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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Iyo just smiled and clapped his hand together then did a fist pump on the air. "Alright!" He showed so much of his enthuaism as he was ready to help this girl. He noticed that the girls english was not that good, must be defiantly out of the country... with all the da and missing words. he remember the time where he could only speak Japanese when he was in kindergarden...no one except his brother understood him in that class and he would cry when he never got what he wanted. Luckily though he learned quick be he does and up speaking it fluently without knowing it.

The girls name was Ekaterina, never heard such a fancy name before...where are a lot of interesting new people that is for sure for Iyo. He had to clap his hands again as the girl Katya would buy him lunch. No one has down that before...except Rain but he usually buys food for him and himself and then eats it all. "Really? Thanks a much! Oh my name is Ion Hinotoru but you can me Iyo! Its nice to meet you Katya!" Iyo smiled once more, radiating a happy energy and gave a cute smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 7 days ago


"I have to say, I wouldn't really want that for him. He's not capable of controlling it, so If tried to keeo him in the dark about all of that, thinking the he'd end up like my other children, the ones I didn't care for, where they showed abilities at first, but eventually lost them, but that doesn't seem to be the case with the little red headed runt. And that's another thing, he doesn't look anything like me. How can I, a freakin demon god, havd genes that can be ober taken by some human womannI met. . . somewhere, somehow. It might have been a bar. . . or was it a brothel?" Revan scratched his chin as he tried to think of who Xavier's mother could be, but eventually gave up because it was too much to think about right now, and it didn't even matter right now anyway.

"So, Samael, want to go do something fun?" He didn't specify, curious to see if the psychotic fallen angel would thing up something interesting.


Grimm looked up as the 10-year old girl gave him a book, his face filled with indecipherable emotions. Putting away his sketchbooks, he picked it up and began to read, quickly becoming entrenched in the story. She was right, he really did like it, the suspense, the detail, the characters, it all gripped him by his soul and pulled him into the story.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ekaterina (Katya)

Watching the boy clap his hand together then fist pump the air, she could not help but feel he was a little strange. However this didn’t bother her in fact she found it perfectly fine as sometime being a little strange was a good thing. Seeing the boy fist pump the air made her smile grow slightly again finding a few of this boys action amusing. If he kept amusing her like this by would find himself a friend new in Katya as people that could amuse her where interesting thus where worth being friends with. The main reason for doing this was to keep the number of friends she had down to a small manageable number.

Hearing the boy thank her Katya could not help but feel a little blush creep onto her cheeks but she kept her cool and as she heard his name committed it to memory.
“It’s nothing really! Buying food is a very simple task. It not like I can’t afford it. But you are welcome Iyo.” she stated thinking in her head for a second.
Not to being rude. But by chance you of Japanese descent? I only ask as I studied Japanese language and you name sounds… how do I put it… quite Japanese. If it helps as you might have guessed this not being my homeland. I’m hail from Russia.” She said hoping to start some sort of conversation that would tell her more about this Iyo person and to simply, talk being the first student that as interacted with her.

“If you are waiting, I’m ready to be showing the way to cafeteria.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Iyo Just smiled happily and moved a lot, he couldn't really sat still on anything so he had to keep on moving most of the time. Just listening how buying food could be a simple task made him confused, buying food is an important decision in life where you know what you have to eat. take note what you buy and eat and it will change how the body goes...as what is gymnast coach says so. "Simple? I heard you have to be really careful in what you buy...as what my coach says on it...but anyway thank you again!" He bowed down to show another sign of thanks to the Katya. He had to make it up to her somehow in the future...just not with money...

He was surprised though how she was able to figure out that he was Japanese, he smiled and nodded once more. "Yup! I am Japanese well I think am... my dad is Japanese and my mom she is sort of Russian as well! Well maybe...I think she is a mix though. She never explained it well to me..." Actually his mom did but Iyo being...a special style of stupidity he didn't get it quite easily like his brother did. "Oh cool! Russia! Big cold place right?" He then took Katya hand and went to the cafeteria but still took on the conversation they had.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Even if it was fine either way, Walter was a bit happy that the girls decided to stick with him.

Leading them through the gymnasium, like the classrooms Walter pointed the landmarks that lead to the place. Though the fact that someone sensed his power remained. He wondered if the two girls he was with were also harboring special abilities of their own. Of course he cannot flat out ask them directly as that would likely make the average person lie. He needed a question that would give him the true answer but also not hurt the girls' feelings.

He thought of one but it may cost him his reputation but reputation was of little importance to Walter. "Hey girls, if... if I told you I had been alive since the Middle Ages, what would you say about that?" He asked the girls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ekaterina (Katya)

It was odd when Iyo disagreed with her about buying food a simple task as to her it had always had been. Growing up her parents simply told her to eat whatever she wanted and she simple made fairly healthy choices. Not that did her any good in the end as eating fairly healthy had not helped her grow and being nearly an adult and not even 5ft was a little embarrassing. But there was nothing she could do about it she was just naturally short although funny thing is both her parents are over 6ft.
“Really? I just eating whatever and I’ve had issue. I meaning look at me I’m tiny.” she said shrugging not really understanding why one would need to note of what they eat.

Hearing that Iyo was Japanese Katya felt pang of pride in herself having successfully worked his nationality. She did find it interesting to hear that while his father was Japanese his mother might be half Russian or something.
“Yes Russia is quite cold in winter especially. But its beautiful place I would recommend seeing it.” She stated as Iyo grabbed her hand and started to leader her to what she assumed was the direction to the cafeteria.
Once at the cafeteria Katya grinned quite feeling very happy for being released from the maze she had got herself in.
Oh I be thanking you so much for setting me free. I was starting to worry I’d be lost forever. Please you must eat as much food you want no matter how much it will cost me.” Katya stated sounding nearly ecstatic to have been set free. She was a little confident that she could navigate form the cafeteria.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Bride looked carefully at some places where Walter showed them both, he tired to take note of so anythings that he saw there. As walking around Walter asked another question...a weird one as well. Though as he said girls Bride felt a bit uneasy...guess no matter what he will be called a girl in how he looked. Maybe for the party he would wear some shorts and a t-shirt like some guys does. He blushed and sighed, releasing it won't be easy to remember that he is a guy.

Back to the weird question though, him living at the middle ages seemed pretty weird to ask. Like put me into a bunch of scenario games he played with some guys before. "I think...uumm..." He though for a while but then began to laugh, his laugh was sweet and didn't show much offensiveness to it. "I think t-that funny...y-you make funny jokes Mr.Walter" Bride just smiled happily, giving innocence a big name to it.


Iyo did notice how tiny Katya was, made him wonder how old she was really. he though for a while and maybe she needs more junk food in her life, junk food was his way of life most of the time. Cookies, chips, gummy candies, deep-fried snicker bars...root beer milk shake... He ate it most of the time and he grew up pretty well....except the time in the fifth grade but that was a different story. And his coach tries his best to make sure he stops eating those unhealthy foods but Iyo loves them to much. "You are... maybe I should get you some snacks! Junk foods helps me grow! Maybe they will help you grow! Also that sounds nice I will try to go there maybe!" Iyo smiled again said with lots of happiness.

Once at the cafeteria Katya said about setting free, odd he thought that he just help her to get here...eh must be a Russian thing Iyo though. At least she was happy and she was king to be treated by her as he remembered! He started to think all the snacks he loved to eat, ice cream, cream soda, pumpkin pie...Iyo though on a lot was he was indeed hungry. "Oh Thank you again! I...well... I want some blueberry ice cream, cherry coke, a double decker peanut butter sandwich, deep fried candy bars and smores!" Somewhere he was sure that he can hear his coach telling him to not eat any of those things but he didn't mind and wanted to eat a lot. "I have to get you something as well for the food you are going to buy me...i will think of it very hard!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Ah, yes. Children. Speaking of children, Samael herself did have quite many sons and daughters in her lifetime. Somewhere about in the hundreds or so. All of them were bound to have some psychopompic or other death-related abilities, but they never reached fruition. Why, you ask? Because all of them were eventually killed, and by none other than the soul-gluttony of the mother herself. This, along with the fact that her signature weapon is a sickle, gives her plenty of similarities to the god Cronus, who had since long been overthrown. Really, the only differences is that she's not a god and she has a gentle (albeit unstable) side.

But all this talk of raising a child does interest her.

"I had quite many offspring in the past millenia. All of them... well... they accidentally killed themselves with their own powers, he-he. I do like another child, and maybe i'll raise them right. If you're looking for something interesting, then i'll gladly kill to be able to kill more, but Sariel keeps on watching me. Perhaps some time together would do? Whatever we'll do is whatever floats your boat~."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 7 days ago

"Accidentally, huh," Revan replied, not believing her for a second. Nor did he judge her, as he was sure he killed some of his own children in his earlier days as well. Thinking on her offer, numerous ideas came to mind about what could be done, allof them of a lecherous nature, but he figured that having sex with a co-worker in the first day was a bad idea. Demon god or not, he could still get fired and he wasn't eager to leave a job that came with free living space. Thinking for a moment, he pointed towards the cafeteria.

"Most of my ideas involve having wild intense sex in some abandoned section of the school, but since doing could get me fired, how about we get something to eat. And I mean actual food, not souls." He clarified at the end, not wanting to get on Sariel's badside by putting such ideas into Samael's head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ekaterina (Katya)
The second Iyo agreed that she was tiny Katya mentally sighed, not really enjoying when her hight was pointed out or when people agreed with her when she did. After all she was 17. Nearly a legal adult and she was only just bigger than a child and thought of that was annoying. Having to explain and prove she was actually her age. It wasn’t like she hated being her height thought while it did annoy her at times. In fact most of the time she did liked it even if it made life harder at times.
“Nyet, spaseeba. I eating plenty of Junk food and ... have a big stash in my bags. Also height is decided by genetics so can’t be changed. Being short though isn’t so bad it as a few advantages. You should visit Russia although I’d be saying go in summer when it warmer, Russian winter is harsh.” Katya stated unaware her first part of her reply to Iyo was in her native tongue.

Being in the cafeteria felt so liberating, even if it was only a school cafeteria being here beat being lost the school corridors. Inside the cafeteria Katya looked around she could it wasn’t overly busy which pleased her given to many people around might have caused her to feel anxious. The moment Iyo spoke of some of the things he wanted to eat. Katya noticed very quickly most foodstuffs he said were not the healthiest of items a person could want to eat. Still Katya didn’t care. If Iyo wanted to eat that then that was his choice after all it was his body. The worst part is it sound like he wanted to eat a lot and Katya while willing to pay for said food was not about to go fetch for him. Given she had to get something to eat as well and she was not a waitress.

It was then Katya decided would simply give Iyo the money to go buy what he wanted after all she doubted a school cafeteria would charge much for students. She had to admit though she skipped that part of the information she got when she enrolled so didn’t know. Fishing out her wallet form her pocket she quickly pulled out a single note and offered it to Iyo.
“Here buy what you wanting with that. $100 should be plenty right? If you good boy I’ll even let you be keeping change. But also I must say Nyet to you getting me something. If get me something for buying you lunch it would invalidate my act of buying you lunch. Then I’d have to do something nice for you again for helping me today.” Katya stated simply finding it a minor pain to explain why she didn’t want anything in return.
”Anyway I’m getting the hungry. Shall we go see what is on offer?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Iyo was curious now, if she had a big stash in her bag then whats it it...spuds? candy bars?! Powder sugar!?!? No wait he is the only one who carries powder sugar with him... "OH! I see...got it!" He rubbed his head and bit his tongue in a joking fashion. "ge-ge-ge...netic?" That was the first time he had ever heard of that word before, he wasn't smart like his little sister who advance a few grades or even Hana, he was pretty smart as well...sometimes he wonders if he is the stupid one in the family..."I should visit! If I only have money for it, coach though that if I keep up the work I might attend a special event in Russia for gymnastics so that be lucky to see! Hopefully it will be summer there..."

Iyo laughed and did some sort of soldier salute to Katya, when it comes to the unhealthiest of foods...Iyo is willing to do things for that. When he saw the $100 dollar bill his eyes shined as he got the money, its been a while since he actually seen a paper bill money about 100 or so. "Woah...Its been a while since I seen these!" He flashed a quick smile and then looked at the counters with many food stalls with some of the most unhealthiest foods out there. As Katya said something about getting for her will lead up to her getting him something seemed a bit to much for him to process so he just nodded without understanding it. "Oh...okay! There is a lot of yummy goods here! You can ask whatever you want though its mostly simple foods that is easy to cook!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As time went on...

As time went on the party began, it was 6 in the evening as the music began to play and most of the students and some teachers began to arrive to the venue. The schools courtyard was filled with decorations with banners and tied down balloons. At the centre was a dance floor, it was daily big for at least 50 people to dance on and a spotlight hovering above it. there was a lot of snacks that was set at the corner of the courtyard, from chips to even little yogurt cups and a large punchbowl was set there as well. There was stage where the band could play, there was assign that said they were letting students and even teachers sing and play music to show off there talents or just have fun. A small band began to play uptown funk from Bruno mars to get things going. It seemed the party was going great so far as students began to socialise and have fun while the teachers didn't see any of them causing a ruckus at all. Nothing may ruin this party...just maybe....



Bride was sitting down on the chairs they set up on the side if people were tired and needed a rest. He wasn't tired but he was indeed nervous. This was is ever first party where no one dragged him there, he went there by himself. After the tour he was grateful of Walter and had to leave for medicine he had to take just incase of anything else happened that afternoon. He tied his hair into one single braid and wore a light pink ruffle camisole with a light blue blazer with it incase it gets cold and some flower shorts for the bottom and just a simple pair of whiter tennis shoes. Oddly enough he got enough stares from guys who just ended up checking him out. He did try to wear something guys would wear and not a dress but then again...with all the light colours and how short is shorts were he didn't think of it well.

He just looked at the people dancing and tried to avoid looking at the guys checking him out, he did wonder if they found out he was a guy. Looking at the guys would probably encourage them to talk to him and well with past experience it doesn't end well for him. This was his new start and he may need it, after years of abandonment and trust issues he wanted to make better friends just like Rei. He just sat there trying to avoid looking at the gaze of his fellow admirers.


Iyo...he didn't know what was going on with him at the moment. He was just dancing to the beat of the music but he maybe be dancing a bit to much with his curves. He was flexible and could dance to really smooth moves like a girl and thats why probably there was guy really close to him dancing as well. He was literally a few inches away from his hand to his butt and well he could see Hana at the background just glaring at the guy that as very close to him. a couple of times he got bump and slight touches from the guy but it didn't bother him at all.

Iyo being...stupid in a way....he didn't think it there was anything wrong and just ended up dancing more. Even his clothes had a certain saying to him... he wore a black tank top with crop top that hanged loosely on his shoulders and harem pants that clung to his waist a bit to low. iyo liked wearing soothes that are semi loose to him as it was easier to move and dance in yet they do give him bad attention in school and in other public places. He turned to see Hana again and he could really see him being angry as hell. he wonder why though that he was getting glared at anyway, he was just dancing. "Uptown funk!" he dance to the beat, he really was enjoying himself a bit too much.


Penn sighed, he was at the very far corner of the school courtyard, he did not want to be there but as Vow said... he did need to go out more. He spend his whole summer just in an apartment barely getting any sunlight or human interaction as he worked on his manage. Finally Vow not really kicked him out but made him have a dorm there and now he is force to live with other people. He was not happy with that at all. He was really at the far corner crouching down hiding from anyone. It was the school courtyard and there were trees and bushes at the edges so he decided to hide there as well. he was not really hidden in the bushes but he was well just hiding.

What makes things worst that he was still in his pyjamas, the fact that Vow got him of his bed, dragged him into the car, and made sure to hell he will be attending the party that he didn't have time to change. Now only in boxers and a purple turtle neck shirt he sighed. ".... goddamn it Vow..." He didn't like it at all.... too much people to much guys. It made his neck feel like tiny spiders were touching him. Pen just continued to hide until the party died over so he can work on his manga and he was at chapter 5 already...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ekaterina (Katya)

Lunch with Iyo had provided to be amusing for Katya and when the two parted ways she allowed Iyo to keep the change of the money she had given him. Truth be told Katya did hope to see Iyo again at some point thinking he might be friend material but she needs to interact with him more to be sure. After Lunch Katya tried to navigate the school again and failed getting lost although this time was saved by a member of the facially much to the young Russian’s embarrassment, to be saved by a teacher was simply degrading. Once saved from being lost Katya found her way to what was her dorm room to get ready for the party, wanting to at least change her clothing also it was a chance to unpack a little.

When it was time for the party to start Katya wait a little bit the mere idea of being near a large bunch of strangers making her feel a little uneasy. Normally if she was going out to an event she’d have Moskvin the “assistant” her father assigned to her to accompany her, which tend to ease the anxiety. But he was still in Russia although he was supposed to arrive sometime tomorrow so he continue his duties as needed and act as her guardian as required. Katya found slightly annoying that he had to come over given she came to Orean to get away but her father had insisted Moskvin at least be around. Still the man had his use and been assisting Katya since she was a little girl so having him around in some way was comforting. But thinking of a person who wasn’t here wasn’t helping her at all and with a long sigh Katya came out of her room to and headed over to the party.

Once at the party Katya fleet her anxiety level nearly blow it meter, the sheer number of her peers around was simply unpleasant for her. She wanted to go back into her room and finish unpacking and maybe go to bed with a good book. That however would not get her anywhere as Katya needed to make at least a few friends. It’s just the idea of socializing around so many people was unsettling.

Feeling like she was about to have a meltdown Katya sighed and took a deep breath, and cursed herself for having such a stupid anxiety given she had no really reason to be anxious of other people. Finding a seat she sat down looking down at her blue jeans, thinking why did she actually change? Just who was she looking to impress with her blue jeans and red shirt combo. It not like anyone would actually bother to look down and notice her let alone what she was wearing. Sighing Katya now felt annoyed at herself for putting in the effort even if she knew it was too late now to really do anything about it. Looking around Katya decided to simply watch everyone for a little while, thinking she’d at least spot someone she new and interesting to interact with or maybe Iyo was hiding somewhere nearby.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A few hours earlier...

The maid let out a nod of agreement and then stood, but not before finishing up the last bits of her work scrubbing the remaining uncleaned tiles.

"Well~" she chuckled shortly in response to Revan's ideas of wild sex. "Lunch with regular physical meals is a preferable alternative on the first day of work.

But someday, if we have the chance... we could grab the opportunity and have my own personal semigod to raise!~"

5:30 PM



A boisterious tune of Highway to Hell blasted out of the motorcycle's sound system. A leather-jacketed boy who had no idea that the headmistress's speech were a few hours far from 4 PM revved his bike through the pre-rush hour streets, skewing and overtaking the slower vehicles as the heart of the engine pounded and raced. To this man, this was a thrill ride. To the unfortunate road drivers, however, this was a nuisance.

"HEY! Watch it!"

"Sorry, i can't hear you over the sound of me not giving a shit!"

This man, whom we shall call by the name of Jeremiah Crawthorne or rather Jerry, sped through the streets of the city on the way to the Orean Cause, the academy his father recommended. His brows were pulled down and together and his smirk was left for all to see. One could see that he was your average 2kool4skool panty-dropper, and this is what he is.

But Jerry never collected any of the dropped panties, or that's what he would rather call the hearts of women, because he only had a special place for a few girls, including the missing orphanage girl that vanished seven years ago. The others he had successfully dated, but later discovered that they already had boyfriends and was cheating on them. Perhaps he was really meant to be with someone who has ceased to exist? Maybe he was never meant to have life with girls after all?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

It was the night of the party and many of the students and teachers of Orean Cause have attended to have fun and get to know one another, or perhaps, get to know one another even more. Walter the janitor was going to attend too though only the aftermath of the party which would likely be empty. He did not mind though. Some alone time was something that is needed every now and then.

However, he forgot something from the other side of the courtyard and wanted to get there as soon as possible. He went through the party without his cart and tried his hardest not to cause discomfort to the others due to his appearance. During his trek through the lively event, he spotted an acquaintance he had met earlier. A small greeting would not hurt.

"Ah, Mr. Bride." Walter greeted the crossdressing student. "Enjoying the party?" He asked. The immortal remembered Bride's answer to his question. The student thought he was just kidding which was a valid answer for him. "Sadly I cannot partake since I must reserve my energy for the cleaning up after the event." Walter continued.

"Well then, I must be on my way for I forgot something and need to retrieve it. Farewell, Mr. Bride." Walter then left the student but not before adding. "Do not forget to have fun! Enjoy youth!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Bride as he sat there, not sure on what to do ...maybe he could get some punch he was getting a bit thirsty. As he was still thinking what to do a familiar voice came by, it was Walter the janitor who help him show around the school with Rei. He was glad to at least seen a familiar face though. "Oh hello Mr. Walter..." He said until he began to think... was he having a good time at the party? Its nice to watch people have fun but for himself that is something he haven't really thought of. "I-I think so, its kinda h-hard to talk to m-many people h-here..." He nodded as he put his hands on his lap, at the corner of his eyes he could still see the guys that were still checking him out. He blushed and tired to avoid them, a new start no need for unneeded attention.

"Oh...thats s-sad, y-you should t-take a break then, lots of people here are ge-getting to know each other." It sad for Walter to not part take in this event, it seemed that most people were having fun though. As he waved Walter of he nodded and decided to indeed have fun. "Bye Mr. Walter, I...will try to have fun." Its was going to be hard for Bride to have fun since h was already getting attention and he could not find anyone else he knew there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 7 days ago


"Anytime you're up for it, all you have to do is ask." Revan chuckled, but in a distant corner of his mind, he couldn't help but wonder if this was a good idea. He could be giving a highly homicidal Angel of Death a child with the powers of a god, which would likely end very badly for the earth. However, if he refused, he wouldn't have sex. What was more important to him, fate of the world or having sex. . . . yeah, whi was he kidding. Sex all the way, besides, there was no certainty that Samael would get pregnan, so there was no point worrying about it now.

"So then, to the cafeteria."

((Hours later))

Revan and Samael were at the dance in a corner of the room, Revan at least partially doing his job by giving passing glances at the students. They were busy trading some stories about their past experiences. He was reminiscing about this one time when he accidentally started a cult.

"It was fun for a time, got all the women and drink I could want, but then they got all obsessive, following me everywhere, asking me to do all sorts of stupid things. 'Kill my ex', 'Torture my boss', 'Make my wife obedient and submissive' 'Make mine's boobs bigger', etc, etc. I got sick of it, so I left them to their craziness after about 30 years. Have you ever had to deal with humans like that, Samael, or did you just kill them all?"


Grimm was in a corner, staring at all of the gyrating bodies with keen interest, drawing the scene in his sketchbook. He thought of joining, but he was sure that it would be an unwise venture to try. He had never danced before, and wasn't to eager to start today. The living still intimadated him, though his first real interaction earlier today had left him feel slightly better about them.

He especially loved the book the little girl had given him, it was an absolutely thrilling read and even gave him, a Grim Reaper(in training), a frightful set of chills. The writer was truly skilled, and he'd have to ask the girl where to get more next time he saw her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Having only been transferred for a few days, Maki had yet to make many friends at her new school, Orean Cause. She did know a few people who were attending the party being held tonight, but not to any great degree. She decided she would have to use this chance to get to know people and let others to get to know her. Looking over herself in the mirror she made sure the dress was a perfect fit, and that there were no issues with any ... feathers.

Having put on the dress and grabbed her clarinet and left for the party. Leaving the dorms, she wore her smile, and walked elegantly. Considering it was 6:30 pm, it was getting dark, which meant she was more awake. Walking along, there were a few people in the Wind Orchestra Club who greeted her along the way, whom she greeted back. Eventually she reached the party, it wasn't quite what she expected, but it was still a nice event. Although it was a short walk, she felt her legs were quite tired. I just don't think I can get used to these things she thought.

She saw one of her acquaintances, whom she greeted. "Are you ready?" they asked. "Of course." she replied. Maki went up on the stage, and took a deep breath. Beside her was her acquaintance, sitting by a piano. Looking at each other and nodding, they suddenly played some music together.

The music played.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Iyo continued to dance with all his might but then the music atop. He wonder why thoguh since he was having so much fun then this grand relaxing yet a bit sad music starting playing completely changing the mood to the party like some grand ball. "eehh..." He was not sure what to do, it was pretty music but still not his type of music though to dance in. Most people just stood there and listened to the music with wonder as he just stood there just confused. "uuhh...I guess I do need a break I got a performance later so ya..."

He crossed his hands and listended to th emusic until he felt his hips being touch by hands. He turned to see the guy or the creep that hana was watching out for getting close to Iyo. "Hey there, pretty music right?" The guy tried to sweet talk Iyo even though it was not needed in how supid Iyo was. He gestured it as a friendly greetingand let the continue to hold his hips and he was pressed to his back." Oh it is! Just wish I can snace to it you know?" Iyo... didnt releaze what kind of situation he was.


Penn sighed, god why he had to be here... he gotten a couple looks of some people proabbly thinking he was a freak for being in his pajamas but it was freaking Vow fault that he didn't have time to change. Penn just grumbled in pain as he had to deal with this, why did he had to be here again... "...ugh..." He avoid to look at any guys, eventhough heis a guy he is afraid of men. Men was somethign he feared ever since he was a child and could only trust Vow. His stomach gorwled, he didnt eat dinner... he looked at the snack table.

"I can do this..." Taking a deep breath he stood up and head out from the bushes from where he was hiding more looks from people, ofcourse he was in his freaking pajamas and worst of all boxers with bunny slippers. He blushed as he heard whispers, ofcourse...make fun of the boy in pajamas Penn knew he couldn't fight back. He slowly tried to walk there while avoiding to touch or see any guys at all.

It made things easier but someone decided to make fun of the weak mangaka and trip him. He landed faceplant onto the ground with a couple of laughs being heard. 'great...make fun of me...' He though out and just layed on the floor getting laughed at. He stood up slowly and sighed with a red blush on his face, all he had to do is avoid, better to avoid... Thinking he had enough with this for now he sat down on a chair where beside him was another girl but he was to busy filled iwth embarrassment to notice her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Present Time

There were plenty of cults that Samael had in her lifetime, certainly.

"Cults? Hmm, there were indeed many. They've been a very good source of souls in the past centuries, all their sacrifices, all their dedicated bloodshed, mmm~. I do whatever their wishes within my reach are, but in the end, it's just grass for the cattle! The-"

Samael noticed the sudden switch of music, to which she turned her head towards the stage for a moment in light surprise, before returning her gaze to Revan.

"Uh, the true cult i recognize is my very own army of undead, but they've been wiped recently by the gods. It's sad, really. But it's the superiors' orders.

Do you have anyone you consider higher than you?~"


Sariel was watching.

The woman, somewhere in the distance of the two and dancing by herself, became highly observant to her suspicious companion, and also to a familiar face that was just in front of said companion. How the hell did Revan be on the same place as they were? Most importantly, what the fuck are they doing? Are they going intimate? Utter disbelief ensues. Sariel wishes to cockblock right now, but it's against her own personal ideals to do so.

Jesus! Buddha! Mohammed! Zoroaster! she exclaimed in her thoughts. That's some real nasty development going on! I'm not sure! Maybe let them head to the glorious home run, sure, but it's disgusting to even think of it! What if Revan's pull-out game's atrocious? And think of the child!

Outside, even as Sariel tried to hold it in, one could clearly see some disgust, fear and conflict well up from her thoughts and outward. Her brows furrowed upward in confusion, a side of her lip raised in shock, and her head nodded left and right dreadfully. Still, she kept her dancing motions unfazed by these thoughts, but she appears to be a little odd with that face while motioning her limbs to the tunes.
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