Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nodding and moving closer, Enna presses a soft kiss to his forehead, then on each cheek before gently pressing her lips against his lips. Pulling back and squeezing his hand, she turns and makes her way forward, her nose scenting the air as the rain around them continues to drench them in frigid water. Pale fingers flex at her side and a pale mist forms over their heads, keeping the water from drenching them, she made sure to keep it away from Adrian. He didn't do well with her ice, she slowed when the forest floor abruptly changed to pavement, his nose wrinkling in distaste. The air don't smell of forest and wet trees anymore, it smelled of fast-food, grease and a bunch of other things Enna didn't care to pick out.

Gently tugging the half-asleep sabertooth behind her, Enna guided them forward. Taking a left then right and another right, the sound of people and cars fading the further they got from the dead center of town. The twins scents were growing stronger, Enna paused just outside a hotel and glanced back at her friend. His body was still trembling, his grip was tight enough to hurt. She turned and drew closer to him, her face coming to rest between the juncture of his neck and shoulder, she remained still for a moment.

"We're going to sleep now, all of us are going to relax and get some time to heal. All I ask is that you follow me up to the room the twins got and sleep." Her voice was soft, a soft pleasing in her tone, they were all exhausted and if she knew the twins they'd of gotten a room with two queen beds instead of two separate ones. They were in a way, a pack now, Enna stepped back and traced Adrian's cheek with her fingers, she flushed and turned away when she noticed theyou were trembling slightly. Pulling the sabertooth along, Enna stepped through the open doors with her head held high, she could do this. All she needed to do was sign them in and pay, simple enough. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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He closed his eyes as her lips gently brushed against his own, returning the slight kiss before opening his eyes again as she stepped back. He kept his grip on her hand, following her, only half a step behind her. The edges of his vision was turning dark, but he forced himself to move on. Shivers ran down his spine as the cold water bit at him, fighting to drive out the warmth in him. When he felt it stop, he glanced up and looked at her in gratitude, squeezing her hand.

As the stench of town invaded his nose, he scrunched up, huffing softly. He hated the smell of cities, having lived amongst trees for almost his entire life. He continued walking, following the path that she choose, looking around slowly. His feet brushed on the ground, another shake racking through his body. He looked at the building that she came to stop in front of, recognizing it as a hotel.

As she came closer, he released the grip on her hand, wrapping his arms around her waist as her head came to rest. He tilted his head against her, closing his eyes, resting softly against her. He let out a low, rumbling purr at her gentle voice sounding in his ear, holding her slightly tighter, but still gentle, against his body. As she moved, he opened his eyes before closing them again, leaning his cheek into her hand softly. He followed her inside afterwards, looking around the lobby, a hint of edge creeping into his body, once again expecting danger from a potential attack. He didn't want to be surprised. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Can I help you?" The voice belonging to the female behind the desk held a hint of annoyance, Enna arched a dark brow and allowed her eyes to scan the lobby. The walls were beige with pictures of past hotels guests lining then, a few clocks here an there and three large couches filled the middle.

"We have a room." She offered after finishing her 'admiring' her voice now was cold and monotone, the woman behind the counter narrowed be eyes silently.

"Name?" She asked mockingly, Enna merely blinked her eyes and allowed a burst of frigid air to blow across the desk.

"Michael Dennis, he and his twin should be around here." The name fell from her tongue with ease, her stance shifting so her back met Adrian's chest. 'Dennis' James came down the stairs then, steps seeming slow and measured, though to Enna they were more for keeping him upright then anything else.

"Ah, dear cousin Samantha, such a pleasure. And it seems your boyfriend Lucas could join us as well. Mrs. Fellows? Is everything aright?" Enna hid her blush as best she could, mind you their 'story' seemed to have Mrs. Fellows attention, what she didn't like was that they hadn't planned it. She couldn't deny his claims now though, so as 'Dennis' James drew closer to them she made sure to dig her elbow painfully into his side.

"Yes, a pleasure dear cousin. Is it ready? We've just flown in and we're exhausted." Mrs. Fellows shifted her gaze from each of them before focusing on her computer. The sound of nails clicking across keys filled the air, a few moments later, a key card was held out and a fake smile was plastered on ruby lips.

"We welcome you to SpringRidge Hotel and hope you enjoy your stay." Enna moved reluctantly away from Adrian to take the key card, stepping back and taking her 'boyfriend's' hand she began to was them up the flight of stairs. James following close behind. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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His lips pulled back over his teeth in slight annoyance at the tone. He joined Enna in the studying of the room, noting the simple decorations. It was a good thing they weren't looking for fanciness and just a place to sleep. He frowned softly, still not content with her women's tone of voice. It irritated him, she could at least be civil. However, it still didn't make him care enough to actually say anything.

His eyebrows raised slightly at the name she gave before quickly concealing it, not wanting to throw anything off. As she stepped back into his chest, he gently wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him, almost protectively. So, apparently James is Dennis, Enna Samantha, and he was now Lucas. Interesting. He gently pressed a kiss onto her head, as if confirming the thought of them being in a relationship.

Once again, he was unhappy with the women, but once again let it slide, he refused to react to it. As the key was handed out, he slowly released her from him, allowing to go and achieve it. He took her hand softly as she returned, gently squeezing it before heading up the stairs with her and James as well. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reaching the room and sliding the key card into the slot, Enna entered and gently tugged Adrian with her. The room was simple in color, gray walls with no pictures, though what had her nearly collapsing with happiness was were the two beds that were on either side of the room.

Jason was fast asleep on one, body curled up and breath even, James pressed a kiss to her tempel before moving to his brothers side. Eyeing the two white couches and table, Enna removed her shoes absently, jacket following as she made her way further into the room.

"Night Adrian, Princess" James' slurred voice filled the air, Enna paused at the edge of the bed she and Adrian would be sharing to glance over where shoulder. Both twins were out cold, wrapped in one another and expressions showing their exhaustion, smiling softly and falling face first on the mattress Enna had to fight to keep her eyes open. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Adrian glanced around the room, looking content with the simply made room. He wasn't one for excravigance. Even then, he only cared about one of the empty objects, a bed. He looked over a Jason with a nod, moving to kick off his shoes with a yawn. He stretched his arms, shoulders and back popping as he did so. He pulled off his jacket, dropping it on top of his shoes.

He climbed into the bed after Enna, wrapping his arms around her and holding her to him. He wanted to protect her, despite his continuous failing. He buried his face into her hair, taking in her scent. He shouldn't be having any of these thoughts right now, they both needed to get their sleep. @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna managed a soft chuff of affection before drifting off, her mind going blank as her body slowly relaxed into sleep. She didn't hold it against him, he hadn't falled her and wouldn't, whatever injury she received was her own fault. Shifting closer unconciously until her nose was pressed between the juncture between his neck and collarbone, she relaxed once more. Things just kept happening to them, the witch of the Headmistress seemed to be out for their blood, they had endless places to hide from her, what they were in need of was food and time to heal. They needed to plan, Enna began to shift uneasily, mind churning as old memories began to surface from lack of sleep.

She didn't want to see it, not now, not ever again.

Emerald eyes blazed with anger as pale hands came down on the desk, Light lashing out at the two who stand statue-still before the enraged figure. Blonde hair spilled freely from its normally rigid bun, ruby-red lips parted and voiced the command these two would follow without hesitation.

"Find them. Don't harm them upon sight, watch them and learn how they act, the next stage will edge into place soon enough. Go." The two figures turned and silently made their way out of the room and down the hall, reaching the bottom of the Main Staircase they paused. Two more figures stood still and quiet as the other students passed them by, the first two began to walk and the other two followed with quit steps. Reaching the front doors and pushing them open all four easily shifted and took off, the snow that fell around them helping to hide them from the other onlookers.

They had a task, to watch and learn from the four that had turned their back on the Academy. It'd take time but they had nothing better to do, this was their task and they'd complete it. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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His grip around her tightened slightly as she wiggled closer, holding her to him. His breathing slowly drifting quieter. He fell asleep, pressing his face into her hair. Her scent calmed him, allowing him to sleep better. As she wiggled more, he moved a bit, his fingers drifting over her back softly. He gently kissed her head, drifting once again back off to sleep. @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna relaxedo into sleep, the rain outside continifing to fall as nigh passed slowly before turning to day. Neither twin awoke early, both asleep and warm. Enna knew it was morning but she didn't want to get up, her stomach was rumbling softly but she ignored it and settled back to sleep. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Adrian's face began twitching, low, quiet growls sounding in a chest. Sweat began to appear on his face, his hands twitching. The growls slowly got louder as his body temperature began to increase. Soon whines filtered into the growls, his eyes flicking behind closed lids. His whimpers grew louder, a desperate look appearing on his face. He was still sound asleep however. His hands tightened on her shirt, his body quickly heating up more. @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna hissed softly and jerked awake, her hands flexing from their hold on Adrian's shirt, his gaze locking on his face before looking away.

"Adrian?" She whispered softly, wincing as heat began to fill the small space between them, her fingers released his shirt to gently grasp his face. A hiss escaped her lips as a spark of flame lept from him and burned her palms. "I need your to wake up Adrian, come on." Her palms were burning and the instinctive urge to call ice and back away was clawing at her, she ignored it as best she could. A slight burst of e escaped though as she gently shook the male, hee control WA flimsy from her lack of sleep, hopefully he wouldn't react badly to it. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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He whimpered slightly louder in his sleep as he accidentally hurt her in the real world, as if it was connected to the world in his dreams. He flinched slightly at her touch, before jerking awake as she shook him. Pure panic filled his expression, and he pulled back slightly, his eyes flashing wildly around, trying to orient himself. Once he finally focused on Enna, relief filled his eyes before tears sprung up, and he crushed her tightly too him, his body shaking, face pressed into the crook of her neck, and he mumbled, almost continuously," you're safe... You're alive... You're safe..."

His body temperature cooled down slightly since he woke up, but he was still overly hot. Nearing the heat that he was previous, tends to be when his clothes would catch a light. Many a time he had awoken from a nightmare his his shirt burning around him. @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Holding back a wince and chuffing softly as her arms came up and wrapped tightly around his shaking form. Her face resting against his neck as she relaxes and nuzzles closer to him, her cool body temperature kept her from being burned. At his words her arms tightened as she nodded firmly and whined softly.

"I'm fine, we're all fine. Relax and breathe." She stated soothingly, her fingers tracing up amd down his back on soothing circles. She could ignore his overly-heated body as long as she had a thin coating of ice hovering between them. Her eyes began to droop as sleep tugged at her mind, Jason and James watching with wary and worried eyes.

Sharing a look and silently sliding out of the warm sheets, they move to the door and quietly enter the hall. They needed food and clothes, as well as a map, nodding and stuffing their bands in their pockets they made their way down to the main lobby. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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He breathed in her scent, moving to kiss her shoulder, his body still quivering. He could feel the cold from her but he couldn't focus enough to cool down his own body yet. He nuzzled her neck slightly, as if he was confirming she was actually there and not a figment of his imagination. He let out a puff of air, slowly releasing his grip on her so she wasn't nearly as crushed against his body. He took a few deep breaths, slowly calming down his brain. Once his brain was calmed, he then realized exactly how warm his body was. He took a deep breath again, slowly cooling his body down to its normal temperature. He then mumbled into her neck softly," sorry..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna huffed a cool breaths shook her head, eye remaining closed and body relaxing in slow increments. She couldn't quite seem to focus and was a sign of exhaustion and overuse of her ability.

"Another your fault..." She murmured into his neck, words slurred and fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt. Releasing the flimsy barrier she curled up against him and allowed sleep to pull her under. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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He buried his head in her hair, just taking in her scent. He could feel her drifting off to sleep in his arms, but he doubted he would find it easy to fall asleep now. There was too much energy racing through his body. He gently brushed his hand over her back, a calming motion for him as much as it is for her. He took a deep breath, looking over towards the window with a yawn. @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"The twins should be back it food and possibly clothes in a bit...if you can't sleep you can at least shower..." She was losing a battle to keep her herself concious, her words slurred and tired-sounding in her ears. She nuzzled closer still and didn't fight sleep, the room smelled funny and she didn't like it.

Finding the two places they needed, both split up and began their search, Jason heading to grab their food while James went to grab clothes. They would both buy toiletries afterwards and then head back, they were a few vlocks way from the hotel but even that set them on edge. Semthing didn't feel right, something that neither seemed able to identify even a they drove into their tasks with vigor.

The four shifted figures landed softly on one of the nearest store roof, ears and tails flicking in tandem. Now that they'd found at least two of their targets, it was time they began their mission. To watch and observe until the time was right. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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He gently kissed her head, nodding in reply. His hand rubbed her back, before he gently pried himself out of her arms. He walked over to the bathroom, removing his shirt as he went, but keeping his pants on for now. Once inside the bathroom, he closed the door, taking off the remaining clothes and getting in the shower. He set it on lukewarm, warm enough that he wouldn't be in a state of shivering but cold enough to cool him down a bit.

He stood under the water for a while, his thoughts drifting here and there, completely using track of time. After finally cleaning himself, he stepped out, drying himself quickly, running his towel quickly over his hair and effectively drying it in a very short time. The perks of short hair, needless to say. @Arista
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Enna remained where she was, her ears twitching as the sound of the bedroom door opened and unfamiliar footsteps padded into the room. The scent wasn't familiar and that should of had the werewolf up and tense, right now though she couldn't even muster the strength to open her eyes.

"I saw your campanions awhile ago, thought you'd still be here. Did you have a fun rest?" The tone was snide and smugness laced the words, Enna mentally snarled at the implication. Her body refused to accept her need to move, to defend herself. She was so tired, her body tensed when the sound of heeled shoes reached the edge of the bed, the clerk's scent filling the air with a suffocating floral aroma.

The hand that touched her hair was gentle, the fingers carding through her tangled tresses was not. They tugged and when a sufficiently hard tug came with a jolt of pain, Enna's eyes snapped open and a snarl escaped her lips. Mist began to fill the air and the woman tilted her head, Enna's power stilling as the lingering scent of wolf began to fill the air. "Did I forget to mention? I'm newly turned, and you wolf are in our territory. Be gracious I've let you rest." Enna's power lashed out and the women was pushed away, anger was boiling just beneath the surface of her skin. Another wolf, a newly turned wolf at that, was threatening her as well as her pack. It was true that no other Were was within Sein Academy, Enna had been treated like an Alpha, it wasn't going to change. She tried to rise and snarled when her fingers merely twitched, the newly-turned Omega, laughed and raised a dark brow mockingly. @SomeoneSomewere
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Letting out a long, drawn out yawn, he slowly turned off the shower water, grabbing a towel. He dried himself off, and stepped out, working on pulling on his underwear when he heard the snarls coming from the other room. He burst through the door, snarling deep in his chest. At the sight of the clerk, he quickly moved, grabbing her by her neck before slamming her into the nearest wall, holding her slightly off of the ground. He snarled, his face mere inches from hers.

"If you so much as lay a finger on her you will find yourself dead faster then you can scream." The water running down his neck and shoulders turned into steam, the water on him evaporating as waves of heat rolled off his body. So much for cooling himself down. It didn't phase him at all how barely clothed he was, he was merely focusing on removing the threat to Enna. He wouldn't let anything happen to her, not again. @Arista
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