GM: Will Co-GM: Grombus Atrocity, a continent in Parallel Earth, set in a Medieval Fantasy-like world. There are four major countries of this Pangaea sized landmass, Vile, Maltreat, Censure, and Armistice. Vile is a desert wasteland-like country mostly populated by Orcs, keeping human slaves for their enjoyment and pleasure. Maltreat, a giant forest like area, populated by Elves that may be tiny, but pack a punch. They farm, hunt with their highly skilled bowmen, but there isn't a very big amount of Melee attackers because of their tiny and limber stature. Censure is the country with the most swamps, Censure is filled with mostly non-sentient Ogre's that waddle around killing anything they see, if you pass by an Ogre they will do anything to eat you. And Armistice, the final country, is the most peaceful. Armistice is a country started by Humans that let all kinds of species into the towns. Vile led an attack on Maltreat, killing the people who resist and putting the compliant ones in cells. They took over all of Maltreat, making it an extension of the Orc empire. Armistice heard of the news from an injured Elf messenger, many volunteered to help, but as there was no army for Armistice, they were left completely defenseless if attacked. The Messenger told them "You might be attacked in the near future. So be warned" And then, he promptly died. Rules: I completely trust you guys on this one, use common sense and I think we should all be fine. I will let you know if I think your character is overpowered or way Mary Sue. Also, create Mages and stuff if you'd like I'm open to those kind of ideas. And subspecies are fine as well, just explain them and I'll most likely accept. Name: Age: Gender: Species: Country: (none if they roam) Equipment: Class: Powers(if they have any): Appearance: (Describe or post a picture) Short History(optional): Anything Else?: ____________________________________________ If you think I'm missing something, feel free to let me know.