Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BeanieBaggie
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BeanieBaggie Old, Cold, So Very Full of Mold

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ok, so first things first, let's get some character basics out of the way!

HUSKS are the term for the soulless people who reside in the Oases. There are HUSK PATROLS who go out now and again, looking for SURVIVORS. They go out in groups no bigger than 5 and no smaller than 2. They are armed to the teeth, trained since they could walk/were found, prepared for anything, and carry enough supplies to roam the desert wastes for months.
Husks look no different from a survivor, except that there is no flicker of a soul in them. Most of them are outwardly emotionless.
I would prefer that the first husks introduced are kidnapped PATROLLERS, instead of Oasis Civilian HUSKS. Oasis husks would be harder to kidnap.

The SURVIVORS are part of a group- large to them but in the grand scheme of things, small- of humans who stayed away from the Oases and kept their souls. They're diverse, and close knit, though there is potential for some of them not not get along. Some are technologically inclined, and some are better at other things. Their lair is the ruined remains of a subway tunnel, sanded and broken to the point where it more closely resembles a cave. They scavenge what they can from wherever they can- Ruined cities are hard to find, and if found, already picked (mostly) clean. Some brave, foolish SURVIVORS have been known to go tackle Oasis HUSK PATROLS, or even an Oasis itself, and most are never seen with their souls again. There was one lucky duo who managed to steal from an oasis, and their harvest- a water machine- is what keeps the survivors going, long after the duos' death.

All accepted husks will receive a PM from me, detailing extra info about the husks and oases. Why? Because, it adds to the mystery, of course!

I do hope that the ages of the characters are between 14 and 35, as infant mortality is a thing, and the life expectancy really isn't high at all. Exceptions can be made, but on a case to case basis.

This would take place about a few "live fast" generations after the first sign of trouble.

As for the skellies, here's what I'm thinkin' would be ok (things in parentheses are encouraged to be removed from the skellie before posting)



Gender/Sex: (oh yeah you get that much freedom go nuts yo if you want clarification holla at me)

HUSK or SURVIVOR (bold whichever one)

IF HUSK WITH ARTIFICIAL SOUL, LIST SOUL DEFECTS: (you'd say what's up with their soul. maybe they have 2 souls, or half of one, or one that's really unstable which causes them to be bipolar. The only limit is that souls can only have a mental effect. Exceptions- with science backing them up- may be made).

IF SURVIVOR, LIST SPECIALIZATION: (like farming or tech. This is optional for you guys but highly encouraged).

Appearance: (pics can be used, but please try not to be cliche. You and I both know the kind of picture I'm talking about. Descriptions are fine too.)

Bio: (Go. Bananas. b-a-n-a-n-a-s.)

Extras: (any extra tidbits, like "has tattoo of sexy skeleton with boobs on ass", or "Immensely enjoys fire. is probably a pyro." or well anything extra ya wanna put down)

AS WE STAND NOW: A husk will only be able to be accepted once there is another survivor. Suvivors are accepted at any time.
There is a 2 character per person limit, but each character must respond in different posts. No "cahooting" or power playing between/with same player characters. The results will be undesirable, quick, and harsh.
Some rules I forgot to lay down, as well, are:
- no smut in the IC. take it to PMs, and only imply if you want it to be canon (even though this isnt romance centered youd be amazed with what ive seen. people can/will/have made porn of everything)
- Ragdolling- IE dragging a character along like a rag doll, is only ok if you have consent from the player, or if the player is absent for a long while and we take a vote. It will only be used to get to a point where a player can continue without being blockaded by another. All uses of ragdolling w/out concent must go through the GM, and any co-gms there are.

I am hoping that there is at least a 1:1 ratio of suvivors and husks. A 2:1 or even a 3:1 would be ok too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeanieBaggie
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BeanieBaggie Old, Cold, So Very Full of Mold

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Freya Crawford

Age: 20

Gender/Sex: Female/ agender


IF HUSK WITH ARTIFICIAL SOUL, LIST SOUL DEFECTS: One whole soul, prone to exaggerating emotions, especially melancholy, anxiety, and worry. It impedes on her memories like cement in an ant hive; Only the most recent, and most distant ones are accessible.

Appearance: Freya stands at five foot six, and built like an elegant tank. Under her faded dusty-green armored jumpsuit, She's got a build like an olympic runner, her suntanned skin freckled in the places the sun hit the most, with several small, deep scars over her abdomen, thighs, and chest. Her sun-bleached blonde hair is just past her shoulders, ties into to loose pigtails, fastened with red hairbands, with medium sized plastic balls on them, with bangs just starting to spill over her mirrored sunglasses, which she never parts with. The eyes behind them are cold and hazel, looking as if she were an inch from being a walking corpse. Her ears are pierced, three times on the left one, and four on the right, as a sign of the numbers of survivors she had brought in. There are several lighter scars that are visible outside of the armor she wears- One just faintly over the bridge of her nose, and a smaller, deeper one on her right temple. There are several small black tattoos on her right ankle that signify her origins, starting with a solid black wing, then a feather, a doves' silhouette, a leaf, an egg, and ending with a birds' foot print.

Bio: Freya didn't start life as a husk. She used to be a survivor, from the colder, northern deserts, known for her ability to run a message to other groups of survivors faster than anyone before. She lived a life of danger, until one day,a husk patrol learned her rout. They took her down with a strike to the head, and drug her off, in the silence of the no-mans-land between survivor camps, to an Oasis nearby. She was then stripped of her soul, and enlisted in the ranks of Husk Patrols. Within a month of her capture, she had returned to her rout, bearing a false message that sent every survivor group straight to their capture. As a reward for bringing in so many survivors, the husk patrollers of the north pierced her ears, putting dull silver studs in them to signify her higher rank.
Later on, once even she could not locate any survivors anymore, the Higher Ones deployed her to another Oasis, in a much warmer climate. She has been there since, finding less success than she once had.

Extras: Barely remembers life before becoming a husk, Abhors the heat, Loves the colour red, never goes anywhere without her mirrored aviators, usually has a backup pair with her. Wing tattoos were performed on messengers all over survivors' networks, changing with the season to phase out any runners that may have been captured. Runners who survived past a season would get the next tattoo above the first, eventually leading a trail up their leg. Those tattoos were made with ink from pens that are scavenged,a stick, and needles that are older than anyone that's alive. They're performed by the oldest member of the group, and are rumored to be extremely painful, with a good chance of infection.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeanieBaggie
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BeanieBaggie Old, Cold, So Very Full of Mold

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

If there are ANY questions, ask me. Post here if ya don't mind group feedback (and, in that note: please use the golden rule when responding), or pm me directly if you just want my answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Definatley a work in progress, (sorry it took so long)

Exo ‘Spikes’ Neversong

Age: 16
Gender: Female


Defects: Exo has a badly connected, half-shattered, soul, meaning she struggles to feel, going from totally emotionless to super feeling, and straight back to emotionless, sometimes in less than a few seconds, sometimes lasting for a while. Now, don’t get me wrong, she can still like things, and laugh at things she finds funny, but she doesn’t normally seem to feel a lot. Except when she does, and then there are more emotions than she would care to have all at once.
Exo actually remembers a fair amount of her life as a husk, thanks muchly to her soul being rather, …well, badly connected. She can remember many of her ‘tools of the trade’ as one might call them, and so she can still act as a scout, if and when they finally trust her.

Bio: Exo grew up inside an Oasis, and started training as soon as she could. It soon was discovered that she was quick and silent, with an aptitude for climbing and running. She also had rather sharp senses and so it made her perfect, almost, for a scout. Pretty much her whole time was spent training, getting better at everything she needs to know for her job. Since she has been accepted as a scout, Exo has been on one minor routine patrol outside of the walls. It was nothing special, and so she has yet to go on a real patrol.

Extras: Pyromaniac, …just …well, …let’s not talk about it. She also absolutely adores music (once she has a soul), it is one of the things that can pull out her emotional side. She wears thin fingerless fighting gloves with inch-long spikes sticking out, in the place of a knuckle-duster, hence her nickname of ‘Spikes’.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeanieBaggie
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BeanieBaggie Old, Cold, So Very Full of Mold

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hahaha its a ok! You're good to move her into the characters section- and, if you wish to make changes to that copy of her character sheet, please let me know beforehand.

Also, I'm talking about that "Gothic anime girl" picture with thousands of edits
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cool thanks. :)

I don't think I've been round long enough to have seen said pictures. Or maybe I have and just don't pay attention.

I did edit mine, had to change the hair colour, and the choice ended up as either that sort of purple-black, or a fairly sick orange-purple colour. So I kinda went with the black. :)
(My photoshop skills are just a bit lacking.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 3 days ago

Guys aren't supposed to post, general chat, in the character section.
Anyways... going to say my character is a survivor. Probably between 20-30 sadly I need to go to school and don't have time to fill in the details. Also I could try to edit character pictures if people want. @SilverWolfAngel although I am not an expert.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nah, mine's fine, thanks though. :) I need to learn, and actually, I do it to most of my appearance pics. Normally the eyes and hair. I'm getting better, slowly but surely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeanieBaggie
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BeanieBaggie Old, Cold, So Very Full of Mold

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am here
yeah, general chat and worldbuilding/etc should go here, and character building/additions/characters should go in the character part for now, til' we got everyone in, so we can have an easy skim of all the characters
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Alone as the sole survivor, best protagonist ever! Only not a bad ass....Crap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeanieBaggie
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BeanieBaggie Old, Cold, So Very Full of Mold

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

haha, don'tworry, I'll try to send people over here.

I do hope that there will be more survivors, though. Honestly, they're the most interesting to me.

also, want some info as to how I think the survivors work? I've got a lot of free time :y
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 14 days ago

I wish to join.@BeanieBaggie
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BeanieBaggie
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BeanieBaggie Old, Cold, So Very Full of Mold

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Er, I don't think the oases would allow a husk with an artificial soul in. Not before we start, anyways. However, he is interesting as hell *c* !!!
So, my advice:
Think of where your character will be at the start of this rp. Will he be on patrol with the other two husks, or already captured, subdued, and expiamented on? If the former rout is chosen, it would be nice to know what was his specialization in the husk ranks, if he wasn't a generic patroller, and necessary to know what he would act like if he didn't get the soul he got. If the latter, it would be nice to know if he was stationed in the local oasis, or if he was in the process of being transferred (if he was in the local oasis before, the other husks would be instructed to keep an eye out for him). As for the effects of the testing, would it be a mind over matter thing? And, I'm gonna pick on the side effect on his appearence- you mean the white hair and glowy/yellow eyes? I'd like an example of how that would/could be caused, please.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hey, hey, Beanie, in the Oasis' they have everything, right? So they have enough water for things like showers, and bathes, and pools?

Also, no soul doesn't mean no thoughts, right? Cause, thanks to my, uhhh……, type of upbringing, I always got the idea that your soul was your, You. That make sense? As in your thoughts, memories, likes, dislikes, emotions, hopes, dreams, personality, basically; every thing that makes you you.

Might go check that, anyway, so they can still think, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 14 days ago

"Zetsuko does not know exactly what happened, when he got to the survivor scientist's lab he found very little besides pieces of broken bodies and...things and, and some fire, Zetsuko likes fire...it's so warm, poking around Zetsuko did find a bit of notes on the experiment aside from the soul, it mentioned something they referred to as Hyde's serum, probably named after Dr. Jekyll who made a serum to suppress his evil but in doing so became Hyde, his evil, younger, alter ego, as he took this serum Hyde became more powerful and it did have an effect on his appearance, making him taller...The serum is likely named after Hyde as it increased strength and had it's own affect on a subject's appearance, as seen in Rory"

"...so this is Zetsuko's theory: The survivors were implanting the soul not as a means to change him into a survivor, but instead as a way to control him, they attempted to implant it along with giving him a serum to make him stronger than the other HUSKs, that way even with the limited number they can capture they could still beat the Oasis Forces, that serum is what would have made him stronger and is likely what affected his appearance. after that is when Rory had gone insane and killed the survivor scientists and destroyed the lab in the process."

"as for his whereabouts, Zetsuko has two ideas: either he was found by the Oasis forces and they allowed him into patrols after recognizing his enhancements and that they had no access to the serum for themselves,overlooking his artificial soul as it is likely connected to the enhancements, as Rory destroyed it along with the lab; or, Rory is still wandering aimlessly with yet to be found by either the SURVIVORS or the Oasis Forces."

(so it's basically like a performance enhancer type thing, you know like steroids, but different...)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeanieBaggie
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BeanieBaggie Old, Cold, So Very Full of Mold

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@SilverWolfAngel Yeah, husks can think. They just... They're missing something, they're off. Maybe its their personality, or emotions, or both, is up to the player.

@Zetsukothe explanation for the physical defects is good. But, um, the back story...? I was hoping for souls to be a one survivor group thing. Maybe, we go with your second idea, but that wasn't a soul, he was just tested on. And then when he gets a soul it can make him more.. Eh what's the word, volatile? But, though husks are better equiped, they still can die of dehydration and starvation, which is likely to happen in the desert wastes, out side of the oases. And, survivor settlements are hard to find.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 14 days ago

*shrug* "eh, Zetsuko could work with that, he'll think of something"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeanieBaggie
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BeanieBaggie Old, Cold, So Very Full of Mold

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Er, I feel that he'd be wandering the desert for a while, and that he wouldn't have much in the way of supplies after being tested on. I don't think that he would work, I'm sorry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 14 days ago

@BeanieBaggie i see what your saying and i plan on changing what i need to i just havent been able to as i am at school on my phone right now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeanieBaggie
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BeanieBaggie Old, Cold, So Very Full of Mold

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

ok, understood :y
You have full liberty to make alterations and reapply
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