Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

8:30 pm @ Einri Castle in Caomhanach, Ireland. Second to last day before heading back home to “GNYU” Grandeur University.
Despite Einri Castle being a century old at least a preservation society had claimed this historical building wanting to eventually turn this place into a touristic sight. Unfortunately they had run out of funds before the project could be completed though limited electricity still remained. Lit from the inside should anyone stumble across its tattered ruins. Very little know of this diamond in the rough or those who do pay it little mind since it is quite meager in size. Eventually the snaking river and flora will claim the rest but until then it remains hidden in a wild forest along a rustic nearly vanished path. For a going away party Luna and the art committee decided to throw a bash at this very abandoned castle away from campus. This event not funded from the university. In fact if the commission found out the students would probably be fined, their grades may be rendered invalid, and they would not be allowed to return. However, in the name of creative freedom the team continued to spend long hours traveling, decorating, and setting up. No student at the University was notified or given an invitation for the particular reason that it could be discovered by staff but word would definitely get around one way or another. Castle Einri would be filled with an abundance of students this night, no doubt. Dez and his friend offered to be the DJs while one of the culinary students recruited a few of his classmates to supply food. Each art student had their own rooms that they lavished with their own art and style. Luna was granted a bedroom, the great hall, and the study. Since everything was paid out of pocket the décor was limited but the ancient interior supplied an already breathtaking canvas. There was little need to cover any of that beautiful scenery up though some tried. Luna simply accentuated the stones and arches with her sculptures and framed pieces. By the time every last detail was meticulously placed and the party set in motion clocks read 8:30 on the dot. Electronica mixed with traditional Celtic music resounded from the speakers in the Grand Hall surrounded by a fair amount of students already enjoying the scene. Controlling this interesting sound was a man covered in a combination of inked words, numbers, and design. From a distance he appeared intimidating but when he smiled all that instantly faded. Rarely did he wear a frown but one would know when he was concentrating since that’s when he looked most frustrated. Luna, on the other hand, did not like all the bustle of a busy crowd. Instead she offered to greet the guests outside by the crumbling entrance way near the exit of the forest canopy. Each star illuminating the outside path as tonight was a particularly clear night with not a single cloud or any sign of rain. Crossing both arms she awaited patiently though a little shiver, perhaps it would have been nice to bring a jacket. If worse came to worse she could always borrow her brother’s furry vest but she shook her head in instant protest. Sometimes the things he wore astounded her but he could always slip on the most ridiculous attire and look great. Luna did not have the confidence for anything slightly daring, and it showed in each plain article she wore. Both siblings were almost complete opposites with Dez being the prodigal son even though Luna never rebelled. Dez had a full scholarship; he was exceptionally talented in all he laid hands on bt his sister struggled just to keep her grades sub-par. She could create beautiful things but as for other subjects of study the text just did not come to her. It was not for a lack of trying. Dez suggested they take their studies abroad so she could get a break. A different change of scenery may help her mind, refresh her batteries even. Of course, Dez did not have to pay for anything because of his exceptional grades but Luna had to work two odd jobs just to save up for the trip. They ended up staying ten minutes from campus in single room apartments the majority of students lived in. While Dez received greater perks Luna had to pay more out of pocket but she did not mind, it was a new experience in one of the most beautiful places known to man; at least in her eyes. This whole trip had been a pleasant experience though Dez rarely let Luna venture by herself due to her past. She felt a bit saddened now since the trip had come to an end, and she sometimes noticed herself dragging because of it. Tonight she would try her best to enjoy herself and make more acquaintances before going back to a life of mediocrity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PrincessOfNothing


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Morrigan hummed softly to herself as she prepared, picking out an outfit to wear to the upcoming bash. Earlier before, she had overheard of a social gathering being held at the ancient Einri Castle by the art committee. Even though no one had told her about it, Morrigan did have a habit of overhearing other's conversation while they didn't notice her. She had no reason to go, she wasn't even really the kind of person to go to parties, but today was being kind of boring for her. Besides, she liked wearing her nicer, stylish clothes in public, and the bash would be a perfect occasion to do just so. A bit later, she had decided on a black ruffled skirt and white shirt, along with a newer pair of black high heels she got with ankle straps. For her makeup, she put on a nice pastel pink lipstick and rose blush to go with her sunkissed skin, as well as some mascara and wing tipped eyeliner. Satisfied with her makeup and clothes, she took a selfie with her phone to upload online to her blog when she got home. She picked up her purse and a thick, warm knit cardigan before finally leaving to go to the bash. While she went to the bash she had begun feeling hesitant. Would it really matter if she was there? Nobody would really care, no one would notice her. If she would change her mind and turn back, no one would notice she wasn't there. Even if she didn't, she'd be there and gone like lightning, just like she's been all her life. She bit her lip as her uncertainty kept pointing her back towards home, but she kept going forward to the bash anyways. Eventually, she had finally passed the point of no return and arrived nearby Einri Castle, close enough that she could already hear the electronic music thumping from here. With a gulp, she started walking to the entrance of a castle where another young woman stood by herself. She didn't seem like she was interested in going inside to participate in the party. She also seemed like she was cold, and shivered quietly with her arms crossed. Morrigan looked at her own jacket. She wasn't really planning on wearing it inside, and the girl would probably be staying outside. She took off her jacket, holding it towards the girl as an offering, and with a practical voice asked. "Would you like to borrow this?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Grimacing as the box was dropped into the back of the small blue Civic a little too roughly for her liking, Zoey climbed into the passenger seat as her roommate, Violet, came around to take the driver’s seat. She still couldn’t believe that Violet had managed to convince her to come along to the party with her, and with fireworks no less. To be honest, Zoey didn’t quite mind preparing the fireworks or going to the party. It was the thought of spending time crammed into a building with dancing strangers. Lost in her thoughts, Zoey didn’t realize that they were at the castle, the site of the party, until she could hear the music thumping through the stone walls. “Did you know that the castle was never really inhabited?” she asked rhetorically, looking at the castle. She had read a tour pamphlet about the area before, and, like all other facts, it was forever engraved in her memory, always within easy reach. “The Duke who had it built died before he could move in, and, as he had no heirs, it passed onto the control of the king.” “Hmmm,” Violet replied, too busy looking for a good spot to park and too used to Zoey’s tendency to share random facts to pay much attention. Unlike Zoey, who was dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans and a plain green, baggy t-shirt, Violet looked ready for a night out, wearing a short black dress, tights, and a make-up. It wasn’t that Zoey didn’t care how she looked. It was just that she always had other things on her mind and never seemed to have the time to pay much attention to her appearance. Once Violet had parked the car, Zoey got out and went to the trunk to make sure that none of the fireworks had been damaged during the ride. With the amount of extra cushioning she had put in there, everything was fine. And so, her check complete, she picked the box up and began carrying it around to the field behind the castle, passing by the front door and two girls in the process, though she was a bit too focused on making sure she didn’t trip and damage her cargo to pay them much mind beyond a friendly smile. The fireworks wouldn’t be going off until a little later into the party, as it wasn’t quite dark enough at the moment to really be able to appreciate their beauty. Most of them were ground-bound fireworks, but Zoey did have a larger one in store for the finale. That was one of the things she loved most about chemistry: being able to make beautiful things out of seemingly dangerous chemical reactions. Her skill with propulsion systems had also won her first place at a science competition last semester, and she had been glad of the opportunity to put her talent to use. She just hoped that the others enjoyed them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Luca Song The sky above was riveting, blue and black cascaded together, creating a masterpiece for raw diamonds to sit on. Now he could see why he forced himself to attend the get together. Being outside with the blaring music in the background left little room for him to think or rest. It kept him up, awake. He let out a breath. Awake was always a good thing for him, even if it did make him a bit cranky. In the long run it was the glue that held him together, the small piece of comfort that pushed the demons away. While the Castle was lit behind him, he found himself sitting on a large rock sticking out from the overgrown grass. His hands were cold from the stony surface; he leaned back just enough to feel its edges push against the muscle underneath. The pain drove the encroaching memories back into his slow-beating heart. He didn't want them ruining his night or haunting him on his way home. Sometimes just the thought of sleeping left the feeling of impeding fright at his doorstep, often leading him to staying up all night. He figured this would be one of those nights. He turned around when he heard uncut grass and dead stems being crunched. Ah shit, he thought as noticed two girls approaching. One was dressed up, looking rather doable if he could say so, while the other, in comparison to her friend anyway, was less. Either way, none of them interested him enough for him to stick around. Raising up off the rock, he vaulted down the small space and stuck his hands in his pockets to keep the cold from grabbing them. He walked pass without saying a word; no gesture; no friendly smile; no response. He wanted to be a ghost, he thought to himself. Someone that vanished and was okay to forget. That way he wouldn't have to go through the pain his brother must surely be in up-above. Watching a carcass walk about as if alive. Luca spared a glance up towards the dark heavens. "Must sucks to watch me crumble for this long," he muttered lowly, coming around the castle and to the front entrance. "You can only blame yourself for this disaster." He sighed and looked up, only to see a girl with chestnut hair falling around her face. For a moment she was all he saw but he quickly shook himself of it and marginally acknowledged the dark haired girl beside her by straightening his slouch. Again, he couldn't bring himself to address the ladies. Instead, he rubbed the side of his neck before dropping his hand tiredly and walking off towards the forest. The fresh air and natural noise would do better at quailing his self-pity. He didn't like looking crazy but what else would people think when he spoke to himself and was as moody as a bitch in heat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Luna Flores.
Luna quickly gazed upward at the pleasant voice that generously offered outerwear in her grip. This polite stranger must have noticed her mouth, was it blue from frost bite? Without realizing Luna began reaching out to warmly welcome the cozy material but then retracted a bit with a slight nod. “Thank you but I might not be able to find you at the end of the party. I wouldn’t want you to go without it. My brother’s inside, I can always borrow his vest.” The last part said through a quiver as she shrugged and then genuinely smiled at the newcomer carrying a strange box. The previous quiver could have been for either horror at possibly borrowing her sibling’s attire or from the biting cold—she was not sure which. Instinctively a curious tilt of Luna’s head followed as a lone male rounded the front arches while peculiarly speaking to himself. This fact established as he continued to venture forth without another form following behind. Luna was the last to judge as she had found herself speaking to the shadows a few times for comfort in that desolate room long ago. Visibly she tensed as this horrid memory materialized in the pit of her stomach, where it sickly churned. Somehow she managed to counter the awful feeling of the past like she always did and tossed a welcoming smile his way. With each approaching footstep she was able to study his sharp features for only a moment. In all honestly he was quite eye-catching if not a bit severe in nature. “Hello, welcom—.” Luna abruptly stopped as the male nearly rushed past seemingly desiring nothing more but to ignore their presence. Did she have something in her teeth, a bit of green from that caprese salad earlier? Even though Dez would find this kind of behavior quite rude Luna could not help but at least try to steer him away from that direction. “Hey!” A shout surprisingly sounded from an otherwise naturally demure girl. Where this courage came from only God knew but still she was unsure if that would grab the mysterious male’s attention or not. Though suddenly this surge of valor faded, and the usually shy girl felt like recoiling in a shell someplace with a sea urchin. “Umm, it’s not safe.” Was all she could muster as her voice had fallen to a near whisper as fingers fidgeted nervously.
Dez Flores.
Spiked headphones were placed atop Dez’ friend’s head as the faux hawked man decided that his time at the DJ case had run its course. This tended to happen when one had such a short attention span. The tattooed male could sit still no longer than an hour—give or take--before running off regardless of location or situation. Dating was obviously hell and something he had very little interest in. The sixties would have been his time warp of choice; free love was something he believed in wholeheartedly. Unlike Luna who wanted a dedicated boyfriend yet was unlucky in the relationship department, people flocked to Dez yet he wanted nothing to do with commitment. It was not like he would let anyone near her without a thousand pounds of resistance anyway. This rather alternative male had been known to have a sister complex, in being over protective that is. Even causal friends were scrutinized under the ever watching eyes of Dez the Defender--or so he was nicknamed. His actions were sometimes despised by Luna even though he meant well. She was not a defenseless child anymore yet her brother had not gotten the memo. Pulling a pack of cigarettes from his vest pocket Dez proceeded to slip one between his lips while heading outside. Lest he burn down the art the committee so tirelessly placed throughout the castle. Luna would never forgive him for such carelessness. Roughly a few feet after heading through the doors his hazel gaze locked onto a girl with crimson locks toting a box. His inquisitiveness piqued and he flipped an engraved zippo lighter bringing the flame to the end of the stem. “Need help carrying that? It’s filled with illegal substances, yes? A guy can hope right?” He managed to say with a smirk while exhaling a swirling cloud of smoke in the opposite direction of the azure eyed student.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Astrid stood at the back of the party watching the kids sway back and forth to the music. Sweaty bodies pushed up against each other grinding to the semi-rhythmic tunes that blared at a ridiculous level. "Stupid fuckers are all gunna go deaf." She rolled her eyes as the thought of the entire party suddenly not being able to hear. Shaking her head she looked around for Dez. He was supposed to get her something to do. Fix a broken stereo, break a fixed stereo and then fix it, design a teleporting system... Whatever it was it had to be better than watching the fools in front of her. Striding off past the DJ that was jerking his head to the music. Astrid headed out the back doors and immediately ran into a face full of smoke. Her face wrinkled in disgust and she waved a hand through the cloud around her face. "Ah, what the fuck Dez?" Her eyes glared up at the tattooed figure. He stood taller than her by only a few inches though his ridiculous hair cut made him look much taller than he actually was. Glancing past him she saw a red headed girl standing holding a box close to her. At the sight of the box she instantly forgot about Dez, and took a step towards the girl. "Fireworks? Hope you got some barium ones, I do love me a good green boom." She motioned with her fingers in an explosive motion. Before she could make up some excuse that they weren't firework or ask her how she knew what was in the box she continued, "Outside, in the dark holding a fairly large box. To be assumed it's not condoms unless you guys are planning on have a very long night. He still has his lighter out even though his cigarette is already lit. Yeah i'm pretty sure it's fireworks. That and I can see the strings to light them hanging out." Half smiling at the girl she walked passed her into the field behind the castle. This would be a good place, though she hadn't ever really done any firework shit. That would be something to look into. Turning quickly around she said, "So Dez you didn't drag me out here to look at your stupid DJ shit so please tell me you have something interesting for me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Luca Song He paused in the dense grass as a tone reached him, it was unfamiliar but for some reason it hooked him the moment he heard it. Luca turned to his side and laid his eyes on the girl who spoke, her tone falling short of shy as she warned him of the dangers. It had been awhile since he had tried to speak with others, and due to that, he had waste precious time figuring out how to respond. He could had been rude and just left like usual but he didn't want to. This exotic girl had caught his attention for some reason and it made him feel on edge. A quick flash of his brother's last expression appeared in front of his eyes, like a stubborn ghost, it warned him of making connections with others. Without a word, he stuffed his hands deeper into his pockets and clenched them to crush the crippling vision. It was a somber reality that he had come to accept. The light from the moon revealed his tense expression, as calm as he tried to be, it showed a passive aggressive anger underneath the surface. In the next moment, a camouflaged cloud masked him in shade. His steps were brisk as he turned back around and towards the forest. It was risk, he decided. He might never find someone who piqued his interest enough to pause through his nightmare ever again. But that was okay, he had his brother to keep him company. In some fucked up way, that was a godsend and curse. Unfortunately, he found himself hesitating at the edge of the woods. The ink between the trees were just too dark, after five feet or so even the grass had been plunged into the abyss. Looking up towards the crowded treetops, he cursed under his breath. He was just too cautious of entering the forest, guess that meant he'd be returning to the party anyway. No use in just suffering in silence. But that'd be embarrassing to just turn back around, he'd have to wait the ladies out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dez Flores.
A familiar voice caused the bachelor student to lightly laugh as his hand tremored slightly while placing the zippo into his vest pocket…a drink was long overdue. “Well, there you are. So feisty this one but don’t mind her, she’s barbaric. The poor thing can’t help it.” He chuckled while wrapping one arm around Astrid’s shoulder and pulled her close even though the high probability of her wriggling away was possible. His pierced tongue shifted the lit cigarette to the opposite side of his mouth, so that the choking fumes were not enveloping Astrid’s face. “You did not introduce us so let me correct your mistake. I am Desmond.” He gave a little wave of his finger before continuing. “This lovely nay enthusiastic creature is Astrid.” He said through a mumble so the cigarette would not fall from his mouth and land on the grassy plain. Waste not. Want not. “Interesting you say. I do actually. Here’s a test for you. There’s construction in the forest. They had to cease development because the machines stopped working. They haven’t been back because each piece they bring in dies...and so do the workers.” He said quickly with a nonchalant shrug. “That’s what I last heard anyway.” An impish grin spread across his polished face. “Make the bulldozer run so we can tear down this castle, even a part of it. This thing is eventually going to join the bottom of the water anyway, why don’t we help it along? If you can get one machine started I’ll give you whatever you want. If you can’t, you have to dance with me.” This statement was voiced with a little smirk. Astrid did not seem the dancing type though he was sure once through that rough exterior she was something else--or not. “Fireworks wouldn’t be a bad touch either. We could take the forest down while we’re at it.” Dez took a long drag from his cigarette, the cherry burning vividly. Who knew whether or not he was teasing or perhaps he was gauging these two to see how far they would go. He was down for anything especially if a little destruction went with it. Few people were down these days to join in his idiotic ideas of amusement. “Better hurry, looks like someone might beat you to it.” Bringing up an index finger Dez pointed to the ruggedly handsome fellow with his front facing the shrouded forest. “Dia Duit.” He attempted to shout a gaelic greeting while gathering the attention of Luna who threw a content yet worrisome look his way. At least he tried though he may have botched the whole hello in Irish attempt.
Luna Flores.
Her warning had reached him but not with the desired results. Instead of offering gratitude Luna was met with deafening silence and his clean shaven face remained impassive. In fact, he eventually proceeded to turn back and enter the fog swept woodland disregarding what she had stated. Bronze doe eyes widened from shock, was he really going to ignore her cautious disclosure? Either way she tried once more to deter his perseverance yet his mind seemed made up. “If you pass a certain point you’ll come to a closed off area. The land isn’t stable enough to walk on. That’s why I am outside near the entrance. I am trying to dissuade others from venturing in that direction too.” Words were softly spoken as she brushed a stray lock of amber hair behind her ear angelically. “You can do what you like—I just thought you should know.” Luna felt as though her rambling would never end, and she brought a thumb nail to her bottom lip to gently bite on. How awkward. Her lack of social skills was causing further tension, and she just wanted to walk away but hesitantly remained. She had this post to look after and dancing to Irish techno was not her forte. Besides that, why was she trying so hard to make this guest turn around? She had spoken her peace so it was to be left at that yet she had continued relentlessly. “You shouldn’t be out alone anyway.” Luna blurted aloud and nearly went into cardiac arrest after hearing herself. Who was she to give an opinion to a complete stranger anyway but shouldn’t he be enjoying the festivities? From behind she heard Dez’ butchered greeting luckily saving her from continuing to make a mockery of herself. Relived she tossed him a pleasant smile to acknowledge his presence before turning back to face the perplexing man. Was he going to listen or walk away?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Having been focused on where she was putting her feet because of the unevenness of the ground, Zoey didn’t notice the tall dark-haired man standing in the doorway and lighting up a cigarette. “No, I’ve got it,” she replied with a smile, a little nervous about him coming closer with a lighter and lit cigarette. “I’m not really sure if they’re legal either. I’ve got a license, and I didn’t import them, so I don’t know how the law will view that.” As she was responding to the man’s question, a tallish woman, at least compared to Zoey, with blonde hair on the right side of her head and a shaved area on the left came through the doors, complaining when she walked right into the smoke from Des’s cigarette. When she spotted Zoey, however, she seemed to lose interest in Des and step forward, correctly guessing that the box contained fireworks. “I’m not sure why he still has his lighter out, but I would have told you that there were fireworks in the box if you would have just asked,” Zoey responded. “And yes, I do have a couple of barium ones, though my personal favorites are the purple ones.” The girl’s curiosity sated, she turned back to Des after walking a tiny bit farther into the field, asking him what he had wanted her to do. Before he responded to her, he made sure to introduce himself as Desmond and the woman as Astrid. “I’m Zoey,” she responded, nodding politely. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” But it seemed that Des was focused on answering Astrid’s question, spinning a tale about the machines breaking down, which was true according to the new sources Zoey had seen about it, and the workers dying, which was far less likely. Regardless, while they chatted, Zoey looked for a good spot to set up for the show. The stairs and patio off the back of the castle would provide adequate seating for a good number of people, leaving the ground for anyone who couldn’t fit on the patio. Now all that was left was to find a good patch of level ground to set up on. Level ground was important for making sure that the fireworks didn’t go off at an unexpected angle or something and end up hurting someone. Des’s comment about burning the forest down elicited a nervous chuckle as she worked, partly because she wasn’t sure if he was serious or not. The forest certainly wouldn’t be burning down on her watch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PrincessOfNothing


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Morrigan Estrella "Understood.", Morrigan nodded, hanging her cardigan on her arm. She wouldn't really need it inside, but the girl was right that they might not be able to find each other after the party. Either way, Morrigan wasn't the kind of girl to prod, and she couldn't, nor wouldn't, force her. Suddenly a moment or two after, she noticed a quiet muttering from a young man. She couldn't make out what he was saying, but it's probably best she didn't. She could relate though, as she often engaged in self-talk, usually about weird, science-y things most people probably wouldn't want to listen to like entropy or entangled particles. Instead of going inside to the party, this young man walked past her and the other girl towards the forest. The girl started to greet him, but he continued past them. Her next response actually startled Morrigan slightly, but it was followed by a more gentler warning about the forest. However, this didn't seem to stop him. She still warned him about it, seeming to become more nervous. Behind her and the girl, Morrigan heard a young man say something in a language she couldn't understand. The girl smiled at him, giving Morrigan the impression they knew each other, and they watched the young man at the edge of the forest, motionless as if stuck in time. He didn't look as if he'd leave into the forest, but he wasn't turning back either. "Let's go get him.", she suddenly said, looking back at the others. The guy seemed alone, and sometimes lonely people just needed some others. She didn't say anything else, but began hesitantly walking to him near the forest, glancing behind her shoulder to see if they'd come with her. Finally, she stopped a couple of feet from him, and in her quiet, awkward voice said "Hey, um, you heard her. The forest isn't safe. You should come back with us."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Luca Song It was her voice again, calling out towards him. He had recognized it easily since she had yet to stop talking. She urged him that the land was unstable and said that she had been dissuading others as well. Oddly enough, he found that hard to believe. She was trying too hard to bring him back, it was like she was grasping for straws. He smiled lightly at the thought, the one girl that had piqued his interest wasn't satisfied with his silence. Would she continue like that until he returned? Again, his brother's submerged image flashed like a vicious bolt. This time, he didn't react to it. A masculine and butchered Irish greeting grabbed him from the vision; he turned towards a group of people. They were all calling out towards him, even the girl that had been beside Chestnut had started walking towards him. His brows furrowed in confusion. It was a old and annoying feeling to be the center of attention, one that he had long forgotten. Living his life in self-imposed solitude had numbed him to others, so to have so many noticing him made him uneasy. With a sigh he stared the girl down as she approached. She had beautiful dark hair and skin that was roasted to a tan color, her gaze was gentle and that reassured him that she was just another person; normal and average. "Yea," he agreed, lingering on the word before striding off towards the others. He guessed the darkness would just have to wait till another day, a day when his interest wasn't so ignited. The girl that was calling out to him was like a target, he found himself stopping in front of her but standing amongst the others. He stared at her for a moment, wondering just what about her was so pulling. What had made her stick out from the others? was it the guarded way she held herself or perhaps strength that hid behind her eyes? He wasn't sure yet but he'd figure it out eventually. After a second, like a candle, he lit his normality to life. The best he could do was a smirk but he made it work as best he could. "Who was the guy that butchered the Irish language?" he asked, though there was only one other guy there. "I'm guessing it was you, nicely done." He nodded shortly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sophia was driving her red civic that she had been renting out for the past few months while studying abroad, in the back of the car contained her guitar as well as her amplifier which she offered to play some music for the party along with the two DJ's that were there as well. Quietly listening to her music on the radio, she stopped her car near the dozens of others that had parked just outside of Einri Castle. It was a weird place to have a party but it made things even more interesting. The young woman turned off her car and got out of the driver side door, looking up at the sky it was a rather cold night luckily she chose to wear a long sleeve shirt under her leather jacket. She opened the back door of her car to pull out her guitar strapping it over her back and grabbed the handle on her amplifier as well carrying the heavy equipment, Sophia followed the train up towards the castle already seeing a few people there she spotted her friend Astrid talking to a tattooed man and approached them. "Hey Astrid!" Sophia said happily giving her friend a playful punch on her shoulder. "How are you doing?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Staring at the trees Astrid muttered to herself. "Not barbaric, merely elevated above yourself." Dez wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Normally she would have shrugged it off and reprimanded him for it, but something about the forest was continually drawing her attention. Interesting you say. I do actually. Here’s a test for you. There’s construction in the forest. They had to cease development because the machines stopped working. They haven't been back because each piece they bring in dies...and so do the workers.” Dez was good, his words immediately trapped her interest. Ignoring the rest of the words that tumbled from his mouth she strode forward staring at the forest harder. Talking to herself she said, "Perhaps an acid fog that only appears at a certain hour. Would explain the workers missing, but not the machines. No no more a methane gas pocket. Workers get lost in the fog, machines stop working, people see stuff they normally wouldn't. Could even open sinkholes to make stuff disappear." She stared lost in thought at the forest watching fog billow around the trunks of the trees. Unconsciously she corrected Dez's mispronunciation. "It's 'jee-ah ghwich,' means God be with you. Not really the greeting you were going for Dez..." Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden punch to the shoulder. Surprised Astrid's head whipped up only to see her friend Sophia standing there. Smiling widely she grabbed her friend into a hug. "Hey Soph. Just figuring out the usual unusual." Pulling back she nodded her head towards the forest. "I'm thinking methane..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dez Flores.
Dez wore a smug facial expression while observing Zoey, the not so vibrant red head as she went through the motions. Even though she wasn’t particularly friendly the young one held a matter-of-factly personality with a jilted air of intelligence. He knew instantly that they wouldn’t mesh well and possibly be doomed if locked together in a forgotten tomb, and that just wouldn’t do. Getting a rise out of people was what he strived for and he was not certain if that was possible with this one. Although everyone had pressure points he’d settle for anything other than what he was currently seeing. She’d be a challenge to crack, which was all the better by chance.
Luna Flores.
“Pardon?” Luna politely questioned as the sociable acquaintance decided to greet the man. Luna couldn’t very well approach him after the silly things she had just said. He was cause to make weird sentences rush from her mouth unintentionally, and she didn’t even know his name. Luna continued to stand where she was but began twisting a lock of gleaming hair even though wanted to follow. The incident years earlier had groomed the art novice to be extra cautious especially among groups of individuals. No one was to be trusted--this is what her head always said but her heart was not so easily numbed. As the man walked nearer she could not help but meet his gaze only to immediately cast copper hues down at her shoes, and then to the others timidly. Oddly enough his intimidating demeanor was compelling and from her peripheral vision she studied him, and wondered why he came here all alone. These questions were interrupted by Dez, however. He would most likely make this situation even tenser should he pick up on her body language. He was famous for figuring out these sorts of things, and she was a little surprised he wasn’t already chasing these people away with a nearby chunk of castle rubble.
Dez Flores.
“Yeah, I’ve been practicing.” Dez replied while placing both hands into his designer pants pockets, and wandered close to the oddly group displaying a proud smile. Once glancing past all that ink on the outside stood a well groomed dork. He wore his façade well; in fact, there was no one that knew all the hell he was putting his health through except Luna. She kept this secret hidden as well as her own pain but hers was a bit more visual. Her kindly traits sugar coated all the broken pieces that remained embedded inside. “Is that not what I said? Jaway-gewach?” This time Dez pronounced the greeting even worse than before. “Just because I am an atheist doesn’t mean I can’t offer a religious greeting. He may very well believe in Christianity. I am Desmond by the way. That’s Astrid, who is not barbaric, her friend whom i have not met yet, and Luna, my sister commonly referred to as the good sibling. Anyway, are you all here to watch the fireworks in the forest? There’s a nice little set up in there, I imagine.”
Luna Flores.
“Dez, the locals said it was dangerous and Astrid mentioned methane? What if she’s right? One stray spark from a firework and anyone in there could be burnt or worse.” Worry was displayed clearly on her flawless face as she tried to bring up the subject of danger once more. Trying to change her brother’s mind was absolutely pointless but perhaps this was directed at the rest who would possibly follow Dez.
Dez Flores.
“Dear, sweet, baby sister. There’s always a percentage of error in science. And I made that shit up, for the most part. They didn’t die, that we know of. Why don’t you hang back with Red.” He shrugged while placing two fingers to his temple a visible sign of one of his regular onset headaches from withdrawal.
Luna Flores.
Luna lightly sighed in defeat watching as her brother decided to venture into the forest regardless of all the eerie facts. This time the siblings would split along with their newly formed gang who would decide their own fates. He was awfully persuading. Granted with a silver tongue he knew how to squirm into someone’s head and entice them. Many thought that seductive but Luna had another name for it, manipulation. Trusting him was a horrible idea but she could not hold that against him entirely. There were always reasons to one’s madness, and it had been her fault he drove head first into it.
Dez Flores.
“Joining us Irish?” Dez inquired to the male who had commented on his sorry attempt at Gaelic. The lone wanderer had wanted to attempt the dark thickets before but something had stopped him and the inked student did not know what exactly. Dez was certain that this guy would want to follow along since he held a certain curious presence already. It wasn’t every day one came across a man staring into the abysmal forest in silence. This guy needed someone to say it was fine to do what one wants, and Dez was the epitome of freedom.
Luna Flores.
A displeased frown formed on peach toned lips as Luna turned to speak with the supposed expert in pyrotechnics, long tresses swayed with the swing of her head when doing so. However, the cautions girl paused a moment and scanned the remaining undergraduates, speechless. Something in the pit of her stomach warned her that an unpleasant event would likely occur but rarely did someone take it seriously. She wondered who all would end up trailing behind her careless brother and who would stay to watch the fireworks away from the forest. She did not like either option honestly; there were simply too many variables to go wrong.
Dez Flores.
Meanwhile the reckless explorer crossed through a tiny clearing not many broken branches or flora had claimed. This was almost meant to be since the moon and stars were in clear view of an undisturbed sky. Just enough rays of light fluttered through the overhanging forest ceiling casting dancing shadows that seemed to follow each moving form. Wind was somehow a bit more bothersome compared to the outskirts but it did not hinder progress through the maze. Dez had no idea where this site was located but figured if they kept walking in a straight line they would come across the location eventually.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

While Zoey continued setting up the fireworks, which primarily involved setting out bases to provide further stability and, for some of the fireworks, tying the fuses together for the show, the group of people currently outside, including Desmond, Astrid, and a couple of other people whose name she hadn’t been given, had migrated towards the edge of the forest. Though they weren’t far enough away that she couldn’t hear them, she didn’t pay them much attention for the moment, focused on the fireworks as she was. Apart from that, she could always look back through her memory if she needed to know what had been said. Perks of having an eidetic memory, she guessed. One thing that she couldn’t help but notice was the gradually increasing number of people on the patio of the castle. Violet was clearly spreading the word of the fireworks show, as was expected. She had a tendency to ride the coattails of those she knew who were doing something that would be popular in the court of public opinion. Needless to say, Zoey was rarely the subject of such exploits, as she was rarely considered popular by any stretch of the imagination. Nope, that was reserved for when she brought out the fireworks. Noticing that one of the girls from the group that had been near the forest had turned to her and come a little closer, Zoey finished tying off the knot she was working on. “If you’re worried about the ‘methane,’ you shouldn’t be,” Zoey said, taking a wild stab at what be on her mind while moving onto the next set of fuses that needed tying together. “I only have a few that launch into the air, and they reach altitudes of about two hundred feet, which means that any sparks will be cooled by the air as they fall, so they won’t be able to light anything.” Once she was done with the last knot, she stood up and surveyed the crowd of people, which has spilled down from the patio and onto the ground. They were still a safe distance away, so she was ready to go. Grabbing the long detonator fuse in one hand and grabbing Luna’s sleeve with the other, Zoey walked towards the crowd, checking to make sure she was at a safe distance when she got there. After setting the fuse down, Zoey pulled out a lighter, setting the fuse alight with one smooth motion. The little flame made its way towards the first knot, splitting to the first set of fireworks. As the flame reached the fireworks, they went off, creating a cacophony of high-pitched shrieks and whistles and a spray of multi-colored light. The oohs from the crowd behind her was satisfying as ever as Zoey watched the fuses hit their next marks. The next set were a little quieter, but they made up for it in brilliantly vivid colors and angles to their spouts of fire, though measured carefully to avoid mishaps of course. The third set was virtually similar to the first set, with the addendum that the fireworks would seem to stop suddenly before starting up more violently than they had at first, eliciting several pleased responses from the crowd. The fourth and final set were the best, of course. They were the ones that launched into the air. It had taken a bit of careful planning to get the design right, but it was worth it. The fireworks were arranged carefully to produce the flag of Ireland with the crest of their university on it once it got to its max altitude, hopefully creating a lasting memory in the minds of the people in the crowd behind her. That was what her goal with fireworks usually was, and she knew that she at least would never forget it, though the cheers of the crowd seemed to indicate that they wouldn’t either.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Logan Logan set down his book long enough to stare at the clock to his left, what he saw lit a fire under his ass. "Oh shit!" He exclaimed, quickly he threw on his jacket and ran out the door. "I won't be late not again. He thought, as he got to the BMW rental his parents had paid for he fumbled in his jean pockets for his keys realizing they weren't there he ran back into his room and found them sitting on his desk where he left them quickly running out of his room and hitting the remote he unlocked the door to his car, put the keys in the ignition and took off. The ride was short but when he arrived a few people were already hanging around in the back. So he took the long way around and went through the house saying hello to everybody as he went. When he finally arrived out back he spoke. "Hey everybody sorry i'm late." He said hitting the button on his car keys to lock the door. He looked around and saw that that it wasn't quite the crowd he was expecting. "Where is everyone." He asked of no one in particular.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Luca Song Luna. So the interesting girl has a beautiful name too, he whispered in his head "Nice to meet you, just call me Luca," he replied in turn. He glanced over at Desmond, his poor-excuse of a smile faltering at the knowledge that Luna was his sister. He picked it back up smoothly, dark eyes falling onto Luna as she turned towards the red head. A few words were spoken, voices both shortly heard and entirely new entered the conversation. It seemed liked everyone were sociable with another, leaving him with a acceptable role of silence, or at least it should be. Luna had tried so hard to pry him from the forest earlier, it sucked that her efforts would go down the drain cause of a poor invitation. A coy smirk flashed on his face as Luna spoke to other girl. He must have been too busy for his brother to wreck his fun; the ghastly image hadn't showed and for that much he was grateful. On a stray thought though, he found it pleasing to say Luna's name to himself and found it awkwardly funny that her name matched his own, they sounded like they could be long lost friends. "Yea, I'm coming," his delayed answer came. In the company of a split group, he found it even harder to keep himself normal. The more they traversed the grounds of the moonlit forest, the more he found himself detached from the rest of them. Always two feet from any one person, he took his time. It was rare that one actually walked in a setting that sounded like it came out of a book but here he was, walking through a forest with silvery light streaming through the dark trees. What the hell is he searching for? he asked himself, looking at Desmond from behind. Now that he had the time, he could see the resemblance between the two. Desmond seemed like the typical douche bag that urged others into bad decisions, while Luna on the other hand appeared to be the voice of reason. Even still... Luna held herself protectively and hid from the world behind the tresses of her hair. The question as to why continued to plague him. He rubbed his chest at the thought, he could feel his brother's gentle push still lingering, a dreaded reminder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sophia looked towards the forest Astrid had gestured towards, she hadn't heard to many stories about it, she turned back to look over at Dez as she smiled at him. "I'm Sophia, Astrid's friend it's nice to meet you." She said, she looked towards Luna and smiled at her for a moment listening to the two of them talk for a moment. "Maybe theres a killer out there living in the woods, that's why the workers are never heard from again and the lost equipment could have been taken by him like the movie Wrong Turn or something?" Sophia said and then watched as Dez headed towards the woods her eyes looking back towards Astrid and the other people in the group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PrincessOfNothing


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Morrigan Estrella Morrigan quietly stood by and listened to the others, learning their names in the process. The girl she offered her jacket to was Luna, her friend was her brother Desmond, and the other boy was named Luca. The blonde girl accompanying Desmond was also named Astrid. Though now she knew their names, there was a chance she'd forget them later. She had always been horrible with knowing people's names; once she had been friends with a person for a whole year without ever learning their name. In the case of not knowing names, she would often resort to the next best thing in her eyes: other logical identifiers like cold girl or brother guy. Soon, she observed two groups appear to form between the siblings. Those with Luna and those with Desmond. Luna was the more cautious of the two, while Desmond seemed to be more reckless. This led Morrigan to think to herself, about which group she belonged to. This contemplation was cut short by the reminder that she didn't belong to factions, and that this case wouldn't be any didn't. She never had been a real part of any group, friends or families. She only ever belonged to herself than fit in with either of two extremes, and she never was part of the equation, instead ever present though never seen. With this in mind, she watched Desmond disappear into the forest with others. She could not ignore the legitimate dangers of going in there with them, that would simply be foolish. But at the same time, she felt a growing itch. She needed to move, to do something. She couldn't just stay out here. With a quiet sigh to herself and a bit lip, she resolved to follow them into the forest, but remained aware of any possible dangers. Besides, she liked exploring, so this could be a new experience right? Who knows what kind of stuff she could find on this adventure. Still, she could see Desmond and Luca not too far in front of her, and made sure to keep her eyes on the group lest she get lost and left behind. Again...
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