Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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'Hun. According to Mrs. Mabel either our fathers or grandfathers were/are demons right? This means that we each can keep in contact with at least one of our family members. Maybe your dad IS the demon that gave you your traits. After all she did say demon classes are not genetic so just because you're a guardian doesn't mean he had to be one. Hell he might be a vamp. Judging by this hotel some of the m do pretty well for themselves.'

Eric thought about what he said. What if his dad was the demon in his family, that would explain a lot about how rough Eric and his fathers relationship was. He wished he knew which elder was the demon in his family but for now Ash was all he needed and Eric was content with that.

"Well he was always wealthy and never had money problems. My dad neither but I don't know anyways what is bothering you I can feel something nagging at my mind. You ok?"

Eris hopped he swept the topic under the rug smoothly, but he really did feel something from Ash snagging at his head. Something told Eric to be worried and that Ash would need him soon so he had been on edge since he finished his meal.

Worried, nostalgic, concerned
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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"Well he was always wealthy and never had money problems. My dad neither but I don't know anyways what is bothering you I can feel something nagging at my mind. You ok?"

Ashburn sighed into Eric's chest, one disadvantage to the whole mind connection thing was that secrets were not really possible.

'Well I was just thinking about my mysterious grandpa, if he deserves that title' Ash said through their link, his head voice sounding peeved 'He knocked up my grandma (something apparently hard to do fro a demon) and left his daughter and grandchild to die miserable deaths. I mean ya we were never poor, but a lot of our money went to keeping my mother and me alive. I'm not sure I ever want to meet this guy, but part of me wants him to explain himself'

Ash laughed weakly at how stupid he sounded. He was wishing for two irreconcilable things.

'Your family sounds like they might be a long lineage, and your dad was just a rebel (maybe marrying a human or something). But I'm some bastard who doesn't even know what the hell is going on, and the one person who can answer it is the one person I never want to meet.'

Sad, confused, tired, sore, pain, comforted by Eric's presence

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Eric was really feeling Ash's pain right now and the level it was on was starting to bug him. His senses started to get heightened and he got concerned real fast. Not only with his mates physical well being but his mental as well. Ash was going through a lot of stress ans it scared Eric.

"Hey listen don;t worry about all that right now we will cross that bridge when it comes. For now lets focus on getting through our transformations ok. Now tell what is bugging you because I am worried."

"Concerned, worried, scared, feeling his pain."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Ash could feel Eric's sympathy and felt bad about about making him worry. The warm embrace of his arms was comforting and just exactly what he needed. He'd been trying to hide the pain from Eric but evidently he had failed.

'Don't worry babe. It's just those tumors on my back. They are hurting really badly' Ash spoke-thought 'Do not worry about me. I'm fine. You are the one suffering the most of us'

Ash closed his eyes as a tear of pain ran down his cheek. Even though it was unseen he knew Eric could tell through their connection. The pain on his back felt like his spine was being stood on by a heavy man, simultaneously stretching his skin and compressing the muscles underneath. It felt like the tumors were growing and running out of room under the tight skin. They had already grown big enough to cover his whole back, except for the spine in the middle dividing the two tumors from each other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

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Don't worry babe. It's just those tumors on my back. They are hurting really badly. Do not worry about me. I'm fine. You are the one suffering the most of us'

Not to soon after Eric heard this he felt a hard tug on his mind. This told him Ash was in pain, and a lot of it. He then felt some wetness on his shirt and looked down to see Ash crying. He got scared really fast and something in him told him that Ash needed help.

"Hey babe what's wrong and don't try to put it off your in pain and I needed to help you for once so let me ok." Eric said in a stern tone, his voice was deep and accent thick, as he put Ash flush on top of him so that they made a demon pancake. He put Ash's head in the crook of his neck and looked down at his back. It was swollen and Eric felt that this was the cause of the problem.

"It's the tumors huh. Babe we gotta do something about them, I can't stand to see you in pain."

Extremely concerned, protective, demanding, wants to be helpful
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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"It's the tumors huh. Babe we gotta do something about them, I can't stand to see you in pain."

Ashburn winced as the movement stretched his tumors, clenching his teeth to avoid crying out. He leaned his head against Eric's taking comfort in his presence, and being so close to his lover. He sighed softly.

"Sweetie, this whole process is painful. I've been in pain for weeks now, just like you" He confessed softly into Eric's ear "This is just another part of the transformation. This isn't much worse than growing half a foot in a week."

Ash sighed again, catching his breath adding "You just didn't know how hard the transformation has been on me because we never had this connection until now. I was helping myself by helping you." Ash lifted his head to look Eric in the face, another tear running down his face from the pain getting worse "Babe, do not worry yourself over this. Just like the rest of this damn transformation this will pass and remedy its self. How about we just go to bed? I'll even sleep in here so you can keep an eye on me."

Ash smiled at the idea of sharing a bed with Eric, and honestly had suggested it partly because he wanted to sleep in here anyways. Ever since their connection had cemented the thought of being away from Eric, even if just across the apartment, was painful. He knew of course that this wouldn't entirely appease the giant upon who he lay, but he hoped that Ash being within inches of him for constant monitoring would at least sate his protective instinct.

Protected, loved, cared for, safe, severe pain (like back blown out pain), love for Eric
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

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Eric did not feel any better but he knew that Ash was trying so he put on a content grin and snuggled him closer. He did feel a little better about the situation but could still feel the pain that Ash was going through so he could not just sweep it under the rug, he felt like he needed to do something but for now this was all he could do.

Eric licked the tear running down Ash's cheek and sat up and took his shirt off. 'Well if you have to deal with the pain then so do I. Cry all you want I will be your tissue the whole night until it is over.' Eric said with pride through their link.

He then started to yawn off snuggled him even closer and enjoying the warmth that came with it. His eyes were growing heavy and he started to get drowsy. "Well good night babe and wake me up if anything goes wrong understand." He said before he drifted off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Ash beamed with happiness at his devoted lover "Ofcourse Eric. You shan't be left in the dark."

Ash rested his head next to Eric's, his body heat keeping him warm and comfortable. Despite the pain he managed to drift off to sleep, even though it was only afternoon. The fatigue of their bonding, and the transformation having taken their toll.


Time jump 5 PM


Sharp pain wrecked through Ash's body, sending convolutions as his whole body felt like it was on fire. Shrieking Ash felt as if his whole body were on fire. He desperately tried to move but only managed to roll off of Eric and fall hard onto the floor. Tears streaked down his face as the pain engulfed his body (and his link to Eric), leaving him writhing on the floor in what could only be described as agony. The pain in his back grew more intense, as a massive pressure built up inside of his skin. His skin stretching to the point it doubled in size!

"Eric!" Ash managed to cry out before the pain forced him to scream as his misery became more potent. The setting sun through the windows highlighted his horribly disfigured body, back swollen and the rest of him a contorted slayed mess on the floor. His cries grew louder as he felt his skin begin to tear open. Small fissures ripping across his back like a spider web. Unable to think the connection between him and Eric was fully open, exposing Eric to the wrath of Ash's torture.

The fissures became canyons as his whole back hemorrhaged blood onto the floor, coating the demon's back in red. Ash's desperate shrieks climaxed as the canyons ripped apart, all the skin from his back falling onto the floor in bloody heaps of demonic flesh. From Ash's back rose two large wings, their black feathers glistening in blood and sunlight. The massive structures easily had a span of 12 feet combined and arced gracefully, freed from their fleshy prison.

Ash's curled into a ball, sobbing from the pain involved with his skin being ripped off his living body, completely oblivious to the new appendages hanging about him. The black feathered wings looked hauntingly beautiful, blood dripping of their smooth glossy sides, the light of the setting sun making the blood glitter as it fell to the floor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

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Eric was having a nightmare. He was dreaming that his father was sticking swords in his back over and over again. Sometimes super heated swords that did not cool down. It was horrible and he was sweating up a storm. Eric was woken up by a loud thud and someone calling his name. He jumped up and looked around for Ash. The moment he sat up the pain hit him like a train and it took him a few minuets to compose him self.

Eric crawled off the bed and stepped in blood, his head still throbbing from the pain, and saw that Ash's back was convulsing rapidly and violently. He did not know what to do, Ash was yelling and he thought that if he touched him it would only get worse. Right when he could not stand to hear him cry out any longer, his skin began to tear open and from it a Eric could tell he was in a lot of pain. He grabbed his head and gave a small yell, all of Ash's pain was seeping into his mind and the only thing he could do was take more of it for his baby.

Eric looked up after he heard more ripping and then saw to bloody wings shine and glisten in the sunset light. He had flesh all over the floor and blood. His wings were beautiful and Eric was star struck for a moment and then the pain slowing down hit him, Ash was sobbing out of control, Eric rushed over and stood next to him.

"Hey der Freund (OOC: means lover) its going to be ok I am going to check your back and then pick you up ok, just breath and try to rap your arms around me when I pick you up." He cooed to Ash while he tried t calm him down. He then went to the other side and looked at the exit wound on his back. It was not pretty at all and that is all Eric ha to say about that. He did see that its was healing, slowly.

He then slid his hands under Ash's butt and lifted him so his wings were facing up and he was putting his weight on Eric's chest. Eric rubbed his head as he felt the pain of being moved and as Ash cried.

"Hey its ok its all over, and look you got wings. Do you wanna go clean up der Freund or do you wan to just lay back down. What ever you want I am here to serve you right now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Ash gripped Eric's body tightly with his fingers, the pain of moving was almost as painful as having his back ripped open.

"Wings?" Ash asked as if the word had no meaning. The pain was already dieing down for him but his mind was barely able to process what was happening.

At the mention of cleaning up Ash's brain locked up. The thought of anything touching his back was intolerable.

"Le lit moins amour, le lit! (The bed my love, the bed)" Ash cried. His brain had resorted back to his mother language as it desperately tried to recover from the trauma of the ordeal. Ash clenched harder as he could feel the exit wounds burning, as the blood vessels sealed to stop the blood flow
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

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"Le lit moins amour, le lit! (The bed my love, the bed)" Ash cried.

Eric cringed at the strain in Ash's voice, he did not know what to do with himself so he listened. He laid back in the bed and now Ash was on top of him, he was straddling Eric and it kind of turned it him on. He felt bad that this was turning him on, not in this situation of all. He refocused in on Ash and started to stroke his head. he looked again and everything was healing nicely but still to slow for Eric's liking.

"Rest just rest and ride it out go back to sleep if you have too. I will be here the whole time so don't worry." He said as he stroked his mates head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Ash fitfully tried to sleep, the pain making the task incredibly difficult. For two hours he lay immobile, fearing any motion would make the pain worse. Finally, at the end of the third hour, the pain dulled enough for Ash to fall asleep. The deep sleep engulfed his fatigued body, his whole being was dragged into the deepest sleep it had ever seen.


Time jump 16 hours


Ash's eyes fluttered open drowsily as he finally awoke. His back was still sore, but no more so than if he had been working out the day before. He couldn't help but wonder if it was a nightmare, because it seemed unreal that he would already have healed so much. The clock on the nightstand showed it to be a little past 9 AM, though his stomach already seemed to know. It was growling loudly at having not eaten for nearly 24 hours.

Lifting his head Ash looked at Eric with a smile and a blush.

'How did I ever get so lucky?' he thought to himself 'He looks so cute sleeping there.'

He loathed to disturb him, but he really was starving. The trauma from last night had exhausted his body and it needed food to recover. Ash slowly crawled off Eric, wincing as the scabs on his back cracked. He had not noticed yet but his wings had folded themselves neatly behind him, giving him an odd feathered hump. Taking a deep breath Ash stood on the floor beside the bed, and with a loud thump Ash hit the floor as his back protested the idea of standing.

Ash cussed loudly on the floor in Quebecois French, annoyed at his inability to stand.

Annoyed, sore, tired, starving, thirsty
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

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Eric jumped at the sound of a thud and some French. He looked over and saw Ash on the floor. The boy looked beautiful despite the events of last night and his wings captivated Eric. He tried to stifle a laugh but it slipped out. Ash looked so cute, looking all annoyed with his wings Eric just wanted to hug him all over.

"Need some help der Freund" He said as he got up with another chuckle. "I'll carry you to the living room and then you can order what ever you like. Make sure you tell me if you need anything." He then picked up Ash the same way he did yesterday, like a child, hands on his but while Ash wrapped his legs and arms around Eric. He did it like this for two reasons: one was so he could touch Ash's butt and the other was so he would not touch his back.

Ammused, feeling sly because of his plan, relived

Once in the room Eric sat them both down next to the phone, he did not want to let him go, only because he was content with Ash sitting in his lap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Ash blushed as Eric's thoughts came through their connection, but he really didn't mind at all. It made him feel loved and attractive, the latter being a feeling he was unaccustomed to and enjoyed greatly now.

"I'm ok with whatever, just make sure that it has bacon. I'm craving that sh*t right now" Ash said playfully, his stomach loudly agreeing with him. "And whatever it is order lots of it"

Ash pressed his face into Eric's chest and smiled, pondering for a moment if he should play with his nipples just to mess with his head. Deciding against it Ash decided to pass the time by learning more about their connection.

Mentally Ash reaches through the connection and found that he could easily access Eric's mind. Even the things that didn't flow into his own mind across the connection. Ash took care to avoid digging to deep, not wanting to invade Eric's privacy without permission.

His travel through Eric's mind soon led him to what must be the sensory part of Eric's brain. As he gently gave a mental touch to different areas he could access what Eric was sensing. He could feel his own weight on Eric's knees. Then he could smell his own hair through Eric's nostrils, a pungent smell of sweat and blood. Eventually he found Eric's eyes and could see through them as easily as his own.

Ash let out a gasp as he saw himself through Eric's eyes. He looked exhausted and was coated in dried blood that flaked like scales. The most shocking thing of all though were the long black feathered wings he saw coming out of his own back. They were as dark as the blackest of nights and had a reflective sheen from the sunlight streaming through the windows.

They looked so beautiful and foreign against his own white skin. Ash slowly pulled back from the connection and into his own body. He felt lonely without Eric's mind surrounding him and held Eric tighter to compensate.

Looking up at Eric he said "Looks like I'm a fallen angel class... What do you think?" The question coming out nervously

Nervous, anxious, exposed, starving, thirsty
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

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Eric had just started the call when he felt someone poking around in his head. It was not invasive and felt kind of relaxing. he could feel Ash's every emotion and could feel him like they were one being and one thought. Eric smile right when he asked Erica for some waffles with lots of bacon and eggs, along with OJ for Ash and apple juice for him. He set the phone down when Ash pulled out and asked his question.

"Looks like I'm a fallen angel class... What do you think?"

"What the fuck man! Why did he ask that looking all cute and shy, he needs to stop. OMG!!!! Ash is too much for me, I can't I just need a break, I think I love him.....NOPE!! I DO LOVE HIM!! Look at his beautiful wings and his nice eyes, and that body oh my god its to die for. I just need him to be the topping on my waffles and I'll be happy for life. I mean if all fallen angels looked half as good as my Ash I'm content with that. What if he was an angle, then I could throw in a bunch of angle pick up lines, like; 'Hey babe, heaven called I think they are missing an angle.' But there are some demon ones too; 'Hey nice wings did you just fall for me' naww that one would not work but still lick the whip cream off his chest any day.................................WAIT! He can here me right. Oh shit, please say he just was not listening. Eric blushed at this and looked away from Ash a;; together, his arms fell to Ash's hips and he blushed extra dark with his eyes turning the brightest of pink and the darkest of green.

"Ummmm...y-you ar-are great. I th-think its a=amazing." He said with his stutter coming in.

Shy, embarrassed, needs a hug, attracted to Ash
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Ash's face grew redder and redder as Eric's thoughts came through their connection, flushed with embarrassment from the great praise that was being showered upon him. Ash giggled nervously, unsure of how to respond.

Eric was so cute when he was nervous, stuttering on the outside but cocky and confident in his head. Ash hugged Eric tightly as his lover looked away from him, though he barely succeeded in getting his arms around Eric's massive chest much less a full hug.

"Je t'adore aussi moins amour (OOC: I love you too my love). And yes I did fall for you." Ash said playfully, referring to Eric's last pickup line "And I doubt I'd taste good on waffles, I'm too bitter"

Happy, in love, comforted, starving, still in pain
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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"Hello, am I speaking to Mr.VonDurham?" Erica said into the phone, her pen hovering over a phone number on a long list of numbers. Ever since Mabel had been forced to turn over custody of the two kids to the hotel she had taken over the task of looking for their families. Ashburn had proved to be an absolute nightmare, since the only leads they had were all humans. Humans hell bent on finding their loved one who they were convinced was kidnapped. Mabel had exhausted most routes with him so Erica had focused her efforts on Eric.

Eric had proven to be much easier to work with. His name was relatively common but using the logs of demon contacts the hotel maintained for emergencies she had found only three families that were possible. Since Eric was German she had eliminated one of them almost instantly since that family was based out of Sweden.

"Yes, may I ask who is calling?" Said a cool masculine voice, echoing thick with a German accent from centuries ago.

Erica had been nervously procrastinating this call. The VonDurham's, according to her research were a pretty insidious family within the European demon community. They had been ranking members of the Nazi party, and had "cleansed" their own family of those who were not vampires, and become highly centralized around their patriarch. Demon families were often very loosely knit, since they often included all 4 classes, but the VonDurhams had led the idea of "Demonic Racial Purity". They had not expanded their ideals outside of their family, luckily, but their purge had caused panic back in the 30's and 40's for the European demons.

"Yes my name is Erica" She said as formally and respectfully as she could muster "I am calling in regards to your son Eric, he is your son correct?"

There was a long pause on the other side of the line, a haunting sound for a woman already on edge. Finally the silence was broken "I suppose he is... How can I help you ma'am?"

His icy voice sent chills up the vampire's spine "Wonderful!" She said with forced enthusiasm "Your son suffered a terrible accident and in order to save his life was unsealed two months ago by a respectable vampire"

She added the last part, and stretched the definition of "respectable" a little, in hopes to reduce the blow. If what she had read was correct the fact Mabel was a vampire might be more important than the egregious offence of unsealing someone without permission of the family.

The silent phone on the other end was terrifying, not even the sound of breathing could be heard from the other side. Finally breaking the silence his voice, taking on the deep tones of a man about to kill "Where is he?..."

Erica stammered for a moment before giving him the address. The second she was done giving him the address he hung up, not even bothering to say good bye. If Erica's heart were beating it would have been racing, in concern for the fate of the kind demon upstairs.

It was not even a minute later when the phone rang with Eric's order. He sounded so happy on the other line she felt dirty at having turned him in to a man that, at least right now, did not seem excited to have a demon son. Something most families would be celebrating, but with Eric's family she had a feeling that no parties would be planned. Especially once they realized that Eric was not a vampire class.

Dutifully taking the order she rushed to fill it, getting the food freshly prepared by their chefs. After loading up her silver cart with enough food to feed a platoon of soldiers, Erica made her way upstairs. Knocking on the room door she entered using her master key, a sleek brass card that was inserted at the top of the lock.

"I hope you are hungry, the chefs took pity on your plight" She said bowing politely. Taking a deep breath she added "And I have more good news Eric. We have managed to contact your father about your transformation. I suspect he will be here soon."

Despite all efforts to appear happy about it her eyes betrayed her concern. Looking at the two boys, looking so comfortable and happy sitting there together pained her heart. Something told her that Eric's father wouldn't be happy about anything this happy scene provided, Eric being obviously not a vampire and his (apparent) partner being a fallen angel.
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Brodie Sage

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"And I have more good news Eric. We have managed to contact your father about your transformation. I suspect he will be here soon."

What Erica just said did not completely register with Eric until it hit him like a freight train. He started to sweat and get extremely scared. Eric had not seen his father since he left from Germany years ago and now he was going to come here to see him in his new form. The color of his eyes were a deep dark blue with fear. Not only fear for himself but for his mate as well.

Scared, terrified, fearful, nervous

He sat Ash next to him and began to pace in front of the fire. He was going over every single scenario that could happen. This meant that his dad was a demon too and that meant that it all connected to him knowing that Eric was a demon. Eric stopped pacing and turned his back towards the fire place. He started to shake with hysterical laughter and anger. He turned around and looked at Erica, his eyes crimson red and glowing brightly.

"HOW AND THE HELL COULD YOU CALL HIM!!!!!!!" His voice was odd and sounded more demonic than anything and dropped to a new depth.

"I ran away, I thought I could leave him behind aand never have to deal with him again. HE NEVER WANTED ME, WHAT MADE YOU THINK HE IS GOING TO COME HERE WITH HUGS AND KISSES AND HAPPINESS, ALL YOU HAVE DONE IS PUT ME AND MY MATE IN DANGER YOU IGNORANT WOMAN!!!!!" He was yelling now, it came out as threatening and shook the room with vibrations that came off of him in waves of anger and hate.

"Just get out, and thank you for calling my father." He said bitterly. "GET OUT!!!" He yelled at Erica.

Livid, seeing red, hurting inside, full of hate and need for revenge

He was still mad sharking furiously, and his eyes still burning even after hearing the door close, knowing that the next person who would open would be the bane of his existence. He looked over at Ash and his eyes softened a little but immediately gained their glow back. He sat down next to Ash, his skin and turned a few shades darker and he looked like a dark shadow with red eyes.

"We need to leave, I refuse to let that man hurt you and that is what he is coming to do. He has never like me and has always tried to find ways to hurt me through the ones I care about. He used my mother first, luckily she got out but now he will use you once he finds out. The best decision is to leave." He said this with steaming tears rolling down his face.

Eric felt that the situation could not get any worse and soon it would only get dangerous. He sat there awaiting his mate's words on what he had said.

Hurt, anger, feels the need to protect, sadness, depressed, hateful, vengeful
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kenny1
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Ash's feelings through the affair were anything but rational. Whereas most people would be scared of a massive 15 foot demon shouting and screaming in a haunting voice Ash felt nothing but sympathy. Ash knew, through their connection and personally, that he was safer in that room than anywhere else on the planet. That Eric would never hurt him, no matter how angry he was.

Ashburn stood up and wrapped his arms around the seated giant, his wings enveloping Eric in a warm feathered hug. The pain he felt from Eric brought tears to his eyes, and he knew Eric's concerns.

"Eric, moins amour. Moins chère. Moins amour éternel. Please calm down I hate to see you suffer so." Ash said, sending waves of calm and love across their mental link

"We can't flee my love. You are entering the hardest phase of your transformation and may need help, and there is no where for us to go. The police are hunting for me and your family will probably find us anyways. We are beings of eternity moins amour, and so is he. Even if we fled he has literally until the end of Earth to find us. Why not try and at least find truce now?" Ash hugged the massive figure as tight as he could hoping it would provide some comfort

"I know you are worried about me Eric. That he will use or manipulate me. But you need to have trust in me. Need I remind you my head is thick enough to double as a cannon ball? My loyalty to you is beyond question and your father has no power over me. Luckily he doesn't even know about me I'd imagine. Much less that I am your lover for eternity. I doubt Erica would have even mentioned me to him. When he shows up I can simply pretend to be an overglorified roommate, and keep an eye on things through our connection."

The plan was actually pretty simple as Ash explained it. Ash would stay in his room when Eric's dad came to visit so he stayed out of the line of fire. Eric would try and convince his dad to leave him alone forever and Ash could run in if things went south.

"What do you think moins chère?" Ash asked hopefully before his growling stomach interjected

Worried, starving, hopeful, idealistic and love for Eric
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

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Eric calmed down under Ash's touch and words. He was still pretty pissed about the situation but Ash had calmes him down. His eyes were now a flaring purple (blue for calm and red anger). He looked at Ash and hugged him back. Picking the boy up he caried him to his room and laid them both down on the over sized bed.

Eric was in pain he had to small bumps forming on his head and his nails had began to change to the color black and become claws, and his back was hurting. Eric did not need to tell Ash because he could feel it.

in pain, sad, protective, angry

"If things get hostile you need to leave, the man taught me evrything he knows about fighting so I can only hold him off so long and don't come out no matter what. He can only kill me by getting to you." Eric said sternly.

He did not like this at all but something told him his father would be there real soon.
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