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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
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Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

North took a few, small calming breaths. His hands remained completely steady as he trained the sniper rifle to the car that was pulling up to the building. The mission was simple. Take out some guy. North honestly had no idea who he was, or what he’d done to get himself on a hit list. But that didn’t seem important. The mission was the mission. Inside the car, using the advanced motion tracker he’d been given he could see the man inside, as well as three other forms. One the driver and the other two no doubt body guards.

It wouldn’t matter. As the door opened and his target stepped out North trained his gun to the man’s head, lining up the shot. It seemed easy enough. Almost too easy… his finger lightly squeezed the trigger and the shot rang out loudly through the street. However it hit the ground beside the man, leaving North in shock. “What?!” There was no way that should have missed. The shot had been perfect… he knew it should have hit. The sight on the sniper rifle must have been off. That’s what he gets for not testing out a weapon before using it he supposed. Still, whoever had given him such a defective weapon was going to hear about it when this was all done.

In a panic the target was rushed inside, something North had at least prepared for, had he not been able to make the additional shot. He abandoned the useless sniper rifle and ran inside, hurrying down the stairs. He’d set the Promethean Vision to lock onto his target, a feature he thought exceptionally useful, so that he was constantly outlined in a purple aura instead of the usual red like the rest of them.

They’d told him there were a bunch of other features about the enhancement, but he hadn't even begun to look into those. South had read his entire manual and promised to help him with all the basic stuff once there was time. He could see, even through the dozens of floors of the building, exactly where the man was being moved. He was quickly moved to the elevator and pushed inside before it began moving up. Now North really had no idea which floor he was going to be taken to, so the plan was to take out the elevator all together.

Though not exactly showing off his shooting skills he figured so long as the guy died and he completed the mission who cared? So he headed off the roof and made his way to the first floor he came upon that had access to the elevator. However upon opening the door to the stairs he stopped as he was met with a handful of armed guards. His eyes widening slightly in surprise he sucked out of the way as rounds began being fired off at him. Moving quickly out the line of fire he slammed the door shut again and moved over to the edge of the building.

Looking down he could see a fire escape off to the side of the building and with little hesitation he hauled himself over the side, landing on the metal platform with a heavy thud. He then crashed through the window with little thought, after all if bullets barely hurt this amour he doubted glass would. He could still see his target, though he was now out of the elevator and two floors down, which meant the initial plan was out. There seemed to be armed guards everywhere. It was starting to get ridiculous. No one has this much security. Still, though a great amount of skill and no small amount of luck he made managed to get to the room.

When he burst through he instantly aimed at the target, who really just looked like a normal guy. Scared even. However a small noise off to his right cause him to glance to his side slightly. “Make one wrong move and I kill him.” He warned the figure, who was slowly making their way around into his line of sight.

“I would not do that if I were you.” The voice sounded confident, sure of itself. When he was finally able to get a proper look North froze. He had South at gunpoint. How, he had no clue. But that was not the issue at the moment. “You fire and she dies, make your choice.”

His heart was now hammering in his chest as North struggled with himself internally. The mission was the mission. But he could never live with himself if he knew she’d been hurt because of him. With barely a thought he dropped his gun as a shot rang out through the room and he turned his eyes wide as South fell to a bloody heap on the floor. “NO-”

And then everything was white, a blinding white. “Simulation terminatied.” He could hear F.I.L.S.S’s voice and slowly a room was coming into focus and he began remembering. It was Stage Three, a mission simulation. None of it was real… looking over beside him he saw South fine and safe in her own simulation. His heart was still pumping as he was moved to another room, separate from the first one. Obviously they didn’t want anyone warning those who were still waiting about how difficult it was. Still feeling in this strange sense of shock he sat down and simply decided to try and collect his whits as he waited for his sister.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 19 min ago

Pennsylvania decided the place reminded him a lot like his namesake. Cool, rainy, and rather well wooded. There was a compound in front of him, not directly, it was a good ways off still. He had elected for an on foot approach from a distance, rather than a closer insertion. The job was to get in, there was some top secret tech that brass wouldn't tell him what it was that these guys had stolen. Destroy it, and get out. In that order, he was told. The real reason for his drop this far off was for the sole reason that he wanted to double check his gear post drop. Everything checked out. He had demo charges, safely stowed away in the backpack unit he was carrying for the explosives. Next was his grenade launcher, an old piece of tech that he still favored over rocket launchers and the like, it was far more useful in his mind. He had a pair of backup pistols, a pair of suppressed varient of those normally carried that, while not favored by most Agents, he used until it was time to go loud and preferred over the normal issue. He had several different yields of grenades, from lower yield designed to incapacitate, several standard frags, and one he personally modified on the fly with a dead man switch wired to his vitals. Just in case.

It was a light kit, Penn was told to carry only the necessities, and had been denied a lot of assets that could have been useful. It irritated him, but it wasn't the first time there wasn't a lot to be acquired for a mission. He would improvise if need be. Now that inventory and double checks were done, he drew on of the pistols and moved through the brush. Before long he reached the compound up close, and immediately noticed a disparity he couldn't see from a distance, due to terrain. The compound walls were solid concrete, not the fences he was briefed on. And the tops had posts at regular intervals, with nothing in between them, which the Agent did not even remotely begin to trust. Why put solid walls so easily mounted, with such high value tech inside? No, that wasn't right, he wrote that off as an alarm system. The main gate was near by, but it was sealed, a pair of steel doors also preventing entry with the same posts on top.

The mission was already off kilter, but he had a job to do, and that meant getting through this wall. He had managed to get a few demo charges where, according to command, one would suffice, just in case. Pulling one out, knowing full well the chances of getting in quiet were gone now, he planted it on a weak point in the wall, targeting a load bearing point in the wall to maximize destruction. Everything was primed and ready, and he took cover several meters away behind some rocks, grabbing the detonater and triggering it. Instead of the earth shacking explosion, nothing. He heard a fizzle, and it just broke. Penn looked in a mixture of shock and anger. He had double checked everything, each charge individually, there was zero chances for that to be possible. That meant plan B. He had the one charge he needed for the target now, and that was now in question as well.

Stepping away a few paces, it was time to go in the way he didn't want to, through those posts. Getting a running start and using the rocks as a platform, he managed to get enough height to reach the wall's top, hauling himself over and, like he figured, setting off every alarm the compound had. And there was already half a dozen guards beneath him. This base had more security then should have been logistically possible, but disbelief, anger, and other emotion drained. As he started downwards, he had both pistols out, firing as he fell, crushing one man beneath his armor's bulk and powered forward, feeling rounds already pinging and lodging themselves in his armor. That got a brief smirk, it would take a lot of firepower to punch through the reinforced plating. That was his armor's enhancement, the entire thing was rebuilt with armor and resilience in mind. Crude, simple, and lacking flashy effect, but it worked rather well.

There was a security door up ahead, and he brought out the grenade launcher, firing a round in impact mode, blowing the door off its hinges and reloaded as he walked in. The alarms were louder now, and he heard more guards above. Next round, he held the trigger for a detonation on decision of his own, and when the alert lit up on the proximity device attached to the launcher display, he released the trigger. He heard the round go off, the EMP sounding clearly over the smaller explosion, and kept running, not caring whether or not the guards were dead or not, more rounds tearing through the air.

Before long he reached the holding pen, and he had a problem. The door was secured, and only one thing could actually breach this door. The last demo charge. A job was a job, and he had frags left, so he placed the charge on the door, primed it, and took cover from both it and the oncoming volley's of fire, launching another grenade their way from the launcher. This charge actually worked, blowing the door off its hinges, and he stormed in, reloading, and the device was there, as were a dozen guards up on the walkways above it, with a variety of guns trained on him. An announcer came over the base speakers. "Game over intruder, it would take far above the yield of any single grenade you have now."

Any single grenade, well, he couldn't be captured, so that was that. Penn shrugged, slinging the grenade launcher and its remaining payload on his back, and just as he started to raise his arms, dove forward, the pin on both of his maxed yield grenades falling as he slammed into the device as his vision whited out, painfully so at that rate, the last sound was of the horde of weapons fire and his armor being shredded before the explosions could go off, and he stood up out of the simulation chair, glaring right up where the men would be reviewing before storming off to the room the post test Agents would be held. "Try giving me some functioning equipment next time and correct intel, useless fucks."

Penn ripped his helmet off, a rather displeased look on his face as he crashed into a chair, the momentum and weight of his armor nearly collapsing the chair as he sat, glaring at the door where the men would no doubt come out and curse them for being failures or some such nonsense.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by philp123

philp123 The One, The Only, Philp123

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was pitch black, rain trickled from the sky. Only thing keeping it bright was the night vision of the squad’s Heads up display. Moving out the bushes and onto the abandoned road. The squad of Spartans trailed down the road. Their objective was simple: Locate the target, and escort him to an EVAC point. Iowa led the squad forward. Part of Him wanted to question command but the other part understood they would kill me if he found out why.

He had expected it to be a quiet mission but of course there was always complications. There was a glint of light and a round hit the man behind Iowa. “SHIT, SNIPER FIRST FLOOR SECOND BUILDING ON THE RIGHT.” Iowa shouted as he dragged the man to cover he made the call for suppressing fire as he looked over the man, the round had gone straight through his chest; there was very little chance of his survival.

“Control, this is agent Iowa we have a man down presumed KIA I estimate that if we get a medivac we can save his life.”

“Sorry, agent but due to our lack of resources you must continue your mission. Due to Your loss of men your mission parameters have changed, instead of escorting the targets you know have orders to eliminate him”
“Bull shit control, I’m not moving until-”
“Don’t argue with us Agent, You know you orders. Control out. ”
“Dammit, I’m sorry” He said pointing his pistol at the agent’s head and pulling the trigger. Kneeling down to him he took off his helmet and took his rifle and put helmet on the rifle and leaned it against the wall. “May you find peace amongst the dead.”

“Let’s move out, radio silence from now on, I don’t want to hear control again until this mission is complete.” Moving up to the objective it was shown a Heavy perimeter around the warehouse complex, the only option was stealth. In a sense it was lucky that the squad became a man down they had the perfect amount of men to do a pincer formation. 2 squad members took the right whilst Iowa and another took the left.

He was halfway inside the complex when heavy gunshots were heard followed by silence. Iowa knew the outcome; he’d just lost two other members of his squad. “Poor bastards.” he muttered "Just you and me now” Iowa turned around to see him lying bleeding out via pistol wound. It to him that seemed like time had slowed down he grabbed his knife and went to stab the assailant, he was countered but he dropped the knife into his other hand and aimed for the abdomen whilst covering his mouth so no sound could be heard. He shut his eyes and left him leaning against a wall. It was now only him left.

He found his target. He was a Spartan ‘You’re in enough trouble already don’t ask questions’ he thought to himself. He climbed up to the nearest roof, grabbed his DMR and aimed towards his head, a perfect shot. He shot and the bullet went straight through, It was a hologram. All of a sudden he heard the click of a pistol behind his head and a voice: “How do stupid do you think I am?”. Iowa replied “Not at all” he turned on his field just as the trigger was pulled causing the round to deflect; he deactivated the field and grabbed the pistol. And aimed it is his head, the target took off his helmet and threw it on the ground, I staggered back I knew his face, Iowa’s gun still pointed towards his head. “I’ve killed two of your squads now, how does it feel to be responsible for their deaths?” He kicked him to the floor as his radio beeped: “This is Control, your mission has changed the target must remain alive”. Iowa replied as he threw off his helmet “Fuck you, control. This guy is mine.” as he unloaded his whole mag of his pistol into his chest. He threw the pistol on the ground and punched him repeatedly as he broke into tears he collapsed as he whispered into his ear: “Find peace amongst the dead. Ass hole”

A grid formed around everything and the world faded into a strong White light as the familiar voice of F.I.L.S.S spoke: “Critical mission failure, simulation Terminated. Would you like to talk to anyone Agent Iowa?” the world fell back into view “No F.I.L.S.S I’m fine, I just need some time,” Iowa was escorted out with tears dripping down his face Luckily he was wearing his helmet still as it shielded the view of tears. He stormed in “I’m going to rip that bastards throat out, how the hell did he have access to that file” and paced around until he finally exploded and punched a wall. Two men came in to calm him down and he eventually sat down in a corner with his head in his hands
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 3 days ago

It was snowing as Carolina lead his battalion into the pass, they were in high spirits having just received the Christmas mail and a warm meal at base the were simply marching off to establish a base, rebels activity was near zero and the worsted the would have to confront was some teenage hackers or a couple of old men with shotguns. At least that's what the report had told him, Carolina sat behind the control panel of a Scorpion class tank, the vehicle groaned they entered the narrow part of the pass. He had been sent to escort these men to the village supposedly there were rebels planet-side,in front of him rode a contingent of Agents assigned under his command. That when it happened, the tank behind him fired a shot, right at the top of the ridge causing a avalanche to block the pass .

His tactical system alerted him just in time and he managed to break and put his tank between the Warthog in front and the soldiers behind. The troops here had gone native, they had taken him to this mountain range to get him out of communication range as well trap him and his agents here, he bailed out as the controls seized up and the tank exploded. He ordered his Agents back, into a nearby cave, as he rushed forward drawing pistol he shot a fire team jumped onto the tank that ha fired, he emptied the clip into the driver. Getting into the tank the system helped him to target and destroy near the entire convoy.

As he climbed out he looked over the carnage proudly, he'd done it, he'd saved his squad. He almost called out to them,then he saw it more vehicles, drop-ships, troopers, and Hell even a a light frigate closing in on them. He ordered his squad to secure vehicles and weapons. They even food some rations, they pushed back each assault, the ship over head preventing them from leaving the canyon, weeks turned to months, the food supplies and ammo were holding but damn it, they were still trapped.

A little over a year later, he had been out scouting the enemies forward camp in the valley below, for the past year he had been leading them, beating the odds with only two out his twenty agents dead. He returned to his horror, finding North Dakota, a man he had come to trust completely over the year having killed all the other agents. He turned to look at Carolina with the leer of a wolf. "South is alive, they have her prisoner. If I killed all of you, they give her back to me and we can leave." He stated in monotone voice. Carolina had the advantage, had his rifle pointed right at North, he couldn't do it, he couldn't kill his friend. North however, fired at his the round perfectly piercing Carolina's heart.

Carolina awoke from the simulation struggling to break free, he scream and cried. His sim had been different from others, it was to test his skills as a officer and if he could shoot one of his own. His methods had worked, he had beaten odds the system had set up to win, adapted and survived. All while putting his men first, yet when it came to killing one of them, even after they had done something monstrous,he couldn't. He was sentimental, kind, strong, and compassionate. He pretended to be cold and calculating but in truth because he see's peoples problems and fears he he understands them and can help them fight trough them. He was not cut out to be a leader yet, he could be the leader that people looked up to and found comfort in. He could a useful puppet if nothing else.

Hours later Carolina had awoke, they had explain that none of that was real and it was all a test, highly classified and top secret to boot. He hated it, he felt like such a fool he had memories of friends and times that had never existed, yet know they expected him to return to normal life. He donned his armor and went to see who else had finished there trials in this mad house.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
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Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

South sat quietly near the entrance to the compound, her breath slow but anything but steady. “Just have to get in. Get the files. Get out.” She muttered to herself as she looked at the door. Everything would get tricky once she went in there. The girl could practically hear North’s voice in her head as she went over the checklist again, trying to remember if she’d forgotten anything important. Set your motion trackers. Check your weapons, ammunition and equipment. Remember the mission. Keep calm. Turning once she was sure everything was in order she was easily able to hack into the entry lock and was in.

Her motion tracker was revealing that there were only a few guards and they were moving in very predictable patterns. Using this she found it was almost easy to remain out of their line of sight. The compound was nothing special, very well lit and very cold. She quickly set her Adaptive Camouflage to replicate the steely texture of the wall, making her more difficult to see. Up ahead South spotted a control console, the one that had been marked out for her in the mission briefing.

Moving to it quickly she changed her amour’s camouflage to match that of the guards patrolling the complex. It would help to buy her a lot of time if anything went wrong. Plugging in the information drive she quickly set about hacking into the system. It was a little more difficult than she was used to, but that only slowed her down a few seconds and within a couple of minutes the data was downloading onto her drive. Taking a few breaths to try and calm herself South stood back, not able to believe her luck. This was all so easy. Whilst she waited she checked her motion trackers again, which displayed no guards in her immediate vicinity.

The data was almost finished downloading when she heard a sound that made her stomach drop. A guard entered the room with the console she was standing by. “Hey… what are you doing?” Checking her motion tracker again South saw nothing. There was no sign on him on the equipment. A second later red letters began flashing on her helmet display. MOTION TRACKER MALFUNCTION.

Now you tell me. The girl thought to herself. However her camouflage seemed to be fooling him for now. “Just some system updates need to be done. We’re just backing up all of the data to external sources to ensure nothing is lost.” She quickly lied. Surprisingly the guy seemed fine with that and he was about to turn to leave when he stopped and just stared at her.

“What the?” South looked down at her hands and saw the amour fluctuating, the camouflage making it change to many different colours before turning off completely. ADAPTIVE CAMOUFLAGE MALFUNCTION.

“Are you serious?!” The guy raised his rifle at her and South slowly raised her hands, glancing to the side as the data disk read that the transfer was complete. “Disengage audio and visual sensors.” She said quietly as everything went dark and silent. She then released the small object in her hand and dove out of the way, which was difficult when she couldn’t see where she was going. Quickly reengaging the sensors she grabbed the drive and ran off before the guard had a chance to recover from the flash bang. Now most other agents would have killed the guy, this she was aware of.

But South had never killed a person before. She wasn’t sure if she was even capable of it. Alarms began blaring loudly all around her and the lights went from white to dark and red as they began flashing. All around her people were running around in an angry flurry. South reached a locked door and began working on the lock. However it just wasn’t budging. It made no sense. This was a simple lock. What she was doing should be working but it just wasn’t, it was like every time she cracked the lock it changed itself. “Hey there she is!” She heard someone shout and bullets began flying, forcing her to abandon the door and try for another.

If she could just get to the evac point she would be fine, she knew. Skidding to a halt as she came to another door South attempted to hack this one. To her surprise it opened like it should and she ran through, the door slamming behind her and the girl coming to a grinding halt as she was faced with dozens of armed guards all aiming their weapons at her. Despite trying to hold herself together the girl whimpered, her body starting to shake as tears began spilling down her face.

The one who looked like they were in charge began approaching her, walking very slowly and calmly before holding out their hand. “Hand over the disk, little girl.”

South looked up sharply and shook her head slightly. “I won’t…” She moved to take a step backwards when a gun went off and a bullet struck right behind her foot, causing her to jump back into her original position.

“You’re going to die unless you hand over that disk. So why don’t you just make it easy on yourself.” However South shook her head again but couldn’t bring herself to utter any words this time. The commander shrugged slightly. “Have it your way then.” She raised her hand and the sounds of guns filled the air before everything went white.

South awoke with a start, sitting up quickly and feeling all over her body, expecting to be in excruciating point. But she was fine. Was she dead? Simulation Terminated. She knew that voice. Sitting up slowly the girl slid out of the chair and stumbled towards the exit. It had all been fake. A holographic simulation.

As the door opened North looked up worriedly. Everyone who had left that room had the same defeated look to their body. No one was passing. His anxiety kept growing as he worried about South’s outcome. When he finally saw her he rose worriedly, seeing her swaying slightly where she stood he rushed over to her, taking her gently by the shoulders to support her. “Hey, you alright? What happened?” He moved to take off her helmet and saw she had tears in her eyes.

“I… I think I died…” South said softly as North pulled her into a tight hug.

“It’s okay, none of it was real. You’re safe now. Come on, let’s get you something to eat okay. You’ll feel better.”

For a long time the pair sat in the mess hall, both with full palates in front of them but not saying anything as they barely picked at it. “It was a set up.” South said finally, her voice still soft and empty as she looked up at her brother. “It was a test designed to make you fail. The more I think about it the more I’m convinced. There was no way any of us were ever going to pass. They wanted to see how we reacted to failure.” She went quiet for a while, letting the information sink in.

“I think Carolina was right.” South finally spoke again. Maybe not about too much, it’s too early to say for certain. But you asked me last night what I thought about him and I think he’s right. If, or when, things go to shit here, he is a guy we want to have on our side. I know you don’t like him. But the bottom line is he’s an incredibly powerful asset to have. And despite all his words I don’t think his intentions are malicious. I think he can be a very powerful ally. I’ve got a few others in my mind too, but only time will tell if it was all necessary or not.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 19 min ago

Penn watched South and Carolina both left in their own rights, both having failed as well. No, every single Agent failing? That was too far fetched for him to buy, and he rose as North and South withdrew, no dissapointment on his face, not as such. No, he was mad, pissed beyond belief. So many equipment failures and glaringly bad intel? That wasn't poor planning and support, that was a full blown betrayal in the field by his superiors. And he wasn't going to just stand for that idly. But first, he had to confirm with the ship's resident expert on all the weapons they would be issued. The armory would have such a man, or woman, inside. The charges shouldn't have failed, not after the checks he had made, likewise, when the simulation ended, the grenades took too long to go off as well. No, that much faulty equipment on that kind of mission? Impossible. They were set up, and the failure had little to do with his own ability and talent. But he, like previously considered, needed proof.

Penn was a very common person in the armory, always coming by, checking on gear, armor, weapons he was assigned, and so on. No matter where he had been stationed, he made himself frequent in the armory, working and talking with them to keep in very good terms. And so it wasn't surprising he knew at least one guy down there, and sat down to start talking gory details about the equipment, possible malfunctions, and everything else that had gone wrong in that mission without really giving anything away about it to figure out how he could call out those sons of bitches in command. He had seen how South looked, and Iowa for that matter. No, that didn't sit well with him, and once he had amassed the technical data, headed straight for the testing areas. He was going to find the man in charge and rip him a new asshole, figuratively in most chances.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 3 days ago

Carolina groaned, his head was still killing him, but he needed to think, it was what he best at. Okay, South and North they were good friends... No! That was in sim! Penn, yes Penn he was the kind of person he needed to speak with. Damn the memories, he wondered if they were all based on the personal information, if the stories, jokes, and feeling they had all devolved up there in that frozen hell...Were they based off the real people? It hurt so much to think, but he pushed it away and sought him out, stopping in a doorway. "Penn, we need to talk."

He glared up at security camera before turning back to him. He took off his helmet, placing it between him and the camera. "It's about the tests, They rigged them all and worse... Meet me in five." With that he placed his helmet on his head and ducked down a hall towards his room, he needed to sweep it for bugs again before Penn arrived, thinking about how he reacted in the sim, fifty-fifty chance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
Avatar of Eisenhorn

Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 19 min ago

Carolina intercepted Penn as he was on his way, a data tablet in hand as he stopped to look at the other Agent when he asked that Penn come talk, and further elaborated on the fact that everything had been rigged and to meet him in five minutes before running away. In Carolina's room, he assumed was where the agent meant to meet, and he decided, considering what happened so far today. So in about five minutes time he knocked on the door to Carolina's quarters, still holding the data tablet, and would enter when given permission to. He didn't intrude on people's privacy without damn good reason. Walking in, he now had his helmet tucked under one arm, data tablet in the other, and looked at his fellow Agent with a much calmer expression then before, considering he had time to collect himself. "Alright Carolina, what's up?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
Avatar of Apollosarcher

Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 3 days ago

Carolina had arrived in his room and swept for bugs, finding three he promptly threw under the door into the agent across the halls room. After that Penn had arrived, Carolina opened the door and let him in. "Okay Penn, this is going to be a lot to take in but..." He bit his lip unsure how to phrase it, deciding blunt was best he opened his mouth once more. "I didn't go into a combat sim, they linked my brain up to a virtual reality system, testing me as commander, everything that could wrong did, I lead twenty Agents, we became trapped in the mountains." He clutched at his head recalling memories. "They...They left me in, I experience a year of living with you all, I'm not sure if they based the Agents there off you but... I spent a year fighting along them, we laughed, we became friends, and we watched each others backs. Penn... You were my second in command in there, I trusted you... So I hope I can trust you here in... Reality?"

He asked questioning it before he shook his head. "Listen, don't trust command there making us into tools, we have to... We have to figure whats going on... I saw you all killed. God it was horrible, but that's not important. I'm not... I'm not really stable, hell I'm not sane anymore... I'm asking you to try and keep a eye out. Whatever's going on, what they did to me, we can't let more people end up like me. No more broken shells." With that he took off his helmet, his eyes darted, no longer slow lingering gaze's as they had been. These's were the eyes of a man who was sacred, the eyes of a man who had held the bunker and by the time reinforcements had arrived found him alone, his squad in pieces on the floor. This was not the Carolina from dinner last night, he had been calm and collected, calculating and thoughtful.

Carolina closed his eyes and shook his head. He opened them slowly, the life seemed to have returned. He placed a more focus and controlled gave on Penn. "Penn... Listen, it's hard to stay in control... My mind is fractured from that Hell, I think I might have devolved multiple-personality disorder. You can trust me though... I know if your anything like the Penn I knew I can trust you. Know I need to go, there going to think somethings going on. I'm heading over to the med bay. Just keep a eye out, I think someone is toying with us, it would be best if we knew who."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
Avatar of Eisenhorn

Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 19 min ago

Penn had set his helmet and data pad down, giving his full attention to Carolina as he started to speak, and as he really began, Penn could already see the stress cracks and fractures in the man who had seemed so, well, together the night before. The situation the man described sounded harrowing, and rather illegal as well. It was a gross violation of normal operating procedure for sims, such simulated long term events could cause some serious damage. From what he understood from the medical folks, at any rate, they used a lot of in house techno babble for their medical. But that was not what the focus was, Carolina was cooked, unsure of whether this was reality or not alone was an indicator of that. But it was not unexpected, from the situation described. But Penn didn't interrupt the man as he began into the big part of his confession, if that was the right word, to the man. Penn was confirmed in his thinking from the declarations of a shattered mind and personality from Carolina. Even if he hadn't said anything, his eyes spoke enough. They reminded him of some soldiers he had seen, that empty, scared look of a man too long lost to the times of war and pain. Penn wasn't sure what kind of man he had known in the simulation, but apparently it was clear that one, they shared the same codename and two, he was transposing memories of that time onto this one. Not surprising, really, considering what they had done. He would have to tread carefully, his initial plans of roaring into the offices and raising holy hell gone now. It might be wiser to keep on the down low, gather information from the background and pick up on what was going on that was so screwy. Carolina seemed to get more control as he finished speaking, and Penn rose, resting a hand on the other Agent's shoulder and finally speaking. "Your not the only one who's picking up on something going on. I think all our tests were rigged in some way, shape, or form. Some worse than others. This'll seem like hollow words, but your going through a hell most can't imagine, mentally. Just keep going, you'll come out on the other side in time. I'll be keeping an eye and ear out, more so now then I originally planned. Appreciate you telling me all this, and I won't go spreading it around and about to people. This stays on the down low until the time to act is clear." Penn would be keeping an eye on Carolina though, even if medical helped him out, these kind of things needed to be watched carefully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by philp123

philp123 The One, The Only, Philp123

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Iowa managed to convince his escorts that he was fine after some time, he was angry still but he’d let most of it go. He had to contact his previous Commanding Officer there was no way that the head of this mission had the rank to access the file, I was told it had been removed. **“This is Commander Presley Quarter master of the UNSC black wolf how can I be of service is that you, bloody hell Ale-”** **“It’s agent Iowa now sir. Would there be any chance someone from outside the UNSC would have access to the file of mission ‘black widow’? ”** **“It’s nice to see you too, the only copies of that file are in the hands of the current Exec’s of the UNSC. Why, I’m sure I could get them for y-”** **“Thanks but I just needed to know how access able they were. I’ll speak to you later I’ve got to do my shift on the medical ward, And it was nice talking to you, F.I.L.S.S disconnect, and see if you can fit in an appointment with the head of this operation”** he grabbed his Data pad and left the room, his eyes were still red so kept his visor on one way mode. F.I.L.S.S replied after some time; **“I’m sorry agent Iowa but it seems that the director’s schedule is full could you try another date possibly?”** **“It’s alright F.I.L.S.S just see when you can find the next space, I might need an hour”** Iowa was so focused upon talking to F.I.L.S.S he had forgotten to eat. ‘I better get something or I’m going to perish just before my duties’ I grab a sandwich and spot North and South. He placed his tray down calmly, sat down and took his helmet off **“I hope I’m not intruding, but I couldn't let you two just sit and eat on your own. I’ve got to go soon, F.I.L.S.S enrolled me onto a medical course to check out my medical abilities. What about you two anything planned for this afternoon?”** He wouldn’t normally use small talk like that but he understood that they might not want to bring up the subject of the simulations. And personally he would prefer if they didn’t ask his mission still brings back bad memories.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 3 days ago

Carolina walked slowly towards the medical bay, he was in control, just like back in mountains, all he had to do was repress the thoughts of the place, yet as he had spent so much time there he almost longed for it. Things their were tough and the fight were grueling but he made friends, he told stories... He could trust people. Now, every crew member he passed, every agent who gave him a nod of the head, they were all scary, his world had been shattered. Yet one task allowed him to nod back in return, to smile at lovely young women who walked past him as if he was fine, revenge. He had arrived in medical to find the doctor had already prepared the many pills he would have to start taking. He nodded and thanked the man, wondering if the doctor had any idea how he a perfectly healthy man like himself developed that many brain problems so quickly. He took the first dose and headed towards the mess hall, getting himself a hearty plate of food he sat down silently beside North and South. Still in his armor the bench creaked under his weight, he took off his helmet looking between the siblings he began to eat, getting half through his meal he stopped. "Let me guess, you too worked out all the tests were made to be failed? Trust me, whatever you too thought was bad in there, it gets worse, I know it will." His didn't do that thing were you felt like he learned everything about you all at once, he just stared at his food. Whatever had happened was serious. He looked at South and then to North. His mind wanted him to hug South tightly, she was alive not dead like they had thought when they had to leave her, North screaming her name as he and Penn pulled him away from the advancing force. He shook his head and flashed a smile at them both. "Don't worry though, I've already been through Hell, so you two are going to be fine. I promise." He seemed... Sincere and genuinely concerned by the way his voice sounded. Carolina felt guilty, guilty that he hadn't saved South in his Sim, guilty for North betrayal, he had shown signs for the past month that he was cracking. If he hadn't trusted him... he'd still be in the mountains, his mind being eroded away slowly. Still he felt he owed them, if anyone was going to survive this, he planned to make sure those two did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 19 min ago

Penn had returned to his room, and on a thought, swept it for any monitoring devices. Bugs, as some called them, and disposed of the ones he could find. He wasn't hungry, and he rummaged through some of his belongings, eventually digging out an old book, far older than the Agent was. He hadn't ditched the armor yet, and sat down on the ground rather than risk stress damage to the furniture. His armor was more prone to that then most. Gently opening the book, half the pages were blank, the other half filled with a half legible scrawl that was Penn's handwriting. It was an honest to god journal, no electricity, no digital displays, just an honest to god book. Next to the book was a recorder, which was a verbal log of his journal musings and writings, more candid than that written in the book. Feeling secure about the room now, having found what he could, he began writing, the recording device also starting, picking up from the last time he had used the two. The background noise on the recorder was always the same, quiet, except for the sound of pen on paper, and Penn's own voice. "Journal and Log of Agent Pennsylvania, continued from previous entry. The testing has gone well until today, where everything turned into a mess. No one walked away from that round of tests unscathed. I have...Forget this formal bullshit. North and South looked traumatized, and as far as I can tell, they got off easiest. Iowa looked inches away from murdering people outright, and Carolina...poor bastard is broken, gone and broken. He won't ever be the same, not where it matters. I don't consider my own tests a failure, not due to my actions. Provided with grossly useless equipment and intel does not saddle responsibility for failure onto the Agent. But, these last rounds of tests, something is off. I can't say what, but someone is looking for something very specific, very clear. To them, but not to me. I have my concerns and fears, I'm sure the rest of the agents do. Hell, I compiled a list of tech specs and info that indicates the borderline impossible nature of my test parameters. But I'm not sharing them, not with what I know now. I need to bide my time and wait, see what comes of all this. Its not going to be easy, not with the distrust and pain each Agent is no doubt going through now. For now, thats all that I got for the log. End Entry." Penn sighed, standing up from the floor, stashing his things away again. Some days he wondered why he still bothered with that thing. And the same answer always returned. For when he died, someone could go back, find it, and see what the man was thinking on a regular basis. Kind of a long running statement, he supposed. But he still wasn't hungry, and he walked out of his quarters and started roaming the halls of the ship, waiting for the recall or some sort of information to be put out. It was a rare event where he didn't want to seek anyone out. He wanted to think in peace, and left his helmet on now, data tablet still with him all the way. No, unless he ran into someone, he wasn't going to be discussing things with anyone right now, if he had his way that was. He had enough information to sift through.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
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Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“You wanna talk about it?” The words caused North to look up sharply from his food, South sitting there quietly and smiling at him reassuringly. He smiled back but eventually shook his head. “Not really. It’s all done now as far as I’m concerned, the sooner we get over it and forget the better.” South smiled a little brighter and nodded back. North had been one of the first to complete his simulation, so he’d seen many of the other agents leave after their tests. Some didn’t come out at all. As far as he was concerned he and South had gotten off easy based off other’s reactions. Or else they just took it better. They had each other though, an almost constant source of reassurance. Maybe that was why. Or maybe it was simply that because the other was there they were able to accept that it wasn’t real. When they were joined by Iowa both shared reassuring smiles with the other agent. They were there for each other, but they were also forming quick bonds with some of the other agents and certainly they’d be there for any of them too. North looked over at South at the comment. “I was actually planning on taking this one here over to one of the training rooms, seeing if we can get her some combat training.” South looked down slightly, embarrassed. North knew she had issues killing or even hurting other people. And he was trying to help. Carolina arrived soon after and he sat down silently. Both siblings gave each other concerned looks and South offered him a sympathetic smile. However at his look North’s face became grave. “I can’t think of many things worse than what happened in there.” “I can.” South echoed emptily. Despite everything, she couldn’t imagine what life would be like if she lost North. Dying was one thing, but having to live without him… she couldn’t think of an emptier world. “But that’s beside the point. They’re over now. And they weren’t real. There shouldn’t be any more testing, from what I’ve heard. I was told that there won’t be any results until tomorrow though, too many variables and some shit like that they have to calculate in.” She rolled her eyes slightly. “Sounds like a load of BS to me.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by philp123

philp123 The One, The Only, Philp123

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Carolina came and sat down with the twins and himself, **“Carolina, I presume I can’t believe this is the first time we've talked. I'm Iowa,”** He stuck out his hand for him to shake. **“I understand you've had a rough time, so I won’t ask about it, What about you, have you got anything planned for this after noon?”** He waited for a response and moved replied to North **“Hey, I don’t blame you, In my opinion any person here could be training, of the likely hood is of course that they’re men like myself who prefer to avoid dropping dead from exhaustion before the day has ended, now if it wasn't for F.I.L.S.S trying to out smart me I’d probably be looking up the next Griffball match, which reminds me It’s going to be the final soon and my previous partner (Military of course Don’t get any idea's south)”** he said sarcastically **“I need to remind her to record it for me, she's a good friend.”** Iowa replied in a jokey type of tone, whilst taking a bite of his sandwich between sentences. **“Hey South, don’t be so dim about it, they probably did the worst thing they could possibly do to make you fail, I know that’s what they did to me,”** He pointed at a scar underneath his chin **“A Failure that I wanted to forget.”** Iowa realised he was dropping his tone again and need to reignite the atmosphere of the table **“But anyway I'm sure tomorrow will be full of fantastic adventures and so on.”** He said grabbing his helmet and data pad **“I’ll see you lot around.”** He stood up and left he shouted back to them: **“Oh, and try not to kill yourselves on the training floor, I’d rather prefer it if I didn't have to patch you up on my first shift. Okay F.I.L.S.S, where on this spaceship am I going?”** **“The doctors have asked if they could do a medical examination before you start.”** **“Fantastic, nothing better than being hit with a hammer and kicking you leg.”** **“Setting waypoint for medical bay 004, the doctors are waiting for you.”** **"F.L.I.S.S create a stop over I need to pick something up from my room first."** **"Understood is there anything else Agent Iowa?"** **"That will be all F.I.L.S.S, Thank you."**
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Midna-Phobia
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Midna-Phobia Twilight Princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the others dispersed both South and North moved off, South narrowly managing to convince North to hold off on the combat training until tomorrow. It had just been too much of a stressful day. Everyone was drained and right now, despite the fact that she probably needed it, she was just not in the right headspace to be attacking things. Lying there in the quiet of the late hours, since there was still no night or day they really only had the clocks to dictate when they should be trying to sleep and how often they should eat. It may seem odd to some, but the ship did a good job of simulating night and day, it got a few degrees colder at ‘night’ and a lot of the lights were dimmed or turned off all together. South’s mind wondered, as it usually did as North slept. He thought she just slept a lot but her mind was just too active to fall asleep quickly when it was bed time. She pulled out her own data tablet and began just playing around on it. In truth most of the things she ‘heard’ or ‘was told’ she usually simply found out herself though less than encouraged measures. Tonight though, she was just too exhausted to bother hacking into the systems again. In the end she ended up asleep as she usually did, her tablet resting on her chest as she breathed lightly. She hadn't done too much, just checked some of the security footage, it didn’t have anywhere near as much security attached to it as the data files did. Some agents were still being tested, whether because they’d started later or their simulation was just going oddly long she didn’t have time to think about.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silentsniper211
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Silentsniper211 Just that guy i guess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Washington and Alaska were separated from the other candidates at all times during the tests they ate at different times trained at different times and slept it different times. The first tests went well for both siblings; Although Washington wasn’t the best with a rifle he made it up in Close quarters combat. Alaska was an all-around player and good at what she did, she had amazing reaction times when in combat, she had special awareness when on the battle field and she could shoot a rat in the head from 50 metres away, They hadn’t spoken to each other since they arrived Wash tried to attempt the start of a conversation many times but Alaska had rejected every opportunity. Finally on their way to canteen Alaska opened up: **“10 years Wash, 10 years, and I heard nothing from you.”** **“Listen it’s-”** **”No, let me speak, I thought you were dead I would use to play your audio files just to hear your voice.”** ** “I’m sorry sis, they restricted my access to radio frequencies, I had no way of contacting you, My CO would’ve had my head had he even heard me talking to anyone.”** **”I understand, but I won’t forgive you.”** **”Love you too sis.”** Once they had eaten they moved into their dorm, they didn’t sleep that night, they just caught up with each other explaining missions, experiences and grieving. They understood that people must be remembered in war no matter what side. Alaska’s simulation: **“Agent Alaska your mission is to infiltrate of Orbital platform and then disarm their main cannon to make way for the cruisers Understood?”** **“Yes sir. One question sir if the Objective is unable to be completed what should I do”** Replied Alaska. **“We’ll inform you if those circumstances come to happen, command out.”** Alaska hopped into to her pelican and ran all the pre-flight checks, it was her first op since coming to the freelancer project she wanted to make it perfect. **“Okay, this Delta Niner 6043 requesting permission to take off”** **“Understood Delta Niner you are clear to go have fun out there.”** The main engines fired and they were of. She had 30 minutes until her ETA so she turned on the mic to the back of the pelican. **”Okay our operation objective is to disarm an orbital cannon from the inside we will be using open ventilation and a surprise to our advantage, if you don’t like that idea you can wait with the pelican.”** The Orbital facility was in sight. Alaska lowered the harnesses and warned for a hard landing, her plan was simple divide the squad into two squads of three. Whilst one team moved to the data banks the other one created a diversion. She spotted the landing bay closest to her objective and ploughed the pelican directly towards it. As soon as the pelican hit the floor, the door flung open and the first pod of the squad moved out guns blazing, the plan was underway the second pod sneaked around the back of the pelican and into the vents, the mission was going to plan. There was a loud explosion and pod 2 came back on the radio **“Alaska we’ve got a problem, we’re out manned and out gunned requesting back up”** **“Denied hold you ground and conserve your ammo Al-“** Another explosion sounded and the radio cut out, she didn’t want to say anything, she had nothing to say as far as she knew she’d just lost her way out of there she moved on with her pod and reached the main objective. The orbital cannon. **“Command we have reached the orbital cannon, what are our orders?”** **“Orders are to take the priming chip that will stop it firing and they’re a pain in the ass to get hold of.” ** **“Understood command, Alaska out.”** She ordered the other two members of her pod to the door. She didn’t want any interruptions she went to the terminal and took the chip and turned around **“Alright let’s- Oh fuck”** Behind her it seemed they had gathered every soldier in the station and held all of her squad mates to gun point. **“The games up freelancer Now let’s be adults her-**” She activated her EMP causing all the shields of the nearby soldiers to fail. She threw her gun at one her squad mates and ran at the commander, unfortunately she forgot to notice the shotgun in his hand “Fu-” he pulled the trigger and released rounds all over her **“Critical mission failure, Agent terminated-”** ** “Oh god F.I.L.S.S in heaven, what on earth am I going to do?” ** “Simulation End” ** the world fell back around Alaska as she shook her head. “That was Bull Shit I can’t believe that test.” She went back to the training room and waited for Wash Washington’s simulation: The operation wasn’t the easiest operation Washington had encountered but neither was it the hardest. His mission was to extract a squad under air bombardment and proceed to eliminate the incoming ground forces. All members of his squad must stay alive. He started off His squad of six under heavy fire. He needed a plan and fast, as far as he could see there were two options, headshots in the aircraft in which would disable the vehicles or using heavy ordinance. He chose option one, moving towards the squad he managed to take out the first pilot allowing the opportune moment to take the Hornet, but instead she gave the option to Alaska, he knew she would be the best in the air, taking a sniper from his back he threw it to the guy in black and blue. He knew he’d be the best shot, and detached a brute shot from a corpse and threw it to the guy in green. He’d kept a special weapon for the tech specialist he handed the woman a data pad with ignition codes for an orbital one cannon, there was no way the team could fail. The sky rumbled as a cruiser descended dropping personnel all over the place. Wash could tell it was going to be an all-out fire fight and most of his squad wasn’t going to make it all he could do was make the squad last as long as they could. **“Okay guys Huddle up, The odds are against us but that’s never stopped anyone,”** He pointed to the guy in red, **“You, create a field and keep it up for as long as your suit can withstand when it fails give me the signal Everyone except the tech create a circular perimeter around the field if anything gets through you better make sure it’s dead, we all know what’s at stake here, Let’s do this”** The troops moved ever closer and rounds started firing using the cover given by Alaska the squad were able to hold before the incident, Alaska lost her first engine and started plummeting to the ground Wash sprinted and jumped up to catch her hornet just as it before it hit the ground applying his aided strength he managed to carry the ship over to the shield and called the combat mechanic over to take a look, it didn’t take long to get her back in the air again It was nearly night fall on the planet surface and by now every member of the team was running low on rounds it was time for the last stage of Washington’s plan everyone hopped into the field and he ordered the firing of the cannon. Using Alaska’s EMP blast he had managed to divert some of the power from the suits of the soldiers into the medic’s shield As soon as the blast hit the dome it refracted all over the battle field disintegrating most of the enemy force, But there was one last dilemma, there was still a cruiser in low orbit and there was no chance of an EVAC with a cruiser, he examined his surroundings and spotted just what he needed, he had one last trick up his sleeve, or armour in this case, he hadn’t hoped to use it but he’d packed some heavy explosives in case the enemy had brought tanks, he’d brought a Spartan laser. He tried firing it but nothing worked, he handed it to his heavy weapons expert, **“do you know how to make a bomb?”** Once the explosive was operational he hopped onto Alaska’s Hornet it was too small to be fired at via mac cannon, it was the perfect vehicle, once inside the cruiser he unloaded the explosives at the drive core, he had no idea what it was but the tech expert had told him to. He mumbled to himself as he ignited the explosives, “Death before glory” he felt a sharp pain as the ship exploded into hyperspace. F.I.L.S.S’s voice came in my head **“Mission failure- Squad member terminated”** The world faded back into reality; it was a simulation, thank god. He went into the waiting room and met up with his sister, **“c’mon let’s get something to eat,”** he said holding his hand for her to get up on **“Thanks,”** They made their way to the canteen each of the sibling noticing squad members from their simulation, it was strange in a way. Washington’s wrist beeped **“Hey guess what sis,”** **“What is it?”** Alaska replied **“F.I.L.S.S has seen it fit that we move rooms”** **"Thank god, I was getting tired of that place it stank of, well you"** **"Yeah I thought so, apparently it's minor upgrade, It means that you're further away from F.I.L.S.S's AI core."** **“Nice, let’s go check it out”** They moved over to their new dorm when someone Knocked into Washington.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by philp123

philp123 The One, The Only, Philp123

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Iowa moved from out of his room with his updated Data pad he had now downloaded the latest medical scanner, allowing him to identify any antibody within a range of 100 yards, it was a bit useless and he knew it but he still thought it sounded good when he brought it up In a sentence. He locked his dorm and moved over to the medical ward, He was paying so much attention to his new toy that he never noticed the two Spartans stood in front of him, **“Oh my, I do apologise I can’t believe I didn’t see you, you must be the new guy, and girl, F.I.L.S.S just told me you were coming welcome to the squad, I’m agent Iowa, you must be agent’s Alaska and Washington, nice to meet you in the flesh. I wish I could stay and chat but I’ve got to go and do my medical duty, Nice to see you two”** Iowa left them at the door and walked to medical bay 004 it was nothing more than a normal check-up along with an hour shift of applying cold presses to foreheads of marines injured in training, he didn’t find it the most entertaining thing in the world but the doctor promised him, he would be able to practice D.I.Y surgery next time he came. He moved to his room he needed some rest now, he ended up just collapsing onto is bed and falling asleep if he was lucky he might get an early morning wakeup call from F.I.L.S.S, but he didn’t think about it much instead he just drifted away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silentsniper211
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Silentsniper211 Just that guy i guess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

**“It’s alright”** Wash replied. he took off his helmet to reveal his buzz cut black hair, **“Well I guess we’ll see you around”** he said waving towards Iowa as he left. As soon as he was out of sight Alaska practically dragged him into the room. She looked directly at him as I haven’t seen in a while you’ll need to know some ground rules, she threw of her helmet, showing her dark brown hair, and it landed on the bed that she pointed towards, **“if you cross the line between these beds I will literally slice your head clean off,"** **“Yeah, yeah whatever” just get some sleep”** ** ”don’t tempt me you know I will”** **“Agent’s, do not worry about your armour, as you may take it to the locker room in the morning. Rest well”** F.I.L.S.S added Both siblings faded into the abyss of relaxation and their day ended
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 3 days ago

As everyone else turned in for the night Carolina entered the simulation training hall. He sighed then picked up a assault rifle, he also picked up a grenade launcher strapping it to his back. "F.L.I.S.S. start simulation 652, password save my soul." The word around him changed, from the dull metallic colors to vibrant greens and browns of Earthy soil, the sound of water lead him out of the tree line. He took off his helmet blinking as he looked over the city below, New Orleans. Below lay his home town, the place of his birth he checked his ammo counter and smiled as he spotted rebels below. After making his way into town he found himself in a bell tower in a old Spanish church over looking the square. He smiled, he pulled two grenades from his belt both clattering to a halt under a Warthog, flipping it. He launched himself from the building shooting idiots before landing on the last one snapping his neck he took cover, the survivors trying to organize. He rushed forward, a fifty cal machine gun hot on his heels as he into squad, all of them cut down by friendly fire. This continued for a few hours, Carolina constantly ordering F.L.I.S.S. to up the anti, more soldiers streamed in, but he stole weapons, outsmarted and outmaneuvered them eventually having to put his helmet back on. Carolina was showing off as he ended the sim by killing the last group of solider, by leading them into there own mine field. Taking off the helmet he threw the guns back on the rack smiling to himself. Thinking about how well he had done, he asked F.L.I.S.S for a copy before he started back towards his room. A tech asked him if he wanted his armor removed, he politely brushed him off. Carolina couldn't stand to be out of his armor, he felt small and squishy without it. Climbing into bed his confidence restored he took off his helmet and surfed through a car catalog before taking another dose of pills.
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