Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"What is the meaning of this Interruption!?" Bedivere bellowed out, his temper flaring.

"You!" His red eyes seemed to almost flame within his sockets. His anger was quite a spectacle to behold as few things ever made Bedivere more peeved than interrupting an event, uninvited. Especially one as this council meeting. His fury was seething out of hand before the council, and perhaps as a show of dominance in controlling the flow of the meeting, made it clear it was never his intent on inviting the vampiress. "This is a meeting of the Elder Kin. You are the last of your line, your invitation was not sent for as you are not a siress. Now get thee away lest anyone in the council wishes to vouch for Miss Adoresl and would motion to open the floor to let her in our meeting."

And if that was not enough...

"Sir, I am afraid I have detected the presence of a human on the castle grounds..." A servitor reported, appearing from the shadows of one of the corridors.

"Bring him in and let him serve as catering. Then, do not interrupt the council ever again, thus kill yourself after." And with that, the poor thrall went to fetch Martin. He would unfortunately have to obey Bedivere and, upon bringing Martin inside, somehow kill himself. Perhaps blunt force trauma by repeated smashing of his head into the stone floors?

And finally there was Gabriel. Completely the Last straw.

"Enough of this. The Next interruption must be dealt with more appropriately."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Martin looked around bored.
He saw very few to no movements, no tech.
He debated sneaking in after all, but it was still hard to immagine he's been standing here in full view unnoticed.
Then from the castle a figure emerged and slauntered over to him.
Matin studied the figure. Expressionless, slightly hunched over, moves lethargically, dead stare, human.
He waited patiently until the man was close enough and nodded curtly, hiding that he was happy to see the guard was a thrall.
"Good evening."
"I have to bring you in." grumbled the disgruntled thrall.
"I know."

The thrall led Martin to the castle while he followed silently.
While they walked Martin noticed they weren't going for the front gates but around the back to servant's area.
He studied the man further, copied his movements and dead eye stare.
They arived at a small door that lead to the kitchen.
Some thralls were handling a pile of corpses. No wait, they were still breathing, sedated humans?
A pair of other thralls were working on a variety of strange culinary endevours that look like they come from the requests of some strange and thus often old vampires. As sickening as this place was to Martin this was clearly the vampiric definition of fancy dining.
And the scale of it meant that Martin's expectations of a single old blood were pretty much shattered.
While he worked out if that was going to make this harder or simpler the fancy dressed thrall that had brought him had kneeled on the ground and bowed deeply, as if in deep faith or remorse.
Martin almost asked what he was doing, but maintained his facade.
Suddenly the thrall started to violently and rapidly slam his forehead onto unforgiving stone.
A splatering display of blood and bits of brain and bone decorated the kitchen floor as Martin faught the urge to stop him and stay in solemn silence.
A moment of silence for a broken slave.
Martin calmly picked up the corpse and set it aside and took a broom as if he was comanded to do so.
After cleaning up the mess he stripped the broken toy of it's clothes and donned them himself.
The thrall he unceremoniously dumped on the actual corpse pile.
His new atire seemed to demand him to be some kind of butler or messager so he walked off into the hall.
After navigating the castle for a few moments he found the dining area. When he wanted to walk in he immediately noticed a therribly dark and tense atmosphere. He decided for now to wait in the shadows silently and listen closely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Well isn't this just PEACHY?"

Sighing, Gabriel placed his bottle on the armrest of Bedhivere's throne, which he was now sitting in. Meanwhile, the image of Gabriel standing in the hall faded away like an oddly coloured cloud. Nothing more than a figment of the imagination. Gabriel shook his head in a disapproving fashion as he placed a hand on Bedhivere's shoulder.

"Isn't it terrible, all these people interrupting? Don't worry, I'm with ya buddy. There's no need to get angry, we'll sort it all out, nothing to worry about."

The series of colourful characters that had entered the scene were, of course, a source of great amusement to Gabriel. Whilst some might not notice their true identities, nothing was hidden from Gabriel's eyes. Taliesin, looking up at this most ancient of beings, knew instantly that the facade of her appearance would not hold up, and yet a mischievous twinkle equally told her that if anyone were to unveil her, it would not be Gabriel. Martin was equally aware of Gabriel's knowledge of the situation, although rather than intuition he called upon his knowledge. There was no way to lie to Gabriel, for if you knew it, so did he.

"Now, seeing as how everyone has quite arrived, I think we can arrive to the more important matters. Unless any of the gathered apes would like to interrupt, of course." Taking on a pose of bored vanity, Gabriel lolled his head back and forth while his eyes seemed to flicker, making one wonder whether his drunken tirade had indeed been entirely an act, or whether he was truly intoxicated.

With Gabriel, there was no way to know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[You certainly have spirit. Although your attitude is yet to be tempered by experience, you have the makings of a warrior. A murderer's heart burns in your chest, doesn't it?]

For the first time in an eternity, Kami no Kage offered up a small chuckle. It had been a long time since he had been faced by one who did not fear him. Detailed microphones detected the subtle beating of a heart, heightened but not rapid. calm and collected excitement, a tinge of fear, but controlled. The fear of one who knew their life would be determined by the actions to come, and yet the determination of one who knew they would not hesitate to make their choice.

[The actions of one person will change the world, for better or for worse. The course of history is written in the blood of the innocent, as the old is burned away by those prepared to do it. Think on that.]

Beneath his mask, Kami no Kage smiled. He turned away, turning his back on his opponent knowingly. Blade at his side, he walked back the way he came, treading over a path of corpses, lined with decapitated heads. White armour stained in blood, the slight hum of engines built into the suit the only sound as he left, somehow moving not a single hair on the bodies he passed.

[And if you do, perhaps you should consider your more immediate choices as well. After all, vampires can see in the dark.]

With a click that could not be heard outside the helmet, the visor switched out of infrared vision, revealing the hallway in all it's bloody glory, in 70 shades of red.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

damn it. she had forgotten that vampires could see in the dark. she had to act tough even if she did fear for her life. After all she was all that was left of the base as far as she was aware. "your forgetting something from that quote there Mr Kage. History is written by the victor. and in the history books it shall read that you were defeated, if it is not now then maybe another time. but let me make this clear to you. the next time we meet i might not be so lenient with you. our next meeting shall be its last" she said her heart racing. if he turned back now, no matter how brave she felt she had to take the shot. however she hopped he would just leave and let the blood shed end.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Magnus casually strolled off of the plane, as if he was the only thing that mattered and was the guest of honor at this little party. He chuckled as he entered the castle, it had been a few hundred years since he had came here, dusty old place hadn't changed a bit. Maybe a new rock had fell off the wall or something...He shrugged. He entered the meeting room and sat down in the chair nearest to him, he grinned at the room of oldbloods. Many older than him, many younger. He could give a damn less either way. The returned his casual and couldn't give a damn about anything demeanor with gazes of hatred and confusion. "What? If /none/ of you are going to say something, do turn away from looking at me. You're spreading your ugly." Magnus chuckled with a grin. One rose to say something, Magnus in turn held up a clawed hand threateningly, they sat down their jaw open to speak, closing it as they returned to their seat. Magnus of course sensed a new arrival to this little party, yet chose to say nothing. He also wondered exactly how long it would take Mithias to recognize him, his voice. Magnus had heard of the Adorsel bloodline in the past, he presumed them dead, guess his presumptions were proven wrong. He watched intently as the younger vampire almost had a heart attack then and there, he chuckled lightly under his breath. "Quite right indeed, Ms. Adorsel. Atleast, myself presumed you dead." Magnus was the first to speak to the woman. He wondered what exactly she would do, he imagined a number of scenarios, many of them ending in many in this room dead.

His thought process was interrupted by a drunken Gabriel entering the scene spouting random insults, he even had the nerve to insult Magnus. Calling him what he could only barely translate into 'Attention Whore'. Magnus chuckled, "Why thank you, I try" He said with a sarcastic half bow from his chair. "But Old Man, if anyone here is the attention whore it is undoubtedly you." He grinned as Gabriel continued to saunter through the room, and couldn't help but laugh as he offered Lady Mo to sit in his lap. More looks of vile disgust at Magnus' outbursts coupled with Gabriels. No one would really dare say or do much with Gabriel in the room, as far as attacking each other went.

He simply shot them a grin as if daring them to do anything, they all in turn glared back at him. He just continued to watch the entire scene play out, thoroughly amused by everything going on. Once Gabriel had stated they should move to more important matters, all amusement got flung out of the window. As if a switch had been flipped Magnus regained a serious composure "Oh, I do indeed. Perhaps this Void fellow crashing my little war game would be a nice topic?" Magnus said, looking around the room. No one answered, he shrugged and sunk back into his seat waiting to see if anyone else had any more bright ideas.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So this had been the leader on the vampire front. Pieces were falling together.
Was the wolf woman working with or for him?
Martin went over the events in his head.
I haven't left a trail, at least not clear enough for them to have come after him.
Plus they knew #7251's alias. He hadn't mentioned that. So SOLDIER must have been informed by Purge, who knew of this on their own somehow.
Who even knew who their sources were. Could it have been a leak ?
But none of that helped any on the question how did these vampires get mixed in? By their involvement and organisation it suggests they were well aware of Voids recent escapades. But here the supposed war leader seems distressed by the battle. So they haven't had contact with him then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mohowauuck sat up straight in her chair and looked the perfect picture of serenity and grace. Others may view her has mongrel and savage, but she had regal side to her as well. They were fools, they were all below her, and they were too ignorant to even realize it. And then this Gabriel attempted to speak down to her, all it succeeded in doing to make her lips raise in a half smile. "I do believe the floor is more befitting of the likes of you." she said, following the snark by complete silence. Others may fear him, but she would not, and she would be sure that he knew that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Llusia looked at Magnus and smiled slyly "Oh but a wish of yours I assume, Lord Magnus" she bowed slightly and then turned her attention to the obviously angered Bedivere. Llusia smiled and laughed "Ah there it is, the big bad vampire come to kick me off the stage, ruining his perfect council meeting." She looked around for a moment "These aren't even meetings, more of a ceremonial stroking of yourselves, some not included" she glanced at Lady Mo and Lord Magnus as well as Mithias "But no matter, carry on with the stroking, it's quite the good show oh great Lord Bedivere" she sarcastically bowed and a shadow wrapped around her body as she was pulled into the shadows again.

Appearing behind Mohowauuck, she tapped her shoulder "Might I have a seat next to the wonderful Lady Mo? I do not to offend her ladyship" she joked halfly and glared at the vampire sitting next to her, which moved instantly not wanting to cause conflict with Llusia. Pulling the chair around, she sat, leaning her chest on the back of the chair "Might I be able to ask you a question or two about the situation, as it seems I far out of the loop on this whole...." she pointed to the air "gathering of the elders, it seems I've been thought dead, would you imagine that? Dead? me?" she crossed her arms on the chair and leaned her head down and began to take account of the vampires in the room, taking mental tabs on them. In truth she was trying to start conversation, the dreadfully boring council was meaningless to her, she was simply keeping her mind off the situation at hand, there were many in this room worth killing to better herself, but was it worth was really the question for her in her head "Who knows, all these power strokers in here, the room might erupt into a killing, might as well sit back and wait..." she looked at Lady Mo and slightly inspected her waiting for an answer of some sort.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Martin stood and watched silently, taking mental notes of every name and every act.
So this IS a gathering of Elders.
The Locale is certainly befitting for one.
So much for hoping it's just a bunch of drama queens. Nope, They're the real deal.

Like a bomb dropping the thought suddenly entered Martin's mind.
The visual immage of a mushroom cloud rising from the castle, wiping thousands of years of corruption clean in one fell swoop.
But that seemed slightly pointless now, and it opposed his current goals. Oh well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Ah, isn't it beautiful? A bunch of toddlers shouting about how they'll live forever. Of course, now that our dear friend Magnus has woken the beast, we should turn our heads to the real manner at hand. Namely, setting an estimate."

Gabriel leans back in his chair, as to many of those involved the stone backing seemed to lean with him, the very wall bending impossibly, as if viewed through an altered lens. It was an impossible view of reality, much like staring at an escher painting. Except, of course, outlined in 3 dimensions.

"I set my thoughts on 1 year. A single year until every vampire in this room has been put down like a dog, their lands burned and their followers massacred like cattle. Give or take a month."

Even as several vampires attempted to speak back, Gabriel gestured angrily, and they didn't.

"Do you have any idea why humans rule the planet? You gathering of buffoons! We're stronger, faster, nearly immortal and gifted with supernatural capabilities, and yet THEY call the shots. Have you ever sat down and wondered why that was? Why you couldn't just march your vampires across the world and conquer it? It's because when faced with an existential threat, humanity unites. Every time. One people come to the conclusion that Magnus wants the world, it will be the world he's fighting. It will be the greatest vampire genoicide since the Purge of Egypt!"

Spitting on the floor, Gabriel stands, as he glares at those gathered in the room.

"Do you fancy yourselves immortal? Above death? A hundred, maybe a thousand men couldn't match any vampire in this room, and yet you're not immortal. A single cruise missile will spread your body over the surface of the ground so finely that even if you live, you'll never put yourself back together. They will not come in hundreds, they will not come in thousands. They will come in millions, and they will not come quietly."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Martin couldn't help but let a grin slip by. Could it be that after all this time he found a vampire he liked?
It was like he took the words out his head.

This seemed strange to Martin. Somehow he felt familiar with this old creature. Though he was sure he'd never seen him before.
Mesmerised Martin stared at the strange games the illusionist was playing with those around him. Seemingly without a thought. While silently standing there watching a game formed. To find and attempt to see through no, to comprehend the illusions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grombus


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Void approached the elevator located in the closet, as he stepped inside and looked around the door closed. The walls were a bleached white leaving no blemishes or stains, the elevator descended at a rapid pace leaving Void little time to wonder where he was going. The elevator dinged and he stepped out to be greeted by more bleached white walls, Void clapped his hands giddily ecstatic for what was to come. Void looked around and saw more doors leading to unknown things to explore, Void walked along down a long hallway, cameras following his every move, he reached the end of the hall, "Let's do this" he mumbled to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mohowauuck, the druidic vampiress, legendary to the native American peoples, was the first to speak initially, confessing to being a part of the attack on Kilo Point airport. She would possibly be able to confirm who else had been present for the council. Only a powerful mind-reader would be able to penetrate the foggy barrier of an oldblood's will to get the full story, and who knew if such a being was present?

As if on que, one known for such a loathsome ability walked in. Walking was more of an exaggeration however, as the lord of nightmares, the first, the trickster, the gambler of souls, etc. swayed unsteadily. Slurring insults with reckless abandon, Gabriel was putting on an exceptionally good show. Certainly most thought he was up to his usual games and rolled their eyes in disgust at his childish display. He even carried in hand a wine bottle.

Even Mithias was initially shocked by his sire's choice of entrance, granted he knew the first image was only an illusion. The weight of the small cross against his chest sapped his resistance slightly, but he knew his father well. He knew he'd come. Still, Mithias perplexed for a moment over what game Gabriel was playing. As far he knew, vampires weren't able to enjoy the intoxication of alcohol. This was either an elaborate insult to the entire council or something was wrong.

Wanton honesty was not unusual. Gabriel undoubtedly believed he was powerful enough and old enough to have no need for lies, as he could ironically trick his way out of danger. Mithias blinked anxiously as Tikkeh humbly tripped and fell. Oh God his father was getting himself in deep shit. But even the Gabriel he knew was not THIS cocky. Comedy or embarrasment, Mithais grew increasingly concerned with the wavering stance, and flickering red eyes. He felt he needed to get to his side somehow, but Mithias couldn't yet tell where the real Gabriel was hiding.

Ilusia and Gabriel had caused quite a disturbance on the proceedings. Murmuring voices and psychic messages escalated until cut off by Bedivere's commanding voice. As director, Bedivere rightly moved to regain control of the meeting. Without hesitation, he informed Ilusia why she had not been invited. That she was a lone vampire, an elder, but not a leader or representative of any bloodline. She would have to be given special permission by vote with someone else vouching for her. Such deliberation began in the backround, and it seemed to be in her favor.

Mithias overheard the report of a human on the grounds and raised an eyebrow slightly. That poor soul was either incredibly brave or stupid, but nonetheless could be of little consequence once captured. Mithias sighed as Bedivere was heartless to his thralls.

Just as things seemed to calm, yet another oldblood arrived. Mithias moved back to his seat but didn't take it. He watched the young looking vampire with the freckled face. He seemed peaceful and softspoken, mentioning a broken lute? Mithias inwardly approved of the medieval style garb, which seemed reminiscent to him of simpler days. Mithias had no idea who that vampire was, but his presence thankfully had a calming affect on the room.

"Well isn't this just PEACHY?"

Mithias shot a look at where Gabriel really was. God he was fucked up. His mischievous twinkle at the fair skinned, young boy vampire made Mithias' skin crawl, and he looked away, wondering things he really wished he wasn't then wondering about his father and young boys. Gabriel had lived a very long time and had undoubtedly experienced every fetish imaginable. Mithias counted himself lucky to have been spared... as far as he knew... wait. Mithias pressed a few fingers hard into his forehead as he furrowed his brow, and then ran his hand through his hair as he tried not to reveal what had crossed his mind. Thank God his thoughts could not be read.

Right! More important matters.

Magnus spoke up. He must have just arrived, or revealed ihmself, at any rate. He bantered with Gabriel, amused by his insults. The two smiled at one another. Then, Magnus basically admitted that it was he who had attacked Kilo Point and encountered Void there "crashing his wargame." Mithias doubted any of that was by chance, but it confirmed Void and Magnus were both rebels and acting on their own volition. Lady Mo was also included. They would all be labeled as instigators. Now the council would have to decide to either join them in all-out attempt at world domination... or punish them and continue to survive in secrecy in a human-dominated world.

Mo insulted Gabriel. Ilusia bristled but ultimately backed down from Bedivere and began speaking to Lady Mo. A single human lingered in the shadows as quietly as his heart cold pump hot fresh blood.

Mithias took his hat and made his way toward his sire to stand to his right. Inhuman golden eyes met Martin's from not-far-enough away as he passed, a cold draft following him. Although he couldn't likely be tricked into flipping onto his nose, Mithias knew better than to say or do anything with Gabriel in this uninhibited, half-drunk state. he didn't want his maker ingloriously swaggering into a gutter or spontaneously causing a fit of mass hysteria in his anger. Mithias eyed the bottle and leaned over to Bedivere whispering, "Lord Bedivere. What, the living Hell, was in that wine?"

Gabriel was speaking again. Clearly, he was against a world-war with humans. This was fortunate and commensurate with Gabriel's agenda to stay alive. The ancient ones surely had the wisdom to advise, and they supposedly were all here. Mithias would listen, but even still he too had doubts. He looked up and around the room to see a few... here and there... empty chairs. Some elders, powerful vampires, were gone. Perhaps a few fell to Kami no Kage, perhaps something else. Mithias looked directly at Natasha, blood of Dracula, who had also been killed by a human hunter. Vampires were dwindling. Oldbloods were the backbone of the species, and they were slowly being lost. Without them, we'd eventually be wiped out. A sadness and a fear filled Mithias' heart. Regret poked him like a hot needle. He would do anything to prevent the extinction of his kind.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The hall widened into dead end a room with several small doors.
"Welcome home #7251. We've been waiting on your return."
A disembodied voice sounded through hidden speakers.
It sounded strict and robotic. Unmistakably human, yet unnaturally rigid.
"If you are quite ready we'll begin with the first few tests. We'd like to see how much you've grown since our lasts measurements."
A few small doors opened and rows of wheeled cages with laboratory rats rolled out. All neatly labeled with their number, health status, various medication like antibiotics given, etc.

"We'd like you to find some creative ways to infect and incapacitate these subjects. Note that some are out of your reach, you'll need to effect through other subjects."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yes, this one would make it far. She had a warrior's heart, and the determination to pull through. Perhaps a little humility would be in order, but that would come with battle, and defeat. She would face opponents she could not defeat, and in defeat she would find the strength to overcome them. Or she would fall to her own failures and die. Such was the fate of those who walked the warriors path: victory or death, there is no alternative.

[If you wish to hunt vampires, then hunt them in Brittain. If you wish to fight me, you will have to follow me to my prey. Or, of course, you could return to SOLDIER, be decomissioned, and replaced. It is your path to walk.]

And with this, the warrior left, leaving behind nothing but corpses, and a single woman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 day ago

"I care not for where you sit, as long as you don't think yourself high enough to usurp my chair." Mohowauuck said to Llusia with as much a smile as she could muster. She had no reason to dislike the girl, not yet, but she also didn't quite like her either. "I've thought nothing about your death, or lack there of, I don't really even know who you are." she said honestly, for many years Mohowauuck remained secluded in the forests, surrounding herself with wolves as the vampires never really like her much. Why would she bother to keep up on their history around the world?

After the conclusion of Gabriel's gloomy monologue, murmuring filled the grand hall. The vampires of old muttered about rights and humans and killing, their voices rising in a cacophony. Lady Mo turned her thoughts inward, the tapping of her fingernails on stone allowed her to drown out the others. And then she spoke in a clear voice, not a loud one, but one that rose above the rest in thought and execution.

"Then we will be like them." she suggested to Gabriel. "Look around the room once more, who sits before you but the leaders of every major vampire bloodline in the world? If we unite, our children will unite; You said it yourself, just one of us can take on a thousand of them."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hank would get up from his bed. It had been a long night and Hank was still in too much confusion about what had happened. Though, guess that's what happens when you dedicate you life to trying to rid the world of those...Creatures. They took everything from Hank, His wife, His kids, Now all h had left was memories.

Hank got out of the RV and looks into the sunrise, He always felt safer in the light. He kept his home isolated as much as possible. It wasn't always easy but he normally found a way. Though he had to many times so he could finish a job.

A banging sound would come from the storage on the RV, it was definitely modified, it resembled a safe more then anything. "Shut up! You'll have your turn after I have my coffee." He had to find humor in his job, It wasn't an easy job for those weak in heart. He would walk back inside the RV and pour himself a cup of coffee, well he drank it he would sharpen his machete. He would stand up and walk to the sink, he would grab a jug of water and pour some of it on a cloth, Holy water, It may not kill them, but it burns almost like fire on a piece of paper. Though Hank wasn't sure he would need that much of a back up.

He knows he isn't the best fighter, but he is better then many humans, he spent his time int he Marine corps in his late 20s, and after that he practiced a fair amount of hand to hand and rifle training. He also knew what to do when dealing with vampires, He had killed plenty of minor or weaker vamps, But the strong ones, Only twice has he been able to fight one. The first one he was lucky to get away, he knew this, the second one he had help from a couple of his marine buddies, Neither of them made it out. But the vamp didn't either.

The banging from the storage compartment below the floor would continue, the vamp was hungry. Hank would grab a small hose from a Drawer and a container of blood. He fed the tube into the floor and poured some blood down it. It was definitely starving, gulped down the entire thing before Hank had a chance to remove the tube. If didn't matter he lost the tube, he would get it back later, Luckily the vamp couldn't tell this, But all he drank was dead mans blood, Human blood, sometimes vampire blood would make vamps stronger, But you give a vamp blood of a corpse that's been dead for a few days, it will get weaker, The vamp may not even know it depending how much they think they need it.

He would walk outside with the machete n hands and his modified armor on. The sun was to his back now, Sure the thing was faster then him, But Hank felt he had the most advantages in his favor. He would pull a lever on the door and step about 15 feet away from the RV. The vampire would jump out ready for a fight.

The vampire was female, seems to have been turned in her early to mid 20s. "They are always so young" Hank would think as he saw the vampire. The dead mans blood was already taking effect, she had a drunk motion to her movements.

Hank would level the blade. "Sorry this has to be done, But you know what you did back their, I'll make this as fast s I can." Their was a mix of fear and hatred in the Vampires eyes, She would charge Hank, but she wasn't in any condition to fight, Hank knew this, and she found out when she was in reach of the blade.

Hank went for her arm first, severing it completely off. As she was on the ground in a panic her head was removed with one clean sweep. Her lifeless body would fall to the ground. Hank would fall to his knees looking at the girl. "I'm so sorry, I really wish it didn't have to come to this. But I know what you people do to us, what You did to those boys at the bar back their, I'll admit I'm not much better. But if it comes to the life of humans and vamps, I'm going with Humans. When my times comes, I'll know it. I hope where ever you land up, it's better then what you had to go through here." Hank would slide the blade into her skull to make sure she was dead, then he would get going on disposing the body.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"why should i go to britain to fight vampires, i got one in my sights now. but wait your not a vampire though are you. so your not just a coward but a Traitor to Humanity its self. see when the vampires no longer need you theyll toss you aside like your yesterdays leftovers. but Humanity will always need Men and Women like us. so run back to them but dont expect pity from me when turn on you" Katya said now switching of the microphone but still allowing voice to enter through her headset. she got out from her hiding spot and made her way towards the command tent, maybe if anyone survived they would have Rendezvoused there
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