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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Leon checked his pistol after the man that helped him up told him the place was suppose to be dangerous, once sure that it was still working he turned to follow the group only to find a girl holding out some plants to him, he looked at her unsure for a moment before slowly taking the plants and examining them "uh...th-thanks" he said as he added them to the pouch in his belt and rubbed the back of his neck.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mbarnes
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Fin nodded softly, "You're welcome," she said softly before returning to the path that the group was walking along. She stayed behind, running spells through her mind and silently wondering why the male had been harvesting the plants. Fin ran a hand through her short raven hair and then felt over the scar and the stubble of the shaved section of her head. Flashes of memories from that night ran through her head. The sound of the man she killed suffocating as she took his life.. Fin let a deep sigh break from her lips as she stepped over large roots that jutted out from an old, tall tree.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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The very faint sounds of gunshots subsided and, in its place, the sounds of various birds and bugs remained. As the group made their way into a small clearing, in the distance, smoke was visible, rising towards the clouds. It didn't look like the smoke of burning wood, but rather, the smoke of industrial smokestacks. The view then vanished behind the thick tree branches above them. The ground slowly became increasingly more easily traveled until a dirt path guided everyone.

Then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a tiger pounced onto one of the crew men. The other two crew men, and the captain, began to fire upon the lion immediately, but the animal didn't flinch, and hardly bled, as the bullets struck. This tiger was also a little bigger than one from off the island, and its eye color was...purple.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mmarage
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mmarage The Great Detective!

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I gasped as I saw the man get jumped by the tiger. I quickly brought my bow into my hand and nocked a simple wooden arrow with a sharpened tip. I drew back the string and took a deep breath and aimed at the tiger. While I didn't relish the thought of killing anything, man or beast, I felt it was acceptable to kill an animal for one of two reasons, survival or to protect one's self or others, and this definitely was the latter at this moment. I released the arrow and watched it fly through the air right toward's the tiger's chest, hoping that it would make some difference.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Freikugel
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"Hey no fair, I was trying to break the ice!" Exclaimed Hikaru as soon as the feline showed up.

Seriously, a purple eyed tiger? When were we dropped into a fairy tale as such?

She readied herself for battle but inmediatly lowered her guard and wondered.

Do I feel like killing the tiger or not? Is actually tedious, perhaps I should try to simply avoid its attention and let other to take care of him. I mean, why should I dirt my hands?

She sighed and dropped a small wooden piece to the ground, the girl wasn't intending to fight but still had to put certain measure in case the creature decides to pick her as its next target.

Which she wished were not to happen, the beast withstood bullets what could she expect to do?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Mikkish did want to do something. In his bravado, despite that the beast took bullets with little sign of relenting its attack, Mikkish truly thought he could take the tiger down. But the bullets did stop Mikkish in one way: they would surely hit him if he got involved in this. An arrow flying into the lion reinforced the point that he could be shot.

But as the tiger continued his slashing at the crewman, the crewman continued struggling to live, and the other crewmen and Joe tried to stop the attack, the crewmen had all, by chance, stopped momentarily to reload their guns. Mikkish took this opportunity to speed dash, courtesy of his physical buff, and send an unnaturally powerful punch to the tiger's side. It looked as if he had become a blur for a brief second, and charged quickly forward with enough power to knock aside anything in his path.

The punch was not as strong as the bullets, but Mikkish' fist and his whole body were much bigger than just a small bullet, and so he managed to knock the tiger aside and off the crewman momentarily. The other crewmen then quickly adapted the idea to use their own magic, and with the culprit not being quite known, the tiger froze into a block of ice. The threat had been neutralized.

"AAAAHHHHH" Yelled the crewman who had been attacked by the tiger. He lay in a pool of blood, lacerations all over him. The other crewmen rushed to him with what first aid they knew, but it basic medical knowledge would not be enough to efficiently help this man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mmarage
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mmarage The Great Detective!

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I looked at the boy from the ship in awe. "He moved so quickly... was... that the work of magic...?" I wondered, I glanced at the tiger, encased in ice. "Amazing..." I muttered. I was taken away from my moment of relief and wonder from the pained cries of the crew member. I looked over at him. I didn't have any training in medicine, but it looked way too bad for something as simple as basic first aid to deal with. There had to be something I could do... I had healed injuries in the past... I could do it now, couldn't I?

I rushed to the crew member quickly, after slinging my bow around my shoulder. I held onto my locket, my heart hammering against my chest, the beat thrumming against my ears. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. I closed my eyes and reached within. I could feel a source of power, something that had always been there, but something that I had never been able to tap into before. I slowly reached out with my free hand, it was covered with a pink aura. Slowly, pink ribbons of energy flowed from my fingers and slowly wrapped around the crew member where he was injured. The smaller cuts began to seal, and the bleeding from the more severe wounds began to slow. I was quickly growing tired, but I held on for as long as I possibly could to help the man. But after a minute, I fell to my knees gasping for air.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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The man felt better, but kept breathing heavily for a moment before stumbling to his feet, dizzy. The concern quickly moved to Joe.

"Hey man, I appreciate it. You okay?" Asked the crewman who Joe had just helped. The other crewmen, after helping the crewman to his feet, then helped Joe, lifting him by the arms.

"Can you walk?" Asked one of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mmarage
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mmarage The Great Detective!

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I took a few deep gulps of air and nodded after a little bit, the world spinning around me slightly, but it was getting better. I felt so weak... I guess this must've been the price of using magic... or at least using it beyond one's limits. "Y-Yes, I think I can walk." I said, I looked over at the man. "I'm glad that you're alright, just don't strain yourself too much." I said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 16 days ago

seeing an opportunity after another person slammed the tiger off the crewman, Leon used his magic quickly, freezing the tiger and showing little sign it was him unless someone noticed the frost around his hands.

looking to the crew he noticed some of them were injured and that a healer was trying to help but looked drained, so while everyone was tending to injuries he set down, and took out the plants and formed a mortar and pestle from ice and started making something to help heal injuries as well as something to help the healer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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The group, having resolved the issue with the tiger, resumed their journey through the jungle. As it turns out, as the captain explained, the animals were being affected by the presence of magic on this island in such a way as to make them stronger and more aggressive. It wasn't even just this island, but anywhere in which there was a large community of magi.

The rest of the journey allowed the students to see ruins of what appeared to be buildings of roman architecture spread throughout the jungle. A crewman explained that this island had been founded and inhabited several times throughout history, each time by magi. The curse to ensure it was totally invisible to anyone not a mage was placed quite recently, only in the last 200 or so years.

Eventually, they wound up on a sidewalk in an area that seemed like a park, where there were benches, light poles, and people doing outdoor activities. And appearing before them, in front of the park, was the city. Merlinus City. Looking at it from the edge, where the park met the jungle, the towering buildings seemed to go on forever. It looked, however, like any large city in the US.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mmarage
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mmarage The Great Detective!

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I walked with the group, using my bow as support to keep me moving, I was slowly beginning to regain my strength. Once we had reached the city, I unstrung my bow and placed it back into its case with the quiver and closed it. The island's history was quite interesting, I was sure that we'd see some really cool stuff while we were here. I couldn't wait to reach the school and begin learning, it was going to be so exciting. I was going to be out on my own. Though of course, I was still worried about my mother, we were barely scraping by while I was there... I'd have to get a job and send her some money so then she can pay the bills...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mbarnes
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Fin watched the others stop the tiger in its tracks. She could have rushed her purokinesis, but the change that it would have burned the crew member being attacked also was high. She wondered who had frozen the tiger. The thought of someone with such a strong power made her smile slightly. Fin waked with the group, staying a little closer after that attack.

The city appeared and Fin took in the sight. Having been from a large city, it made Fin feel as though she was back in that hell hole she called home. She kept her eyes peeled, watching everyone and no one in particular. She was excited to get to the end of their travels. Fin wasn't much of a hiker, she preferred drawing or meditating. She ran a hand down the back of her neck as she walked hone hind the others toward their destination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Young Gun
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Young Gun

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“This is gonna be great Junior!” David said to seemingly the air as twigs and dried leaves crushed under his feet.
He’d fallen slightly behind the other group to salvage the frozen remains of the beast.

The blue haired boy was.....well he was dragging the 500 hundred pound icy pop carcass through the path they were on with one hand. "I've never had a kitty before." He said.

"Oh well....there was Mittens but he died after I hugged him." David gave a firm nod. "But now me and Mister Stripes will be the best of friend ever!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 16 days ago

looking up from his alchemy, Leon saw everyone was going on ahead and quickly gathered his things and ran to catch up with the group

when they had got to the city he let a small smile appear on his face, hoping they were getting closer to their destination
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warlord297
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"i just need some lumber and a smidge of stone and iron bolts that all"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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"Hey what's up, girl?" Mikkish said to Hikaru as he caught up to walk along side her.

"I'm Mikkish. That was some crazy shit back there, huh? Didn't know tigers were that big."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freikugel
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"No big deal, it was just a bother" said Hikaru.

She remembered the wooden piece she left at the scene.
Should had picked that thing.... thought

Two of the crewman were surveiling the area in case more danger showed up. While the main group advanced they checked the previous area where they encountered the tiger, it was then when one of the men stepped over the wooden piece. A scream and the man vanished, his companion turned to find that his partner was now trapped in a 3 meters hole.

"Huh? Was this thing always here?" asked confused while looking at his partner who fell in a bad position and probably twisted some joint as he groaned in pain.

Oh well, no use thinking in that.... thought Hikaru as the group continued walking
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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(We are in the city now...)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mbarnes
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Fin watched the silver-haired male who had previously been harvesting plants walk. Her eyes analyzed his body for a moment before she quickly snapped out of her trance to hear the female who had been singing speaking with a male. She looked over the large buildings of the city and smirked softly, wondering just what the campus would look like. Would it be big and beautiful? Or small and comfy? Fin clutched the straps of her backpack at her shoulders and continued her walk with the others.
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