Name: Sume-san
Age: ????
Race: Yokai
Gender: Presumably male
Measurements Normal Form: Height - 1 foot, Length - 2.5 feet, Width - 0.5 Feet, Weight - 9.01 kg

Personality: Always bright and cheery. Although he lives in the Crimson Sky filled with malformed monstrosities, he's always positive and strives to keep an upbeat attitude and be generally cute. He takes satisfaction in the small things in life, and can be rather patient as well. The blobfish in his mouth is very different however.

It may as well not really be a living organism as it only reacts with depressing, edgy one-liners in a distinct, depressive Australian accent with lines such as; "Life is a relentless torrent of filth and misery" or "What is the point of joy when we all know the world is going to end some day?" on the list.

Skills and Powers: Transformation - He has the ability to transform into several previously extinct Crimson Beasts (if there is an ecology in there). Currently, only three of his forms are truly powerful and the rest may as well be trivial in terms of combat potential. The transformation is actually permanent and he doesn't actually change back unless he wants to.

Lacertes - Despite its fearsome appearance, its attacks are quite basic. Its only special features are its high vitality and its tough scales which make it difficult to take down, as well as its surprising bursts of speed making it easy to catch people off guard. Capable of flight, if he's in trouble he can also make it evolve into Lacertes Ferra gaining a considerable boost to weight and defense while keeping its speed high.

Desperadon - Slower than Lacertes but lacking none of the power, the Desperadon is in a sense his secret weapon. When backed into a corner with no choice but to fight, the Desperadon can enter a rage like state, boosting its physical abilities and letting it shoot lasers out of its mouth.

Xalos - His most powerful form, it has more power than the Desperadon and comparable speed to Lacertes. It is also capable of emitting short ranged electricity from its body. When in trouble, Xalos can gain the ability to project its lightning in the form of bolts, upgrading it to Xalos Fulmina. If he's really in trouble, then out comes Xalos Omega.

Bio: One day he woke up, and he simply was. Or, that's how he would describe it. When he woke up, he discovered he was existed and his life began. He looked around him, and saw familiar surroundings which confused him. He had never been here before, he had never been anywhere before, so how did he know it?

All he had was feelings. As he walked, he felt like he just understood. The world around him was his world, but it wasn't reality. The beasts he passed by were like him, but he was different. The blobfish in his mouth was important... for some reason. He knew all of these things without really knowing them, as well as one last thing. If he just stayed where he was, none of his questions would be answered.
Equipment: Blobfish
Other: It is currently unknown what his blobfish does.