Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

During the summer months, the Earth Kingdom shriveled up like a bug under a magnifying glass. By the time noon rolled around with the sun glaring relentlessly overhead, the streets of Lelan were emptying of life. Only a few dozen citizens wandered around from place to place, braving the supposedly innocent, prickling heat.

A few dozen citizens plus one wanderer, landing heavily on his backside in the dust and grime of the village's main path. After a few seconds, a sheathed sword landed next to him with a clatter that had the boy, Jun, scrambling over to grab it. "Hey, man," he whined to the bartender who was flanked by two burly patrons – the hands that had grabbed the swordsman from his stool in the tavern and tossed him outside. "I was only saying."

Crushed glass surrounded Jun, stinking of cheap liquor and covered in fresh blood – quite probably his own. It bit into his fingertips as he balanced himself, staggering to his feet. Another bottle was clenched in his free hand, emptied of the last drop, while dried in rivulets ran down his chin. His left eye involuntarily twitched as he felt it beginning to swell. At least he gave as good as he got! Maybe...

"Yeah well, I don't want ta hear it," said the bartender, beckoning the men back inside with a promise of free drinks. "Shin's girl is a nice lass. She didn't want your... attentions." The door slammed behind him, a clear warning not to come back.

Standing in the empty street, Jun simply muttered, "Tch, whatever." He took the first few steps towards the direction he thought Gensu might be in, his ultimate destination, and grimaced as he wiped at his mouth and the blood that oozed lazily out of it, mixing with cheap liquor. He'd need to wait an hour or two in the shade before it was safe to travel – he didn't tan easily. It might even be possible to give those guys a lesson later, this time with live steel!

No, his head protested. You need to get to Gensu. You need to find uncle. C'mon, you've put it off for so long.

He sharply turned off the main street, avoiding the curious gazes of various passersby, and into a quiet alleyway, resting his forehead against the wall. He still had his money, at least. And his sword.

And his life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jin moved across the streets with a big frown on his face. It was night! He wanted to sleep and more importantly, his sister would worry not that he was hours late, he should already be back with the loot.

But everyone in Lelan was just so darn nice! He could he take gold from the nice grandma's giving him cookies or the grown ups who offered free food and drinks. Maybe they were on to him and the overdose of niceness was their anti thieving measure.

''Going back with nuthin isn't an option'' Jin sighed in himself ''After all the landlord want his rent....needs to be double to or I'm gonna get the spanking of my life for worrying sis so'' Jin didn't have to stay in the neighboring village for so long but he forced himself to stay in order to find at least one horrible man to relieve from his gold....half a day and still no unpleasant man in sight

''Well look at that...bingo'' Jin hated drunks, always pestering his sister for a kiss, so when he saw an obviously wasted man kicking out of a building he had his next target. He wasn't to old either, nor to big so Jin was confidant he could take this man on. He quietly followed Jun into an alley.

''Nothing personal and all but a boy's gotta live'' Jin mumbled in himself as he stamped the ground, causing dirt to rise up and harden in the form of an arrow ''Hey! If you want to keep drinking for another day you'l give me your gold!'' And with that loud warning an arrow of earth only narrowly missed Jun's ear ''Drop the gold and step backwards or the next one will be a critical hit!''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jun congratulated himself on not flinching as a sharp bit of earth – was that an arrow? – embedded itself in the wall next to his ear. Perhaps his reflexes were dulled by the drink, and that was why he hadn't heard the kid coming. Maybe it was the exhaustion, the lack of sleep that drew him into believing that Lelan was safe. Even so, Jun's hand dropped down to the hilt of his sword and slide it out of its sheath with a quiet click. His teeth were bared in a snarl... he had long since decided that he wasn't above murder...

Then he blinked abruptly, cloudy amber eyes clearing and further adjusting to the darkness so he could actually see. He was sure, even before he managed to make out the features of his assailant, that it wasn't someone old or powerful. An earthbender, a young one, judging from the ringing in his ears from the youthful voice, was attacking him. Wasn't that just grand.

Kids these days. His uncle would've had his head if he tried to rob someone, even from whatever prison or grave he's stuck in. "Listen, uh, brat," Jun said, sword sliding back into place with his hands up in the air. He took a tentative step forward. "You don't want to do this."

In a flash he reached out to grab the easiest article of clothing the kid had on – his shirt, as it was in this case – while a leg swung out in attempt to separate the earthbender from his medium, the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jin had to cover his own mouth to suppress the loud ''wow!'' That was seriously impressive, not flinching at all and that neat looking sword were both very impresive...but it was best not to tell your enemy he impressed you so.

''I don't want to do this...your right, I don't, doesn't really matter though'' Jin forced himself to grin ''Look, you got your sword in that sheath and I got my bow out so there no way yo-aaah!''

Before Jin even had the chance to react the man had grabbed him. Jin struggled to get free, not noticing Jun's leg moving to kick his own right out from under him. Jin cried out in pain as he hit the ground.

''Eeek! N-no!...c-come in...I'm...'' The boy's eyes became wide in shock as he started begging in fear. He could bear the occasional beating that came with thieving but this man was armed and being kicked out of a tavern implied he wasn't hesitant to start fights....and again, being armed most likely fatally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jun had to forcibly suppress a snort of derision mixed with laughter. Really? Kid was a pickpocket and and earthbender and he couldn't even keep his own two feet on the ground? Wasn't that just the funniest damn thing he'd seen all week...

Oh. He was one of those types of street rat, the ones who didn't have a choice on becoming what they were rather than the ones who enjoyed assaulting drunken swordsmen with flailing arrows of earth. After chewing on his lip in thought, he eventually said, "What d'ya think I am, Fire Nation? If you needed the money you could've just asked."

Not that he would have given it, but the kid didn't know that. No harm in teasing the brat, right? Jun began to fiddle with the hilt of his sword again, even with no intention of hurting the young earthbender. He chuckled with theatrical evil and continued, "But. Now that you tried to steal from me..." He tugged on his scarf with his free hand to reveal a wicked grin. "I'll only pay out for a few hours of your loyal service."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

''O-oh y-yeah and you would do so...j-just because I asked...yes, that makes sense'' the shivering boy peeped ''n-no! NO! don't get that sword out!'' Jin screamed holding his arms over his head in terror.

''...huh? Y-your service?...loyal service even'' Jin asked, looking up. Was the man serious? It did beat being beheaded, and did he mention the word ''pay?''

Jin stood up, crossing his arms and brought a confidant, as well as defiant look back on his face ''Oh really? I'm all ears, just know that I'm a kid so no, I'm not gonna beat people up for you''

Jin wasn't sure he liked the man....scratched that, he knew he didn't but money was money and....swindling a drunk into paying more money then a service required wouldn't be so difficult ''But you also gotta tell my sister I was helping you...and that was why I was gone for so long...yeah, that sounds great'' A grin formed when Jin thought he might escape that spanking after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Whoa, this kid was beyond easy to scare – and did he say he had a sister? Yowza. The womanizing sliver of his brain just went into melt-down.

"Do I look like the type to beat someone up?" he asked sarcastically, before realising that, yes – yes he really did. "Don't answer that," he continued hastily. "Look, I just need you to take my drunk ass to Gensu. A tour guide for the area, and a pack mule." He heaved his sack of semi-clean clothes and miscellaneous trinkets off his shoulders, untying the rope and dumping it at the brat's feet.

He didn't really need to pay the scaredy-cat little earthbender who apparently had a backbone when there were no swords in sight. Maybe he was getting soft in his old age.

"Is your sis on the way?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

''A packmule! I'm not even half your size!'' Jin protested ''Your a big boy...you carry it, I still got some growing to do'' being small sucked but at least it convinced people you weren't up the task of lifting stuff...but would this guy care about that?

Jin's eyes moved to the sword ''Y-you know what....carrying it sounds just fine''

And so the two walked, the traveler and his mule. Jin knew the area quite well, even before he went out selling and stealing he often left Gensu to play in the woods and rivers so even in the dark Jin could find the way.

''My sister isn't going to leave the village, certainly not at night'' Jin actually snapped at the man despite his sword. There was no way Jin would allow her to wonder off at night in the middle of a war ''She's back at home...probably worried sick about me, oh and before you get any funny idea's she's married'' She wasn't but hearing that news tended to make the creeps lay off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Married, huh. Well, a challenge never deterred him before... Surprised at the kid's defensiveness, Jun held his hands up peacefully (taking great pleasure in the fact that the boy couldn't carrying his heavy supplies). "I was just asking! I was thinking maybe I could stay overnight or... well, for an indefinite period of time." He chuckled.

As they travelled the swordsman decided to break the most important question. "Soooo, you're an earthbender, right? That arrow was made of rock – I'm not an idiot." Jun chewed on his lip. "I thought all of your kind were imprisoned? Why aren't you... I don't know, doing some rebel things?"

That was his own purpose for going to Gensu – a hotbed for rebellious opinions where he'd heard a small militia was forming. If he could recruit an earthbender... well, he'd be made.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

''Gah...grr...ngh...argh...arms...hurt'' Jin panted. He really was to little to be carrying all this and this guy seemed to get that! The craphead!

''What a good question!'' Jin stopped his panting in favor of a mocking response''Why am I doing some rebel things? Geeh, I actually don't know'' the boy said ''Oh how about because I'm 13 years old! I'm not going to risk leaving my sister all alone and not just that, I rather like living to'' It wasn't as if the thought didn't occur to Jin but he realized he was to small to engage real soldiers in combat. Once Jin had grown and managed to set his sister up with someone rich or steal enough to keep the house in her hands he probably would join a rebellion. In truth Jin was itching to do just that but one had to bide their time with these things. If Jin was killed or arrested the whole province would be without a single earthbender so going int to early wouldn't do the rebellion any good.

''The better question would be why YOU aren't doing rebel stuff'' Jin said ''Your not a kid, you got a sword and you don't seem to be bad with it, what's your excuse?''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jun sniffed. "Thirteen's old enough, 'specially for an earthbender," he informed the brat. "Plus, the younger you are, the less likely the Fire Nation'll kill you." No matter how much he complained about carrying the heavy bag, the swordsman wouldn't feel even the slightest ounce of sympathy. He had to put on muscle somehow. It was a kindness.

His sword slapped against his hip rhythmically as they walked and crossed his arms defensively. "I'll have you know I am doing rebel stuff. That's why I'm going to Gensu – it's not like it's some tourist attraction, you know!"

With a sly grin, Jun added, "I bet I've taken down more Fire Nation soldiers than you have friends, brat. Though it wouldn't be hard."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

''I have lots of friends ya know, I'm pretty endearing'' Jin told the man he started liking less and less when personality was concerned....but

''So your saying you ARE a rebel, hope you don't mind if I not let you into the house then'' The boy fastened his pace to walk next to Yun but quickly gave it up again, he couldn't walk even remotely at the man's pace with that heavy bag ''I think what you do is amazing...just not in my house where my stuff...or my sister can get burned if they ever found you'' Thinking about it, the sizable distance the heavy lifting forced him to take seemed fine to Jin now, there could be snipers in the trees.

''But you got lots of stories about beating fire benders....mind telling me about them?'' It wasn't if Jin liked to hear about people dying but he was greatly interested in the ''baddies'' losing to the ''goodies'' even if that goody was a complete ass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Once you take down one firebender, they're all the same," Jun said, knowing that arrogance was oozing from every pore. So the kid was interested in becoming a rebel, huh? Now... what stories could he tell that didn't involve his own little abilities?

"So y'know, my hometown was right in the path of their occupation. One of the first places to get hit – before I was born, of course," the swordsman started, rubbing at his chin as he slowed down just a tad so his travelling companion - slash - servant didn't get too tired. "Place is practically chock full of soldiers now. Me 'n my uncle, back when I was about your age, maybe younger, we used to sneak in at night and sabotage their supplies. Hope that doesn't make you feel too inferior."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

''Me? inferior? Uh, i watched you drinking to much weird stuff which led you pick enough fights for that owner to kick you out...I don't think anything you say can make me feel inferior after seeing that'' Jin smiled. Okay, he did get defeated by this drunk but he was a kid, that gave him some leeway when it came to the outcome of his fights.

''But that just doesn't sound very exiting, just sneaking around'' Jin said ''Your fights with the fire benders, now THOSE sound interesting! Tell me about your fights! Any tips you could give me?''

As Jin pestered Jun for answers the village came in sight. Jun may just have said he wasn't coming to Gensu because it was ''some tourist attraction'' but with its cute tiny houses, the surrounding woods and the beautiful river running right through Gensu it might just as easily be a tourist attraction''

''Ah, home sweet home!'' Jin spotted his first not disrespectful grin since Jun had met him ''You see that house on the cliff? That's mine! Now I'l show you to the inn, then your going to pay up and then we are gonna part ways so I can give sis her...hehe sorry, your money''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"'Weird stuff'," the swordsman parroted in exasperation, letting an involuntary chuckle out at the kid before shaking his head. He may as well try and answer to the best of his abilities. Jun rubbed his chin, trying to dredge up the oldest of memories from his uncle's militaristic training. "Well... if you want to stop a firebender, you stop them from moving. They can create flames with their hands and feet, so you need to lock down or cut both of them... uh..."

He trailed off. How did earthbenders take folk like him down? When he fought a Fire Nation soldier, he just overpowered them with his sword and redirected their flames, not that it was hard.

"I tell you what," Jun decided, hoping that he wouldn't ever regret his next words. "Tomorrow you come find me in the inn or – wherever there's alcohol in this town – and I'll teach you a few bits on how to take down the enemy." Gensu wasn't as big as he expected, and the inn (or at least, the building he supposed was the inn, judging from the warm light emanating from it at such an ungodly hour) was the least impressive building he'd ever seen.

Reaching into a coin purse on his belt and pulling out a few to hand to the kid. "Plus, it's got to be better than pickpocketing right?" He moved to take his supplies back, throwing them over his shoulder with a grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

''Your going to show me how to fight? deal!'' Jin called out happily. What did it matter this guy was a dick, he would lean how to fight!

''Oooh, coins'' The boy greedily snatched the coins and placed them in his pockets ''Thanks...eh, sir. So I'l see you tommorow? Rock! Its a date them! See ya at dawn!'' And with that Jin raced back home, climbing the steep cliff in a matter of minutes.

The house on the cliff was actually one of the bigger houses in the village and looked like it would belong to someone of at least moderate wealth. It was in a very bad state however as the residents had now way to afford the upkeep of even a small house, let alone this one.

''Siiiis! I'm home!'' Jin called into the house ''And look! I got coins! That should solve our problem's for a while''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jun rubbed at his forehead, sauntering into the tavern which was thankfully low-lit so they couldn't see his distinctive amber eyes -- Fire Nation eyes. Stopping at the foot of the bar downstairs, his fingers itching for some liquor, he stopped and leaned over to the bartender-slash-owner of the establishment. "So, I hear there's work around here," the swordsman said casually, sliding into a seat. "I came a long way to see if it was true."

The bartender snorted as he poured out a dull liquid into a glass and passed it over. "Only work here's on the farms, friend."

"No, it isn't," Jun replied quickly, bravery swirling in the pit of his stomach. "You've got the only earthbender in the province, and if that ain't something to protect, I don't know what is."

The man's eyes widened in surprise, "Earthbender? Who--?" Oops. It appeared the kid was more subtle than Jun first thought. "Listen, I don't wanna know. If you want that sorta business, you talk to the folks over the other end of the room. Round table," he mumbled quietly before raising his voice to say: "That'll be on the house, friend."

With that, the swordsman twirled around 180 degrees and swaggered over to the table in the corner where four burly, rough men glared up at his approach. This was going to be a long night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

One of them immediately stood out not just thanks to his epic beard....shaped like a trident but also because he wore a red and black uniform...that of a soldier of the fire nation. The other, more earth kingdom looking men seemed fine with his presence however.

''Oh, the boy got business with us?'' Trident beard noticed Yun walking towards them ''Is that blade for sale or have you come for more lofty reasons?'' Sell swords were fine and sometimes even invaluable but if a man asked for money before giving aid it would be wise not to put to great a trust in them.

The man kicked a chair forward 'Take a seat boy and make your case'' When Yun sat down another man in a white coat grabbed his wrist.

''Bear with it boy, call in an insurance for your honesty'' The man with the beard said. He didn't explain that statement so it was up to Yun to guess what he meant with that.

Far away from Gensu a ship made its way to the earth kingdom. Unlike most fire nation ship which was made from an ugly, industrial type of steel this one was made of, or at least coated in solid gold and the command center more resembled a miniature castle then a ships control post.

It was the ship of the Jia family send out to hunt down a nearby group of pirates. famed general Jia zang considered such opponents beneath him so his two children commanded the ship in his stead, jointly.

A rather feminine looking boy entered the command center ''Sister'' He smiled warmly and made a polite bow to the girl inside ''We are nearing the island, it would be wise to pause for now and find a way to scout the surrounding area'' he said ''Further more...the troops await your command sister so I think it prudent we discuss plans'' In theory this boy was as much a commander as the girl he was speaking to but he lacked a powerful aura necessary for a leader, or that was what he told himself. He'd much rather support his sister in her command then lead himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jun bristled defensively at being grabbed, but exhaled slowly through his nose to calm himself down. Firebender breathing exercise – don't let the anger take the reins. Still, his free hand, the one he didn't wield a blade with clenched uselessly around the hilt of his sword. "I am not a mercenary," he grumbled, staring the man with the Fire Nation armour dead in the eye. "Word is in Lulan that you have some... dissenting opinions breeding in this town. I'm down with that."

Leaning in further and watching one of the men twitch with a clear itch to grab his weapon, Jun grinned weakly that quickly morphed into a more serious expression. "This is the only way I can get back my uncle," he said. "So as far as you're concerned, I'll be as loyal to the rebellion as any of your friends there." His stubborn pout made him seem more like a nineteen year old – or younger – than ever before.
Suyin clambered to her feet from her meditative exercises, rolling her shoulders as she greeted her brother with all the respect and dignity of a young Fire Nation lady. "Ran!" She dropped herself into a quick bow more out of habit than necessity before continuing, "Oh, don't be so stuffy. Neither Father nor the men are here; we can do what we want."

Their family's boat swayed from side to side, knocked by the currents, and the girl shook her head violently to clear it of seasickness. It was only her second trip away from home and while she didn't long to be back at the manor with tutors and trainers, anything would be better than the rhythmic rocking of the boat. She was sure that with the ship's gold colouring and castle-like structure it would be a fine target for the pirates to attack, but likely they knew it was a general's vessel already.

"I hear they have waterbenders on the ship. Traitors from the Northern Water Tribe," she mused. "As far as tactics go... we need a small force of our firebenders to light their ships on fire and the rest to clear they way to the captain's hideout. They have a larger than usual crew, but the men should suffice."

With a wicked smirk she continued, "We're going after the captain and his protectors – the best job, am I right?" Suyin was so glad that her brother always deferred to her, always looked to her for commands like a good, loyal soldier should.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

''His pulse isn't any quicker then normal'' The man in the white coat said ''For now we shall presume he speaks the truth''

''If your uncle really was a rebel it won't be to hard for us to find out whether you speak the truth'' The man with the trident beard said ''As you can see I have quite a lot of contact with the fire nation, but for now I'm with my mate, I'l believe ya....for now''

The man poured Jun a drink ''Now on to the important question, how exactly is a boy like you going to make himself useful, you got a sword I see....and? Any bending to reinforce our merry little band? Contacts with the outside world? Experience? you name it kid and we can use it''
Ran's smile became less nervous ''Yes, the best job sister, please allow me to show you a map of the surrounding area'' His words however were no less stiff then before but he did take Suyin's hand as a gesture of affection.

The map Ran placed before them showed the edges of the western earth kingdom and the various island before its coast ''Our ship is currently at the stream of Kiya, merely twenty minutes removed from this place'' His finger went towards the biggest island on the map ''The island of Roku, named after avatar Roku of course. Despite its name the island is not a volcanic one, it is quite snowy I'm afraid'' Both siblings knew that if the enemy had water benders in their service then the snow would be a big obstacle.

''The pirate base on the island is an old fire nation fortress, quite filled with traps if my old maps are to believed...I...please stay near me, alright''

Outside they could see the pirate ships leaving the island of Roku and heading towards their prize.
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