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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well they all seemed to be on the same side for the most part, with both of them studying something, Megumi studying the terrifying subject of Calculus. And Kurogane was studying..... Wait a second. Aki squinted a bit to see the cover of the book Kurogane was reading with his eyes widening a bit. Sun Tzu's art of war! To think he was seeing one with his own eyes, he could only imagine what brilliant strategies were in there. Well he let them do their thing, he however hardly ever studied, if at all, so he just went back to his 3ds, when a new person joined them on the roof, a person that only further outnumbered him. She seemed to know Kurogane and Megumi though, so that only made this worse for him, if Kurogane decided to say anything.

And then another person joined them, this one being a.....Aki looked real hard at them and tilted his head. Then saw them looking at Megumi and what he could assume was blushing. So for now Aki was pinning them as a male, a really pretty looking male. They also seemed to be requesting assistance from Kurogane which made Aki chuckle knowing that was an achievement in itself. Aki however kept that to himself, and looked back down at his game, when suddenly the screen went black. His game had died..... Aki remained silent then remembered he hadn't saved at all since he got up here. This made him sigh as he placed it back into his backpack, then quickly scooped something into his hands and positioned his backpack so that no one could see what he was doing without them walking up to him. In his left hand was a half done little badge of fabric. Having a white background and a chibi version of a bear cub on it. All he needed to finish was a leg and tail and he would be done. So threading the needle with brown string. He began working on it, looking up occasionally to make sure no one was coming.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Kurogane's voice was silent as he whispered these words, eyes narrowed and bright as he absorbed this specific piece of literature wonder deep within the roots of his brain. Sun Tzu was correct; Not knowing the enemy would only hurt himself, but knowing both the enemy and himself...it would only allow him victory, where defeat was predictable. Not for the first time, Kurogane mentally wondered what Sun Tzu was like; what would it have been like if the genius tactician had been his father, rather than the arrogant, yet powerful man that lorded over the Hazekage clan. He dully heard the sound of the metal door squeaking open, to the roof, and with a raised eyebrow, Kurogane marked his page and closed the book, just in time to see the appearance of Reiko and her eccentric introduction. It was rather amusing; he'd give her that. While he would only give others a cold look and a dismissive wave, Reiko was something of a...friend, dare he say? And she was one of the few that received a Hazekage Smirk; limited edition, and the cause of many a wet dream from weaker-willed females.

"Reiko," He nodded, although his right eye twitched at the mention of their Clan Head. About to reply with a disgusted tone, he was, once more, cut off by the door opening once more; although, this time, it was much quieter. A rather..feminine-looking young man walked onto the roof. Sharp eyes noted his facial description, and a name entered his mine; Yagyu. Paneru Yagyu, from Class 1-B. He had remembered seeing the other, younger boy in the halls, and although interested at first from his appearance, he had quickly realized that the boy was one of the few genuine students at this school; and when you earned Kurogane's interest, you didn't lose it until you did something unfathomable. He caught the boy's blush, and while this would have tipped him off onto anyone else, he merely frowned slightly and listened; as long as he didn't touch Megumi, then he wouldn't be taught a lesson. Once the boy was finished, Kurogane nodded and stood, leaving his bokken and bookbag leaning beside his sister. "Understood." He replied, voice calm and cool despite the warning signs in his head. Hopefully it was a simple sprain; a student getting injured, and he was so close to the source?

Kurogane briskly exited the roof, entering the staircase. The cold wind blew his black and crimson Disciplinary blazer backwards slightly, the sleeves flapping gently in the wind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


After the headbutt, Utaho passed her hand by her forehead, and there was a bit of blood there. That guy really had a hard head, it was kind of like a rock. He was dead. He had just signed his death warrant with that. She approached him, cracking her knuckles and irritation clear in her face. Ami and Kirari were looking at her with concern, though it wasn't really something weird for her to get hurt, but it was one of those few times that they saw her really pissed. She was one to respect people who fought back, but that kind of underhanded tactic was just uncalled for, she was prettu sure a lot more of things could have been used to get out of that.

"Uta-chan! Are you okay?" Kirari asked Utaho, while checking up on her forehead. Utaho simply moved her aside.

"Kirarin, you better step outta here. This is gonna get bloody." She said, and after she had moved her friend aside, Utaho went on to the main plate. She approached Shoske along with Kurisa, whose comment about hitting women she ignored for now. The guy thought he could use a pen, or something like a pen, to get out of the mess he was in, but Utaho has already fought guys wielding real knives, and she got home without as much as a scratch. For him to think a mechanical pencil would actually work against her... He was really wrong. "You are so DEAD!" She was about to punch him....

When Kurisa fell on top of her and a girly, "Kya!", escaped her lips. She didn't have any time to be thinking about what the hell Kurisa touched, she didn't really care. It was almost obvious that the guy did that to help Shoske. And Utaho didn't care the least about him. Even if Shoske did try to escape, Utaho would grab his leg to prevent him from doing so. "You are sooooo fucked." With her free hand, she pushed Kurisa's hand away. "Go after the other fucker. I will take care of this one." Utaho said.

"Uta-chan, how can we help you?" Ami said, standing a few steps behind Utaho. Utaho glared daggers at her friend.

"You better get out of here. I am going to make a mess out of this guy, and it will NOT be pretty." Utaho said, her killing intent clear in her voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Megumi glanced up, her dainty hands finishing the minor calculus equation that she had been working on for the last few seconds. Rolling her shoulders, she glanced up through long, natural eyelashes, as both Reiko and an unnamed, blonde-haired freshman entered the roof. Although she kept quiet and stoic, opting to simply scribble down a few neat notes in the margins of her calculus tablet, Megumi eventually glanced up once again when she realized that her brother was going down to help the female.

"I'll come." She stated bluntly, marking her notebook and slipping it into her bag. Standing, Megumi tossed her brother his own backpack, which was now containing his bokken, and began to quietly follow. She was interested in knowing whether or not she knew this injured girl, and she wasn't really comfortable with staying on the roof without Kurogane. After all, the twins were never seen without each other, it would be odd to seem them seperated, crazy even.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 5 days ago

On kenny marched his way down the hallway, still whistling in an nonchalant manner. Unsure if anyone would give chase, but luckily they didn't see him, which would make it harder for them to tell that the chair fiasco was his doing. It was an accident of course, though knew that Kurisa was the type of guy who wouldn't care about that.

Coming across three separate hallways and peered down each one while scratching at the top of his head. He had no idea where Reiko went as he glanced over his shoulder, thinking that if someone giving chase were to see someone walking. Would likely think that person was the one with the chair and would snap his fingers as an idea popped into his head. Turning down the right hallway, he walked a short distance before leaning against the wall and took out his small notepad. He did so to make it look like he was just a student chilling and drawing, deciding he could find Reiko later. Snickering a bit to himself as he drew the small guy with a small pig and crying holding a pen at a kurisa with a tiger's body about to pounce with a big mouth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shit, this isn't gonna end well. Either I die by fighting them or take my chances by jumping off the window and aim for a bush Shoske slightly turned his head to look out the window, gulping once It's just three storie, it's not like my legs will break that badly Shoske was trapped between the two deliquents. He listened to the guy speak, not really caring about his view on women "Oh please, what difference does it make whether she's a guy or a girl?! I believe in equal rights so if a girl comes at me, I won't hesitate to punch!" Slightly moving back as he listened to Kurisa give him a chance to get away, but at the cost of bowing down and begging for forgiveness. Shoske laughed on the inside, obviously knowing this was a blatant lie. After dealing with his type for so long, he knew not to buy a word. But he played along for now, hoping for a miracle

"Oh sure, just let me dust off my pants and" Shoske was about to surprise attack them and make a b-line for the other set of staircase as Utaho approached. But then a miracle happened, a rather strange looking guy came sliding down a chair from the hallway, his chair knocking over both Kurisa and Utaho on the ground. "...PFFFTT AHAHAH" He couldn't help to laugh at the sight of the two of them falling. Taking advantage of the situation, he quickly ran for the opposite staircase. But right when he passed the two who were knocked over, he felt a hand tightly grip his ankle causing him to fall over. He turned, seeing the same girl he headbutted pulling him in with a vengeance "Oh come on, don't you give up!?" He said as he threw the pencil at her and tried to get out of her grip.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kurisa felt his hand get pushed away as Utaho told him to go after the other guy, this caused Kurisa to look over his right shoulder "Uh..." Kurisa could see the person who had done this was long gone and chasing him down would have been a waste of time...although Kurisa could have used this as an excuse to get out of this whole situation and that's what he had planned until he heard the school speakers let out a sharp ringing sound as a voice then began to speak "Attention Students. Please remain calm and follow your teachers orders and evacuate the school in a calm and orderly manner. I will repeat. Please remain calm. There is an issue going on outside and we must eva-What!? What are you doing here!? NO GET AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME!! SOMEONE HELP! THEY'RE INSIDE THE SCHOOL! AHH!! HELP!! IT HURTS! GAAH!! HELP ME! HE-" At that point the school speaker system cut off, an eerie silence came about the school and then the screams started as the sound of people rushing to escape suddenly filled the school.

Kurisa's eyes widened slightly as he then looked out the window, his mouth almost dropping open "The fuck is this!? Why is everyone eating eachother! THE FUCK IS GOING ON!? You two seeing this?" the shit Kurisa was seeing was like something out of a horror movie...people eating other people, Kurisa's mind instantly began to run wild as he then looked out to the city to see the smoke filling the sky. Kurisa tried to calm his nerves but this was not something you could be fucking calm about! Kurisa then closed his eyes and took some deep breath's as he then looked at Shoske and Utaho "Look we don't have time for this shit right now. We need to do our best to avoid whatever the fuck is out there and yet get the fuck out of here...I don't know about you but I don't feel like getting eaten like them. I say right now we put our differences aside and just find a way out of here!"

Then Mr Prez finally spoke out (hope you don't mind silver) "Hey! Are you forgetting about me!? I'm here to! and if anything I am more qualified than you to make decisions! If we act calmly and find some Teachers I am sure we will be okay!" That was when he turned around and began walking off towards one of the other set of stairs, stopping at the top of them as he turned to look at the three "Well! Come o-" At that point a pair of arms gripped the Prez as one of them bit deep into his neck, this caused the prez to scream out in pain as he struggled to get away "FUCK! FUCKING HELP ME! AHHHH!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!" At that point the prez coughed up blood as his body then went limp and fell to the ground.

Kurisa's eyes had widened dramatically by this point...he could barely even react, let alone help the guy. Kurisa grit his teeth as he then hit his head with his right hand "Fuck...Okay...we need to get out of here now! I suggest we take the stairs over there that come down from the roof and try get the hell out of here...unless any of you two got a sudden and better idea cause believe me I'm willing to take it!" It was clear Kurisa was panicking a little and right now his fucking appearance was the last thing on his mind! getting out of this damn school and getting somewhere safe was what was on his mind...he knew a place they could go but it may not be safe if this thing is happening in the city...but it'd be a good place to go regardless. At this point Kurisa was trying to calm down and think but the mind was just not working...weapons...they'd need something decent if they wanted to keep these things away and the fucking broom handle he had would be about as good as useless in this situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Utaho knocked away the pencil thrown at her with a lot of ease. She was so pissed that even if she had hurt herself with it, she wouldn't have noticed anyway. "Of course not, bitch! Now-!" She was about to pull Shoske towards her and deliver his righteous punishment... Until the announcement came on. It was creepy as hell, that much was for sure. Kirari and Ami seemed really creeped out. When she heard it, Utaho let go of Shoske and stood up. It seemed way more important than beating the shit out of some idiot that wasn't even worth her time. She put her hands in the pockets of her hoodie and approached the window, standing beside Kurisa. Ami and Kirari went to where she was too and looked at the scene going on outside.

"W-Wha!? What is happening?" Escaped Kirari's lips. The white haired girl couldn't believe what was happening outside, and she took a pair of steps back before falling down. Ami rushed to her side, while Utaho just watched, astonished at what was happening. "Uta-chan... What is happening out there?!" Ami asked her. Utaho simply stayed silent for a while. "Uta-chan?" She asked again.

"Dunno...." She got away from the window, still pretty surprised at what was happening, but sounding oddly calm. She then approached Kurisa, and motioned with her head for both Kirari and Ami to come with them as well. Ami helped a wobbly Kirari stand up and they also walked to where Utaho was. "But you are right, Kurisa. We can't just stay here. Those things will probably eat us." Even though she tried to sound as calm as always, it was a reality that her legs were shaking like crazy. Ami put a hand on Utaho's shoulder, to calm her down. She didn't have that luxury, though. The stupid ass president ran away on his own. "Wait, you fuckin' fou-!" Before she could finish, it was already too late and the president was no more. It was good that Kirari and Ami didn't move like, at all, from where Utaho was. If they had been as stupid as the prez, they'd be dead by now too. Only a question remained in her head. "How the hell did he got elected president." She whispered, and it made her laugh a bit.

She turned to face Kurisa again, both Kirari and Ami following her actions. "I am pretty dumb, so..." Utaho turned to Kirari, who let out a little gasp after her friend's eyes posed over her.

"E-Eh? Y-Yes, I think... it would be a good idea to do that. What else can we do? Those things are swarming the stairs." She said, turning to see the place where the president had disappeared into.

"Then, we are with ya, Kurisa." Utaho finished, while Ami and Kirari both nodded at Kurisa.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The announcement terrified Mi. It was terrifying. Mi was frisking out, but she tried not to show it. As Mi gas trying to figure out what was going on, a rational part of her brain told her one thing. You are great with medicine. Get stuff from the nurse's office. She was out last time you went, Mi thought to herself, standing up and dashing to the exit of the gym. She maneuvered through the crowd, breaking off of the panicking mass of students in order to beeline to the nurse's office. Mi didn't think about weapons. She thought about what she was good at. Medicine. And so that was what she was going to get.

As Mi ran through the halls and slammed open the doors to the nurse's office she frantically looked inside, making sure it was empty. She then looked around and saw a messenger bag. She picked it up and began to shove medical supplies in it. Every now and then she would look over her shoulder at the door, and much to Mi's relief she didn't see anything. Once Mi had filled the messenger bag with medicine, bandages, and other medical items she left the office. Mi skittishly eyed the halls and rooms as she left, she was highly alert for any signs of anything. She didn't want to be attacked and die. Mi wanted to survive. So being alert was the only thing she could do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hibiya
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Hibiya Secretly super cool. I know. Super cool.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When Mi fell to the ground, it was both a relief and a sorrow for Yukito. He was happy there was someone as reserved, and even with somewhat same qualities. However, a person like Yukito would- could never wish for something like that. But it was really no time for relief, as the bully was fuming red, and his female followers were crossing their arms. "You know what? Both of you are bitches! Fuck this class and it's little shitheads! I'm out!" he exclaimed, charging out of the gym, knocking over one of Yukito's former friends, Shingen, in the process. "Move, ya fat nerd!" Shingen was pushed to the wall, and Yukito frowned. What was the P.E. teacher doing? At the most of the student's knowledge, he was out to do SOMETHING... The boy with glasses stood up, and walked to Mi, holding out a hand for her to grab. "What a waste of knowledge, that boy. You need help?" He said to Mi with a smile on his face, and he looked at Shingen. "Sorry bro. We'll get back at him someda-" But he was interrupted by three somewhat girly screams.

The two girl followers ran back shrieking into the gym, as a bloody bully was crawling in. "H-HELP!! IT'S A... A ZOMBIE!! HE-" Splurch. That was the sound of his neck almost being chewed in half, and he instantly went quiet, a pool of blood forming around his face. All the kids in the gym shrieked and panicked, and flurried around to exit while they still could. And the one eating? The P.E. Teacher, now a pale, grisly shade of gray. Yukito almost literally cried. Fat ol' Shingen was running away, but he was stopped by a wave of people, knocked to the ground. Yukito, in a rush of adrenaline that he didn't know he was coming, pulled Shingen over, and dragged the fat boy with him to the Tech room. "Come on, we don't have long, we need to escape!" He was almost flooding his face with tears at this point, tears of sadness and tears of fear. Hopefully they could survive in the world which seemed to be falling apart.

As this was going on, the PA went on, and someone spoke. "Attention Students. Please remain calm and follow your teachers orders and evacuate the school in a calm and orderly manner. I will repeat. Please remain calm. There is an issue going on outside and we must eva-What!? What are you doing here!? NO GET AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME!! SOMEONE HELP! THEY'RE INSIDE THE SCHOOL! AHH!! HELP!! IT HURTS! GAAH!! HELP ME! HE-" Yukito shook his head, closing his head. This day... This day was probably the worst day of his life. Nothing in the entire world could beat his pain. He came into a quiet sob, before seeing Paneru Yagyuu being attacked by what seemed to be a zombie. This girl, even though they probably didn't know who he was, was the person Yukito secretly admired. She was the smartest person Yukito knew, not to mention her kind and gentle personality. "N-no! Yagyuu-sama!" He was running to the victim, Shingen in hand, who was also in shock.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Paneru smiled warmly as his hair danced around his face from the wind that had suddenly picked up. He was certainly grateful that Kurogane-sama had agreed to help him. He didn't seem as bad as everyone said...though, he did seem a bit distant. Of course he was there physically, but...off in his own world on a mental level. It was hard to explain or comprehend for Paneru, but that's what he sensed. A fellow with a possibly unfortunate past or perhapse, present. In any case, Paneru lit up when Megumi decided that she was coming with them. He stared at her briefly, before awkwardly looking away to the other two people there. He bowed to the girl named Reiko and to the boy who began...making strange motions with his fingers and some kind of fabric. If it was something artistic, it definitely would of peaked his interest, but right now...his concern was Chisato. Paneru stood at the door and watched as Kurogane-sama and Megumi-shi made there way calmly down the stairs, with Paneru following them down soon after. Half way down the stairs...the intercom abruptly came on. It nearly startled him.

"Attention Students. Please remain calm and follow your teachers orders and evacuate the school in a calm and orderly manner. I will repeat. Please remain calm. There is an issue going on outside and we must eva-What!? What are you doing here!? NO GET AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME!! SOMEONE HELP! THEY'RE INSIDE THE SCHOOL! AHH!! HELP!! IT HURTS! GAAH!! HELP ME! HE-" At that point the school speaker system cut off, an eerie silence came about the school and then the screams started as the sound of people rushing to escape suddenly filled the school. Paneru heart began to palpitate like never before. Was it a school shooting? he immediately thought to himself, but that idea soon dissipated when he heard the sounds of a girl screaming, and the rapid harsh gnawing and growling coming from the same direction nearby. Paneru gasped and opened his mouth wide, his eyes becoming bigger as well. "Chisato!", he shrieked worriedly, quickly brushing past the Hazekage siblings and rushing to the bottom of the steps, but to his dismay, only to see students frantically running about and being chased by other students, who looked sick, pale,...behaving like mindless wild animals.

His eyes began to tear up from the shock...he was so afraid he didn't know how to react and almost froze in his tracks, but an immediate thaw came from the thought of Chisato that raced through his mind once more. He heard the gnawing again, and the unprecedented shock triggered by the current situation at hand, caused him to space out, as he paid little to no attention to all the other cacophony that was going on around him. All his mind was hearing was the noise coming from the science lab near the steps that lead to the rooftop. He slowly walked over to the door and peaked in...but slowly started stepping back as he watched in horror. "Chisato...Chisato...what are you doing?", he spoke in a scared and timid voice. His friend was kneeling over the body of a dead girl, blood spilled out all around her and Chisato...she was moaning and growling, and it looked like she was feeding. Tears began to fall from his eyes and this time, he screamed at her. Though, after the fact, he realized that probably wasn't a good idea. "Chisato! What are you doing?? Stop!!", he yelled at her in an act of irresponsible fit of anger. Chisato...seemingly numb, dropped the flesh she had bit out from the other girl's face and slowly turned to face Paneru.

Paneru stepped back slowly, cautiously, as if he were treating Chisato like she was a wild animal. Her face was bloody, especially around her mouth, her neck seemed to have a big chunk of meat missing and her eyes looked as if they were rolled completely to the back of her head. Not to mention she was eerily and ghostly pale. Disjointedly, she stood up and walked towards Paneru, her movements were sloppy and fragmented. "Chisato please....something's not right. I think you need help.", he said to her to no avail, but he said it softly and sweetly as if doing so would calm her down or appease her. As he slowly walked backwards, she walked forwards, but all of a sudden, Paneru found himself falling backwards, to his dismay, accidentally tripping over the dead body of a boy who had a sharp edge of the flag pole protuding out of his skull. "Omigawd!", Paneru shrieked, but before he could get himself up, Chisato had pounced on top of him. Quickly, Paneru gripped both of her wrists, attempting to hold her back as she was fiercely growling and making gnawing gestures towards his face. Blood from her mouth trickled onto his cheek, neck, chin and even in his luscious long golden hair as he struggled to keep her at bay. She was so strong, it was unreal. "Chisato! Please stop! Your hurting me! Please!", he cried out to her soulless and hungry body. Tears rolled down the sides of his face as the distress seemed to only become that much greater. He feared....he wouldn't be able to hold her at bay much longer.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Hebigami Shiho@Kurisa

Shoske closed his eyes, ready to take the punch. That was until someone cut her off. At first, everything seemed fine and as if it was just a drill. But then, the man sounded as if he was being attacked and...murdered? The noise was cut short as a long pause of silence swept over the school like a blanket. Shoske's eyes were wide, even when Utaho let go of him. He laughed for a moment "T-this is a prank right? Just some kind of prank?" He said to himself, as if he was trying to reassure this was all just some kind of big joke. He stood up, still a good distance away from Kurisa and the blonde female. His body froze, shocked at the gruesome sight before him. Explosions occurred in the distance as people began to each other "What kind of sick fucking joke is this" Still in shock, Shoske took a few steps back away from the window.

Nothing but silence rang in Shoske's head as he attempted to process what was happeneing, even ignoring the council president who ran past him. It was the president's scream who woke him out of his shock. The sight of what happened to him finally brought him back to reality This is real...this is happening.....WHAT THE FUCK Shoske began to frantically think of an escape route, any thing, any possible route for them to escape. "We're fucked...we're so fucked. The stairs are most likely flooded AND WHATEVER THE FUCK THOSE THINGS ARE ARE DOWN THERE!" Shoske's rampage was cut short as he noticed the president's body slowly getting up. Shoske let out a sigh of relief, thinking maybe this was just all one big joke. But his hopes were cut short, the president raising his head to reveal his lifeless white eyes, his pupils rolled back. It attempted to get up, falling a few times but finally making it to it's feet and slowly walking towards them. Shoske watched, his eyes blank as his body refused to listen. Now, all he could he hear was screams and pleas for help as the bleeding corpse approached them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

When he had been walking down the stairs, the long, winding stairs, he didn't know what he had been expecting. A small, if not slightly chubby girl, on the ground, attempting to phase off minor pain as she gripped her sprained ankle? That was the first thought. A beautiful young vixen, already wrapping her ankle with gauze, and slowly standing, despite discomfort? It passed through his mind, but was immediately brushed away. However, as soon as he hit the fourth step...he could smell it. His danger senses were going haywire, and the Heir of the Hazekage Clan paused, eyes narrowing, and nose sniffing high into the air as he finally realized the smell. The smell...of over-encompassing blood. Clotted, rotten, and unpure, blood that didn't seem right...that didn't seem right in such a pleasant, if not tense atmosphere. Unknown to him, the red hairs on the back of his neck began to stand on end, and he gulped silently - the only sign of fear, or weakness, that he would ever do within the next few months...yet again, unknown to him.

Regardless, he began to round the-

"Attention Students. Please remain calm and follow your teachers orders and evacuate the school in a calm and orderly manner. I will repeat. Please remain calm. There is an issue going on outside and we must eva-What!? What are you doing here!? NO GET AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME!! SOMEONE HELP! THEY'RE INSIDE THE SCHOOL! AHH!! HELP!! IT HURTS! GAAH!! HELP ME! HE-"

...Kuso. Kuso, kuso, kuso. Something was going on...something very, very dangerous. Most students would panic; some would go insane from pure fear, especially since screaming and growling could be heard outside, above, underneath...everywhere. People would scream, cut their throats open, scream until their lungs bled, and run into ongoing traffic. Thankfully, Kurogane wasn't just a regular student. The boy, to his inner annoyance, hesitated for a full one second, before he instantly snapped out of it and dashed forward, after the screaming presence of Paneru Yageru. The sight that greeted him...it wasn't pretty. The girl; he guessed it was Chisato. Remnants of glossy black hair, now stringy and matted with dirt and blood. Blood. So much blood. Kurogane's eyes narrowed, his sharp eyes immediately taking analyzation of the situation. Time seemed to slow down around him. Enemy. Hostile figure...one foot away. Incapacitating friendly; Paneru Yageru. Massive laceration in upper neck, body mangled and bitten. An enemy.

He moved forward, blazer flapping and hair flying gracefully through the air as his dress-shoe-clad-foot slammed against the chin of the...thing that had attacked Paneru. It's hands slid off of the boy's shoulders without trouble, and the powerful kick had sent her flying a few feet into the air. With cold, accurate precision, Kurogane nimbly twisted on his feet, body moving over Paneru's own as his left feet whipped around into a roundhouse kick, nailing the creature in it's face and sending it flying into the wall, where it layed there, blood now freely falling from it's busted cranium. "Yagyu, stay back." Kurogane's voice was cool and distant; calm and unwavering. In a blur, the boy was there, knee slamming through rotten flesh, weakened bone marrow, and into gushy, gushy gray matter. Instantly, he retracted his knee, taking a step back and gesturing back up the roof.

"Go. The school is unsafe." The command was directed towards his sister. He easily picked Paneru up, knowing that the boy must have been shocked out of his mind. Holding him firmly, Kurogane dashed up the stairs, crimson hair whipping around him as he bursted through the doors and into the bloody, smoggy air. A few dozen feet away, he could see a group of five shambling zombies tripping over theirselves, trying to get closer; one had tripped against an AC unit, falling to the ground, where it was trampled over.

Eyes emotionless, Kurogane softly sat Paneru onto the ground, giving his sister, Reiko, and Aki, a glance. "Stay." In a flash of blackened wood, his bokken was clenched in his hands. Kurogane narrowed his eyes, before slowly walking forward to meet the shambling group. He had a plan...but he had to get rid of the trash before said plan was started. Obviously, being an idiotic hero wouldn't work...but hero's played by the rules. He didn't.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nearing the set of stairs on the opposite side of the 2nd Year's floor, an unforeseen broadcast disrupted the High school's usual atmosphere, along with a colossal amount of screams from outside of the building... Stopping suddenly in her tracks, Akane looked up at the closest intercom speaker with eyes gradually widening upon hearing the principle's distress. Flicking her face towards the window hurriedly, Akane took a slightly nervous step towards the glass to peer out and witness.... "... what... the fu-?"- "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A blood-curdling scream erupted from the right of her; the other end of the hallway she had just came from. Students rushed towards her, as if running for their life and from what Akane had saw outside of the window, she didn't blame them...

Stunned, the sound of groans and moans followed by cries and screams continue to spill out from the base of the staircase she just came from. Shaking her head, she turned towards the closest empty room before whipping her gaze towards the staircase she was walking towards in the first place. 'Two choices. Hide in the room or climb higher? Whatever is going on, it's getting closer, moving higher may be the best option... However, I'll have to come back down at some point... this place would be flooded with those things by then I'm guessing... I'd be trapped if I stay here... But... DAMMIT! DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!' Akane released a sharp exhale as the screams and groans began sounding from the base of other staircase. 'No time!!!'

Turning towards the staircase , Akane rushed to close the short distance between herself and the steps, moving upwards without looking back, not even for a glimpse. Mentally she thanked herself for choosing to wear her comfortable rubber-soled pumps with Mary-Jane style straps and trousers today. 'It's best to stay away from that area before those things flood it... Damn, why didn't I go to a school with a bloody fire escape! Huuh... I mustn't dwell on that now... I need to think of a plan. Wh-what in the world are they?! What happened to those people?! WHY ARE THEY EATING EACH-OTHER!!... This... this can't be real...' Once she reached the 3rd floor, she spotted a group of students. They looked normal, no doubt they were the culprits that were making the ruccus earlier but this was not the time nor place to think about that. '4th floor or here? 4th or here?!' A thought shot through her mind, however the noises that errupted from the floor below her haulted her thought train. All of a sudden one of the students began yelling, panicking it seems. She was just about to shush the boy, but soon noticed that one of those things had made it up here. "Hnn.." She bit her tongue and furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance. ' Up here already?! Are they on the forth floor too?'
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The intercom blared in her ears, causing Megumi to wince in reaction. "Like hell they're going to be calm..." She murmured, cringing as she realized how panicked the school truly was.

"Ah shit!" She hissed, "Head back upstairs, it's too crowded!" Megumi barked orders and left Kurogane to deal with Paneru's problem. At the bottom of the stairs to the right of her rested a fire extinguisher in its bright red box, practically screaming at her to come and grab it. Quick to react, she flung the cover open and pulled out the bright red container, letting out a huff as she watched a shambling student approach her.

For a moment, it was hard to register whatever was approaching her. Megumi prepared her extinguisher and stiffened herself. "Stay back!" She demanded, yet that thing kept going.

"I FUCKING WARNED YOU!" Violently, Megumi swing the large hunk of paint coated metal and whacked it against the head of the pale being. The sound of metal smashing against bone could be heard as she insisted on hitting whatever was approaching she and her two current group mates. A darker shade of red coated her extinguisher, the Crimson liquid slowly dropping onto the floor.

Surprisingly, Megumi remained calm even though she could feel her heart pounding with adrenaline. She squeezed the nozzle of the fire extinguisher and looked over at her older brother whom successfully fended off those things as well. "Tch..." Megumi grinded her teeth together in frustration. "I suspected today wouldn't be a good day."

She followed her brother and Paneru back up the stairs and awaited their next move.

"Stay," Kurogane uttered, to which Megumi simply complied.

"We're sitting ducks..." Megumi said as she squatted down to catch her breath. "We had to be at school out of all the places... If only we saw into the future..." Her eyes trailed over to Paneru, her gaze growing sharp as her expression turned quite stern. "Don't do anything reckless, otherwise you might get us all killed." Megumi was just stating the obvious. Paneru definitely did not look like someone who would be willing to fight, but just be there to at least cheer from the sidelines. She had very little trust in his skills, and did not want to be held down by him if he was going to cause trouble.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mi had been doing fine until she rounded the corner and saw it. Mi could only assume that it used to be a student. It was wounded, whith eyes that showed no sanity. Mi backed away from the 'thing'. It wasn't human anymore. Mi backed up and decided one thing. Her best place of refuge might be the nurse's office. So Mi ran back to the room.

Once inside Mi looked for anything that could be a weapon. She looked around the office in a panic, in desperate search for anything that could be used as a weapon. And to he luck she found something that might work. It was the broken leg of a table. The table had been broken for some time and had bee put in the corner of the room. And Mi picked up it's broken wooden leg, which had been broken cleanly off the table. Mi turned to the door of the nurse's office. If anything that didn't look human came through that door she would hit it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 5 days ago

The peaceful quiet broken by the blaring of the speakers as a rather disturbing announcement followed suite as the announcer screamed in fear, shouting for help. The speaker suddenly cut off with a brief ear piercing screech that made him cringe.

In moments the hallways were filled with students and teachers both confused or panicking, though Kenny simply remained leaning against the lockers. Watching the crowd stammer on, lead like cows to a river by teachers who tried to control the situation; no one bothered to acknowledge Kenny's presence. Fine with him since he didn't want to get swept up in the wave of people and carried around without knowing what was even happening.

Waiting till the majority of people were gone before pushing off the wall, hands in his jacket's pockets and walked to the nearest window. Upon glancing out the window, he received an unexpected sight for people were running all over, stumbling into and over others to get away from...well that he couldn't tell from this distance. Still, he could hear the terrified screams while cars rammed into others to sounds of metal crunching, it made him think of bones cracking which sent a chill up his spine.

He looked up to see what looked like an new's helicopter flying overhead, seemingly trying to report what was happening. Whatever was going on; it was bad with people being attacked all over, though he wasn't scared, more curious about these creatures, but needed to see one from up close in order to get a better understanding of the situation.

One thing he knew was that whatever they were, they were dangerous. Peering down at the city from the window as he thought of what to do and tilted his head side to side, struggling on his next plan of action. A minute of intense thinking before coming to a decision. Weapons. He needed weapons and berated himself for choosing to leave his gear at the hideout today of all days. Instead he was stuck in a school that had little to offer in the weapon department, but thankfully he took the one class that would have the tools needed to make some. Unfortunately it was on the first floor where he was likely to run into these creatures or groups of panicking students.

Turning from the window, he started the opposite way from the direction the crowds went. The route he was taking would take a bit longer, but it was safer to avoid large crowds.

Shop class was his destination and once he gathered what he needed, would try to find Reiko. Weapons and making sure Reiko was safe were his two goals, thankful for his harsh life. It made it easier for him to keep a calm mind in just about any situation for, the moment one panics, ends with consequences or worse, death.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Just what in the hell was going on? The sky was filled with plumes of smoke coming from the city and screams polluted the air though there were these strange shrieks and cries...they didn't sound human. Kids were making mad dashes out of the school building, running from something that was already wreaking havoc from the inside.Baseball bat in hand, Zev ran from the dugout towards the river of people fleeing from the building to try and figure out just what in the world was going on. Was the city under attack? Were they being attacked by a military from another country or was a terrorist group that brought hell through the entire city? With his free hand, he grabbed a girl that had gone pale from shock and was struggling to breathe from an oncoming panic attack. "Hey, hey what the hell is going on? Come on answer me!" The girl couldn't answer. She was far too traumatized by the horrors she had seen to even utter a single word. All Zev could do was sigh and move on to the next person, hoping that the next one wouldn't be a shaking wreck.

CRASH! The second story window above him shattered and something landed on top of the girl. "Hey are you alright?!"The thing that crashed through the window was a person and he was...was he biting her neck? The girl screamed a high pitched scream as tears filled her eyes while the person tore his head away from the neck, taking a large hunk of flesh with it. Blood flowed to the ground...the girl didn't even move a muscle...Terror, disgust, anger. All of those emotions washed over him in that instant. With both hands holding onto the handle of his baseball bat, he swung down at the head of the creature with all of his might, smashing its head like a hammer smashing a watermelon and just as messy one. Blood splattered all over him and his bat dripped with the crimson liquid and bits of the person's brain. He panted heavily with the rush of killing someone going through his head. It was a lot to take in, but there wasn't time for that. Survival was the key thing, but on his own he would certainly die. He needed to get help and fast.

He was about to turn to run off, but he heard a growl behind him. Turning to see what it was, it was the girl from before who had a chunk of her neck removed by the creature he killed before. Her eyes were only milky white orbs as saliva dripped down her mouth. Shrieking, she leaped at him only to get a bite of his metal baseball bat, knocking her back down to the ground. Before she could even get up, he swung the bat down and smashed her skull with one swing, the dead body twitched until it ceased. "This...this is like something out of Dawn of the Dead." He could only imagine the horrors that were going around him. He would have to play it smart. No need to go Rambo and end up as someone's dinner. For now, look for survivors.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Surprisingly Kurogane was nice about this request and left with his sister to go help out which left Reiko and Aki alone on the roof. He stared up at her for a few seconds before looking back down at his work. He however shortly stopped when a strange annoucement went off, it almost sounded like the pa announcer was killed. Aki would have thought it a joke, until everyone started screaming. Thats when he put his materials back in his back pack, picking it up and stood up walking over to the railing and then gasped as his eyes widened. The amount of red on the ground below was unreal, it was like a blood bath down there, and the growling was loud too, in fact too loud. He quickly bolted to the right to see a student with a blood soaked uniform and a bite mark taken out of his left arm.

The guy just growled and snarled as his eyes looked void of life, and like a true gamer he was he had only two explanations. One he was dreaming, or something for fun and entertainment just became real. The now monster lunged at him again, with Aki jumping to the left to avoid being grabbed, and with the monster in front of the railing, Aki ran forward and shoved the monster over the top and watched him plummet to the ground below adding to the red splat marks littering the ground.

Aki took a deep breath as he felt his heart pumping, with his hands shaking too. He just killed something, even if it was to save himself he killed something. Slapping himself he looked at Reiko and was about to suggest getting out of here, when Kurogane plus his sister and the female looking boy came back up. It was at this time that several of the zombies found their way up through the second entrance. Kurogane however warned them to stay as he walked forward with his Bokken in hand. This pissed Aki off a bit, even if he had a plan he was still out numbered. "Dumbass, I don't care how smart or strong you are. You are doing something truly stupid! Working together would work out in a long run." Aki said stepping forward pulling out a rather large metal needle, being about the size of a full grown man's hand. "If I'm correct, you were going to use the railing right? Its the most logical and easiest way, the plan might work better with one distracting, so the other can capitalize and attack. Or do you still want to go about this alone?" Aki said looking at the group of zombies approaching. "Yes for help, no for do it alone." Despite what he was saying, he was still quite nervous and a tad scared. There was the chance that no matter what they did they would all die here, but at least he would try to bump up their odds of survival.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Not this again.

Kurogane's eyebrows twitched at the random insult, but he didn't even bother giving Aki a glance, keeping his steady pace, until he stopped only a few seconds later. The four zombies were still quite a bit away, he estimating that they were eight or so meters away from his current position, give or take a few feet, and they were slowly, but surely shambling and stumbling forward. Five of these...monsters wouldn't be a challenge. He had planned on using the railings, kicking and throwing them off with enough speed so that they wouldn't be able to bite or scratch him - yes, he had seen the zombie movies and shows, and as stereotypical as it may be...these were walking corpses. Zombies. A bite would end him; Hell, even a scratch had the possibility of ending his life, due to infection and the invasion of diseased bacteria. As the thoughts went through his mind, Kurogane sighed mentally, walking forward once more.

"Distract them."

Dust shifted as the boy suddenly sprinted forward at a speed that would leave even professional runners in shock. His footsteps were silent, even as he smoothly rolled over a large Air Conditioning Unit and landed, in a spring-ready crouch, a few feet away from the group. Up close, they stank...horrendously. He felt his gag reflex acting up, and utilizing his training, Kurogane cleared his mind, his eyes gaining their usual cold, distant look as he gripped his bokken by the blade, the sturdy, leather-wrapped hilt being the 'bludgeoning' tool for the moment. The zombies hadn't noticed him; they seemed confused, by his scent, and the group of flesh-bags only a little ways away.

Standing fully, Kurogane rose a fist - the signal for the distraction. If it succeeded, he could easily dash in and take them all out admist their confusion.

If this slacker, Aki, could actually be smart enough for a legitimate distraction...not banging his head on the railing to make them move faster towards his damn sister.
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