Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Catching the thrown Master Sho, Glass stared at the android in bewilderment. Swiftly, the Namekian helped the older human back to a standing position, while his two sons flew near him. "What happened to her? One minute she's a robot, the next she's acting like a human!"

"I think it might have to do with that armor. Once it fell off, she said she was free." Hovering in the air, Silic and the others watched as Master Yi was downed once again. "Her technique may have improved, but she still seems like she wants a fight."

Sodius flared his ki to its maximum, air rushing away from him as he prepared an attack. "Then lets give it to her!" A pair of energy spheres appeared in his hand, and a flurry of ranged attacks followed, each exploding as they approached their target.

"Don't waste your energy, Sodius! That attack isn't effective at this range!" Narrowing his eyes, Glass drew on his dwindling ki. "Silic has the high road, I'll take the low. Make sure she doesn't escape! Go!" Glass and Silic charged in, the younger Namekian flying above his father as the pair launched into a melee barrage through the last of the explosions.

His attack now ended, Sodius landed and used a concentrated blast below, hoping to take the android with an unexpected attack from beneath the earth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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The android still remained with her arms crossed as the pair charged at her, Sho following up from behind to attack right form the middle, three people being the maximum that could take on one person without it being hectic. Two of them were a threat, well one was drained from before, but the two sons were still very much bothersome given they kept on distracting her!

Despite this she looked like she was having fun? The attacks, even when blocked, shook her now that she no longer had the buffer of the armor between her and the blows. However unlike before she was also using tactics, ducking one blow to use another body to block a attack, only to get a blast in the back. By the third blast to clip her, she had enough! "AH!" A energy shield burst from her, attempting to get the three away from her before dropping to the ground, Sho following her and attempting to catch her. She was going to make sure that the son could not fire any more of those! Dashing with incredible speed she would attempt to close in on Sodius and grab his arm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Sodius!" Glass rushed after the android, fire in his eyes. A second wind filled him, and although hardly reinvigorated, the strength to continue the battle rose within.

Seeing Thirteen closing in, Sodius stood his ground and prepared a counter attack of his own. One palm in front of the other, a brilliant purple light briefly filled the air, and then blasted outward in a brief explosion. "Demon Wave!" It did little to deter the android, however, who closed in and grabbed the young Namekian. Feeling his energy begin to drain, he began to struggle against Thirteen, and launched a powerful series of right hooks at its face

Glass, finally near, lashed out with a kick at the android's midsection, hoping to give his son an opening for escape.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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The android only started to drain little before a even better idea came over her; She would just rip his arm off! Pulling more and more she would start to disjoint it, however her new plan was interrupted as she got a powerful boot to the side, sending her flying across the ground. Sho soon moved in front of the farther and son, looking a little shocked Glass outpaced him, though to be expected when one was truly mad at their enemy.

Sho pulled back his arms "Ka-me-" Looking up to Sho she grinned standing up from the ground as the old man charged up the signature move of the turtle school. "You know, this is very impressive, i may even break a sweat" she said holding her side, clearly hurting after that kick, before locking eyes with Sho. "Though allow me to show you how the original was used!" Lowering herself she took a forward stance, placing both hands together in front of her before slowly pulling back "Ka-me" Yi and Sho looked shocked "How?! She should not know this!"



With that the beams clashed in a intense blast! Locking the two down in a power struggle of power.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sodius fell to his knees gasping, clutching his injured arm. "Damnit! I have almost nothing left in me!" Clenching his eyes shut, Sodius shuddered in anger at the android who had defeated him so effortlessly.

"Get up, Sodius." Glass helped his son up as Silic flew next to them, watching Thirteen and their allies exchange words. "We still have a job to do, and it won't get done if you just give up. Dig in and find your will to fight!" A brilliant light distracted the trio from their conversation.

"How does she know the Kamehameha!?" Silic gaped at the impressive struggle, brilliant blue lights clashing as sparks flew between the pair. Neither side seemed to give, though it appeared as if Thirteen wasn't wearing out.

Almost immediately, glass began gathering energy. "Quick, target the android!" Lashing out, a beam of yellow energy shot out from his hands. His sons followed suit, a number of blasts aimed at Thirteen being launched in rapid succession.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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"Cheating little-,"

She let go of the beam she was firing, using her balled up hands to volleyball the Kamehameha up into the sky, struggling to do so because of the immense power behind it. However this was only done to minimizes the damage that was going to be done to her as Glass's and his sons blasts made contact, forcing her onto her back from the impact as they hit one after another.

Though she did not stand up this time, in fact she was breathing heavily from the attacks, seemingly tired? "Hahahahaha... Ha... That was amazing.." her jump suit was in tatters though that did not stop her from trying to stand up, though she noticed Sho still having his hands towards her, along with Glass there as well, so she remained sitting for the time being, looking at the group she had just done battle with.

"To think that you could all stand against me... Hah...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Glass stood there and glared at the android, wondering what kind of plot the now sitting Thirteen could be coming up with. 'Silic, Sodius, don't let your guards down.' Stepping back, the pair of brothers stayed in a strong fighting stance as their father stepped forward. Slowly, Glass powered down to try and conserve energy.

"It was five against one, and you don't have an overwhelming amount of power. Of course you lost." Thinking for a moment, the Namekian continued. "What happened to us being your targets? Get up and fight, we'll finish this right now, and then go on with our lives."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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"Ah, you mean before?"

With that the android stood from her place, her hand stroking her side, seemingly in pain despite being supposedly fully robotic. Though she stood straightened out, taking a prideful stance towards Glass despite her smaller size. Though she may have been able to hide her power it had always been clear when she was about to attack.

"If I was up to me I would have accepted the fact that my first and second objectives were complete. After all Son-Goku is dead. Even if his family is still alive it is done."

She had a chance to kill Gorin before while they were not paying attention... In fact she had several moments where she could have shortened their numbers and secured her victory, yet as soon as the armor was destroyed the deadliness in her attacks was gone.

"To be honest if I was fighting for real I would have killed you all many times over. I have only used one of my own techniques at that, and that was when I was in the armor." A grin crossed her lips "I would have loved to fight you at full power Namekian."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Glass frowned, thinking over the android's words. "So, there really was something with that armor that influenced you? I'm sure you understand if I'm hesitant to believe that." Nonetheless, the Namekian stepped forward, his sons tensing in anticipation as their father neared the powerful android.

"Just watch yourself, android. Your predecessors; Or should I say successors? They proved themselves to be good people, and lived their lives well." Glass stood there for a moment, glancing back at his sons. "Earth isn't weak, and we have allies. We'll be watching you. Come by the Lookout if you want to fight me, don't involve innocents if all you want is a battle."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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"Haahahahahah... I will remember that... If the earth survives"


Both masters tensed up, thinking the android was planning something but then she pointed up with a smirk. "I suspect by this point space is full of junk so you may not have noticed something. A Red Ribbon Satellite that I have been connected too, hence how I now know who you are Glass... Rude not introducing yourself by the way" With that she slowly started to lift into the sky.

She got a more serious look on her face by this point "Within two months a UFO will arrive to the earth. It is round, and full of people willing to take the earth. Ready yourselves, for now. I need clothes" Having just noticed this Sho was a little distracted by the exposed flesh. "I will be sure to visit you all in turn. Until then be sure to try and grow even stronger."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Wait, what do you mean people willing to take the earth will come? There's going to be an invasion?" Glass stood his ground, glaring at Thirteen as he demanded answers. "You'll get your match, android. just give me some answers."

Behind him, Sodius and Silic were tense, the brothers exchanging a nervous glance. Sodius clenched his fists. 'An invasion? There hasn't been a serious invasion attempt in generations! Are we even close to ready?'

Silic mentally growled. 'If we're not, we'll have to get ready. The invaders won't wait for us.' The pair brooded over the thought, brows knit in concern for Sodius, and rage for Silic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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"What dose it matter what the threat is? Besides you think a piece of tech hundreds years old can tell who?" She stopped in the air, a smile crossing her lips. "But yes, it is a invasion that threatens the entire world. So become strong and entertain me! I look forward to the results. Until tomorrow, on the lookout!" Suddenly 13 powered up to full, the pressure sent a shock wave out as she dragon dashed away at insane speed, heading to who knows where...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Standing there with something like shock running through his system, Glass had to pull himself together as he noticed his two sons watching him for his reaction. "Looks we have a lot to get done in the next couple of months. Lets go." Glass turned to the two exhausted old men nearby. "You might want to get some training in the next couple of months. We've grown complacent."

With those parting words, the trio of Namekians flew off in the direction of the Lookout. It took them only minutes to arrive. The normally cool breeze which ran through their home and fortress was no longer refreshing, serving only to remind them of what they had to lose. As they arrived, Popo ran out to greet them.

"What happened out there? I felt the energy spikes from here!" The genie was met with bleak and solemn expressions, none willing to meet his gaze.

"Nothing good, Mister Popo. I need you to prepare the Pendulum Room for me, I'll be entering within the hour." Hearing the meagre tone, Popo nodded furiously before running to do just that. "My sons, I need you both to train hard with each other, go out and challenge others when you can. We'll be taking turns with the Pendulum Room, I'm afraid."

Looking up from the ground, Silic clenched his fists and furrowed his brow. "Father, let us train with you! We can stand with you if you'll let us, and it's not like we can get killed in the Pendulum Room!"

"It will do you no good to get tossed around by someone on another level than you! You'll gain no skill through being harmed!" Glass turned from his sons, sighing in exasperation. "Besides, I'd rather not watch you both die, even if it's only an illusion. Rest up and go train. I'll be in my room if you need me."

Splitting up, Glass soon found himself in his throne-like room, reserved for him as the Guardian of Earth. He considered his options. 'We have an old alliance with the descendants of Elder Moori, his children may honor it, though it would do little good. Their warriors are hardly stronger than those of Earth. Our alliance with the royalty of New Vegeta will do little good, though they may send a few warriors for appearances. The Son family probably already sent word to their kin on New Vegeta anyway."

Glass sighed once again, this time more in frustration. 'Maybe Moori will surprise me. They say at least one good warrior rose from his kin, though he was absorbed by Piccolo.' Considering the distance, Glass summoned his communicator to send a message to New Namek, asking the clan of Moori to send a compliment of warriors in accordance with their old alliance. He hoped it would do something to help.

Knowing he was only stalling for time, the Namekian stood to leave. He made his way to the doors marking the Pendulum Room, which stood open for him to use. Inside, dozens of clocks could be heard ticking in unison, the dull sound filling the room with a baritone vibration. Thinking back to the stories he'd heard from his father, Glass knew a point in time that would prove exactly challenging. Old Namek, and the Ginyu Force. With a thought, his surroundings faded to nothingness.

Nearby, Glass' two sons sat in meditation, Silic trying to contain his anger, and Sodius trying to focus on his ki. Standing abruptly as he sensed his father's energy disappear, Silic kicked the air. "What was father thinking back there? He's always putting me on support duty, and then he says we aren't ready for his level? We're strong, we beat that android!"

"Brother, I don't think that fight was so simple. The battle could have gone either way, and we barely eked out a victory because Father made some calls and we outnumbered the android." Sodius opened his eyes and also stood, some tension still in his body. "And you know you're better at ki emission than I am. That's why you're our support, while I charge in. It's nerve wrecking."

Silic sighed. "I know, I know. It's just frustrating. We should be with father right now, training on the same level as him."

"We're only a decade old. You can't expect us to be on the same level as our father, we're not even close, and as long as he trains hard he'll always be ahead. Get used to it." The pair fell silent, considered the words.

"I'd rather catch up with him. There has to be a way for us to get on his level, or even surpass it!"

Feeling uncomfortable, Sodius turned and began to walk away. "We're not fusing, brother. I also doubt father would be happy if we used the Hyperbolic Time Chamber without his permission. Mister Popo wouldn't enable it for us anyways."

Silic stood there as his brother left, unsure of what to do. Left alone, the Namekian began to warm up, preparing to fly down to earth for spars with some humans. Nearby, Sodius continued to meditate over his emotions, hoping to quell the waves of anxiety washing over him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Slowly rising from below, the android attempted to sneak up on the pair of sons as she heard what they were saying, though she remained under the lookout for now as she did not want to start up another fight given that would be oh such bad form to do so. She waited for Silic to start flying down to earth before following suit with a smile, the main advantage to her android form was this lovely little stealth mode, though it did not really stop that 6th sense that someone was being watched.

"So, you beat me huh?"

As he would turn around the android was floating there with crossed arms, now in normal looking clothing compared to the RR jumpsuit she had before. She tried to look as none threatening as possible. She would advance forward slowly, arms still crossed "It seems your farther doesn't want you to use any of his cool toys huh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Silic turned, muscles tense as he listened to the android. Feeling like prey caught in the eyes of a predator, his instincts combated his logic for supremacy, before the latter finally won out. "So, you must have good hearing? That's good to know. I don't think that's any of your business though, android."

Trying to act cool just made his heart race faster, the urge to fight or flee building inside him. 'Thirteen is outside, brother. Don't move quickly enough to alarm her.' Silic could feel his brother leaving, but knew that even together they wouldn't stand a chance without their father to assist them. He hoped the woman was sincere in her agreeable tone.

In the Pendulum Room, Glass arrived on Old Namek, an illusion of a planet long dead. Nearby, the Namekian could sense several large power levels, including several he was familiar with from previous journeys. Flying to the nearby battlefield, Glass watched as the warrior prince Vegeta battled with a hulking brute of an orange haired man. Although the brute clearly held the upper hand, Vegeta continued to battle furiously, giving his all to try and defeat his enemy.

Watching the battle from nearby were four energy signatures, two of them similar to what Glass assumed was a member of the Ginyu force. The Namekian flew near, landing next to the pair, who seemed surprised at his entrance. "Hmm, what's this? Another Namekian come to accept an early grave?" The red-skinned alien seemed to observe him through a device over his eye, a scouter. "His power lever is only a meagre ten thousand. That's quite good for a Namekian warrior, though you wouldn't stand a chance against either of us."

"Would you handle him, Jeice? Watching Recoome swat around the Saiyan is to good to miss!" Next to the now named Neice, a blue alien seemed involved in watching the ensuing battle.

Jeice sighed. "I suppose I could use a good stretch. You're taking the next one though, Burter." The other alien nodded in agreement, not paying attention to the conversation. Farther away, a pair of humanoids, Krillin and Gohan seemed to notice Glass' arrival, though they were too scared to approach. "You're with me then, Namekian. Lets battle over the hill."

Glass nodded, noting that his enemy's power was slightly above his maximum. A good matchup. Flying off together, the pair settled on the ground as Glass entered a fighting stance, preparing himself for battle. Jeice seemed uncaring, allowing the Namekian to gather his energy. That expression soon turned to shock as his scouter produced noise. "Thirty, forty, fifty.. Sixty thousand! Astounding, you're on a level approaching me!" Grinning, Jeice entered his own battle stance. "Hah, Burter is missing out! You're stronger than even the Saiyan! This'll be fun, Namekian!"

Launching himself at the red skinned humanoid, Glass launched a series of punches and kicks, only for Jeice to back away and launch a number of red ki blasts. Glass batted them away, though they took more effort than expected. Flying up to avoid the blasts, Glass gathered his own energy in the point of his two fingers. "Dodon Ray!" A razor-thin blade of green energy lanced out, which Jeice narrowly dodged.

"Impressive technique, greenskin! Witness my own!" Raising his arm above his head, a sphere of brilliant red energy gathered. "Crusher Ball, Ah!" The orb of energy rushed towards Glass, who raised his arms to defend against the blast. Fighting against it, the Namekian could feel burns on his arms as he struggled. Finally the attack lost enough energy for Glass to push it away with his forearms, and dispel the powerful attack.

Frustrated at seeing Glass counter his technique, Jeice prepared another Crusher Ball, but was forced to dodge as Glass rushed in with a sweeping kick to the head. "Damn Namekian, you're frustrating!" Glass fought to stay close with the alien, seeing how he relied on energy attacks. Dodging his attacks, Jeice managed to gather enough ki to throw onto the ground, blowing dust into the air an buying time to fall back.

He was met with a barrage of energy, a dozen ki blasts raining on him from across the dust field. Batting away the majority of them, a few of the blasts went wide, and exploded nearby, rattling Jeice's senses. "Agh!" Rushing through the dust cloud, Glass launched into another brutal combo, which Jeice was forced to defend against.

Every attack left a bruise on Jeice, who was quickly becoming battered as the attacks forced him to back up against a cliff face. "To hell with this! Burter, come and assist me with this pesky Namekian!" Almost instantaneously, the named blue skinned alien was next to Glass, forcing him away with a kick of his own.

"You called, Jeice? Can't even handle a weak little Namek yourself?" Laughing under his breath, Burter turned to face Glass, observing the numbers before his eyes. "Hmm, you're rather impressive for a Namek. Still, you're no match against the combined power of the Ginyu Force's Dynamic Duo!"

The pair launched into a practiced attack pattern, Burter flying in to attack Glass in close quarters, while Jeice stayed back, throwing ki blasts at the openings his ally would make. Hard pressed against Burter alone, Glass was forced to use the terrain to his advantage, backing into cover whenever possible. Glass could feel himself tiring quickly, but the rush of the fight was enough to get him to push even harder.

"Demon Wave!" Pushing his palm forward, a blast or purple energy rushed at Burter, who managed to evade the attack. It bought Glass the initiative, however, as he began his own attack against the blue skin. Aiming low, the Namekian sought to take the powerful legs away from Burter with kicks of his own, and managed to land a solid blow.

"Gah, you damn Namekian! That hurt! That's it, prepare for a world of hurt!" Backing up and landing next to Jeice, the pair struck a pose and gathered an aura of energy around them. Glass could feel the pair's power melding together, making a powerful combo!

"Purple Comet Hurricane!" They yelled in unison! Racing towards him, Glass braced himself for the coming onslaught.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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The world outside of the chamber was much calmer compared to Glass's, as the Android continued to stare down one of his sons for a few moments to see what he would do, but soon enough she gathered that he had no intention of attacking her. "Well it is not but the problem here is neither of you were bringing your top game. I did not see any techniques used by the pair of you"

Lowering her hands she starts to float in really close "Were you holding back? Your brother did admit you were better at controlling Ki, and yet I only felt blasts hit me... Or are you really that weak?" A grin crossed her face, she clearly held no fear of him what so ever, even at this close a range and with her guard down. "If you don't have techniques, then maybe you would like to obtain one? I can show you something that once a legendary hero used~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Silic's eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms, floating backwards a few yards. "Is that your way of trying to take me out, saying you'll show me an attack, only to demonstrate it on me? If you're sincere, though.. A new technique would be welcome." Sensing his brother at the edge of their home, the Namekian sent a quick message. 'Hold on, she's going to demonstrate a technique. The more we know, brother.'

Though a wave of distaste could be felt through their connection, the other teen agreed mentally that knowledge on their enemy would be useful. "Go ahead and teach me. I can't wait."

Back in the Pendulum Room, Glass felt sweat drip from his brow as Jeice and Burter charged him, their auras melding together into a purple color. The pair neared rapidly, and the Namekian was forced to use a risky plan. Gathering his energy in his eyes, Glass let a brilliant flash of light loose, blinding the two charging aliens. "My eyes! Damned tricky Namekian!" Jeice clutched his eyes in pain, while Burter tried to fight through the painful dots in his eyes.

Utilizing his one-time opening, Glass gathered all the ki he could, building a massive amount in his hands as he prepared an attack. "Super Demon Wave! AH!" Shouting as he poured his all into the massive, rippling explosion, Jeice was consumed in the purple energy as he blindly fled in the opposite direction. As the ki faded, Jeice's body lay, burnt and covered in blood.

"Jeice, no!" Burter turned towards his enemy rage in his eyes. "Enough of this! It's all or nothing, you're done for green skin!" Fueled by rage, Burter exploded with energy, seemingly digging into his reserves as he pulled on every bit of energy he could spare. The blue skinned alien disappeared briefly, before then appearing behind Glass. "Mach Combo!"

Glass fought to evade the flurry of kicks, each one striking or swiping at his body with brutal speed. 'I thought I hurt one of his legs! He must be fighting through that pain!' Feeling exhaustion settle in, Glass' moves become sluggish as Burter wore him down, before his opponent finally nailed him with a brutal sweep to the head. Glass flew backwards, landing in a pile as Burter flew towards him.

"Heh. Looks like Jeice will be getting his vengeance." Raising his hand, Burter began charging an orb of blue energy. "Any last words, Namekian?"

As Glass stood, battered and weary, he reached inside himself, and reached for something other than his ki. Burning through the last of his ki, Glass invigorated his cells, forcing his muscles to rapidly grow and find strength. "Yeah. This is going to hurt." As a last ditch effort, Glass charged, hoping to bring the weakened Burter down with the last of his strength.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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"Hah. I don't kill the weak, so don't worry yourselves."

The grin crossing her lips told him all he needed to know that she was just trying to pull at his strings, and she was making no attempt to hide it from him. However soon enough she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small object which she lazily tossed over to Silic. "Here, hold this for a moment." Even if he did not catch it he would be able to see the fact that it was a dart and bared the Capsule Corp logo on the side. Given who his farther was he would know that these were police bot tracking darts....

Placing her hands together in a cup shape in front of her she started to focus all of her ki into that single point, gathering it into a ball as her aura flared up, sending out shock wave after shock wave. In the middle of it she gestured towards something coming towards the lookout... A CC police bot..

"I didn't have any money to pay for my new clothes. So it will suit this demonstration just fine."

With that the ball reached its peek "Light Grenade!" The force of the blast pushed her back a little as the ball was sent flying towards the bot, who despite normally taking on strong fighters was unable to avoid it! Even Silic's brother would have been able to see the massive blast that it caused, bathing the surrounding area with golden light, a grinning android standing by to watch the show die out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Watching the impressive display, Silic wondered at just how powerful the android actually was. It was one thing to know Red ribbon army droids were strong, but it was another to see their full might pulled out with a single, intense attack. He fought the urge to sound awed. "That was good. An impressive amount of energy went into that. How does it work? Is anything special done to the ki?"

Nearby, Sodius listened in on their conversation, floating silently in thought. He expected a strong ki attack, but the brilliance of the light was almost as strong as a Solar Flare! Seeing the potential in the attack, the teen concentrated as he thought over how the attack could work.

Muscles burning in agony, Glass flew at Burter with a speed even greater than the blue alien's, launching a brutal ax kick to its head. A crack resounded throughout the alien planet. "AGH!" Toppling forwards, Burter barely caught himself in time to block a second, sweeping kick. "How can you keep pulling these tricks out of a bag, Namekian! Mach Cannon, AH!"

Blasting a blue wave of energy, Glass was pushed back, though be barely registered the pain. Quickly gathering himself, the Namekian flew back at his opponent, dodging several ki blasts along the way, and hammered his forearm into the alien's guard. Glass heard a sickening crack as the attack ploughed through the alien's defenses.

Burter fell down to his knees, panting as he clutched his now broken arm. "How.. How can I lose to a second-rate warrior like you? The Ginyu Force is second to none!" Falling forward, the blue alien passed out. Glass landed beside him, his burst of energy dying rapidly, and the muscles of his body shrinking back to normal size.

As he fell forward, exhausted himself, the illusions surrounding him began to fade. Mister Popo rushed in, gathering his master as the Namekian passed out, and began to carry him to his throne room to rest. "Now, with the android outside of all times.." Popo shook his head in exasperation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Vera smiled at the praise that was being put on her, well she decided to take it as that anyway. "Well, allow me to teach it to you. After all it matters not to me if you learn it or not... It is only the first stage of the technique after all." With that she started to float around Silic, like a predator? Or maybe a child with how playful her flying was.

"Well then, I suspect you have somewhere we can train? It would be much better to learn on the ground?" Even if he did not really know of one she would make sure to start picking one out "Would your brother like to join us? After all you both should know this, even if you two agree you are better at ki use." It was then that she noticed glass's Ki return to this world "Better hurry before daddy takes away your toys~"
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