Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Up to you. And I don't need you waiting on me." The boy said, a bit harshly. Though it was simply to hide that he was growing on the girl. He started to actually enjoy her company. But as mean as Jason was, he couldn't let her be his friend. He would never force the pain that would ensue upon anybody. His life was tragedy and failure. He would never force that anybody.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Who said I would be waiting on you?" She said in an indifferent voice as she tossed him his pack. The king waved to them as they headed towards the gate leaving the castle grounds. Alicen saluted him before exiting out, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "So, where will you first stop be in defeating your father?" She asked over her shoulder as she strode down the road, wanting to cover good ground before nightfall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"As far as I get." He said, because Jason himself did not know the overworld at all, but he refused to let the ranger know of that, lest she would poke fun at him. He would not appreciate it if she did that to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alicen shrugged once more. She could sense he wasn't telling her something but she wasn't going to press for answers. If he wanted her to know he would tell her. "The nearest town is two days walk so we are going to have to camp in the forest until we can find an Inn." She said as she continued walking down the road. Her strange cloak swirled around her as she walked, the colors brown, gray, black, and green; all swirling together to form a mottled look that let her blend flawlessly with the forest if she stood motionless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jason's cloak of darkness formed around him, ready to go on. The demon prince began his trek towards the forest. Determined that the very force that had forced his father into this and ruined his people would be destroyed, and his father would be killed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jason's cloak of darkness formed around him, ready to go on. The demon prince began his trek towards the forest. Determined that the very force that had forced his father into this and ruined his people would be destroyed, and his father would be killed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alicen reached the trees before him and seemed to disappear inside. There was a flicker of movement and she appeared again, hard to spot with her cloak blending her into the background. There was no crunch of leaves or snap of twigs to signal her trek through the brush. The first thing Halt had taught her was silent movement and she excelled at it. That and archery. She found a sufficient place for their rest and began to busy herself with setting up camp. "It would be ill-wise to start a fire in case the smoke is seen," She paused and glanced at him, "That is unless you have some sort of magic to conceal our fire?" She slipped her cloak off and her white wings glowed in the depleting daylight.

She stretched them out and sighed; they had been cramped up under her cloak all day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Upon the seeing the white wings, Jason pulled his sword out and hissed. Not one that spoke of hostility, but rather fear of the girl attacking him. Since angels were his species natural enemy in the world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alicen whirled at the hiss, bright blue eyes scanning their surroundings to try and locate the cause of his alarm. When she noticed his sword pointed at her she realized that it was she he was afraid. Her neko ears flickered briefly in irritation as she plopped down onto a log and began pulling out things for their supper. "Relax, I do not harbor the prejudice that angels have for demons. As long as you do not try and do me harm I do not have a problem with you." She said in an emotionless voice, not even looking at him. "Now, would you be able to conceal our fire? If not its old food until we reach an Inn."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jason eyed her carefully. "No." He said as he watched the girl who he now noticed was an angel. He didn't trust her as much anymore, seeing as angels tended to kill his kind whenever they let their guard down. So the boy would never let his guard down. Not around this girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jason eyed her carefully. "No." He said as he watched the girl who he now noticed was an angel. He didn't trust her as much anymore, seeing as angels tended to kill his kind whenever they let their guard down. So the boy would never let his guard down. Not around this girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alicen could see he didn’t fully believe her and sighed. “I am not fully angel, only half. My other half is neko if you have not already figured that out. I’m not going to stick a knife between your ribs while you sleep.” She said in a monotone voice. She tossed some strips of dried meat and bread at him as she began munching on her own. “Besides, demons kill angels just as well and I’m not eyeing you like a expect you to leap at me at any moment. In order for this to work we need to not be dancing around each other. Just because I’m an angel does not mean I’m going to kill you. You don’t know me so don’t assume I will.” She said, getting angry. She gave him a glare for good measure before she fell silent ad refused to say anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Yes, girl. But our difference is that you, aren't wanted by demons. The only Demon with a bigger bounty on their head than me, is my father. Posted by the Angels. You aren't hunted by every species in existence except two. You have the luxury of growing up nicely. You, get to say you want to end the darkness. Me? I'm Patient Zero. My father and the beings who control the darkness perfect it's infectious way using me. So don't lecture me about how you aren't worried about me. I have reason to be afraid. You just haven't woken to the reality of the world. " He growled out, and even as he did the grass around him began to die, darkness gathered. Before disappting. With Jason making an obvious effort to push it away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alicen’s hands clenched into fists. “Who the hell do you think you are to say I had an easy life? You’re not the only one in this forsaken world who has a tragic back story. You think the angels like the fact that I exist? To them I’m a taint on their otherwise perfect bloodline. They ripped my fathers’ wings off and whipped him to death while my mother and I were forced to watch. Then they took my pregnant mother and ripped my unborn brother from her womb because they knew he was going to be a half-blood too. He was so tiny, three months from being born. Then they snapped my mothers’ neck and left her as food for the crows. I was only five at the time. I got off light, only a beating before Halt intervened. He took me on as his apprentice but like all the others in my life he too lost his life because of this accursed darkness. Open your eyes, I know more about the reality of the world than I would care to.”

Anger coursed through her and suddenly a log taller than she was hurled through the air, crashing down right next to him. Her eyes widened and she stumbled back from him, face full of horror that she could have just hurt him badly.

She snatched her bow, cloak and quiver. She slung her cloak around her shoulders and told him in a tense voice that she was going to patrol and promptly disappeared into the forest without a sound. She moved quickly away from their camp sight. Once she was a good distance away she slumped against a tree and buried her face in her hands, desperately trying to reign in the power thrumming through her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jason watched her go. Only to be greeted by a new sound, the humming of a Blessed Steel sword weilded only by the Angels. "So at last you meet your demise, filth." The angel growled and swung at him. Jason's darkness cloak shifted and blocked the sword. Then Pulled away just as Jason spun, his own sword meeting the angel's and sparks were thrown from the polar opposites connecting. Jason glared at the Angel. "You may try, but you may see that the Harbinger of the Dead is much more than a match for you." Jason growled and a massive wall of darkness slammed into the angel. Sending him tumbling backwards near where Alicen was. And soon the boy appeared there as well. The wind became harsher, night grew darker, and voices could be heard on the wind. An Erie green light developed around the boy's hands as undead rose, in various states of decay to stand beside him. When the dazed angel tried to run, hellfire surrounded them. With the lights throwing Erie light onto the boy. His Darkness cloak covering him now, so only his hands and glowing blue eyes were visible. And that black sword. "Kill him" Jason ordered and the dead lunged. Tearing the angel apart
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alicen had moved from the spot so she missed the battle than ensued. However she met her own troubles in the form of another angel. Seeming to sense what she was he swung his sword at her. She spun away, bow swiftly coming up with an arrow releasing in the same second. It flickered through the air and slammed into the beings shoulder. He let out an angry growl and charged her again. She flipped over him and landed behind him, spinning in a half circle as she swung her leg up and clipped him in the jaw as he turned. He let out an angry shout as he stumbled away. He regained his balance and stared at her. Her cowl had come down and her furry ears were flattened to her head. He sneered. “Look who it is, the half-breed. Haven’t seen you in a while. How’s your mother doing?” He asked in a mocking tone. Alicen hissed as they circled each other. “Ah, I remember that day. Quite eventful to be sure. You lost your whole family and it was all your fault.” He leaped at her, hoping to catch her off guard. She barely managed to dance away as anger coursed through her.

”Accelerate!” Her voice rang with an echoy quality and when she lunged towards him she was a blur. He couldn’t react fast enough and her saxe knife cut through his side. She then spun away and disappeared into the forest. It went silent as the man turned. “Using your Ranger skills are we?” An arrow whizzed out and hit the side that was injured. Arrow after arrow came petting out in rapid succession until the angel looked like a pin cushion. He spotted a flicker of shadow as Alicen flitted from tree to tree, firing off arrows. Soon golden blood was painting the ground as he numerous wounds bled. She stepped from the forest, approaching him. Raising the hilt of the heavy knife she slammed it down into his temple, knocking him out cold. She then turned and walked away, cloak swirling around her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jason heard the sound of the fighting, and moved towards them. The boy stood in a nearby tree, his cloak wrapped tightly around as he watched the girl fight the Angel. Jason let the girl walk away, and jumped into the clearing. As the angel woke from his slumber, Jason stood over him. Before the being could react the boy's sword lopped his head off. Jason hoped that girl wasn't watching. She would be afraid of him... why did he care about that? He couldn't start caring for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Echo paused as her keen ears caught the faint rustle of fabric. She backtracked and hide in a tree as she watched the demon enter the clearing. She watched the scene unfold and nimbly jumped to the ground. “If you are finished I think it best we pack up camp and move on.” She said in an emotionless voice, eyes portraying no feelings at all. She had seen worse things in her line of work so seeing heads roll didn’t faze her. Or…at least that’s what she keeps telling herself. She turned and began walking away without waiting for him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jason turned and followed her. He was done with this area anyways. It wasn't that the boy had anything against the Angel race, he just hated how they were fighting for the same thing yet the angels insisted on trying to kill him constantly. That really puts a dampened on your mood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alicen remained silent as they returned to camp and she began packing up. Her eyes remained on her task and she refused to look at him, ears twitching with irritation. Soon they were on the road again with Alicen walking in front of him. If he looked very closely he could see a tail tip peeking out from the bottom of her cloak.
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