Name: Carla Krissy Jameson
Nickname: (Working on it)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: ]
((A gold necklace hangs around her neck, on it is a locket in shape of a heart. The said locket can open and close. On her right hand on her fourth digit are the wedding rings of her deceased parents, given to her before being told to run and survive. She has a piercing in her left lower nose. The ribbon on her head has elements or grey and red on it, the red being blood fragments. She herself is about 5’ 8” in height and about 9 stone in weight))
-Slips up and will drop the f bomb among other words.
-When nervous or a little scared she will begin to grind her teeth, though only for a short time.
-Another clue is she will hold her locket with one hand several times in 30 second bursts.
-She prefers to run then engage but knows that is not always something one can do.
(This is only some, I will explore more of her within the RP)
-Desert Eagle XIX
-Scar-H with dot scope
-Baseball Bat (Wood)
Ammo count:
-DE (24 Rounds/3 Clips)
-Scar-H (20 Rounds/1 Clip)
-Bat (0)
The expiring want to be fashion designer was a happy child, though had no siblings she seemed happy with what she had. She went through all the phases’ children and early teens had. Around the 15-17 age range she was more rebellious then she likes to remember, her best friend at that time had fallen in with the wrong crowd and so did she. Of course she got out before it was too late, her ex best friend however did not and so one day got arrested for robbery and killing a cop. Carla finds herself as a creative spirit and so does like to listen/make/play music, drawing/painting on a piece of paper for fun or on a large canvas when not drawing up a new design, enjoys writing stuff for books as well as doing web design/Photoshop based work/photography in some strange, yet creativity context.

During school her attentions were not entirely there, it was a time of change and so she explored these changes. Her likes and dislikes had shifted; relationships had changed also but most survived the changes. Her grades were OK, but her passion and the designs she had or made was enough to get her into many but not all universities. The rebellious times were the hardest time for her parents, even more so as this phased lasted a while but when she pulled out of it they were proud of her. Though only 16 at the time one thing kept her out of trouble and that was tutoring a few people who really needed, all she had to do is stay one step ahead of the student. Along the way learning things as well that had mostly stuck with her.

Before the infected came along Carla was a fashion designer or at least close. She was a university student; she attended a university in England, leaving the country to see how other people lived was something she could not pass up. The first semester was one of the most fun times she had, she meet friends and even made a best friend. A lot happened during the first semester of year one, the good, the bad and even the ugly but she made it through with the friends she had made. Three months had rolled by rather quickly and soon found herself back at home. She lived with her parents in a NY studio flat; her father helped people as a doctor and even did stuff for free outside of work every so often. Her mother on the other hand was what Carla wanted to be, a fashion designer who showed works off in Mulan, London, Tokyo and Paris to name a few.

During her trip back things seemed normal yet they were not as times had changed. It had only been two weeks since she had come back home for a short period but something had broken out here. The news was all over the place, but what it was sketchy at the time or so what the Jameson family got from it. A car was out of the question when they were outside and it seemed taking things were out of the question too except for essential items. The father himself rushed to get what he thought was important, the mother grabbed a photo album and Carla herself took the golden necklace with locket and the baseball bat that her dad had just in case. The family were basically unarmed except for the one melee weapon Carla had picked up. Things got darker, most of her memories from that point were hazy at best but she knew one thing, her parents had been taken from her. The rings were the only one other thing she remembered.

Now she goes place to place looking for a safe place to stay for a while.
N/A (Unless I think of something)