Corbin's case because they have no suspect...or someone knows more than they're telling." She stated, walking down the path. She would look at the crime scene as she walked past, her eyes studied every bit quickly, then she walked a little faster.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Indy let Jackie lead the way to Dr. Corbin's house. He lived in a quaint country cottage within walking distance from Marshall College. It was surrounded by the forest. Jackie had a key to the house. He followed her inside.

Inside there were a lot of old photos of Dr. Corbin some with Jackie. He didn't have any kids it seemed or much of a family outside of Jackie. There also were a lot of paintings dating back to the Revolutionary War. He knew the professor had a very keen interest in the era. Indy thought about the priest back at the church. He remembered Jackie had mentioned Corbin made regular visits to the church. How were the two connected?

"Corbin knew something was up and I'm thinking there is more to the story that has to do with the church than we know... but what?" He thought out loud. He reached up naturally to grab his fedora when he realized he was still wearing the janitor's outfit and threw the old cap he had stolen to the floor and then shed the jacket. He didn't need the disguise anymore, besides Dr. Black still recognized him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie frowned, looking at all the pictures. She missed him so much. She missed him a lot. He had been almost like her best friend and she missed him more than anyone could ever imagine. She needed him more than ever now...but he was gone forever and who did she have left? No family whah so ever and no friends.

"He left the bible for a reason..he wanted me to figure out what was going on, but....how." She whispered softly, starting to look around his house more. "I hate thinking that this was probably my fault. I let him die...I should have been there. I was always there late." She murmured, looking for his nose. "The priest and Dr. Corbin need a connection to one specific thing. The murderer. Possibly, but who carries an ax. Only characters in stories or back long who they would."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Indy put a hand on Jackie's shoulder and with the other brushed Jackie's dark strands of hair out of her face to free her eyes. Before he said anything Indy looked into her eyes and saw the sorrowed look on her face. For a moment he forgot about all the questions he had for her and thought about how intriguing her icy blue eyes glinted in the moonlight that shone through the cottage windows. In that moment all Indy wanted to do was comfort her and protect her.

"Jackie, sweetheart, you aren't to blame for this. You aren't responsible, and this isn't your fault. Blaming yourself will only make it worse for you, Doctor Corbin wouldn't want that for you, he would want you to finish school and achieve your goals. He would want all your dreams to come true."

He thought he glimpsed something in her eye that had nothing to do with the murders or about her mentor. Jackie looked dazzling in the moonlight. Indy reached out and pushed back an unruly strand of her dark hair which had fallen across her cheek. Jones forgot about the murders and shut out the rest of the world. There was no need for words, and he hoped consent was mutual. He bent forward; his lips brushed against hers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie was lost at whah was happening. But she felt like it was something good. If there was still good in the world anyways. But she thought there was still good. Good people and he was one of them. But the things that were happening....wasn't it against the rules? It wasn't right, but she felt like it truly was right. She stayed still, her eyes fluttering shut as she felt his lips brush hers.

Jackie felt her eyes flutter shut as she would kiss him back slightly. No one ever came near this house other than Jackie. So she knew they wouldn't have a chance of getting caught. But she liked this. He was warm and his lips were soft. She blushed slightly, her mind was blank. She couldn't think, but managed to stutter out, "maybe we should come back....tomorrow..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Why come back when we are here right now?"

He ran his hands lightly along her sides, his thumbs grazing lightly over the swell of her small breasts. "Your heart's pounding," he whispered.

Indy's tongue darted into her mouth. He seemed to suck the breath from her lungs. His fingers threaded through her hair, and ran down her back. He pulled her to him, feeling her thighs pressed against his. They moved against each other, suddenly he remembered his position...

She was one of his students. He wasn't thinking straight, but his mind had been all over the place especially since he had been away from Deirdre too long. Besides he couldn't resist her dazzling eyes, and she did seem to be enjoying herself... his mind wasn't going to be thrown off track.

He pulled back for a moment, his arms still around her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't... I mean, I got distracted... your beautiful... I just want to help you find out what's going on."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie's eyes shifted away. So was it just nothing to him? That's what worried her so she gently pushed him off and sighed. "I'm...I'm not like those girls back at the college...you must think I am that way. That I don't feel any sort of love or anything." She murmured as she put the bible in her messenger back and looked at him. "I think I'm just going to head back to the college." She murmured, looking around to find something.

"I mean I knew I'd die alone, just thought I'd have him around. I never had a father. Dr. Black basically adopted me, Dr. Corbin after him." She said softly, looking around as she took a picture for the wall. Just one to hang up. She didn't have any pictures hanging up. Might as well make use of one. She sighed.

"I'm going to come back alone tomorrow...maybe go through it all with a clear head." She whispered, looking around one last time before going to the door. "I can't let you stay here alone...I have to lock the door back." She murmured softly, shaking her head. "I don't like relying on people, Dr. Jones. People never stay so what's the point in the end."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Indy mentally cursed himself for saying the wrong thing. "That's not what I meant..." He said as Jackie walked away collecting her belongings.

"Look, Jackie, I didn't mean to hurt you... That wasn't my intentions at all."

He gazed over at Corbin's desk which sat a box of files which he hadn't noticed before, when he was preoccupied with Jackie.

"Wait... Jackie, don't leave. Look!" he pointed at the box of files on the desk. Approaching the desk, Indy reached in, dug through, and pulled out a small wooden box. He opened it which contained an old journal. It was Dr. Corbin's diary. He picked it up and began to read it.

"There were one hundred witches put to death in Sleepy Hollow between 1712 and 1816. Town records suggest members of two different covens integrated into the populace and changed their names to stay hidden. Others spread out across the East Coast. Two covens representing good and evil..."

He stopped reading and handed the diary it to Jackie. "Do you know anything about this?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie put the diary in her messenger bag. "Yeah and you should leave Dr. Jones. Dr. Corbin always told me something he found out. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. You shouldn't snoop through his things." Jackie said, her trust for him was officially gone. She just wanted him out of this place. She didn't want him here helping her anymore.

"I've been abused by words all my life and worse than words before as well. Yeah it hurts that you think I'm that way. A slut or something, but I'm not." She said, grabbing his arm and pulling him out and locking the door back. "Stay away from here. I don't need your help. You're only helping because you pity me and I really don't want your pity." She said, grabbing her messenger back. Her knuckles were nearly turning white she was that angry and hurt.

Jackie walked away from him, feeling and few tears rolling down her face and she broke out into a sprint. She wasn't going back to the college. She needed to get away. She kept whispering it over and over, "I'm not one...I'm not..." She wiped her eyes. "Maybe I can be next." She muttered, she was going to the church, figuring the police would be gone as well as Dr. Black. She could do her own investigation alone. "I should have known this would happen...you open up to someone and try to trust them...and they hurt you." She whispered, wiping her eyes. "But why are they killing Dr. Corbin and the preacher. Maybe because...they think they know what's happening?" She was talking to herself, her voice shaky. "Why did he have to die. Him of all people." She whispered, looking through the dirt. There had to be footprints. That's somewhere to start.
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