Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

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Where the hell are people getting the titles for their characters and how can I get one? I want a Loki one...
Dedonus, I would hug you but you're not here and I cannot be bothered traveling to where you are. Thank you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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Character: Taskmaster
Nightraider, Taskmaster is now accepted. You may move him over to the character tab and begin posting in the IC.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dedonus, I would hug you but you're not here and I cannot be bothered traveling to where you are. Thank you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Player Name: Eru Iluvatar Character You Wish To Play: Karnak Moral Alignment: Hero Affiliation: Inhumans Character Origin & Backstory: Karnak was born some time ago, when the self-named Inhumans were at the peak of their diversity and obscurity. The son of a priest, Mander, and an ocean biologist, Azur, and nephew to the once ruler of the Inhumans - Karnak was born into royalty. He suffered no troubles or aggression from others during his upbringing, and the advanced and mystifying machinery littered throughout the palace of Attilan were made readily available to him. Karnak proved from a young age how naturally smart he was, mastering the technicalities of such machines quickly and delving into various subsects of learning, such as geography, mathematics, and combat, while others his own age were still struggling with basic science and language. He studied in his father's religious Tower of Wisdom, where alongside general subjects Karnak was taught of cosmic deities and the religious outlook on factors such as chance, morality, and many others. Karnak was tattooed heavily on his forehead around to the back of his neck before his teenage years, showing apparent signs that he was a member of Mander's Order of Wisdom and a man of good morale and empathy. Though not entirely believing it as his father and other pious individuals did, the teachings still had a drastic effect on Karnak's life and pattern of thinking. Though very intelligent and skilled in fighting, Karnak was relatively anti-social. He chose not to attend mass events or communicate with the general populace of the Great Refuge, instead only speaking to his family - and he spoke little even to them. Karnak believed only he himself could understand his ways of thinking and progression, and so he decided not to study other people's various personalities or levels of intelligence. Cataclysmic events occurred for Karnak on his eighteenth year. His mother died mysteriously in an ambitious oceanic foray, further severing Karnak's void of sociality. Azur has been one of the few that Karnak truly trusted and loved, and he vowed then to discover one day what had happened to his mother out at sea. It was customary for Inhumans with known latent genes to undergo the process of Terrigenesis, that is, being exposed to ancient mists of an unknown origin to all but the ruler of the Inhumans. This process changed the subject, whether marginally or drastically, in both physical or mental ways, ultimately revealing the Inhuman's true form. Some were awarded wings, or had their mental ability greatly reduced, or were granted extra-sensory sight in return for losing the use of their natural eyes. Karnak was happy as he was, but due to the compulsory tradition he acquiesced and endured Terrigenesis. Karnak emerged an enhanced being. He had acquired greatly increased strength, speed, and endurance. His reflexes had been unnaturally improved, allowing him to anticipate and counter almost any move in a combat situation, and to go along with it Karnak became much more flexible, bestowing upon him moderate levels of contortion and acrobatics. Most importantly, however, was the skill of stress point detection acquired by Karnak. This was an extra-sensory ability that revealed to Karnak any object or person's greatest area of weakness, be it physical or psychological. From this Karnak could apply pressure to the point, thereby destroying presumably unbreakable materials, or breaking down a person mentally with mere words. Karnak worked on and mastered this skill, and the mental discipline he attuned to it made it virtually effortless for Karnak to use. He changed finally in his facial area. Though it didn't increase his formidable intelligence, Karnak's skull grew upwards, bestowing upon him a huge forehead. This change erased any hair he had, though it strangely affected his tattoos - stretching and morphing them to match the shape of his altered head. After Terrigenesis, Karnak was placed in a position of importance in the Inhuman hierarchy. He was a supervisor and benefactor to the scientific advancements of Attilan, and he was prominent in his father's Order of Wisdom also. Karnak was one of the first notified if a physical threat approached the Great Refuge, he could then utilise his unbelievable combat abilities out in the field. Powers and Abilities: Enhanced strength, speed, durability, endurance, flexibility, stress point detection, formidable intelligence. Sample Story Arcs: Death at Sea - Focusing on the unrevealed reasons behind Azur, Karnak's mother's, death. Might just be a tie in with the Atlanteans and Lemurians, and maybe the Serpent Crown? Would maybe need somebody roleplaying Namor, however. Attilan Under Siege - Focusing on humanity's discovery of the Inhumans and the inevitable hostilities that come with it. Similar to Inhumans by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee. Rogue / Evil Inhumans A rogue or evil group of Inhumans could leave the Great Refuge and emerge into human society, sowing terror and death throughout the less advanced race. Karnak could be sent out into the world to end their threat to humanity, by any means... Sample Post: Everything has a weakness. Seemingly invincible dictators, ferocious beasts, the very earth itself, Gods... Everything. Karnak sat cross-legged in the centre of an antique carpet, woven ages ago by deceased Inhuman seamstresses. The embroidery detailed the process of Terrigenesis, showing a naked man and then a woman pass through the shrouding Terrigen Mists. The man emerged a king, regal in his appearance, aura and mentality. The woman emerged a great beast, one resembling the fabled monsters of humanity's past. If this were a human creation, the king would have been struck by fear, naturally threatened by one whom was too different to himself. The king would have slain the beast and be honoured for it. However, this was an Inhuman creation, the society that embraced diversity and were enhanced by it. The detailing ended with the king and the female beast retaining their love for each other and exiting the Terrigen chamber hand in claw. Karnak sat still, unmoving, his eyes closed and in a state of meditation. This time was part of the precious few hours that Karnak had free in the day - his position required constant reliance in many situations and so he was forever on call. The Inhuman's large cranium was constantly at work also. He indirectly picked up multiple detections from all objects in the small room. The extra-sensory skill granted to him through his Terrigenesis never slept, especially not since the mental honing Karnak had subjected himself to in order to improve his abilities. It was a ubiquitous influx of thought that Karnak had had to deal with. The middle of the front right leg of the chair. The centre point of the tapestry. Below the faint crack in the large wooden door. And Karnak himself... well, the first point of the mental improvement had been directed towards a passive immunity for himself to the power. Karnak preferred not to know his own inherent weakness, because if he did it would haunt him - and he would be unable to do anything until he fixed this problem. Yet, everything has a weakness, and everything has to have a weakness, so Karnak could not do that to himself. Before he could think any further, a knock reverberated from the door through the room. "Come." Karnak spoke softly, he knew that the Inhuman on the other side of the door would hear him. The large wood door opened slightly, and a man in the guise of a young child slipped in. Terrigenesis had gifted him two gaping holes at the sides of his head, and now he heard most everything, no matter how quiet. "Master Karnak, your presence is requested at the Council with the other Order members." The man's voice had risen in pitch since his transformation, effectively travelling back through time to the man's childhood. "Tell them I will not be attending this pointless convergence. Honestly, why we have to meet every three days, I-" "With all due respect, Master, they... they were quite insistent." Karnak swung his head around. The man child avoided his eyesight. He had been definitely more confident before his transformation. "Now that," The Inhuman said, swiftly rising to his feet, "Is peculiar."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 days ago

Character You Wish To Play: Karnak
Looks good, Eru Iluvatar. Once 24 hours have past, I will accept your application (I don't expect anyone else throwing up another "Karnac" application).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Haha, no, I doubt it. Though after the film comes out, and if he is in it, I would assume he'll become a fairly popular character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The New Yorker
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The New Yorker Treading the Rhetorical Minefield

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I made a Blackbolt CS for the first iteration of this I was in. I decided to scrap it because I felt he was too esoteric of a character for me to make work. Seeing this Karnak CS is making me wonder if I should bring that back. 4 characters (including Baron Zemo) may be too many, though. Of course, if you'd just rather I not, Eru, that would squash the issue entirely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I made a Blackbolt CS for the first iteration of this I was in. I decided to scrap it because I felt he was too esoteric of a character for me to make work. Seeing this Karnak CS is making me wonder if I should bring that back. 4 characters (including Baron Zemo) may be too many, though. Of course, if you'd just rather I not, Eru, that would squash the issue entirely.
I was careful to not name any other the other royal family members in the application, because I thought if I introduced some and wrote about them, someone might want to apply as them and not like the way I did it. Black Bolt I agree would be tough to write as, that's the exact reason I didn't do him and did Karnak instead. I wouldn't advise Black Bolt due to his limitations as a character, but maybe one of the other Inhumans? Gorgon or Medusa, etc. I was thinking of a cool arc for Triton because if nobody wants him I am going to use him as a secondary character for Karnak - directly tying into whole 'mother's mysterious death' arc.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The New Yorker
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The New Yorker Treading the Rhetorical Minefield

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I made a Blackbolt CS for the first iteration of this I was in. I decided to scrap it because I felt he was too esoteric of a character for me to make work. Seeing this Karnak CS is making me wonder if I should bring that back. 4 characters (including Baron Zemo) may be too many, though. Of course, if you'd just rather I not, Eru, that would squash the issue entirely.
I was careful to not name any other the other royal family members in the application, because I thought if I introduced some and wrote about them, someone might want to apply as them and not like the way I did it. Black Bolt I agree would be tough to write as, that's the exact reason I didn't do him and did Karnak instead. I wouldn't advise Black Bolt due to his limitations as a character, but maybe one of the other Inhumans? Gorgon or Medusa, etc. I was thinking of a cool arc for Triton because if nobody wants him I am going to use him as a secondary character for Karnak - directly tying into whole 'mother's mysterious death' arc.
Eh, he he, no. If I decide to do Blackbolt it will be because of his character limitations, not in spite of them. The only thing that's stopping me is how many characters I already have and plan to have. The only thing stopping me in the past was that there was no other player-character I could see him interacting with. I might end up doing it, I just need to see how hard it is to write for DD. Speaking of, I'd like to have a DD post up within the week.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 days ago

Rogue is now accepted. You may transform your character sheet to the character tab now and you may now begin posting in the IC. @Eru: Karnak will be accepted in about 2 hours. When he is accepted, could you please place Karnak's character sheet where you posted Purple Man? (i.e. edit that post and replace Purple Man's application for Karnak's)?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Eru: Karnak will be accepted in about 2 hours. When he is accepted, could you please place Karnak's character sheet where you posted Purple Man? (i.e. edit that post and replace Purple Man's application for Karnak's)?
Will do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So in total OOC style, who else is looking forward to the Netflix Daredevil series in April?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 days ago

So in total OOC style, who else is looking forward to the Netflix Daredevil series in April?
I don't have NEtflix. :(
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So in total OOC style, who else is looking forward to the Netflix Daredevil series in April?
I got Netflix purely in anticipation for the Daredevil show. It's also pretty good, and I'm watching Prison Break and re-watching Heroes in the meantime.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The New Yorker
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The New Yorker Treading the Rhetorical Minefield

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The new Daredevil series looks really good. I'm excited for it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Have a serious family emergency come up so, James "jimmy" Howlett Jr. might be a tad bit late like tomorrow. It's a hospital thing and idk the seriousness of the situation just yet so, please bare with me. My mind is scattered. EDIT: Mother is fine. Crisis averted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 days ago

Have a serious family emergency come up so, James "jimmy" Howlett Jr. might be a tad bit late like tomorrow. It's a hospital thing and idk the seriousness of the situation just yet so, please bare with me. My mind is scattered. EDIT: Mother is fine. Crisis averted.
Glad to here everything was fine. If you need some time, we're still be here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Got my first IC post up. Hopefully I'll be able to follow on reasonably well from that. Just so I'm clear, it's 3 posts, then we get a 2nd and 3rd character slot, correct? And once we obtain both of those we can apply for Villains?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 days ago

Got my first IC post up. Hopefully I'll be able to follow on reasonably well from that. Just so I'm clear, it's 3 posts, then we get a 2nd and 3rd character slot, correct? And once we obtain both of those we can apply for Villains?
Yes. After three posts, you may apply for character 2 and 3 (and they may be villains). Just don't take more than you can bite off now. ;)
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