Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 12 mos ago

The sound of his voice made Kiara instantly regret wishing he was around. She'd much rather have stabbed the man and not have had to talk to or see Ostus. She'd taken great pains to avoid him since that day in the stable. It wasn't that she hated him. In fact, she rather liked him when he wasn't trying to argue with her. It was that Ostus had some opinions about her that she could not take. What if all her people felt the way he did? It was something she did not want to think about.

Each time they'd been attacked, she watched him run out to protect the caravan, waiting behind until she was sure he was no longer paying attention to her. Then, she would grab her bow and quiver and run towards the children. She knew that it was important that she reach Berinike, but if she let her people die here... what kind of leader was she? Kiara was careful: hiding behind carts, horses, and trees. She knew better than to stand out in the open where she could easily be seen and attacked.

The children would tell their parents what they'd seen her do, but they never believed. After all, she was just the wife of a peasant. It was better that way, that they didn't know. If they had, she'd have to interact with them more than she already did. Lately, Kiara just wanted to be alone. She did not have very much longer until she would be constantly surrounded by people until she died. It was almost more than she could stand.

Kiara blinked a few times, coming out of her own thoughts to find the man had run off, probably because of the look in her "husband's" eye. She didn't blame him. It had given her the chills as well. Behind them, she could hear the music, feel the pounding of dancing feet, and smell the smokey air. This was usually the time that Kiara snuck off, climbing into the canopy so she could watch and experience and yet be apart from it. Usually, Ostus was too busy pretending to have fun. Now, though, he was watching her, and she was not sure she could get away.

Her gaze fell on him just as her mind had and her eyes softened just a bit. Perhaps him feeling guilty was not as unbelievable as she had thought moments ago. He certainly did seem to be avoiding her for some reason like that. He'd been looking at her like a kicked puppy dog. Though, she though, perhaps he was only here in this moment because he was being paid to protect her. She wasn't sure that keeping men away from her counted towards that job, however, as she could handle that alone.

Still, she appreciated it, and she was sick of ignoring the only travelling companion she would have soon. It would be a very long journey once they reached the mountains if they could not even look at each other. In a truce of their own, she reached out her hand to him and asked only one question, her tone sincere for the first time since they had met. "Care to dance?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alfbie
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Alfbie Shenanigans!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ostus grinned as he watched the man take off; that was easy! Intimidation seemed to come easier with age; he was happy he still had "charm," though that now left him alone with Kiara.

Logically, he should use this time to leave. Perhaps he should go dance out there with the others or go get a drink. A few of the men, however, glanced their way. Kiara and Ostus had slept in separate tents the first night, and men being as they are, he was teased about it the next morning. He didn't even remember what excuse he muttered off to get them to stop the jokes, but it was clear that if he kept his distance from the princess too long, these people would start to ask more serious questions.

So he stayed, looking at the fire, the dancers, the trees surrounding them, anywhere but at Kiara.

Music was playing; a light, upbeat tune, perfect for dancing. A bonfire waved and flickered merrily at the center of the large encampment, couples and mothers with small children dancing to the music. Embers drifted in the air above, a warm glow bathing everything in its wake. The summer air was mild and crisp; it was a beautiful night.

When was the last time Ostus had seen so many people so happy? He couldn't remember. It was an uplifting change of pace to hear laughing and see smiling faces instead of dealing with the grim, dismal task of cleaning a field of bodies. He tapped his foot to the music, not realizing that he was bobbing his head slightly from side to side. He wanted to let go, feel happy, laugh for once, but there wasn't anyone special to really do those things with...

That's when Kiara held out her hand. He glanced down at her, raising an eyebrow in surprise, then his entire body froze when she asked him to dance.

Was she joking? Was she making fun of him? His gaze swept over her face; there was a softness there he did not recognize. For once she wasn't looking at him as though he was some raging beast or disgusting bug to be squashed. Her gaze drew him in; how could he say no?

His face broke into a wide grin. "Fuck yeah!" he announced, firmly taking her hand in his.

Eagerly, he lead her to the other dancers, excitement lighting his eyes. "What kind of dancing do you know how to do?" he said. "We're doing none of that ballroom shit; walking around in circles or something? No, this..." He closed his eyes, swaying his torso to the rhythm of the music. His head moved first, then his shoulders, his grove sliding down his arms. His feet were next, stepping from side to side as he swayed. Finally, he broke into a little jig, hopping and clapping, swaying and side-stepping. He certainly wasn't the best dancer, but it got several people around him to grin and laugh, which encouraged him. He winked at a few giggling children, then reached for Kiara's other hand. "Keep up! You don't have to match me, just... move..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Her eyes widened as she found herself being dragged to the fire. Sure, she'd asked him, but Kiara had been eighty percent sure that he would say no. The other twenty percent was him going off on some rant about how she didn't know anything about dancing because she was always in her stupid castle. The possibility that he might say yes, especially that enthusiastically was just... unexpected. It only got worse as she saw what he considered dancing. Now, she had grown up on ballroom dancing, that was true, but Kiara had always had a knack for feeling the beat of a song and coming up with something to go along. This, what he was doing, was just awful to watch. People were laughing, and he seemed to be enjoying himself but as soon as he took her other hand and tried to make her follow along, she could take it no more.

She held up a finger, asking for a minute. There was something she needed if she were going to do anything like this: ale. Oh yes, if she were going to willingly make herself look a fool in front of these people she had better be pretty buzzed while doing it.

After two glasses of the strongest they had and the five minutes it took her to chug them down, things were blurry and Kiara was ready. She would show this man just what he had gotten into when he agreed to dance with her. A sly grin made its way to her lips as she walked over to him. Maybe she wanted to get along, but it didn't mean she couldn't still mess with him.

"You think all I can do is ballroom dancing then?" Her eyebrow was raised as she took both his hands, like he had done to her earlier. She grinned up at him again, "I'll show you what moving looks like." Perhaps the show she was about to make would be enough to convince the others that they were indeed happily married. Either way, she would enjoy seeing his reaction.

Just as Ostus had done, she closed her eyes for a few moments as she listened to the tune, looking for the beat. When she had it, she started with her hips. It was no surprise that she could sway them back and forth considering her gender. It was when she placed those hands on her waist and drew herself closer to him that she started to hear the whistling of the men in the caravan. Yes, this was working just as she thought it might. Kiara's voice was low, sultry as she looked up at him. "When I ask a man to dance with me, I expect him to be close enough that it's obvious who is with."

What had she been thinking about her horse? Ah yes, when Kiara saw a beautiful thing, she just couldn't resist. Perhaps those drinks had been a bad idea. Ah well, at least she would to get to see him react up close and personal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alfbie
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Alfbie Shenanigans!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Surprised, Ostus watched as Kiara made a point of fetching some ale. At first he assumed that the second glass was for him.

That surprise turned into astonishment, however, as he watched the girl knock back both glasses. What kind of princess was she? Where did she learn to drink like that? Was the royal family as loud and lively as any soldier, or had she spent more time with commoners than he initially believed? With how naturally she acted around these people, he began to suspect the latter...

Regardless, Kiara had returned to being the interesting, mysterious, and fun girl he had first met back at the archery range. He had to remind himself that how she felt about him hadn't changed, she just knew how to drink.

Such notions faded away in his mind with each step she took towards him. The way she moved and the way she looked at him made his heart race. He allowed her to take his hands, bemused by her comment, and then simply stared as she smiled at him. Gods, she was gorgeous when she smiled. Ostus's blood ran hot, stricken by her shift in attitude and very much enjoying it. What could he do to make her smile like that at him more often?

When Kiara closed her eyes and began to sway to the music, he began to sway with her. He took the opportunity to study her body. His eyes drank in her curves, loving the way her hips moved. The Berinike prince would be a very lucky man indeed.

When she opened her eyes to look at him, Ostus snapped his gaze to her face -- not that this was a bad thing. HIs breath caught in his throat from the way she stared at him, and then she placed his hands on her waist, drawing close to him. He could smell the ale on her breath, wanted to melt to that sultry voice. Suddenly, if only for those few moments, she was everything he ever wanted... but could not have.

"Woman, you could have said something earlier," he murmured, "and saved me the trouble of making a fool of myself." He slid one hand around her hip to the small of her back and pulled her sharply to him, pressing her against him. The other hand grasped hers, clasping it tightly. He lifted an eyebrow, releasing a sly, one-sided smirk of his own, a certain light in his eyes.

Then they began to move.

He guided her around the fire, his steps more fluid, his rhythm more even. He swayed with her to the music, dipped her back every so often, twirling her occasionally, but always kept his body close to hers. He did not dance like this often; typically it was only to impress a girl. This one he certainly wanted to impress, but he sorely wished for some ale, mead, anything to loosen up. He had never felt so nervous and so excited around a woman before. Though he hid it well, it was evident in the stiffness of his movements and the almost tentative way he moved sometimes, as though he wasn't sure what to do next. He decided to simply try to match Kiara's flow, her body's personal rhythm, wanting to move in sync to her...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 12 mos ago

There was no blush, no stuttering, and no outburst from Ostus as she had been expecting. The lack of any reaction at all was slightly disappointing. How was she supposed to play with him if he was not going to rise to the bait? Her disatisfaction did not last for long, though, because in the end he did react, albeit not in the way she had ever seen him to.

Instead of having some outburst or rude remark for her, it seemed that he was actually enjoying what she was saying, doing. The shock of it was almost enough to make her trip over herself. It wasn't a secret that Kiara was a natural beauty, but that did not mean that men fell all over her because of it. Many were too intimidated by her status, and the ones who weren't usually were people she would never waste her time on.

Royalty would also never dance this close to another, no matter their gender. They would always stay at least an arm length apart, and very often switch partners so as not to show favor onto anyone. This was something that would be a scandal in court or any ball, and yet, she could not find it in herself to think it was wrong.

It was probably the drinks talking, but she was enjoying it just as much as he. With every dip and every twirl, she let out a surprised sort of a laughter. At least he was no longer doing ... whatever he called that awful thing from earlier. Though this was embarassing in a different way, she supposed. Kiara was either having too much fun, or too buzzed to care.

The people surrounding them stared with more of an interest than was necessary. After all, the couple had practically completely ignored each other until this moment, and yet they seemed to be getting along find. It was strange, to say the least. There was another reason they stared, though, that had nothing to do with the man. Each and every one of them had a familiar feeling when they looked at the girl, as if they had seen her before. Not a single one could place who she was, however, and soon they stopped trying.

When she began to feel so dizzy that she did end up tripping over her feet, Kiara put her hands on his chest in an attempt to stop him from continuing. Her laughter continued as she found herself swaying, but not because of the music in the background. "I think perhaps I may have over did it." Again, she was grinning. After all, she'd never had quite so much fun before, even if it had not lasted all that long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alfbie
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Alfbie Shenanigans!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The song ended and so did their dance. Ostus's heart pounded against his chest as he smiled down at the woman in his arms, an arm wrapped casually around her waist as he reveled in the weight of her hands against his chest through his clothing. She was laughing, smiling, having a great time, which made Ostus's spirits soar. He laughed along with her. "That was fun," he exclaimed. "You are a terrific dancer and a surprisingly impressive drinker... fuck, I could use a drink right now. You're also handy with a bow... what else can you do?" He wanted to dance like this with her again, to see how long they could last. He wanted to hear her laugh again knowing that she was having so much fun with him.

A much slower song began to play, attracting couples from all corners of the camp to step in and slowly sway to the music. Ostus sighed and wondered if he should complain to the musicians about playing more rousing songs. The tone of this song and the mood that it set suddenly reminded him of his place. He was the guard hired to protect the princess on her journey to meet her betrothed, and in the morning she would remember that he was a brute and he would remember that she was a spoiled brat, even though he now found it more difficult to think of her as such, and things would return to the way they were.

He blinked, realizing that he had carefully smoothed some of Kiara's hair from her face, softly caressing her cheek... it came so naturally to do this, to look at her...

He cleared his throat as he blushed, the awkward side of Ostus returning, as he politely dropped his hand and took a step back. Somehow finding the manners he should have displayed days before, he bowed respectively towards here. "Sorry about that," he muttered. "I guess we can... go talk somewhere, find a bit to eat, maybe get some water for you..." What he needed was a dip in some ice-cold river somewhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Not for the first time that night, Kiara was surprised. Now, he'd said a good many things to her, but not one of them was ever really a compliment. Anything that even slightly sounded like one was followed by some sort of barb to her character and lifestyle. So, for a moment, she watched him, to make sure he was serious. He certainly looked like he was telling her the truth, but something in her couldn't trust that or him.

She didn't have much time to dwell on it because soon the beat began to slow down, obviously to draw couples to the fire with the promise of a close dance. She could see the appeal, to just feel the comfort of someone holding you without the pressure of anything else happening. Kiara watched the others as they swayed to the music, smiling at their partners. Yes, she could see why anyone would want someone like that in their lives.

And suddenly, her buzz was gone. She was still dizzy, but that happy feeling that came along with it was dwindling as she remembered where she was and why. Her gaze once again searched the expression of Ostus, wondering what he was thinking of. As if reading her mind, he reached for her, and she could not find it in her to stop him. Eyes closed, she leaned into his touch, and felt a loss when he removed it, stepping away from her.

Not once since they had met had he treated her so formally. Even when they were fighting, she appreciated that fact about him: that he would treat her like anyone else. If he believed her wrong, he'd tell her as rudely as he possibly could. He wasn't soft on her feelings. It was hurtful and yet refreshing at the same time.

Now, he was finally looking at her as if she were different. Her expression was saddened as she slowly shook her head and tried to give him a smile. Perhaps it was for the best. At least they were on speaking terms now. They did not need to be friends. "I think maybe..." a sigh escaped her against her will and she in turn took a step away from him as well. "You stay. Dance. Enjoy yourself."

It felt wrong to leave him there. She'd never been one to run when something scared her, but there were always exceptions. Her loneliness was frightening, and that he seemed to sense it was too much. Kiara was about to be married, and that was something she'd accepted. It didn't matter if it made her happy. If anything went wrong, if the marriage did not go through, or she did something that ruined it, her country would be in danger.

Kiara was just too tempted to do something she would regret for a few moments of peace in her soul.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alfbie
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Alfbie Shenanigans!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ostus looked around at all the seemingly happy couples. Some were content with just holding hands and gazing in each other's eyes. Others danced and held quiet conversation at the same time. One couple was all over each other, a mess of limbs and slobbery kisses; someone had too much to drink!

He rolled his eyes. "Dance here, now, alone?" He held his arms up as though holding an invisible woman, swaying to the music. He puckered his lips and made exaggerated kissing noises before dropping his arms. "Fuck that," he muttered. "Come one, let's go get some grub; I'm starving."

Just like that, the polite, respectable Ostus dissolved away with the thought of food.

Not bothering to see if Kiara was following or not, Ostus made his way over to the caravan's cook. Something was roasting over a spit; he had no idea what as it was skinned and beheaded to be unrecognizable, just that one of the caravan hunters had killed it for tonight's meal. It smelled delicious, whatever it was, so he had a sizable chunk of that along with some hard bread and some wild onions. To him, this was good camping food. He'd miss it once he and Kiara were on their own.

With plate of food in one hand and a tall mug of ale in the other, Ostus settled down to a quiet place to eat where he could also watch and possibly make fun of some of the dancers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Despite herself, she was laughing again at the display Ostus made in an attempt to show her that her idea was ridiculous. Another barb, but she would take it this once, because it was very entertaining to see him embarrass himself again. It was almost as if he did not mind such spectacles, but she could not understand why. Maybe because he did not grow up surrounded by people who were constantly judging his every move. Maybe if she had grown up in the same environment as him... she would feel the same way?

It wasn't really worth brooding over and instead she was content to watch as he settled in and relaxed with his food and his ale and the people around him. For a moment, she smiled sadly as she had found herself doing often lately. Watching him belong so easily... she wished it was the same for her. In order to be accepted by these people, she had to pretend to be someone else. Deep down, she felt as if they knew she was not who she said she was, and that made her feel all the worse for the lies.

And for once, Kiara wanted to tell someone how she felt. About it all. But when she looked at Ostus, she was sure he would just think she was lying. Still, tonight she was tripping over her feet and dancing and laughing, it was possibly time to just let it out and see what happened. Her nerves made her stomach swirl and so she skipped both the ale and the food before seating herself closely to him.

"Have you eve wanted to be someone else?" she asked quietly, hoping he would not judge her or admonish her as he had been doing every time she had something about her life. "Sometimes I see how happy these people are, and I just wish..." Kiara bit her lip softly, looking towards the fire as she continued to speak. "I know you think that my life is wonderful and that I should be grateful.. but I just..."

She sighed and motioned towards one of the couples dancing together. This one was laughing, talking in whispers to each other and so obviously in love that she could feel it from across the camp. "Have you never once wanted something you could never have, even if everyone tells you should just... be happy with what you have? Even when you know people would do anything to have your life?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alfbie
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Alfbie Shenanigans!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ostus chewed thoughtfully for a moment, considering Kiara's words. She was right; he could not understand why she would want to be someone else when she had an ideal lifestyle already. Perhaps if she knew what true hardship was like she would recognize her good fortune.

Then again, he couldn't imagine spending his life locked away in some castle, and he would certainly not tolerate being told who to spend the rest of his life with.

"I felt like you once," he said between mouthfuls, "when I was around... eight years old, I believe. My parents died in the war. Lots of kids' parents died in this war; the orphanages, to this day, are always packed. I never got along with the other elf kids -- too weird, they said." He smirked ruefully at the memory. "To everyone else, I was just... there, I suppose. I would have fucking killed to have a family back, to live like normal children did." He took a moment's pause to bite and chew, his mind drifting back to those distant memories. "One day, some goblin kid was being picked on. An annoying little twerp, no one really liked him, but to be ganged up on like that... I didn't see it as fair. I got my ass beat for helping him, but word seemed to get around... other kids approached me to help protect them from bullies... eventually, I sort of realized that my place in the world was protecting others. I haven't looked back since."

Ostus turned his head to look at Kiara. "If you're so unhappy with your life, do something to change it," he suggested. "I only got as far as I have due to busting my ass. Like fuck I was going to grow up as some aimless loser in a misguided life.

"I'll admit, your situation is much harder. Most folks would be more than a little angry to find out that you backed out of a chance at peace. Still, your life is only a dead-end street if you make it that way." He shrugged, not sure what else to tell her. He resumed his eating.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 12 mos ago

It was sad to think that his parents had died to keep her safe, and it made her feel even worse for even considering confiding in him. Yet, his honestly made her want to tell him everything, even if he could never understand, and even if he continued to believe that she had never known hardship. It was hard to explain how the girl who seemed to have everything was not necessarily the girl who did.

When she looked at him, her resolve was strengthened and she began to speak again. "I wish for you to listen, and not judge, or interrupt. I've never told this to anyone before." Her gaze founds its way back to the fire before she continued, so she would not have to see him or any of his reactions to her words.

"I know it seems crazy that anyone in my position would be unhappy. I have everything, don't I? Money, power, family. But it's the things that I have to give up for those that people always forget about. I have no friends, none that haven't died in this war that is. I have no free will. No one to share my life with at all. I wasn't born to live, as you were." Her mind thought back to the dreams she'd had as a child, the ones of flying. That was what she had always wanted: the freedom to make her own choices. "Everything I do is for you, for them. You think that just because I'm royal, that I do not expect to die to this war, but you're wrong. I'm the one they want to kill, everyone else is just collateral damage." Here, her voice broke and she was silent for a good minute.

Her eyes were sad as Kiara turned back to him. "People think they want my life, but they don't. They have no idea what I've given up for them, and I don't wish them to... because they have no idea what they've given up for me either."

Finally, her eyes closed as she finished with, "A good princess will serve her people, not the other way around. That is what we are taught from birth, and that is who I have always strived to be. It is the reason I am going through with this, and the reason I will not stop regardless of my feelings. It does not mean, though, ... that I don't wish."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alfbie
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Alfbie Shenanigans!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ostus frowned. It annoyed him that Kiara would automatically think he'd judge her or interrupt her... even if she was probably correct in her assumption. Slowly, the magic of the night was fading...

He listened to her, making a point not to take another bite, not to take his eyes off of her. He didn't like seeing her so sad; it didn't suit her. At the same time, he had a difficult time finding pity in her. "I suppose I am a fool for thinking that you don't know hardship," he said, deciding to voice his thoughts aloud instead of keeping them to himself. "Your hardships may be different from mine, but they're still hardships. You're like... a bird trapped in a cage. A bird that can pass laws and influence people, but a bird nonetheless. If you have no free will, fight for it, or sneak for it. You're about to share your life with someone that probably knows more of what it's like to be you than anyone here. Who knows -- maybe he's a nice guy. If he isn't, then you have a lifetime to whip his ass into shape, one way or another. And as far as friends go..."

Here, he shifted a little awkwardly in his seat. He hated being sentimental like this. "You and I don't exactly get along most of the time, but when we do, it's fun. I'm not about to leave your side anytime soon, so... so I guess I'm the closest thing to a friend you have right now. I suppose that's not much to look forward to." He shrugged, the last comment said as though it was a matter-of-fact statement, not a sarcastic sting or a teasing joke. "Wish all you want. We all wish for something. Some of us wish all of our lives, and some of us turn those wishes into reality. Don't tell me you don't have the power to change who you are. Everyone has the power, so I won't hear any of that shit."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Honestly, Kiara was very grateful that he had listened, but unfortunately he still could not understand. She sighed and only nodded her head, though she did not take his advice to heart. Continuing to explain would get her nowhere. First he beats her up because she could easily end the war and now he tells her that instead she should do what she wishes. Ostus needed to make up his mind. She could not do both. It was either end the war right here, right now as she was doing, or let it continue, run away, and leave her kingdom without a ruler. Was that even a choice?

He was right about one thing: she was about to marry someone who most likely understood better than anyone ever would. At least to an extent. Ostus could not comprehend her life because he had never been put into a position where an entire country depended on what he did or said. Perhaps, not even the prince she was to marry had, but he could at least sympathize, she was sure.

Still, the conversation had not been without benefits. After all, apparently he considered her a friend. Or at least close to one. Though it wasn't really all that comforting to realize that he was right, he was the only one she had. Either way, it was sweet of him to say, so she gave him a small smile and said, "Yes. I enjoy being around you too, even if you're usually a tasteless barbarian." Her tone was teasing as she spoke. "Thank you for listening, but I think I'll be going to bed now. I'm... very tired." Again, she smiled at him, though this time it did not touch her eyes.

When she was out of hearing distance, Kiara sighed deeply and realized not for the first time that what she wanted more than her freedom was for someone to truly understand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alfbie
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Alfbie Shenanigans!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

After spending a week with the caravan, Ostus announced that they were stopping where they were. The folks of the caravan were sorry to leave the pair; the children had taken to Kiara especially well, and those assigned to protect the caravan would miss the extra help. But eventually they did part ways, Ostus and Kiara heading for the mountains.

They left the horse at a tiny village in the foothills. Ostus knew most of the people there from his travels and assured Kiara that her mare would be well taken care of. Perhaps, once she was settled in Berinike, she could send someone to retrieve her horse. Until then, there was no possible way the beasts could come with them.

They traveled the entire day through winding, zig-zagging trails along the foothills, sometimes trampling through terrain that was not trailed off at all, Ostus tense and completely on edge. It was imperative they were not seen and followed, and he was worried about attacks.

Finally, at dusk, they entered the true trail head, a thin path that looked more like a faded animal trail cutting through the trees than anything else. Near the secluded trailhead was a small clearing in between a cliffside and a thicket of trees. This was where they set up camp for the first night.

"The climb is not too strenuous," Ostus informed her in a quiet voice after tents were pitched, a fire was built, and food set aside. He currently busied himself with sharpening his sword by the fire. "You should be able to handle it, though you will need trousers and good boots for the trip. I have those, if need be."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Though they had been with the caravan an entire week, Kiara still only felt sad to say goodbye to the children she spent every attack with. It was always entertaining to see them tell the stories of her heroics, even if no one ever believed them. Kiara had laughed when the two of them had left because the parents had finally seen the bow and quiver that she carried with her. The expression on their faces was priceless.

Her greatest disappointment, though, was having to leave her beautiful mare behind. During the trip she'd taken to calling her Lola, but never in public where anyone could hear her. The horse kept every secret, every worry that she had ever had, and these had been growing within the past week. Each step closer to Berinike was another step closer to a fate she could not run from. It was suffocating. When she had left Lola behind, it had taken everything Kiara had to keep a straight face. If it was possible, the horse would be the first thing she asked for, long before clothing, jewelry, or anything else.

Unlike with the caravan, Kiara kept her weapon with her at all times. She had never been this far, but she was also not as stupid as Ostus once thought. She knew exactly how much danger they were in, and without the rest to protect her, she'd need to keep on guard. A small smirk formed up on her lips as she thought this. If he knew that she was counting on herself rather than him, Ostus would probably be furious. She'd noticed that he took his job of protecting her very seriously despite his only accepting it because of the pay.

His words snapped her out of her reminiscing and Kiara nodded, letting him know she understood before digging through her bag. With a glare towards him added to a, "Don't look," she moved out of the light and began to change into what she had been wearing when they first met. She was pulling the tunic over her head when their fears were realized and an arrow knicked her arm.

The cry that escaped her was mostly out of surprise, though it did hurt quite a bit. The trees were thick, and this sent her into a panic. Even with an arrow notched, Kiara could not see where the attack was coming from, and therefore could not hide nor shoot. Soon enough, a figure ran from the cover of the trees with a large sword and came right at her.

She'd barely moved out of the way in time, but that was on purpose. Kiara had been trying to get a good look at the man to figure out where he was from. The colors he wore, and the symbol on his shirt were supposed to make them think he was Beriniken, but she knew better. "Callum. He's from Callum!" she shouted to Ostus.

Another arrow came flying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alfbie
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Alfbie Shenanigans!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ostus has been wondering if it would be worth stealing a peek at Kiara when she let out a very startling cry of alarm.

Ostus whipped around, not giving a shit if the princess was naked or not. No one screamed like that unless they were in some kind of trouble. The red streak on her arm, so startlingly bright, first caught Ostus's eye. Blood. Then the attacker darted through the bushes right at him. He cursed under his breath as he charged, worried that he would not reach the man fast enough...

Kiara side-stepped out of the way. Good girl. Ostus had no time to congratulate her, no time to even smile; he had gained momentum and was now upon the attacker. With a sharp cry, he swung, his first attack more to pull the attacker's attention away from Kiara than anything else. It worked. To keep from getting his head lopped off, this first attacker was forced to turn on Ostus. Though the elf's sword looked heavy, Ostus moved it with efficient ease, the blade arching though the air in deadly accuracy. Focused and light on his feet, he kept pace with this assassin who seemed evenly matched. They danced and scuffled around each other, lunged and thrust, kicking up dirt and clashing swords.

The second arrow knicked Ostus's shoulder; he was lucky it did not pierce his throat or neck. He cursed under his breath, barely managing to raise his sword in time to block his current opponent's attack. "Find cover!" Ostus screamed at Kiara, wondering how he was going to deal with a fighter up close and an archer in the distance. He had to somehow get this fucktard off of him...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 12 mos ago

If Kiara could talk, she would have yelled back, "Fuck that!" That would have been a bad idea, though, seeing as she was already looking for the idiot who thought it was a good idea to shoot arrows at her. She'd left her own bow knowing that it would slow her down as she made her way through the trees. It was better that she look for the attacker, in her opinion, because she was smaller and most likely a lot quieter than Ostus.

Besides, she was trained to use the dagger in her hands almost as well as her bow. If they were going to have any chance, she would at least need to distract the archer even if she could not take him out herself. Her gaze went to where Ostus fought with the swordsman and suddenly she felt sorry for him. Kiara was certain that these people were here for her, and he was - like all the rest- collateral damage. She only hoped he would not be hurt too badly.

Knowing what to look for also made this job easier for Kiara. An archer would be somewhere hidden, but where the target could still be seen. More so, she was listening for the deep breathing of someone focusing hard. When she finally found it, she didn't waste a moment. It took only seconds to shoot an arrow, and she didn't want to give the man the time. He let out a surprised sound when she took him to the ground, trying to get her knife to his throat.

Perhaps, if she had taken a life before, the fight would have gone very differently. But, she hadn't, and Kiara hesitated. This gave the archer just enough time to aim a punch towards her face and switch their positions. It was so familiar that for a moment, she could not breathe because of her fear. How was it that all these years later, one night could terrify her still?

He raised his own dagger just like her would-be assassin that hovered in the back of her memory, but this time she knew what to do. Kiara kicked as hard as she could, knocking the archer off balance. His blade dug into her shoulder, but it was nothing compared to the wound he was aiming for.
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