Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube shook his head, "I haven't a clue what is going on... Its scary not knowing what I am... Or what I can do..." He covered his face with his hands. "That bird seemed to know what I am more than I do... I wish he hasn't left..."

Milo took that as his moment to fly down to the ground before shifting back into the form of a man. "I can't believe you have never shifted before today... How surprising. Why wouldn't your parents tell you?" Milo asked curiously.

Jube sighed, "I was adopted without knowing my real parents..." Jube looked up at him, "What am I exactly?"

Milo stood where he was, and paid no mind to a crow landing on his shoulder. "If I had to guess I would say a Dragon Shifter. They were sorcerers though. If you can't do magic you might not be one. Its hard to say." Milo explained calmly.

Jube looked at his hands, "I can do magic..." He was worried Kes would become uneasy in his presence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kes had been staring at the bird man, but at her friends words, she stood up and stated at him.
"What?!" she cried in alarm. "Since when?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube looked down feeling ashamed for not telling her before, "I... I've known for a few years now... My powers are fire related..." He looked at her, "I didn't want to scare you... it was bad enough everyone thought I was a freak, I didn't want you to think so as well." He said sadly.

Milo crossed his arms watching the two, "According to legend, the Dragon Empire was snuffed out around twenty years ago. There was no survivors in the raid according to what I've been told. So I'm not sure how you could be one. Perhaps you should seek out one of the Dragon Slayers that was there." Milo suggested.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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It was clear that despite his explaination, this wasn't good enough for Kestrel.
"I don't believe this," she said, looking at him as if she'd never seen him before. "For year I've been by your side, I've looked after you. I thought you trusted me. I was clearly wrong."
She picked up the bag which contained everything she'd brought with her, including the map.
"You meet this person once, and decide to reveal something you've never told me?" she said, shaking her head. "Suit yourself, Jubilant Wells. Stay here with your secrets. I'm going."
She never called him by his full name, so the weight of her saying it clearly emphasized her feelings.
She took a few steps and then stopped to whistle, causing the little cub, who had been sat patiently, to get up.
"Do not follow me," she said with her back to him. "I'm going to the next village. Have your secrets. I couldn't care less. I'll stay the night there. If you decide you want to even continue this with me, find me in the morning. Not until, or I might say something we might both regret."
She felt betrayed. Jube knew everything about her, and he'd kept this from her for years.
She stormed off without a backward glance, Lupo at her heels.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube watched her go, and looked down, "I won't come looking for you tomorrow. I won't come looking for you the day after either... you're right Kes, I didn't tell you, and that was because I didn't know how you would feel. Trust or not, I was scared of what you'd think!" He got up, "If Milo's right, then I'm an abomination, and I shouldn't cause you any more grief. You don't need a monster for a friend..."

Milo watched them argue, and felt out of place. Clearly Jube was scared of his own abilities. Jube closed his eyes and willed himself to turn into a dragon once again. This time he had control over it. He flapped his large wings, and took off to the sky. It was clear he wasn't used to flying yet as he was all over the place in the sky.

Milo yelled suddenly, "Wait! You're going to get yourself spotted by dragon slayers!" He shifted into a crow and took off after him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kes couldn't have stopped him even if she's wanted to and her pride was hurt by his being unable to trust her. All those years of protecting him, of bruises and laughter, all for naught. He had a secret and have been able to tell her, but had told a perfect stranger as soon as meeting him.
She felt tears in her eyes and pushed them away. This wasn't the time to cry. She wanted to be alone.
There were many people in the forest heading her way and seemed surprised to see her. They were carrying much of their prpperty and called to her urgently. She couldn't understand their gambling, mostly because she wasn't listening though she was surprised by their appearance. There were men, women and children, as well as some livestock.
She told them where she wished to go but they refused to let her.
"A dragon's been seen. It'll destroy the village and eat everything."
She realised they must be taking about June.
"Don't be silly," she said. "He wouldn't do a thing like that."
They must have thought her simple, for they looked at her like she was mad.
"It's a dragon. That's what they DO. They bitten everything to the ground."
She pulled a face.
"So you're hiding in a forest from a dragon, who like to burn things," she said sardonically. "You realise that the forest would burn."
The villagers looked panicked and me tried to reassure them, saying he wouldn't do such a thing, when a man grabbed her arm. "We could sacrifice her to it," he speed, gripping her an painfully. "She said it will not hurt us let her prove it!"
There was only agreement with this and the man kicked Lupo as the cub tried to protect her.Kes kicked the man hard between the legs, causing him to let her go. She ran from him, Lupo at her heels shooting that she'd prove he wouldn't hurt anyone.
She was still angry at June, but these villagers had no right to be.
The village was degree when she entered it and she could see Jube flying overhead with as much gave as a baby bird taking its first flight.
She was still frightened, but he had no right to be angry at her. "You come down here right now!" She screamed at the flying creature, not sure if he heard or if he would ignore her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube caught her voice and jerked his large head back to see her. He clumbsily landed before her. "I thought you didn't want to talk to me?" Jube said telepathically.

Milo landed next to him still in crow form, "We haven't got much time before the dragon slayers are alerted. The army is in the capitol only a days walk. We have the advantage of flight, let's use it. I know a place we can go." Milo advised them.

Jube eyed Milo before settling lower, "Kes, get on my back, I'll fly you with us. You will have to hold onto me and Lupo though." They really didn't have much time to think about the best option, they just needed to get out of sight and fast!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kes gave him a cold look, clearly not having fogiven him, nor find his words funny. However she scooped up Lupo and, with only a moment's hestitation, cut her hand on a sharp rock and wiped the blood, so it was obvious, onto some wood. Then she climbed onto his back.
There were limited placed to hold, so she made do with his wing joist, hooking her knees over and holding Lupo. She couldn't believe she was doing this.
"You need to go before a villager sees," she said finally. "Otherwise they can decribe me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Milo flew ahead and led them to a beautiful lake with a tall waterfall draining into it.

The location was still within the same forest, but the beauty of it was the cave behind the water fall. It was too high up to be found within it. There was no physical way to climb down either. No one would come looking for them. Not here.

Milo flew through the falls and got out of the way as Jube clumbsily came barrelling in after him with lupo and kes on his back.

Jube landed fairly smoothly on the stone ground of the cave. Jube waited until Kes climbed off him before he shifted back into his human form. He panted heavily and looked at Kes for a moment before reaching for her injured hand. "Let me fix that up."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kes had been clinging to Jube's back, who clearly needed some lessons before giving more rides. If Kes hadn't been so frightened, and somewhat excited, she might have felt quite sick.
Once on the ground, Jube had transformed back and was reaching for her injured hand. Before he could touch it, she slapped him hand with it across the face. Her own hand stung like blazes and there was blood across his cheek where she'd struck him.
"You're a stupid boy," she said angrily, before putting her arms around him and burying her face in his chest. "Did I say you were a monster? Did I say I never wanted to see you again?"
All of this was said to his clothes and somewhat muffled, but all the same it was said with enough clarity to be heard.
"Stupid, stupid boy," she continued, though this seemed more to herself, not moving from where she was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Jube ignored the stinging on his face, he was used to pain after all the bullying back home. Wrapping his arms around kes he held her close.

"I was scared of myself... I didn't know what all I was capable of. I still don't know for sure... I thought if I ignored it... It would go away." Jube teared up a bit as he continued, "I told Milo before you because of the situation... Not because I don't trust you. I trust you more than myself. I truly didn't mean to hurt you."

Milo shifted into human form and stood quietly giving them space. He took a seat against the stone wall of the cave.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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"Stupid," was the only responce she made to his words, though now it was unclear if this was aimed referring to him or something else.
She pulled herself away.
"I'll clean myself up," she muttered, not looking him in the face as she turned away, her cheeks a little flushed. "Talk to the bird man."
She looked over at Milo.
"And my father always said it's good manners for a gentleman to introduce himself," she said.
With that, she moved toward the waterfall, running her wounded hand under it. The pressure made it sting, but she waited until she thought it was clean and pulled it out, then tore off some fabric and wrapped it around. She looked in the waterfall which gave her a good reflection of herself. The wound from her head was still stitched, but no longer bound with the cloth. She must look like some sort of monster herself.
She smiled at that thought. She always had injuries. That was why Robin....
She bit her lip. She missed her brother. She wished she could talk to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Milo looked up at Jube, "Yeah, I told you my name, but you never properly introduced yourself."

Jube looked at him, "My name is Jubilant Wells, but I prefer Jube... at least that's what Kestral has always called me so I preferred that." It was true, she seemed to have been the first one to give him that nickname. It was much less a mouthful than saying 'Jubilant' all the time as well.

Milo nodded and looked over at Kes, "What about you? I know nothing about you..." Milo had a gentleness to him when he spoke, and it was quite possible he didn't get much chance to talk to people if he resided in the forest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kestral seemed surprised when he said he knew nothing of her.
"I'm Kestral," she said simply. "There's nothing special about me. I'm just human."
That, as far as she could think, was it. She wasn't special, not in any way that made her different. She was just her.
"Sometimes people call me Kes," she added, as if trying to think of something else to add to this rather short introduction. "Oh, and this is Lupo."
She gestured to the wolf cub, who sat and put it's head to one side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Milo smiled gently at her, "I doubt you're nothing special miss. I think you just have yet to find your calling in life."

Milo then shifted into the form of a black wolf and Nuzzled Lupo affectionately.

Jube watched as Lupo responded happily. "Well... I'm at a loss of direction... Do we move on and hope no one finds out what I am, or do we..." Jube couldn't think of another option.

Milo shifted back into human form, "They always find out... Its impossible to evade exposure. If only there was a safe haven..." Milo sighed.

Jube looked at him. "Milo, do you know where the dragon clan kingdom is?"

Milo nodded, "Yes. Its a days journey to the foot of the mountain by flight. Its abandoned though."

Jube looked at kes, "We need to get there." He was determined.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Lupo seemed somewhat confused, but happy at the new shape. Even when the man switched back, he continued to sniff at him.
"I don't think Jube should go anywhere until he learns to fly," Kes interjected. "He's too erratic at the minute. Beside, who are the Dragon Clan?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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"The Dragon Clan were once extremely feared by the humans. They were sorcerers that could take form of dragons. They were one of the most powerful living species up until they were hunted down by 'Dragon Slayers'." Jube remembered reading this in one of his books.

"They were considered evil, much like many of the species out here..." Milo looked down a bit, and scratched behind Lupo's ears gently.

Jube looked up at Kestral, "Maybe we should go on foot instead of flying?"

Milo nodded, "It's possible to do so. We will just continue through the forest, and head towards the Kingdom of Maren. Once we reach Maren we can see the view of the mountains in which the Dragon Kingdom resides upon. I believe there are Dragon Slayers in Maren who might be able to give us more information."

"We just can't tell them what I am." Jube looked at him firmly.

Milo nodded, "Obviously." Milo looked to Kestral for a moment, "What do you think, my lady?" He asked casually.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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She had been listening, but she'd been looking at the sky.
"On foot is fine," she said slowly, eyes still looking at the heavens, "but we need to get down from here, which means flying. Also, Jube still needs to learn to fly, otherwise next time he needs to he might struggle."
She looked at Jube now, a frown on her face.
"It's up to you, but I think you need to at least try to fly," she said, then looked at Milo. "Can you help him? I mean, you can be a crow so you can fly. Can you help him, please?"
She gave him a soft smile. "You looked like a real bird, like flying was second nature."
She wasn't trying to flatter him. The words were genuine and true.
"Anyway, I'm better of actually asking the slayers," she added. "Even if they were suspicious, I couldn't demonstrate the powers Jube can, so if I get angry or anything, they'll see I'm just a very angry young girl, which is probably far scarier than any dragon."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by duskreaper
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Milo smiled softly and nodded, "That I can do. I've been flying since I was a child, and I think I can be a teacher too. Would you like to stay here while I take him flying or shall we move elsewhere?"

Jube looked at the waterfall, "Perhaps we could all come down, that way we can fly around over the water, and Kestral can rest with Lupo."

Milo nodded, "Alright, let's go then." He shifted into a crow and flew out.

Jube looked at Kes, "Ready?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Kes shook her head.
"Milo's right," she said simply. "I'm better off staying here. No one can get to me and the last thing we want is someone seeing me with you in your dragon form. It won't take them long to realize that I'm with a dragon, shifter or not."
She whistled and Lupo trotted to her obediantly.
"I'll catch up on some sleep," she said simply. "Don't worry."
She gave him an encouraging smile.
"Go on, I'm fine."
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