Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by badfool
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Member Seen 1 day ago


Name (Full): Finnegan Foster. He now goes by the alias of 'Finn Casey' and few people actually know his old name.
Age: 30
Place of Birth: Kansas territory that would now be considered Colorado
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Language: English

Physical Description

Height: 6'0''
Stature: Somewhat of a bean-pole. He's tall, lanky and thin and wouldn't make a difference if he ate more or less.
Hair: Finn is a tawny redhead. His hair is neither short nor long. Just a few inches short of being able to tie it back. He doesn't mess with it too much aside from pushing it back and out of his face. Can be a bit unruly at times but he doesn't pay much mind. Oftentimes, his hair is just plain dusty.
Eyes: Blue-Green
Skin tone: Fair with a good amount of small freckles that seemed airbrushed and often mistaken for dirt. He doesn't tan well but he can sure burn if he isn't smart about covering his head.
Features: A bit of a fox-like face. He has long, thin features and despite his age they can seem very boyish at times.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Canvas pants and loose button downs. Often wearing shades of forest greens, browns and tans. He wears a pair of worn, leather boots and an old, tan frock-coat in wintertime...which he likely stole


Personality/Attitude: He's abrasive, messy but centralizes most of what he does around humor despite the nature of his actions. He has no real concern about personal property or belonging for the most part and will usually try and cheat or steal his way out of something or to something. Despite his mistakes and wrongdoings in the past, he is not an overly-cruel person. In fact, he isn't the type of criminal to humiliate or glorify unnecessary violence and despite having a piggish nature towards most people he would never take advantage of them in that regard. If anything, he is a very 'in the now' sort of fellow and wants to keep it that way. He doesn't plot or scheme for the long-run, only when it's necessary to get from point A to point B. He's somewhat of an imbecile and it's clear he had no formal education despite street-smarts and the ability to schmooze and turn things around in his favor. He's witty in some instances, and a complete fool in others. Mostly, he just does what he can to get by and doesn't see the seriousness and need for responsibility in the world like most do. He laughs a lot for someone who's supposedly a fiend. He'll sell just about anyone out, breaks promises left and right, but come the day he meets someone who's worth it he'll be as loyal as a dog.
Skills/Talents: He's got an amazing aim despite being a clumsy moron most of the time. This is considered an advantage to those who don't know him because they assume he's inept with a weapon. His knife skills aren't up to par but if he's desperate then he'll give it his all.
Most Hated/Dislikes: People who take life too seriously. He's not really a hateful person so it's hard to pinpoint exactly things that he has a passionate dislike for. Perhaps people who force him to do things seeing as he's stubborn.
Goals/Ambitions: To be one of the most known and revered criminals in the Western expansion. To die by his terms and to live off the land as free as a bird.
Philosophy of Life: In order for your name to be spoken the loudest, one often must be the most quiet. Meaning that if he wants to get anywhere or expect to survive, he has to be as sly he can be. This is difficult, considering he's a loudmouth who acts before he thinks.
Religion/Beliefs: This is unclear. He doesn't show enough proof of disbelief in God but he certainly doesn't follow a wholesome Christian law. He tends to not think about heavy topics like religion and usually finds some aspect of it to laugh about.
Children: None. That he knows of.
Sexuality and history: He's had many partners, usually women but there have been a handful of male lovers thrown in there that he's managed to sway. Usually, his flirting ends in a red face from either a good slap or punch. That doesn't mean he doesn't go out of his way to try.
Addictions: He's a smoker and will do it just about anywhere. He'd smoke in his sleep if it were possible. He isn't much of a drinker because of it being difficult to successfully escape when you're stumbling around. He'd never turn down a drink though and when he's in a safe place he'll go nuts. A petty drunk, but a fun one if you're a fun person.
Family: Finn doesn't know if his father is alive, having been walked out on before he can even remember. His mother is alive, and thoroughly ashamed of having such an infamous son. She lives with her two daughters and Finn's younger sisters but hasn't seen them in a number of years for obvious reasons. Despite being a selfish man, if he had to do one good deed it would be to someday return to them and spoil them with riches. Knowing that this isn't a realistic goal, he still thinks about it from time to time. He grew up with very little money and due to his rowdy and unmanageable behavior was sent to live with his aunt from when he was 9 to 19 when he eventually ran away. Before he disappeared and dropped contact from them entirely, he would poke in from time to time for a hot meal and a bed to sleep in before he'd rounded up a posse and gained his 'criminal-legs'.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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RainbowReindeer trash

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Elijah “Eli” Cassidy
Age: 23
Place of Birth: Massachusetts
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Language: English

Physical Description

Height: 5’6’’

Stature: Years of either kneeling or sitting haven’t done much for Eli’s body. He’s stick-thin and has just bones, some meat, and skin.

Hair: He’s got dark-chocolate brown hair. He usually keeps it at a short cut but Eli has been letting his curls grow out a bit.

Eyes: Cloudy-blue.

Skin tone: Pale as a ghost. As a child, Eli preferred to stay inside and pray. He’s got a smooth and unblemished complexion. Who knows what the sun will do to him.

Features: Eli has an oval face with defined cheekbones, a slightly pointed chin, and a sturdy jaw line. His lips are full and with a cupids bow. His eyes are in a rounded almond shape that are emphasized by his double eye-lids. His slightly bushy eyebrows are forever scrunched up.
Attire: Black clerical shirt, black pants, black robe, black everything. When not preaching, he’ll wear some dark brown overalls and white dress shirt.

Personality: Eli is your typical staunch believer who wants to spread the word to everyone. He’s rather calm and subdued in his actions, preferring to fade in the background. While he may seem meek, do not cross over Eli’s no-no line. While it may seem like he’s patient and thick-headed, he really isn’t. In fact, he can be quite a stubborn bull when he truly believes in something. Other than that, he’s polite and always keeps his promises. He chooses to live with a smile on his face and without fear clouding his judgement.

Skills/Talents: If there’s one thing special about Eli, it’s his way with words. He’s got a convincing voice and paired along with his passion, he can easily persuade a crowd.

Dislikes: Eli can’t say that he dislikes anything. He’s pretty tolerant and straight as an arrow. However, he does have trouble dealing with sarcastic grumps.

Ambitions: To help people accept Christ. Eli wishes to take the most run-down soul and teach him the word so that he or she can go to heaven.

Philosophy of Life: Live life to the fullest. Though, you can say that Eli doesn't really follow his philosophy. The only thing he lives for is the Bible.

Religions/Beliefs: God has always been a part of his life. After all, he was saved by a priest, who took him in and raised him to become a priest. He’s forever grateful to his adopted father and wishes to follow his footsteps.

Children: Virgin.

Sexuality and History: Virgin. He’s very thick-headed when it comes with relationships. You have to be super direct in order for Eli to even realize someone is interested in him. He’s easily embarrassed when someone talks to him about sexual matters and prefers not to involve himself in such…indecencies if you will.

Addictions: It’s not really an addiction, but more of a bad-habit Eli can’t rid himself of. Whenever he gets stressed, he will kneel right there and then and just pray for hours.

Family: Eli does not know his parents. He lived off the streets for a while until he turned five when he was adopted by a priest. Back then, Eli was feral. He would bite, scratch, and hiss at the priest; he couldn’t even speak English. His bad behavior would continue well into his adolescence until he came across an old-worn bible. Soon enough, the elderly priest was reading the tale of Jonah or Ruth to him at bed time. Little Eli longed to be able to read the Bible himself, so he dedicated all of his time to studying and praying. With patience and tender love, Eli grew up to become a respectable priest like his adopted father. After being ordained to priesthood, the diocese relocated him to Kansas.
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