Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tidus


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jack would have rushed straight to the top. He was pretty unsure how he was going to somehow take the hill, but he had to try something! He certainly wasn't going to lie down and lose! Jack saw Molly bring her jackhammer of a fist down and he knew what to do. He timed his jump perfectly with her burst of strength, landing smoothly as he began to circle the top of the hill. "I am so sorry about this everyone!" He would shout as he began to overload himself. He could feel the stingin sensation, like pinpricks all over his entire body, as he speeds up and begins to move the air within, like a large and slow vortex. Vector covered his face to prevent the wind burns that might happen during this stunt. He began to reach his limit as small bursts of electricity began to erupt from him to the nearest object in the circle, be that a pole or a person, and they became bigger the faster he moved. Reaching his peak speed in short time, the bursts were nearly constant and began to hit everything at the top of the hill with quite a shock. The air grew colder as the vortex picked up and began to suck the oxygen out of the top. His hope was that anyone who was short of breath or exerted would be caught off guard by Molly's assault, then pass out from the thin air and possible electrocution. He was growing tired, but he was going to run until he couldn't anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shortly after coming to a stop, Dimitri pinned Shane to the ground and held him there, his face a mask of annoyance as he stared down at his captive, "Now then, lets make sure you don't go causing me more trouble, yeah?" he said as he raised his hand. Dimitri was set to give Shane a face full of acoustic pain, however before he could even decide what volume to set his blasters with, he was hit with some sort of unknown wave. With Dimitri being so focused on putting Shane out of commission, the strike came more or less without warning, meaning the cyborg didn't have the chance to prepare himself for it. He was sent airborne, the world around him spun this way and that before Dimitri found himself landing unceremoniously on his rear near the last three steps. Sadly, the laws of physics could be a fickle mistress, meaning that rather than just stopping there, the force of his landing prompted him to bounce and ultimately tumble down the stairs like a human shaped slinky. Dimitri only came to a stop once he landed flat on his back at the bottom of the stairs. He groaned, though not out of pain- he groaned because he couldn't even begin to imagine just how banged up his body was from the entire ordeal "Yup...now seems like a good time for me to throw in the towel." he muttered to himself. Dimitri didn't even bother trying to get up, he knew that doing anything more would just mean more repair work later, and as such, resigned himself to staring at the ceiling until the end of the class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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There was a large boom, the sound of rushing wind and then nothing. These were the things James could hear and feel going on outside his dome. They were not a particularly inviting sounds. He stared at his watch for the last thirty seconds while all hell broke loose outside. It may not be a particularly glorious way to win but compared to the other he was outmatched in strength and power. One of these days he was going to get his butt handed to him. Probably by Jack, Molly, or Shane who all appeared far more capable at using their powers without limit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

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After getting tossed off the top of the hill, taking a beating from by Dimitri, and getting thrown again by a second blast Shane was out of the game. He laid there on the ground with the only company being his thoughts. "....you got your ass handed to you", he thought to himself. "Really? I hadn't noticed", normally he wouldn't talk to himself but as of late he felt the need to examine himself was necessary. "How do you expect to make it in the big leagues if you can't hold your own in a fight?"  "Hey I can fight, just not against frickin robots...not easy punching metal"  "That's your problem, you can handle yourself fine when it's just you and a normal person. But put you against a super and you can't win unless you use your powers" "I'm not using that curse...", after what he saw today his view of his powers had changed drastically. "I'm never going to use my powers again"  "Then you better get to the gym and start training because street fighting isn't going to mean shit to these kids. They will break you without a second thought"  "My fighting is fine. I need gear, gadgets, stuff like that....Barns! He owes me a few favors, he could get me what I need"  "Do you even have a clue what you need?" "I have an idea...", he said pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I'm surprised this shit didn't break", he commented before calling Barns. It rang for a while before it was picked up. The voice on the other end wasn't what you'd expect of a fence. His speech was refined and imitated that of an Industrial Era American which happened to fit the description of Barns as well. He was a large and husky guy with a thing for eccentricity, at first glance you'd expect him to be from the Midwest selling miracle cures to the naive. "You have reached Barns Special Acquisitions, how may I be of service", Barns answered the phone with a loud and excited greeting that had always annoyed Shane whenever he called. "Barns, it's Thief", Shane answered. Despite the two working with each other for years Shane never gave Barns his full name as information was also Barns' business.  "Why hello my amiable highwayman! What can I do for you today? You'll be delighted to know that I am having a sale on-"  "Cut the shit Barns I need to call in a favor", the fence dropped the fake accent immediately after this. "Alright, alright, whaddaya need?", Barns asked before the sounds of shuffling could be heard. Barns knew that when Shane called in a favor it required the exclusive merchandise. "I'm looking at the inventory right now, you remember the list I gave you last time?" "Yeah I do and here's what I need...", after receiving the list Barns looked over the inventory list for the required items. "This is the good stuff ya hear me kid? You better not break it like you did last time"  "Dont worry about it. When will they arrive?"  "Tomorrow at the earliest, what are you doing Thief? Last time you called in a favor-" "Like i said don't worry about it. Thanks Barns"  "Yeah yeah take care of yourself kid" Shane hung up the phone and continued to lay on the ground waiting for class to end. This has been one hell of a first day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryan wasn't totally sure what happened, but he did know he had multiple burns and everything hurt. He looked around and noted he was on the pyramid still. " Did I win?" He groaned as he coughed up some blood. " This is why I hate everyone."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheBrightestEyes
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TheBrightestEyes Her Eyes Are Too Bright....*hiss*

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ariella looked towards the girl with the bear now turning into some kind of greyhoind and growling at her. She jumped scaredly, taking a few steps back. "I don't want to hurt you or your bear. Please don't do this..." Ariella said not wanting to use her powers on a human, or even the bear! She loves animals.
"He won't get hurt. He lives off stitches." Jami replied, and Bear lunged at Ariella. Jami ran around behind Ariella in case Bear couldn't take care of her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ariella continued to back away seeing that she was already in the edge of the hill. With one push she can fall down. She noticed her team failing because the other team were using their powers like if they were actually fighting an enemy. Now Bear and Jami ran right to Ariella. "Mother of ....." she didn't want to hurt the bear or anything so what she did was throwing both of her hands towards the bear as it's molecules froze and it stopped the bear as it lunged her. Jami was still running for her. "....." Ariella trew her hand on the ground infront of Jami as it exploded creating a shockwave, sending Jami flying away from Ariella. As she did, Ariella moved away from the cliff. The game almost ending.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheBrightestEyes
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TheBrightestEyes Her Eyes Are Too Bright....*hiss*

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jami rolled down the hill, her breath knocked out of her as she landed on the ground. Bear's eye moved around panickedly, the oversized teddy bear not knowing why he couldn't move. Sure, he knew the bare minimum about superpowers (they were why he was alive, after all) he was still surprised with everything knew he met.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shane was still laying on the floor as he waited for what seemed like the longest thirty seconds of his life. His thoughts focused on the events that transpired today. He learned that his skills outside Riftman form were in serious need of refinement. Speaking of his rift form he began to wonder what happened while he was out of control of body. Malkaris managed to take over and as a result Shane was unable to see what was happening around him. He tried hard to remember and suddenly the memories rushed back to him. He could see himself crushing Dimitri's hands after releasing that horrible scream. He could see himself choking Shadow till she was within an inch from death. That was the last straw for him, while he wasnt against violence-his past work as proof-he was against killing innocents and Shadow was no exception. "Why the hell did i have to be the one possessed by a demon?", he thought to himself. Most of the students here had powers that make him look like kid with kleptomania, those that didnt had money to keep them supplied and ahead of the game. But Shane, no Shane was a guy with nothing but favors and a lust for money. Despite the amount of jobs he'd done his pay mostly went towards paying expenses let alone getting Batman grade gear. "Lets just hope i-or anyone here-breaks my new toys", was the last thing he said before getting up to watch the remainder of the game on the sidelines.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

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The bell rings and Jinx yells, "Time is up! Everyone freeze!" She checks her communicator with a sly smile on her lips. She scans over the times between both teams and says, "Alright, though it was a close match... James's team has won! Congratulations. Now, get out of here before I have Mammoth chase you all out!" --- Violet looks down as the bell rings. Her team won... What? That's new even for her. She looks to Jack and gives a small smile at him. "I guess I win?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Having counted down the last thirty seconds in relative safety James exits his protective done. Close, was Jinx trying to be nice. As far as he could tell his team had had the top pretty much the whole time. Whatever, they won which was the goal. From what he saw his group had a lot more cooperation. Were it not for whatever monster Shane turned into things could have gone differently. That detail did leave a lot of them battered and bruised though. Despite that competition he looked at all who were injured. It was kind of hard to decide who needed attention first. Dimitri was pretty badly damaged and would take time to repair. But that didn't seems quite as important given it was mostly parts. Deciding that the more pressing hit was on the other team James walked over to Molly who had taken a significant blow to the head. Shark blows like that could result in concussions. "You doing alright?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As soon as the bell rang, Ariella stopped and fell down on her knees taking a deep breath. God this whole training thing was very hardworking...eventhough they didn't win. She was still happy that James's team won. They did a very good job too. But they were going overpowered with the whole powers using. Ariella clapped for them as she sat down on the ground. "Congratulations..!" she noticed Molly and quickly stood up walking towards her. "Are you okay..?" she said sounding worried and turning to her other teams, hopefully they were okay too but Molly seemed to be the most injured. "Jame- Nevermind.." Ariella said wanting to tell James something but didn't feel like it had to be said so she turned back to Molly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Molly's mind swam, and felt just about ready to fall open at any moment due to what felt like an axe wound in the back of her head. Her platinum hair, once clean and bright, was now more of a gradient of dirty reddish-brown, only retaining its former color near the tips. She lifted her head slowly, swaying slightly and groaning with a quaver in her voice. From her nose and the top of her head also ran rivulets of red, making her cute face look more like a horror movie villain's than a young woman. Spitting out some red-tinted saliva, she speaks weakly. "I... I stayed -- no'ne knocked me off th' hill." With a massive grunt of effort and some time spent slowly squirming, she pushed herself onto her knees and sat hunched over, arms out and fingers spread wide. With a pushing motion and a strobe of rumbling bass, she is pushed to her feet. She is able to stand with her knees facing inward, if only barely. "I'm m'okay, jus' gotta get patch'd up, man." She takes a wobbling step forward and promptly stumbles, but catches herself with another gravitational push. Once stable, she looks over to Ariella and James, and raises a hand to either speak or steady herself. "Coulja gimme som' help 'ere, get me over to th' entrance and m' hammer?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryan left the classroom with a frown on his face as usual. "One day. I'm going to be useful. I refuse to be outclassed like this again." He walked to the firing range in the school and grabbed some guns. He started up the hardest program He saw and began. He expertly used every bullet with a 99 percent accuracy rate and hit 99 out of 100 targets. "Pathetic. Restart." And so he began improving himself to the point of complete exhaustion. He walked out of the range and frowned even more intensely. "I will be better than them." He repeated to himself constantly as he walked. If you looked at him you would see the eyes of a madman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The bell rang and Shane was out the door. He headed straight for the showers and got himself cleaned up. Man I feel like shit..., he thought once back in his room. He changed into some black jeans and a grey t-shirt before heading over to the library. On the way he couldn't help but feel somewhat awkward as he walked through the halls, he was used to simply flying wherever he needed to go and to be walking like this, not to mention the minor limp he had due to a sore leg from last class, just made it worse. Despite this his desire to shift was nonexistent, what he saw pretty much traumatized him. He was used to violence that's not what that was. What he was shown was a slaughterhouse. Arriving at the library he accessed a computer and began searching through the superhero and villain archives. The names and descriptions of various heroes and villains went down in an immense list which made Shane verbally say, "Holy shit" he figured this would take too much time and so filtered them out by selecting powers of interest. "Alright so telekinesis...flight...mind link...invisibility", with the tapping of the enter key he recieved the message, "No Results" "Of course I'd be the first one with this...hold on", he had an idea. Perhaps he was simply just the first to get these powers from something else. That must be why he got it from the vial now it just was a matter of figuring out where the vial's contents came from. He inputted as much information as he knew about his powers as possible I to the general archives and eventually came across something which seemed to be the most likely cause of his powers..though this wasn't what he expected. The information stated a creature known as "Revenati", apparently these things have over the years appeared around the world but interaction between them and humans are rare and often hostile. These creatures had the same abilities as Shane and then some as well as similar appearance when in Rift form. Shane looked on in bewilderment at what these things were but no matter how much he read he still didn't have all the answeres he sought. "So that vial was it's blood? If thats the case is that thing living on in me through the blood?...son of a bitch I'm possessed!", he said before shutting off the computer. This wasn't good. He got some answers yeah but not the one he wanted. Could it be cured. For now the cure was to simply not shift. Looks like your back to being a regular thief, Shane, he thought to himself as he walked back to his room. He laid in his bed with his hands behind his head as he looked up to the ceiling he remembered he wanted to get some practice in again today. "Tonight then, when everyone's asleep. Not in the mood to share the space"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tidus


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the bell chimed, Jack stopped immediately, the disappointment evident on his face. Had he reacted sooner and dominated the hill, he could have won, but he let his mind get muddled. He would have looked up when Violet spoke, and he would smile a bit. "Yeah, looks like you guys win. I'll have to try much harder next time..." He would say almost to himself. He was still a bit sore over being the slowest speedster. Even the old man could out pace him, and he wasn't sure how he would get faster. Jack would walk over to Violet and offer her his hand. "What should we do now?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the class came to an end, Dimitri slowly got to his feet and grimaced as he realized that a few sparks were emanating from his left wrist whenever he bent it in one direction. "Something tells me that isn't going to be the only difficult repair." He sighed before beginning to plan out how to ask James to make him some new parts without being overbearing. Dimitri was about to walk out of the door, however the slurred speech and appearance of Molly froze him in his tracks. The cyborg felt a wave of shame wash over him when he played back what he'd done to her in his mind. His repairs would have to wait, Dimitri needed to make things right, "Don't worry 'bout it guys, I guy her." Dimtri said to Ariella and James before walking over to Molly and helping her get steady the same way he'd helped Violet, "C'mon, we need to get you to the infirmary. You can still get your hammer, but let's try not to wait any further than that to get you checked out.".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheBrightestEyes
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TheBrightestEyes Her Eyes Are Too Bright....*hiss*

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jami climbed up the hill slowly to get to Bear, glaring at Ariella. She picked up her bear, starting back down towards the door. Everything hurt, but she fell down a hill. Of course it hurt. She tripped, faceplanting again. "God freaking fraggle frack." she groaned, getting up and walking to the door. Her face was red with embarrassment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Whatever amount of time that had passed was unknown to Shane, he'd spaced out while staring at the ceiling of his room. "Damn I'm bored...is there anything to do around here that isn't about powers?", he said out loud with frustration in his voice. He was itching to do something, anything that would help him forget about what he just learned. "Might as well just take a walk", was the last thing he said before exiting his room. Shane began to roam the halls of the academy hoping at some point he'd find something to do. Alright so tonight I'm training, I guess I could get something to eat at the cafeteria and figure something out from there. Once in the cafeteria Shane got a bowl of that grey slop from earlier. It was better than nothing he figured as he devoured it within a few seconds. After eating however instead of heading off to go find something to do Shane decided to take a nap. In the cafeteria. Surrounded by future heroes and villains. Without his powers. On a normal day Shane would never have even considered doing this but today wasn't a normal day now was it. He rested his head on the table and was soon fast asleep despite the roar of the cafeteria filled with other students. He was having less than sweet dreams, Shane witnessed a series of images fade into view as they depicted memories from the years past. The day he left the orphanage, meeting Barns, getting beat up by some thugs in an alleyway, meeting Riya...of all the memories he saw that one lasted the longest. It sparked a series of memories related to her to come into view as he dreamt of their first job together, their first big score, and...the day she died. Once again a series of memories were shown but all violent and sad, he could see all those guards dead in the warehouse, the little kid whobwas being bullied and beaten up and made into an outcast. Worst of all he remembered the day he got the scar on his face. The knife was so close to his face it caused Shane to jump out of his seat and out of his dreams back into reality. "Damn..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Molly accepts the help with a weak smile. "Thanh's, bub." She latches on to Dimitri with a weak grip and tries to walk over to the exit. She swallows with some difficulty and puts out a noise that sounds to be a cross between a chuckle and a groan. "Ya really smack'd me -- good in th' dome, man..." Her free hand goes to the back of her skull and comes back speckled with red. She lazily pulls her mouth into a cringe and groans again. "May need to... guh -- get to th' med place. Get me fix'd up." She extends an arm as they reach the exit and curls her fingers slowly. With a hum, Vulcanus moves from its perch beside the door and floats slowly, head first until it comes to a stop beneath Molly's arm, serving as a makeshift crutch to assist her in walking. She could barely see straight, and was leaning heavily on both her hammer and Dimitri himself. She looked to him once more, one eye glued shut by blood, "D'ya mind helpin' me to th' doc?"
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